1 - DICOM I8.2.x.x Conformance Statement EyeSuite

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Tradition and Innovation

EyeSuite™ i8.2.x.x
DICOM Conformance

Version 7, October 2016

HAAG-STREIT AG, Switzerland, Phone: (+41-31) 978 0111, Fax: (+41-31) 978 0282, info@haag-streit.com
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ID 1187.7220382.02070, © Haag-Streit AG
EyeSuite™ i8.2.x.x – DICOM Conformance Statement


Haag-Streit EyeSuite™ implements the necessary DICOM services to retrieve a worklist from an
information system and save acquired measurements as Encapsulated PDF or as an image
(EyeSuite Imaging only) to a network storage device.

Table 1-1 provides an overview of the network services supported by EyeSuite.

Table 1-1
SOP Classes User of Service Provider of Service
Encapsulated PDF Storage Yes No
Ophthalmic Photography 8 Bit Image Storage Yes No
Multiframe True Color Secondary Capture Image Storage Yes No
Workflow Management
Modality Worklist Information Model - FIND Yes No
Verification SOP Class Yes No

Table 1-2
Media Storage Application Profile Write Files Read Files (FSR)
(FSC or FSU)
Not supported

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EyeSuite™ i8.2.x.x – DICOM Conformance Statement

1 Conformance Statement Overview .......................................................................................... 2
2 Table of Contents .................................................................................................................... 3
3 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 4
3.1 Revision history ................................................................................................................ 4
3.2 Audience........................................................................................................................... 4
3.3 Remarks ........................................................................................................................... 4
3.4 Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations ................................................................................ 5
3.5 References ....................................................................................................................... 5
4 Networking ............................................................................................................................... 6
4.1 Implementation Model....................................................................................................... 6
4.1.1 Application Data Flow ................................................................................................ 6
4.1.2 Functional Definition of EyeSuite™ DICOM Interface ................................................ 6
4.1.3 Sequencing of Real-World Activities .......................................................................... 7
4.2 AE Specifications .............................................................................................................. 8
4.2.1 EyeSuite™ DICOM Interface Specification ................................................................ 8 SOP Classes ...................................................................................................... 8 Association Policies ............................................................................................ 8 General ........................................................................................................... 8 Number of Associations ................................................................................... 8 Asynchronous Nature ...................................................................................... 8 Implementation Identifying Information ............................................................ 9 Association Initiation Policy ................................................................................. 9 Activity – Connectivity Verification ................................................................... 9 Activity – Query Modality Worklist .................................................................. 10 Activity – Store Encapsulated PDF ................................................................ 14 Activity – Store Ophthalmic Photography 8 Bit Image .................................... 15 Activity – Store Multiframe True Color Secondary Capture Image ................. 16 Association Acceptance Policy ......................................................................... 17
4.3 Network Interfaces .......................................................................................................... 17
4.3.1 Physical Network Interface ...................................................................................... 17
4.3.2 Additional Protocols ................................................................................................. 17
4.4 Configuration .................................................................................................................. 17
4.4.1 AE Title/Presentation Address Mapping ................................................................... 17
4.4.2 Parameters .............................................................................................................. 17
5 Media Interchange ................................................................................................................. 18
6 Supported Character Sets...................................................................................................... 19
7 Security.................................................................................................................................. 20
8 Annexes ................................................................................................................................. 21
8.1 IOD Contents .................................................................................................................. 21
8.1.1 Created SOP Instances ........................................................................................... 21 Encapsulated PDF Information Object Definition .............................................. 21 Ophthalmic Photography 8 Bit Image Information Object Definition .................. 24 Multi-Frame True Color SC Image Information Object Definition ....................... 35
8.1.2 Used Fields in received IOD by application .............................................................. 40
8.1.3 Coerced/Modified Fields .......................................................................................... 40
8.2 Data Dictionary of Private Attributes ............................................................................... 40
8.3 Coded Terminology and Templates ................................................................................ 40
8.4 Grayscale Image Consistency ........................................................................................ 41
8.5 Standard Extended / Specialized/ Private SOP Classes ................................................. 41
8.6 Private Transfer Syntaxes ............................................................................................... 41

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EyeSuite™ i8.2.x.x – DICOM Conformance Statement

3.1 Revision history

Document Date of Issue Author Description

1 December 7, 2011 IE i4.1.0.0
Modality Worklist and Encapsulated PDF
2 February 2013 LHE Changed software version to i5.0.1.x
Added correct document part number
3 September 2013 LHE Changed software version to i6.0.1.x
Added supported character set in chapter 6
Supported Character Sets
4 April 2014 LHE Changed software version to i7.0.0.x
Added support for Image Storage
Added support for patient query mode
5 October 2014 TBe Changed software version to i8.0.x.x
6 August 2015 TBe Changed software version to i8.1.x.x
7 October 2016 TBe Changed software version to i8.2.x.x
Added new tags in the “Modality Worklist
tag usage” Table

3.2 Audience
This document is written for the people that need to understand how EyeSuite™ will integrate into
their healthcare facility and contains some basic DICOM definitions so that any reader may
understand how EyeSuite™ implements DICOM features. However, integrators are expected to
fully understand all the DICOM terminology, how the tables in this document relate to the product’s
functionality, and how that functionality integrates with other devices that support compatible
DICOM features.

3.3 Remarks
The scope of this DICOM Conformance Statement is to facilitate integration between EyeSuite™
and other DICOM products. The Conformance Statement should be read and understood in
conjunction with the DICOM Standard. DICOM by itself does not guarantee interoperability. The
Conformance Statement does, however, facilitate a first-level comparison for interoperability
between different applications supporting compatible DICOM functionality.

This Conformance Statement is not supposed to replace validation with other DICOM equipment to
ensure proper exchange of intended information. In fact, the user should be aware of the following
important issues:
 The comparison of different Conformance Statements is just the first step towards assessing
interconnectivity and interoperability between the product and other DICOM conformant
 Test procedures should be defined and executed to validate the required level of
interoperability with specific compatible DICOM equipment, as established by the healthcare

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EyeSuite™ i8.2.x.x – DICOM Conformance Statement

3.4 Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations

Table 3-1 – Terms, Definitions and Abbreviations

AE Application Entity
DICOM Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine
ELE Explicit Little Endian (Transfer Syntax)
ILE Implicit Little Endian (Transfer Syntax)
IOD Information Object Definition
IOL Intra Ocular Lens
MSPS Modality Scheduled Procedure Steps
MWL Modality Worklist
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association
PDF Portable Document Format
PDU Packet Data Unit
SCP Service Class Provider
SCU Service Class User
SOP Service Object Pair
UID Unique Identifier
VPN Virtual Private Network

3.5 References
NEMA PS3-2011 Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) Standard,
available free at http://medical.nema.org/

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EyeSuite™ i8.2.x.x – DICOM Conformance Statement

4.1 Implementation Model
4.1.1 Application Data Flow

Figure 4-1 Application Data Flow Diagram

Not only measurements but also images

The EyeSuite DICOM Interface, which is part of the EyeSuite application, receives Worklist
information from a remote AE. It is associated with the local real-world activity “Display Modality
Worklist” which means that the retrieved worklist entries are displayed to the user. The update of
the worklist is performed automatically at an interval of 30 seconds or manually.

After selecting one of the worklist entries the user performs a measurement using one of the
EyeSuite modules (Biometry, Perimetry, IOL, etc.) or captures images using the imaging module.

Completing a measurement automatically triggers, if configured, EyeSuite to convert the

measurement data into an Encapsulated PDF or Image IOD which is transferred to a remote AE
for storage.

4.1.2 Functional Definition of EyeSuite™ DICOM Interface

EyeSuite™ DICOM Interface periodically or manually attempts to download a Worklist from a
remote worklist server. If an Association to a remote AE is established, it will transfer the worklist
entries via the open Association or a specific query and displays the items to the user. Information
contained within the items (Patient data, study information, etc.) is used to create a patient in the
local database. Measurement data acquired for this patient is stored in the local database and, if
configured, automatically converted into an Encapsulated PDF or Image IOD and sent to the
remote AE for storage.

