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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Lipa City


Lumbang, Lipa City Higher Scholastic Standards”
e-mail address:
Telephone#: (043) 462-7277/ 09178944483

Long Quiz

Name: __________________________ Gr & Sec:__________________

A. Answer the following questions.

_________________________ 1. is a tiny non-living particle that invades and then
multiples inside a living cell.
_________________________ 2. The living organism that a virus attaches to and uses
as a source of energy.
_________________________ 3. Once the host is carrying and transmitting a virus it is
referred to as a.
_________________________ 4. are robot like viruses that infect bacteria.
_________________________ 5.
_________________________ 6
_________________________ 7. Example of
_________________________ 8. Common Viruses
_________________________ 9.

_________________________ 12
_________________________ 13. Ways how a virus can be transmitted.
_________________________ 14.
_________________________ 15.
_________________________ 16. is a substance introduced into the body to trigger the
bodies natural defenses.
_________________________ 17. He discovered bacteria by accident.

_________________________ 18.
_________________________ 19. Three basic shape of Bacteria.
_________________________ 20.

21. Bacteria can reproduce asexually (one parent) by means of ___________________.

22. Bacteria can reproduce sexually (two parents) by means of ___________________.
23. ____________________ is a small rounded, thick walled, resting cell that forms in a
bacteria cell and houses the bacterial DNA.
24. Where is the genetic material located in a bacteria cell? In a loop of DNA in the
cytoplasm. _______________________________.
25.What is the role of a flagella? Help the bacteria move.________________________
26. What are three ways bacteria can obtain food? Heterotroph (eating) Autotroph (using
energy from the sun or from chemicals in it’s environment to make food)
27. How do bacteria obtain energy to carry out their functions? Respiration or
fermentation. _______________________________________________________
28. ___________________________ are eukaryotes that have cell walls.
29. ___________________________The cells of multicellular fungi are arranged into
branching threadlike tubes.
30. Fungi usually reproduce by making lightweight spores in reproductive structures
called. ____________________________________.
31. Fungi usually reproduce by making lightweight spores in reproductive structures
called ________________________________.
32 – 34. Fungi are __________, _____________ and have ______________.
35. – 37. Fungi reproduce using ________ which are produced in structures called
38 – 42. Complete the structures of this mushroom

43 – 47. Give the different roles of Fungi in Nature:


48 – 55. Identify the following picture if it is FUNGI, VIRUS AND BACTERIA

________________ ______________________ __________________

_________________ ____________________ __________________

______________________ ___________________

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