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Project Summary

Business Name: SLAP’scent

Business Product: Perfumes with essential oils

1. Type of Business

The SLAP’scent is a partnership business that create a scent from many

essential oils. The Company used different essential oils to create a quality product and

affordable to every customer.

2. Company Profile Logo

 Company Background

Some people always think that teenager can’t do anything and they are just roaming

around. One time when a group of teenager team up they think what product can be made by

essential oils. They gathered researches and make a ways to find want they want too.The

purpose of creating this product is help the people look good by their smell and they believe

that every person is worth to be appreciated.

 Business Name and Reason for choosing

The business name “SLAP’scent” originated from SLAP and a scent. Simple as this when

you try to figure out what smells of perfume do the company have. You need to try it first and

the scent of this will slap on you because of the combination of special essential oils.
 Business Owners

Clint Jude Lo as Chief executive officer Or the CEO of the company. He oversees

the daily operation and guide strategic Vision of the company, makes our mission to be fulfill

and a Core values that describes us.

Lovely Lastimoso is Chief operating officer or the COO of the company. She has a

passion to his job and brings creativity to the company.

Irish Paredes is Chief financial officer or the CFO. She might be good at all but in

supporting the entire organization is what she really love to do.

Piolo Sebastian is the Chief Information officer and his team is very resourceful.

Without them our company would not be able to be an outstanding quality compared from


Joshua Arendayen is the VP Marketing bringing energy to our company. He shows

at the advertising campaign wins consisting accolades from our dear costumers.

Junel Labisores is the General Manager of the business and he is the incharge of

everything when it comes to the production.

Noemie Malandog is the Human Resource Manager and her duty is to secure the fair

treatment to the co-workers and other human beings.

 Site Location

For the start of the business you should have also a small start. The company got 20sqm
office place where it is located at eastwood mall, 2nd floor Batasan road Quezon city near
fillinvest 2 subdivision. Welcome to serve Everybody.



AGES and WALKS OF LIFE. We offer the choice of building a part-time full-time business

to any interested individuals with only MINOR INITIAL INVESTMENT.


To create HIGH QUALITY scent of perfume and to be the one of the BEST AND

POPULAR PERFUME that ever known. Have earning opportunity, VALUE every single

effort of MANPOWER and CONTINOUSY IMPROVING and GROWING to become a top



 EXCELLENCE – From the source. Our team, Suppliers, and leadership. Our mind-set
is only in fulfilling the soaring quality of our product as well as our relationship in the
 DIGNITY – We make best quality and never waste efforts of our team.
 COURAGE – Our strength is our skills. Having a potential to make the company be
work better to have a very good performance is having an excellence run of the
 RESOURCEFUL- Everyone is a leader to have a lot of idea to be share so the
company will function much better as it is.
 GOOD MANNERISM- We believe that a skilful personnel is useless if that personnel
don`t have a good manner in terms of social communicating on each other.

Industrial Analysis

A perfume last long if it is containing of most oil the scent will last long

but it is the most expensive kind and citrus based fragrance is usually disappear faster

said II diko juhasz . Factors that affect the productivity of the perfume will be the

climate, brand awareness, and sensitivity of those people who will use this kind of

product. Climate is one of the factors that could have the product lost its productivity.
It should be store in a cool dark places that is away from the sunlight for

the product to be last long. Some might be loyal to the perfume that they used to be

wearing in their daily life. It might give a crucial situation to the manufacturer to

persuade people to use a new product because of the standard quality that they want to


They want to have a new unique kind of perfume that fits on every person

who got sensitive skin. Perfumes that made in hypo allergenic quality and most of all

it is a weightless for the pocket of the buyer. In applying this kind of perfume, many

used to apply on the pulse area then rub, it is actually not our recommendation for

using our product. Sprit on the pulse area, neck, between breast, and below the legs

and let it dry. If you’re not much satisfied most of the user uses moisturizer before

applying perfume and re apply if needed. “a kind of class A “handmade perfume is a

killer of A real CLASS A brand of perfume” which can only bought at a lowest price.

