Class 3 LP Sensitivity

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Linear Programming Formulations

Sensitivity Analysis

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations

Reference: HH: Chapter 5; CTR Chapter 3,4

October 19, 2016

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Linear Programming Formulations
Sensitivity Analysis

Review from Last Session

Simplex Method
Resource Allocation problems
Cost-Benefit-Trade-off problems
Mixed problems

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Linear Programming Formulations
Sensitivity Analysis


1 Linear Programming Formulations

Investment Planning
Blending Problem
Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

2 Sensitivity Analysis

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem


1 Linear Programming Formulations

Investment Planning
Blending Problem
Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

2 Sensitivity Analysis

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Retirement Planning Services

A client wishes to invest $750,000 in the following bonds.

Company Return Maturity Rating
Acme Chemical 8.65% 11 1-Excellent
DyneStart 9.50% 10 3-Good
Eagle Vision 10.00% 6 4-Fair
Micro Modeling 8.75% 10 1-Excellent
OptiPro 9.25% 7 3-Good
Sabre Systems 9.00% 13 2-Very Good

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Restrictions and Problem

Investment Restrictions
No more than 25% can be invested in any single company.
At least 50% should be invested in long-term bonds
(maturing in 10+ years).
No more than 35% can be invested in DynaStar, Eagle
Vision, and OptiPro.

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Restrictions and Problem

Investment Restrictions
No more than 25% can be invested in any single company.
At least 50% should be invested in long-term bonds
(maturing in 10+ years).
No more than 35% can be invested in DynaStar, Eagle
Vision, and OptiPro.
Goal:How to allocate investments to maximize income
while meeting investment restrictions

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Model

Decision Variables

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Model

Decision Variables
Xi = amount of money to invest in i; i = 1, . . . , 6

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Model

Decision Variables
Xi = amount of money to invest in i; i = 1, . . . , 6
Objective Function

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Model

Decision Variables
Xi = amount of money to invest in i; i = 1, . . . , 6
Objective Function
Maximize Total Annual Return:
0.0865X1 + 0.095X2 + 0.1X3 + 0.0875X4 + 0.0925X5 + 0.09X6

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Model

Decision Variables
Xi = amount of money to invest in i; i = 1, . . . , 6
Objective Function
Maximize Total Annual Return:
0.0865X1 + 0.095X2 + 0.1X3 + 0.0875X4 + 0.0925X5 + 0.09X6

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Model

Decision Variables
Xi = amount of money to invest in i; i = 1, . . . , 6
Objective Function
Maximize Total Annual Return:
0.0865X1 + 0.095X2 + 0.1X3 + 0.0875X4 + 0.0925X5 + 0.09X6
Xi = 750000 Available amount
Xi ≤ 187500 ∀ i no more than 25%
X1 + X2 + X4 + X6 ≤ 375000 at least half in long term
X2 + X3 + X5 ≤ 262500 no more than 35%
Xi ≥ 0; ∀ i Nonnegativity constraints

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Solving the Model

ACME $112500
Dynastar $75000
Eagle Vision $187500
MicroModeling $187500
Optipro $0
Sabre Systems $187500
Total Invested $750000

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Solving the Model

ACME $112500
Dynastar $75000
Eagle Vision $187500
MicroModeling $187500
Optipro $0
Sabre Systems $187500
Total Invested $750000
Notice more money placed on ACME than Dynastar and
Optipro, even thought they offer higher returns. This is
because Dynastar and Optipro are both higher-risk
investments and 35% limit on higher risk is binding.

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem


1 Linear Programming Formulations

Investment Planning
Blending Problem
Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

2 Sensitivity Analysis

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Blending Problem: Agri-Pro-Optimal Mix

Agri-Pro has received an order for 8,000 pounds of chicken

feed to be mixed from the following feeds.
Percent of Nutrient in
Nutrient Feed 1 Feed 2 Feed 3 Feed 4
Corn 30% 5% 20% 10%
Grain 10% 30% 15% 10%
Minerals 20% 20% 20% 30%
Cost/Pound $0.25 $0.30 $0.32 $0.15
The order must contain at least 20% corn, 15% grain, and
15% minerals.
Objective: Fill customer’s order at the lowest possible cost.

