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Name : Slamet Tri Setiaji

NIM : 1802045

Class : Teknik Pembuatan Kain 2A

Lecturer : Ida Ismiati S.Pd , M.Pd




SUMMARY OF PURO MANGKUNEGARAN ..................................................................................... 1
TABLE OF CONTENTS .............................................................................................................. 2
PHOTO PROFILE ........................................................................................................................ 3
1. Location of Istana Mangkunegaran ................................................................................... 4
2. The Short History of Mangkunegaran Palace ................................................................... 5
THE MAIN PART OF THE BUILDING PURA MANGKUNEGARAN ................................... 7
1. The Block of Istana Mangkunegaran ................................................................................ 7
A. PENDOPO AGENG ..................................................................................................... 7
B. PARINGGITAN............................................................................................................ 9
C. DALEM AGENG ............................................................................................................ 10
OTHER BUILDINGS ................................................................................................................. 12
1. PRACIMOYOSO ................................................................................................................ 12
2. BALE PENI .................................................................................................................... 13
3. BALE WARNI ................................................................................................................ 13
4. LIBRARY ....................................................................................................................... 13
ATTACHMENT ......................................................................................................................... 14
BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................................................................... 18

1. Location of Istana Mangkunegaran

Mangkunegaran Palace is located in the center of Surakarta, or more familiar with

Sala,in a district named Banjarsari. “Sleepless City”, Cultural Center”, “city of
Batik”,and many other names and terms are called by people to describe the city of
Surakarta. Solo or Surakarta is one of the attractive stopovers for tourists.

Beside it is not far from Yogyakarta, specialized district, it has various attractive
tourism resort it visit as follows:

a. Kraton Kasunanan Surakarta

b. Istana Mangkunegaran
c. Radya Pustaka Museum
d. Triwindu Antique Market
e. Klewer Batik Market
f. Wuryaningratan Batik Gallery
g. Sangiran Museum
h. Sukuh Temple
i. Cetho Temple
j. Grojogan Sewu

One of the most interesting sights in this city is Istana Mangkunegaran that is often
called, “Puro Mangkunebaran”. The palace, which is called “puro”, is a large building
typical of the ancient Javanese style of aristocratic painting ornament and carving. The
Palace was the dwelling place of Mangkunegaran falimilies descendant. The spirit of
Javanese culture can be strongly perceived in terms of location, building and some
actives that can he still witnessed up to now.
The palace area is situated at a quarter of four streets, Ronggowarsito Streets at the
front, R.A. Kartini Streets at the right side, and Teuku Umar Streets at the left side and
R.M. Said at the back side.

Mangkunegaran II began its construction at the end of the 18th centuries and it was
completed in 1866 since then it has under gone several renovations; yet it still remains
true to its original design, reflecting the Princess of the past.
Since the re-ign of Mangkunegoro VIII the palace was opened for public and organized
as a tourism bureau in 1968. The idea was firsty tuned up from Prince Mangkunegoro
Vlll who likes to correspond with l'breign Friends and to entertain them to visit palace.
The palace is also completed by receptionist oil -ice, library, carriage gallery, art shops
and public facilities to support the tourism - Bureau.

2. The Short History of Mangkunegaran Palace

Talk about the Mangkunegaran Palace was build or usual called Puro Mangkunegaran
in Surakarta City it is mean to effort about struggle of Raden Mas Said or famous with
Pangeran Sambernyawa is the man who builds Praja ManZ!kuiicLaran (or called Ilic
Mangk(incguru I).Raden Mas Said was born in Kartosuro Palace in 17 April 1725 when
he was 16 years olds. It is start the China rebellion against the Dutch at the end spread
to everywhere and influence the attitude of Mataram people with the Dutch. When
Susuhunan Pakubuana II (the authority of Surakarta Palace) takes side the Dutch, so the
people attack the palace.

Raden Mas said that still young with his brother and his friends merge with the people
against the Dutch. In 1741 they leave the palace and go to Nglareh country in Wonogiri.
In Nglaroh country, Raden Mas Said troops more arrogant and strong because the
people support his struggle. Because the suggestion ol'I'atih Kudanawarsa, IZadcn Mas
Said merge with Sunan Kuning in

Randulawang to againts together. Because of his struggles, he is famous with Pangeran

Sambernyawa (Prince who spread the death). He also merge with his parent in law.
Kanjeng Pangeran Mangkubumi and he leads the troops againts the Dutch which is
allied with Sultan Hamengkubuana I. Raden Mas Said struggles that lasted about 17
years (1740 - 1757) was only backed up by small troops but they had great fighting
spirit as well as rapid movement. Pangeran Sambernyawa determination and success in
every fight cased a stir in Dutch side.

