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Course Assessment (100%)

Coursework – 60%
Assignment 1 – Case Study (Individual) 10%
Assignment 2 – Journal Summary (Individual) 10%
Assignment 3 – Case Study (Group) 20%
Assignment 4 – Written + Presentation (Group) 20%

Final examination 40%

1. Assignment 1 – CASE STUDY (individual) – 10%

a. Problem Solving
- Students will be assigned a scenario related to the topic in syllabus. The students
are required to identify problems and issues in a scenario and make decisions as
well as recommendations based on the issues in given scenario.

Date: 18 & 21 March 2018

2. Assignment 2 – JOURNAL SUMMMARY (individual) – 10%

- Students are required to summarize THREE (3) journal articles on Financial
Inclusion issues. Written report of 4 pages @ 1,000 words excluding references
and appendix.

Date of Submission: 18 March 2018 (in class)

3. Assignment 3 – CASE STUDY (group) – 20%

a. Problem Solving (15%)
- Students will be assigned a case study related to the topic in syllabus. The
students (in group of 5 members) must handle one case study. The students are
required to identify problems and issues in a scenario and make decisions as
well as recommendations based on the issues in given scenario.

Date: 22 & 25 April 2018

b. Presentation (5%)
- The students are required to prepare an 8 minutes presentation based on the
case study.

Date of presentation: 29 April 2018

4. Assignment 4 - Written report (10%) + Oral Presentation (10%) - Group

a. Written report (10%)

- Students need to write on “Issues and challenges of the development of Islamic

banking industries” in the selected country. The students (in group of 5
members) must choose one country (exclude Malaysia). Write a report of 4
pages @ 1,000 words based on the above study. Submission of the report
should be in hard-copy.

- References - at least 5 journal articles.

Date of submission: 10 May 2018

b. Oral Presentation (10%)

- The students are required to prepare a 10 minutes video presentation based on

the written report. The video presentation is a group effort and the students will
be assessed based on the following aspects:

 Content – organization and subject knowledge

 Visual aids, Non-verbal skills, and verbal skill – enthusiasm and elocution

Date of submission: 10 May 2018

Written report format:

Language : English
Font : Times New Roman 12, 1.5 spacing
Margin : Top 2.0 cm, Right 2.0 cm, Left 4.0 cm, Bottom 2.0 cm
Reference style : APA citations & referencing, minimum 7 references from academic
journals & books with proper citations. E-journals can be found
from UUM online library resources.

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