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1. Working whole day (make/makes) my body so tired.

2. Cheeta (am / is / are) the fastest animal in the world.
3. (Does/Do) Anita speak English very well?
4. Government (gives/give) fund to poor people as a compensation of new oil policy last year.
5. ALLAH SWT (am / is / are) always with us.
6. Thalia (doesn’t/don’t/didn’t) invite us to her marriage party three days ago.
7. Jonathan and Jim (tell/tells/told) us about their journey to Mecca in 2010.
8. Soccer (am / is / are) the most favorite sport in the world.
9. Jogging for 20 minutes in the morning (make/makes/made) our body fit.
10. Water always (flows/flow) to the lower place.
11. MU football club (was/is/were/are) the champion of English Premier League in 2012.
12. I (doesn’t/don’t) know why you make me cry.
13. Thief (was/is/were/are) a person who steals someone’s property.
14. (Does/Do/Did) your uncle live in very small house?
15.(Does/Do/Did) your parents usually read newspaper in the morning?
16. I seldom (visit/visits) my grandmother in the village.
17. Sun (rises/rise) from the east, and sets on the west every day.
18. I (doesn’t/don’t) want to lose you again.
19. Life (am not / is not/ are not) beautiful without love.
20. She always (wash/washes/washed) her face before going to bed.
21. (Does/Do/Did) my mother and my sister go shopping yesterday?
22. I (doesn’t/don’t) need your reason coming late.
23. Titanic (was/is/were/are) one of the biggest movies I ever watch ten years ago.
24. (Did/Does/Do) you never drink coffee?
25) (Do/Does) the swimming pool open at 9 a.m and close at 6 p.m everyday?

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