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Let’s Make Education Holding Public

Work for All Children

A good education is essential Children need to be Media Accountable:
loved, encouraged, nurtured and taught. Our cur- Should we support businesses that advertise in a paper
rent school system is not meeting the needs of that spreads hatred and division?
thousands of students. There should be more per- The Rhinoceros Times newspaper propagates dis-
sonal attention towards students, instead criminaliz- tortion, lies, confusion, hatred and calculated divi-
ing and devaluing our youth. Instead of teaching to A project initiated by the Beloved Community Center, the Greensboro chapter of the National Association for the Ad-
sion. The Rhino Times regularly violates the code
the test and policing students, we should be provid- of ethics for the Society of Professional Journalists, vancement of Colored People, the Pulpit Forum of Greensboro, and the Spirit of the Sit-in Movement Initiative
ing comprehensive education that supports their
natural curiosity and development. Hairston Residents prints editorials in their news section, and purpose-
fully misrepresents information in their stories.
Parents Supporting Parents helps parents advocate Pictured above are some of the courageous Special Summer Edition
current and former residents of Hairston The Rhino Times is a free paper sustained by ad-
for their children to receive the support they need. Homes. They have faced relentless assault vertisements. By supporting the businesses that
PSP understands the intricacies of the school sys- from Westminster Realty, who manages advertise in this ―newspaper‖ we are providing the
tem and can help parents and students work Hairston Homes. Although the city ruled that
they have been discriminated against, condi- lifeblood for their continued propaganda. It is one
through challenges. If you are interested in getting tions have not improved. Residents who speak thing to have different opinions. It is another thing
involved or in need of these free services contact out against their mistreatment have been tar- to distort, manipulate and lie. This must stop.
Lissa Harris and Linda Mozell at or 336.508.1356, geted with fines for petty violations in an at- Officer A.J. Blake: And Captain Charles Cherry: Two Cases of Police
tempt to silence them.
or go to Corruption and Double Standards During the seven moth period before his jury trial Officer Blake was slandered and
demonized in unimaginable ways. He was even accused of being the leader of a street
Four students initiated the Sit-in Movement, but thousands joined in! —Please become part of the planning and organizing What happens to Cancer when it is not treated? It spreads gang. After this hellish seven month period, a jury of six men and six women, six white and
and poisons the body? Justice Summer is about treating this can- six black, acquitted Officer Blake of all charges. The not guilty verdict led Officer Blake to

Join us every other Thursday (July 22; Aug.5 & 19; Sept 2, 16 & 30) cer; it is truly about justice for all, especially for the poor and peo-
ple of color. The struggle for justice also involves issues of health,
appeal to the Chief Bellamy to reinstate him to his job; the Chief refused. The acting City
Manager overruled the chief and reinstated Officer Blake.
education, environment, and economics. Police corruption is a When Officer Blake returned to work he was met with a barrage
From 6:30 PM - 9 PM at the Beloved Community Center, 417 Arlington Street starting point rather than an end. of threats and hostility. Some officers said they would not come to his
defense if called for back-up. He was called a sack of ―sh_t‖ by Captain
Officer A.J. Blake (pictured left) is an eight-year police veteran who’s prob-
Wolf in the presence of his daughter and fiancé. A Group of white offi-
lems grew directly from his stand against anti-Latino prejudice and double stan-
cers in uniform attended a city council meeting and denounced the deci-
dards within the Greensboro Police Department (GPD). When Officer Blake com-
sion by the acting City manger to reinstate Officer Blake, which is an open
plained about double standards applied to a Latino Youth group called the Almighty
act of insubordination. Now a group of Greensboro Police Officers are
Latin King Queen Nation he was targeted. Officer Blake was a member of the GPD
―Gang Unit‖ and had many occasions to observe how young Latino men and women
leading the charge to get Officer Blake’s license revoked for five years on
false and frivolous claims. There are so many more details to this story
were treated. He is part of the lawsuit of 39 officers suing the police department for
that space does not allow us to tell. We hope you get the point.
When we combine quality knowledge, an opportunity to have a racial discrimination.
