Ways To Live With Love

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23 Ways to

the highly infectious habits of heart-centred people
One question:
What do you do to live with
23 heart-centred people.
23Love Ways to
23 heart-opening answers.
Join the quiet revolution in living 03
from your heart at: 25 17
www.flowerspirit.co.uk 11
Twitter: @JSFlowerspirit
Facebook: JSFlowerspirit
Email: info@flowerspirit.co.uk

22 15


21 13 19
the highly infectious habits of heart-centred people Love


Yve Bowen

02 Leanne Chapman

03 Alexandra Franzen

04 Julie Gibbons
05 05 Lee Harris

09 Loran Hills
10 Marghanita Hughes

18 11 Lori-Lyn Hurley

12 Catherine Keattch

20 13 Carrie Klassen

14 Karina Ladet

15 Emmanuelle Lambert
16 Liz Longacre
09 17 Lindsay Luna
12 02 18 Joanna Powell-Colbert

19 David Rabone

20 Satya Robyn
01 21 Rachel Singleton
23 22 Jackie Stewart

23 Anne Ward

24 Ginger White

25 Cara Wilde
26 10
26 Nikki Wyatt
Introduction - Jackie Stewart

Welcome! I’m so glad you’re here.

We all have moments when we forget, for a little while, that Love is both our
birthright and our natural state of being. It’s what we’re here for.

We can get disconnected, distracted or distrustful.

One day I started writing a list of the people who reconnect me with love;
whose words help me to keep my heart open and remember that love is
always available.

It got me thinking how powerful it would be have their words in one place, to remind us that we can
always choose to live with love.

So I wrote to the teachers, healers, writers, coaches, visionaries and artists who touch my heart and
asked them all one simple question.

What do you do to live with love? This book has been published to celebrate
registration opening for the Living from
This book is a collection of their answers to remind us all that we can keep choosing love every
the Heart e-course which begins on 24th
single day.
March 2014.
You are love made visible and I am love made visible. When we live from the heart life becomes love
Join Jackie Stewart for Living from the
made visible.
Heart and it will become second nature
With love, from my heart to yours for you to live with love. Because love IS
your true nature, everything else is just
passing through.


23 Ways to Live with Love | i

1: Acceptance Without Judgement - Yve Bowen

I focus on accepting who I am in each and every moment, without

Yve Bowen
judgement. is a writer,
speaker and
No ‘You should be doing or saying, this’; just accepting.
This self-acceptance then exudes out and allows me to be more accepting of others. coach.
Letting them be who and where they are, while still having clear boundaries that place self- Her journey
nurturing before giving too much of myself to others... has been one
of moving
from self-

abandonment, to self-love.

She uses her skills to connect people to

their heart’s innate wisdom and access
the profound love that is their root and


23 Ways to Live with Love | 01

2: All Creatures Great and Small - Leanne Chapman
“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” Leanne
Anatole France Chapman
is a mentor
When I was a child we lived on the land. Both sets of grandparents and a number of aunts and uncles for spiritual
had farms of some sort, and I lived on all of them at some stage. treasure-
I grew up feeling that animals were part of the family, no different to us except they had more legs. seekers
who want
I still connect with animals every day. They teach me so much about love, loyalty and forgiveness. I to reclaim
have two felines that rule my home, one of whom has been with me for 18 years. Animals experience lost parts of
so much suffering on this planet, and yet they express love and gratitude to us so freely. themselves
One of the main motivations behind my efforts to build my business into a financial success is the from the
desire to give unloved animals a chance at new life. shadows.

Leanne founded Claim Your Treasure to

The dogs, cats and horses I have befriended over the years have made me laugh
show people how to create soul-directed
when I was down, given me companionship when I was lonely, and shown me lives based on deep authentic connections
what love really is. with themselves and others.
They all deserve to be treated with kindness and respect. She is an art therapist, Soul Art® guide and
Next time you feel alone and unloved, look down – there may be an adoring soul right there at your writer and she believes that art, creativity
feet. and nature are all valuable elements in the
healing process.
See yourself through his or her eyes, and then you’ll know what love is.