Market Analysis

A 2009 "New York Times" article estimates the perfume industry rakes in annual

sales at an astounding $25 to $30 billion. The article states that 83 percent of women wear

perfume occasionally and 36 percent wear fragrance every day. This powerhouse industry

owes its success to extensive marketing, high profit margins and careful customer

targeting.Making perfume is a process that requires inexpensive, often lab-grown

ingredients and little overhead. One reason why so many unrelated companies gravitate

toward the fragrance industry is because of the high profit margins associated with it. A

"Daily Mail" article in the UK explains the selling price of perfume affords the company 95

percent profit, with only three percent of the cost going toward actual production and
ingredients. Thus, Abercrombie & Fitch, Gap and Burberry are just a few companies that

expanded their product line to include perfume as means of boosting their sales.

PESTEL Analysis

- When the government put high taxes to

Political Factors: fulfil their own desire and the expenses of
the company will be higher.

- Increases the salary of the labors but the

Economic Factors: production activities is slow. This can
affect the production outcome.
- Attitude of the Employees always reflect
Social Cultural Factors: to the company`s image. Best attitude then
at the same time a skillful employee is
- Advertisement and social media will have
Technological Factors: a strong development to the product as
well as to the company. The exposure will
lead the product to be more known in the
- Temperature that good for the product and
Environmental Factors: maintain its quality should be at 31oc less.

- The other company possibly pirate or copy

Legal Factors: the product. This can cause issue and
problem for the variety of the product.

Swot Analysis


 Corporate social responsibility  Brand awareness

initiative  Difficult to obtain perfume materials at

 Affordable price according to wholesale

industry standard price  Limited target market

 Desire being


 Subscription program for new scent  Big name perfumes and loyalty brand

each month  Anti-fragrance campaigns against

Strategic Goals Strategic Objectives
Marketing Plan  Increase quality The target is to increase the
product. quality of our product there

 Advertising using social media perfumes in public and private spaces

 Referral to relatives  Holiday season

for costumer should focus in
our product to be sale at the
Production and Operation Plan  Accurate works Make at least 50-70 bottle a
day and 2480 per month
Financial Plan  Educational plan Offer a free scholarship for the
children of the loyal
employees in our company.
Human Resource and  Hardworking Provide foods for their 30
Management Plan employees minutes break and high
incentives. The more the
product have been made and
sale the higher the incentives
they get.
Socio-economic Plan  It is free from some Will persuade everyone to try
health issue the latest product for them to
know the value of a handmade
Quality Management Plan  A simple steps to a Employees should be a
great impact humble, working hard, and
respecting to costumers and so
to the highest personnel in the
Strategic Goals and Objectives (SMART)

 Quality Management Plan

 To have good image among other companies

 To train new comers and orient them how the system works

 To have a good communication and be comfortable with each other

 To manage the employees skill and knowledge

 To ensure that every one in the workplace will respect each other ‘ s perspective

 Standard Operating Procedure

Every employees need to wear the appropriate uniform that was given to them

of the management. The working hours starts at 9:00 am in the morning and End with exactly

5:00 pm. Due to lack of Employees sometimes other staff is ask if they want to take overtime.

But if they refuse, the management understands the reason behind it. Perhaps, All the

employees should follow the rules and regulation.

Rules and Regulation

Employees should abide the following rules:

1. Be on TIME; don`t be LATE.

2. Keep always in your mind that the property and the business transaction

should be protected and respected by the employees.

