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Watering Your Soil

Pierre Alex Jeanty

I wrote this for the flower awaiting the bee,
the fighter growing in the sand,
the lover planted in concrete,
the survivor trying to find roots in water.
Pierre Alex Jeanty

Your being

Your existence is a gift to this world,

The breaths you take are oxygen to this planet,
Your smile brings joy to this universe.
You are tomorrow’s favorite thing to look for.
Your Creator did not plant you here to let doubts
grow roots and wrap their arms around you forcing
you down.
He did not give you life for you to live so dead.
You are special, search for the courage and
endurance to discover what’s special about you that
the world needs.

Watering Your Soil

Rise with the sun,

shine through the day,
be the beauty who causes even the oceans to
and when it’s dark,
become the moon amongst stars.
As you were born to be.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

Actually living

Life comes with the terrible days, the sadness, the

loneliness, the problems, the hurt, and so on.
It will always be an unfair journey with plenty of
opportunities to make it fair.
Your feet are not meant to run from the bad;
the bad shouldn’t be more than the part of life that
helps your weaknesses face their death.
In the voice of the victors, you will always hear the
echo of past challenges and circumstances.
Life doesn’t just give people roses without the labor
of planting and cuts from handling the thorns.
There’s life beyond the tough times, but you must
walk through the tough days to find it.

Watering Your Soil

Smile beyond

Those who let pessimism assassinate their hopes

volunteer their soul to misery.
They become people who cannot let their smile fly,
they drown in panic when their hearts skip beats,
they fight cupid when love comes,
they stop holding hands with peace when success

Do not allow the negative that comes to suck you

into a vacuum of pessimism that paralyzes you.
We do not have to become the bad of this world
because there’s already enough bad in this world.

Stay hopeful.
Stay full of faith.
Stay positive.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

Keep those eyes open

Don’t you ever become the dreamer who let death

close your eyes before you open them to that
beautiful imagination of yours.

Neither should you ever become the dreamer who

becomes blind, losing sight of your vision because of
the darkness this world put on your path.

You are the dreamer our open eyes need, be that.

Enough of us let the world sell us its nightmares in
exchange for everything in us.

Watering Your Soil

They can’t define us

Their mouths are heavy with doubts, doubts your

lips have learned to recite,
doubts your mind has allowed to come in and sit at
the table with your body and soul.
Failure has become your bones and fear has become
the only thing that flows through you.
You’ve been molded into the spitting image of your
mother’s disappointment,
your father’s disbelief,
your friends’ opinions,
your town’s prediction.

You’ve been swallowed by the sea of ‘no’

in waves of negativity, sinking in the sands of

Pierre Alex Jeanty

I’ve been on that island, my ears have choked on

those lies, my throat could never form good things
to speak with my name.
I started trying without anyone’s consent, learned
from my own failures not theirs, walked my own
path and found my way.
‘What was your escape?’ or ‘How did you silence
their haunting voice?’ you may ask.
I began believing in myself, actually living it and
everything good found its way to me.

Please rise above their words; your actions will make

them believers when you believe enough to live
what you say.

Watering Your Soil

You owe it to yourself to believe in you,

You owe it to yourself to cheer you on,
You owe it to yourself to be kind to you,
You owe it to yourself to treat you right,
You owe it to yourself to love you.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

Own you

You must own your peace,

You must coach your emotions,
You must lead your feelings,
You must happen to life instead of allowing life to
happen to you.
You must guard your happiness,
own the key to your smile,
belong to the best version of you.

When you own you,

it doesn’t matter what life sends your way.
You’ll always navigate yourself through it.

Watering Your Soil

Who are you?

It is in standing comfortably in who you are that will

motivate others to stand with you and accept you as
you are.
Those who cannot find comfort in their own flesh
will never get the applause for being true to

Pierre Alex Jeanty

You are powerful,

a storm of good waiting to pour,
an earthquake waiting to shake this earth.
Let it manifest, let your heart believe it.

Watering Your Soil

Happy, Happy Happy!

In searching for happiness in people and things, we

will always find more reasons why there is a star so
far away in the sky that we cannot touch, but wish
Happiness is not the reason we smile, when we
smile without reason is when we are courting
Happiness will never be in the people we love, the
things we own, the accomplishments we make, or
the success we find.
If you ask me, it will always be in knowing who your
Creator is, always in your perspective and outlook
on life, it lies in the arms of gratitude.
Happiness is how you choose to see the world and
how you choose to shape your own.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

A victor in the making

Victims are not people who go through horrific

things, no. They are people who unknowingly let
what happened to them guide their lives, they are
those who cannot see how holding on to the pain is
clogging up their heart.
They are the ones spilling self-hate as it overflows
with brokenness and thoughts of escape.
Victims are not those who are mourning, but those
who find comfort in their bed of pain.
Be a victor in the making.