23 Ways to Live with Love | 02

3: What Would Love Do? - Alexandra Franzen
It’s late summer. A friend writes to me with a simple request. She’s preparing to deliver a TEDx Talk — a Alexandra
lifelong dream, come true. She’s written her story, crossed the t’s and dotted the i’s. She’s wondering Franzen
if I’ll take a peek. Y’know. Give her my two cents. Maybe a little rewriting, revamping, refining … that wants to live
kinda thing. in a world
where emails
My first instinct is YES. My second instinct is UGH — I-have-so-much-to-do-all-those-emails-emails-
are short,
emails-blah-bah-deeeee-bloo — stiff anxiety, softening back into my first instinct. YES.
love letters
I click open the doc, scanning the title of her talk. Three words: “Remember To Love.” Within moments, are brave and
I am fighting back a tidal wave of messy, stinging tears. Then not fighting. Just letting them fall. every “thank
you” note is
As the story unfolds, my friend Gemma — who happens to be a psychologist — circles around a central
scribbled by
What if Love was a person — a human being, like me or you?
In difficult situations, in happy conversations, in professional scenarios + personal ones, too … refreshingly
simple tips on writing, productivity +
What would Love do? My mind begins to whirl. What would Love do … on a first date that’s going well?
creativity (and everyday woes — like
What would Love do … on a first date that’s not going well? What would Love do … at a networking
inbox-clearing) have been featured on
event? When pitching the media? When marketing a product? While waiting on hold for a customer
Fast Company, Forbes, The Daily Love, The
service representative? When delivering criticism — or getting rejected?
Huffington Post — and on radio programs
What would Love do … with that avalanche of emails? With that project, left unfinished? With that from coast to coast.
project, not yet begun? What would YOU do … if YOU were Love?
Get free workbooks + scripts to unlock your
I think you know what you would do. I think we all do. So the next time you’re scared, stumbling, or inner wordsmith at: AlexandraFranzen.
second-guessing your instincts, simplify the whole scenario. com.

Just ask: What would Love do? Twitter: @alex_franzen

And there is no confusion. That’s what you should do, too.

Originally published on: www.alexandrafranzen.com/2013/11/25/what-would-love-do/ 23 Ways to Live with Love | 03
4: Inhale The Love; Exhale The Calm - Julie Gibbons

Attending to mum as she was preparing to meet her final moments in this time and space. That’s
when I properly learned to practice love. Not the fleeting, romantic kind of love, but the get down-
Julie Gibbons
and-dirty kind - the kind of love that is accompanied by catheters, morphine and terminal delirium. practices and
She was only weeks, then days, then hours away from meeting her end and every single waking teaches artful
moment was tuned in to her experience, her very real needs and her very brutal reality. self help – a
combination of
When I wasn’t personally attending her, my anxiety levels were through the roof, waiting on that art and journal
phone call. therapy and
But as soon as I entered her room, it all melted away. the psychology
of self.
The candles flickered in the dark of midwinter, and our chakras were balanced beyond reckoning as
her favourite CD reverberated in the background, competing with the gentle hiss of the hospital bed, It allows you to
its ripples and inflations programmed to prevent bed-sores. We’d created a temple for dying. tap into soul wisdom and experience personal
growth, healing and transformation.
A temple in which to practice love in every second of every moment. In every
single cell of our beings.
It was both conscious and unconscious. It was automatic and unquestioning. This is what happens
when you stare death in the face. www.youtube.com/user/
When I wasn’t with her, the anxiety would creep in again. And I’d envision myself back with her in
the temple. www.pinterest.com/juliegibbons

I developed a mantra “Inhale the love; exhale the calm.”

Love helped me deal with what was to come next. When I begin to lose myself in all of the hurt and
the loss that hovers, waiting to hijack my senses, I breathe in the love.

Her love. My love. Your love. We are all love.

23 Ways to Live with Love | 04

5: You Are Love - Lee Harris
You are clear. You are ready. and to learn to love yourself.

There is nothing in the past in the way of your future. And that won’t always be easy.

There is nothing in your future that will be anything like your past. Sometimes that will be very, very challenging.

You are clear. You are ready. But many times, that journey will be very, very wonderful.

This path you’ve been walking has taken you in many directions. And with that goal as your focus,

You have felt feelings that you did not expect to feel. everything else will fall into place.

Feelings of love, feelings of grief, feelings of anger, feelings of joy. Greater opening, greater compassion, greater passion,

The spectrum has been experienced. greater desire to be here.

The desire to be.

And here you are in the center of that spectrum.

At any moment you can move into any one of those feelings. When you learn to nurture and love yourself as you would another;

At any moment you can experience those feelings with or through when you give yourself that attention, things change very fast.

another being, a crowd, a group or just through yourself. Things move in you.

Because you, are everything. You are the world. The joy of touch you can receive from another

becomes a self touch.

Your biggest job here on Earth is to love yourself You can hold yourself and feel held in so many ways

23 Ways to Live with Love | 05

5: You Are Love - Lee Harris Love
when you apply self-love to your life. Have you been undoing a tangled relationship?

Have you been undoing self-criticism?

Love is who you are; it is the essence of you. You will know you’ve been trying to undo these things because

Love is who you are; it is the essence of you. they will have taken all of your focus.