3. Pray before working.

4. Be honest at all the time.

5. Never to go at the company whenever you`re drunk.

6. Always keep your area clean as well as you, before you go home.

7. Break time at 12 noon (lunch) and 3 pm for the 30 minutes quick rest of the


8. Use Personal Protective Equipment

9. Greet and always say thank you at your co-workers.

10. Whenever you request don`t forget to say “please”


The SLAP’scent Company chose the pink

color for the background of the logo because it gives a
good aura for the whole company. Color pink is
associated with compassion, nurturing, love and romance.
The love of the SLAP’scent to the customers is incredible and very caring that’s why
SLAP’scent offers their love using perfumes and scent.The Hand represents the generosity
and the hospitality of the company to give the perfumes to the customers. It serves a good
welcome for the customers when they see the SLAP’scent Logo.

Management Highlight
SLAP’scent is perfume company that would bring a better smell to everyone who will
use the product.This section will contains the whole function of the management like
Hiring of applicants, orienting the new comers. The job description of every employees
are listed, the monthly salary, benefits and incentives if ever.In hiring employees who
will for the company the management is distributing announcement through our social
media accounts and other stuffs like brochures and flyers. The Procedure on making a
good perfume is very complicated and it takes time to make a perfect one. That is why
the workers need to do it very careful and if its done it will be preserved for the wole
month or more to take the combinations of the essential oils very well.

Technical Highlights
The company’s product “veltiosi” is a perfume with the combination of different
essential oils. This product is very affordable to every consumer and the location of the store
is at eastwood mall, 2nd floor Batasan road Quezon city near fillinvest 2 subdivision. This
section is contains the raw materials that has been used for the production of the product, the
next page of this section is filled with the benefits,attributes,and features of the product.The
raw materials needed are estimated 4 different essential oils. 24 roller bottles. The office
supplies needed are a box of ballpen, 2 reams of bond paper, 10, 5 pcs of Envelopes. The
other hand is the office equipment like 5 desk tables, 5 monoblock chairs, a computer, a
telephone, 2 stand fans and 1 round table.The utilities needed to pay every month are
rent,electricity,water supply internet connections, and Drinking water. On the Delivery,LBC
is the one who will deliver the products.

Marketing Highlights
In this aspect, you will see the market overview porter, the threat of new entrant,

bargaining power of supplier, bargaining power of customer, and the threat of substitute. The

company explains why there is low and high level in a situation.This also contains the SWOT

matrix,the price, place, promotion and the product. Next is the Market Research which the

company ask and have a survey to get some information to help the company have the idea of

business they are taking for.Followed by the survey and results this will help the company to

make good decisions. The next one is the product logo, campaigns and advertisement. Lastly

is the market risks that the company will adopt while the production is on going.

Financial Highlights

Socio -Economic Contribution

The important of this product is that the customer is using a roller perfume and

not giving bad reaction to the air not like Spray type perfumes. In this country the

unemployment rate is increasing that is why this company is giving opportunities to those

who is willing to work. The Company’s tax will provide a help to the government to serve

happily.This business promote that people use roller perfumes instead of spray type because

this will help lessen the air polution.

B. Management Aspect

1. Key Business Operation

The SLAP’scent is a partnership company that manufactures a homemade

perfume using essential oils.The goal of this product is to let the customer hide their old self

and impress the people the people by their scent.This business has a goal to help the people

who is under employment and give them opportunities. Aside from giving good scent to

everyone the owner wants a new trend that people will love.

2. Type of Business

The SLAP’scent is a partnership business that create a scent from many essential oils.

The Company used different essential oils to create a quality product and affordable to every


3. Organizational Structure

4. Job Description

Chief Executive Officer - whose responsible for the major corporate decisions, managing
overall operations and resources of the company.
Chief operating officer - oversees a company’s business operations and reports to the CEO.
COO ensures the company has effective operational and financial procedures in place.

Chief financial officer - responsible for managing the financial actions of a Company.

Chief Information officer - is in charge of a company’s information technology and computer

VP Marketing -is the responsible for the overall marketing results of the company.

General Manager - Obtains profit contribution by managing staff, establishing and

accomplishing business objectives.

