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My future job

When I was about ten years old I wanted to become a doctor. I

thought it was really cool to be able to cure peolple oaround me,
or alt least make them feel better. My mum being a nurse was a
big part of me wanting to become a doctor. I used to think that
doctors are supernatural beibgs who have magical powers
whisch they use to make people better.But this was just a little
girl’s dreams.
Later, I realised that I like Math more than Biology or Chemistry,
so I decided I wanted to become a computer scientist. I really like
computers and I want to learn more about this subject because
because that gives me lots of job opportunities in the future. But,
while working with computers I`d love to be the manager of a
bookstore. I love reading and I always go into bookstores when I
go to the mall with my family or even my friends.
I don’t know what my future holds, but I like to think that I`ll
make my own decicions and they will be the best ones for me. I
think I also want to make my parents proud of my achievements
and be able to afford going on trips and see the world.
Whatever my job will be, I hope I`ll love doing it and, be the best
I can be.

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