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A Capstone Project Presented to the Faculty of the

School of the Graduate Studies and Continuing Education

Baliuag University

Baliwag, Bulacan

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Master of Information Technology Major in Information Management


Herliza F. Estrada

June, 2019


CHAPTER I ................................................................................................................................................ 1
THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND...................................................................................... 1
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Project Context.................................................................................................................................... 5
Statement of the Problem ................................................................................................................... 5
Purpose and Description .................................................................................................................... 6
Objectives of the Study ....................................................................................................................... 8
Significance of the Study .................................................................................................................... 9
Scope and Limitation ........................................................................................................................ 10
Definition of Terms ........................................................................................................................... 13
Conceptual Framework .................................................................................................................... 14
Technical Background ...................................................................................................................... 15
CHAPTER II ............................................................................................................................................. 17
REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES .............................................................. 17
CHAPTER III ........................................................................................................................................... 24
METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................... 24
Research Subject ............................................................................................................................... 24
Research Instrument......................................................................................................................... 24
Software Development Methodology .............................................................................................. 25
Requirement Specification and Analysis ........................................................................................ 27
Existing Barangay Concepcion Management System ................................................................... 27
Proposed Smart Concepcion ............................................................................................................ 29
Data Flow Diagram ........................................................................................................................... 31
Software Development Tools............................................................................................................ 35
Responsibilities .................................................................................................................................. 35
Implementation Plan ........................................................................................................................ 36
Verification, Validation and Testing ............................................................................................... 38
Data Analysis ..................................................................................................................................... 40
References:............................................................................................................................................. 42

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application




The computer and Internet technologies are prevalent. They have changed every sector; be

it medicine, tourism, education, entertainment, government sector or any other. Technology has

touched every aspect of life, making it easier, better and different. Technology has changed living.

In line with this internet is one common platform that is being used for operations. Modern

technology continuously changes our life and takes it to a new height. It is like the new way of

thinking or doing the normal things differently, better and much quicker with less hassle and at

much affordable rate (Hope Mogale, 2017).

As technology continuously changing our lives and reshapes the way we live, barangay

also embrace technology to keep them on track toward complete transparency. As the basic

political unit, the barangay serves as the primary planning and implementing unit of government

policies, plans, programs, projects and activities in the community and as the forum wherein the

collective views of the people may be expressed and given due course and when contending claims

may be amicably settled (, 2019).

A barangay has numerous powers, duties, and functions. Among others, the Punong

Barangay is authorized to impose all laws and ordinances; maintain public order; guarantee the

delivery of basic services; enforce laws and regulations relating to pollution control and protection

of the environment; adopt measures to prevent and control the proliferation of squatters; and adopt

measures to prevent and eradicate drug abuse, child abuse, and juvenile delinquency. The

Sangguniang Barangay can enact ordinances; levy taxes and other revenue measures; provide for

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

construction and maintenance of barangay facilities and other public works; regulate use of public

facilities, including waterworks; etc (Benjamin R. Punongbayan, 2018).

Barangay Concepcion is one of the oldest and historical barangays in Baliwag Bulacan. It

is also one of the progressive and most populated barangays. It was named after the image of St.

Imaculada Concepcion. Barangay Concepcion has a total population of 10,260 as of July 2018

led and governed by Punong Barangay Rodolfo D. Palo together with the barangay officials,

secretary and treasurer.

The secretary of Barangay Concepcion depends on paper-based transaction and uses only

the computer for encoding purposes of barangay reports, certificates and other information through

the use of application software. Most of the records and documents available in the barangay was

kept in a filing cabinet or on the drawers of the assigned personnel which is prone in data lost.

Requesting of documents like barangay clearance, indigence certificate and the like depends on

the availability of the secretary and in terms of the blotters it heavily relies in the blotter officer for


Requesting of certificates and other documents sometimes takes a minute, but there is

always a possibility that the requested documents takes time to process depending on the type of

document requested and it depends on the availability of the in-charge personnel. In terms of

recording the information of those who requested for certificates or documents the personnel most

of the time missed to record it which results in non-monitoring of those who request documents,

certificates and or clearances.

The barangay depends on paper-based report in monitoring the projects and other programs

of the barangay which in turn gives difficulty to the assigned personnel to monitor the progress of

the different projects of the barangay. All the important information was encoded in the computer

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

through the use of application software and it was printed and kept in a filing cabinet that in turn

its lack security. In terms of filing complaints and or blotters the blotter officer will write all the

information in a record book and kept in a drawer. If there’s a need of blotters information they

will search one by one the records that is written in a record book and takes tedious hours for the

assigned personnel.

With regards to information dissemination the authorized barangay personnel will send an

SMS to the residents based on the available contact files in the barangay as well as posting

tarpaulin and giving flyers and or leaflets for public announcements but there’s no guarantee that

all the residents will have knowledge on the announcements.

The health record of the barangay heavily relies on manual record keeping. Manual in the

sense that they are using pen and paper to record the patient’s consultation data as well as the

immunization record. In this traditional system it takes time for them to locate the record of the

patient and sometimes the records are missing. If there’s any announcement concerning the

barangay health center, they simply print or write it in a bond paper then they’ll post it in the wall

or door of the barangay health center that results in not properly disseminating of information.