Human Resource Manager - are the overseers of the human resources department and
insurers of the function and tasks being caried out by the HR team

5. Salaries and Benefits

Position No Monthly SSS Phil Pag-ibig 13’th Subtotal Net Pay

Salary Health Month


Chief 1 ₱25,750.00 ₱2,022.77 ₱354.06 ₱100.00 ₱13,000.00 ₱23,273.17 ₱24,103.17



Chief 1 ₱25,750.00 ₱2,022.77 ₱354.06 ₱100.00 ₱13,000.00 ₱23,273.17 ₱24,103.17



Chief 1 ₱25,750.00 ₱2,022.77 ₱354.06 ₱100.00 ₱13,000.00 ₱23,273.17 ₱24,103.17



Chief 1 ₱25,750.00 ₱2,022.77 ₱354.06 ₱100.00 ₱13,000.00 ₱23,273.17 ₱24,103.17



VP 1 ₱20,000.00 ₱1,571.08 ₱285.31 ₱100.00 ₱12,000.00 ₱18,043.61 ₱18,873.61


General 1 ₱20,000.00 ₱1,571.08 ₱285.31 ₱100.00 ₱12,000.00 ₱18,043.61 ₱18,873.61


Human 1 ₱20,000.00 ₱1,571.08 ₱285.31 ₱100.00 ₱12,000.00 ₱18,043.61 ₱18,873.61



6. Hiring Of Personnel

The SLAP’scent Company is announcing job hiring through Social media

accounts,Post tarpaulins. The purpose of this is to informed the people that the

company is hiring 30 workers to work in the company.

The Job Hiring will be held at Barangay Fairview on october 2019 for

a maximum of two weeks.

The applicants who will pass the examinations will undergo to the final

interview to be held at the Main Office, Eastwood Mall, Batasan Road, Quezon City.

7. Performance Appraisal

Performance Appraisal Form

Reviewing Date: _________________
Employee Name: _________________________________
Position: __________________________________
Current Salary:___________________

Performance Category Scores Remarks

Ability at the position


Leadership ability

Ability to meet deadlines

Organizational skills

Quality of work

Teamwork ability

communication skills

time management

planning, budgeting

Future Goals


June July August September October November

location to
build the
Choose the
needed for
the product
and select
the best
design for
the product
stalls and
made 50-70
of fliers
opening of

C. Technical Aspect
1. Product Concept

The product is made up of different essential oils that contains chemical-free

substance. The container shape and type is a roller bottle because the owner is giving a

product that cannot harm the air and any living substance. This product promotes to use roller

perfumes instead of spray. This product can be wear anytime you want.

2. Benefits, Attributes, and Features

Benefits Attributes Features

- High quality yet affordable -Thiny roller bottles that fit - Each perfume has a unique

-Eco- friendly container anywhere combination of essential oils

-Turns the mood of the user -You feel comfortable when -suitable anywhere because

you smell it of the small container

-feel great that you have a -Homemade

built a confidence using this

3. Plant Location
Eastwood mall, 2nd floor Batasan road Quezon city, Philippines

Quantity : 24 pcs roller perfumes

4. Raw Materials

Raw Materials Suppliers Quantity Price Subtotal

Lazada/ 4 180 php 720 php


Essential Oils - is the primary

material needed to make the


Shopee 24 11 php 264 php

Roller Bottles- the roller bottle is

the container of the perfume

Grocery 1 42 php 42 php


Alcohol - is the one

will be the preservative of the

perfume to become the final


Total 1,026 php

5. Factory Machinery and Equipment

Factory Machinery + Equipment Suppliers Quantity Price Subtotal

Lazada 1 box 29 php 29 php

Plastic Gloves- the procedure is

complicated and hazardous that is
why gloves is needed to protect the
skin for any hazards may happen.
Lazada 5 40 php 200 php

Safety Glasses- this is needed

because accident is anywhere.
Total 229 php

6. Production process

Step 2 Step 3
Step 1
Mix in the
Prepare all the Add the base middle note
raw materials note with a with a specific
needed specific measurement

Step 6 Step 5 Step 4

Add the alcohol Add the top
as a note with a
Packaging preservative specific


First step is you need to put the base note, mix the middle note, put some top note and
lastly add some alcohol for the preservative.Finally, after a long time period of preservation
the packaging must be ready.

