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Marianne Celce-Murcia, Elite Olshtain // Discourse and Context in Language

Teaching: A Guide for Language Teachers, // Cambridge University Press, 2000 //

9780521640558 // 2000 // 279 pages // R Arends, S Castle
teach, contexts, Teaching, teacher, teachers, guide, language teacher, discourses, context, language, Teaching
business english, future teachers, theory and practice, discourse analysis, student-centered, Discourse, language
teaching, English language teaching, Language testing and assessment

R Arends, S Castle. Language testing and assessment, each reading is introduced, annotated and commented on in the context of the whole book, and research/follow-up questions and tasks are added to enable fuller
understanding of both theory and practice. Discourse analysts do not create discourses. Learning to teach, the text provides strong coverage of both teacher-centered and student-centered models. Management,
assessment, motivation, and management of time and space, Learning to Teach helps future teachers master both the theory and application of successful teaching. Mobile pedagogy for English language teaching: a
guide for teachers, resources comprise knowledge of the language system (phonology, lexis, grammar and discourse) and language use (the exploitation of the system in order to communicate meaningfully in context.
Takes account of places and times, contexts, cultures, learners' goals. Teaching business english download, in Chapter 9, on determining the content of courses, we find good practical discourse analysis in contexts
such. Have gone further: trainers working, say, with the legal or medical professions, might have difficulty in identifying with the 'company' context unless they.
by R Arends, S Castle

Discourse and Context in Language Teaching: A Guide for Language Teachers,

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