Just like other offices, barangay Concepcion also encounters problems like the absence or

inadequate data about their constituents, lack of proper technology and or equipment, mostly

record keeping is done on a ‘log book’ which is very outdated and may cause data lost. They have

computer set but it is used only for printing purposes but not for web- based system. The barangay

is currently using manual process such as hand-written documents, keeping records inside the

drawer or filling cabinet that tends to record lost. Documentation often falls to secretary, making

transaction reports and a lot more.

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

The barangay encounters problems in filing up of records that gives hardship in accessing

the records of the residents, business establishments and blotters. The process in releasing of

barangay clearance, certificate of indigence and business permit, dissemination of information

such as announcements, news, events, developments, plans and programs consume much time and

being done using manual process.

Daily activities and affairs like residents’ request for public documents, such as barangay

clearance, business permit and certificate of indigence are only kept in an ordinary logbook. The

Barangay Secretary is the sole responsible in catering resident needs. Yearly, the secretary needs

to update the household’s records by getting the data from the Lingkod Lingap sa Nayon (LLN)

officer who conducts a house-to-house interview as required by the statistics office. Data collected

will be written in a printed form and will be stored in the filing cabinet for future references.

Business records were gathered through the usual process of writing the name of the

business, proprietor name, DTI (Department of Trade and Industry) number and will be recorded

using record book. Thus, it takes a lot of time to get accurate information when business

establishment information inquiry was made that affects the releasing of the requested documents.

The requester needs to wait or worse will be scheduled in order to get the requested documents.

Most of the business establishments continue their operation even if their business permits

are already expired because the barangay can’t monitor those business permits that are already

expired and those owners who did not renew their business permits.

The development of Smart Concepcion aims to organized the barangay information into a

media where information becomes readily available and accessible upon demand or request, help

the barangay personnel in securing reports, documents and certificates. It will also help them to

have an easy access of barangay profile information, health records of the barangay health center,

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

reports and other documents needed by the residents or business units. The Smart Concepcion

aims also to help the personnel become more effective and efficient because the task will be

finishing much quicker than before. Certificates and other documents needed will be available in

no time. It also aims to provide a better way for the barangay to disseminate information to its

constituents and quickly distribute and gather information of the different events and contribute

assistance to the residents as well as to track blotters reports. Smart Concepcion enable the health

center personnel to deliver services efficiently and effectively.

Project Context

The project focused on the Barangay Profiling, Information Dissemination, Clearance,

Certification, Blotter and Health Record Management of Barangay Concepcion, Baliwag Bulacan

to let go the traditional process in the Barangay Hall such us, handwritten document, keeping

records inside the drawer, manual filing of blotter, and manual dissemination of information.

The implementation of SMART CONCEPCION provides a quicker and more systematic

way to records the medical information of the patients, and it will reduce the hard and longtime

procedure and accessing files and records they keep and store. It also provides reliable and secured

records. The proposed system will be a great help for barangay personnel to lessen their work

especially with transactional that the citizen of the said community will might need.

Statement of the Problem

This study addresses the different problems encountered in the current barangay

information system of Barangay Concepcion. The main focus of the study is to develop a system

that will improve the daily transaction of Barangay Concepcion in releasing public documents,

information dissemination, health center record management and blotter management.

Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

1. What is the current barangay information system being used?

2. What is the current health center record management being used?

3. How effective is the current barangay information system being utilized?

4. What are the factors to be considered in developing the system?

5. What are the perceptions of users of the SMART CONCEPCION in terms of

Functionality, Usability, Reliability, Supportability and Maintainability?

Purpose and Description

The development of Smart Concepcion is intended to support and upgrade the office

transaction of the barangay in terms of blotters, information dissemination, record keeping,

profiling and clearance and certificates issuance as well as help the residents to monitor events,

announcement and for the health worker to easily find patient’s consultation data. Enhance the

quality of service of Barangay Concepcion.

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application as A Tool for

Barangay Profiling, Information Dissemination, Clearance, Certification, Blotter and Health

Record Management of Barangay Concepcion, Baliwag Bulacan has the following capabilities:

1. Secretary Login. The secretary login will allow the secretary to access services module that

includes certificates, clearance, forms and resident ID module for preparation and printing of

barangay permits, clearance, barangay id with photo capturing and certificates as well as for

recording the information of those who request clearances and certificates. The Residents

profiling module for easy searching of records to locate and identify legitimate residents in the

area. Last but not the least this module allows the secretary to access reports, announcements

/ events module as well as backup and restore the database.

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

2. Blotter Officer Login. The blotter officer login will give access to the peace and order module

that enables them to store all the incident reports happening in the Barangay, preparation of

summon invitation, hearing session and complaints monitoring.

3. Health officer Login. Through this login, the health officer will have the capability to access

the health records of the barangay specially the immunization records, pre-natal and post-natal

record, TBDots and patient consultation data. As well as to have access to the announcement

module for posting of immunization and other health care announcement. This module enables

the health officer to manage patients and families by understanding the patient information

upon demand, and manage the resources provided by the local government to each health

center ensuring all medical supplies and materials are accounted for including medicines

dispensed to each patient

4. LLN Login. The Lingkod Lingap sa Nayon login will authorized the LLN officer to access

the Residents Profile for the management of the household and resident’s information to

systematically acquire and record information about the members of a given population.

5. Treasurer Login. In this login the Ingat Yaman will able to manage fees, budgets and projects

information and operating expenses as well as gives access to the report’s module.

6. Admin Login. The administrator login will give access to the administrator dashboard and on

the different module available in the application including account maintenance, user logs,

collection reports, projects module and announcement maintenance module.

7. Resident’s Login. Through this login, the residents can search and update their information

as well as they can file complaints and blotter and view announcements.