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formulation

Decision Variables

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formulation

Decision Variables
Xi = pounds of Feed i to use in mix; i = 1, 2, 3, 4

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formulation

Decision Variables
Xi = pounds of Feed i to use in mix; i = 1, 2, 3, 4
Objective Function

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formulation

Decision Variables
Xi = pounds of Feed i to use in mix; i = 1, 2, 3, 4
Objective Function
Minimize Total Cost:
0.25X1 + 0.30X2 + 0.32X3 + 0.15X4

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formulation

Decision Variables
Xi = pounds of Feed i to use in mix; i = 1, 2, 3, 4
Objective Function
Minimize Total Cost:
0.25X1 + 0.30X2 + 0.32X3 + 0.15X4

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formulation

Decision Variables
Xi = pounds of Feed i to use in mix; i = 1, 2, 3, 4
Objective Function
Minimize Total Cost:
0.25X1 + 0.30X2 + 0.32X3 + 0.15X4
X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 = 8000 Order

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formulation

Decision Variables
Xi = pounds of Feed i to use in mix; i = 1, 2, 3, 4
Objective Function
Minimize Total Cost:
0.25X1 + 0.30X2 + 0.32X3 + 0.15X4
X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 = 8000 Order

0.3X1 +0.05X2 +0.20X3 +0.10X4

≥ 0.20 at least 20% Corn

0.1X1 +0.3X2 +0.15X3 +0.1X4

≥ 0.15 at least 15% Grain

0.2X1 +0.2X2 +0.2X3 +0.3X4

≥ 0.15 at least 15% Minerals

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formulation

Decision Variables
Xi = pounds of Feed i to use in mix; i = 1, 2, 3, 4
Objective Function
Minimize Total Cost:
0.25X1 + 0.30X2 + 0.32X3 + 0.15X4
X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 = 8000 Order

0.3X1 +0.05X2 +0.20X3 +0.10X4

≥ 0.20 at least 20% Corn

0.1X1 +0.3X2 +0.15X3 +0.1X4

≥ 0.15 at least 15% Grain

0.2X1 +0.2X2 +0.2X3 +0.3X4

≥ 0.15 at least 15% Minerals

X1 , X2 , X3 , X4 ≥ 0 Nonnegativity constraints

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

A Comment about Scaling

Notice the coefficient for X2 in the “corn” constraint is

0.05/8000 = 0.00000625
As Solver runs, intermediate calculations are made that
make coefficients larger or smaller.
Storage problems may force the computer to use
approximations of the actual numbers.
Such scaling problems sometimes prevents Solver from
being able to solve the problem accurately.
Most problems can be formulated in a way to minimize
scaling errors.

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formulation of Rescaled Model

Decision Variables
Xi = pounds of Feed i in thousands of pound to use in mix ∀i
Objective Function
Minimize Total Cost: 250X1 + 300X2 + 320X3 + 150X4
X1 + X2 + X3 + X4 = 8 Order

0.3X1 +0.05X2 +0.20X3 +0.10X4

8 ≥ 0.20 at least 20% Corn

0.1X1 +0.3X2 +0.15X3 +0.1X4

8 ≥ 0.15 at least 15% Grain

0.2X1 +0.2X2 +0.2X3 +0.3X4

8 ≥ 0.15 at least 15% Minerals

X1 , X2 , X3 , X4 ≥ 0 Nonnegativity constraints
Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued
Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Scaling: Before and After

Largest constraint coefficient was 8,000
Smallest constraint coefficient was

0.05/8 = 0.00000625

Largest constraint coefficient is 8
Smallest constraint coefficient is

0.05/8 = 0.00625

The problem is now more evenly scaled

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem


1 Linear Programming Formulations

Investment Planning
Blending Problem
Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

2 Sensitivity Analysis

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Upton Corporation- Production Planning

Upton is planning the production of their heavy-duty air
compressors for the next 6 months.

1 2 3 4 5 6
Unit Production Cost $240 $250 $265 $285 $280 $260
Units Demanded 1,000 4,500 6,000 5,500 3,500 4,000
Maximum Production 4,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 4,000 3,500
Minimum Production 2,000 1,750 2,000 2,250 2,000 1,750
Beginning inventory = 2,750 units, Maximum warehouse
capacity = 6,000 units, Safety stock = 1,500 units
Unit carrying cost = 1.5% of unit production cost

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Upton Corporation- Production Planning

Upton is planning the production of their heavy-duty air
compressors for the next 6 months.

1 2 3 4 5 6
Unit Production Cost $240 $250 $265 $285 $280 $260
Units Demanded 1,000 4,500 6,000 5,500 3,500 4,000
Maximum Production 4,000 3,500 4,000 4,500 4,000 3,500
Minimum Production 2,000 1,750 2,000 2,250 2,000 1,750
Beginning inventory = 2,750 units, Maximum warehouse
capacity = 6,000 units, Safety stock = 1,500 units
Unit carrying cost = 1.5% of unit production cost
Objective: To identify the production and inventory plan for the
next six months that will meet the expected demand each month
while minimizing production and inventory costs.
Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued
Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formlation
Decision Variables

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formlation
Decision Variables
Pi = Number of units to produce in month i; i = 1, . . . , 6

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formlation
Decision Variables
Pi = Number of units to produce in month i; i = 1, . . . , 6
Derived Variables
Ii = Beginning inventory for month i; i = 1, . . . , 7