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EyeSuite™ i8.2.x.x – DICOM Conformance Statement

4.1.3 Sequencing of Real-World Activities

Figure 4-2 Sequencing Constraints

Under normal scheduled workflow conditions the sequencing constraints illustrated in Figure 4-2
1. Update Worklist (automatically with a period of 30 seconds, or only manual)
2. Query Worklist
3. Receive Worklist Select Worklist Entry
4. Perform Measurement/image capture on one of the installed EyeSuite™ Modules
(depending on the requested modality)
5. Store Acquired Measurement/image Data (optional step)

Other workflow situations (e.g. unscheduled procedure steps which are also possible as using the
Worklist Feature is optional) will have other sequencing constraints. Furthermore, storing the
acquired measurement data is optional too and only takes place if configured.

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EyeSuite™ i8.2.x.x – DICOM Conformance Statement

4.2 AE Specifications
4.2.1 EyeSuite™ DICOM Interface Specification SOP Classes

EyeSuite™ provides Standard Conformance to the following SOP Classes:
Table 4-1 SOP Classes for AE Storage
SOP Transfer Syntax Role Ext.
Name UID Name UID List Neg.
Encapsulated PDF Storage 1.2.840.10008. 1 1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None
2 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
Ophthalmic Photography 8 1.2.840.10008. 1 1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None
2 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
Bit Image Storage 3 1.2.840.10008.
4 1.2.840.10008.
Multiframe True Color 1.2.840.10008. 1 1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None
2 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
Secondary Capture Image 3 1.2.840.10008.
Storage 4 1.2.840.10008.
1: ILE (Implicit Little Endian) 3: JPEG Baseline (Process 1)
2: ELE (Explicit Little Endian) 4: JPEG 2000 Image Compression (Lossless
Only) Association Policies General
The DICOM standard application context name for DICOM 3.0 is always proposed:

Table 4-2 DICOM Application Storage for AE Storage

Application Context Name 1.2.840.10008. Number of Associations

EyeSuite™ initiates one Association at a time for each destination to which a transfer request is
being processed. Only one storage job will be active at a time, however, due to asynchronous
updates of the Worklist a Worklist Query and Storage Transfer might be active at the same time.
Therefore, the maximum number of Associations at a time is two.

Table 4-3 Maximum Number of Associations

Maximum number of simultaneous Associations 2 Asynchronous Nature

EyeSuite™ does not support asynchronous communication (multiple outstanding transactions over
a single Association). Therefore, EyeSuite™ creates a maximum of one outstanding asynchronous

Table 4-4 Asynchronous Nature as a SCU for AE Storage

Maximum number of outstanding asynchronous 1

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EyeSuite™ i8.2.x.x – DICOM Conformance Statement Implementation Identifying Information

EyeSuite™ uses the DICOM toolkit dcm4che1 for DICOM connectivity:
Implementation Class UID Association Initiation Policy Activity – Connectivity Verification Description and Sequencing of Activities
EyeSuite™ initiates Associations only for the purpose of verifying a DICOM connection. Typically,
this happens in the DICOM preferences dialog. Proposed Presentation Contexts

EyeSuite™ is capable of proposing the Presentation Contexts as shown in the following table:
Table 4-5 Proposed Presentation Contexts for Activity Connectivity Verification
Abstract Syntax Transfer Syntax Role Ext.
Name UID Name List UID List Neg.
Verification 1.2.840.10008.1.1 ILE 1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None
ELE 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1 SOP Specific Conformance for Connectivity Verification SOP Class

EyeSuite™ provides standard conformance to the DICOM Verification Service Class as an SCU.
The status code for the C-ECHO is as follows:

Table 4-6 – Connectivity Verification response status and handling behavior

Service Further Error code Behavior
Status Meaning
Success Success 0000 The Connectivity Verification has been completed successfully. This
will be reported to the user. The time used to complete the
verification is displayed to the user too.
* Failure * The Connectivity Verification failed. This is reported to the user.


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EyeSuite™ i8.2.x.x – DICOM Conformance Statement Activity – Query Modality Worklist Description and Sequencing of Activities

Figure 4-3 - Sequencing of Activity - Query Modality Worklist

EyeSuite™ periodically (every 30 seconds, or only manual) triggers an update of the Worklist
which is handled by the DICOM Interface. The DICOM Interface opens an Association to the
configured Worklist Provider, sends a C-FIND request and waits until all the Worklist Entries are
returned by the Provider.
The entries are then updated in the Worklist on the Graphical User Interface which allows the user
to select one of the entries. As soon as the user starts to perform a measurement or capture
images for the selected entry, the patient information contained within the Worklist Entry is
extracted and the corresponding patient is created/updated (depending on whether the patient
already exists) in the local database. Proposed Presentation Contexts

EyeSuite™ is capable of proposing the Presentation Contexts shown in the following table:

Table 4-7 Proposed Presentation Contexts for Activity Query Modality Worklist
Abstract Syntax Transfer Syntax Role Ext.
Name UID Name List UID List Neg.
Modality Worklist 1.2.840.10008. ILE 1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None
Information Model – FIND ELE 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1

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EyeSuite™ i8.2.x.x – DICOM Conformance Statement SOP Specific Conformance for Modality Worklist SOP Class

Table 4-8 – Connectivity Verification response status and handling behavior

Service Further Error code Behavior
Status Meaning
Success Success 0000 Receiving of worklist entries finished. All the entries are displayed in
the worklist on the Graphical User Interface.
Pending Matches FF00, FF01 Already received worklist entries are stored to a temporary buffer. If
are the number of received worklist entries exceeds 50 EyeSuite™
continuing sends an ABORT to the SCP in order to prevent high server load.
* * * An error message is displayed in the worklist.

Table 4-9 – Modality Worklist tag usage

Tag Tag Name

Image storage
Displayed in

Exported in

Exported in
Imported in

from MWL

(0010,0010) Patient Name Y Y Y Y
(0010,0020) Patient ID Y Y Y Y
(0010,0030) Patient Birth Date Y Y Y Y
(0010,0040) Patient Sex Y Y Y Y
(0010,21C0) Patient Pregnancy Status Y
(0010,4000) Patient Comments Y Y Y Y
(0010,1000) Other Patient IDs Y Y Y
(0010,0021) Issuer of Patient ID Y Y Y
(0010,2160) Ethnic Group Y Y Y
(0008,0050) Accession Number Y Y Y Y
(0008,0090) Referring Physician Name Y Y Y Y
(0020,000D) Study Instance UID Y Y Y Y
(0008,0020) Study Date Y Y Y Y
(0008,0102) Coding Scheme Designator Y
(0008,0104) Code Meaning Y
(0008,0030) Study Time Y Y Y Y
(0008,1110) Referenced Study Sequence Y
>(0008,1150) Referenced SOP Class UID
>(0008,1155) Referenced SOP Instance UID
Requested Procedure
(0040,1001) Requested Procedure ID Y Y Y Y
(0032,1060) Requested Procedure Description Y Y Y Y
(0032,1064) Requested Procedure Code Sequence Y
>(0008,0100) Code Value Y
>(0008,0102) Coding Scheme Designator Y
>(0008,0104) Code Meaning Y
Scheduled Procedure Step (SPS)
(0040,0100) Scheduled Procedure Step Sequence Y
>(0008,0060) Modality Y Y Y Y
>(0040,0002) Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date Y Y
>(0040,0003) Scheduled Procedure Step Start Time Y Y
>(0040,0001) Scheduled Station Application Entity Title Y Y
>(0040,0006) Scheduled Performing Physician’s Name Y

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EyeSuite™ i8.2.x.x – DICOM Conformance Statement

>(0040,0007) Scheduled Procedure Step Description Y Y Y Y

>(0040,0008) Scheduled Protocol Code Sequence Y
>>(0008,0100) Code Value Y
>>(0008,0102) Coding Scheme Designator Y
>>(0008,0104) Code Meaning Y
>(0040,0009) Scheduled Procedure Step ID Y Y Y

