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Teaching is the concerted sharing of knowledge and experience, which is usually organized
within a discipline and, more generally, the provision of intellectual growth of a person by
sharing it to another person. It takes place only when the learner does is a SCIENCE and ART.
Science- requires knowledge; because of the different concepts in the field of science that
must be applied
Art- use of different methods; you have to be resourceful and creative

Active Learning
It is not spoon fed; more on discussion not lecturing; equal use of mind and body.
Active learning is an approach to instruction that involves actively engaging students with
the course material through discussions, problem solving, case studies, role plays and other
methods. Active learning approaches place a greater degree of responsibility on the learner
than passive approaches such as lectures, but instructor guidance is still crucial in the active
learning classroom.
Many Methods
It is the use of different strategies that will enable the listeners to understand well the lessons.
Because every teacher develops a particular way of going about the complex task of teaching.

Motivates especially the learners/students to think and listen because they want to learn. It
is described as a state that energizes, directs and sustains behavior of the listeners.
Motivation involves goals and requires activity. It also provide motivation and direction of
action, while action entails effort: persistence in order to sustain an activity for a long period
of time.

Individual Differences
As a teacher, we should also be flexible and use different learning strategies. The teachers
strive to arrange conditions that elicit optimal performance in all students. However, the
optimal learning conditions and techniques for one student may not facilitate the best
performance in another student.

The Power of Suggestion

Being able to tolerate suggestions and imparting the correct principle. The power of
suggestion, which describes how people make realities out of the ideas that are presented to
them, is a function of their suggestibility and the vividness and salience of their suggestion.

Learn to do encouraging ways of teaching; know the progress of your learners; if they’re
doing it correctly, give them positive reinforcement (praises/rewards); of they did it wrongly,
provide constructive criticism

Remedial Teaching
Mentoring for students who did not meet the standards of the subject; “catch-up classes”.
Students who have fallen behind in their studies or otherwise need short-term support in
their learning have the right to get remedial teaching.

Democratic Environment
You have the freedom to choose how you want to learn; learners must know their rights and
privileges, along with their corresponding responsibilities.

Ability of the learner to give extra effort in learning. The teacher is trained practically and also
imparted theoretical learning just like in every students return demonstrations.

Integrated approach allows learners to explore, gather, process, refine and present information
about topics they want to investigate.
Life-like situations
The purpose of education is to prepare students for life, specially to those learners who are in
the medical field.

Goes with the level of maturity of the learner.

Learning is the acquisition of knowledge or skills through experience, study, or by
being taught, it occur when the individual want to gain something; receive rewards and
pleasure, meet goals and needs, confirm expectations, grow in positive ways, which in turn
arouses the learner by creating tension and the propensity to act or change behavior.

 Learner should clearly perceive the goal (It should be shared to the learner)
 Learner should be psychologically and physiologically ready
 Learner must be motivated to learn
 Learner must put together parts of a task and perceive it as a meaningful whole
 Learner must be active, not passive for maximum learning (learner must be willing
to learn; the teacher not only listens, but also understands and learns the topic well)
 Learner must repeat or practice what he has learned in order to remember (apply
more effort on complex lessons through repetition)
 Learner must see the significance, meanings, implications and applications that will
make a given experience understandable
 Learner must be prepared to respond
 The process of problem solving and learning are highly unique and specific (each
learner has a different way of learning
“Learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of
experience.” (Kolb)

Effective learning is seen when a person progresses through a cycle of four stages: of (1) having
a concrete experience wherein a new experience of situation is encountered, followed by (2)
observation of and reflection on that experience which leads to (3) the formation of abstract
concepts (analysis) and generalizations (conclusions) which gives rise to a new idea, or a
modification of an existing abstract concept which are then (4) used to test hypothesis in future
situations, resulting in new experiences.
o Learner should clearly perceive the goal – it should be shared to the learner
o Learner should be psychologically and physiologically ready
o Learner must be motivated to learn
-accept and clearly identify your goal

o Learner must put together the parts of a task and perceive it as a meaningful whole
– learner should understand

o Learner must be active, not passive for maximum learning – learner must be willing to learn; the teacher not only
listens, but also understands and learns the topic well
o Learner must repeat or practice what he has learned in order to remember – apply more effort on complex
lessons through repetition
o Learners must see the significance, meanings, implications and applications that will make a given experience
understandable – present cases to the students and enable them to react to those scenarios
o Learners must be prepared to respond
o The process of problem solving and learning are highly unique and specific – each
learner has a different way of learning

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