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1.1 Basic Overview

1.2 Parts Of Lathe Machine

1.2.1 Bed

1.2.2 Head Stock

1.2.3 Gear Box

1.2.4 Carriage

1.2.5 Tail stock

1.3 Lathe Operations

1.3.1 Turning

1.3.2 Taper Turning

1.3.3 Knurling

1.3.4 Drilling
1.3.5 Threading

1.3.6 Chamfering

1.3.7 Grooving

1.3.8 Parting


2.1 Introduction to CNC Machines

2.2 Advantages & Disadvantages of CNC

2.2.1 Advantages

2.2.2 Disadvantages

2.3 Features of CNC

2.4 Types of CNC

2.5 Machine Structure

2.6 Configuration of CNC

2.7 Structure of Part Programming

2.8 Various G codes

2.9 Various M codes


3.1 Introduction

3.2 Parts of Machine

3.3 Specification of Material Used

3.4 Process Used in Assembly

3.5 Casting

3.5.1 Metal Casting

3.5.2 Sand Casting

3.6 Wooden Platform

3.7 Specification of Wooden Platforms



4.1 About CIHT

4.2 Consultancy

4.3 Machinery

4.4 Heat Treatment Shop

4.5 Workshop

4.6 Testing & Quality Check

4.7 Testing Equipments

4.8 Training Services



A lathe is well-defined as / lelo. It is a piece of equipment which twirls the article on its middle
axis to bring out a diversity of procedures like cutting, sparkling , piercing, or curve with tools
that are applied to the object to create a part which has regularity about an axis of revolution.

Lathes are used for woodturning, metalworking, metal spinning, as well as tumbler functioning.
The best-known design of lathe machine can be the tinker’s sweep. The majority suitably
capable of Metalworking lathes can properly capable of to generate most hard substances to
fabricate diverse machine parts. Plane exteriors as well as screw threads or helices can moreover
be made. Lathes can be used to form ceramic objects; smithy etc. Gold smiths use decorative
lathes to produce jewellery of astonishing complexity. The object can be secured in place by one
or two axis. To supply accommodation altered stuff distance end to end, at least one of which
can be twisted straight. Next bits and pieces can be produced on a lathe: candlestick holders, cue
sticks, table legs, crockery, etc.

When an object is protected between the front stock moreover the back stock, it is well thought-
out to be permanently fixed in midpoints. When an article is held at both nail trimmings, it is
further steady. Consequently as working on the article more power can be applied to the object,
right through equipments and the object still remains in position and it does not get release.

When an article is fixed to the spindle at the front stock ending, it is freely held at one end only.
Here there are chances of releasing. When an object is fixed in this style, one can apply less force
to a thing, through kits, Care requirements to be taken or else calamity can transpire.

When an objective is preset through a definite affiliation of revolution, worked, then fixed with a
new bloc of mutiny it is identified as compound axial procedure. The outcome is that a diversity
of cross segments of an entity varies at different bloc.

The smallest amounts of lathes are used for watchmakers. They are small and can be picked up
in a hand. The object manufactured by a jeweler can be of gold or silver.

Minor metalworking lathes are bigger than jewelers’ lathes. They can put back into working
order on a work surface or counter. They cannot be used for repetitive production. They are for
single use only. Only few lathes are for second use, nut still they have intricate facilities.

1.2Parts of Lathe Machine

Fig. 1.1

1.2.1 Bed: -
The bed is a heavy, rugged casting in which are mounted the working parts of the lathe. It carries
the headstock and tailstock for supporting the work piece and provides a base for the movement
of carriage assembly which carries the tool.

1.2.2 Headstock: -
The headstock is clamped on the left hand side of the bed and it serves as a housing for the
driving pulleys, back gears, headstock spindle or machine spindles, live centre and the feed
reverse gear. The headstock spindle is a hollow cylindrical shaft that provides a drive from the
motor to work holding devices. The spindle can be driven by a stepped pulley and a belt, or by
transmission gears. The lathe with a stepped pulley drive is generally called a belt-driven lathe,
and the gear driven lathe is referred to as a geared-head lathe.

1.2.3 Gear-Box: -
The quick change gear-box is placed below the headstock and contains a number of different
sized gears. This provides the feed rod and lead screw with various speeds for turning and thread

cutting operations. The feed rod advances the carriage for turning operations whereas the lead
screw does so far cutting threads.

1.2.4 Carriage: -
The carriage is located between the headstock and tailstock and serves the purpose of supporting,
guiding and feeding the tool against the job during operation. Main parts of carriage are saddle,
cross slide, compound rest, tool post, apron.

1.2.5 Tailstock: -
The tailstock is a movable casting located opposite the headstock on the ways of the bed. The
tailstock can slide along the bed to accommodate different lengths of work piece between the
centers. A tailstock clamp is provided to lock the tailstock at any desired position. The tailstock
spindle has an internal taper to hold the dead centre and the tapered shank tools such as reamers.

