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0 Fundamental Laws of the

Natural Resources /
Science, Environment and Society

1.1 Introduction to Natural Resources

1.2 Environmental Ethics
1.3 Laws of Ecology
1.4 Philippine Fundamental Law on Natural

1.0 Fundamental Laws of the Natural Resources / Environment

Natural Resources

Natural resources refer to anything obtained

from the environment to meet the human
needs and wants.

1.0 Fundamental Laws of the Natural Resources / Environment

What do we get from Nature?

1.0 Fundamental Laws of the Natural Resources / Environment

Environmental Ethics

A moral study of what is right and wrong

with regards to the environment. Splits into
three different schools of thought:
– Anthropocentrism
– Biocentrism
– Ecocentrism
Environmental Ethics

 Anthropocentrism (inclined towards the benefits of

A human-based ethic arguing that humans possess
complete authority over decisions about the environment.
Focuses on the theory that all forms of life have an inherent
right to exist.

 Ecocentrism (nature-based)
Maintains that the Earth itself has moral value and it is to
be treated with respect and from those living within it
Environmental Ethics
Environmental Attitudes

The pursuit humans take in terms of

relationship with the environment. Also splits
into three distinct groups:
– Development
– Conservation
– Preservation
Environmental Ethics
Environmental Attitudes

• An anthropocentric approach (inclined towards
the benefits of humans)
• Promotes human control over the world’s
resources at the expense of future generations
Commuting (unsustainable use of cars)
Logging beyond quota numbers

1.0 Fundamental Laws of the Natural Resources / Environment

Environmental Ethics
Environmental Attitudes

• An ecocentric approach (nature-based)
• Calls for the preservation of the world’s
resources rather than complete human
Establishing natural parks and reserves
Environmental Ethics
Environmental Attitudes

• Strikes the balance between the two
aforementioned attitudes.
• Places great importance in human survival whilst
taking into account the need to manage the
environment wisely.
The idea of “sustainable development”
implementation of quotas (fishing, logging, etc.
Activity 1

Natures Law!
Laws of Ecology

1. Everything is connected to everything else.

1.0 Fundamental Laws of the Natural Resources / Environment

Laws of Ecology

2. Everything has to go somewhere or there is no such

place as away.

1.0 Fundamental Laws of the Natural Resources / Environment

Laws of Ecology

3. Everything is always changing.

1.0 Fundamental Laws of the Natural Resources / Environment

Laws of Ecology

4. There is no such thing as free lunch.

1.0 Fundamental Laws of the Natural Resources / Environment

Laws of Ecology

5. Everything has limits.

1.0 Fundamental Laws of the Natural Resources / Environment

Activity 2

ARTICLE XII: The National Economy and
Patrimony (1987 Philippine Constitution)
National Patrimony

This refers to both the tangible and

intangible wealth of nation

1.0 Fundamental Laws of the Natural Resources / Environment

National Patrimony


covers the natural resources
which are the sources of our
economic well-being


refers to our ideals, customs,
traditions, aspirations and
cultural heritage

1.0 Fundamental Laws of the Natural Resources / Environment

ARTICLE XII: The National Economy and Patrimony
1987 Philippine Constitution

1. Regalian Doctrine – All natural resources

belong to the State
2. State aims:
2.1 Equitable distribution of opportunities
2.2 Raise quality of life especially the

1.0 Fundamental Laws of the Natural Resources / Environment

ARTICLE XII: The National Economy and Patrimony
1987 Philippine Constitution

Sec. 2. All lands of the public domain, waters, minerals, coal,

petroleum, and other mineral oils, all forces of potential energy,
fisheries, forests, or timber, wildlife, flora and fauna, and other natural
resources are owned by the State. With the exception of agricultural
lands, all other utilization of natural resources shall be under the full
control and supervision of the State.

In cases of water rights for irrigation, water supply, fisheries, or

industrial uses other than the development of water power, beneficial
use may the measure and limit of the grant.

1.0 Fundamental Laws of the Natural Resources / Environment

ARTICLE XII: The National Economy and Patrimony
1987 Philippine Constitution

The State shall protect the nation’s marine wealth in its

archipelagic waters, territorial sea, and exclusive economic
zone, and reserve its use and enjoyment exclusively to
Filipino Citizens.

The Congress may by law, allow small-scale utilization

of natural resources by Filipino citizens, as well as
cooperative fish farming, with priority to subsistence
fishermen and fish workers in rivers, lakes, and lagoons.

1.0 Fundamental Laws of the Natural Resources / Environment

ARTICLE XII: The National Economy and Patrimony
1987 Philippine Constitution

The President may enter into agreements with foreign owned

corporations involving either technical or financial assistance
for large scale exploration, development, and utilization of
minerals, petroleum and other mineral oils according to the
general terms and conditions provided by law, based on real
contributions on the economic and general welfare of the
country. In such agreements, the State shall promote the
development and use of local scientific and technical resources.

The President shall notify the Congress of every contract

entered into in accordance with this provision, within thirty days
from its execution.

1.0 Fundamental Laws of the Natural Resources / Environment

ARTICLE XII: The National Economy and Patrimony
1987 Philippine Constitution

Sec. 3. Land of the public domain are classified into agricultural,

forest or timber, mineral lands, and national parks. Agricultural
lands of the public domain may be further classified by law
according to the uses to which they may by devoted. Alienable
lands of the public domain shall be limited to agricultural lands.
Private corporations or associations may not hold such alienable
lands of the public domain except by lease, for a period not
exceeding twenty-five years, renewable for not more than
twenty-five years, and not to exceed one thousand hectares in
area. Citizens of the Philippines may lease not more then five
hundred hectares, or acquire not more than twelve hectares
thereof by purchase, homestead or grant.

1.0 Fundamental Laws of the Natural Resources / Environment

ARTICLE XII: The National Economy and Patrimony
1987 Philippine Constitution

Taking into account the requirements of conservation,

ecology, and development, and subject to the requirements
of agrarian reform, the Congress shall determine by law,
the size of lands of the public domain which may be
acquired, developed, held or leased and the conditions

1.0 Fundamental Laws of the Natural Resources / Environment


The mission of the Brundtland Commission is to

unite countries to pursue sustainable
development together.

Sustainable Development
Development that meets the
needs of the present without
compromising the ability of
the future generations to
meet their own needs
1.0 Fundamental Laws of the Natural Resources / Environment
Sustainable Development Goals

1.0 Fundamental Laws of the Natural Resources / Environment

Global Agenda 21

 Adoption of agenda 21 by 1987 constitution

“ the protection and advancement of the right of
the people to a balanced and healthful
ecosystems in accordance with the rhythm and
harmony of nature”
 Government adopted the principle & approved
conceptual framework of the Philippines
strategy for sustainable development (PSSD)
– a balanced and integrated approach to
environment and development issues
1.0 Fundamental Laws of the Natural Resources / Environment

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