Lesson 1: Love and Feelings "Death in The Park"

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Lesson 1: Love and Feelings

“Death in the park”

George loves Lily.

George phones Lily every day.
He sends her flowers every week.
George wrote a poem for Lily.
The poem was about her blue eyes and red lips
One day George saw Lily in the park.
She was talking to Jason.
Jason gave Lily some flowers.
Jason kissed Lily.
Suddenly Lily saw George.
George hit Jason!
A policeman saw George.
The policeman took George to the police station.
Jason drove Lily home.
Lily got married to Jason.
George wrote a novel.
It was called “Death in the park”
“I want you Fiona”

Charles loves Fiona and wants to marry her…but, will she accept?

Charles: Please, marry me Fiona. I want you, I need you, I love you.
Fiona: I’m sorry Charles, but I can’t.
Charles: Oh, Fiona. Why not?
Fiona: Well, Charles. I like you... I like you a
lot, but I don’t love you.
Charles: But Fiona, love isn’t everything.
Fiona: Oh Charles, you don’t understand. For
me love is everything.
Charles: Do you love another man, Fiona?
Fiona: Yes, Charles. I do…His name is James.
Charles: Not James Milton!
Fiona: Yes, James Milton.
Charles: But he doesn’t want you. He’s engaged!
Fiona: I know!
Charles: But Fiona, James isn’t a rich man. I can give you everything! What
do you want? clothes? money? travel? a big house?
Fiona: No, Charles. I don’t want any of those things. I only want James. . .
Lesson 2: Describing Past Events

“The Past and The Present”

In the Prehistory, people lived in caves and hunted

animals to eat, as mammoths for instance. They made
their clothes from animal skin and discovered the fire.
They moved from one place to another in small groups.
In the Middle Ages, the lords lived
in beautiful palaces and castles. They fought with swords and
rode horses and wagons. People believed in witches and
Christians burned them in the name of God. In the Middle
Ages there was a king and everybody worked for the king. He
ruled the community and had the power all over the lands.
In the 60’s, there were young
men and women called “hippies”. The hippies talked
about love and peace, they left their jobs and
schools and started to ask for money in the streets.
All of them wore long hair, jeans and flowers. They
looked really dirty.
The hippies listened to the Beatles and went to rock concerts. One of the most
famous rock concerts was “Woodstock”. In the 60’s, the first man arrived on the
moon, he was an astronaut called Neil Armstrong, and everybody watched the
event on their TV sets.
At present, people live in houses or apartments, they
sleep in beds and go the supermarket for their food. We
don’t talk much about love and peace but we talk about
computers and virtual technology. We don’t fight with
sword anymore, but we fight with bombs!
People drive cars at present and teenagers are crazy about tattoos,
piercings and music videos…

Lesson 3: Future Plans

“What are you going to do?”

Now , that you are going to decide what you will study next year, we wanted
to know the plans of some teenagers, so we spoke to some of them about
what they are going to do next year, here are some of their answers:

Interviewer: Hello! What’s your name?

Angela: Hello, my name’s Angela.
Interviewer: Where do you study Angela? What do you
want to study?
Angela: Well, I’m from Brighton, I want to be a doctor,
in fact, I’m going to medical school next year.
It’s a long course – about six years – but I’m
going to work very hard.
Interviewer: Do you know it is a difficult job?
Angela: I know it’s a difficult job, but I like working with people, and I like the
idea of working in a caring profession.
Interviewer: And, What are you going to do later?
Angela: Later, I will specialize and perhaps be a paediatrician. I love
children, and looking after them. It’s going to be wonderful.

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