1.3 Lathe Operations:

Lathe Machine is very basic machine tool which is capable of producing almost all kinds of
output jobs with its wide range of operations. In this article, I will try to explain some of basic
lathe operations which have brought importance to lathe machine.

1.3.1. Turning:

This is most basic and important lathe operation. It can be said that, Turning is the operation
which has brought lathe into existence. Job is held at chuck and rotates at particular RPM. Tool
held at tool post. With carriage assembly tool is fed into job parallel to axis of rotation of job.
This operation is used to make job circular and to reduce the diameter of the job as per need.

1.3.2. Taper Turning:

This is similar to turning. Apart from turning, tool path cuts the axis of rotation of tool at a
particular angle. This motion of tool is achieved through combined motions of carriage assembly
and cross slide.

1.3.3. Knurling:

Knurling is not a cutting operation. Knurling is achieved using knurling tool. This tool has two
wheels with slashed lines on it. This tool is pressed against rotating job to get knurled part.
Knurling is achieved using plastic deformation of job material.

1.3.4. Drilling:

Drilling at the lathe machine is achieved in bit different way than other lathe operations. Drilling
tool is held in the tail stock and fed into job using handle on tailstock.

1.3.5. Threading:

For threading operations to be done accurately, tool must be fed into job with constant speed.
This constant motion is achieved by attaching carriage assembly with lead screw. Lead screw is
connected to the driving mechanism through gear trains. So, for particular rpm of job there is
constant rpm of lead screw. Threading is of two types viz. External Threading, Internal

a. External Threading:

External threading is done by V shaped tool. It is easier than internal threading.

b. Internal Threading:

Internal threading is also done by V shaped tool. But in this case tool is mounted on thin bar
which can be able to go into bore of the work piece where threading is to be done. Shaping tool
for this operation is work of skilled worker.

1.3.6. Chamfering:

Chamfering is slash cutting of the edges of the work piece. It can be called as very small taper
turning but still taper turning needs a lot more accuracy and skill than chamfering. Also, both
have very different sets of uses.

1.3.7. Grooving:

Grooving is generally needed to be done before external threading. In this, grooving tool is fed
perpendicular to axis of rotation of job.

1.3.8. Parting:

Parting is like that of grooving. Parting is done for cutting of job into part.

In order to meet the increasing demand to manufacture
complicatedcomponents of high accuracy in large quantities, sophisticated
technologicale q u i p m e n t a n d m a c h i n e r y h a v e b e e n d e v e l o p e
d. Production
o f t h e s e components calls for machine tools which can be s
e t u p f a i r l y r a p i d l y without much
attention.Th e d e s i g n a n d c o n s t r u c t i o n o f C o mp u t e r Nu me r i c a l l y C o
n t r o l l e d (CNC) machines differs greatly from that of conventional
machine tools .This difference arises from the requirements of higher
performance levels .The CNC machines often employ the various
mechatronics elements that have been developed over the years.
However, the quality and reliability of these machines depends on the various
machine elements and subsystems of the machines. There are some of the
important constituents parts and aspects of CNC machines to be considered in their
designing, for example Machine structure, guide ways, Feed drives, Spindle and
Spindle bearings,
Measurings y s t e m s , C o n t r o l s , S o f t w a r e a n d O p e r a t o r i n t e r
f a c e , G a u g i n g , T o o l monitoring.The control of a machine tool by means
of stored information
throught h e c o m p u t e r i s k n o w n a s C o m p u t e r N u m e r i c a
l l y C o n t r o l l e d . T h e i n f o r ma t i o n s t o r e d i n t h e c o mp u t e r c a n
b e r e a d b y a u t o ma t i c me a n s a n d converted into electrical signals,
which operate the electrically controlled servo systems. Electrically
controlled servo systems permits the slides of a machine tool to be driven
simultaneously and at the appropriate feeds and direction so that complex
shapes can be cut, often with a single operation and without the need
to reorient the work piece. Computer Numerically Control can be applied to
milling machines,
Lathe machines, Grinding machines, Boring machines, Flam
e c u t t e r s , Drilling machines etc.




•Higher flexibility.
•Increased productivity.
•Consistent quality.
•Reduced scrap rate.
•Reliable operation.
•Reduced non-productive time.
•Reduced manpower.
•Shorter cycle time.
•Just in time manufacture.
•An automatic material handling.
•Lesser floor space.
•Increased operational safety.
•Machining of advanced materials.

•CNC machines are more expensive than manually operated machines.
•Investment in CNC machines can lead to unemployment.
•Higher maintenance cost.
•Costlier CNC personnel.
•Air conditioned place are required for installation of the machines.
•Unsuitable for long run applications.
•Training of part programmer is required.


•Rigid machine structure is provided, in order to bear the static load,

Dynamic load, Thermal load, Vibration.