7. Packaging

Primary Secondary
The bottler of perfume with the logo of the A box that will protect the roller bottles from

company. breaking.

8. Office supplies

Office Needs Suppliers Quantity Price Subtotal

Bookstore 1 box ₱150.00 ₱150.00

1. Ball pen

A pen is a writing instrument used

to write down all the details and

orders that a company has.

2. Bond paper Bookstores 2 reams of ₱125.00 ₱300.00

bond paper

Bond paper is a sheet paper

used to put all the information needed


Bookstore 4 boxes ₱250.00 ₱1,000.00

3. Ink

For printing purposes

Office Needs Suppliers Quantity Price Subtotal

4. Folder Bookstore 5 ₱50.00 ₱250.00

For organize documents purposes.

Total ₱1,700.00

9. Office Equipment

Equipment Suppliers Quantity Price Subtotal

Shopee 5 ₱100.00 ₱500.00

Mono block chairs For customers or

employees in the office.
Gilmore 1 ₱18,000.00 ₱18,000.00


Used in typing or documentation

Lazada 1 ₱500.00 ₱500.00


Used for communicating customers and

other people related to the company.

Desk Tables Lazada 5 ₱1350.41 ₱6,752.05

Table for the


Stand Fan Shopee 2 ₱620.00 ₱1,240.00

An electronic appliance run by an electric

motor used to wind people and the


Total ₱26,992.05
10. Utilities

Utility Description Supplier Monthly


Pay someone for Eastwod Mall ₱5,000.00

the use of



Electricity A form of energy Meralco ₱900.00

resulting from

the existence of

charged particles



Is the provision Maynilad ₱600.00

of water from

public utilities


Water Supply
Utility Description Supplier Monthly

A global Converge ₱1,399.00



providing a

variety of

Internet Connection

Mineral Water Water found in Nature Spring ₱400.00

nature with some

dissolve salts


Total ₱8,299.00

11. Delivery

Courier Monthly Consumption



delivery purposes

Raw Materials ₱1,026.00

Factory Machinery and Equipment ₱229.00

Office Supplies ₱1,700.00

Office Equipment ₱26,992.05

Utilities ₱8,299.00

Delivery ₱1,000

Total ₱39,246.05

12. Quality and Safety Measures

Quality Safety

*Check if the raw materials if *Wear proper uniform.

contaminated or not. *Sanitize before and after working.

*Check if the bottles are in good *Put fire extinguishers and emergency kits

condition in every part of the workplace.

*Maintain the preservation of the perfume *Always bring one’s identification card.
* Always look for the Firs Aid Kit Box.

D. Marketing Aspect
Threat of New Entrants - HIGH
- This threat is classified as High because other companies has the chance and
opportunity to enter the perfume business and new comers can affect your business.

Bargaining Power Of supplier - LOW

- This level classified as Low because the company has many suppliers and this can’t affect
the pricing rate.

Bargaining Power Of Customer - HIGH

- This portion is considered as high because customers is looking for quality yet affordable
and efficient.