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EyeSuite™ i8.2.x.x – DICOM Conformance Statement

Within the DICOM Modality Worklist preferences the user can define the following settings:

Table 4-10 – Available Modality Worklist options

Option Values Implementation
Display worklist entries for Today Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date (0040,0002)
in Modality Worklist Information Model is set to the
current date.
All Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date (0040,0002)
in Modality Worklist Information Model is empty.
Show entries scheduled for Yes Scheduled Station AE Title (0040,0001) in Modality
other stations Worklist Information Model is empty.
No Scheduled Station AE Title (0040,0001) in Modality
Worklist Information Model is set to the configured
AE title (default = EyeSuite)
Worklist update Automatic (interval EyeSuite™ automatically triggers a worklist update
selectable, minimum 15 at the configured interval.
Manual The user must click the “update worklist” button in
order to refresh the worklist

In the worklist tab in the patient manager, the user can query for following patient information:

Table 4-11 – Available patient query options

Tag Tag Name

Displayed in

(result data)
Imported in

from MWL

(0010,0010) Patient Name Y Y

(0010,0020) Patient ID Y Y
(0008,0050) Accession Number Y Y*
(0040,1001) Requested Procedure ID Y Y*
(0008,0060) Modality Y Y
(0040,0002) Scheduled Procedure Step Start Date Y Y*
(0040,0001) Scheduled Station Application Entity Title Y Y*
*Only displayed if EyeSuite is run with the Startup-Flag “-dicomVaStrict”
The Startup-Flag “-dicomVaStrict” further blocks the use of wildcards with the search for
“Requested Procedure ID” and “Accession Number”.

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EyeSuite™ i8.2.x.x – DICOM Conformance Statement Activity – Store Encapsulated PDF Description and Sequencing of Activities

Figure 4-4 - Sequencing of Activity – Store Encapsulated PDF

After completing any measurement depending on whether the Encapsulated PDF storage is
configured as automatic or manual, EyeSuite™ creates a DICOM object and transfers it to the
storage provider automatically or only after the user clicked the corresponding export button. The
storage process takes place in the background. If the process fails, an error dialog is displayed to
the user and an error message is appended to the log file. The job will be queued and
automatically sent, once the storage AE is reachable again. Proposed Presentation Contexts

EyeSuite™ is capable of proposing the Presentation Contexts shown in the following table:

Table 4-12 Proposed Presentation Contexts for Activity Store Encapsulated PDF
Abstract Syntax Transfer Syntax Role Ext.
Name UID Name List UID List Neg.
Encapsulated 1.2.840.10008. ILE 1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None
PDF Storage ELE 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1 SOP Specific Conformance for Encapsulated PDF Storage SOP Class

Table 4-13 – Connectivity Verification response status and handling behavior

Service Further Error code Behavior
Status Meaning
Success Success 0000 The Encapsulated PDF has been successfully transferred to the
storage provider.
* Failure * The transfer of the Encapsulated PDF has failed. This is reported to
the user and into the log files.

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EyeSuite™ i8.2.x.x – DICOM Conformance Statement Activity – Store Ophthalmic Photography 8 Bit Image Description and Sequencing of Activities

Figure 4-5 - Sequencing of Activity – Store Ophthalmic Photography 8 Bit Image

After completing any image capture depending on whether the image storage is available and
configured as automatic or manual, EyeSuite™ creates a DICOM object and transfers it to the
storage provider automatically or only after the user clicked the corresponding export button. The
storage process takes place in the background. If the process fails, an error dialog is displayed to
the user and an error message is appended to the log file. The job will be queued and
automatically sent, once the storage AE is reachable again. Proposed Presentation Contexts

EyeSuite™ is capable of proposing the Presentation Contexts shown in the following table:

Table 4-14 Proposed Presentation Contexts for Activity Store Ophthalmic Photography 8 Bit Image
Abstract Syntax Transfer Syntax Role Ext.
Name UID Name UID List Neg.
Ophthalmic Photography 8 Bit 1.2.840.10008. 1 1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None
2 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
Image Storage 3 1.2.840.10008.
4 1.2.840.10008.

1: ILE (Implicit Little Endian) 3: JPEG Baseline (Process 1)

2: ELE (Explicit Little Endian) 4: JPEG 2000 Image Compression (Lossless Only) SOP Specific Conformance for Ophthalmic Photography 8 Bit Image Storage SOP Class

Table 4-15 – Connectivity Verification response status and handling behavior

Service Further Error code Behavior
Status Meaning
Success Success 0000 The image has been successfully transferred to the storage provider.
* Failure * The transfer of the image has failed. This is reported to the user and
into the log files.

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EyeSuite™ i8.2.x.x – DICOM Conformance Statement Activity – Store Multiframe True Color Secondary Capture Image Description and Sequencing of Activities

Figure 4-6 - Sequencing of Activity – Store Multiframe True Color Secondary Capture Image
After completing any image capture depending on whether the image storage is available and
configured as automatic or manual, EyeSuite™ creates a DICOM object and transfers it to the
storage provider automatically or only after the user clicked the corresponding export button. The
storage process takes place in the background. If the process fails, an error dialog is displayed to
the user and an error message is appended to the log file. The job will be queued and
automatically sent, once the storage AE is reachable again. Proposed Presentation Contexts

EyeSuite™ is capable of proposing the Presentation Contexts shown in the following table:

Table 4-16 Proposed Presentation Contexts for Activity Store Multiframe True Color Secondary
Capture Image
Abstract Syntax Transfer Syntax Role Ext.
Name UID Name List UID List Neg.
Multiframe True Color 1.2.840.10008. 1 1.2.840.10008.1.2 SCU None
2 1.2.840.10008.1.2.1
Secondary Capture 3 1.2.840.10008.
Image Storage 4 1.2.840.10008.

1: ILE (Implicit Little Endian) 3: JPEG Baseline (Process 1)

2: ELE (Explicit little Endian) 4: JPEG 2000 Image Compression (Lossless Only) SOP Specific Conformance for Multiframe True Color Secondary Capture Image Storage
SOP Class

Table 4-17 – Connectivity Verification response status and handling behavior

Service Further Error code Behavior
Status Meaning
Success Success 0000 The image has been successfully transferred to the storage provider.
* Failure * The transfer of the image has failed. This is reported to the user and
into the log files.

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EyeSuite™ i8.2.x.x – DICOM Conformance Statement Association Acceptance Policy

EyeSuite™ does not accept Associations.

4.3 Network Interfaces

4.3.1 Physical Network Interface
The physical network interface is not visible for the applications. The application uses the
communication stack as offered by the Operating System.

4.3.2 Additional Protocols

No additional protocols are supported.

4.4 Configuration
4.4.1 AE Title/Presentation Address Mapping
AE Titles of the local application (EyeSuite™), the worklist server and the storage server are
configured in the EyeSuite™ preferences dialog and usually set up by the installation personnel.
The same applies for the host name/IP addresses and TCP/IP ports of the worklist and storage
server. Therefore, the host/IP of the worklist/storage server must be known. The configured default
port is 104, the default local AE Title is “EyeSuite”. There is no default host name/IP address.

4.4.2 Parameters
The table below shows the configuration parameters relevant to DICOM communication which can
be made in the EyeSuite™ preferences.
Table 4-18 – Available options for DICOM connection
Parameter Configurable (Yes/No) Default Value
Max PDU Size Yes 65536 Bytes (64 kB)
Communication Timeout Yes 10 s

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Not supported by EyeSuite™

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EyeSuite™ i8.2.x.x – DICOM Conformance Statement

6 Supported Character Sets

The EyeSuite™ DICOM interface supports the ISO-IR 100 (ISO 8859-1:1987 Latin Alphabet No. 1
supplementary set) and the ISO-IR 6 (International Reference Version of ISO/IEC 646:1991 (also
USA version)) character set.