• Guide ways are used in machine tools to control the direction or line of a c t i o n
o f t h e c a r r i a g e o r t h e t a b l e o n whi c h a t o o l o r wo r k p e i c e i s held, to
absorb all the static and dynamic forces.

• On a CNC machine the function of feed rate drive is to provide motion to the
slide as per the motion commands .Since the degree of accuracy requirements are
high, the feed drive should having high efficiencyand response.

•Hydrodynamic bearings, Hydrostatic Bearings, Antifriction Bearings are

provided to the CNC machine. In order to achieve the accuracy andthe quality of
the work produced depends directly on the geometrical accuracy, running
accuracy and the stiffness of the spindle assembly.

•On all CNC machines, an electronic measuring system is employed one a c h

c o n t r o l l e d a x i s t o mo n i t o r t h e mo v e me n t a n d t o c o mp a r e
t h e position of the slide and the spindle with the desired position.

•C N C c o n t r o l s a r e t h e h e a r t o f t h e C N C m a c h i n e s . T h e e a r l y
C N C controls were developed for simple applications in turning,
machiningc e n t r e s a n d g r i n d i n g . B u t w i t h i n c r e a s e d c a p a b i l i t i e
s o n m o d e r n machine tools such as higher spindle speeds, higher rapid
traverses and mo r e n u mb e r o f a x e s , C NC s ys t e ms h a v e b e en
d e v e l o p e d t o me e t these needs.

•Better work piece quality is one of the most important advantages

inu s i n g a h i -
tech CNC machine. To maintain quality the effect of
p a r a me t e r s l i k e t o o l w e a r a n d t he r ma l g r o wt h c a n b e e l i mi n a t e d
b yautomatic gauging system.

•P r e s e n t l y , e s t a b l i s h e d t o o l m o n i t o r i n g s e n s o r s a n d s y
s t e m s a r e available commercially for integrating and syste
m s a r e a v a i l a b l e commercially for integrating with CNC machines.

Tool monitoringsystems enable the introduction of adaptive contr ols on

machines for optimizing the cutting parameters.

•Feedback is taken from various devices, e.g. Encoders, Transducers


Following are the some important types of CNC machines,

1. Machining centre.
a) Vertical machining centre.
b) Turret machining centre.
c) Horizontal machining centre.
2. CNC Lathe Machine.
3. CNC Turning Machine.
4. CNC Drilling Machine.
5. CNC Milling Machine.
6. CNC Special Purpose Machine.


The machine structure is the load carrying and supporting member of t h e

ma c h i n e t o o l . A l l t h e mo t o r s d r i v e me c h a n i s ms a n d o t h er
f u n c t i o n a l assemblies of machine tools are aligned to each other and
rigidity fixed tot h e m a c h i n e s t r u c t u r e . T h e
m a c h i n e s t r u c t u r e i s s u b j e c t e d t o s t a t i c a n d d yn a mi c f o r c e s
a n d i t i s , t h e r e f o r e , e s s e n t i a l t h a t t h e s t r u c t u r e d o e s n o t deform or
vibrate beyond the permissible limits under the action of these f o r c e s
.All components of the machine must
r e m a i n i n c o r r e c t r e l a t i v e positions to maintain the geometric
accuracy, regardless of the magnitude and direction of these forces. The
machine structure configuration is also influenced by the consideration
of manufacture, assembly and operation. The basic design factors involved in
the design of machine structureare as follows,

1. Static load
2. Dynamic load
3. Thermal load
4. Guide ways
5. Feed drive: -
1) Servo motor,
2) Mechanical Transmission System
6. Spindle / spindle bearings
1) Hydrodynamic
2) Hydrostatic
3) Antifriction
7. Measuring Systems: -
1) Direct
2) Indirect
8. Controls, Software and user interface
9. Gauging
10. Tool monitoring systems: -
1) Direct
2) Indirect

Fig 3.2


Fig shows a schematic diagram of the working principle of an NCaxis of a CNC

machine and the interface of a CNC control.A CNC system basically consists of
the following:-
•Central processing unit (CPU).
•Servo control unit
•Operator control panel
•Machine control panel
•Other peripheral devices
•Programmable logic controller Figure gives the typical control configuration of
Hinumerik 3100 CNCsystem.

1. Central Processing Unit (CPU) :-

T h e C P U i s t h e h e a r t o f a C NC s ys t e m. I t a c c e p t s t he
information stored in the memory as part program
. T h i s d a t a i s decoded and transformed into specific position control
and velocitysignals. It also oversees the movement of the control axis or
spindlea n d w h e n e v e r t h i s d o e s n o t m a t c h w i t h t h e
p r o g r a m m e d v a l u e s , a corrective action was taken. All the compensation
required for machine accuracies (like
leads c r e w p i t c h e r r o r , t o o l w e a r o u t
,backlashes.) are calculated by CPU depending upon the

corresponding inputs made available to the system. Thesame will be taken care
of during the generation of control signals for thea x i s mo v e me n t . Al s o,
s o me basic safety checks are built into the
s ys t e mt h r o u g h t h i s u n i t a n d c o n t i n u o u s n e c e s s a r y c o r r e c t i v e
a c t i o n s w i l l b e provided by CPU unit. Whenever the situation goes
beyond control of theC P U , i t t a k e s t h e f i n a l a c t i o n o f s h u t t i n g d o wn
t h e s ys t e m a n d i n t u r n t h e machine.