Watering Your Soil

The impossible

To be accepted and loved by all will always be a

miracle even GOD himself cannot perform.
Please do not try to make a God out of acceptance.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

Wake up passion

Finding what you are passionate about isn’t as easy

as picking your favorite fruit out of a basket, or
picking your favorite color out of the rainbow.
In many cases, it is taking a bite of what seems to be
satisfying and spitting it out with the willingness to
grab something else to taste.
Sometimes we stumble on our passion while
running away from what we don’t want.
We will never bump into it if we stay bound to our
cycles despite how tasteless our routines become to
our soul.

Go out there and chase that passion.

Watering Your Soil

Taking the lead

We often wait on the perfect timing to come,

the perfect opportunity to find our door to knock on,
the perfect love to find us.
Though those things often come, we must at times
go and make that timing perfect, grab the hand of
opportunity and help it tear down the door or find
perfection in the love we have found.
In waiting, sometimes we miss out on so much.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

Let it beat that way

Your big heart will be honored even after some

couldn’t see why it is enough.

Your soft heart will be appreciated even when some

try to convince you that, in this world, people like
you will only keep running into pain.

Your giving heart will be rewarded even when all

you’ve met are takers with ungrateful hands.

Your loving heart will be cherished even when those

who have not known love convinced you that it’s ill
to give boundary to love with caution.

Watering Your Soil

Dreaming dreams

Chase your dream friend, or time will chase after

your days, while you watch your life become a song
on repeat that you grow sick and tired of.

Chase your dream friend, or the day will come when

you will not have the legs for effort, the strength for
consistency, and the mind to embrace the future.

Chase your dream my friend, or you will become like

those who speak of dreams as if it’s a fairy tale that
only the lucky ones get to experience.

Try your luck.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

Chasing perfect

Perfect is nothing good to aspire to be,

it is only a continuous road of disappointment,
continuous effort that never bears desired fruits.
There is nothing perfect in our midst, buildings
around us have small errors, beautiful people carry
flaws and fight battles, that perfect dress will fade
into useless, the food that nourishes us will not keep
our hunger away forever, the air is fresh, yet it exists
in a falling earth.

The perfection you see has hidden imperfections, it

does not last, it is not true.
Leave the perfection to GOD.

Watering Your Soil

Those days

Those days when the world can’t seem to put

anything good on your plate, aren’t the only days on
the table.
As weeks pass, bad days come and go,
the good days will become like a vacation.
I have learned that this life brings storms that
sometime become hurricanes that drown villages.
When the storm is gone, the sun not only comes to
shine, but the soil and seeds watered will give birth
to new things.
Bad days may come, but good days will plant
themselves; they will last as long we don’t give our
days to the bad thoughts.
Life is balance, you will always get the sun and rain.
The sun always outlasts the rain.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

When you are sinking,

sink with the ocean,
let it introduce you to the beautiful parts in its

Watering Your Soil

Just shine

There will be those who do not want to see your

vision and those who cannot see it.
They are the loved ones you want to see the
those you want to understand your passion,
those you want to applaud your effort and see the
reality of your heart’s desire.

There will be people who cannot see beyond what

they know and accept; they will never accept what
you are looking to achieve though they love you.

You must never attempt to make the blind see with

their eyes, their hearts will see when the light of
your success shines on their doubts.

Take your path even if no one wants to walk with you.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

To the weird ones

In doing what everyone else is doing to be like

everyone else, many of us pour poison in our self-
esteem that buries our happiness.
Do not close who you are for the sake of fitting in,
that is to throw away the most beautiful thing we’ve
been gifted, which is free will.
That is to trash one of God’s greatest acts, creating
you uniquely different.

Watering Your Soil

Make time sometime

And sometimes all you need is to find a place of

comfort, a place where peace of mind is welcomed.
A place where you can be calm and allow your heart
to breathe, where you can allow your mind to rest,
your eyes to see nothing.
Sometimes all you need is take a break from living
and just exist, exist with silence, existing in nothing.

