Online Games .Copy (2) With Instrument

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According to Müezzin (2015), recently, internet use has become

one of the most important habits of our daily lives. Previously, obtaining

information from a resource was a great problem. Yet, internet made it

easier for us to receive information. This internet era is continuously

developing and affecting us. Day after day internet became a medium

through which we share knowledge, communicate, make shopping, chat

and play games. The development of computers and faster network

accelerated the advancement of internet technology. Internet became

cheaper for people to reach information on the internet, and yet caused

inevitable changes in their habits.

According to Young (1996), computer and internet addiction has

negative influences on the people’s family, academic and business lives.

It is known that Internet also causes problems in interpersonal

relationships. The research showed that internet addicts have

relationship problems and spend limited time with others around them. In

1996 Young used the term “internet addiction” for the first time.

Modernization had taken its toll on countries especially in a growing

country like the Philippines as observed with the growth of internet

users. The Internet acts not only an entertainment tool but also an

essential professional resource for work, communication, as well as

education. It is a fabulous creation that gives everyone in the world

instant access to an endless supply of knowledge. For some, the internet

has been used to have unlimited access to entertainment, watching

videos, movies, listen to music, and even online gaming. Internet is a

global communication system which uses TCP/IP to transmit via different

types of media. It is an interconnected network across different

organizations like the business, academe, private and even government

entity. It can send and receive all kinds of information in the form of

videos, graphics, texts, voice and even computer technology

is worthy of attention to humanity especially the millennials, and one

example is online games. Online gaming can refer to a video game

played through the internet. The design architecture varies from text-

based, sophisticated graphics and even virtual worlds environments

where players played in single, or multiple from different locations

around the world. Majority of the games developed are in Flash,

Shockwave and Java languages. As such, it features more primitive

game play than downloadable games.1Having an online gaming

experience typically requires a high speed internet connection. Proper

hardware will be needed whether it is a computer or a gaming console,

such as Xbox or Play station that’s connected to the internet. Some

online games need a specific piece of controlling hardware such as a

joystick or a game controller, but these days, gaming technology has

progressed to an extreme extent. Things like streaming 3-D animation

graphics with superb surround sound stereo now can make all addicted

to gaming. Regarding video games, online gaming is growing in

popularity for a variety of reasons. Gamers can easily end opponents of

a similar skill level when playing a head-to-head game over the internet.

Players also can compete in massively multiplayer games, where

dozens of players play an ongoing game in a virtual world.2 Some online

games change a monthly fee for access to video game software.

Internet as a source of information plays an important role in

developing one’s mind and life experiences by creating productive works

in schools, offices, and even at home. Nowadays, this can be a person’s

most efficient strategic tool for enabling himself to take charge and cope

with the fast growing technology. Internet as a source of information

plays an important role in developing one’s mind and life experiences by

creating productive works in schools, offices, and even at home.

Nowadays, this can be a person’s most efficient strategic tool for

enabling himself to take charge and cope with the fast growing

Statement of the Problem

This study aim to know the effect of the Online Games on

Academic performance of Senior High Student. Specially, it will seek

answer to the following question:

1. What is the profile of Senior High Student in terms of:

a. Age;

b. Gender; and

c. No. of hours playing online games?

2. What are the effects of Online Games to Senior High

Student in terms of:

a. Behavior

b. Daily routines; and

c. Academic Performance?

3. What intervention maybe proposed based on the results of

the study?
Scope and Delimitation

This study aimed to know the effects of online games in Senior

High Student. This study will involved all Grade 12 students of

Juban National High School. S-Y-2019-2020. Junior High School will

not be included.


This study aims to help and provided legal information to give additional

knowledge about this research. The following are the beneficiaries of this


STUDENT. This study may give information to the student about how

online gaming affect the life of a student.

TEACHERS. This study may serve as the way to the teachers to

determine the student who are addicted to online games, so they

can help the student to avoid being addicted to online games.

SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR. This study will help in give additional

information to the school administrator, about how online games

affect the academic performance of senior high school.