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formlation
Decision Variables
Pi = Number of units to produce in month i; i = 1, . . . , 6
Derived Variables
Ii = Beginning inventory for month i; i = 1, . . . , 7
Inventory Costs: (1.5% of Production Cost in same month)

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formlation
Decision Variables
Pi = Number of units to produce in month i; i = 1, . . . , 6
Derived Variables
Ii = Beginning inventory for month i; i = 1, . . . , 7
Inventory Costs: (1.5% of Production Cost in same month)
1 2 3 4 5 6
$3.60 $3.75 $3.98 $4.28 $4.20 $3.9

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formlation
Decision Variables
Pi = Number of units to produce in month i; i = 1, . . . , 6
Derived Variables
Ii = Beginning inventory for month i; i = 1, . . . , 7
Inventory Costs: (1.5% of Production Cost in same month)
1 2 3 4 5 6
$3.60 $3.75 $3.98 $4.28 $4.20 $3.9
Objective Function
Minimize Costs:Production Costs + Inventory Costs

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formlation
Decision Variables
Pi = Number of units to produce in month i; i = 1, . . . , 6
Derived Variables
Ii = Beginning inventory for month i; i = 1, . . . , 7
Inventory Costs: (1.5% of Production Cost in same month)
1 2 3 4 5 6
$3.60 $3.75 $3.98 $4.28 $4.20 $3.9
Objective Function
Minimize Costs:Production Costs + Inventory Costs
Production Costs:

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formlation
Decision Variables
Pi = Number of units to produce in month i; i = 1, . . . , 6
Derived Variables
Ii = Beginning inventory for month i; i = 1, . . . , 7
Inventory Costs: (1.5% of Production Cost in same month)
1 2 3 4 5 6
$3.60 $3.75 $3.98 $4.28 $4.20 $3.9
Objective Function
Minimize Costs:Production Costs + Inventory Costs
Production Costs:
240P1 + 250P2 + 265P3 + 285P4 + 280P5 + 260P6

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formlation
Decision Variables
Pi = Number of units to produce in month i; i = 1, . . . , 6
Derived Variables
Ii = Beginning inventory for month i; i = 1, . . . , 7
Inventory Costs: (1.5% of Production Cost in same month)
1 2 3 4 5 6
$3.60 $3.75 $3.98 $4.28 $4.20 $3.9
Objective Function
Minimize Costs:Production Costs + Inventory Costs
Production Costs:
240P1 + 250P2 + 265P3 + 285P4 + 280P5 + 260P6
Inventory Costs:

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formlation
Decision Variables
Pi = Number of units to produce in month i; i = 1, . . . , 6
Derived Variables
Ii = Beginning inventory for month i; i = 1, . . . , 7
Inventory Costs: (1.5% of Production Cost in same month)
1 2 3 4 5 6
$3.60 $3.75 $3.98 $4.28 $4.20 $3.9
Objective Function
Minimize Costs:Production Costs + Inventory Costs
Production Costs:
240P1 + 250P2 + 265P3 + 285P4 + 280P5 + 260P6
Inventory Costs:
3.6(I1 + I2 )/2 + 3.75(I2 + I3 )/2 + 3.98(I3 + I4 )/2+
4.28(I4 + I5 )/2 + 4.20(I5 + I6 )/2 + 3.9(I6 + I7 )/2
Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued
Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formulation: Constraints

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formulation: Constraints

Production Capacity Constraints

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formulation: Constraints

Production Capacity Constraints
2000 ≤ P1 ≤ 4000
1750 ≤ P2 ≤ 3500
2000 ≤ P3 ≤ 4000
2250 ≤ P4 ≤ 4500
2000 ≤ P5 ≤ 4000
1750 ≤ P6 ≤ 3500

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formulation: Constraints

Production Capacity Constraints
2000 ≤ P1 ≤ 4000
1750 ≤ P2 ≤ 3500
2000 ≤ P3 ≤ 4000
2250 ≤ P4 ≤ 4500
2000 ≤ P5 ≤ 4000
1750 ≤ P6 ≤ 3500
Ending Inventory =Beginning Inventory + Units Produced-Units Sold

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formulation: Constraints

Production Capacity Constraints
2000 ≤ P1 ≤ 4000
1750 ≤ P2 ≤ 3500
2000 ≤ P3 ≤ 4000
2250 ≤ P4 ≤ 4500
2000 ≤ P5 ≤ 4000
1750 ≤ P6 ≤ 3500
Ending Inventory =Beginning Inventory + Units Produced-Units Sold
1500 ≤ I1 + P1 − 1000 ≤ 6000
1500 ≤ I2 + P2 − 4500 ≤ 6000
1500 ≤ I3 + P3 − 6000 ≤ 6000
1500 ≤ I4 + P4 − 5500 ≤ 6000
1500 ≤ I5 + P5 − 3500 ≤ 6000
1500 ≤ I6 + P6 − 4000 ≤ 6000
Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued
Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formulation: Constraints