We are often too busy to breathe, too worried to sit,

too stressed to stay calm, too tired to rest even in
our sleep.
Create those days of nothing.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

Loyalty builds friendships

There will be those who cross your path to make you

doubt the meaning of friendship, those are people
who come and leave for many reasons, those are
the rotten fruit you’ll have to get rid of eventually.
And there are those who give the word friendship
meaning in your life, those are the shoulders that
soak up your tears, the ears that know the darkness
you wrestle with, the eyes who love you with flaws
and are there when no one is willing to be.
When you find those who not only cross your path,
but who brought their baggage to move into your
life, never let the fact that they have baggage
escape your mind.
Good friends are those we will not only cry with,
laugh with but also fight with, disagree and argue
with. They will be the ones who are loyal during the
tough times.

Watering Your Soil

Meaningful life

Life will become much more meaningful when you

begin to soak yourself into something greater than
yourself; when you begin to see what is in someone
else’s shoes as you walk in yours, when you start to
find reasons to smile that don’t involve gain.
Therefore, create that thing for someone else, help
that person who can’t help you in return, let the
selfless moments capture you, give freely, celebrate
others, stand up for others, and love your neighbor.

Life offers more meaning when it’s not about us

defining us.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

Survival mode

To be sensitive with a soft heart is a beautiful thing,

but you must learn to be mentally strong with thick
Without a thick skin, we become soft creatures who
cannot find reasons to want to be in this life.

Watering Your Soil

Honestly reflecting

You must look into the eyes of discomfort, stare at

the face of your weaknesses, smell the breath of
your fears, and touch the skin of your doubts.
We must familiarize ourselves with the good and the
bad about ourselves or we adopt false confidence
and hope.
We must always be honest about our growth so we
do not fall into complacency,
we must know ourselves enough not only to know
who we are, but what is true and still becoming.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

Robbing This Land

You are robbing this earth, you are keeping

beautiful gifts created to better our universe when
you let fear keep you anchored to your current
Slowly, you will settle into the pool of mediocrity,
drowning in comfort, your potential continues to
face a slow death, a silent death.
In you is a seed of greatness that has to find root in
faith, watered with risks, nourished with consistent
A thief of good intention you will always be if you
continue to take away from the world what you
were born to give it.

Watering Your Soil

Let the old die,

let it live in the past.
Let the past die,
let it live with yesterday.
Let yesterday die,
and live only in today.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

Watering Your Soil


There should come a moment where you ask:

Who am I?
Who put me here?
What am I here to do?
How do I find it?
What makes me happy?
What is happiness?
Why do I believe these things about happiness?
And the list goes on…
You must ask yourself deeper questions to spark
your journey into the unknown.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

Brace yourself

There are those who are fortunate enough to find

love after their first dive, their lovers’ arms had
enough strength to catch them, their lovers’ heart
had enough softness to trust them, enough light to
be understanding and perseverance to build.
And they, themselves, had enough of their void
filled to be receptive and employ reciprocity.

Then there’s the rest of us…

Those who will sort through countless fake loves to
pick out the one who is true.
Those who will grow confused by mixed actions of
liars who saw us as opportunities.
Those of us who have grown insecure by the
inconsistency we’ve been fed, those who will learn
to blend emotions, logic, and assumptions together
to make unworthy sacrifices.

Watering Your Soil

Those who have been fooled too much to believe

that there’s a lasting love out there or bound by
enough fear to even let our hearts welcome it.

There’s no shame in being like the rest of us, it isn’t

the end of love, it’s the process of finding something
true amongst what’s counterfeit.
Bad experiences some times are the stepping stones,
not only to good lessons but successful results.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

Think back

Who poured their sickness on your soil?

Who destroyed your land?
Who kept the rain from you?

Whose voice made you feel like you weren’t enough

for anything?
Whose voice said your reflection is hideous
compared to the others?
Who told you that you can’t amount to much?

Who whispered those doubts to you, those fears in

your hearts, that hurt in your soul?

Whoever it was, forgive them and bury their voice.

Watering Your Soil

There’s a time to cry,

a time for sadness,
a time for hurt,
a time for pain,
There’s also a time to laugh,
a time for joy,
a time for healing,
a time for love.
Live through the seasons, let your leaves come
and go, fall and spring back.
Most important of all, don’t ever let winter stay
past its time.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

Apologies that never came

Their apologies will never grow legs to travel to your

ears, they will not find band-aids to put over your
heart, they will not bring the medicine to help heal
your scarred soul.
People who apologize for their wrongs aren’t many,
those who apologize for loving wrong are few.
Therefore, apologize to yourself if you must, but do
not wait on their words to bring you closure, it’ll
never come.