2. Servo control unit: -

The decoded position and velocity control signals, generated by the CPU for the
axis movement forms the input to the servo controlunit. This unit in turn
generates suitable signals as command values.The command values are
converted by the servo drive units which areinterfaced with the axes and
the spindle motors.The servo control unit receives the position feedback signalsfor
the actual movement of the machine tool axes from the feedback devices
(like linear scales, rotary encoders, revolvers, etc.)

3. Operator Control Panel: -

The Operator Control Panel provides control panel providesthe user interface to
facilitate a two way communication between theuser, CNC system and the
machine tool. This consists of two parts;
•Video display unit

4. Machine Control Panel: -

It is the direct interface between the operator and the NC
s y s t e m , enabling the operation of the machine through the CNC system.During
program execution, the CNC controls the axis the motion,
spindlef u n c t i o n o r t o o l f u n c t i o n o n a m a c h i n e t o o l , d e p e
n d i n g u p o n t h e p a r t program stored in the memory. Prior to the starting
of the machining process, machine should first be prepared with some specific
takes like,
•Establishing a correct reference point
•Loading the system memory with the required part program
•Loading and checking of tool offsets, zero offsets, etc.

5. Other peripheral devices: -

These include sensor interface, provision
for c o m mu n i c a t i o n e q u i p me n t , p r o g r a m mi n g u n i t s , p r i n t e r , t a p e r e
a d e r interface, etc.

6. Programmable logic Controller: -

A PLC matches the NC to the machine. PLC’s were basically as replacement for
hard wired relay control panels. They were basically introduced as
replacement for hard wired relay panels. Theyd e v e l o p e d t o b e r e -
programmed without hardware changes whenrequirements w
ere altered and thus are re-
usable. PLC’s are nowa v a i l a b l e w i t h i n c r e a s e d f u n c t i
o n s , m o r e m e m o r y a n d l a r g e r input/output capabilities. In the
CPU, all the decisions are made relative
toc o n t r o l l i n g a m a c h i n e o r a p r o c e s s . T h e C P U r e c e i v e s i n p
u t d a t a , performs logical decisions based upon stored programs and
drives the outputs .Connection to a computer for hierarchical control are done via
the CPU.


Part program defines a sequence of NC machining operations.

Theinformation contained in the program can be dimensional or non
dimensionallike speed, feed, auxiliary functions, etc.. The basic unit of a
programi n p u t t o t h e c o n t r o l i s c a l l e d a b l o c k . E a c h b l o c
k c o n t a i n s a d e q u a t e information for the machine to perform a movement
and or functions. Block i n t u r n a r e m a d e u p o f w o r d s a n d e a c h
word consists of a number
o f characters. All blocks are terminated by the block end c
h a r a c t e r . T h e maximum block length for each CNC is fixed.A block may
contain any or all the following: -

•Optional block skip (/).

•Sequence or block number (N).
•Preparatory functions (G).
•Dimensional information (X, Y, Z etc.)
•Decimal point (.).
•Feed rate (F).
•Spindle speed (S).
•Tool number (T).
•Tool offset function (D).
•Miscellaneous functions (M, H, etc.)
•End of block (EOB / *)


G00 On 2- or 3-axis moves, G00 (unlike G01) traditionally

does not necessarily move in a single straight line
between start point and end point. It moves each axis at
its max speed until its vector is achieved. Shorter vector
usually finishes first (given similar axis speeds). This
Rapid positioning M T matters because it may yield a dog-leg or hockey-stick
motion, which the programmer needs to consider
depending on what obstacles are nearby, to avoid a
crash. Some machines offer interpolated rapids as a
feature for ease of programming (safe to assume a
straight line).

G01 The most common workhorse code for feeding during a

cut. The program specs the start and end points, and the
control automatically calculates (interpolates) the
intermediate points to pass through that will yield a
Linear interpolation M T straight line (hence "linear"). The control then calculates
the angular velocities at which to turn the
axis leadscrews via their servomotors or stepper motors.
The computer performs thousands of calculations per
second, and the motors react quickly to each input. Thus
the actual toolpath of the machining takes place with the

given feedrate on a path that is accurately linear to

within very small limits.

