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With the Rider something is in motion. Basically something good.
Time for good business. Nothing permanent, but this deal will be lucrative.
Perhaps rising stock prices. Fast action is advisable.
Acting at the right moment can be the basis of something permanent. Soon you will be separated from your partner for
some time.
Professional or personal reasons will ensure that one of you must start a journey.
The Clover shows situations which can change quickly. Whether good or bad, the surrounding cards will tell you.
But it is never quite bad - the clover always brings a little bit of luck to you. A relaxed, cheerful and lucky day is waiting for
you! Today, you could embrace the world. Everything will run as planned.
Negative news from the day before will dissolve up in smoke. Old problems will be solved to your satisfaction. The Clover
is the card of the small happiness that can entail the great fortune.
A relaxed, cheerful and lucky day is waiting for you! Today, you could embrace the world.
Everything will run as planned. Negative news from the day before will dissolve up in smoke.
Old problems will be solved to your satisfaction. The Clover is the card of the small happiness that can entail the great
You are in good health and this will not change in the near future. If you suffer by little sickness, you will recover soon.
Take things as they come and act wisely. What now comes to you is important for you personally life. The ship always
indicates a trip, it may be the holidays or an elongated weekend getaway.
It shows long-term activities or developments.
Be careful: Do not lose yourself in dreams and longings. If something is not working properly, maybe it's time to take
another course and to focus on other things
Think before you act and if you do, then act wisely. A journey comes to you, which can be private or official business. It
will be a trip abroad, in a country that you like to travel.
Take more time for yourself. You are spending a lot of time to help other people, but you often stay on the track.
If no long holiday is possible at the moment, think about a nice weekend getaway.
The house indicates satisfaction and success. In the environment of the house, you see the topics which are personally
very important for you. But the house also suggests to plan with foresight and to act in the long term. Do not endanger
your safety and protection.
Take more time for yourself. You are spending a lot of time to help other people, but you often stay on the track. If no
long holiday is possible at the moment, think about a nice weekend getaway.
A big building needs a solid foundation
Take care more about old friends and keep the contacts.
Make no exploitation with yourself!
The tree of knowledge or life force - it will show you how and where you are rooted.
It shows you where problems are located and where you find your security in life.
Important: This card always urges patience - so take your time
Patience means growing - Impatience means suffering.
Difficulties are challenges out of that you can grow. The clouds are warning of a serious obstacle. You always have two
options: Running away or confront with the problem.
The positive result of difficulties often will be recognized much later.
Today happiness and unhappiness are close together.
You will be faced with some problems where you think that they are hard for you to solve.
But difficulties are challenges out of that you can grow.
7. THE SNAKE: All that glitters is not gold
The snake has basically two meanings.
First, it describes a false woman, depending on the question or situation and on the other meaning.
The snake is an indication of the area of life (job, love, etc) in which you should be very carefully, because a false person
is scheming bad things against you.
This person is a woman or a man with very feminine features.
Watch out today of who you tell something private. If your partnership is not a 100% ok, then you need to use this and
the following days to talk with your partner about your common problems.
The coffin announces the death - but no panic - never the physical death.
It says something has to be brought to an end, even if it is still so uncomfortable.
It can be situations or relationships.
The coffin forces us to think about what we really want in life, and then, after the completion of this phase with the lessons
learned to be able to re-continue on our path. Do not stick to something that is no longer there, or you will not feel well.
Leave hold of this situation and look to the future, even if it will be hard. You have to spend more time for your partner
and talk with him about your problems.
You also need to listen more carefully to his problems and help him to solve it.
Show your partner that you love and respect him and that you want to stay together forever. Although if the death often
is painful, when the pain is over, you will feel like newborn
The bouquet announces happiness and success in all areas.
The surrounding cards say from where happiness is to be expected, whether it's love, financial, or whether it comes to
material things.
A warning: Even if everything seems to be easy to get for you at the moment, be not careless and wastefully. The card of
the bouquet tells you that today you will have luck and success in all areas of life. A big desire can be fulfilled today.
But take care: Today you will get many things and you will have a great day.
Do not take it for granted.
The Scythe indicates a danger. Maybe you will have a small an accident. Be in the home and on the road carefully.
This card can also indicate a sudden break with a person to whom you trusted.
Also an operation is possible.
The message of the scythe is seldom seen clearly in the single card. With its dual importance, of harvesters and danger, it
is the surrounding cards in a spread, that give you more information. This means, that you will end today with a situation
that is not good for you. If you are a man, then you should keep a watchful eye on your wife today.
The chance is present that she will start a sexual relationship with a younger man. The scythe is a strong warning of a risk
of accidents associated with a possible operation.
It must not be an accident on the road, remember that most accidents happen at home.
Be careful in the near future.