Watering Your Soil

Love can’t be misinterpreted

Love is when you can undress your soul in their

presence, when your smile easily finds its way upon
your face, when your heart feels safe, when your
trust feels whole, when your insecurities feel silly
and there’s no shadow of a doubt that you are loved.
Love is loud, it’s bold; it’s soft and lives in
forgiveness and understanding.

Pierre Alex Jeanty


Let the tears fall out for the memories,

Let the tears pour out for the regrets,
Rehydrate yourself,
Let more tears continue to fall until you no longer
thirst for them.
Let more tears fall out until you’re no longer
blaming yourself.
Cry on your way to healing, but never waste the
tears on someone who didn’t deserve you.
Cry your way to tears of joy, but don’t drown on

Watering Your Soil

Heroes’ guilt

We all have our own battles to fight,

to wrestle with.
You cannot win the war they are having inside of
themselves, love can save; but it never made us
Fighting for someone who is fighting themselves is
like building upon sand and being surprised when
sinkholes swallow you.
You cannot love them for themselves.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

Love finds

Love will come into your heart one day,

on an unexpected day.
It will not ask perfection of you,
It will not demand that you forfeit your dreams or
It will not honor the negative affirmations you
repeat to yourself,
It will not give you more burdens to carry.
It will be sweet, it will be nothing like you’ve had
before but everything you need.
Love will come one day, it will come.

Watering Your Soil


You are not worthy because they found reasons to

accept you.
You are worthy simply because you are and you being
alive is the proof you need.

You are not beautiful because they’ve found parts of

you that are worthy of compliments and praise.
You are beautiful because God handcrafted you with a
purpose in mind and love in His heart.

You are not worthy because they found courage to

love you, but because every inch of you is art that
ought to be admired and gives life to hearts open to
You are worthy, despite anyone not believing so.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

It will come, it will be beautiful

The smiles will come knocking on your lips,

the tears of joy will swim through your eyes,
beautiful things will ring the bell of your ears.
Your heart will transform from being a desert to a
beautiful beach where you lay and sip lemonade
from the lemons that life gave you.
You will smile and realize that the tunnel did have an
end, the darkness did fade and light is home.

Watering Your Soil

When love comes,

Fall for it, fall into it.
Let your heart go,
let it fly into this beautiful new land.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

Being you

You will be a complex puzzle to those who will not

open the box, sit at the table, stare at the scrambled
pieces as if it’s the perfect opportunity to see the
bigger picture.
You will be too much mess for someone who cannot
employ enough patience to put your pieces
Being you will always be hard to love to lovers who
think love consists of perfect parts, stable pieces,
and easy connects.

Watering Your Soil

Worried sick

Take off these worries you carry like mountains,

like boulders sitting on your skull,
like pyramids sitting on your shoulders.
Throw them to the side,
carry them one-by-one, and the ones that are too
heavy for today, build the strength for it tomorrow.
The ones you cannot carry, ask for a hand and if a
hand isn’t enough, leave them behind.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

Judge the book

It is not a love story if abuse is the most favored

chapter written in the font of manipulation, as your
blood becomes the ink you sacrifice.
Love stories are not made of happy endings and
flowers, but neither are they made of lies, fake
smiles, and unkept promises.

Love ought to be a beautiful story with a dirty cover

and ripped up pages, we must never allow it to be a
pretty cover with horror stories.

Watering Your Soil

Depressing seasons

Even in the toughest seasons, you must learn to

spring back onto your feet on your own, but you
must also give room for the people who deserve to
hear your silent cries.
Allow them to be there, don’t fall in the shadow of
assumptions and believe they don’t care.
The people who love us, care for our well-being; it’s
the easiest thing for us to forget.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

In learning who you are,

you become unwilling to be taught
who you need to be
by people who aren’t you.

Watering Your Soil

Losing you

In trying to find the meaning of love inside others,

we learn what love shouldn’t be to us.
We beg for crumbs of love from people to feed our
lack of self-love and self-acceptance.
We compromise our worth for their promises, which
we deep down do not believe.
We sip from cups that have nothing to pour into us,
but only through an illusion that exists into our

We must learn that we need God more than we

need them, we need love from ourselves before we
need their love, we need confidence before their

Pierre Alex Jeanty

Wounds to scar

Healing yourself is a journey of finding reasons to

smile even when it has been ripped off your face on
countless occasions. It is learning to pick out lessons
from the wounds as they turn into scabs, it is
learning to run after you broke a leg the last time.

Healing is divorcing the pain, taking the power from

the hurt, closing the door on the experience to find
the joy in closure.

To me, it’s finding God then finding yourself.