1. FILE A COMPLAINT IMMEDIATELY WITH THE CITY (SEE INSTRUC- Officer Blake also filed charges of anti-Latino slurs and jokes within GPD. In
From this point, the story takes a different turn. Captain Charles Cherry (pictured
real voice in decision-making, and ethical values, we are creating above) , Officer Blake’s commanding officer and a 23-year veteran stepped in to defend
TIONS BELOW) January of 2010, he attended a birthday party for another officer at the Police Club,
a democratic culture. The following community events are open which included a drinking contest with a score board for officers to keep score of
Officer Blake. He helped Officer Blake receive his full back pay when he was reinstated.
to the entire public and are meant to be forums to engage each He helped several officers file grievances which charge discrimination, a hostile work envi-
2. REPORT YOUR COMPLAINT TO JUSTICE SUMMER. WE WILL TAKE how many drinks they had consumed. The club is also a well known ―swingers‖
ronment, racial discrimination, and retaliation. Now Captain Cherry has been targeted.
other and the issues with respect and integrity . Don’t settle for YOUR INFORMATION AND SEE HOW WE CAN HELP YOU.
club where wives and girlfriends are swapped, i.e. engaging with multiple sex part-
Assistant Chief Crotts, recently appointed interim Police Chief, made the recommendation
what you read in the newspapers or hear on television. The panel ners. Officer Blake attended the party with the understanding that he would teach
that Captain Cherry be placed on ―Fit For Duty Evaluation‖. This is a way of saying that the
Salsa. His fiancé attend with him. Officer Blake’s fiancé found the party troubling
discussions, the “Night of a Thousand Conversations”, and the 3. PLAN TO ATTEND ONE OR BOTH OF THE PUBLIC HEARINGS IN SEP- and after a brief argument the couple decided to leave. It was then that the
Captain has ―mental issues.‖ Captain Cherry has been removed of his command,
public hearings are an important part of building grassroots de- stripped of his badge and gun, denied use of police computers, and barred from the police
TEMBER ( SEE INFORMATION BELOW) drunken party goers made the charge that Officer Blake assaulted both his fiancé
department. He received an excellent level IV evaluation in April. It is not likely that any
mocracy by creating community, understanding, and accountabil- and another woman. Officer Blake’s fiancé strongly denies that any assault ever
competent psychologist will find Captain Cherry unfit for duty. The GPD leadership does
ity in Greensboro. Complaints may be filed with the Complaint Review Committee or occurred. Officer Blake expressed that the party could have been a set-up to get
not seem capable of acknowledging that it is wrong. Instead, we suspect, that the witch-
with the Police Department’s Division of Professional Standards. him to compromise himself.
hunt which is now fully under way will try to find some other charges to bring against Cap-
Detective Schwochow who led the investigation against Officer Blake testi-
Three Panel Discussions The importance of filing the complaint with the city is that it gives
you an official record . You may file a report in person, by mail, or
fied in open court that he could find no evidence supporting the assault charges.
Capt. Rogers, Detective Schwochow ’s superior, still ordered charges against Officer
tain Cherry. Captain Cherry poses a grave threat to the culture of corruption and double
standards within the GPD because he is a command level officer. He has standing and
creditability. All this can be traced back to a couple of officers trying to stand against
#1 by phone with the CRC at (336) 373-2038, or the Police Depart- Blake. After being charged, Officer Blake was suspend without pay. During this pe-
corruption and double standards applied to poor, young people of color. If two police offi-
ment at (336) 373-2468 between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m., riod he and his six year old daughter endured extreme hardship including losing
cers are treated this way, imagine how poor and people of color are treated.
their home, despite picking up side work to try to make ends meet.
What Does a Subculture of Corruption Monday through Friday. The CRC office is located at 300 W. Wash-
ington Street, Plaza Level Room 118. The Professional Standards
and Double Standards in the GPD Mean Office is located at 300 Washington Street, Level UG. A complaint
to the CRC must be made within 60 days of the incident.
for Greensboro?
Tuesday, July 27, 2010. 7– 8:30 p.m. Chavis Branch
GREENSBORO JUSTICE SUMMER GREENSBORO JUSTICE SUMMER is a call to every resident of Greensboro to join in a major effort to make Greensboro a bet-
Public Library. 900 S. Benbow Rd. ter city. Rebuilding and empowering the city requires an informed public that is willing to continually seek the truth and stand for
#2 POLICE MISCONDUCT justice for all people. We want to build a grassroots democratic culture where all are respected, all voices are heard, and where
we work together so that the needs of all are met. Is that the Greensboro you want? Let’s join together in Greensboro Justice
Who are the Almighty Latin King Queen Summer and make it happen. This campaign is a continuation of decades of grassroots work and is an important step towards
Nation, and What Do They Do?