G02 Very similar in concept to G01. Again, the

control interpolates intermediate points and commands
the servo- or stepper motors to rotate the amount needed
for the leadscrew to translate the motion to the correct
tool tip positioning. This process repeated thousands of
times per minute generates the desired toolpath. In the
case of G02, the interpolation generates a circle rather
than a line. As with G01, the actual toolpath of the
machining takes place with the given feedrate on a path
Circular interpolation, that accurately matches the ideal (in G02's case, a
clockwise circle) to within very small limits. In fact, the
interpolation is so precise (when all conditions are
correct) that milling an interpolated circle can obviate
operations such as drilling, and often even fine boring.
On most controls you cannot
start G41 or G42 in G02 or G03 modes. You must
already have compensated in an earlier G01 block.
Often a short linear lead-in movement will be
programmed, merely to allow cutter compensation
before the main event, the circle-cutting, begins.

G03 Circular interpolation,

M T Same corollary info as for G02.

G04 Takes an address for dwell period (may be X, U, or P).

Dwell M T
The dwell period is specified in milliseconds.

G05P10000 Uses a deep look-ahead buffer and simulation

High-precision contour
M processing to provide better axis movement acceleration
control (HPCC)
and deceleration during contour milling

G05.1 Q1. Uses a deep look-ahead buffer and simulation

Ai Nano contour control M processing to provide better axis movement acceleration
and deceleration during contour milling

G06.1 Activates Non-Uniform Rational B Spline for complex

Non Uniform Rational B
M curve and waveform machining (this code is confirmed
Spline Machining
in Mazatrol 640M ISO Programming)

G07 Imaginary axis designation M

G09 Exact stop check M T

G10 Programmable data input M T

G11 Data write cancel M T

G12 Fixed cycle for ease of programming 360° circular

Full-circle interpolation,
M interpolation with blend-radius lead-in and lead-out. Not
standard on Fanuc controls.

G13 Fixed cycle for ease of programming 360° circular

Full-circle interpolation,
M interpolation with blend-radius lead-in and lead-out. Not
standard on Fanuc controls.

G17 XY plane selection M

G18 On most CNC lathes (built 1960s to 2000s), ZX is the

only available plane, so no G17 to G19 codes are used.
This is now changing as the era begins in which live
tooling, multitask/multifunction, and mill-turn/turn-mill
ZX plane selection M T
gradually become the "new normal". But the simpler,
traditional form factor will probably not disappear—just
move over to make room for the newer configurations.
See also V address.

G19 YZ plane selection M

G20 Somewhat uncommon except in USA and (to lesser

extent) Canada and UK. However, in the global
marketplace, competence with both G20 and G21
Programming ininches M T always stands some chance of being necessary at any
time. The usual minimum increment in G20 is one ten-
thousandth of an inch (0.0001"), which is a larger
distance than the usual minimum increment in G21 (one
thousandth of a millimeter, .001 mm, that is,

one micrometer). This physical difference sometimes

favors G21 programming.

G21 Prevalent worldwide. However, in the global

Programming marketplace, competence with both G20 and G21
inmillimeters (mm) always stands some chance of being necessary at any

G28 Takes X Y Z addresses which define the intermediate

Return to home position
point that the tool tip will pass through on its way home
(machine zero, aka M T
to machine zero. They are in terms of part zero (aka
machine reference point)
program zero), NOT machine zero.

G30 Takes a P address specifying which machine zero point

Return to secondary home is desired, if the machine has several secondary points
position (machine zero, (P1 to P4). Takes X Y Z addresses which define the
aka machine reference intermediate point that the tool tip will pass through on
point) its way home to machine zero. They are in terms of part
zero (aka program zero), NOT machine zero.

G31 Skip function (used for

probes and tool length M
measurement systems)

G32 Single-point threading, Similar to G01 linear interpolation, except with

longhand style (if not T automatic spindle synchronization for single-point
using a cycle, e.g., G76) threading.

G33 Constant-pitchthreading M

G33 Single-point threading,

Some lathe controls assign this mode to G33 rather than
longhand style (if not T
using a cycle, e.g., G76)

G34 Variable-pitch threading M

G40 M T Cancels G41 or G42.

Tool radius compensation


G41 Milling: Given righthand-helix cutter and M03 spindle

direction, G41 corresponds to climb milling (down
milling). Takes an address (D or H) that calls an offset
register value for radius.
Turning: Often needs no D or H address on lathes,
because whatever tool is active automatically calls its
geometry offsets with it. (Each turret station is bound to
its geometry offset register.)

G41 and G42 for milling has become less frequently

Tool radius compensation
M T used since CAM programming has become more
common. CAM systems allow the user to program as if
with a zero-diameter cutter. The fundamental concept of
cutter radius compensation is still in play (i.e., that the
surface produced will be distance R away from the
cutter center), but the programming mindset is different;
the human does not choreograph the toolpath with
conscious, painstaking attention to G41, G42, and G40,
because the CAM software takes care of it.