Breathe that in.

When these emotions or energies come to you,

And again, breathe in the love that you are. they are asking you to see them.

It is ever present, and sometimes it is just to the right of your They are asking you to free them.
You can free everything.
On the days when you feel you cannot find it,
You can free yourself.
it is always inches away from you, waiting, watching, loving you.
You can love yourself.

You are free to do this.

While you go about the busy-ness of undoing

whatever it is you are undoing.

You are free to love yourself.
What have you just been undoing in yourself
Even if you feel you are in the most confined prison.
these past days or weeks?
Even if you feel there is not love around you.
Have you been undoing grief?

Have you been undoing depression?

These are the most important times to practice self-love.

23 Ways to Live with Love | 06

5: You Are Love - Lee Harris Love
Because everything is vibrational. And this self-love has nothing to do with ego; it has nothing to
do with a perception of why you should be loved or whether you
And all of the vibrational frequencies that we exist in and around
deserve to be loved.
every day,

and those that we hold within ourselves, are like magnets to one
another; This self-love is a pure remembrance that everything is love.

jigsaw pieces sometimes. There is no division – there is no division from source.

So when you and your frequency become love, Any perceived division, is illusion.

then love comes to you. You are everything.

But the beauty of self-love is that when love comes to you, And when you remember this, everything and anything is possible.

you do not need to hold it, to fear it, to believe it is the key. Everything and anything is possible.

You will simply recognize love sent your way as a mirror.

You will know that you are holding that love for another and sending So breathe. Fill your belly.
it back.
Stroke your belly as you breathe.

Love this part of your body, this part of yourself.

Love is the gold of the Earth.
Caress it, hold it, fill it with breath.
There is so much to love on our planet.

There is so much to love about people.

You have no idea how loveable you are. It’s incredible.
There is so much to love about yourself.
You are so very loveable and so very loved.
And you have barely come close.
You are loved by nature. You are nurtured by it.

23 Ways to Live with Love | 07

5: You Are Love - Lee Harris Love
It gives you everything you need. For all of your senses. Lee Harris
is an energy
intuitive and
So, if you are ready to awaken to greater love, repeat this, aloud: channeler who
has worked
*I am everything in creation* since 2004
sharing his
*I am pure love in the human body* channelings,
*I am here to share, expand and grow* messages and
observations with our fast changing world.
*I am love and love will always find me* His work is not attached to any religion or
*I welcome love with open arms* ideology – instead it is grounded in the most
fundamental truth – you are love and you
*I welcome love with open arms* have within you the power to transform and
*I welcome myself with open arms* elevate your life and the lives of others.

Lee’s monthly energy forecasts, broadcast

on YouTube, have received over a million
Breathe. views.
You are clear. For more on Lee, please visit www.
leeharrisenergy.com and
You are love.


January 2011 - Recorded at Parkgate Studio, Brighton, England
23 Ways to Live with Love | 08
6: I Practice Loving Kindness - Loran Hills

I practice lovingkindness.
Loran Hills
These words come from Joan Borysenko’s Pocketful of Miracles. is waving
They are her words, but I have made them my own for nearly 20 rainbow
years. pompons of
First, I practice loving myself.

May I be at peace.
encouragement for you to discover and
May my heart remain open. maintain your spiritual and creative vitality.
May I awaken to the light of my own true nature. Inspiration and images from www.
May I be healed. loransheart.com to you!

May I be a source of healing for all beings. www.facebook.com/loransheart

Then, I practice for those I love and those I struggle to love. Twitter @fromLoransHeart

May you be at peace. Google+ LoranHills

May your heart remain open. Instagram loranhills

May you awaken to the light of your own true nature.

May you be healed.

May you be a source of healing for all beings.

23 Ways to Live with Love | 09

7: Love Is All I Know To Be True - Marghanita Hughes
Love is the beginning of everything. Love is everywhere, in everyone and everything. We are love. Marghanita
Hughes is a
For me, love is all I know to be true. nature art
I bring awareness to my heart as soon as I wake up by giving thanks for the gift of a new day. teacher and
an award
Each day is a miracle. To be gifted a new day is sacred to me and I am deeply appreciative of this winning
gift. children’s
I continue my gratitude during my morning meditation when everyone else in the household is fast book
asleep. There is nothing more beautiful than waking up with Mother Nature. Meditation outdoors author and
opens our hearts and gifts a deep feeling of oneness. illustrator.
A naturalist
After this gentle spiritual time, I am at peace, my heart full and brimming with abundant love; and and founder
eager to share my love with the world as a new day unfolds. of the “Let’s
Go Outside”
Practicing meditation, mindfulness and giving thanks has helped me to love more
freely, deeply and abundantly.
Marghanita runs nature art classes that
I don’t know if you already do this or not, but I want to invite you to spend the first minutes of your
focus on the interconnectedness we have
day cultivating a heart full of gratitude. Say thank you for everything you are and have. Finishing your
with one another and all living things.
day this way too will make for a more peaceful sleep.
She provides interactive workshops for
To walk, dance and celebrate a life of beauty, we must first be able to see the beauty in all life. Opening educators who wish to incorporate a more
our hearts to be thankful helps us to see and experience the beauty in everything, in all life. holistic approach to their teaching. She
believes if we inspire a love for nature in a
child, it will lead to a desire to protect it.