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

Objectives of the Study

The main goal of the project is to develop a web and mobile based barangay profiling, blotter,

certificate, permits and clearance issuance, information dissemination and health record

application that will support them to have more efficient approach in disseminating information

keeping useful records, giving quality services. automate and produce accurate reports and

systematize file management.

The development of Smart Concepcion that adheres the software quality characteristics

specifically aims to:

1. Create a web and mobile based application that is functional. Smart Concepcion a robust,

comprehensive applications for processing documents such as Residents barangay clearance,

Barangay ID, Business permits and transactions reports. It will elevate office transaction,

organize barangay records, makes preparation and printing of permits, clearance and

certificates easier and faster. It enables easy searching of residents’ records to locate and

identify legitimate residents in the area including individual profile. Enables to store all the

incident reports happening in the Barangay and easy dissemination of information. Enables

proper management of health center records and announcements.

2. Make a web and mobile application that is usable. A user-friendly graphical user interface that

will allow easy to use announcement / events and record management. Provide ease of use in

filing, searching of blotters, health records and the like and easy viewing of announcement and


3. Develop an application that is reliable. It provides a flexible tool that backups and restore

database anytime.

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

4. Accomplish efficiency by allowing report generation accurate and keep the record consistent

secure and eliminate duplication.

5. Make a system that support archiving, multi – platform and installed with software and

hardware in a minimum requirement that is what the portability characteristic addresses.

6. Design a web and mobile based application that is maintainable. It is an application that have

easy management of users, easy to install and access in different environment as well as

capable of backing up- and restoring of database.

Significance of the Study

Today in this millennial generation individuals lives in a world where technology has been

transforming the way we handle every day’s situation. Technology were the basis of how we live,

communicate, work and even learn. Electronic services are expanding rapidly and been in the

mainstream in technological advancement.

The development of Smart Concepcion is intended to improve the traditional practice of

Barangay Concepcion in terms of information dissemination, issuance of certificate, permits and

clearances, processing of blotters, managing residents’ profile and health records. Specifically,

this study will be significant to the following.

Barangay Concepcion, the project will help the barangay to secure and organized all

important information and documents, as well as easy retrieval of needed information. Through

the help of this project, information dissemination and transparency will be achieved.

Barangay Concepcion Officials and Health Officer, through the use of Smart

Concepcion, the secretary, blotter officer, LLN officer, other officials and staffs will be able to do

their task efficiently in a fastest and easy way. The barangay officials will easily disseminate

information. The secretary can process the requested documents and provide information on time

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

and up to date. The blotter officer can easily search for any blotter incidents and can monitor the

different incidents that is happening in the barangay. Patient’s consultation data can be easily


Barangay Concepcion Residents, the project will reduce client waiting time in applying

for permits, certificates and clearances. With the use of the project they can easily view and

monitor the different activities and announcements of the barangay.

Guest. These are the public who is not resident of Barangay Concepcion for they

can get up-to-date information regarding the events and announcement in the barangay through

the use of Smart Concepcion, as well as helps future establishment owners to gather information

about the barangay

The Researcher. Through this study, the researcher will be able to develop and design

systems, perform software integration and testing and enhance analytical skills.

The Future Researchers. Smart Concepcion can provide ideas, and guidelines or reference

for the development of project related to the study.

Scope and Limitation

The SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application as A Tool for

Barangay Profiling, Information Dissemination, Clearance, Certification, Blotter and Health

Record Management of Barangay Concepcion, Baliwag Bulacan is a web and mobile based

application that will be available to the residents and barangay officials to lessen the time spend in

every transaction in the barangay.

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application as A Tool for

Barangay Profiling, Information Dissemination, Clearance, Certification, Blotter and Health

Record Management of Barangay Concepcion, Baliwag Bulacan has the following scopes:

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

Services Module. This module prepares and prints the requested business permits, business

clearance, certificates of residency and indigency and other pertinent certificates and forms

requested by the residents or barangay clients. Creating and updating of certificates and clearances

as well as ID capturing and releasing, recording of information of those who requested the


Peace and Order Module. Records the list of blotter entries as well as the complaints or

disputes in the barangay. The user can also print the list of blotter and dispute entries, generate

summon letter and organize hearing sessions.

Residents Profiling Module this module allows manipulation of household information and

other relevant information. It permits easy searching of records to locate and identify legitimate

residents in the area. This is where the gathering, evaluating and documenting necessary

information that defines the current barangay profile.

Announcement / Event module. Through this module the authorized personnel can

manage and monitor list of events and announcements. It also allows creation, deletion, updating

and searching of events and announcements.

Security module. In this module the administrator able to create user for the application,

access module restriction per user, login and re-login capability.

Project Module is where the effective monitoring of projects is taken into consideration. It

plays a role on preventing overspending or underspending in implementing barangay projects. This

system promotes transparency and accountability in the barangay.

Dashboard module will show the summary of total blotters, number of households, number

of residents and the latest activities and announcements of the barangay.

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

Citizens charter module is where the listing, recording, updating and archiving or deleting

of barangay officials, staff zone leaders, zone or purok, mission and vision of the barangay as well

as the steps and procedures in requesting of documents like business clearance, barangay clearance

and barangay certificates.

Fees and Budget module allows the recording, updating, editing of fees and budgets for the


Health Center module allows the recording, updating, editing and archiving of

immunization, pre-natal, post-natal, and other clinical records of the barangay.