PUBLIC HEARINGS laying the foundations for a city where the dignity and worth of all are affirmed and upheld.
Tuesday September 7, 2010. 7- 9 p.m.
Saturday, August 21, 2010. 3:30– 6 p.m. Glenwood Rev. Cardes H. Brown, President Greensboro Branch of the NAACP: ―The NAACP is the oldest Beloved Community Center (BCC):
An application has been submitted and is pending for the Warners- Civil Rights organization in the nation. We have a proud record of fighting for the rights that all
Branch Public Library, 1901 W. Florida St. deserve. Fair treatment by law enforcement officials is a must. Greensboro Justice Summer is ―We at the BCC stand
ville Community Center on Ashe St. If there are any complications, desperately needed. I urge all of our members to become active in this most worthy effort. for the dignity , worth
#3 the site will be changed in early August.
and potential of every
Jordan Auleb, founding member of the Spirit of the Sit-in Movement Initiative: ―We are excited
person. We work
The Importance of Voter Education and ————————————————————————————————————— to build an intergenerational campaign with the BCC, Pulpit Forum, and NAACP to address one
of the most important issues in our city. We will continue to work to empower youth to take ac- mainly with the poor,
Local Politics Thursday September 9, 2010. 7– 9 p.m. tion and create the future city we need, starting with Greensboro Justice Summer.‖ most rejected and
excluded. We try to
An application has been submitted and is pending for the Peeler Rev. Clarence Shuford, President of Pulpit Forum of Greensboro and Vicinity: ― The Pulpit
Tuesday, August 31,2010. 7– 8:30 p.m. Chavis Branch Forum’s mission is to be a prophetic voice for our city. We are called by faith to pray for our city
do this work in such a way as to promote the
Community Center on Phillips Ave. If there are any complications, welfare of all. We fully support and are proud to
Public Library, 900 S. Benbow Rd. and to work with any who are the victims of injustice. Greensboro Justice Summer is our work
the site will be changed in early August. and we believe it’s God’s work. We encourage all churches and people of faith to join the effort.‖ be a part of Greensboro Justice Summer”

―A Night of Thousand Conversations‖ If you want to participate in the public hearings on police miscon-
Who Will Be in The Guilford County Jail ?
Tuesday, August 3, 2010 at 6 p.m. Topic: Exploring How duct, please contact us and plan on attending one or both of the ♦ How are other cities dealing
hearings. This will be an opportunity to increase transparency and Seventy-four million dollars will be spent on the Guilford County jail in downtown
to Increase Neighborhood Safety and Police Accountabil- Greensboro. It will be one of the most obtrusive buildings in the downtown area. Is with police misconduct?
improve the relationship between the police and the community.
ity. Small Group Discussions on ―National Night Out‖ this really the best way to spend tax payers money? What if this money were used to
help create jobs and improve education; wouldn’t that help ♦ Special Editorial by Rev. Nelson Johnson
(Sign up now to host a discussion group at your location) keep people out of jail? There are over 170,000 adult prison-
ers in the North Carolina system. An estimated 80% of people
♦ The Purpose, Plan, and Potential of
We Need Your Participation and Financial Support currently in the county jail are people of color. Who do you think Greensboro Justice Summer
will be in most of the cells in the New Guilford County jail?
The Beloved Community Center is the fiscal agent for Greensboro Justice Summer. This ♦ How to File a Complaint with the GPD
program will cost $15,000+

Donate online: http:// www.belovedcommunity or mail donation to

Beloved Community Center P.O. Box 875, Greensboro , NC
―Standing for the Greatness of
No one should be mistreated or abused or falsely
accused by the Greensboro Police authorities.
It should not matter how poor you are or what color you are or what group
or ―gang‖ you are in or whether you were born in the U.S. or whether you are an
immigrant — all should be treated with respect, all should be treated fairly, and all WHAT DID THIS CAMPAIGN GROW OUT OF?
should be afforded equal protection of the law. Nothing less is acceptable.
No city or community can be truly great unless it upholds these basic prin- On May 4, 2010, five African-American members of the Spirit of the Sit-in Movement Initiative, a group made of cur-
ciples. It is recognized that any police department or any organization will commit errors and make mistakes.
