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Wednesday, October 02, 2019



SUBMITTED TO: Mrs. Irene Billones


Aquino, Kenneth

Vale, Mar Christine

Damali, Kyla

Elesio, Ivy Jane

Mabanding, Shiellana

Jastillana, Jhon Dave

Luminarias, Justine

Makinano, Jhon Gabr

September 2019
Wednesday, October 02, 2019


Purok Popular Village is a community in Tagum City that has many problem and one of their
concern is the flooding after a heavy rain, it is because of the trashes that stuck in the drainage
system and also the drainage system are so old and severely damage. The water cannot flow well
because of the damage, the water keeps rising and rising because the water cannot find a way to
flow well.

The Barangay Magugpo East officials are aware of this problem. The Barangay hall are making
its move to help the people in purok Popular. One of the funding agency to implement this project
is the barangay hall. One of the goal of the Barangay Officials is to fix the drainage system of Purok
Popular. They are recieving many reports about the problem, in Barangay health center there are
many peoplewho has Allergies, rashes and other health diseases. The Barangay Officials are
woried to this people and they are willing to help in this project.

Another funding Agency that is willing to help for the successful of this project is the Tagum
City Government especially the Tagum New City Hall. The New City Hall of Tagum is the
foundation of all projects in Tagum City. One of the target of Tagum City Hall or the Tagum City
Government is to implement new projects in every Barangay and every Purok. The Barangay
address this problem to the New City Hall and they notice how this problem will bring bad effects
in the community. In May 2019 a 4 million Budget was allotted to the Barangay by the City hall.
20% of the budget will go to the implementation of project of all Puroks in Magugpo East. The New
City Hall are ready to improve and fixed all problems in the community.

Finally, the last funding agency will be the Tagum City motorpool. Tagum City motorpool
produces materials needed in all projects in Tagum. Also, Tagum City motorpool gives also
materials in a community project, they also lend their tools and vehicles if there is a project that is
supported by the government. It is guarantee that this 3 funding agency will help this project to be
successful. All of those three agencies have the same interest and mission in the community to
implement the project.
Wednesday, October 02, 2019


The purpose of the implementation of this project is to avoid flooding in the community.
The implementation of the project will help to flow the water well to avoid the rising of water
level to result a flooding of area. Another purpose of the implementation of the project is to
avoid health diseases. If this problem will be fixed, no works will be delayed because of the

There are 2,000 people who live in Purok Popular Magugpo East Tagum City. There are
80% voters and 20% non-registered voters who lived in that community. In 2015, 5 person are
admitted to the hospital due to an accident. Since the area are surrounded by flood and the
canals in the community are not visible so there are cases that vehicles fall in that canal
accidentally. The community are surrounded of many canals but none of the canals are
successful to flow the water out. Some of the area of the community are high elevated, those
people who suffer the problem are those house that is low elevated area.

The three funding agency are concern of this problem. The Barangay are thinking some
precautionary measures to avoid this problem. The DPWH are planning to construct this
drainage system so that the water will flow easily. The community suffers this problem for 10
years and even the community are worried. The flood doesn’t drain easily it may take few days
or weeks.

There are other communities that suffer the same problem of the Purok Popular. The Purok
Durian of Magugpo East suffers also the same problem. The drainage system of Purok Durian
are constructed improperly that’s why all water of the drainage system gets in the house. The
problem was been solve by the Tagum City Government and Barangay. They construct again
the drainage system and created a new path for water to flow. They put culvert to the canal
and clean the sediments and trashes in the drainage system. The project duration is 1 month
and 2 days. After the project, the water flows in the right way and the area was not flooding
Wednesday, October 02, 2019
Project description:

The goal of this project is to avoid flooding in the area. By implementing this new drainage system
the flow of the water will not stock anymore that results of rising water level. Another goal of this project
is to ensure that there will be no problems such as delay of work and attending to classes. Finally, the
goal of this project is to avoid furthermore accidents and to keep the people in this community safe
especially to their health and their priorities.


 The first objective of this project is to implement new drainage system to the Purok Popular

 The second objective of this project is to reconstruct the pathway of the drainage system.

 The third objective is to clean all sediments and trashes in the old drainage system and,

 The final objective is to ensure the safety of the people in the community by putting some signs
of where is the drainage system.


