Studying The Antiemetic Effect of Vitamin B6 For Morning Sickness: Pyridoxine and Pyridoxal Are Prodrugs

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Women's Health

The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology

Studying the Antiemetic Effect of Vitamin B6 54(12) 1429–1433
© 2014, The American College of
for Morning Sickness: Pyridoxine and Clinical Pharmacology
DOI: 10.1002/jcph.369
Pyridoxal Are Prodrugs

Ilan Matok, PhD1,2, Shannon Clark, MD3, Steve Caritis, MD4,

Menachem Miodovnik, MD5,6, Jason G. Umans, MD5,6, Gary Hankins, MD3,
Donald R. Mattison, MD7,8, and Gideon Koren, MD1

Vitamin B6 has been known to possess antiemetic effects since 1942. This water soluble compound has several forms in the circulation including
pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxal phosphate. The active antiemetic form of vitamin B6 is unknown. This was a pre-specified substudy of a randomized,
placebo-controlled trial comparing the antiemetic effect of the doxylamine–vitamin B6 combination (Diclectin1) (n ¼ 131) to placebo (n ¼ 126) in women
with nausea and vomiting of pregnancy. Serum concentrations of pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and pyridoxal 50 phosphate (PLP) and doxylamine were measured
on Days 4, 8, and 15. With Diclectin1 exhibiting a significant antiemetic effect in pregnancy, serum concentrations of pyridoxine were unmeasurable in
almost all patients and those of pyridoxal were undetectable in half of patients. In contrast, PLP was measurable at sustained, stable steady-state levels in all
patients. Our data suggest that there is a correlation between PLP levels and PUQE score of morning sickness symptoms when pyridoxine and pyridoxal
levels are undetectable, and hence they might be prodrugs of PLP, which may be the active antiemetic form of vitamin B6.

pyridoxine, morning sickness, nausea and vomiting of pregnancy, prodrug

Vitamin B6 has a wide range of physiological roles, Patients and Methods

including a variety of enzymatic processes associated
mostly with amino acid metabolism.1 Systemically, the This was a double-blind, randomized, multicenter,
pyridoxine molecule undergoes a complex range of placebo-controlled study of the delayed-release combina-
metabolic changes to form pyridoxal and pyridoxal 50 tion of doxylamine succinate (10 mg) and pyridoxine
phosphate (PLP)1 (Figure 1). hydrochloride (10 mg) (Diclectin1) in the treatment of
The antiemetic effect of vitamin B6 was first NVP. Women were recruited at three university centers:
documented by Willis et al in 1942.2 Later, this effect The University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston,
was confirmed through randomized, double-blind place-
bo-controlled studies.3–5 The original eight-way random-
ized trial has shown that B6 has an independent Motherisk Program, Hospital for Sick Children, University of
Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
antinauseant effect to that of doxylamine.6 A recent 2
Division of Clinical Pharmacy, Institute of Drug Research, School of
systematic review reported that the evidence of pyridox- Pharmacy, Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
ine effectiveness in reducing nausea and vomiting of Jerusalem, Israel
pregnancy (NVP) is not strong, however, it describes a Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical Branch, Univer-
study showing that pyridoxine reduced nausea, and sity of Texas, Galveston, TX, USA
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical Center, Univer-
another study documenting that high dose pyridoxine sity of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
reduced symptoms of NVP more than a low dose.7 5
Medstar Health Research Institute, Hyatsville, MD, USA
To date, no study has addressed the question of 6
Georgetown-Howards University Center for Clinical and Transla-
whether pyridoxine itself and/or one or more of its tional Science, Washington, DC, USA
metabolites possess the antiemetic effects. University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Risk Sciences International, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
We used pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data
generated during a randomized controlled trial of women Submitted for publication 12 June 2014; accepted 21 July 2014.
with NVP to address this question. At the present time the
Corresponding Author:
mechanisms leading to the antiemetic effects of vitamin
Gideon Koren, MD, Division of Clinical Pharmacology/Toxicology,
B6 have not been elucidated. We aimed to study whether Hospital for Sick Children, 555 University Avenue, Toronto, ON,
pyridoxine and pyridoxal are prodrugs of PLP, as the Canada M5G 1X8
active antiemetic molecule. Email:
1430 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology / Vol 54 No 12 (2014)