Threat of substitute - HIGH

- The risk in this part most of the customers use the usual perfume that is branded and
popular. Some will not purchase a product if they are new to the industry.
Comparative Pricing Matrix

Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Competitor 3 SLAP’scent

Product Whiff AVON BC Fragrance Veltiosi
-Gardenia bliss -Honesty -Lavender
Bloom Oakmoss
Price 250 php 249 php 100 php 75 php
Place Inside the Inside the Inside the Online,
country country country Physical store
Promotion Online Online Online Print ads,
Position Above Above Above Below

2. SWOT analysis, TOWS matrix, PESTEL analysis

 Corporate social responsibility  Brand awareness
initiative  Difficult to obtain perfume materials at
 Affordable price according to wholesale
industry standard price  Limited target market
 Desire being
 Subscription program for new scent  Big name perfumes and loyalty brand
each month  Anti-fragrance campaigns against
 Advertising using social media perfumes in public and private spaces
 Referral to relatives  Holiday season


 1.Corporate  1. Brand awareness
social  2. Difficult to obtain
responsibility perfume materials at
initiative wholesale
 2. Affordable  3. Limited target
price according market
to industry
standard price
 3. Desired
program for new (S-O)  Filing out the needs of
scent each month  (S2- O3) costumer
 2.Advertising Promotes the
using social affordability at
media the same time
 3.Referral to fits for all ages.
relatives Helps people
to better now
the product
since it is new
to market.
 1. Big name THREATS (S-T) ( W-T)
perfumes and  (S1- T3 )Since Weakness Threats(WT)
loyalty brand this product is 
 2. Anti-fragrance affordable. It
campaigns should focus
against perfumes on the
in public and costumers need
private spaces and services.
 3. Holiday season Have a
discount on
every holiday

PESTEL Analysis

- When the government put high taxes to

Political Factors: fulfil their own desire and the expenses of
the company will be higher.

- Increases the salary of the labors but the

Economic Factors: production activities is slow. This can
affect the production outcome.
- Attitude of the Employees always reflect
Social Cultural Factors: to the company`s image. Best attitude then
at the same time a skillful employee is
- Advertisement and social media will have
Technological Factors: a strong development to the product as
well as to the company. The exposure will
lead the product to be more known in the
- Temperature that good for the product and
Environmental Factors: maintain its quality should be at 31oc less.

- The other company possibly pirate or copy

Legal Factors: the product. This can cause issue and
problem for the variety of the product.

3. Market Research
The first thing to do is preparing questionnaires for the respondents to answer. After printing

100 copies of questionnaires, the owners would distribute it to the area in which the business

would be built. They would select the respondents according to the target market. After

receiving the respondents’ answers, they would tally it in order for them to easily analyze it.

Finally, the owners would conclude and will set their product to their customers’ wants.
Sample Survey Instrument


Q1 Do you see perfume as:

() Need
() Luxury
( ) Gift

Q2)How many bottles of perfume do you own?

( ) 2-3
( ) 4-5
( ) 6 or more

Q3) How often do you wear perfume?

( ) Everyday
( ) Only Special occasions
( ) Weekends

Q4) How much money do you spend on battle of perfume?

( ) 50 php - 100php
( ) 100 php - 250 php
( ) 250 php - 500 php
( ) 500 php or more

Q5 Does the look of the bottle or shape help you in deciding wether to buy the perfume or not?
( ) Always
( ) Sometimes
( ) Never

Q6 Which type of perfume smell do you prefer?

( ) sweet and flowery
( ) sexy and musky
( ) light and airy

Q7 Where di you typically purchase your perfume from (Can tick more than one)
( ) Booths
( ) The Fragrance Shop
( ) Superdrug
( ) Bodyshop
( ) Online Shopping

Q8 What brand of perfume do you prefer?

( ) Local brands
( ) International brands
Q9 Do you prefer to bring perfume anywhere you go?
( ) Always
( ) Sometimes
( ) Never

Q10) What attracts you to purchase a certain perfume at first?

( ) Advert
( ) Packaging
( ) Brand

Thank you!!!

Survey Results and Analysis

Respondents Quantity: 100

Do you see perfume as:

28% 53%

Q1) Do you see perfume as:

According to the survey results, 53% of the respondents see that perfume is a need.
And 28% of the respondents see that perfume is Luxury for them. And the other 19% of the
respondents see that perfume is a gift for them.