FAMILY. This study is significance to the family because it may

help them to know if their children are addicted to online games.

FUTURE RESEARCHER. It would help the future researcher that

are interested in this study. It will serve as their basis and their

background about their research.


Muezzin E. (2015) An Investigation of High School Students Online

game addiction. Retrieve on July 3, 2019 from

Verecio R. (2018) Online Gaming Addiction among BSIT Students of

Leyte Normal University Philippines its implication

towards Academic Performance. Retrieve on July 3,



This chapter presents the literature and studies relevant to

presentation investigation.

Related Literature

According to Carey (2012) found out that the history of

online gaming included contributions by many different companies and

entities. Online gaming began as multiplayer gaming, but has evolved to

include online gaming servers and massively-multiplayer online game


According to Yusmar Z. (2017) as the world nowadays is

developing with advanced technology, the old school thing was forgotten

by the new generation. There are several improper habits and behavior

with this development which the researcher finds in a study on online

game towards the doer. The study is to show how even an online video

game can effect someone through various aspect. Its purpose is to

explore and identify online game addiction among UNISEL’s Shah Alam

Campus Students. The aspects explored are the experience and

commitment to playing online video game, the gamers health issues, the

inconsistent emotional reaction during playing online video games and

reality versus fantasy realization that is shown due to reduction of social

interaction which eventually affect the gamers relationship with others.

According to the study of Chang (2009), online gaming was

referred to as Internet Gaming or Electronic Gaming. It was a gathering

of players with a common game using a local area network (LAN) where

they could be on the same settings. The players seem to be in a real

situation that they use their mouse or keypads to move in the monitor,

their virtual world.

Stated by Verecio R. (2018)games online is one of the

technologies that caught attention over the last decade. Despite the

positive effects, parents frowned because of the potential on the overuse

of this technology which leads to addiction by students. The dark side of

playing online games becomes an issue of debate in society. Thus, this

study is conducted to determine the associations of playing online

games towards academic performance.

According to Alberto Posso (2016) from the royal Melbourne

institute of Technology analyse data from high school students across

Australia taking the 2012 program for international student assessment

Pisa internationally Recognized tests that are administered by the

organization for economic Cooperation and development OECD the

study looked at the correlation Between academic score and the children

personal interest and activities Outside of school including internet

usage Posso ,who published the research in the international journal of

communication said ‘’ the analysis shows that those Students who play

online video games obtain higher score on Pisa tests, all other thing

being equal ‘’ when you play online games you ‘re solving puzzles to

moveto the next level and that involves using some of the general

knowledge and skills in math reading and science that you’ve been
taught during the day ‘’ the cause of the association between game

playing and academic success is not clear from.

Related Study

According to Sahrir (2011) this paper reports a study on the

perceptions of learning via online games among Arabic elementary

language learners at the Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS),

International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). The survey was a part

of a front-end analysis for the design and development of an online

Arabic vocabulary games prototype. It elicited learners’ attitude towards

Arabic language learning, their attitude towards playing ordinary video

games and perceptions of utilizing online games in Arabic language

learning. The descriptive quantitative and open-ended survey was

distributed among 113 out of 133 learners, taking Arabic language

course in an academic semester. The results showed positive level of

pre-acceptance among learners’ support and value-addedness of online

games were also pronounced in the suggestions put forward by the

participants. Based on the findings, the initial design principles were

established to guide the development of the online game prototype. The

paper further explains how the frontend analysis aided the design and

development of the online games prototype and ascertained it as a

viable application in learning Arabic.

According to Griffiths (2014) online gaming addiction is a topic

of increasing research interest. Since the early 2000s, there has been a
significant increase in the number of empirical studies examining various

aspects of problematic online gaming and online gaming addiction. This

entry examines the contemporary research literature by analyzing (1) the

prevalence of problematic online gaming use and online gaming

addiction; (2) the negative consequences of excessive online gaming;

(3) the factors associated with problematic online gaming and online

gaming addiction; and (4) the treatment of problematic online gaming

and online gaming addiction. The entry concludes by looking at the

trends in the field and a consideration of what the future of online gaming

addiction might be.