But police departments in particular should have a sound system of public oversight so that mistakes and rent students and graduates of local colleges and universities, were arrested just after the City Council took its 7:30 p.m.
errors are quickly corrected. Unfortunately, Greensboro has never had a truly workable civilian oversight
•The Greensboro Police Department treated break. The students took the seats of the council members during the recess and brought the meeting back to order with
process. Consequently, over the years the Greensboro Police Department (GPD) has developed a well en- all of its officers with the same dignity and re- the banging of the mayor’s gavel. They began to describe how the current elected officials failed at their jobs and were not
trenched culture of ―corruption and double standards.‖ By culture of corruption and double standards I do
not mean simply one or two corrupt people. Rather, what has emerged is a deeply entrenched way of life, a
spect? representing the people, particularly highlighting police corruption. Shortly afterwards, a plain clothes officer and members
system of corruption and double standards within the GPD. This has been reflected in 39 law suits filed by of a private security group approached the seats and asked them to leave. One member of the group, Cherrell Brown was
officers of color, the firing of a city manager, the abrupt resignation of a police chief, and the ruling by a fed- •Neighborhood leaders united themselves on
eral court that found Greensboro police officers jointly liable for wrongful death along with members of the Ku housing issues and zoning questions? arrested at the seats. Also arrested were Wesley Morris, Clarence Bradley Hunt II, Carlyle Phillips, and Jonathan Johnson.
Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party. Yet, police officials and City Council members are in denial about the About ten minutes after the members of the group were escorted from the Council Chambers, the students were
extent of the culture of corruption and double standards within the GPD. •The City Council truly engaged the citizens
Let me be very clear. There are many dedicated and committed police officers in the GPD. They come asked to leave. Four of them began holding hands and refusing, several armed officers from the Greensboro Police Depart-
from all different races and ethnic groups. But culture is a strong force in life that pulls and compels people of Greensboro instead of moving the Speak- ment arrived to arrest them. The students were arrested without incident and taken across the street to the police depart-
into compliance with its own standards and practices. There were thousands of wonderful and committed ers from the Floor section to the end of their ment. Under the conditions of their release, these five students are banned from city property and were required to ob-
southern whites in the 40s, 50s and 60s but the power of the ―segregationist‖ culture made it difficult for
these committed whites to cross the line toward racial equity. Fortunately, a few brave whites during that serve a 6 p.m. - 6 a.m. curfew until their lawyer succeeded in having the curfew lifted weeks later.
period did cross the line and stood up for justice, but they paid a price for it. They became the objects of at-
tacks and ridicule. That is the type of cultural atmosphere present in the GPD now. Only a mass movement, •The local media would report the objective The students had attended the previous four city council meetings to address issues ranging from a settlement offer
an organized public push, will be strong enough to change the stubborn culture of corruption and double truth instead inserting their bias opinions? to former Police Chief David Wray, the plight of 39 officers of color suing the city, the injustice related to Officer A.J. Blake,
standards within the GPD.
As serious as it is, the police corruption issue is not all that Greensboro Justice Summer is about.
the relentless and unwarranted harassment of the Almighty Latin King Queen Nation, and what they describe as a subcul-
•Churches and religious institutions helped
The police issue is merely a window into a number of other justice issues. We are faced with the need for ture of corruption in the Greensboro Police Department.
good jobs and economic development, effective education and the nurturing of our children; electing and to build a movement that lifts up the issues
holding accountable good public officials, and fair, just, and responsible media. In particular the Rhinoceros
The following day, dozens gathered in front of the Greensboro Police Department for a rally in resistance to the sub-
their congregations face everyday?
Times, in its ongoing campaign to confuse, inflame and promote hatred and division in our community. In culture of corruption in the Greensboro Police Department. Standing with a banner reading "We Demand Police Account-
engaging all of these issues we are standing for the greatness of Greensboro.
But how do we make progress in these areas? What if more and more people of all races and back-
•The positive contributions of street organiza- ability," protesters spoke about incidents of injustice and harassment experienced with Greensboro police.