In other terms, the majority of the respondents see that a perfume is a need in everyday
How many bottles of perfume do
you own?

1 bottle
2-3 bottles
52% 4-5 bottles
6 or more

Q2) How many bottles of perfume do you own?

Based on the survey results, 52% of the respondents said that they own
1 bottle of perfume only. However, the 42% of the respondents said that they own 2 to 3
bottles of perfumes. And the 4% of the respondents said that they own 4-5 bottles of perfume.
The remaining 2% said that they own 6 or more bottles.

Based on the result of the survey, most of the respondents said that they only own
one perfume and the rest owns 2 or more.

How often do you wear perfume

4% Everyday
Only special

68% Weekends

Q3) How often do you wear perfume?

Based on the results above, 68% of the respondents said that they wear perfumes
every day. The 28% of the respondents said that they only wear perfumes every special
occasions and events. The remaining 4% of the respondents said that they only wear
perfumes during weekends.
The results of this survey explain that most of the respondents wear perfumes every
day and other respondents use it only every special occasion and during weekends.

How much do you spend on bottle

of perfume

50 php-100 php
22% 4%
28% 100 php-250php
250 php-500 php
46% 500 php or more

Q4) How much money do you spend on bottle of perfume?

According to the survey results, 46% of the respondents avail a perfume with a price between
100Php to 150Php. However, the 28% of the respondents would purchase a perfume if the value is between
50Php to 100Php. The other 22% of the respondents said that they prefer to buy a perfume with a value between
250Php to 500Php. The remaining 2% of the respondents said they will avail a perfume worth 500Php or higher.

In this case, the results of this survey end up with the conclusion that customers would love to
avail a perfume that is cheaper and more affordable than the expensive one.

Does the look of the bottle or shape helps

you in deciding whether to buy the perfume
or not?


Q5) Does the look of the bottle or shape helps you in deciding whether to buy the perfume or
According to the survey results, 59% of the respondents said that they
always check the looks or the shape of the bottle before deciding what perfume to avail.
However, the 27% of the respondents said that they only check the looks or the shape of the
bottles sometimes. Lastly, the remaining 14% said that they will never check the looks and
shape of the bottle when purchasing a perfume.

The outcome of this survey explains that most of the customers prefer to look first
in terms of sizes, shapes and other qualities that the perfume owns before purchasing a

Which type of perfume smell do you prefer?

Sweet and
25% Flowery
Sexy and Musky
28% Light and Airy

Q6) Which type of perfume smell do you prefer?

According to the survey results, 47% of the respondents said that they prefer
to a perfume with a Sweet and Flowery smell. However, 28% of the respondents said that
they prefer to a perfume that has a scent of Sexy and Musky. The remaining 25% of the
respondents said that they prefer to a perfume with Light and Airy smell.

Based on the graph above, it explains that most of the customers would prefer
to buy a perfume with a scent of Sweet and Flowery. Some of the customers would love to
buy a perfume based on the scent and the taste they loved.
Where did you typically purchase your
perfume from?

8% Booths
Fragrance shop

15% 43% Bodyshop

Online shopping

Q7) Where did you typically purchase your perfume from?

According to the survey results, 43% of the respondents said that they actually
purchase perfumes on Fragrance Shops. However, 22% of the respondents avail perfumes on
Body shops. And the 15% of the respondents said that they would love to buy perfumes in
Super drugs. The other 12% of the respondents said that they purchase perfumes via Online
and the remaining 8% among the respondents said that they actually purchase perfumes in
may Booths.

The results of this survey indicate that most of the customers would love to
purchase perfumes in the Fragrance Shops.

What brand of perfume do you


Local Brands
49% International

Q8) What brand of perfume do you prefer?

Based on the results above, 51% of the respondents prefer to purchase

international brands of perfumes while the other 49% of the respondents prefer to purchase
Local brands of perfume. The result of this surveys illustrate that most of the respondents
prefer to Purchase International Brands of perfumes than the Local brands. Even though,
International brands have the higher impact to the customers. Many customers would love to
entertain Local Brands too.