Character Set Defined ISO Number of Code Character Set

Description Term registration characters element
Default ISO IR 6 ISO-IR 6 94 G0 SO 646

Latin alphabet No. 1 ISO_IR 100 ISO-IR 100 96 G1 Supplementary set of ISO 8859
ISO-IR 6 94 G0 ISO 646
Latin alphabet No. 2 ISO_IR 101 ISO-IR 101 96 G1 Supplementary set of ISO 8859
ISO-IR 6 94 G0 ISO 646
Latin alphabet No. 3 ISO_IR 109 ISO-IR 109 96 G1 Supplementary set of ISO 8859
ISO-IR 6 94 G0 ISO 646
Latin alphabet No. 4 ISO_IR 110 ISO-IR 110 96 G1 Supplementary set of ISO 8859
ISO-IR 6 94 G0 ISO 646
Cyrillic ISO_IR 144 ISO-IR 144 96 G1 Supplementary set of ISO 8859
ISO-IR 6 94 G0 ISO 646
Arabic ISO_IR 127 ISO-IR 127 96 G1 Supplementary set of ISO 8859
ISO-IR 6 94 G0 ISO 646
Greek ISO_IR 126 ISO-IR 126 96 G1 Supplementary set of ISO 8859
ISO-IR 6 94 G0 ISO 646
Hebrew ISO_IR 138 ISO-IR 138 96 G1 Supplementary set of ISO 8859
ISO-IR 6 94 G0 ISO 646
Latin alphabet No. 5 ISO_IR 148 ISO-IR 148 96 G1 Supplementary set of ISO 8859
ISO-IR 6 94 G0 ISO 646
Japanese ISO_IR 13 ISO-IR 13 94 G1 JIS X 0201: Katakana
ISO-IR 14 94 G0 JIS X 0201: Romaji
ISO 2022 IR 87 ISO-IR 87 94 G0 JIS X 0208: Kanji
ISO 2022 IR ISO-IR 159 94 G0 JIS X 0212: Supplementary Kanji set
Thai ISO_IR 166 ISO-IR 166 88 G1 TIS 620-2533 (1990)
ISO-IR 6 94 G0 ISO 646
Korean ISO 2022 IR ISO-IR 149 94 G1 KS X 1001: Hangul and Hanja
UTF-8 ISO IR 192 ISO-IR 192 94 G0 / G1 UTF-8

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EyeSuite™ i8.2.x.x – DICOM Conformance Statement

EyeSuite™ does not support any specific security measures.

It is assumed that EyeSuite™ is used within a secured environment and that a secured
environment includes at a minimum:
 Firewall or router protections to ensure that only approved external hosts have network
access to EyeSuite™.
 Firewall or router protections to ensure that EyeSuite™ only has network access to
approved external hosts and services.
 Any communication with external hosts and services outside the locally secured
environment use appropriate secure network channels (e.g. such as a Virtual Private
Network (VPN))

Other network security procedures such as automated intrusion detection may be appropriate in
some environments. Additional security features may be established by the local security policy
and are beyond the scope of this conformance statement.

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EyeSuite™ i8.2.x.x – DICOM Conformance Statement


8.1 IOD Contents

8.1.1 Created SOP Instances

Data element type:

 Type 1 Attribute is always present with a value
 Type 2 Attribute is always present, however value element can be sent with zero
value length or no value.
 Type 2C Attribute is not always present, however if present the value element can be
sent with zero value length or no value.
 Type 3 Attribute is not always present

Abbreviations used for sources of data

 USER: Attribute value source is from user input
 AUTO: Attribute value is generated automatically
 MWL: Attribute value is the same as the value received using the Modality Worklist
DICOM service.
 CONFIG: Attribute value source is a configurable parameter Encapsulated PDF Information Object Definition

A.45.1 Encapsulated PDF Information Object Definition - Table A.45.1-1 Encapsulated PDF IOD Modules
Table 8-1 – Encapsulated PDF Information Object Definition
IE Module Reference Usage
Patient Patient C.7.1.1 M
Study General Study C.7.2.1 M
Series Encapsulated Document Series C.24.1 M
Equipment General Equipment C.7.5.1 M
SC Equipment C.8.6.1 M
Encapsulated Document Encapsulated Document C.24.2 M
SOP Common C.12.1 M

Table 8-2 – Information Entity ‘Patient’, Module ‘Patient’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0010,0010) PN Patient’s Patient’s full name 1 MWL,
(0010,0020) LO Patient ID Primary hospital identification number or code for 2 MWL,
the patient. USER
(0010,0021) LO Issuer of Identifier of the Assigning Authority that issued 2 MWL
Patient ID the Patient ID.
(0010,0030) DA Patient’s Birth Birth date of the patient 1 MWL,
(0010,0040) CS Patient’s Sex Sex of the named patient. Enumerated Values: M 2 MWL,
= male, F = female, O = other USER
(0010,4000) LT Patient User-defined additional information about the 2 MWL,
Comments patient USER
(0010,1000) LO Other Patient Other identification numbers or codes used to 3 MWL

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IDs identify the patient.

(0010,2160) SH Ethnic Group Ethnic group or race of the patient. 3 MWL,

Table 8-3 – Information Entity ‘Study’, Module ‘General Study’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0008,0020) DA Study Date Date of the Study started 1 AUTO
(0008,0030) TM Study Time Time the Study started 1 AUTO
0008,0050) SH Accession Number A RIS generated number that identifies 2 MWL
the order for the Study
(0008, 0090) PN Referring Name of the patient’s referring physician 2 MWL
Physician’s Name
(0020,000D) UI Study Instance UID Unique identifier for the Study 1 AUTO,
0(0008,1030) LO Study Description Institution-generated description or 3 MWL
classification of the Study (component)

Table 8-4 – Information Entity ‘Series’, Module ‘Encapsulated Document Series’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0008,0060) CS Modality Depending on the EyeSuite™ 1 AUTO,
application: CONFIG
 Biometry: OAM
 Imaging: OP
 Perimetry: OPV
 Other: OT

These are the default values and can be

configured for each application.

(0008,103E) LO Series Description Description of the Series. 1 AUTO

(0020,000E) UI Series Instance UID Unique identifier of the Series. 1 AUTO
(0020,0011) IS Series Number A number that identifies the Series. 1 AUTO
Always 1.
(0040,0275) SQ Request Attributes Sequence that contains attributes from 2
Sequence the Imaging Service Request. The
sequence may have one or more Items.
>(0040,1001) SH Requested Identifier that identifies the Requested 1C MWL
Procedure ID Procedure in the Imaging Service
Request. Required if Sequence Item is
>(0008,0050) SH Accession Number A RIS generated number that identifies 3 MWL
the order for the Study.
>(0020,000D) UI Study Instance UID Instance UID of Study to which the 3 AUTO
related Series belongs
>(0032,1060) LO Requested Institution-generated administrative 2 MWL
Procedure description or classification of Requested
Description Procedure.
>(0040,0009) SH Scheduled Identifier that identifies the Scheduled 1C MWL
Procedure Step ID Procedure Step.
Required if procedure was scheduled.
Note: The condition is to allow the contents of
this macro to be present (e.g., to convey the
reason for the procedure, such as whether a
mammogram is for screening or diagnostic

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purposes) even when the procedure step was

not formally scheduled and a value for this
identifier is unknown, rather than making up a
dummy value.
>(0040,00D7) LO Scheduled Institution-generated description or 3 MWL
Procedure Step classification of the Scheduled
Description Procedure Step to be performed.

Table 8-5 – Information Entity ‘Equipment’, Module ‘General Equipment’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0008,0070) LO Manufacturer Manufacturer of the equipment 1 AUTO
that produced the composite
(0008,0080) LO Institution Name Institution where the equipment 2 CONFIG
that produced the composite
instances is located.
(0008,1010) SH Station Name User defined name identifying 1 CONFIG
the machine that produced the
composite instances.
(0008,1040) LO Institutional Department in the institution 2 CONFIG
Department Name where the equipment that
produced the composite
instances is located.
(0008,1090) LO Manufacturer's Manufacturer's model name of 1 AUTO
Model Name the equipment that produced the
composite instances.
(0018,1000) LO Device Serial Manufacturer's serial number of 1 AUTO
Number the equipment that produced the
composite instances. Note: This
identifier corresponds to the
device that actually created the
images, such as a CR plate
reader or a CT console, and
may not be sufficient to identify
all of the equipment in the
imaging chain, such as the
generator or gantry or plate.
(0018,1020) LO Software Versions Manufacturer's designation of 1 AUTO
software version of the
equipment that produced the
composite instances.