grounds could set aside their preconceived ideas about one another and commit to learn from each other tions and poor people were recognized and The rally was organized by the Spirit of the Sit-in Movement Initiative. During the rally, six reverends, most of whom
and from factual information? What if instead of looking at poor young people as mainly troublemakers, we supported by the full community? are in the Greensboro Pulpit Forum, were arrested as they blocked the entrance to the Greensboro Police Department in
saw them as gifted human beings and a potentially powerful resource for creating safe communities and for
building up the community? What if we organized this summer to help neighbors use the stimulus money another act of civil disobedience, holding a banner reading "Justice Now". Protesters marched from the Melvin Municipal
•The schools taught a fuller history regarding
that will be flowing into Greensboro to train young people to weatherize and retrofit homes and grow commu- Building to the jail where the reverends were taken after arrest, and many people stood on the corner until they were re-
nity gardens in their own neighborhoods, thus building up their communities economically? What if Greensboro’s involvement in struggles for so-
churches, other religious organizations, neighborhood and community groups worked together for the entire leased. They have been charged with disorderly conduct. The Beloved Community Center, Pulpit forum and the NAACP has
cial justice and human rights?
community’s welfare? been engaging the issue of police corruption and double standard for over three years.
Well that’s exactly what Greensboro Justice Summer is trying to do! Over 20 young people have al-
ready agreed to go door to door for two months working towards this end. However, it will take more than the •The federal stimulus money that is flowing
four initiating organizations to do this. It will take all who are committed to making Greensboro a better, to Greensboro was used to restructure and Together, the Spirit of the Sit-in Movement Initiative, the Beloved Community Center, the Greensboro NAACP, and the
more just city. Greensboro Justice Summer will formally end in September. However, if we learn to work to-
gether in new ways, our work will go far beyond the summer.
grow small businesses in poor communities? Greensboro Pulpit Forum vowed to continue pushing the issue of police misconduct through a summer campaign of direct
If you want to work together to make Greensboro a better city, join us every other Thursday evening at grassroots engagement to build a wider movement around the issue.
6:30 PM (July 22nd; Aug. 5th & 19th; Sept. 2nd, 16th & 30th) at the Beloved Community Center located at
417 Arlington Street.

Jorge ―King Jay‖ Cornell: Examples from Elsewhere

There are countless examples throughout U.S. history of communities coming to-
Still Standing gether to challenge abuses of police power and while creating alternatives to pub-
lic oversight. Here are a few examples of what people are doing around the coun-
Two years ago, the Almighty Latin King Queen Nation try today to increase public safety and accountability.
(ALKQN) came to the Beloved Community Center expressing
interest in organizing a peace treaty between street organiza- ATLANTA- In May, 2010, the Atlanta City Council voted 13-1 in favor of creating a
tions (commonly called gangs). On July 23, 2008 they brought powerful Civilian Review Board to investigate claims of police misconduct. The
Our city is being led down a dangerous road of division and Voting is Important Jobs and Economics together five organizations and signed a tentative peace
agreement, located on the opposite page.
vote came after an extensive campaign by BLOCS (Building Locally to Organize for
hatred that silences opposing voices, stirs up racial tensions, and al- Millions of stimulus dollars will After a successful meeting with the various street organizations, the state
Community Safety) which incorporated many people over a three year span.
BLOCS continues to organize for police accountability to protect their communi-
lows law enforcement to mistreat marginalized people. The City Man- Let’s Vote. Then let’s hold be flowing into Greensboro to leader for the ALKQN, Jorge Cornell, was shot multiple times. The assailant still re-
mains unknown. Despite this attempt on Cornell’s life he forgave whomever shot him ties.
ager’s Office and City Council are in a state of denial. The Police De- those we elect accountable. weatherize and retrofit homes.
and expressed his unwavering desire to move forward with the peace treaty.
partment is caught up in an entangled web of corruption, internal di- Make a list and check it twice Poor neighborhoods should get For the last two years, the Gang Squad of the Greensboro Police Department MINNEAPOLIS- Communities United Against Police Brutality has been working
organized to make use of these has relentlessly harassed the ALKQN. The Gang Squad has brought up false charges for over 10 years to increase police accountability in their area. One of their pri-
vision, double standards, harassment, provocation and civil suits. and see if those we elected, and allegations against the ALKQN forcing the group to pay bail bondmen and lawyer mary approaches is litigation, and through taking the police department to court
have been naughty or nice. If funds for jobs building up their
Officers who file grievances are becoming targets. The Council has fees from their scarce funds. The Gang Unit has been on jobs of the AKLQN and lied, they have won numerous victories. Their cases have resulted in settlements and
community. The BCC is playing a causing them to lose their jobs. This harassment and provocation has not only re- some of the broadest releases of internal police information in any city.
refused to hear any voices calling for a change. City staff as well as not make them pay the price!
leading role in this work. sulted in young men losing jobs but their dwelling places.