G42 Similar corollary info as for G41. Given righthand-helix

cutter and M03 spindle direction, G42 corresponds
Tool radius compensation to conventional milling (up milling).
See also the comments for G41.

G43 Takes an address, usually H, to call the tool length

Tool height offset offset register value. The value is negative because it
compensation negative will be added to the gauge line position. G43 is the
commonly used version (vs G44).
G44 Takes an address, usually H, to call the tool length
Tool height offset offset register value. The value is positive because it
compensation positive will be subtracted from the gauge line position. G44 is
the seldom-used version (vs G43).
G45 Axis offset single increase M
G46 Axis offset single decrease M
G47 Axis offset double increase M
G48 Axis offset double
G49 Tool length offset M Cancels G43 or G44.

compensation cancel
G50 Takes an S address integer which is interpreted as rpm.
Define the maximum Without this feature, G96 mode (CSS) would rev the
spindle speed spindle to "wide open throttle" when closely
approaching the axis of rotation.
G50 Scaling function cancel M
Position register is one of the original methods to relate
the part (program) coordinate system to the tool
position, which indirectly relates it to the machine
coordinate system, the only position the control really
Position register
"knows". Not commonly programmed anymore
G50 (programming of vector T
because G54 to G59 (WCSs) are a better, newer
from part zero to tool tip)
method. Called via G50 for turning, G92 for milling.
Those G addresses also have alternate meanings (which
see). Position register can still be useful for datum shift
G52 Local coordinate system Temporarily shifts program zero to a new location. This
(LCS) simplifies programming in some cases.
G53 Takes absolute coordinates (X,Y,Z,A,B,C) with
reference to machine zero rather than program zero. Can
Machine coordinate
M T be helpful for tool changes. Nonmodal and absolute
only. Subsequent blocks are interpreted as "back
to G54" even if it is not explicitly programmed.
G54 to G59 Have largely replaced position register (G50 and G92).
Each tuple of axis offsets relates program zero directly
Work coordinate systems
M T to machine zero. Standard is 6 tuples (G54 to G59),
with optional extensibility to 48 more via G54.1 P1 to
G54.1 P1 to Up to 48 more WCSs besides the 6 provided as standard
P48 by G54 to G59. Note floating-point extension of G-code
Extended work coordinate
M T data type (formerly all integers). Other examples have
also evolved (e.g., G84.2). Modern controls have
the hardware to handle it.
G70 Fixed cycle, multiple
repetitive cycle, for
finishing (including
G71 Fixed cycle, multiple
repetitive cycle, for
roughing (Z-axis
G72 Fixed cycle, multiple
repetitive cycle, for
roughing (X-axis

G73 Fixed cycle, multiple

repetitive cycle, for
roughing, with pattern
G73 Peck drilling cycle for Retracts only as far as a clearance increment (system
milling - high-speed (NO M parameter). For when chipbreaking is the main concern,
full retraction from pecks) but chip clogging of flutes is not.
G74 Peck drilling cycle for
Tapping cycle for
G74 milling, lefthand thread, M
M04 spindle direction
G75 Peck grooving cycle for
G76 Fine boring cycle for
Threading cycle for
G76 turning, multiple repetitive T
G80 Milling: Cancels all cycles such as G73, G83, G88, etc.
Z-axis returns either to Z-initial level or R-level, as
programmed (G98 or G99, respectively).
Cancel canned cycle M T
Turning: Usually not needed on lathes, because a new
group-1 G address (G00 to G03) cancels whatever cycle
was active.
G81 Simple drilling cycle M No dwell built in
G82 Dwells at hole bottom (Z-depth) for the number
Drilling cycle with dwell M of milliseconds specified by the P address. Good for
when hole bottom finish matters.
G83 Peck drilling cycle (full Returns to R-level after each peck. Good for clearing
retraction from pecks) flutes of chips.
G84 Tapping cycle,righthand
thread,M03 spindle M
G84.2 Tapping cycle, righthand
thread,M03 spindle M
direction, rigid toolholder
G90 Positioning defined with reference to part zero.
Milling: Always as above.
Turning: Sometimes as above (Fanuc group type B and
T similarly designed), but on most lathes (Fanuc group
Absolute programming M
(B) type A and similarly designed), G90/G91 are not used
for absolute/incremental modes. Instead, U and W are
the incremental addresses and X and Z are the absolute
addresses. On these lathes, G90 is instead a fixed cycle

address for roughing.