Reports module is capable of printing the collected amount from barangay business

certification and clearance. It is also capable of printing population reports, project reports and

health center records, budgets and fees report. Through this module monitoring of user logs is

possible and printing of other reports.

User Settings. This module allows the admin to create and edit user accounts.

Database Backup/Restore module provides a flexible tool that backups your database


Disaster risk management module

Affected area: affected household

The speed and efficiency of the application is limited on the bandwidth of the internet

connection as well as the model of smartphone used. In case of power failure while processing

certificates, blotters, clearance and recording of records and the like will not be saved and

terminated. Global positioning system in locating business and residents is not included in the

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

system. In case of internet connection failure, the front-end of the application cannot be accessed

by the clients and guests.

Definition of Terms

Back-end refers to the part of the system that will allow the authorized user to input the

information needed in barangay and information to be displayed at the front-end of the system.

Context data flow diagram (DFD), also known as a level 0 DFD, gives a broad overview of an

information system and the way it interacts with external entities.

Data flow diagram is a graphical representation of the flow of data through an information system.

Database is a collection of related records that is accessible, manageable and easy to update kept

for future used.

Front – end it is the part of a computer system or application with which the user interacts directly.

Mobile application is a software or program that is designed to run using smartphones, tablets

and computer.

PHP hypertext preprocessor is a general-purpose scripting language used by web developers to

create a powerful web application with database interaction.

User Account allows authentication of the identify of a user based on a stored username and

password or user information.

User Authentication is a process that allows a device to verify the username and password or

identity of the user from the existing user accounts stored on a database.

Web-based application. It uses internet technologies on an external server in processing

information and services installed in a user’s desktop.

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework is dealing with concepts or the preliminary understanding on

how the research shall be pushed through. Smart Concepcion is led by the concept of input process

output (IPO) approach as shown in figure 1.

In the input stage, the residents/constituent’s profile, crime/ dispute information, patient’s

consultation data, forms, collection, project / budget information and citizens charter contribute in

the success of the database design of the project. The development tools are also considered in

developing the project and includes the programming language, the database applications and the

designing tools. Related books, literatures and studies, reading materials, journals and articles were

also considered as the input of the project.

In the process stage, the researcher adopted the Rapid Application Development

Methodology (RAD) which is a condensed development process that produces a high-quality

system with low investment costs. It is an adaptive software development approach that allows

the developer to quickly adjust to shifting requirements.

And the last stage is the output stage that will bring forth the development system, which

is the SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application as A Tool for

Barangay Profiling, Information Dissemination, Clearance, Certification, Blotter and Health

Record Management of Barangay Concepcion, Baliwag Bulacan.

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application


Profile SMART
Information RAD Methodology Web-Based and

Requirements Planning Mobile Based

Patients Consultation
Defining and finalizing project Application as A Tool
Data scope and application
requirements for Barangay
Projects / Budgets info
Profiling, Information
Collection Info User Design
initial modeling and prototypes Dissemination,
Forms Clearance,
Construction Certification, Blotter
Citizens Charter application coding, testing, and
integration and Health Record
Development Tools Management of
and Techniques Cutover
full-scale testing Barangay
Related Books, Concepcion, Baliwag
Articles, Journal,
Related studies and

Figure 1. Conceptual Framework of the Study

Technical Background

Information technology promotes good governance by increasing transparency,

information, and accountability, by facilitating accurate decision-making and public participation

and by enhancing the efficient delivery of public goods and services. The enhanced flexibility and

movability arising from dispersed intelligence and innovations in wireless technologies such as

satellite receivers, cellular telephony, radio paging, private branch exchange equipment, and local

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

area and wide area networks also provide a rich environment for cultivating good governance

(Magno, Francisco and Serafica, Ramonette, 2019).

Smart Concepcion will used atom text editor and notepad++ as the editor to perform and

execute all the necessary functions that was needed during the development of the system. XAMPP

server will be used for testing off-line preview of webpages to get idea how the webpage looks

and it allows the developer to used computer as a local server. Internet Explorer will be the web

browser for loading and running the contents of a web-based system.

Adobe photoshop will be used as the image editor in developing the project. Microsoft

word as the application to be used in writing the clearance, certificate templates and other forms

needed by the project and MySQL as the database management system of the project. PHP is the

main language that will be used in developing the web site.

Bootstrap as the front-end framework for developing responsive, mobile-first websites,

JQuery as the JavaScript library for easy to use API that works across a multitude of browsers.

And lastly Apache Cordova or Android Studio or for the mobile app development.

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application



The literature and studies cited in this chapter tackle the different concept, understanding,

and ideas, generalization or conclusions and different development related to study from the past

up to the present and which serves as the researchers guide in developing the project. Those that

were also included in this chapter helps in familiarizing information that are relevant and similar

to the present study.

Technology innovation have changed our life positively and negatively. The new

technologies and inventions are results of our interest, imagination, and problem-solving

techniques. Technology has changed our lives by increasing the speed of time.

Web Based Information System

Web based information system supported the government to enhance their service to their

residents. The public can get up-to-date and factual government information from e-government

websites. Government can circulate various kinds of facts through the web such as budget of the

country, tourist spots of the country, results of examinations, vigilance information etc.

Government can acquire benefits from web-based information system (Essays UK, 2017), that’s

why most of the government offices adapt technology as their tool in providing better services.