Since the early 2000s there has been a significant increase in the

number of empirical studies examining various aspects of problematic

online gaming and online gaming addiction. There is a lack of consensus

as to whether video game addiction exists and/or whether the term

“addiction” is the most appropriate to use. Some researchers use

terminology such as “excessive” or “problematic” to denote the harmful

use of video games. Terminology for what appears to be the same

disorder and/or its consequences includes problem video game playing,

problematic online game use, video game addiction, online gaming

addiction, internet gaming addiction, and compulsive internet use. This

entry uses the term “gaming addiction” to describe the phenomenon of

excessive problematic gaming since there is demonstrable empirical

evidence that such behavior can include all the core components of

addiction including salience, mood modification, tolerance, withdrawal,

conflict, and relapse.

According to Kuss (2013) in the 2000s, online games became

popular, while studies of Internet gaming addiction emerged, outlining

the negative consequences of excessive gaming, its prevalence, and

associated risk factors. The establishment of specialized treatment

centers in South-East Asia, the US, and Europe reflects the growing

need for professional help. It is argued that only by understanding the

appeal of Internet gaming, its context, and neurobiologic correlates can

the phenomenon of Internet gaming addiction be understood

comprehensively. The aim of this review is to provide an insight into

current perspectives on Internet gaming addiction using a holistic

approach, taking into consideration the mass appeal of online games,

the context of Internet gaming addiction, and associated neuroimaging

findings, as well as the current diagnostic framework adopted by the

American Psychiatric Association. The cited research indicates that the

individual’s context is a significant factor that marks the dividing line

between excessive gaming and gaming addiction, and the game context

can gain particular importance for players, depending on their life

situation and gaming preferences. Moreover, the cultural context is

significant because it embeds the gamer in a community with shared

beliefs and practices, endowing their gaming with particular meaning.

The cited neuroimaging studies indicate that Internet gaming addiction

shares similarities with other addictions, including substance

dependence, at the molecular, neurocircuitry, and behavioral levels. The

findings provide support for the current perspective of understanding

Internet gaming addiction from a disease framework. The benefits of an

Internet gaming addiction diagnosis include reliability across research,

destigmatization of individuals, development of efficacious treatments,

and the creation of an incentive for public health care and insurance

providers. The holistic approach adopted here not only highlights

empirical research that evidences neuro biologic correlates of Internet

gaming addiction and the establishment of a preliminary diagnosis, but

also emphasizes the necessity of an in depth understanding of the

meaning, context, and practices associated with gaming.

According to Verecio (2018) online games is one of the

technologies that caught attention over the last decade. Despite the

positive effects, parents frowned because of the potential on the overuse

of this technology which leads to addiction by students. The dark side of

playing online games becomes an issue of debate in society. Thus, this

study is conducted to determine the associations of playing online

games towards academic performance. Methods: The descriptive survey

method which involved a questionnaire, interviews, and observations

were employed. One hundred thirty-nine (139) students currently

enrolled during the first semester of the school year 2017-2018 served

as respondents. Findings: It showed that the majority of the students

expressed that playing online games has adverse effects in their

academic performance such as "I cannot focus on my studies" having

(49.61%; n=69). Applications/Improvements: Results of the study would

serve as inputs to the Leyte Normal University, Tacloban City in crafting

policy measures that would benefit its stakeholders.

Dumrique (2017) stated that this study was conducted to

assess and find out the impact of online gaming on the academic

performance and social behavior of the students in the Polytechnic

University of the Philippines-Laboratory High School. Furthermore, this

study sought answers on the significant relationship between playing on-

line games and academic performance and to social behavior of the

students. The study revealed that boys are more of a player compared to

girls who often play games that require three or more players like

League of Legends, Clash of Clans, Crossfire and many more to

mention. It is also stated that those who play online games are around

14-15 years old who are believed to be in the Grade 8 level. These

students who often play games have an average weekly allowance of

101 pesos to 500 pesos. Playing online games do not affect their grades

badly for they know how to limit themselves. They know that they need

to control themselves in order to function well in their class that is why

they only play games during vacation and weekends with a lot of time

compared when they have classes. Even though they play online

games; they know how to socialize well and they can perform very well

when it comes to academic performance. However, it is inevitable not to

play even for half an hour especially when they are accustomed to it.