23 Ways to Live with Love | 10
8: Daily Meditation and Prayer - Lori-Lyn Hurley

I live with love by connecting to my spiritual essence through daily meditation and prayer.
I believe that God is love and I believe that each of us is the physical extension of Lori-Lyn
this love. But I forget. Hurley is
a writer,
I forget when I get triggered by something I’ve seen or read and fall into despair, when anger or fear spiritual
takes me over, when I start to doubt myself or sink into confusion. explorer and
Those things are a sign that I’ve disconnected from love. Prayer and meditation bring me back. guide.

It doesn’t mean that I’m on my knees with my hands folded. (As Thomas Merton said, “How I pray is She has
breathe.”) worked as an
energy healer
It means that I turn my attention back to the source, the quiet room in my heart and intuitive
where I remember who I am. but it’s her
soul’s mission
Sometimes my meditation is washing the dishes and really feeling the water on my skin.
to help you
Sometimes my meditation is walking in the woods and listening to the wind. unveil your
spiritual truth, find your personal path of
Sometimes my prayer is simply stating the name of someone dear to me and not wishing for them
devotion and remember who you are.
anything in particular other than the peace.
You can find her at www.lorilynhurley.com
Sometimes my prayer is, help, please, because the asking itself reminds me that I am not alone and not
powerless. www.facebook.com/LoriLynHurley

It reminds me that what I’m asking for is actually what I’m here to do. or tweet her @lorilyn.

23 Ways to Live with Love | 11

9: See The World Through The Eyes of Love - Catherine Keattch
Living with love is something that has been a constant thread of intention running through everything Catherine
that I have done in my life for many years. Keattch is a
Yet in retrospect I can see that I have only recently begun to understand what this really means.
Like many people I experienced ‘love’ more as a concept than the living, vital force that it truly is. practitioner,
Until one day I had one of those wonderful aha moments that we all get from time to time. Suddenly, healer,
I saw the pattern that was blocking me from consciously experiencing the love that I am. teacher and
Love flooded my being bringing gratitude and remembrance. leader. Her
Now I take time each day to rest in the flame of love within my sacred heart, radiating the vibration passion is to
of love to every aspect of my being until my cup is full. provide the
Each day I make it my intention to see the world through the eyes of love, radiating wisdom and tools that will help others
that vibration to all those that I meet and interact with so that they also remember to find harmony, wholeness and spiritual
that love is who they are. fulfilment in their lives.

She offers personal consultations, intuitive

guidance, talks and workshops as well as
universal Christ blessings from Jeshua.

She is an enthusiastic creator of vibrational

essences and as a partner in Crystal Herbs
for over fifteen years has been responsible
for producing a wider range of flower, gem
& crystal essences that are now sold around
the world.


23 Ways to Live with Love | 12
10: Appreciation Is My Practice - Carrie Klassen

Appreciation is my practice of living with love.

Carrie Klassen
is a green tea
Each night before bed, I make a list of the things that filled me with thanks from that day.
The feel of my daughter’s eyelashes against my cheek. stationery
The way the afternoon sun filtered through the chandelier, throwing rainbows across the living
INFJ Scorpio,
and president
The extra cheesy casserole my husband baked. of Pink
Rubber boots on a rainy day.
A roof above our heads and coins in my change purse. a website
There is so much to be thankful for. I go to sleep with a full heart. and design
boutique for inspired, heartful
entrepreneurs. She also writes workbooks
and teaches workshops at Pink Elephant
Academy for Entrepreneurs.




skype: rosypachyderm

23 Ways to Live with Love | 13

11: Love Is Only One Breath Away - Karina Ladet
I AM love. And so are you. Karina Ladet
is a warm and
We are all filled with love from the moment we come into this world until the day loving intuitive
we leave. and spiritual
It is a stream of warm and generous energy and it is always a part of us. guide.