afternoon to control evening symptoms. The minimum

assigned study medication was 2 tablets daily at bedtime,
increasing when indicated to the maximal dosage of 4
tablets per day according to the timing, duration, severity,
and frequency of the symptoms experienced by the
participant. The study had a 15-day period consisting of
14 dosing days. Telephone contact was made on Days 2,
6, 12, and 14 in order to assess subject diary information,
adverse events (AEs), concomitant medications, and
compliance with the study medication. Patients returned
to the clinic in the morning prior to their morning dose on
Day 4 (1 day), Day 8 (1 day), and on Day 15 (1 day;
end of study visit) to collect diary report and complete all
study related data.
Subjects completed the PUQE score and the study
diary (once daily every morning prior to study dose at
approximately the same time each day). The primary
Figure 1. Pyridoxine biotransformation. PM, pyridoxamine; PN, effectiveness criterion for evaluation consisted of change
pyridoxine; PLP-5, pyridoxal phosphate; PL, pyridoxal; 4-PA, 4-
from baseline in the PUQE score. The PUQE score
incorporates the number of daily vomiting episodes,
number of daily retching, and length of daily nausea in
Texas, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylva- hours, for an overall score of symptoms rated from 3 (no
nia, and Georgetown University, Washington, DC. The symptoms) to 15 (most severe).7–9
women were pregnant, at least 18 years of age, in the Blood samples were drawn (5 mL) before the start of
gestational age range of 7–14 weeks, suffering from NVP, therapy, and then on Days 4, 8, and 14 before the morning
had a Pregnancy-Unique Quantification of Emesis dose of the drug, to measure plasma concentrations of
(PUQE) score 6 (ie, moderate NVP; 7–9), and had doxylamine, pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and PLP.
not responded to conservative management consisting of
dietary/lifestyle advice according to the 2004 American Sample Analysis
College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG) Practice Plasma pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and PLP were assayed at
Bulletin.10 Women treated by other antiemetics, suffering Anapharm, Inc. (Quebec City, QC, Canada) using a high
from chronic medical conditions, or those who could not performance liquid chromatographic method-tandem
communicate in either English or Spanish were excluded. mass spectrometric (HPLC–MS–MS), described below.
The current study is a secondary analysis of de-identified Briefly, pyridoxine, pyridoxal, and PLP were extracted
data from a published study (clinical trial registration no. from a 0.05-mL aliquot of human NaF/K2C2O4 plasma
NCT00614445) where IRB approval and patient consent using protein precipitation procedure, then injected into a
were obtained from all participating sites.11 The study liquid chromatograph equipped with a C1 8.3 mm column.
protocol was approved by the Ethics Review Committee. The mobile phase A was a mixture of Milli-Q type water,
All participants signed an informed consent prior to acetonitrile, ammonium formate 5 mM, and trifluoro-
initiation of study procedures. acetic acid 0.05% (v/v) and the mobile phase B was a
After normal physical examination and laboratory mixture of Milli-Q type water, acetonitrile, ammonium
testing (hemoglobin and blood count, liver function tests, formate 5 mM, and trifluoroacetic acid 0.05% (v/v) and
electrolytes, amylase), and after confirming in utero the mobile phase B was a mixture of Milli-Q type water,
singleton pregnancies by ultrasound, women were acetonitrile, ammonium formate 5 mM, and trifluoro-
randomized through a computerized program to receive acetic acid 0.05% (v/v). The detection method used was
Diclectin1 (doxylamine succinate 10 mg and pyridoxine tandem mass spectrometry. Quantitation is by peak area
hydrochloride 10 mg) or placebo of a similar look. Two ratio method. A weighted (1/C2) linear regression is
tablets of study drug (Diclectin1 or placebo) were performed to determine the concentration of the analyte.
administered at bedtime on Day 1. If symptoms of nausea For pyridoxine this method yielded a linear standard
and vomiting persisted into the afternoon hours of Day 2 curve (r2 > 0.99) from 1.00 to 200 ng/mL, with, between
(ie, PUQE Score above 3), the subject was directed to take run precision of 5.7%, within run precision of 4.27–14.8%
her usual dose of 2 tablets at bedtime and an additional and 92% recovery.
tablet the next morning on Day 3. Based upon assessment PLP standard curve was linear (r2 > 0.99) over the
in the clinic on Day 4 (1 day), the subject could have range of 2.03–101.52 ng/mL. Between-run precision (QC
been directed to take an additional 4th tablet in mid- coefficients of variation was 3.69–7.08%.
Matok et al 1431

For pyridoxal this method was linear (r2 > 0.99) over Table 2. Proportion of Patients With Undetected versus Detected
Levels of Vit. B6 Species Over Time
the range of 10.13–405.12 ng/mL. Between-run precision
had coefficients of variation between 4.28% and 13.40%. Concentration
Within-run precision had coefficients of variation
between 2.46% and 7.64%. Analysate Day ¼0 >0 Total