Before the project will be implemented, we will approach the potential funding agency. We will send
a request letter that has a signature of the Purok chairman. The letter states that the Purok needs
assistance and help for the community about the drainage system. The letter will be verified by
documents and photos in the drainage system. Other than that a quarterly assembly will be held
including the Barangay official. In that assembly the problem will be discuss to the barangay and the
Purok itself.

Once the letter will be approve, the Barangay will help for the implementation of drainage system.
The Barangay will also send a request letter to the Tagum City Hall that is verified also by
documentation and photos about the drainage system and the quarterly assembly. There will be a
barangay meeting including the Purok leader, Barangay officials and the City Government of Tagum.
In that meeting the Barangay official and the purok official will discuss on how to solve the problem.
The Tagum City Hall will also give an approval letter to the Tagum City Motorpool.
Wednesday, October 02, 2019

The Tagum City Motorpool provides material in all projects in Tagum City. Before the Tagum City
Hall will give material, an approval letter is needed. But it is not a problem anymore since the City Hall
will send an approval letter including some documentation. We will also send a request letter from the
Barangay and the Purok itself with the signature of the official.

Expected Outcome:

We expected that the outcome of this project will be successful. We ensure that the implementation
of the new drainage system will last long and will not easily be damage or break. It is also expected
the project will not cause any extra problems to community or in short, it will not worsen the problem.
In the project implementation it is expected too that the people in the community will help to fix the
drainage system. Finally it is expected that the implementation of this project will be not so slow. The
Implementation of this project will be rush to avoid any road delay. Those expected outcome is
guarantee to be happen in the community.


The project will start on October 01 2019 and will end in October 21 2019.The project will only
take 3 weeks. In the first day of our project we will discuss how to solve the problem, we will create
a plan about the water flow of the drainage system. In October 2, 2019 or in the second of the
project that materials needed will be prepare the engineers also of the DPWH will inspect the
drainage system before the project will be implemented and in that day also we will have mason
and construction worker for the project.

The first week of the project will inspection and preparation. Also in that week all the drainage
system will be clean, Purok members and workers will remove all trashes and sediments in the
drainage system. The drainage system in the community are too many so it is expected that there
is a lot of trash and sediments in the drainage system.

The second week of the project implementation will be removing the old drainage system and
reconstruction of the flow of the drainage system. We will reconstruct the pathway of the drainage
system. We will connect the drainage system to the drainage of Purok, Maximina. The drainage of
Purok Maximina is connected to the Pangi River so that the water of the drainage system in Purok
Popular will be stuck in one place. Those old drainage system will be replace by a new one. Those
old drainage system cannot keep the water in the right flow.
Wednesday, October 02, 2019

In our third week of our project will be man power. All of the construction will be in this week.
We will provide culverts to support the drainage system, an extension also of the drainage system
will also be constructed. This week will finalized the project. Also in this week to avoid such
accidents, we will create and put sign on where is the drainage system. Finally in the third week,
we will elevate the areas and the roads in Purok Popular Village. Roads will also reconstructed to
change their path so that there will be an area to construct a drainage system.

Materials Needed:

This Project needs many materials to make the project strong and will last long. The materials will
also make this project to be fast without the materials, this project will be impossible. Materials such
as cements, Iron and other materials in construction.

Cements are needed in the construction to make the drainage system more strong. Cements are
the most important material in construction, without cement materials cannot be mix that is needed in
the construction.

Culverts are needed in this project, culverts will support the drainage system. This Culvert will help
for the pathway of the. If culverts were put, there will be no problem to find a way for the vehicles.

Gravels are needed for the construction, it is usually mix with other materials such as cements
and water. Gravels are needed to create a drainage system

The sand are needed in the elevation in the area, to make the sure that there will be no problems
in the community. Those houses that is low elevated will elevate their area by sand.

Woods and planks are needed in the construction. Woods and Planks supports the mix materials
like cements, gravel and water. Woods and Planks helps to form the mix material well. Woods and
Planks also serve as the foundation of the drainage system.Other materials are needed such as nails,
GI wires for the project.

Irons are needed for the project to make it strong just like the cement. Iron serves also as a
foundation. Just like the wood and Plants. Iron are needed to make the drainage system to make it not
easily be damage and to make the drainage system last long.
Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Persons Involve:

In building this project, we need persons to be involved in order to make it successful. City Official,
Barangay Offcials, Purok leaders, Purok members, Civil engineers and Construction Workers.This
project is not very simple. It needs manpower and plan to make it possible.

