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As technology has advanced, it's become

possible to do more with a single
machine. Photocopiers can now do more
XEROX than just make copies, but the capability
of the photocopier depends entirely on
the make and model.
Copy machines now frequently double
as printers, scanners and fax machines.
Some digital copiers also have the
ability to allow you to scan a document
directly into an email attachment, to
print from a USB or SD card and to print
complex items, such as booklets. Some
are connected to the internet and can be
used to print documents from mobile

Take a photo of a city map while

travelling. Easy to zoom in for more
detail when needed and far easier than
CAMERA carrying the maps around.

Digital cameras make an excellent way to

copy documents when you don't have a
photocopier near by. Some cameras even
have a document copying mode. You will
need a printer though to finish the copy

Magnifying glasses are often used

to help people with vision
MAGNIFYING problems. Eyeglasses are a form of
magnifying glasses, which correct
problems ranging from near -
GLASS sightedness and far-sightedness to
astigmatism. People with macular
degeneration, or eye problems
caused by glaucoma or diabetes,
often use hand-held magnifying
glasses to read books, newspapers
and other documents with fine
Customizable Screen Size: The beauty of
projectors is that, unlike televisions, they
can operate via any surface, rather than
through one set screen.

Huge Images: Expanding on the issue of

screen size, projectors have the advantage
of not being restricted by an outer limit.
PROJECTOR Eye Comfort: When it comes to your eye
comfort, the advantages of projectors in
this respect are two-fold. Anyone of you
who have ever taken an eye exam already
knows that, even if you have the best
possible vision, it’s always easier to read
the larger letters than the smaller ones.

The main purpose of astronomical

telescope is to make objects from outer
space appear as bright, contrasty and
large as possible. That defines its three
main function: light
gathering, resolution and magnification.
These are the measure of its
TELESCOPE efficiency.All three are related to some
extent, but also have their individual
characteristics and limits.Telescopes are
mainly used for looking at things that are
too far and examining them. Home
telescope are used to check out looking
at comets or some such astronomical
event that may take place in the sky

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