The whip is a negative card, which brings along problems, trouble, stress and violence.
Think before you speak and decide exactly who you say something.
Discussions can get out of hand. With the wrong words, someone can get hurt.
You can demonstrate power with your words or use your knowledge to help others.
With words and voice you can also give pleasure. The whip is a negative card, which brings along problems, trouble, stress
and violence.
Think before you speak and decide exactly who you say something.
Discussions can get out of hand. With the wrong words, someone can get hurt.
You can demonstrate power with your words or use your knowledge to help others.
With words and voice you can also give pleasure.
This card announces news, ideas, emotions and stress.
As well as a bird only briefly lingers at one point, the situations are temporary and of short duration.
The birds will change a situation, which is important for you. The message, which you will receive today, will tell you about
a journey and about a person with whom you are very close to.
Starting something new. In business a new career. Projects will be tackled.
You find also themes like training and upgrade your education with the child. A new business idea.
The child shows us what's new and what is to expect. It advises to go through the world with open eyes and be free of
prejudice. The child shows you that you will have a beautiful, carefree day and that something new will happen to you,
something new will come to you today.
You are surrounded by good people. Walk through life with open eyes and be without prejudice to new people and
Be watchful and mistrust the situations and people in your surrounding!
In your immediate vicinity there is something wrong.
Pay attention to your neighbors and check if the information you get is correct.
Warning: Do not try to achieve your goals by any means. The moment of truth will come. It can end badly for you, when
you act unfair. A so called friend of yours is trying to attack your relationship. If you get to know a friendly, intelligent man
today, then please be careful.
Trust a person, believe in your own strength.
The bear represents confidence and trust in our own strength.
Willingness to help and support others.
But he also have a great potential of power that should not be abused.
Mainly the bear represents an elderly person, but it can also be an authority, a person with influence, the lover (older),
the father or a fatherly person. If you have confidence and trust in yourself, then you also will be able to find a partner.
Pay more attention to your body, take a break from time to time or just a lazy day.
A lucky card!
It promises success, provided the necessary clarity is present.
The stars show abilities and successful projects.
A deep understanding of contexts.
With bad cards in the surrounding, such like the clouds, your perception can be clouded and the positive development
still leaves some time in coming. The star stands for successful projects with which you deal currently.
Especially on today, you will develop a deep understanding of contexts.
Your mind is clear and can work unclouded today. Today is the right day for you to meet a soul mate. You will have fortune
and the paths of you two will cross today.
The Stork is a card which announces changes in your life, but this changes will occur only in a positive way.Also your
financial situation is changing.
If in the last time it looks very poor on your account then you will be happy in short time.
If you not have to worry about money, then high expenses will come for you, which will cause you a bit of a headache.
Caution: Do not react too rigid and inflexible.
Accept new situations and make the best out of it. Accept new situations
There are changes coming to you.
Try not to be too rigid and inflexible today, because something will change in your home.
Accept new situations and make the best out of it, even if it will be more expensive than expected.
Later you will feel good and secure. Changes broaden your mind and your life experience.
In the surrounding of the dog you will find your friends and their support.
The positives outweigh in this card and advises to remain faithful on your instincts.
However, with negative cards, the statements can also turn into the opposite. Today is once again one of those days
where smaller to medium hiccups bearing down on your shoulders.
A good friend will help you to get clarity and to make a decision.
If you confide in your friend, this situation will definitely run well for you. A friend in need is a friend indeed.
Don't close your mind and try to see the things from a higher perspective.
The tower predicts a long life. The surrounding cards show the circumstances and the way how they develop. It also shows
with what authorities or companies you have to do with and what situations you differentiate yourselves. Today will be
diversified for you.
Today you will have contact with authorities, which will cause you a frown.
Do not worry about it. Try to see things from a higher perspective.
Not everything that looks negative in the beginning will bring you to case.
Fight on and you will have success in finding a good idea! .
Be diplomatic. Listen to the opinion of others - but do not give up your own opinion.
The park represents your external environment.
If there are discrepancies in your life, check if in your privacy is something wrong (House) or in your environment (Park)
causes problems. Society, false friends
Today, you will have a dispute with a person of which you are so far assumed that there is a friend.
Be diplomatic. Listen to his opinion and you do not block it with your bullhead.
Listen does not mean to give up, but it is an attempt to understand the perspective of this man.
Something in your life has come to a standstill.
It should not be seen as punishment. See yourself as climbers - if you are brave and tough, you will deal with this
situation. The reward will be relief. Warning: Even if you close your eyes to the obstacle, it will not disappear by itself.
Think of it as a challenge and see the problem, or the person who blocked you, as a mountain which must be conquered.
Do not close your eyes to the obstacle, it will not disappear by itself. If you are brave and tough, you will deal with this
situation. The reward will be the pride and relief. Who climbed a mountain knows how much freedom can be.
