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Recycling of effluents and low cost absorbents for treatment

They are lethal to us and the unfortunate part is that they build up in
our bodies slowly over time. Lead and mercury in particular build up
and can damage the nervous system and, specifically, your brain.
Typically, engineers use aluminum oxide, silica, cellulose or other
means to extract heavy metals but these are expensive and not
readily available to John Q. Public. They also have side effects of their
own. Charcoal filters out impurities but basically it can only get bigger
pieces, so it’s not even that effective.
This is great news since heavy metals are one of the biggest problems
in terms of water contamination. Some of these metals that can be
found in unpurified water include lead, copper, mercury, and iron.
These are lethal to humans, building up slowly in our bodies and
eventually leading to brain and nervous system damage..

Banana peels don’t kill parasites or bacteria, and they aren’t going to
protect children from viruses. But, banana peels may offer millions of
families around the world the opportunity to drink water free
of heavy metals. A basic solution to promote a basic right.
Not only can banana peels remove the contaminants, but they can do
it just as well, and in some cases better, than more expensive
technological options And it’s easy. Without any technical
preparation, dried banana peels successfully remove metals.
There are applications used to remove dyes, membrane filtration, ion
exchange, ozonation etc
These applications have disadvantages such as relatively high price,
high operation cost.
Find cheap, renewable, available and effective alternative materials
for the decolorization of colored effluents such as banana peels
Yes, in a pinch banana peels can be used to filter
water. The main reason for this is due to the fact
that they contain a number of acids and other
molecules capable of purifying hydrogen and oxygen
better still, these molecules are not at all harmful to

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