Fixed cycle, simple cycle,
G90 for roughing (Z-axis When not serving for absolute programming (above)
G91 Positioning defined with reference to previous position.
Milling: Always as above.
Turning: Sometimes as above (Fanuc group type B and
similarly designed), but on most lathes (Fanuc group
Incremental programming M type A and similarly designed), G90/G91 are not used
for absolute/incremental modes. Instead, U and W are
the incremental addresses and X and Z are the absolute
addresses. On these lathes, G90 is a fixed cycle address
for roughing.
G92 Same corollary info as at G50 position register.
Position register Milling: Always as above.
(programming of vector M Turning: Sometimes as above (Fanuc group type B and
from part zero to tool tip) similarly designed), but on most lathes (Fanuc group
type A and similarly designed), position register is G50.
Threading cycle, simple T
cycle (A)
G94 T
Feedrate per minute M On group type A lathes, feedrate per minute is G98.
Fixed cycle, simple cycle,
G94 for roughing (X-axis When not serving for feedrate per minute (above)
G95 T
Feedrate per revolution M On group type A lathes, feedrate per revolution is G99.
G96 Varies spindle speed automatically to achieve a constant
Constant surface speed surface speed. See speeds and feeds. Takes an S address
(CSS) integer, which is interpreted as sum in G20 mode or as
m/min in G21 mode.
G97 Takes an S address integer, which is interpreted as
Constant spindle speed M T rev/min (rpm). The default speed mode per system
parameter if no mode is programmed.
G98 Return to initial Z level in
canned cycle
Feedrate per minute (group T
G98 Feedrate per minute is G94 on group type B.
type A) (A)
G99 Return to R level in
canned cycle
Feedrate per revolution T
G99 Feedrate per revolution is G95 on group type B.
(group type A) (A)


Milling Turning
Code Description Corollary info
(M) (T)

M00 Non-optional—machine will always stop upon

Compulsory stop M T
reaching M00 in the program execution.

M01 Machine will only stop at M01 if operator has pushed

Optional stop M T
the optional stop button.

M02 No return to program top; may or may not reset register

End of program M T

M03 The speed of the spindle is determined by the

address S, in either revolutions per minute (G97 mode;
default) or surface feet per minute or [surface] meters
per minute (G96 mode [CSS] under
either G20 or G21). The right-hand rule can be used to
determine which direction is clockwise and which
direction is counter-clockwise.
Spindle on
(clockwise rotation) Right-hand-helix screws moving in the tightening
direction (and right-hand-helix flutes spinning in the
cutting direction) are defined as moving in the M03
direction, and are labeled "clockwise" by convention.
The M03 direction is always M03 regardless of local
vantage point and local CW/CCW distinction.

M04 Spindle on
(counterclockwise M T See comment above at M03.
M05 Spindle stop M T
M06 Many lathes do not use M06 because the T address
itself indexes the turret.
Automatic tool T (some- Programming on any particular machine tool requires
change (ATC) times) knowing which method that machine uses. To
understand how the T address works and how it
interacts (or not) with M06, one must study the various

methods, such as lathe turret programming, ATC fixed

tool selection, ATC random memory tool selection, the
concept of "next tool waiting", and empty tools. These
concepts are taught in textbooks such as Smid, and
online multimedia (videos, simulators, etc.); all of
these teaching resources are usually pay walled to pay
back the costs of their development. They are used in
training classes for operators, both on-site and remotely
(e.g., Tooling University).
M07 Coolant on (mist) M T
M08 Coolant on (flood) M T
M09 Coolant off M T
M10 Pallet clamp on M For machining centers with pallet changers
M11 Pallet clamp off M For machining centers with pallet changers
M13 Spindle on This one M-code does the work of both M03 and M08.
(clockwise rotation) It is not unusual for specific machine models to have
and coolant on such combined commands, which make for shorter,
(flood) more quickly written programs.
M19 Spindle orientation is more often called within cycles
(automatically) or during setup (manually), but it is
also available under program control viaM19. The
abbreviation OSS (oriented spindle stop) may be seen
in reference to an oriented stop within cycles.

The relevance of spindle orientation has increased as

technology has advanced. Although 4- and 5-axis
contour milling and CNC single-pointinghave
depended on spindle position encoders for decades,
before the advent of widespread live tooling and mill-
turn/turn-mill systems, it was seldom relevant in
Spindle orientation M T "regular" (non-"special") machining for the operator
(as opposed to the machine) to know the angular
orientation of a spindle except for within a few
restricted contexts (such as tool change, or G76 fine
boring cycles with choreographed tool retraction).
Most milling of features indexed around a turned
workpiece was accomplished with separate operations
on indexing head setups; in a sense, indexing heads
were invented as separate pieces of equipment, to be
used in separate operations, which could provide
precise spindle orientation in a world where it

otherwise mostly didn't exist (and didn't need to). But

as CAD/CAM and multiaxis CNC machining with
multiple rotary-cutter axes becomes the norm, even for
"regular" (non-"special") applications, machinists now
frequently care about stepping just about any spindle
through its 360° with precision.