the City Council have proven incapable of making the decisions to en- In a Yes! Weekly article written by Jordan Green on May 26, 2010 it states that
sure a just and healthy community. the Greensboro Police Department since 2005 have achieved a 19.6 percent convic- DETROIT- The Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality is working on this issue in
tion rate of the ALKQN. When looking only at felony charges against the ALKQN the a number of areas, but one of their more unique approaches is their plan to create
conviction rates drop to 10.8 percent. In comparison, to state felony charges which
Street Groups and Gangs Unite convict at a rate of 65.4 percent in the Guilford County court system. What could pos-
―peace zones for life.‖ The idea is that through building community and increasing
economic opportunity, people can work together to create more healthy communi-
for Peace and Justice sibly account for this great disparity in conviction rates? From the beginning the
ties so that police become less necessary. Their plan calls for conflict resolution
ALKQN have been falsely targeted by the Greensboro Police Department and it’s
On July 23, 2008, a peace agreement was reached between the Al- Gang Squad. centers and community policing as well.
mighty Latin King Queen Nation, the Almighty Black Peace Stone Na- The GPD is not reducing ―gang‖ violence; they are actually criminalizing these
tion, the Crips, the Five Percenters, and the Piru Bloods. These organi- young people when they are supposed to protect the community. Incredibly, the GPD LOS ANGELES- There are many initiatives around the police in L.A., but one of
is in deep denial about its behavior. Despite the harassment, Cornell has done the most impressive is the Youth Justice Coalition. The YJC addresses the crimi-
zations and individuals called the community to ―lay down violence and good work to improve the quality of life in the city . He is a member of the Board of nalization of youth of color from a variety of directions. They work towards restora-
join in working together for peace among the groups and within our Education’s School Safety Committee, ran for City Council at large, and is working to tive justice rather than punitive punishment for young offenders, challenge budget
community.‖ They also agreed to: start a nonprofit that will engage with low income communities, youth homes, and priorities emphasizing police and ignoring schools, and much more.
street organizations to reconfigure and empower Greensboro from below. The sacri-
fice, commitment and vision of the ALKQN is an asset to the Greensboro community
a.) To clean up graffiti in our community.
as they are still standing for justice.
B.) To educate our community, especially the youth, on the history and
PHOENIX- Like many other cities, Phoenix residents have organized a local Cop-
Have not adequately engaged allegations of police corruption original intent of the groups mentioned above and others understood as Is it a Crime to be Homeless? watch chapter. Phoenix Copwatch is a volunteer organization that believes that
one of the best ways to prevent police abuse is to observe them in action. Most
Moved the public comment section to the end of the meeting ―gangs.‖ Copwatch chapters work to inform citizens of their rights. Video footage in particu-
Many who are homeless report being treated as criminals just because lar can be very helpful for victims of police violence and misconduct later in court.
Criminalizes those who criticize city government C.) To work together to bring about more unity and understanding be- they look homeless. A homeless brother named Frederick reported that a
Misled the public about the potential settlement offer to former tween Black and Brown people. lady gave him a dollar and the police gave him a ticket because he was given
Chief David Wray a dollar by a passing lady. The Greensboro panhandling and vagrancy ordi- Much more is being done that can be mentioned here, including large campaigns
The meeting was held at a local church with the help of the Beloved nances should be revisited. There is a teaching which says “in as much as you in New Orleans, New York City, and Oakland. Other organizations with a national
Refuses to address questions related to the police harassment scope are working against police misconduct, such as the National Police Ac-
Community Center, Greensboro Pulpit Forum and the Nation of Islam. have done it unto the least of these my brothers and sisters you have done it
of the ALKQN and Officer AJ Blake’s acquittal. unto me.” The homeless population in Greensboro is regularly overlooked by countability Project. There is a significant amount of work to be done in Greens-
Still entertains the idea of re-opening the White Street Landfill This effort in July in 2008 shows that it is possible for young people to boro, but we can draw from the examples of empowered communities elsewhere
the city and are treated as second-class citizens who are criminalized be-
despite a City promise to keep it closed to household waste join together to make communities safer and better. This is an open cause they are seen as a nuisance to the rest of the population. to inform our work locally.
Ignores residents’ concerns about rezoning, as shown in the Col- call to all young people whether you are in a gang or not to join Greens-
lege Hill neighborhood boro Justice Summer and let us all work together.

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