Living with love is my soul’s purpose and I spend my time opening up to this energy and allowing She offers
for it to pour through me. I do this when I channel messages from my spirit guides and I also remind Intuitive
myself to come back to love no matter what I’m experiencing. Readings
and Intuitive
Love is my teacher and my intention is to remember that it is always present, always available to all Coaching on
of us. Skype and
by e-mail and
I don’t have to do anything to be loved or to love. It is who I AM.
also teaches
So remembering this and opening up my heart and every cell of my body to receive this love are my others how to Communicate with their Spirit
daily practices. Guides online and during live workshops
The more I embody love, the more I notice when I lose the connection.
No matter how lost or lonely I feel I know that love is only one breath away.

Email: karinaladet@gmail.com



23 Ways to Live with Love | 14

12: I Release This Day - Emmanuelle Lambert
“I release this day, with love and gratitude” Emmanuelle
Lambert is an
It all starts and ends with that sentence. international
As I lay in my bed, ready to go to sleep, in savasana pose for a final relaxation before the night catches yoga teacher.
me, this is the sentence I tell myself. She teaches
classes and
“I release this day, with love and gratitude” workshops
in Brussels
Then, I acknowledge the day that has just passed, the good and the bad, knowing very well that there
and Mons,
is neither good nor bad, that it is merely information.
I acknowledge that every experience, every moment, has its place. and does her
best to pass
And then comes the most loving ritual I have ever experienced : gratitude.
on the yoga
Finding at least three things I am grateful for, whether big or small, is surprisingly easy. Three, then teachings in a fun, challenging and skilful
suddenly five, then… peacefully, I fall asleep. way.

As I drift away, I am getting ready to transition from one day to another. When she is not goofing around on her yoga
mat, Emmanuelle can be found playing with
A new day that I will welcome, with love and gratitude. her Krazy Kats and her Lovely Boyfriend,
jumping around to loud indie rock or eating
dark chocolate – sometimes all these things
at the same time.



Twitter @emmainbxl

23 Ways to Live with Love | 15

13: It All Starts With A Simple Smile - Liz Longacre

On the day my daughter was born, as I held her tiny body and stared into her beautiful brown eyes, I
made her one simple promise.
Liz Longacre
I promised her that no matter what, I would always smile when I’m around her. I know there is a sensitive
will be things I can’t provide for her and times when I disappoint her, but one thing I can give her motivator
unconditionally is the gift of choosing to smile. who believes
our greatest
Being mindful of this simple promise helps me to embrace gratitude even when strengths
life feels messy and to manifest peacefulness even when my world feels rocky. come from our
It guides my surrender while pushing me to achieve my truths.
When she’s
This promise doesn’t mean that I can’t feel real emotions or that I need to act fake, it’s simply my
not working as
guiding light.
a lawyer and
Sometimes I need to step away, to see where life has fallen off course, so that I can being a mama to a magical little girl, you can
find my light and let it guide my way back. find her blogging at Gentle Living where she
helps sensitive, introverted and shy women
And it does, by changing my actions, clarifying my decisions, and filtering the words I speak over my find their voice, embrace their truths and
life. awaken their power.
The best mother I can be, the best person I can be, is not defined by my possessions, my profession Download her Shy Girl’s Manifesto now and
or my associations, it’s defined by the joy I infuse through my soul. you’ll also be the first to receive her new free
Happiness is a choice, one that I made for my little girl, and it is now my most powerful way of living e-book, 5 Declarations to Empower Sensitive
with love. Women, which is coming out soon.

And it starts with a simple smile. www.gentlelivingonline.com

23 Ways to Live with Love | 16

14: Living With Love Connects Us All - Lindsay Luna
Living with love is an unconditional practice. In some
sacred circles,
It’s seeing beneath the surface of all things.
Lindsay Luna
Being able to hold a moment in your heart and giving life to its beautiful expression of Danmala
through gratitude. Teas is known
as the Tea
Living with love is planting seeds; nurturing those seeds and watching them flourish in the sunlight. Goddess,
magic weaver,
It’s surrender to control. Letting the outcome be what it is.
Living with love is allowing life to be lived harmoniously with the cycles of nature; in the self and the nomad and
natural world. tea ritualist.
It’s accepting that you are who you are at this very moment and that everything will be ok. Living intentionally through the seasons on
her family’s farm in the mists of the Pacific
Living with love is giving from the heart without expectations of receiving anything Northwest, Lindsay offers custom tea blend
in return. It’s freedom in the form of pure light that radiates from one soul to consultations, monthly tea memberships
another. and a variety of seasonally inspired teas,
Living with love means to not question the motives or actions of others but to believe in the purity tisanes and botanical creations.
of their intention. Living with love connects us all at some point. Being an example of positivity and www.danmalateas.com
inspiration will complete the circle so that others can live from their heart.
I live with love so that someday my children will give freely of themselves to those in need and
remember that the seeds they plant will someday be harvested by those they come in contact with. www.facebook.com/danmalateas