Tally from Question 9

42% Sometimes

Q9.) Do you prefer to bring perfume anywhere you go?

According to the results of the survey, 52% of the respondents said that
they prefer to bring perfumes always anywhere they go. While the other 42% of the
respondents said that they prefer to bring perfumes sometimes and the remaining 6% among
the respondents said that they will never bring perfumes anywhere.

The result represents that most of the respondents prefer to bring perfume
always as they go somewhere.

Tally from Question 10

18% Advertisement

61% Packaging
21% Brand

Q10) What attracts you to purchase a certain perfume?

According to the results of the survey, 61% of the respondents said that
they are attracted to the brand when buying a certain perfume. And 21% of the respondents
said that they are attracted first to the packaging before purchasing. While the remaining 18%
respondents said that they are attracted to the advertisement of the product.
In this result, The customers is much attracted to the brand when
purchasing a perfume while the other respondents said that they buy perfumes because the
packaging and the advertisements attracts them.

4. Product

The SLAP’scent Company chose the pink color for the background of the logo
because it gives a good aura for the whole company. Color pink is associated with
compassion, nurturing, love and romance. The love of the SLAP’scent to the customers is
incredible and very caring that’s why SLAP’scent offers their love using perfumes and scent.

The Hand represents the generosity and the hospitality of the company to give the
perfumes to the customers. It serves a good welcome for the customers when they see the
SLAP’scent Logo.

SLAP’scent gives a colorful meaning to the life that will use it. When you smell the perfume,
the scent of this will slap the customer’s sense of smell.

Unique selling proposition

SLAP the movement


SLAP’scent packaging is very simple and not familiar like other brands. SLAP’scent is
a perfume that turns a customer to a well-confident person.
5. Pricing

Pricing Price Pricing Strategy

Unit variable cost- 50php Market Penetration

Mark-up rate - 50%

Selling Price- 75php

Comparative Pricing Matrix

Competitor 1 Competitor 2 Competitor 3 SLAP’scent
Product Whiff AVON BC Fragrance Veltiosi
-Gardenia bliss -Honesty -Lavender
Bloom Oakmoss
Price 250 php 249 php 100 php 75 php
Place Inside the Inside the Inside the Online,
country country country Physical store
Promotion Online Online Online Print ads,
Position Above Above Above Below
6. Place

Manufacturer Online Customer

The channels of distribution contains these 3 the Manufacturer to online then to

the customer. The 1st Channel is the manufacturer who is responsible for the production
process of the company. From manufacturer to Online or the Social media that makes the
image of the product be popular and the last one but to the least the customers who will
purchase the product and the one who makes money for the whole system.

7. Promotion

Promotion Cost Frequency Amount


300 600
php 2 php


20 10 200
php php

Social Media

--------- ------------- ------------

Calling Cards

2 100 200
php php
8. Market Risk

Contingency Plan

The Competition Between Advertising  Increase advertising Budget and have a

good model for this kind of


Accident happens in employees  Have an company nurse for the minor

accident and if it`s very complicated do

take the patient to the nearest hospital.

Power shortage  Prepare the generator for emergencies.

Machine breakdown  Prepare equipment that can be used if

there is a failure

Unhappy costumer  Take the feedback positively whether it

is good or bad, the comments and

advices. Offer them discounts,

refundable item, and freebies for every

item that they have.


 Proponents

Building a business would help the owners by gaining profits and gaining names

in the business industry. It also helps by improving one’s leadership and

management of a business.

 Customers

Customers will experience quality product yet efficient

 Community

To many people is looking for job, this can serve a opportunity to them.

 Government

The business can help the government using taxes that will be collected from the


 Environment

By the type of bottle like roller bottles there is no effect to the air not like spray type


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