Therefore, it is just a matter of discipline.

Synthesis of the state-of- the-art

Online games are one of the highly addictive software that made

by the programmer and nowadays online games became more popular

around the word. Although Griffiths (2014) stated that online gaming

addiction is a topic of increasing research interest. Since the early

2000s, there has been a significant increase in the number of empirical

studies examining various aspects of problematic online gaming and

online gaming addiction, Kuss S. (2013) argue that in the 2000s, online

games became popular, while studies of Internet gaming addiction

emerged, outlining the negative consequences of excessive gaming, its

prevalence, and associated risk factors. Stated by Verecio R. (2018) 9

Internet as a source of information plays an important role in developing

one’s mind and life experiences by creating productive works in schools,

offices, and even at home. Nowadays, this can be a person’s most

efficient strategic tool for enabling himself to take charge and cope with

the fast growing technology. Internet as a source of information plays an

important role in developing one’s mind and life experiences by creating

productive works in schools, offices, and even at home. According to

Alberto Posso (2016) from the royal Melbourne institute of Technology

analyse data from high school students across Australia taking the 2012

program for international student assessment Pisa internationally

Recognized tests that are administered by the organization for economic

Cooperation and development OECD the study looked at the correlation

Between academic score and the children personal interest and

activities Outside of school including internet usage Posso. According to

Sahrir (2011) this paper reports a study on the perceptions of learning

via online games among Arabic elementary language learners at the

Centre for Foundation Studies (CFS), International Islamic University

Malaysia (IIUM). The survey was a part of a front-end analysis for the

design and development of an online Arabic vocabulary games

prototype. Dumrique (2017) stated that this study was conducted to

assess and find out the impact of online gaming on the academic

performance and social behavior of the students in the Polytechnic

University of the Philippines-Laboratory High School. It is also stated that

those who play online games are around 14-15 years old who are

believed to be in the Grade 8 level. These students who often play

games have an average weekly allowance of 101 pesos to 500 pesos.

Playing online games do not affect their grades badly for they know how

to limit themselves.

Gap bridge of the study

The related literature and study present the different research about

the effects of online games from international and local.

This study aims to determine the effects of online games; positive and

negative sides for them to know how it affects their academic

performance and inform them about the impact of online games to their

This study will give information to the grade 11 and grade 12 ICT

students for them to gain additional knowledge about the effects of

online games to their study and the possible effect of this to their life.


The hypothesis is stated on the study in the previous research about

the topic the effects of online games.

There is no significant relationship between the profile of senior high

students and the effects of online games; positive and negative effect to

the students.

Conceptual Framework
This research aims to know how online games affect the

academic performance of Senior High Student. This study aims to know

the profile of Senior High Student in terms of: Age, Gender and the No.

of hours playing online games, the effect of online games to the Senior

High Student in terms of: Behavior, Daily routines, Academic

performance and the intervention maybe proposed based on the result

of the study. The process will be survey and questionnaire. The output is

video presentation. This part of research shows the Input, Process and

Output of this study.


1.The profile of Senior

High Student in terms


a. Age;

b. Gender; and

c. No. of hours

playing online


2.The effects of Online

Games to Senior High Survey and

Student in terms of: Video Presentation

a. Behavior

b. Daily

routines; and

c. Academic


3.The intervention

maybe proposed

based on the results

of the study.
Definition of terms

To better understanding about this research the researcher provided

the meaning of the terms that used in this research for the reader to
understand it clearly.

Online games. Online game is a video game that is either partially or

primarily played through the Internet or any other computer network
available. Online games are ubiquitous on modern gaming platforms,
including PCs, consoles and mobile devices, and span many genres,
including first-person shooters, strategy games and massively
multiplayer online role-playing games.

