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Dear Ma’am/Sir,

Good day!

The following * insert course and major * students, whose names appear below*, of Saint Louis University under
the School of * insert complete name of school * are currently enrolled in an Information Technology Subject
(GIT) with the course description – Living in the IT Era. As a partial fulfillment of the course these students are
required to design an Information System for a business or entity of their choice.

The project requires the students to design an Information System however implementation of an actual
working system is no longer in the bounds of the said project. These students would provide a System Proposal
– Analysis and Design of an Information System that could be basis for an actual system if their chosen entity
wishes to have a development team work on it in the future.

In line with their project, the students have chosen your business as the subject of their project. Discussion as
to the scope and details of their project proposal will be presented to you by the students themselves.

Rest assured that any and all information that would be gathered by the students would be kept confidential
and would be used solely for the purpose of their project.

We highly appreciate the time and generosity you would be extending the students.

Thank you very much.

Respectfully Yours,

Adviser’s Name
GIT Instructor

* Group Members:

Group Leader

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