Mustofa (2018) cited that the information system that uses mobile web technology makes

all information accessible through smartphones with internet connection and makes the residents

acquire information even without going directly to the barangay office. The use of web-based

information system that uses web mobile technology can be used and optimized for population

administration data management (Noviyanto, Setiadi, Wahyuningsih., 2014). The use of

technology will help to improve the transaction process in the barangay.

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

Mobile Information System

The attainability of sources of information and services using mobile information system

is achieved by means of end-user terminals that are easily movable in space, operational regardless

of the locale with wireless connection. Also, mobile information systems have become

fundamental platform for many organizations and government across the globe (Wang

Shangguang, Ching-Hsien Hsu, David Taniar, Patrick Hung. 2015) that makes the operation

transparent and effective.

Internet technologies become prevalent in any aspects of our lives now a days and as we

continue embracing technologies mobile and web-based information systems enforces location-

based services on the web and on smartphones and is working on innovative solutions for the

analysis and visualization of (real-time) location data (, 2019).

Barangay Management / Information System

Just like other organization using technology in the barangay operations help a lot as stated

by (2018) that web-based barangay management system with mobile app support

eases Barangay management by allowing the client Barangay to manage their resident records as

complete and up-to-date as possible and as easily accessible for verification, monitoring and

reference purposes based on the available residents’ census data kept by the client Barangay. Data

provided by this system in the form of comprehensive reports are vital for planning, program

implementation and related purposes.

Web based barangay information system automate the management of barangay

household, commodities and population, populate barangay data, monitor the increase and

decrease of household, commodities and population for an immediate for the barangay (Spamast-

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

Malita, Iteit. (2018). Through this system it helps the barangay to formulate effective program or

services suited to the needs of its constituents.

Barangay needs to offer good and quality services to its constituents and in order to achieve

this they adopt the use of barangay system to support this Tambungalan, Dimaro, and Palmes

(n.d.) stated in their study that barangay system provide efficient reliable, fast, accurate

information in providing high quality service to keep the records protected and make sure that the

service and information are given at the right time to satisfy the needs of the client.

Web based barangay system can improve the transactions made by the residents and will

also help the barangay solve the existing problems such as manual circulation of the

announcements and the manual transactions (Corpuz, n.d.) for more efficient dissemination of


On the word of Pulumbarit and Suarez (2017) The Barangay can gain advantage through

the use of Barangay Office Management System that was specially designed for the office

transactions of a Barangay. Organizations and users should be aware of many things that can

information system can offer. The information system has different jobs that can be completed for

the organization.

Record management in the barangay is the efficient and systematic control of recorded

information required in the operation of Barangay business and activities. Through the use of the

system, productivity, efficiency, economy, streamlining, accountability and transparency is

achieved (Leila S, 2013). Barangay Management Information System provides an efficient and

effective way to record and manage information that is needed of every barangay (Kevin, John &

D, Elmer & Angelica, Mary & L, Romulo. 2018).

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application


E-Government is the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) to

improve the activities of public sector organizations. It address the problems that government is

too costly, too inefficient and too ineffective (e-administration); too self-serving and too

inconvenient (e-citizens and e-services); and too insular (e-society) because e-government

improved government processes: eAdministration, Connecting citizens: eCitizens and eServices,

Building external interactions: eSociety (, 2008).

Government sector needs to improve the way they serve and deliver information to the

public that’s why department of information and communications technology develop an e-

government and according to the use of information and communications

technology (ICT) and other web-based technologies enhance access of information and improve

delivery, efficiency and effectiveness of service to the public. An ICT-enabled government allows

the citizens easy access to information and services anytime and anywhere as well as create

transparency and accountability in government operations.

Through the use of e-government the efficiency of paper-based system improves that in

return save money and time as well as it facilitates better communications between governments

and businesses. It also increased portfolio of public services to citizens in an efficient and cost-

effective manner. It allows for government transparency because it allows the public to be

informed about what the government is working on as well as the policies they are trying to

implement (, 2018).


In any part of the word whether it is in local government unit or in national government

each of them encounters problems in monitoring the different crimes that is happening that’s why

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

government unit now a days embrace the world of technology to help them in recording and

monitoring of crimes. In line with this e-blotter is used because as stated in one of the essay in

studymode .com (2013), the e-Blotter is a ways and means in reporting and monitoring of crime

incidents that happened in a certain area as the results and records of the investigation and enable

advancement in the course of crime prevention, detection and solution as it permits direct access

of data needed for an urgent response.

Philippine National Police used e-blotter system because it is geared to boost the crime

reporting system for effective law enforcement, public safety and efficient administration of justice

utilizing modern technology, such as computers and the Internet (, 2012).

Profiling System

Profiling System for Barangays is a tool for efficient printing of clearances, certificates,

permits and other documents as well as a enables user recording of household and printing of

important documents easier than the traditional process. the system allows monitoring the

population of the locale and guaranteed protected and safe record keeping as well as easy access

of the data needed (, 2015). The system allows monitoring the population of the

locale and guaranteed protected and safe record keeping as well as easy access of the data needed

(, 2016).

Barangay profiling system can furnish current information with less work on the side of

the user and set a wide range of facts in an accessible way, let alone the security and integrity of

the transactions and documents it caters (, 2019).

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

Information Dissemination using the Web

Information now a days can be access anytime and anywhere through the use of internet

technology. According to Tan-Torres Edejer (2008) the internet can provide a mechanism for

users to become active partners in the dissemination of information thus it proves that internet is

an important tool for information dissemination.