Living with love is the golden rule. instagram.com/danmalaartisanalteas

23 Ways to Live with Love | 17

15: The Practice of Kindness - Joanna Powell-Colbert
The practice of kindness is my daily expression of love. Joanna Powell
Colbert is an
The Dalai Lama famously said that his religion is kindness. But I learned it from my father, through his artist, author,
life-long example. In any given situation, he would choose the kindest thing to say or do. And I have retreat host,
found myself following his example. and teacher of
Kindness doesn’t mean letting others steamroll over you. In fact the most self-loving thing you can tarot, sacred
often do is to remove yourself from a situation or a relationship. It can be empowering — and kind art, and earth-
— to say “no.” centered
It can also be difficult, when your temper flares and you want to say something cutting or sarcastic, She is the
to be kind instead. You take a deep breath, breathe it out, and let the anger go. creatrix of the
You have a choice. You choose to be kind. Gaian Tarot.

For in the end, it’s all that really matters — kindness. Love. Amber Lotus Publishing Co. calls her one
of “the most accomplished and well-loved
I’ve experienced the deaths of many cherished friends and family members over the years. Some artists in the Goddess-spirit community.”
deaths were sudden and shocking, some were protracted and painful. I have come close to dying
myself four times. And here is what I have learned: Joanna teaches e-courses and workshops
on earth-­centered spirituality, manifesting
When you are on your deathbed, and you’ve run out of time — all that matters is love. The fierce love your dreams, seasonal contemplative
you’ve had for the sacred earth, for your own passions, for your friends and family and lovers; and practices, creativity as a devotional path,
the love that has flowed back to you in return. and using tarot as a tool for inner guidance
and self-­exploration. She also leads Gaian
Your overflowing heart has been cracked open, mended and broken open again.
Soul Retreats for women twice a year, in
All that matters is love. the spring and fall. Visit her online: www.
GaianSoul.com and www.GaianTarot.com.


23 Ways to Live with Love | 18
16: Love Mirroring Back To Itself - David Rabone
Working with clients has taken many forms over the past few years, each method uncovering the David Rabone,
illusion of separation between us, revealing a deep stillness, so silently palpable. voted Health
and Happiness
From all these occurrences the most powerful and uniting experiences I have had come from gazing
into the eyes of my clients.
Best Healer
Automatically, there is an opening of the heart, and a confidence that we are all 2014, is a coach
perfect as we are. and healer
working to
Usually, there are tears, sometimes a little resistance which melts into the love of the heart, and very bring you deep
often smiles of knowingness and recognition. levels of peace
and stillness.
There is a soul to soul connection, and an awareness of LOVE.
Having trained in many modalities over the
And when I say love, I don’t mean romantic but a deep acceptance of where we are in that moment,
years, David has come to a point where his
nothing to do and no-one to become.
work is an example of ‘less is more’. He
Recently I had the same connection with a new born baby who opened his eyes, looked into me and holds a space of divine peace and stillness,
smiled. This was LOVE mirroring back to itself. enabling you to receive what you need to
receive in that moment.

David’s life experience of chronic illness,

which almost lead to his death, has imbued
him with the ability to relate to many people’s
life problems, enabling him to empathise



23 Ways to Live with Love | 19
17: Love Slugs - Satya Robyn
It’s easy for me to love flowers, purring cats, harvesting fresh courgettes from the garden. Satya Robyn
is a novelist,
It’s not so easy to love stinky slimy compost, or my cat when he pukes at 3 a.m. onto my clean
clothes, or the slugs that demolish my courgette plants.
therapist and
It’s not so easy to love our friends or family when they talk about us behind our backs, disappoint us, a Buddhist
or are downright mean. priest. She is
happily vegan
If we’re serious about living with love, then we must be willing to belt it out like and runs
sunlight onto everything in our world. Writing Our
Way Home,
a mindful
Because people are only mean to us because they are hurting or afraid, and if we writing
love them it helps us to see this. company, with
her husband
Because loving cats means loving cat puke and vet bills and fur-strewn carpets. Kaspa.
Because slugs also have a right to life, however inconvenient this may be to us. She is also a very foolish being, trying to be
Because, from the dark and crumbly compost, new green growth emerges... honest and to let grace through.





23 Ways to Live with Love | 20

18: I Soften - Rachel Singleton

I soften. I soften enough to listen to my heart’s quiet voice in the moment.