Decisions must be taken.Do not push yourself in front of it, consider the options and consequences about it. You have a
choice - to leave everything as it is or to make a change. Often the decision is very difficult, but very important for the
future. Today is a day on which you must make a very important decision for you.Do not push yourself from it, weigh up
the possibilities and consequences from your decision.You have either the choice to leave things as they are and to close
your eyes, or finally make a change.The decision is very difficult for you, but also very important for your future. A
wanderer sees many landscapes.
Something gnaws at you.Maybe you are under time pressure which is not good for you.
The card of the mice tells you, that you definitely will lose something.It can be material things, health or a partnership.
But if you plan to reduce weight, the mice is probably not a bad card. Something gnaws at you.An old problem that you
have pushed too long in front of you, now comes to the surface.Maybe you are under big time pressure that does not
get you well.
Do not be discouraged if today some things go wrong.You will also suffer a loss today. Some material things are not to
be found. Only those who do not want to let go may suffer a loss.
You are perfectly healthy and full of life. Only in case of illness, this card indicates problems with the heart or
circulation.It is the card of love and partnership.In all matters of love you will have success with this card.Remember: If
you listen to your heart, nothing can go wrong, but you still must use supporting your mind. An all-around happy and
satisfied day is waiting for you!
You will feel happy and pleased and you will like to embrace the world! In upcoming difficulties, listen to your heart. But
still use supporting your mind - better safe than sorry! .
Through love, all things are easier for the mind .
Promises and honor words should be used sparingly. Make only commitments for things, that you can actually keep. Be
cooperative. The ring not only is an indication of the connection or partnership, it also stands for the verification of the
value of a thing or a situation. Today a foundation will be lay for a new partnership or friendship. It does not have
unconditional to be in love, or at your workplace, it may be that you will get to know a new friend or the relationship
with the neighbors will be improved.
The book stands for knowledge and secrets.
Information that not even wanted to announce or information, we still not have.
Secrets should be kept confidential. You should not gossip things, of which you only know a small fraction. Do not be
impatient. If you need to find out something, it will happen at the right time. You will encounter a secret, which will give
you a certain power to get control over another person. Secrets should be kept confidential. Do not gossip anything in
the world, if you do not know the full truth and all backgrounds. Knowledge is a treasure which accompanies you
everywhere in the world.
Do not close yourself from contacts.Take yourself time to write a letter. There's someone who is happy about it.The
letter concerns all areas of communication, whether in written or oral form is secondary.
The communication transmits information and messages.They have always a personal meaning. If you are on the side
working, please watch out that you do not endanger your workplace!
A warning: Do not keep yourself for too seriously and do not become the focus of attention too much.This card as a
single card has almost no meanings.
Based on the location of this card you can draw conclusions about how the male main character currently manage his
life. At the top of the spread he has everything under control, at below everything overruns him. If he is on the edge of a
spread and looks out of the spread, he has a very exciting time behind him. If he looks into the spread,, he has finished
with the past and now looks into the future. If you are a man, then that day will be a selfish, egoistical day for you.
You will try to enforce your opinion at any price.
Having times a selfish phase is ok, because each of us need it from time to time.
But do beware that it does not last long and that you are not creating enemies in this time.
If you are a woman, then today you will predominantly focus on your husband / partner / friend.
Never take yourself as the measure of all things.
warning: Do not keep yourself for too seriously and do not become the focus of attention too much.
This card as a single card has almost no meanings.
Based on the location of this card you can draw conclusions about how the male main character currently manage his life.
At the top of the spread he has everything under control, at below everything overruns him.
Is he is on the edge of a spread and looks out of the spread, he has a very exciting time behind him.
If he looks into the spread, he has finished with the past and now looks into the future. If you are a woman, then this day
will bring you a dispute.
You will be so confident of yourself that it'll be a kind of self-love.
You will try enforce your opinion and your will at any price.
Having from time to time a selfish phase is normal, because each of us have it.
But do beware that it does not last long and that you are not creating enemies.
If you are a man, then today you will predominantly focus on your wife / partner / girlfriend.
Maybe today you will make a spontaneous small trip. Never take yourself as the measure of all things
Incoming payments are not expected. Assets and values come about of government subsidies.
In your job, you will have a patron, someone who supports and encourages you. There is a harmonious working
atmosphere, perhaps you are working in a family business. The lilies are a sign that you are respected and gets attention.
The manners are well educated and posh. This is potential for creating certain coolness. This card also symbolizes beauty
and elegance.
As the card, the flowers, the lily can stand for something nice, but it is transitory. A person or situation that is on your
mind. A pleasant day in good company awaits you.
Today your respect and attention will be paid to you. You deserve it because you have worked long and hard for it.. The
other gender is now also interested in you, whether at work or in private life. But just like the lilies, a person or situation
is only temporary and you will soon suffer a loss.