Table 8-6 – Information Entity ‘Equipment’, Module ‘SC Equipment’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0008,0064) CS Conversion Type “WSD” - Workstation 1 AUTO

Table 8-7 – Information Entity ‘Encapsulated Document’, Module ‘Encapsulated Document’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0008,0023) DA Content Date The date the document content 1 AUTO
creation was started.

(0008,002A) DT Acquisition Datetime The date and time that the 1 AUTO
original generation of the data in
the document started

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Tag VR Name Value Type Source

(0008,0033) TM Content Time The time the document content 1 AUTO
creation was started.
(0020,0013) IS Instance Number A number that identifies this 1 AUTO
SOP Instance. The value shall
be unique within a series.
(0028,0301) CS Burned In Annotation “YES” 1 AUTO
(0040,A043) SQ Concept Name Code Has never an item. 2 AUTO
(0042,0010) ST Document Title The value of the "Title" entry in 1 AUTO
the "Document Information
Directory" as encoded in the
PDF data.
(0042,0011) OB Encapsulated Encapsulated Document stream, 1 AUTO
Document containing a document encoded
according to the MIME Type.
(0042,0012) LO MIME Type of “application/pdf” 1 AUTO

Table 8-8 – Information Entity ‘Encapsulated Document’, Module ‘SOP Common’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0008,0005) CS Specific Character ISO_IR 100 or ISO-IR6 1 AUTO
Set Character Set that expands or
replaces the Basic Graphic Set.
(0008,0016) UI SOP Class UID “1.2.840.10008.” 1 AUTO
(0008,0018) UI SOP Instance UID Uniquely identifies the SOP 1 AUTO
Instance. See C. for
further explanation. See also PS
3.4. Ophthalmic Photography 8 Bit Image Information Object

A.41.3 Ophthalmic Photography 8 Bit Image IOD Modules - Table A.41-1 Ophthalmic Photography
8 Bit Image IOD Modules
Table 8-9 – Ophthalmic Photography 8 Bit Image Information Object Definition
IE Module Reference Usage
Patient Patient C.7.1.1 M
Study General Study C.7.2.1 M
Series General Series C.7.3.1 M
Ophthalmic Photography Series C.8.17.1 M
Frame of Reference Synchronization C.7.4.2 M
Equipment General Equipment C.7.5.1 M
Image General Image C.8.17.2 M
Image Pixel C.7.6.3 M
Multi-frame C.7.6.6 M
Ophthalmic Photography Image C.8.17.2 M
Ocular Region Imaged C.8.17.5 M
Ophthalmic Photography C.8.17.4 M
Acquisition Parameters
Ophthalmic Photographic C.8.17.3 M

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IE Module Reference Usage

SOP Common C.12.1 M

Table 8-10 – Information Entity ‘Patient’, Module ‘Patient’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0010,0010) PN Patient’s Name Patient’s full name 2 MWL,
(0010,0020) LO Patient ID Primary hospital identification 2 MWL,
number or code for the patient. USER
(0010,0021) LO Issuer of Patient ID Identifier of the Assigning 2 MWL
Authority that issued the Patient
(0010,0030) DA Patient’s Birth Date Birth date of the patient 1 MWL,
(0010,0040) CS Patient’s Sex Sex of the named patient. 2 MWL,
Enumerated Values: M = male, USER
F = female, O = other
(0010,4000) LT Patient Comments User-defined additional 2 MWL,
information about the patient USER
(0010,1000) LO Other Patient IDs Other identification numbers or 3 MWL
codes used to identify the
(0010,2160) SH Ethnic Group Ethnic group or race of patient 3 MWL,

Table 8-11 – Information Entity ‘Study’, Module ‘General Study’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0008,0020) DA Study Date Date of the Study started 1 AUTO
(0008,0030) TM Study Time Time the Study started 1 AUTO
(0008,0050) SH Accession Number A RIS generated number that 2 MWL
identifies the order for the Study
(0008, 0090) PN Referring Physician’s Name of the patient’s referring 2 MWL
Name physician
(0020,000D) UI Study Instance UID Unique identifier for the Study 1 AUTO,

Table 8-12 – Information Entity ‘Series’, Module ‘General Series’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0008,0060) CS Modality Depending on the EyeSuite™ 1 AUTO, CONFIG
 Imaging: OP

This is the default value and

can be configured for each
(0020,000E) UI Series Instance Unique identifier of the Series 1 AUTO
(0020,0011) IS Series Number A number that identifies this 2 AUTO
(0008,0021) DA Series Date Date the Series started. 3
(0020,0060) CS Literality Laterality of (paired) body part 2C AUTO
examined. Required if the body
part examined is a paired
structure and Image Laterality

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(0020,0062) or Frame
Laterality (0020,9072) are not
sent. Enumerated Values:
R = right
L = left
(0008,103E) LO Series Description Description of the Series 3
(0008,0031) TM Series Time Time the Series started. 3
(0008,1050) PN Performing Name of the physician(s) 3
Physicians’ Name administering the Series.
(0018,5100) CS Patient Position Patient position descriptor 2C
relative to the equipment.
Value is always

Table 8-5 – Information Entity ‘Series’, Module ‘Ophthalmic Photography Series’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0008,0060) CS Modality Depending on the EyeSuite™ 1 AUTO
 Imaging: OP

This is the default value and can

be configured for each

Table 8-6 – Information Entity ‘Frame of Reference’, Module ‘Synchronization’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0020,0200) UI Synchronization UID of common synchronization 1 AUTO
Frame of Reference environment
(0018,106A) CS Synchronization Data acquisition synchronization 1 AUTO
Trigger with external equipment
Used Value: “NO TRIGGER”
(0018,1800) CS Acquisition Time Acquisition DateTime 1 AUTO
Synchronized (0008,002A) synchronized with
External time reference.
Used Value: N

Table 8-7 – Information Entity ‘Equipment’, Module ‘General Equipment’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0008,0070) LO Manufacturer Manufacturer of the equipment 1 AUTO
that produced the composite
(0008,0080) LO Institution Name Institution where the equipment 2 CONFIG
that produced the composite
instances is located.
(0008,1010) SH Station Name User defined name identifying 1 CONFIG
the machine that produced the
composite instances.
(0008,1040) LO Institutional Department in the institution 2 CONFIG
Department Name where the equipment that
produced the composite
instances is located.
(0008,1090) LO Manufacturer's Manufacturer's model name of 1 AUTO
Model Name the equipment that produced the
composite instances.
(0018,1000) LO Device Serial Manufacturer's serial number of 1 AUTO

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Number the equipment that produced the

composite instances. Note: This
identifier corresponds to the
device that actually created the
images, such as a CR plate
reader or a CT console, and
may not be sufficient to identify
all of the equipment in the
imaging chain, such as the
generator or gantry or plate.
(0018,1020) LO Software Versions Manufacturer's designation of 1 AUTO
software version of the
equipment that produced the
composite instances.