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formulation: Constraints

Inventory Balance Constraints

I1 = 2750
I2 = I1 + P1 − 1000
I3 = I2 + P2 − 4500
I4 = I3 + P3 − 6000
I5 = I4 + P4 − 5500
I6 = I5 + P5 − 3500
I7 = I6 + P6 − 4000

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem


1 Linear Programming Formulations

Investment Planning
Blending Problem
Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

2 Sensitivity Analysis

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem: Taco Viva

Taco-Viva needs a sinking fund to pay $800,000 in building

costs for a new restaurant in the next 6 months.
Payments of $250,000 are due at the end of months 2 and
4, and a final payment of $300,000 is due at the end of
month 6.
The following investments may be used.

Investment Available Months Yield at Maturity

in Month Maturity
A 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1 1.8%
B 1, 3, 5 2 3.5%
C 1, 4 3 5.8%
D 1 6 11.0%
Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued
Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem


The management at Taco-Viva needs to determine the

investment plan that allows them to meet the required
schedule of payments while placing the least amount of
money in the construction fund.

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formulation

Decision Variables

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formulation

Decision Variables
Ai = amount (in $1,000s) placed in investment A
at the beginning of month i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Bi = amount (in $1,000s) placed in investment B
at the beginning of month i = 1, 3, 5
Ci = amount (in $1,000s) placed in investment C
at the beginning of month i = 1, 4
Di = amount (in $1,000s) placed in investment D
at the beginning of month i = 1

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formulation

Decision Variables
Ai = amount (in $1,000s) placed in investment A
at the beginning of month i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Bi = amount (in $1,000s) placed in investment B
at the beginning of month i = 1, 3, 5
Ci = amount (in $1,000s) placed in investment C
at the beginning of month i = 1, 4
Di = amount (in $1,000s) placed in investment D
at the beginning of month i = 1
Objective Function
Minimize the total cash invested in month 1.

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formulation

Decision Variables
Ai = amount (in $1,000s) placed in investment A
at the beginning of month i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Bi = amount (in $1,000s) placed in investment B
at the beginning of month i = 1, 3, 5
Ci = amount (in $1,000s) placed in investment C
at the beginning of month i = 1, 4
Di = amount (in $1,000s) placed in investment D
at the beginning of month i = 1
Objective Function
Minimize the total cash invested in month 1.
A1 + B1 + C1 + D1

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formulation: Constraints


Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formulation: Constraints

Total Amount maturing at the beginning of the month =
Total amount reinvested at the beginning of the month +
Payment due at the beginning of the month

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formulation: Constraints

Total Amount maturing at the beginning of the month =
Total amount reinvested at the beginning of the month +
Payment due at the beginning of the month
Cash Flow Constraints

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Investment Planning
Linear Programming Formulations Blending Problem
Sensitivity Analysis Production Planning
Multiperiod Cash-Flow Problem

Algebraic Formulation: Constraints

Total Amount maturing at the beginning of the month =
Total amount reinvested at the beginning of the month +
Payment due at the beginning of the month
Cash Flow Constraints
1.018A1 − A2 = 0 month 2
1.035B1 + 1.018A2 − 1A3 − 1B3 = 250 month 3
1.058C1 + 1.018A3 − 1A4 − 1C4 = 0 month 4
1.035B3 + 1.018A4 − 1A5 − 1B5 = 250 month 5
1.018A5 − 1A6 = 0 month 6
1.11D1 + 1.058C4 + 1.035B5 + 1.018A6 = 300 month 7
Nonnegativity Constraints A1 , Bi , Ci , Di ≥ 0; ∀ i

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Linear Programming Formulations
Sensitivity Analysis


When solving an LP problem we assume that values of all

model coefficients are known with certainty.
Such certainty rarely exists.
Sensitivity analysis helps answer questions about how
sensitive the optimal solution is to changes in various
coefficients in a model.

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Linear Programming Formulations
Sensitivity Analysis

Approaches to Sensitivity Analysis

Change the data and re-solve the model!

Sometimes this is the only practical approach.
Solver also produces sensitivity reports that can answer
various questions

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

Linear Programming Formulations
Sensitivity Analysis

Solver’s Sensitivity Report

Answers questions about:

Amounts by which objective function coefficients can
change without changing the optimal solution.
The impact on the optimal objective function value of
changes in constrained resources.
The impact on the optimal objective function value of
forced changes in decision variables.
The impact changes in constraint coefficients will have on
the optimal solution.

Class 3: Linear Programming Formulations -Continued

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