Academic Performance. Academic performance is the extent to which

a student, teacher or institution has achieved their short or long-term
educational goals. Cumulative GPA and completion of educational
benchmarks such as secondary school diplomas and bachelor's degrees
represent academic achievement.

Software. Software is a set of instructions, data or programs used to

operate computers and execute specific tasks.

Computer. Computer an electronic device for storing and processing

data, typically in binary form, according to instructions given to it in a
variable program.

Technology. The application of scientific knowledge for practical

purposes, especially in industry.

Internet. Global computer network providing a variety of information and

communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using
standardized communication protocols.

Verecio R. (2018) Online Gaming Addiction among BSIT Students of

Leyte Normal University Philippines its Implication

towards Academic Performance. Retrieve on August

10, 2019 from

Dumrique D. (2017) Online Gaming: Impact on the Academic

Performance and Social Behavior of the Students in

Polytechnic University of the Philippines Laboratory

High School Retrieve on August 10, 2019 from


Sahrir M (2011) A Study On Malaysian Language Learners’ Perception

Towards Learning Arabic Via Online Games. Retrieve

on August 10, 2019 from

Griffiths M (2014) Online Games, Addiction and Overuse. Retrieve on

August 10, 2019 from
Kuss D. (2013) Internet gaming addiction: current perspectives. Retrieve

on August 10, 2019 from

Carey G. (2012) History of online gaming included contributions by many

different companies and entities. Retrieve on July 11,

2019 from


Yusmar Z.(2017) The Effects of Online Game: A study on Online Game

Addiction among UNISEL’s Shah Alam

Campus Students. Retrieve on July 11, 2019 from



Verecio R. (2018) Online Gaming Addiction among BSIT Students of

Leyte Normal University Philippines its Implication

towards Academic Performance. Retrieve on July 11,

2019 from



This chapter will provide information on the methods of study;

also includes the process we have used to collect information and the

data for the purpose of our study used by the researcher that can help

us to initialize more information about the problem. The survey

researcher method has been chosen to determine which negative factor

of online games affects a student’s life. The survey instrument is in a

form of questionnaire to determine the respondents’ perception in terms

of playing online games. The subject of the study, researcher instrument,

data gathering procedure and the statistical treatment are also included

in this chapter.

Subjects of the study

The subject of this study will be the male student of Grade 11 to

Grade 12 ICT students of Juban National High school (S.Y 2019-2020).

These respondent are the one who are knowledgeable to answer the

problems posed in the present study. They answered the questionnaire

that the researchers gave them which supplies the information that the

researchers need.
Research Design

The researcher will use survey and questionnaire to gather the needed

information. The researcher will provide the permission letter that been

signed by the principal to survey and answer the questionnaire. The

researcher will ask the grade 12 senior high student of Juban National

High School.

Data Gathering Procedure

The instrument used in this study to gather data was the survey

and questionnaire. The researcher has followed certain procedure to

conduct the interview.

1. Giving the permission to the teachers. The researcher will give

the permission letter to the teacher to let them interview the


2. Proving an interview consent. The researcher will ask the

respondent about the interview by giving a printed consent. The

consent contains the necessary information for the respondent to


3. Securing the information. The researcher will assure them that

any information recorded will not leak or be shared to the public.

4. Preparing the instruments. The researcher will prepare the

questionnaire that will be answer by the respondent.

5. Recording the data. The researcher will take note the information

that the respondent answered.

6. Analyzing the data. The researcher will correct or reconstruct the

data to make it clear and correct.



1. How many days you play online games in one week?


2. What age have you started playing online games?


3. How many hours you spend on online game for one day?

4. In Game’s defeat or success, is it influential to your mood and

daily life?
Yes, What kind of Effect? _________________________
. No, Why didn’t? ________________________________

5. Do you prefer to do your assignment first before playing

Yes, Why? ___________________________________________
No, Why? ___________________________________________

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