Through the use of internet information dissemination life becomes easier and may

improve also health condition as Kommalage and Thabrew (2019) stated in their research about

the “use of websites for disseminating health information in developing countries: an experience

from Sri Lanka” that developing counties might help improve the health status of the people using

internet as technology in information dissemination as a health education tool.

Barangay Health Center Information System

With the use of the proposed, Barangay Health Center Records Information System every

process will be computerized and there’s a quick response and effective service given to the

patients who will avail of the services in the health Center (, 2017).

Health Center Records Information System made the processes of faster, generate accurate

reports, and provide relevant and actionable information and acts as a platform to create, store, and

consolidate important medical data, which acts as a data backbone and have great use for future

clinical purposes (Estinar, Grefiel, Libre, Lu, and Tangkeko, 2018).

The used of Health Center Information system will help the medical practitioners to fasten

their recording of patient’s data to save time and effort. It is very reliable because of easy retrieval

of patient’s information, more convenient to store information, safer and free from damage

(Buenas and Caringal, 2014).

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

The implementation of the Barangay Health Center Information System provides a quicker

and more systematic way to records the medical information of the patients. It also provides

reliable and secured personal medical records. It simply improves the consistency of the

consultation process; of the Barangay Dian-ay health center it will increases performance of

medical personnel through its system generated consultation (inettutor, 2017).

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application



This chapter covers the methods used in the research and tools used for the system design.

The proponent will be using different tools and techniques to gather data. Moreover, the proponent

described the procedures, data and work flow of the system as well as the research subject and

statistical treatments applied in the analysis and interpretation of gathered data. The proponent

tries to create the system by developing a series of prototypes and testing to fit on the user


Research Subject

The research locale of this project is Barangay Concepcion, one of the barangays in Baliuag

Bulacan. The proponents choose the community of Barangay Concepcion, Baliuag Bulacan.

Research participants consist of the barangay secretary, blotter personnel, lingkod lingap sa nayon

(LLN) personnel, other barangay staff, health officer and twenty-five (25) residents eighteen (18)

years old and above that are familiar in using smartphones and web.

Research Instrument

As part of the research process, the researcher utilizes a questionnaire to collect data. With

this method, the proponent can gather data and analyze the reaction of the respondents. Internet

research and library research method is used for collecting ideas that will be helpful for the

researcher to identify the possible needs and additional techniques that can be used for the study.

There are several software quality assurance models developed over years like McCall’s

and Boehm’s Quality model, which is the ISO as the organization that governs standardization

made a simple, easy to follow model to qualify software systems. The selection of this standard is

to resolve some of the notable human dispositions that can unacceptably affect software

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

development’s delivery and perception. The changing priorities after the start of a project and no

clear definition of success constitute some of human biases (ISO/IEC 25010:2011 – Systems and

Software Engineering – Systems and Software Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) –

System and software quality models,” 2019) ISO 9126 is an international standard for the

evaluation of software, represents the latest (and ongoing) research into characterizing software

for the purposes of software quality control, software quality assurance and software process

improvement (SPI). ISO 9126–1 software quality model identifies six (6) major attributes

contributing to quality these are functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency, maintainability and

portability. The indicators were measured using the five-point Likert Scale where respondents

choose from the 5-response category of excellent (5), very good (4), good (3), fair (2) and poor


Software Development Methodology

The proponent will use rapid application development (RAD) methodology in developing

the Smart Concepcion. RAD allows the developer to break down the process in a few ways. The

user design and construction phases are repeated until the user accepts that all of the requirements

are met. In this methodology user involvement is important especially in testing the prototype and

providing feedback. Prototyping permits the development team to rapidly evaluate the feasibility

of a particularly complex or risky component and more likely that errors will be both discovered

far earlier in the development cycle.

The proponent will use the four main phases of rapid application development which is the

requirements planning, user design, rapid construction and cutover. RAD software development

model shown in figure 1 and 2.

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

Figure 1. Rapid Application Development Methodology

Requirements Planning: In this phase, the developer and users come to a rough agreement on

project scope and application requirements of the system, so that future stages with prototyping

can begin.

User Design: The development begins, building out the user design through various prototype

iterations. User feedback is gathered with heavy emphasis on determining the system architecture.

This step is repeated as often as necessary as the project evolves.

Rapid Construction: Once basic user and system design has begun, the construction phase is

where most of the actual application coding, testing, and integration takes place. Along with User

Design, the Rapid Construction phase is repeated as often as necessary, as new components are

required or alterations are made to meet the needs of the project.

Cutover: This is the implementation phase where the finished product goes to launch. It includes

data conversion, testing, and changeover to the new system, as well as user training. All final

changes are made while the coders and clients continue to look for bugs in the system.

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

Figure 2. Rapid Application Development Methodology

Requirement Specification and Analysis

Smart Concepcion must provide a web and mobile based application solution to the

problem that the barangay Concepcion is experiencing. The proponent needs to specify first the

information requirements and should know how the existing system works, the persons who are

using the system, the different process and how the current procedures are accomplished as well

as the proponent must understand and study why they are using the current methods to be

considered when designing the Smart Concepcion project.

Existing Barangay Concepcion Management System

Barangay Concepcion has a computer set used merely for encoding and printing of

documents but not for information dissemination and other transactions in the barangay.

Releasing of clearance, permits, certificates and the likes relies on the Secretary using software

application like Microsoft word and Excel. They need to search the template in the computer and

needs to encode the name and purpose for the requested document, then print it and delete the

name afterwards. In the absence of the secretary the officer in charge will simply locate the printed

copy of the clearance then write manually the name, complete address and purpose. In terms of

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

recording the projects information they simply record it in a record book does monitoring is


In terms of filing blotters, the blotter personnel will interview the complainants then record

it in a logbook, and go over the logbook to search for a particular case. If the blotter case needs to

summon the respondent, the blotter officer will type a letter using word application software.