M21 Mirror, X-axis M

M21 Tailstock forward T
M22 Mirror, Y-axis M
M22 Tailstock backward T
M23 Mirror OFF M
Thread gradual
M23 T
pullout ON
M24 Thread gradual
pullout OFF
M30 End of program with
return to program top
M41 Gear select - gear 1 T
M42 Gear select - gear 2 T
M43 Gear select - gear 3 T
M44 Gear select - gear 4 T
M48 Feedrate override
M49 This rule is also called (automatically) within tapping
Feedrate override cycles or single-point threading cycles, where feed is
NOT allowed precisely correlated to speed. Same with spindle speed
override and feed hold button.
M52 Unload Last tool
M T Also empty spindle.
from spindle
M60 Automatic pallet
M For machining centers with pallet changers
change (APC)
M98 Takes an address P to specify which subprogram to
Subprogram call M T call, for example, "M98 P8979" calls subprogram
M99 Usually placed at end of subprogram, where it returns
execution control to the main program. The default is
Subprogram end M T that control returns to the block following the M98 call
in the main program. Return to a different block
number can be specified by a P address.




DATE- 14/07/2019

Faculty Members- Mr. SUNIL KUMAR


CIHT is an autonomous organization. It is a National Institute. It was established in 1983 with
assistance from UNDP, Government of India and Government of Punjab. It is aspiring for latest
technology to be a leader in region.

 Design & Manufacture of various tooling’s, jigs, fixtures and gauges used in hand tool
and other Engineering industry.
 Induction Hardening processes applicable to various hand tools i.e. Pipe Wrenches,
Pliers, all type of hammers and other engineering items.
 Forging of various hand tools i.e. Spanners, Wrenches, Pliers, Claw Hammers, Pipe
Wrenches and other commercial forgings.
 Chemical and Physical testing of ferrous material and calibration of gauges.

The Tool Room is equipped with following indigenous as well as imported machinery: -
 CNC Wire Cut Machine

Fig 4.2CNC Wire Cutting Machine

 CNC Machining Centre (VMC-800) HMT

 CNC Turning CL 2050 Make Batliboi
 CNC Vertical Machining Centre, DAEWOO

Fig 4.3 CNC - Vertical Machining Centre Fig 4.4 CNC 3D Co-Ordinate Measuring

 CNC Turner Lathe Machine

 CNC Trainer Milling Machine
 Injection Molding Machine
 Lathe HMT
 Vertical Milling Machine (HMT)
 Universal Milling Machine (HMT)
 Cylindrical Grinding Machine
 Horizontal Surface Grinding Machine
 Tool & Cutter Grinder
 Shaper Machine
 Power Hacksaw
 CNC 3D Co-Ordinate Measuring Machine

4.4 Heat Treatment Shop

 Induction Heater (High Frequency), 60 KW

 Induction Heater (High Frequency), 20 KW


Fig 4.5


Fig 4.6

The Forge Shop is equipped with the following hammers and presses to provide technical
training and common facilities services to the industries: -
 Forging Press, Capacity 600 Ton

Fig 4.7

Forging Press - 600 Ton

 Belt Drop Hammer, Capacity - 2 Ton

 Belt Drop Hammer, Capacity - 1 Ton
 Power Press, Capacity 100 Ton
 Power Press, Capacity 200 Ton


Fig 4.8Testing Lab Fig 4.9 Standard Room

This department is providing assistance to the industry by way of testing various materials i.e.
chemical composition, physical properties etc. The section is also carrying out the inspection of
various screw gauges and measuring instruments.
Testing & Quality Control Section has the following main equipments: -

 Equipment for chemical testing for iron, steel brass and bronze etc.
 Dead Weight Pressure Gauge Tester
 Metallurgical Micro-scope for Testing Micro Structure
 Ultrasonic Flaw Detector
 Universal Testing Machine
 Torque Testing Equipment and Hand Load Testing Fixture
 Vickers / Rockwell Hardness Tester
 Tool Makers Micro-scope
 PVC Insulation Testing Equipment
 Monometer Thickness Gauge
 Profile Projector
 Screw Thread Measuring Machine
 Spectrometer for Analysis of Metals



 Embedded System and its Applications

 Programming on PLC, SCADA, DCS and its Applications
 Advance course on Hydraulics and Pneumatics
 Programming through Visual Basic, C and C++
 Automation in Electrical and Electronics
 CNC Programming and Machining


 The post 1st year training program proved to be very useful for not only me but for all my
friends in mechanical branch.

 We get to learn a lot of new stuff from our mentors and our teachers. All of them were
supporting us and they helped us in each and every way possible.

 We were given a lot of work to do in this session and like given: -

1. T-lap joint
2. Cross joint
3. Metal square piece
4. Drilling
Sheet metal
5. Funnel

2. Sheet cutting

1. Facing
2. Knurling
1. Facing
2. Champhering
 The industrial visit to CIHT (Central Institute of Hand Tools) was very great
experience and we get to learn very valuable things from there. We get to learn the
efficiency of machines and many more useful things.

 Overall it was a very great experience and we get to learn many useful things from

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