Even the Dutch fortification fell down, and it made Nicolas Hartingh (in Dutch
Residence of Yogyakarta) so restless that he asked for Susuhunan Pakubuana I help to
call and convince Pangeran Sambernyawa, who doubled that invitation from the
beginning, to run the government at Surakarta. However, he eventually came to that
{palace and met Susuhunan Pakubuana II, who is his own uncle. Then on Saturday,
Legi, Jumadilawal 5, the year of Alip and cycle of 8 years Kuntoro, Javanese
Calendrical reckoning 1638 or March 17, 1757. Peace treaty was made among three
parties Pakubuana 111, Raden Mas Said, and Sultan Hamengkubuana who was
represented by vice Regent Danurejo at Kalicacing. Salatiga. With this treaty, finally
Raden Mas Said can be successfully persuaded to stop his rebellion. Account to this
treaty, Raden Mas Said post on was equal with other kings position and Susuhunan
Pakubuana III, the single of Raden Mas Said take place 17 years (1740 - 1757) with the
troops which can move fastly and strong. As for the title of this government ruling was
“Kanjeng Gusti Pangeran Adipaii Aryo Mangkunegoro”.
Some exceptions were stated in treaty that he was not allowed to:

1. Sit upon the throne

2. Establish Balai Winata
3. Have his own city square
4. Raise a pair of Banyan tree

Those are meant to distinguish his authority from the kings of Kasunnanan Surakarta
Palace and Kings of Kasultanan YoQVakarta Palace. And for land under Praja
Mangkunegaran's authority included Kaduangland, Nglaroh, Wiroko, Hariboyo,
Hangkuboyo, Kedu. Sambuyan Gunung Kidul, Northern Pajang and in the south of Sol
- Kartasura road and Mataram. Due to Pangeran Sambernyawa who's struggle againts
DutCh li>r 17 years (1740 -- 1517) Indonc”ia government honored him first level
Bintang M.A. and considered him as National Hero.

1. The Block of Istana Mangkunegaran

Puro/Istana Mangkunegaran, strictly speaking in princely house rather -than a palace, is

built on kraton model but a small scale. It share the primary architectural features of
Pendopo Ageng, Paringgitan, Dalem Ageng, Bale Peni and Bale Warm. The whole
enclosed by an outer fortified wall. Like the principal Surakarta and Yogyakarta
Kratons. Puro/Istana Mangkunegaran, underwent several modifications during the peak
years of the Colonial Presence in Central Java and exhibits European decorative feature
typical of the period.

Ifwc enter the blocks ol'Istana Manbkunc;l;aran, we will go in to 302,50 m x 308,25 m

size of building.The area of the whole building is 93.396 m2 and it is Javanese
architecture building with ornament and some collection of items that show highly
artistic culture of Javanese.

The blocks of the palace was built gradually by Mangkunegoro H from 1804 to 1866.
basically, the building of Istana Mangkunegaran is divided into two, these are the part
of the palace, to which the public is allowed to visit and the private parts of the ones
opened for tourists according to the decree of KGPAA Mangkunegoro VII 1968. mainly
the building includes three main parts, those are:

a. Pendopo Ageng
b. Paringgitan
c. Dalem Ageng.


The first gate of the Kraton opens onto the Pamedan, a training field for the soldiers of
Mangkunegaran legion. The former stables and barracks are located on the eastern side
of the pamedan. The second gate leads into the inner courtyard which is dominated by
the 3.500 sq, meter. Pendopo Ageng (Great Pendopo) which with a capacity of five to
ten thousand people, was a for many years the largest in all Indonesia.
Pendopo Ageng Istana Mangkunegaran has wide called Pamedan Mangkunegaran,
located to south of the palace gate. Among the given rooms, the most front of the room
lies “Pendopo” in where the traditional ceremony i s conducted, and it is also used to
perform traditional dances.

The shape of Pendopo building is Joglo, the square wooden columns which support the
Joglo roof were carved from trees grown in the Mangkunegaran forest in the hills of
Wonogiri. The entire structure was built without the use of nails. The predominant
colors of that palace are yellow and green, young rice plant colors of the
Mangkunegaran family. Special shape of Central Java building, it has four pillars (Saka
Guru or main pillars) of 40 cm, made of log of teak tree. The height of the main pillars
is 10. 50 m. While pillars of building is 16 m. The front part of this Great Pendopo
Ageng is decorated with beautiful lamps derived from Holland.