When disseminating information, they simply send SMS to the available collection of contacts,

post tarpaulin or flyers and sometimes post announcement on social media. The LLN officer

conduct census survey and keep them in a folder then manual counting takes place when they need

the information about total population and the like. Patients consultation record is also done

manually, the announcement is simply written in a bond paper for posting.

Figure 3. Existing System

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

Figure 3.1 Existing System - Continuation

Proposed Smart Concepcion

The proposed system will have a secretary login module that allows access to the services

module which includes certificates, clearance, and form module for preparation and printing of

barangay permits, clearance and certificates, business permit renewal as well as for recording the

information of those who request clearances and certificates. Barangay Id module for printing

barangay id with photo capturing. The Residents profiling module for easy searching of records to

locate and identify legitimate residents in the area. Last but not the least this module allows the

secretary to access reports, announcements / events module as well as backup and restore the


The blotter officer will access the peace and order module recording for resident’s blotter

and complaint, preparation of summon invitation hearing session and complaints monitoring as

well as monitoring of all crime incidents that transpired in the barangay as the results and records

of the investigation.

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

Through the health officer login module, the health officer will have the capability to access

the health records of the barangay specially the immunization records, pre-natal and post-natal

record, TBDots and patient consultation data. As well as to have access to the announcement

module for posting of immunization and other health care announcement. This module enables the

health officer to manage patients and families by understanding the patient information upon

demand, and manage the resources provided by the local government to each health center

ensuring all medical supplies and materials are accounted for including medicines dispensed to

each patient.

The Lingkod Lingap sa Nayon login will authorized the LLN officer to access the residents

profiling module for the management of the household’s profiles to systematically acquire and

record information about the members of a given population.

Treasurer Login will allow the Ingat Yaman to manage fees, budgets / projects and

operating expenses as well as gives access to the report’s module.

Under the administrator login module, the administrator can gain access to the

administrator dashboard and on the different module available in the application including account

maintenance, user logs, collection reports, projects module and announcement maintenance


Through resident’s login module, the residents can search and update their information as

well as they can file complaints and blotter and view announcements.

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

Figure 3.2 Proposed Smart Concepcion

Data Flow Diagram

The context data flow diagram also known as level zero (0) DFD will give a graphical

representation of the overview of the proposed system and the way it interacts with external

entities. The DFD also provides information about the outputs and inputs of each entity and the

process itself.

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

Figure 3.3 Smart Concepcion Context DFD

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application as A Tool for

Barangay Profiling, Information Dissemination, Clearance, Certification, Blotter and Health

Record Management of Barangay Concepcion, Baliwag Bulacan has the following capabilities:

1. Secretary Login: The secretary login will give authorized access to the website that includes

the following module:

 Services

 Reports

 Announcement/Event

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

 Resident Profiling

 Business Profile and Renewal

 Change User Account

2. Blotter Login: In this area, the blotter officer will gain access to the website for complaints /

blotter recording. The blotter officer will have access to the following:

 Blotter Module

 Complaint Module

 Summon Module

 Hearing Session

 Reports Module

 Change User Account

3. Treasurer Login will allow the treasurer to manage the payment and project or budget details

it allows access to the following:

 Collection Module

 Project / Budget Module

 Reports

 Change User Account

4. LLN login will allow the Lingkod Lingap sa Nayon officer to manage the household

information thus includes the following:

 Residents Profiling

 Reports

 Change User Account

5. Health Officer login will give web access to the health officer to the following module:

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

 Patient Information

 Health Record

 Reports

 Medicine / Equipment

 Announcement

 Change user account

6. Residents login allows the residents to view announcement and update the household

information through the following module:

 Residents Profile

 Announcements

 Blotter / Complaints

 Hearing Session

7. Admin login will give access to the administrator or the barangay captain to have access on

the following module:

 Residents Profiling

 Services

 User management

 Project / Budget

 Collection

 Announcement / Events

 Health Record

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

Software Development Tools

Website Development

In order to build responsive website, the proponent made Bootstrap as the framework of

the front-end component library of the website overall look and feel. The main language to be

used for the website development of the system will be PHP language. The proponent will also

use jQuery for the library for easy manipulation and event handling. Atom text editor or notepad++

as the main HTML editor. The website development will also use CSS for the stylesheet and

JavaScript as the scripting tools.

Mobile Based Development

For the conversion of the website into mobile version of the system the proponent made

use of and android studio.


On the back-end, server side of the system the proponent used XAMPP for handling the

MySQL database.


There are different roles and responsibilities in developing a web and mobile based

application for the Smart Concepcion project. The proponent carried out series of vital roles and

skills to make the project successful.

System Analyst. The proponent assists in defining the project, gather requirements, verify that

project deliverables meet the requirements as well as develop a solution to provide improved


Database Designer. The proponent models, designs and creates the databases and tables based on

the given user requirements.

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

Programmer. The proponent builds the solution by writing program code for the applications.

Software Tester. The proponent conduct system testing to ensures that the solution meets the

user’s requirements and that it is free of errors and defects.

Document writer. The proponent will write the necessary documentation needed by the project.