Pridoxine Day 4 (1 day) 121 10 131

Statistical Analysis Day 8 (1 day) 125 6 131
To compare between women whom their pyridoxal levels Day 15 (1 day) 123 8 131
were higher than zero and those with zero and the change Pyridoxal 50 -phosphate Day 4 (1 day) 10 121 131
in PUQE we used two way repeated ANOVA (Days 1, 4, Day 8 (1 day) 18 113 131
Day 15 (1 day) 11 120 131
8, and 15 were looked into). To compare between women
Pyridoxal Day 4 (1 day) 64 67 131
whom their PLP levels were higher than zero to those with Day 8 (1 day) 53 78 131
zero (Days 1 and 15 were looked into). Day 15 (1 day) 63 68 131

Two hundred and eighty-three pregnant women tion higher than zero to those who had concentration of
experiencing NVP were enrolled and randomized. After zero (n ¼ 67, mean PUQE difference ¼ 5.2 (2.4 to ()
written informed consent, 9 subjects randomized to 11.1); n ¼ 64, mean PUQE difference ¼ 5.4 (3.2 to
Diclectin1 (6.4%) and 18 randomized to placebo (12.9%) () 10.1), P ¼ 0.333).
withdrew consent. Therefore, 131 women on Diclectin1
and 125 on placebo were included in the Intent to Treat
Effectiveness analysis. Discussion
This PK/PD analysis included only 131 women who Vitamin B6, a water-soluble compound, was discovered
received vitamin B6 (combined with doxylamine) in the in the 1930s during nutrition studies on rats. Several forms
the Diclectin1 arm. Measured concentrations of vitamin of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine, pyridoxamine and pyridoxal,
B6 and its metabolites revealed that median pyridoxine PLP, and other) have been identified in the blood. PLP is a
steady levels were zero (ie, below the limit of detection) cofactor of a large number of essential enzymes in the
on Days 4, 8 and 15, pyridoxal was undetectable in half of human body.1 Enzymes dependent on PLP mainly
the patients, whereas pyridoxal 5-phosphate (PLP) levels involve amino acids metabolism, including transfer of
were measurable at all time points and stable from Days 4 the amino group, decarboxylation, racemization, and
to 15 (Tables 1 and 2). During the 15 day trial there was a beta- or gamma-elimination or replacement. PLP cova-
steady and significant improvement in the PUQE score in lently binds to substrates and then acts as an electrophilic
general. In the presence of unmeasurable levels of catalyst, thereby stabilizing different types of carbanionic
pyridoxine and an apparent steady state concentrations reaction intermediates.1 Overall, more than 140 PLP-
of PLP (Figure 2). In women whose PLP concentrations dependent enzymatic activities have been identified.12
were greater than zero, the mean PUQE difference was The potential antiemetic role of vitamin B6 has been
higher than those who had zero concentration (n ¼ 121, first reported in 1942 in the context of nausea and
mean PUQE difference ¼ 5.3 (3.4 to () 11.1); vomiting in pregnancy.2 A number of randomized,
n ¼ 10, mean PUQE difference ¼ 3.5 (2.0 to () placebo-controlled trials have corroborated these original
5.6) respectively, P < 0.001). There was no statistical observations,3–5 although the mechanism of action has not
difference between those who had pyridoxal concentra- been elucidated. Vitamin B6 has been used in many

Table 1. Plasma Level of Vitamin B6 Species and of Doxylamine

Visit Statistics Pyridoxine (ng/mL) Pyridoxal 50 -Phosphate (ng/mL) Pyridoxal (ng/mL) Doxylamine (ng/mL)

Day 4 N 131 131 131 131

Median 0.000 42.290 10.260 64.980
Min, Max 0.00, 32.78 0.00, 127.42 0.00, 255.55 0.00, 152.43
Day 8 N 131 131 131 131
Median 0.000 45.100 13.110 64.240
Min, Max 0.00, 179.96 0.00, 107.83 0.00, 186.83 0.00, 196.53
Day 15 N 131 131 131 131
Median 0.000 39.110 10.380 52.550
Min, Max 0.00, 38.45 0.00, 126.28 0.00, 214.71 0.00, 200.38
1432 The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology / Vol 54 No 12 (2014)

Figure 2. Median PUQE score versus median serum concentrations of pyridoxine, pirydoxal, and PLP.

countries singly, or in combination with doxylamine This observation may have major implications for
(Bendectin1, Diclectin1, Diclegis1) for nausea and pharmacokinetic and bioequivalence studies of com-
vomiting of pregnancy. While it has been used for this pounds containing vitamin B6 for nausea and vomiting of
indication for 70 years now, no attempts have been made pregnancy, as well as studies investigating the mecha-
to identify its active pharmacological species. To the best nisms of its antiemetic effects.
of our knowledge, the present study is the first attempt to
synthesize pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic data Funding
in defining the active antiemetic form of this vitamin. The study was supported by Duchesnay, Inc., Blainville,
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