The floor of Pendopo Ageng is 62.50 meters long and 51.60 meters wide, and the Italian
marble floor was put in. the roof is made of hundreds of siraps (teak wood tiles) in
1925. the top of the roof is 16.70 meters from the ground. There is Gamelan set
(instrument of the Javanese classical orchestra) in the south - west side of Pendopo
Ageng which is named Kyai Kanyut Mesem, that means those who hear the gamelan
sound will be shaken up to enjoy it. This gamelan is hundreds of years, the oldest, most
complete, and the most frequently played Gamelan in the Mangkunegaran Palace.

The gamelan is popular in culture circles of Java as well aboard, is played on

Wednesdays to accompany traditional dance rehearsals. Originally audiences were
seated crosslegged on the floor of the Pendopo Ageng. Chairs were introduced only in
the late 19th century, during the reign of Mangkunegoro VI. In addition of this gamelan,
these are three other sets of gamelan arranged in Pendopo Ageng, those are

a. Munggang
b. Corobalen
c. Kodok Ngorek
This gamelan is sounded only for certain ceremonies such as : a. King
d. Wedding
e. Circumcision
f. Respected guests visit and many others.

The decoration of the ceiling, in the middle of the Pendopo Ageng was painted in 1937
and is called Kumudhowati, the work of Liem To Hien (China). The designer and the
artist were from other countries, the painting has Javanese batik style called as Modang
(fire/flame motif) one of the most popular Javanese patterns. Along the edge of the
painting can be seen the Javanese version of the Zodiac and the paints of Compass
(pictured the “Attribute -s and Weapons of the Dewas/Good”).

The center of the painting, picture the eight mystical color which symbolize magical
powers. It has function to protect-againts negative things. The function of Pendopo,
besides for dance and gamelan performance, it is also used for reception the Joglo shape
without any all open shows the king characteristic to protect people impartially.

The room where the royal family receives official guest. This word derived from the
word “Para” (Place) and “Ringgit” (Puppet). There fore it means this room is also used
for Wayang (Puppet), Kulit (leather) performances. The show puppet plays depicting
episodes from the Mahabarata and the Ramayana, the major epics of South's Asia and
India literature. The Kelir (screen) spans the front door, the big main door. The Dalang
(puppeteer) sits cross legged in front of the screen manipulating the puppets and
speaking the parts of each character. The Blencong (oil lamp) hangs behind the screen
in the I)alcrn nbcng (“fhc third main building of the palace). The members of the palace
watch this performance from Dalem Ageng, the most glorious building. The door, at the
middle, of this room is wide opened right behind the screen of the show, while the
guests and common people can watch in front of the screen.

The shape of Paringgitan building is “Kutuk Ngambang” with 21,50 x 17,50 size or
totally 375,25 m2. In this room, some painting of late Basuki Abdullah can be seen,
these are : “Gusti Putri” (the Queen of Mangkunegoro VII), and paintings of
Mangkunegoro VIIi and Mangkunegoro VIL (Basuki Abdullah the well-known
Solonese Painter).In additional to the paintings mentioned above, there also two
paintings,with the same size as the real model, of Kanj'eng Putri Mangkunegoro IX and
KGPAA Mangkunegoro IX (the present there King and Queen), in front of the
paintings, on the wall there are two half-century bronze statues of KGPAA
Mangkunegoro VII and Queen. The porch of Paringgitan is decorated with several
Chinese and Italian statues.


Dalem Ageng is the main building of the palace that is considered as sacred and holy.
To go into Dalem Ageng from Paringgitan, we pass three doors, the main door is right
in the center and opened when there are special ceremonies.

Some tourists usually pass the left door of all Javanese houses is constructed in the
Limasan Architectural style with eight Saka Guru (Pillars). Its size is 383,75 m2. Room
which traditionally housed the royal bridal bed and which now serves as a museum.

In the inners room, there is place that is called Krobongan/Peranen-it is used to put the
offering two Dewi Sri (The Goddess of rice) who had family ties with Mangkunegoro to
present according to the legend. The Goddess of Grain and fertility but later was
brought in-to the house and made into a bridal bed. There are two wooden statues in
front of the Krobongan called Loro Blonyo. These statues symbolize well being.

The Dalem Ageng is only used for traditional ceremonies for the wedding of the
Prince's daughters and funerals of family members. These ceremonies are held in front
of the Krobongan or Petanen with the guests sitting on the floor. Neither gamelan music
nor dances are ever performed in the Dalem Ageng. After a ceremony, when there are
dances to be seen and gamelan to be heard, guests are requested to go to the Pendopo.