Implementation Plan

The implementation plan is the process of execution of the proposed plan. It describes here

the installation, deployment and implementation of the software. The Smart Concepcion will be

installed the system in the server and introduced to barangay officials and residents especially to

the secretary, blotter officer, LLN, treasurer, health officer, and some of the residents. The

specified users will be trained in order to use the system appropriately. The system will used

GoDaddy webhosting to host the front-end and the back-end of the system. The router is connected

to the Internet Service Provider (ISP), which routes data to and from the client and server.

Residents and guest can access the system through personal computer or mobile phone with

internet connection. Stated on the tables below will be the strategies.

Table 1. – Implementation Plan


Approval from Letter for the Barangay Chairman, 1 Day

The Barangay Barangay Chairman Health Officer, Secretary
Chairman Health Officer and and Resident

Database Encoding of Admin, Researcher 1 Hour

User information,

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

System Installation of the Barangay Chairman, 1 Day

Installation Website and mobile Secretary, and Health
application Officer

Information Distribution of user Barangay Chairman, 2 Hours

Distribution manual Secretary, and Health
Training Hands on Training Barangay Chairman, 2 Days
Secretary, Blotter
Officer, Treasurer, LLN
and Health Officer

Table 2. Hardware and Software Requirement for Website and Mobile


Processor dual core @ 2.4 GHz (i5 or i7 Intel processor or

equivalent AMD)

Memory 4 GB of RAM

Hard Disk Space 320 GB 5400 RPM hard drive

Operating System Microsoft (Windows 7) or higher

Wireless 802.11g/n (WPA2 support required)

.Net framework 3.5

Backup Device External hard drive and/or USB Flash Drive

Android Version Lollipop or higher

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

Verification, Validation and Testing

To adhere with the standard quality of the software, the proponent used ISO 9126 to assess

the quality of the project. ISO 9126 is an international standard software quality model that helps

in creating a solid framework for assessing software. The proponent used the six main quality

characteristics of ISO 9126 to assure the quality of the software and this characteristic stated


 Functionality

 Reliability

 Usability

 Efficiency

 Maintainability

 Portability

Like every software ISO 9126 software model has distinct qualities. These are laid on

following basis:

Functionality: It is a key aspect of any product or service. It is due to this the software is able to

fulfill a task and keep to its purpose. It can draw conclusions about how well software provides

desired functions. The functionality of the software varies from (1) Suitability, an essential

functionality characteristics that refers to the appropriateness of software with regard to

specification identified of the designed functions, (2) Accurateness, refers to the correctness of the

functions and operations as well as processed data as an output, (3) Interoperability, which

concerns to the ability of software component to interact with other modules especially with object

inheritance, and (4) Security, that refers to ability to protect computerized system against

unauthorized access. Smart Concepcion provide the following functions:

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

 Information Dissemination

 Blotter / Complaints processing

 Household information processing

 Health Record processing

 Clearance / Certificate

 User maintenance

 Report Generation

Reliability determines the capability of software to sustain its use when put under different

circumstances. Reliability includes (1) Maturity, the concern about the frequency of software

failures, (2) Fault-tolerance defines the characteristics of software to withstand and recover

components from environmental failures and (3) Recoverability which describes the

characteristics of software to bring back a failed system into full operation.

 Certificates, clearances, permits and reports generation are accurate

 Records are consistent

 Easy information dissemination

Usability pertains on the effort needed for system usage and individual assessment implied by set

of users. These includes (1) Understandability which means the ability of software users to

understand the software functions, (2) Learnability determines how well the users can learn the

application of software, (3) Operability, which pertains to ability of software users to be easily

operated by system users without much experience with computer literacy.

 User friendly interface design

 Properly labeled and easy to understand objects

 Design Theme is consistent

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

 Easy modification of data

 Ease of use

 Clear generation of report

Efficiency determines how well the software provides required performance relative to amount of

resources used. The overall performance of the software depending on the functionality performed

whether it is web based or mobile based.

Maintainability: this is the characteristics of the software to recognize and fix a defect

accordingly. The software is inspected for the faults and these can be identified easily to provide

quality performance.

 Easy to install and access in different environment

 Back-up and restore capability

 Management of different user is available

 Easy Maintenance

Portability: identify the capability of the software to easily adapt to the environmental changes

frequently as possible. The user can easily operate the system using browser or mobile. The user

simply installs the app on their mobile for easy browsing.

 Software and hardware are kept in minimum requirement when installing.

 Supports multi-platforms

Systems acceptability will be evaluated based on the stated standard given by ISO and will

serve as a guide for creating survey questionnaires.

Data Analysis

Weighted arithmetic mean and standard deviation will be used as the statistical tools in

analyzing the data. To represent the average of the responses item-by-item, the weighted

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application

arithmetic will be used. The given choices in every single item in the questionnaire is 5

(Excellent), 4 (Very Good), 3 (Good), 2 (Fair) and 1 (Poor).

In order to interpret the weighted mean, the following range will be used:

Table 3. Evaluation scale

Mean Interpretation

4.21-5.00 Excellent

3.41-4.20 Very Good

2.61-3.40 Good

1.81-2.60 Fair

1.80~1.00 Poor

In obtaining the mean value of scores, certain weighted score was assigned to the frequency

of each category of each response. The rating of the respondents will be computed using the


μ = (∑ fx)/n


μ = the mean of each evaluations

∑fx = sum of product of f and x, where f is the frequency of each weight and x is the weight

as 5,4,3,2 or 1.

N = the total number of respondents

SMART CONCEPCION: A Web-Based and Mobile Based Application


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