Life wisdom means: Take all things important, but none quite too seriously.
31. THE SUN – EL SOL :
The sun shows the happiness in life. What plans we want to realize, the sun the will give us the necessary vitality and
that little bit of luck for success. The sun we need to live.It gives us power and light.Furthermore, the sun stands for
warmth of heart when it comes to relationships problems or situations in which other people are involved.
Happiness and good mood will dominate your day today! Today is a day that should never end.
You can realize your plans, even better than you thought by yourself. Your good mood will infect other people and they
will offer you friendship and warmth of heart.
Physiologically it you will be fine, today. When you wake up you already will feel strong and full of energy. If you have an
illness, rapid improvement will come.
There is a very deep feeling and understanding in you. However, it may also be that there is thereby no balance in your
life. The moon shows things and situations which we can not see.
It sends the messages in our dreams and strengthens our intuition.
What slumbers deep in our subconscious mind can be conscious by the surrounding cards of the moon. The Lenormand
card the moon can also stand for sleeplessness or restlessness.
A situation or a person takes you to think. Today it will be a quiet and dreamy day for you.
Everything is going according to plan, but if you are not concentrated, you can cause some small errors which will make
you angry. Today you are thinking about a dream you had recently.
At night you will most likely have problems with falling asleep because an old problem comes up, on which you will think
about a long time. An obscure situation has built up in your life.
It may well be that you have mental problems, grief or mild depression.
Just try to relax a few days to gain clarity about the situation that makes you worry.
If you want to know how a particular problem can be resolved, look for the key. The key opens doors and gates. You can
solve mysteries, find the right way and get background information.
The key indicates events that are coming on you for sure and it can expose what lies deep within you. If the questioner is
single, the key can also be seen as a symbol to open a heart. Today you will finally manage to solve a problem that
worries you already for a long time. Well ... at least theoretically. You will get background information about the issue
and you will find a way to solve it. It may well be that today you will encounter a secret. Keep it to yourself! If you are
currently a little on bad health or have a serious illness, the key in your horoscope indicates, that you will feel better
soon and new powers will arise.
You have a good hand in financial matters. What you touch will turn into gold. You will generate profits. Soon money will
come to you. A warning: Even if everything is in abundance, you have to control your feelings and be not too careless
with your financial resources. The Fish also symbolize freedom and simply drifting by life. Today you will feel free like a
fish in water.Most likely it will be a rainy day today, but for your good mood this does not mind. Today you will feel
strong and full of energy. Find time today for a new vacation destination. Real wealth comes from the inside.
The anchor shows the current pole in your life. That which gives you stability and strength.
This area should be looked after very well, otherwise you might lose the ground under your feet.
Make sure that you are not rigid and inflexible. Even if you feel confident in all areas, you should also learn to let go
things, feelings and persons.The anchor of the Lenormand can also symbolize a solid and stable relationship. Today you
will be a bit melancholic and you will think about where you come from, what you are and above all, who is the most
important person in your life.
you will find that you were not so happy without the support and strength, which you get from this person.Take a little
care that you are not getting rigid and inflexible.
Learn from your mistakes and take it as experience! The cross shows us the tests we have to pass in life. They may be
more or less stressful. Furthermore, the Lenormand card the cross can also stand for religion. Not only for Christianity,
for all religions, for example Islam or Buddhism. Today a small misfortune will happen to you. You will make a mistake,
even though you are are convinced that it is right, what do you did. Learn from your mistakes and take them as
experiences! It may well be that you are stuck with a task or a problem. The best will be starting again from scratch. The
evening will happy and relaxed for you. You will meet with friends and you will laugh a lot.

La media luna: Tirada para 32, 36 o 52 cartas

Apto para baraja española, Naipes, Cartas gitanas (Kipper, Lenormand)
Se puede usar este esquema si el consultante no tiene ninguna pregunta en especial o para una lectura
general. Echas las cartas de la siguiente manera:
Mezcla las cartas y elija 9. Mételas de la izquierda a la derecha en forma de un medio círculo. Elija otras 9
cartas y ponlas encima de las primeras de manera que obtengas 9 parejas de cartas.
Las cartas se interpretan en pareja y se relacionan con estas áreas de la vida del consultante:
Pareja 1: Representa alguien quien va a conocer el consultante
Pareja 2: Representa alguien quien el consultante va a amar
Pareja 3: Esto es alguien que molesta al consultante
Pareja 4: Esto le dará paz y consuelo
Pareja 5: Esto amenaza al consultante
Pareja 6: Esto ayudará al consultante
Pareja 7: Esto le sorprenderá
Pareja 8: Esto desea el consultante
Pareja 9: Algo agradable que sucederá

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