Table 8-8 – Information Entity ‘Image’, Module ‘General Image’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0020,0013) IS Instance Number A number that identifies this 2 AUTO
(0020,0020) CS Patient Orientation Patient direction of the rows and 2C AUTO
columns of the image.
Value is always ”zero”
(0008,0023) DA Content Date The date the image pixel data 2C AUTO
creation started.
(0008,0033) TM Content Time The time the image pixel data 2C AUTO
creation started.
(0008,0008) CS Image Type Image identification 3 AUTO

Enumerated Multivalue List:

Value 1:
Value 2:

Value 3:
 “MONTAGE" if value 1
 “zero”
Value 4:
(0008,0022) DA Acquisition Date The date the acquisition of data 3 AUTO
that resulted in this image
(0008,0032) TM Acquisition Time The time the acquisition of data 3 AUTO
that resulted in this image
(0008,002A) DT Acquisition DateTime The date and time that the 3 AUTO
acquisition of data that resulted
in this image started

(0008,2112) SQ Source Image The Image that was used to 3 AUTO

Sequence derive this Image.
(0020,4000) LT Image Comments User-defined comments about 3 USER
the image

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Tag VR Name Value Type Source

(0028,0301) CS Burned In Annotation Indicates whether or not image 3 AUTO
contains sufficient burned in
annotation to identify the patient
and date the image was
Enumerated Values:
 “YES”
 “NO”
(0028,0300) CS Quality Control Indicates whether or not this 3 AUTO
Image image is a quality control or
phantom image.
Enumerated Values:
If this Attribute is absent, then
the image may or may not be a
quality control or phantom
(0028,2110) CS Lossy Image Specifies whether an Image has 3 AUTO,
Compression undergone lossy compression. CONFIG
Enumerated Values:
 00 = Image has NOT
been subjected to lossy
 01 = Image has been
subjected to lossy
(0028,2112) DS Lossy Image Describes the approximate lossy 3 AUTO,
Compression Ratio compression ratio(s) that have CONFIG
applied to this image.
(0028,2114) CS Lossy Image A label for the lossy 3 AUTO,
Compression Method compression method(s) that CONFIG
have been applied to this image.

Table 8-9 – Information Entity ‘Image’, Module ‘Image Pixel’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0028,0002) US Samples per Pixel Number of samples (planes) in 1 AUTO
this image.
(0028,0004) CS Photometric Specifies the intended 1 AUTO
Interpretation interpretation of the pixel data.
(0028,0010) US Rows Number of rows in the image. 1 AUTO
(0028,0011) US Columns Number of columns in the 1 AUTO
(0028,0100) US Bits Allocated Number of bits allocated for 1 AUTO
each pixel sample.
(0028,0101) US Bits Stored Number of bits stored for each 1 AUTO
pixel sample.
(0028,0102) US High Bit Most significant bit for pixel 1 AUTO
sample data.
(0028,0103) US Pixel Representation Data representation of the pixel 1 AUTO
Used value: 0x0000 = unsigned
(7FE0,0010) OB Pixel Data A data stream of the pixel 1C AUTO
samples that
comprise the Image.

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(0028,0006) US Planar Configuration Indicates whether the pixel data 1C AUTO

are sent color-by-plane or color-
(0028,0034) IS Pixel Aspect Ratio Ratio of the vertical size and 1C AUTO
horizontal size of the pixels in
the image specified by a pair of
integer values where the first
value is the vertical pixel size,
and the second value is the
horizontal pixel size.

Table 8-10 – Information Entity ‘Image’, Module ‘Multi-frame’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0028,0008) IS Number of Frames Number of frames in a Multi- 1 AUTO
frame Image.
The value is always “1”
(0028,0009) AT Frame Increment Contains the Data Element Tag 1 AUTO
Pointer of the attribute that is used as
the frame increment in Multi-
frame pixel data.
The default value is
“0x00181063” (Frame Time)

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Table 8-11 – Information Entity ‘Image’, Module ‘Ophthalmic Photography Image’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0008,0008) CS Image Type Image identification 1 AUTO

Enumerated Multivalue List:

Value 1:
Value 2:
 “
Value 3:
 “MONTAGE" if value 1
 “zero”
Value 4:
(0020,0013) IS Instance Number A number that identifies this 1 AUTO
(0028,0002) US Samples per Pixel Number of samples (planes) in 1 AUTO
this image. Enumerated values:
1 or 3.
The value is always “3”
(0028,0004) CS Photometric Specifies the intended 1 AUTO
Interpretation interpretation of the pixel data.
The value is always “RGB”
(0028,0103) US Pixel Data representation of the pixel 1 AUTO
Representation samples. Enumerated value:
(0028,0006) US Planar Indicates whether the pixel data 1C AUTO
Configuration are sent color-by-plane or color-
by-pixel. Required if Samples
per Pixel (0028,0002) has a
value greater than “1”.
The value is always “0” (color-
(0008,0033) TM Content Time The time the image pixel data 1 AUTO
creation started.
(0008,0023) DA Content Date The date the image pixel data 1 AUTO
creation started.
(0008,002A) DT Acquisition The date and time that the 1C AUTO
DateTime acquisition of data started.
(0008,2112) SQ Source Image A Sequence that identifies the 2C AUTO
Sequence Images that were used to derive
this Image.
(0040,A170) SQ Purpose of Code describing the purpose of 1 AUTO
Reference Code the reference to the Instance(s).
Sequence Only a single Item shall be
included in this sequence.
(0008,1150) UI Referenced SOP Uniquely identifies the 1 AUTO
Class UID referenced SOP Class.

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Tag VR Name Value Type Source

(0008,1160) IS Referenced Frame Identifies corresponding image 1C AUTO
number frame in multi-frame image.
Required if there is more than
one item in Exposure Sequence
(3002,0030), and image is a
multi-frame image.
(0008,1155) UI Referenced SOP Uniquely identifies the 1 AUTO
Instance UID referenced SOP Instance.
(0008,0100) SH Code Value ” 121329” 1
See DICOM PS 3.16 - 2011:
Annex B
(0008,0102) SH Coding Scheme ”DCM” 1
Designator See DICOM PS 3.16 - 2011:
Annex B
(0008,0103) SH Coding Scheme ”01” 1C
Version See DICOM PS 3.16 - 2011:
Annex B
(0008,0104) LO Code Meaning ”Source image for montage” 1
See DICOM PS 3.16 - 2011:
Annex B
(0008,010F) CS Context Identifier The value of Context Identifier 3
(0008,010F) identifies the
Context Group defined by
Mapping Resource (0008,0105)
from which the values of Code
Value (0008,0100) and Code
Meaning (0008,0104) were
selected , or to which the Code
Value (0008,0100) and Code
Meaning (0008,0104) have been
added as a private Context
Group extension
(0008,0117) UI Context UID The value of Context UID 3
(0008,0117) uniquely identifies
the Context Group.
(0008,0105) CS Mapping Resource Mapping Resource that defines 1C
the template.
(0008,0106) DT Context Group Context Group Version 1C
Version (0008,0106) conveys the version
of the Context Group identified
by Context Identifier
(0008,0107) DT Context Group Local Context Group Local Version 1C
Version (0008,0107) conveys an
implementation-specific private
version DateTime of a Context
Group that contains private
(0008,010D) UI Context Group Identifies the person or 1C
Extension Creator organization who created an
UID extension to the Context Group.
(0008,010B) CS Context Group Enumerated Values: 3 AUTO
Extension Flag  Y
 N
The value is always “N”

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Tag VR Name Value Type Source

(0028,2110) CS Lossy Image Specifies whether an Image has 1 AUTO
Compression undergone lossy compression.
Used values:
“00” = Image has NOT been
subjected to lossy compression.
“01” = Image has been
subjected to lossy compression.
(0028,2112) DS Lossy Image Describes the approximate lossy 1C AUTO
Compression Ratio compression ratio(s) that have
been applied to this image.
(0028,2114) CS Lossy Image A label for the lossy 1C AUTO
Compression Method compression method(s) that
have been applied to this image.
(0028,0301) CS Burned In Annotation Indicates whether or not image 1 AUTO
contains sufficient burned in
annotation to identify the patient
and date the image was
Used values:
 NO

Table 8-12 – Information Entity ‘Image’, Module ‘Ocular Region Imaged’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0020,0062) CS Image Laterality Laterality of object imaged 1 AUTO
Used values:
 R = right eye
 L = left eye
 B = both left and right
(0008,2218) SQ Anatomic Region Sequence that identifies the 1 AUTO
Sequence anatomic region of interest in
this Instance.