The heart’s wisdom transcends all difficulties and helps me find authentic loving solutions. Singleton
is a Flower
My heart has taught me the beauty of paradox: ‘The softest way will take you through the hardest
times’ it tells me, and then I hear ‘but you must harness all your strength and courage’.
I realise I must be strong enough to stay soft. She is the
creator of
My heart has taught me self-love: when I feel stressed I hear ‘forgive yourself’. I used to wonder at this LightBringer
- would I not be better focussing on forgiving the person or situation that caused me stress? Essences -
My heart replies, ‘Forgive yourself for judging, for reacting, for not seeing clearly and with love, for wild flower
forgetting you have a heart to guide you.’ So I forgive myself and rest in my heart again. ‘Welcome essences
back’ it whispers and enfolds me in love. which harness
the healing energies of rare plants without
I realise all the love I need is in my own heart. From here it is natural and easy to picking or harming them.
love others.
It is her joy to teach others - heart to heart -
My heart has taught me of energy: when I am in the grip of strong disturbing emotions - fear, anger, the gifts of these gentle natural remedies that
grief - I hear, ‘This is only energy! Do not judge it, do not resist. Relax into the full experience of yourself help us navigate our emotional landscape.
in this moment, filled with this scintillating energy.’
She runs Advanced Essence Practitioner
And my resistance to the emotion dissolves in the miracle of the energy that fills me. I realise there is Trainings in the Lake District. Rachel lives in
nothing to fear when I embrace the fullness of what is without judgment. the mountains with plants and wild things,
not least among them her man and her cat.
My heart is my compass and everyday it teaches me how to live with love. My job is to hear.
LightBringer Essences:


Essence Practitioner Trainings:

23 Ways to Live with Love | 21
19: I Surrender To The Love - Jackie Stewart
Every day I surrender. I surrender to my heart. I surrender to the love. Jackie
I consciously turn my attention to my heart in the centre of my chest and notice the gentle rhythm wants to
of my breath. live in a
Breath flowing in, breath flowing out. Then another breath. And another. world where
It takes just a second to drop your attention to your heart instead of your mind. In your heart, each lives from the
breath becomes love. Each moment becomes love. Love flowing in, love flowing out. heart, which
When I wake up in the morning, before I open my eyes, I drop my awareness to my breath in my is secretly
heart. Soft. Slow. Opening. why she
compiled this
When I feel tight or judgemental or impatient or disconnected, I drop my awareness to my breath in book.
my heart.
One breath. Then another and another until the softness swells inside me and I’m at peace. Soft. she’s a flower
Slow. Expansive. and crystal essence practitioner but really
Sometimes I play a little game with myself. I do a deal that even if I’m crazy-busy and I don’t think she’s a Soul Seer, plant spirit medicine
I have time for this, I stay breathing through my heart for as long as it takes for peace to descend. woman and meditation guide who offers
Breathing slower. Breathing deeper. e-courses, meditations and one-to-one
sessions infused with magic, love and
When fear claws at my belly and I don’t know what to do next, I breathe through my heart until sacredness.
love rises like a wave. One breath, then another until the fear dissolves and there is only love. I am
swimming in love. Join the quiet revolution in living from your
heart at:
Because love is not something we need to grab for; it’s what we find when we
simply surrender to our hearts.
Breath flowing in, breath flowing out. Surrendered. In Love.
23 Ways to Live with Love | 22
20: I Endeavour To Be Harmless - Anne Ward
I endeavour to be harmless. In 1990 or 91,
seemingly out
I know it is not necessary to like someone to unconditionally love them. of nowhere, I
I take the time to bring myself into a state of unconditional love and acceptance for all my neighbours. experienced a
I believe this practice is extremely important. sudden deep
serenity in
I know that every person is doing their best according to their level of consciousness and understanding myself and
and when that changes so will they, as I myself have done and continue to do. dropped out of
I desire that my neighbours are happy and life flows what they need to them. If someone behaves the “rat race”.
without regard for others I consider that there may be an emergency or some dreadful crisis or distress I went on to have a Taoist training to work with
in their life. energy and consciousness as given by the
I choose to smile at people who catch my eye, give a friendly smile to someone in a new situation who Lady Yeshe Tsogyel, the spiritual consort of
does not know anybody, and treat people with the consideration I myself would like to receive. the king who introduced Buddism into Tibet.
I learned sound healing with Tom Kenyon
I choose to see the funny side of things and laugh, giggle and chuckle. and reconnected with the interdimensional
galactic civilisation of the Hathors, masters
The sound of happy laughter is fearless, harmless, and disarms belligerence.
of love, sound, and energy; and I helped
And I go upon the land and soak myself in the beauty of the natural world and feel the love of Creation people to open their hearts and experience
and Creator. unconditional love for All Life, and taught
them how to activate the merkaba, as a
facilitator with Flower of Life Research.

