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Check Sheet for Course Folders

Course Folder Requirements

Academic schedule of the semester

(will be attached by Academic Cell)
Time table of the class (session)
(will be attached by Academic Cell)
F1-Course contents, CLOs and their mapping with PLOs
(will be attached by Academic Cell)
F2-16 weeks course breakup and assessment tools
(you will type it, print it and attach in folder)
All Quizzes, Assignments, Mid & End Exam etc. Question Papers with their CLOs marked
against every question
Best, Average & Worst Marked Answer Sheets of Quizzes, Assignments, Mid & End
Exam etc.
Rubrics for all assignments/subjective assessments
(those which are descriptive, sample can be searched from google)
Attendance of all students on AMSYS
(you will enter all 16 weeks attendance online and Academic Cell will print and attach this in your
F3-Filled indirect assessment forms of CLOs from at least 50% of the class
(sealed in envelopes)
F4-Filled data entries of both direct and indirect assessment in excel sheets
(you will enter all the data CLO wise in excel sheets and email to the department)
Statistical analysis of CLO/PLO attainment through direct & indirect assessments
(will be attached by Academic Cell)
F5-Filled & signed instructor course feedback form
(you will type, print, sign and attach it in folder)

Lab Course Folder Requirements (in addition to all above, the following should also be included)

F6 F6-Rubrics based excel sheet breakup for all Lab components

F7-Complex Engineering Problem; Attributes, structure and evidence with CEP reports
of students

Senior Design Project Folder (only for SDP supervisors)

F8 F8-CLO/PLO sheet of each SDP with attributes of CEP

3 signed word documents, rubrics based F9-Proposal Marks, F10-Progress Marks and
F11-Departmental Committee Marks
Statistical analysis of CLOs/PLOs attainment through all SDPs
(will be attached by Academic Cell)

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