See DICOM PS 3.16 - 2011:

Annex B
(0008,0100) SH Code Value ”T-AA000” 1 AUTO
See DICOM PS 3.16 - 2011:
Annex B
(0008,0102) SH Coding Scheme ”SRT” 1 AUTO
Designator See DICOM PS 3.16 - 2011:
Annex B
(0008,0103) SH Coding Scheme ”2004921” 1C AUTO
Version See DICOM PS 3.16 - 2011:
Annex B
(0008,0104) LO Code Meaning ”Eye” 1 AUTO
See DICOM PS 3.16 - 2011:
Annex B

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Tag VR Name Value Type Source

(0008,010F) CS Context Identifier The value of Context Identifier 3
(0008,010F) identifies the
Context Group defined by
Mapping Resource (0008,0105)
from which the values of Code
Value (0008,0100) and Code
Meaning (0008,0104) were
selected , or to which the Code
Value (0008,0100) and Code
Meaning (0008,0104) have been
added as a private Context
Group extension
(0008,0117) UI Context UID The value of Context UID 3
(0008,0117) uniquely identifies
the Context Group.
(0008,0105) CS Mapping Resource Mapping Resource that defines 1C
the template.
(0008,0106) DT Context Group Context Group Version 1C
Version (0008,0106) conveys the version
of the Context Group identified
by Context Identifier
(0008,0107) DT Context Group Local Context Group Local Version 1C
Version (0008,0107) conveys an
implementation-specific private
version DateTime of a Context
Group that contains private
(0008,010D) UI Context Group Identifies the person or 1C
Extension Creator organization who created an
UID extension to the Context Group.
(0008,010B) CS Context Group Enumerated Values: 3 AUTO
Extension Flag  Y
 N
The value is always “N”

Table 8-13 – Information Entity ‘Image’, Module ‘Ophthalmic Photography Acquisition Parameters’
Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0022,0005) CS Patient Eye Enumerated Values: 2 AUTO
Movement  YES
Commanded  NO
The value is always “NO”
(0022,001B) SQ Refractive State The refractive state of the 2 AUTO
Sequence imaged eye at the time of
Zero length means the refractive
state was not measured.
The value is always “zero
(0022,000A) FL Emmetropic Emmetropic magnification value 2 AUTO
Magnification (dimensionless).
Zero length means the
emmetropic magnification was
not measured.
The value is always “zero
(0022,000B) FL Intra Ocular Pressure Value of intraocular pressure in 2 AUTO

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Zero length means the pressure
was not measured
The value is always “zero
(0022,000D) CS Pupil Dilated Whether or not the patient’s 2 AUTO
pupils were pharmacologically
dilated for this acquisition.
Enumerated Values:
 NO
If this tag is empty, no
information is available.
The value is always “zero
(0022,000E) FL Degree of Dialation The degree of the dilation in 2C
Required if the value of Pupil
Dilated (0022,000D) is YES.
Table 8-14 – Information Entity ‘Image’, Module ‘Ophthalmic Photographic Parameters’
Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0022,0015) SQ Acquisition Device Describes the type of acquisition
Type Code device.
See DICOM PS 3.16 - 2011:
Annex B
(0008,0100) SH Code Value ”A-2B201” 1 AUTO
See DICOM PS 3.16 - 2011:
Annex B
(0008,0102) SH Coding Scheme ”SRT” 1 AUTO
Designator See DICOM PS 3.16 - 2011:
Annex B
(0008,0103) SH Coding Scheme ”20100607” 1C AUTO
Version See DICOM PS 3.16 - 2011:
Annex B
(0008,010F) CS Context Identifier The value of Context Identifier 3
(0008,010F) identifies the
Context Group defined by
Mapping Resource (0008,0105)
from which the values of Code
Value (0008,0100) and Code
Meaning (0008,0104) were
selected , or to which the Code
Value (0008,0100) and Code
Meaning (0008,0104) have been
added as a private Context
Group extension
(0008,0117) UI Context UID The value of Context UID 3
(0008,0117) uniquely identifies
the Context Group.
(0008,0105) CS Mapping Resource Mapping Resource that defines 1C
the template.
(0008,0106) DT Context Group Context Group Version 1C
Version (0008,0106) conveys the version
of the Context Group identified
by Context Identifier

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Tag VR Name Value Type Source

(0008,0107) DT Context Group Local Context Group Local Version 1C
Version (0008,0107) conveys an
implementation-specific private
version DateTime of a Context
Group that contains private
(0008,010D) UI Context Group Identifies the person or 1C
Extension Creator organization who created an
UID extension to the Context Group.
(0008,0104) LO Code Meaning ”Slit Lamp Biomicroscope” 1 AUTO
See DICOM PS 3.16 - 2011:
Annex B
(0008,010B) CS Context Group Enumerated Values: 3 AUTO
Extension Flag  Y
 N
The value is always “N”
(0022,0016) SQ Illumination Type Coded value for illumination. 2 AUTO
Code Sequence The value is Zero.
(0022,0017) SQ Light Path Filter Type Filters used in the light source 2 AUTO
Stack Code path.
Sequence The value is Zero.
(0022,0018) SQ Image Path Filter Describes stack of filters used in 2 AUTO
Type Stack Code image path.
Sequence The value is Zero.
(0022,0019) SQ Lenses Code Lenses that were used during 2 AUTO
Sequence the image acquisition.
The value is Zero.
(0018,7004) CS Detector Type Type of detector used for 2 AUTO
creating this image. Defined
CCD = Charge Coupled Device
CMOS = Complementary Metal
Oxide Semiconductor
Table 8-15 – Information Entity ‘Image’, Module ‘SOP Common’
Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0008,0016) UI SOP Class UID “1.2.840.10008.” ALWAYS AUTO
(0008,0018) UI SOP Instance UID Uniquely identifies the SOP ALWAYS AUTO
Instance. Multi-Frame True Color SC Image Information Object Definition

A.8.5.3 Multi-frame True Color SC Image IOD Module - Table A.8-5 MULTI-FRAME TRUE COLOR SC
Table 8-13 – Multi-frame True Color SC Image Information Object Definition
IE Module Reference Usage
Patient Patient C.7.1.1 M
Study General Study C.7.2.1 M
Series General Series C.7.3.1 M
Equipment General Equipment C.7.5.1 U
SC Equipment C8.6.1 M
Image General Image C.8.17.2 M
Image Pixel C.7.6.3 M
Cine C.7.6.5 C

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EyeSuite™ i8.2.x.x – DICOM Conformance Statement

IE Module Reference Usage

Multi-frame C.7.6.6 M
SC Multi-Frame Image C.8.6.3 M
SOP Common C.12.1 M

Table 8-14 – Information Entity ‘Patient’, Module ‘Patient’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0010,0010) PN Patient’s Name Patient’s full name 2 MWL,
(0010,0020) LO Patient ID Primary hospital identification 2 MWL,
number or code for the patient. USER
(0010,0021) LO Issuer of Patient ID Identifier of the Assigning 2 MWL
Authority that issued the Patient
(0010,0030) DA Patient’s Birth Date Birth date of the patient 1 MWL,
(0010,0040) CS Patient’s Sex Sex of the named patient. 2 MWL,
Enumerated Values: M = male, USER
F = female, O = other
(0010,4000) LT Patient Comments User-defined additional 2 MWL,
information about the patient USER
(0010,1000) LO Other Patient IDs Other identification numbers or 3 MWL
codes used to identify the
(0010,2160) SH Ethnic Group Ethnic group or race of patient 3 MWL,

Table 8-15 – Information Entity ‘Study’, Module ‘General Study’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0008,0020) DA Study Date Date of the Study started 1 AUTO
(0008,0030) TM Study Time Time the Study started 1 AUTO
(0008,0050) SH Accession Number A RIS generated number that 2 MWL
identifies the order for the Study
(0008, 0090) PN Referring Physician’s Name of the patient’s referring 2 MWL
Name physician
(0020,000D) UI Study Instance UID Unique identifier for the Study 1 AUTO,