Now I concentrate on distance healing

work, and recording my own meditation and
energetic practises to help people live on
a healthy Earth in the society they want to
experience. www.worldbridger.co.uk

23 Ways to Live with Love | 23

21: I Maintain A Connection With Spirit - Ginger White
What do I do to live with love? Ginger White
is an energy
The main thing I do is maintaining a connection with Spirit. alchemist
This happens for me in a variety of ways… taking time for meditation and prayer, or spending time – intuitive
outside in nature. consultant
and coach,
For me, It also means spending time creating, writing, painting, laughing with and spending time Reiki Master,
with loved ones, playing with my cat, taking shamanic journeys, doing rituals. Certified
And being grateful – always reconnecting to gratitude, always trying to see the gift in whatever is Crystal Healer
going on, however difficult it might be. and Advanced
Crystal Master, and Priestess Initiate.
Always giving thanks for what I have.
I offer subtle harmony and gentle clarity
And always remembering (and reminding myself) that I’m constantly surrounded by angels and to help women during times of shadow,
guides, that I’m always being held in the arms of the Divine. uncertainty, stress, anxiety, and life
I couldn’t choose just one thing to say… because all of these are inter-related for me as ways I
connect with love. My website and blog where I offer a variety
of services and digital products can be
found at:


My handcrafted chakra and crystal jewelry,

meditation chains, and other items are
available in my Subtle Harmony Etsy shop:



23 Ways to Live with Love | 24

22: I See The World Through The Eyes Of My Soul - Cara Wilde
I’ve discovered that living with love needs to start with loving myself. Cara Wilde is
It took me a long time to feel allowed, to give myself permission to have kind thoughts about who I
committed to
am right now. Now I realise self compassion and kindness supports me in being a loving presence in
authentic and
the world.
joyful living.
My Evening and Morning Ritual: She believes
that each
As I go to sleep I intend to connect with my Soul and remind myself of the truth of who I am.
individual is
Before I open my eyes in the morning I remind myself that I am Love, that I am Loved, that I walk a path a unique and
of love. I place my hand on my heart and ask that I see the world through the eyes of my Soul. crucial aspect
of Source
Throughout my day, if I feel self doubt or judgement of others creeping in, I remind and that their
myself “I walk a path of love” authentic nature is a homing beacon to the
life they were born to live.
When I tell myself, I am walking a path of love, my body relaxes, there’s less pressure to try and be
a loving presence in the world and more a sense of allowing what I naturally am to come into my Her extensive understanding of energy
awareness. psychology and metaphysics combined
with her natural abilities as an intuitive and
I trust myself more. I’m kinder to myself and kinder to others. I trust what flows from me into the
empath, allow her to be a pure and clear
verbal channel for the non-physical being
I feel myself connect with that purity and innocence that is within all of us. known as Aurora. Aurora is a stream of
consciousness with a message that life is
Oh and laugh, laugh as much as I can. Life is far too important to be taken a playground of possibilities and joy is our
seriously! birthright.

Cara and Aurora work together as a unique

team providing consultations, processes and
a message of inspiration and empowerment
at www.WildBliss.com
23 Ways to Live with Love | 25
23: Choosing Not To Act - Nikki Wyatt
The change which has brought the most love (and peace) into my life is choosing Karma Coach
not to act when I’m emotionally triggered. Nikki Wyatt
is a writer,
Now, when I feel a strong negative reaction I take a deep breath and go for a walk or in some way a spiritual
take myself out of the situation. channel
I may journal my feelings, take essences, do some ‘tapping’, tune into spiritual guidance or ring a and a Gaia
friend – if it’s really difficult I may do all of the above! healer. She’s
an expert
If I still need to respond to the situation, I only do so when the charge has gone. in flower
Thankfully I now have many ways to process emotions; I hope it means that I create less drama, more and crystal
open communication and more honest relationships. essences
from all over
The less I get into drama and stories the more life flows and the more I live the world.
authentically. She’s created four essence ranges to
Nothing opens my heart more than going through an emotional growth process or helping someone balance your chakras, to release karma,
else through one. It’s such a gift to hold or be held in unconditional love so you can safely look in the to integrate planetary influences and to
rear view mirror to see the way your past is being reflected in your present. support you during specific emotional
challenges or soul lessons. Subscribe to
Each time you’re able to recognise and integrate past pain instead of allowing it to bring conflict into the Karma Coach newsletter and receive a
your current reality you become more whole. You can see more of your true self and embrace it with free soul flower reading and a discount on a
love and acceptance. personal essence attunement.
If we’re all one then that’s the most important act of love we can perform to bring peace to the www.spiritoftransformation.com/
planet. newsletterhomepage.htm


23 Ways to Live with Love | 26

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