In the Dalem Ageng, the roof is with put a ceiling and the wood work is made to look
like sunbeams; the sunlight shine in directly through the roof tiles, revealing the main
architectural lines and on the frame of the house.

The function of Dalem Ageng, recently us not the place to conduct sacred ceremonies,
but also the place as tile museum in where some collection of things
hundred years, before the place was established. The Dalem is also used to display a
priceless collection of relics, found in the Surakarta area, skillfully by the late
Mangkunegoro VII, and neatly arranged in cupboard and glass showcases. These relic
consist of gold an bronze articles from the Hindu, Majapahit (1293 - 1478) and
Mataram (1586 - 1755) periods and constitute one of the rarest collection of high
cultural and archeological value in Indonesia. Some of pieces on display; large, gold
Budhistic rings with sacred Mantra inscriptions; a gold chasity belt might have
belonged to a queen's fabulous collection of gold coins and other objects from the
Majapahit Kingdom; gold kerises and Javanese dagger handles; bronze Bodhisattva
statues; ancients oil lamps; temple bells; bronze work and the other curious. Gold-plated
dresses are also displayed in the Dalem Ageng in the Dalem Ageng along with gold
ampilan articles, articles carried by young girls have to walk behind the Prince and
Princess at special traditional ceremonies. In this part of the palace, there is a collection
of portraits of the many Mangkunegoro Princes hanging on the wall.

Beside the main building' Pendopo Ageng, Paringgitan, and Dalem Ageng, there are
still other rooms for various necessities of the families in the palace, such as the
dwelling palace of Mangkunegoro families behind the middle part of Dalem Ageng.
This place is quite just like a nobleman owned house in the village, inside the park grow
some trees and bush as natural preserve as well, with tens of kinds of birds, and
classical European models statues. Unfortunately the area is private one.


After observing Dalem Ageng, we can continue to go into park and Pracimoyoso.
Pracimoyoso is the dinning room and function as family meeting room with modern
architecture mixed with traditional style to be harmony. Going into Pracimoyoso, we
can feel calm and impressed. The interior design is unique, and items that exist there
show high values and taste.

In this room, the first tings to be seen are the rooms decorated with lace large mirrors on
the wall of the room. Beside the mirrors, in the middle of the room hangs a crystal lamp.
Unfortunately, this room can only be seen from outside and it is allowed to go in.

At the veranda of Pracimoyoso, there are several table and chairs sets and cupboards
with the pictures of the big Mangkunegoro family. There are also foreign guests picture
of Queen Yuliana and her husband (Dutch) and Queen Fabiolla and her husband
(Belgium). When they visit the palace, as the sign ol'- good relationship made between
two kingdoms.

In the dinning-room of Pracomoyoso, these is glass will with picture, describing the
daily life of Javanese society long time ago. This beautiful mirror was the work of art by
a Dutch named Mr. Karsten. At the edge of the table in the dinning room there is also a
carving of ivory, describing the story of Ramayana. They say. that this carving was
made by a Balinese for thirty years. So no wonders of' this beautiful of carving is very

This area was the dwelling place of Mangkunegoro families descendant, it is located
beside Dalem Ageng. Bale Pen] is the part of the palace, to which the public or visitors
is not allowed to visit and private part of the palace, where only ' apartments for the
But it can be seen from Bale Warm, because it is not allowed to go in. between Bale
Peni and Bale Warm, there are some classical European modeled statues and collection
of mask used for dancing from various areas of Indonesia. Next to Bale Peni is the
gamelan finishing.


Bale Warm is located next to Dalern Ageng. The public is allowed to visit it. The area
where only apartments for princesses. In this place we can see beautiful garden, with
tens ol'various kind ol'birds, planted with Ilowering trees and ornamental shrubs

There are some portraits of the royal family hanging on the wall and arranged on the
table. And Masks are arranged in cupboard. The inner garden is a beautiful sanctuary
with caged song hirds, classical P;urcrpcan statuary, colorful butterflies and fountains
playing in the sunshine.

Opening on to the garden is the Beranda Dalem (Inner Verandah), an eight-side room
with chandeliers and fine European furniture. Ornate gilt-framed mirrors line the walls.
Leading off the inner verandah is a dining room with stained glass windows depicting
Javanese scenes, and the princesses' dressing room and elegant tiled bathroom.


A lasting vestigate of the Kraton's part is the fine library, which is now housed in the
upperstorey of the Kraton's administrative (Kantor Dinas Urusan Istana) wing on the left side
of the Pamedan. It was established in 1867 MangkunegorolV.
This library is still used by student and historians. They can find some books in various
language, some collections of historical photos, and some datas about plantation as well as the
other possessions of Mangkunegaran.
















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