Table 8-16 – Information Entity ‘Series’, Module ‘General Series’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0008,0060) CS Modality Depending on the EyeSuite™ 1 AUTO, CONFIG
 Imaging: OP

This is the default value and

can be configured for each
(0020,000E) UI Series Instance Unique identifier of the Series 1 AUTO
(0020,0011) IS Series Number A number that identifies this 2 AUTO
(0008,0021) DA Series Date Date the Series started. 3
(0020,0060) CS Literality Laterality of (paired) body part 2C AUTO
examined. Required if the body
part examined is a paired

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EyeSuite™ i8.2.x.x – DICOM Conformance Statement

structure and Image Laterality

(0020,0062) or Frame
Laterality (0020,9072) are not
sent. Enumerated Values:
R = right
L = left
(0008,103E) LO Series Description Description of the Series 3
(0008,0031) TM Series Time Time the Series started. 3
(0008,1050) PN Performing Name of the physician(s) 3
Physicians’ Name administering the Series.
(0018,5100) CS Patient Position Patient position descriptor 2C
relative to the equipment.
Value is always

Table 8-7 – Information Entity ‘Equipment’, Module ‘General Equipment’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0008,0070) LO Manufacturer Manufacturer of the equipment 1 AUTO
that produced the composite
(0008,0080) LO Institution Name Institution where the equipment 2 CONFIG
that produced the composite
instances is located.
(0008,1010) SH Station Name User defined name identifying 1 CONFIG
the machine that produced the
composite instances.
(0008,1040) LO Institutional Department in the institution 2 CONFIG
Department Name where the equipment that
produced the composite
instances is located.
(0008,1090) LO Manufacturer's Manufacturer's model name of 1 AUTO
Model Name the equipment that produced the
composite instances.
(0018,1000) LO Device Serial Manufacturer's serial number of 1 AUTO
Number the equipment that produced the
composite instances. Note: This
identifier corresponds to the
device that actually created the
images, such as a CR plate
reader or a CT console, and
may not be sufficient to identify
all of the equipment in the
imaging chain, such as the
generator or gantry or plate.
(0018,1020) LO Software Versions Manufacturer's designation of 1 AUTO
software version of the
equipment that produced the
composite instances.

Table 8-7 – Information Entity ‘Equipment’, Module ‘SC Equipment’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0008,0064) CS Conversion Type “WSD” - Workstation 1 AUTO

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Table 8-8 – Information Entity ‘Image’, Module ‘General Image’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0020,0013) IS Instance Number A number that identifies this 2 AUTO
(0020,0020) CS Patient Orientation Patient direction of the rows 2C AUTO
and columns of the image.
Value is always ”zero”
(0008,0023) DA Content Date The date the image pixel data 2C AUTO
creation started.
(0008,0033) TM Content Time The time the image pixel data 2C AUTO
creation started.
(0008,0008) CS Image Type Image identification 3 AUTO

Enumerated Multivalue List:

Value 1:
Value 2:

Value 3:
 “MONTAGE" if value 1
 “zero”
Value 4:
(0008,0022) DA Acquisition Date The date the acquisition of 3 AUTO
data that resulted in this image
(0008,0032) TM Acquisition Time The time the acquisition of 3 AUTO
data that resulted in this image
(0008,002A) DT Acquisition The date and time that the 3 AUTO
DateTime acquisition of data that
resulted in this image started
(0008,2112) SQ Source Image The Image that was used to 3 AUTO
Sequence derive this Image.
(0020,4000) LT Image Comments User-defined comments about 3 USER
the image
(0028,0301) CS Burned In Indicates whether or not image 3 AUTO
Annotation contains sufficient burned in
annotation to identify the
patient and date the image
was acquired.
Enumerated Values:
 “YES”
 “NO”
(0028,0300) CS Quality Control Indicates whether or not this 3 AUTO
Image image is a quality control or
phantom image.
Enumerated Values:
If this Attribute is absent, then
the image may or may not be
a quality control or phantom

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Tag VR Name Value Type Source

(0028,2110) CS Lossy Image Specifies whether an Image 3 AUTO,
Compression has undergone lossy CONFIG
Enumerated Values:
 00 = Image has NOT
been subjected to
lossy compression.
 01 = Image has been
subjected to lossy
(0028,2112) DS Lossy Image Describes the approximate 3 AUTO,
Compression Ratio lossy CONFIG
compression ratio(s) that have
applied to this image.
(0028,2114) CS Lossy Image A label for the lossy 3 AUTO,
Compression compression method(s) that CONFIG
Method have been applied to this

Table 8-9 – Information Entity ‘Image’, Module ‘Cine’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0018,1063) DS Frame Time Nominal time (in mSec) per 1C AUTO
individual frame.

Table 8-9 – Information Entity ‘Image’, Module ‘Image Pixel’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0028,0002) US Samples per Pixel Number of samples (planes) in 1 AUTO
this image.
(0028,0004) CS Photometric Specifies the intended 1 AUTO
Interpretation interpretation of the pixel data.
(0028,0010) US Rows Number of rows in the image. 1 AUTO
(0028,0011) US Columns Number of columns in the 1 AUTO
(0028,0100) US Bits Allocated Number of bits allocated for 1 AUTO
each pixel sample.
(0028,0101) US Bits Stored Number of bits stored for each 1 AUTO
pixel sample.
(0028,0102) US High Bit Most significant bit for pixel 1 AUTO
sample data.
(0028,0103) US Pixel Representation Data representation of the pixel 1 AUTO
Used value: 0x0000 = unsigned
(7FE0,0010) OB Pixel Data A data stream of the pixel 1C AUTO
samples that
comprise the Image.
(0028,0006) US Planar Configuration Indicates whether the pixel data 1C AUTO
are sent color-by-plane or color-
(0028,0034) IS Pixel Aspect Ratio Ratio of the vertical size and 1C AUTO
horizontal size of the pixels in
the image specified by a pair of
integer values where the first
value is the vertical pixel size,

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and the second value is the

horizontal pixel size.

Table 8-10 – Information Entity ‘Image’, Module ‘Multi-frame’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0028,0008) IS Number of Frames Number of frames in a Multi- 1 AUTO
frame Image.
The value is always “1”
(0028,0009) AT Frame Increment Contains the Data Element Tag 1 AUTO
Pointer of the attribute that is used as
the frame increment in Multi-
frame pixel data.
The default value is
“0x00181063” (Frame Time)

Table 8-8 – Information Entity ‘Image’, Module ‘SC Multi-frame Image’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0028,0301) CS Burned in Annotation Indicates whether or not image 1 AUTO
contains sufficient burned in
annotation to identify the patient
and date the image was
Enumerated Values:
(0028,0009) AT Frame Increment Contains the Data Element Tag 1C AUTO
Pointer of the attribute which is used as
the frame increment in Multi-
frame pixel data.

Table 8-15 – Information Entity ‘Image’, Module ‘SOP Common’

Tag VR Name Value Type Source
(0008,0016) UI SOP Class UID “1.2.840.10008.” ALWAYS AUTO
(0008,0018) UI SOP Instance UID Uniquely identifies the SOP ALWAYS AUTO

8.1.2 Used Fields in received IOD by application

EyeSuite™ does not receive SOP Instances. The usage of attributes received via Modality Worklist
is described in section

8.1.3 Coerced/Modified Fields

Those tags are listed in chapter Other attributes get lost and are not available in

8.2 Data Dictionary of Private Attributes

EyeSuite™ does not add any private attributes.

8.3 Coded Terminology and Templates

EyeSuite™ does not support templates.

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8.4 Grayscale Image Consistency

Not applicable.

8.5 Standard Extended / Specialized/ Private SOP Classes

No Specialized or Private SOP Classes are supported.

8.6 Private Transfer Syntaxes

No Private Transfer Syntaxes are supported.

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EyeSuite™ i8.2.x.x – DICOM Conformance Statement

For further questions please contact the HAAG-STREIT Customer Support at:




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1250 3098 Koeniz, Switzerland
Phone +41 31 978 01 11
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eMail info@haag-streit.com
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