Barangay Official will help to facilitate the project, they will also help to create the plan of the
project. They would also help for the materials needed in the project.

The City Official will help also to plan the project. They will also provide some tools for the workers
in building the project. There are many vehicles in City Government and it would be great if the City
Official will lend their vehicles like trucks and bulldozer.

The Purok Leaders role in the project, is to guide all the people in the community or the Purok
members in their Job. The Purok leaders will also prepare the snacks and food for the workers and
official in the project. The Purok leaders also in charge in the materials to buy based on what the
engineers gave them.

The Purok members will volunteer in this project, they will help on cleaning the drainage system
and help the construction workers in their job. They will also help the Purok leaders in preparing the
food and snacks. Purok members will also serve as man power for this projects.

The Civil Engineers are responsible for planning the project. The role of engineers is to make
sure that the plan is efficient and effective. The Civil engineers are also incharge on what equipment
will be use. They will also inspect the improvement of the project as the time pass by.

The construction workers like labor, masons, foreman, are needed in this project. Their skills in
constructing are needed to accomplish this project without a worker that has experience in construction,
we can’t make this project possible. They will follow the blue print and the instruction of the Civil
engineers in order to finish the project.
Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Project Beneficiaries

If the project will be successfully implemented there are many people who will benefit in the project.
It is guaranteed that the beneficiaries are fist the community or the Purok itself, second the Barangay,
and finally for the students and the future researchers.

The Community - The community will benefit this project it is said that the community are suffering
from this problem from how many years. First of all the community will not be worried in their health
problems. Second their priorities such as work and going to school will not delayed anymore. Finally
and most importantly the community will not suffer anymore of getting flooded.

The Barangay- The Barangay are concern this problem they would be feel great if the community
are not suffering from this problem. The Barangay will learn new knowledge and ideas for implementing
this project. The Barangay will know how what to do if the same situation will happen in the other

The Students- The students will benefit in this project they will learn many things in this proposal.
First in creating a project proposal, they will learn new knowledge and insight on what will be the project
proposal is all about. Second they will know how to solve the problem if they had the same problem in
the Purok popular. This project proposal will help also in their academic studies especially in their
subject areas that are related in this topic.

Future Researchers- There are many people that researching on how to solve this people if this
project will implemented it will give the some information on how to conduct this kind of project and
also in creating this proposal. It will give answers to their question. There are many studies that is
related to our problem that is need to be solve. They will benefit in this proposal by learning new ideas
on how to approach their potential funding agencies if they want to solve a community problem.
Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Budgetary Requirement:

Table shows the budget requirement for the implementation of the project.

Description Quantity Price

Sand 200 sacks Php 2,000

Gravel 50 loads Php 60,000

Culvert 40 pcs Php 40,000

Snacks 500 pcs Php 2,000 (3 Week Budget)

Food (Lunch) Php 5,000 ( 3 Week Budget)

Nails 10 Kilos Php 500

Cement 200 pcs Php 30,000

Iron 400 pcs #20 mm Php 4,000

Woods and Planks 100 pcs Php 3,000

Construction Workers Raise 50 Workers Php 200,000 ( 3 Week Budget)

Driver of Bulldozer raise 2 Drivers Php 25,000 ( 3 Week Budget)

Hollow Block Php 8,000

Rent for other vehicles Php 15,000 ( 3 Week Budget)

Others Php 10,000

Total Php 404,500

Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Contract Information:

With this proposal hoping to be approved by the official, we are willing to answer your
questions. If you have any recommendation to our project, you contact or email us you can
visit us also in our facebook page. You may also locate us in our address.

Name: Shiela Mabanding

Address: Prk 3 Apokon Tagum City

Contact number: 09104700464


Facebook: Shielannah Diaz Mabanding Pugo

Name: Kenneth Aquino

Address: Prk popular Magugpo East Tagum City

Contact number: 09164762167


Facebook: Pdp Laban Kenit

Name: Mar Christine Vale

Address: Purok Uraya Mankilam Tagum City

Contact number: 09995125302


Facebook: Kristine Atnafla Elav

Wednesday, October 02, 2019



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Wednesday, October 02, 2019

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