To many, it’s learning to find good things to keep
first in the line of your thoughts.

Watering Your Soil


The longer you believe the lies,

the truer they become,
the longer you become willing to stay.

The longer you become willing to stay,

the worse they will treat you,
the more they will give you less.

The more they give you less,

the more you accept less,
the less you fight.

The less you fight,

the easier accepting anything becomes.
This is when you become anything they want at the
mercy of being everything you aren’t.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

Free hands

Allow your fingers to relax,

Allow your hand to taste freedom again
Let it go, let them go.
There is only beauty in holding onto something that
is good.
If there’s no good in it,
the beauty is in freeing its grip on you.
Letting go many times is an act of love.

Watering Your Soil

Who knows

How can you ever be enough for someone who isn’t

enough for themselves?
Many do not know what being enough means, how
could they know what someone being enough to
them will look like.
On what scale do they measure you? What standard
must you meet?

Pierre Alex Jeanty

Who matters

Make memories with the people who will miss you

when you’re alive, not just when you’re gone.
The people who will call you, not only when they are
in need.
Those who will spend days with you, not just nights
of entertainment.
Those who will carry your deepest secrets and be
loud about celebrating your achievements.
Those who become family, the siblings you never
Capture moments with the people who love you,
continue making memories with you.

Watering Your Soil

Open eyes

Their unloving words,

their sharp tongue,
their suspicious behaviors,
their ill competition,
how they hold on to their misunderstanding,
how they emotionally scar you,
how they mislead your mind,
the way they motivate your insecurities,
the way they stab you in the back in front of you,
the way their presence feels like mourning,

…is their way of telling you they don’t love you.

You must listen.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

Catching feelings

Our biggest mistake is that we believe feelings visit

us as they please, we believe we fall for whoever
cupid targeted without our doing.
The truth is quite the opposite, those feelings come
for people we invest time in, people we share our
days with, conversations with, people whom our
eyes have learned to find satisfying.
It is why we develop feelings for them, we allow
connections to subconsciously form without any
intent in mind.
We do not just catch feelings, we catch moments,
we let people catch our attention and that gives
feelings an invitation to catch us.

Watering Your Soil


The presence of loneliness is not the absence of

love, it is longing for human connection, the thought
of being wanted; it is wanting love, desiring
another’s touch.
Loneliness never completely leaves, it visits less
when self-love is around, it’ll drive by when
contentment in your singleness is parked in your
heart, it only stays afar when the love you deserve
finds its way into your life.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

Inactive activism

There are realities your belief will move, but some

are unmovable mountains that we must never
confuse ourselves can change.
In attempting to change things that we cannot,
sometimes we dig holes to bury good things in our
lives, we build caskets to plant the death of our
hearts in the ground.
Accept things you cannot change.

Watering Your Soil

Love hard

This powerful love you carry,

that love is waiting to make someone else become
at ease and smile, the one waiting to paint over the
ugly experiences, the one looking to give new
meaning to their heart.
Hold on to that love, it is pure, it is honest, it is
It will not be abuse when it meets the heart that can
handle it.
The solution is never to stop loving hard, but to be
wise about who you share that love with.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

Artificial flowers don’t grow

People who tell you love is easy, a bouquet of

beautiful flowers that never dies are liars.
They are selling you a watered-down version of
something beautiful.
Love needs water from the storms, needs sunshine
of our burning sun, it needs renewal from winter.
It is not as easy as being in love, it is as easy as
fighting for what you believe despite what comes

Watering Your Soil

Trade your time for connection

more than you trade it for possessions.

Pierre Alex Jeanty


Take yourself into new places,

different scenes with different routines.
Allow your heart to meet new souls,
your ears to listen to new stories.
Open your mind to new friendships.
Life is always better with the right people.
We are not meant to thrive alone.

Watering Your Soil

Care for you

In the end, you are all you’ve got.

Your flesh will always be your first home, learn to
love and appreciate it.
Your eyes will always be the doorway to your
visions, see beyond them.
Your mind will always be your first kingdom to reign,
guard it, protect it, and build unto it.
Your heart will always be the first place you get
direction from, make sure it is in the right place.

You are all you got,

Never stop looking for a better you.

Pierre Alex Jeanty

Pour love into your soil,

plant faith into it,
water it with your thirst for more,
feed it with your hunger for change,
fertilize it care,
let it grow roots that will hold you through the
let it soak in the sun,
let it grow in patience.

You are a tree,

Take time to water yourself.

Watering Your Soil

Thank You!

Pierre Alex Jeanty

Other books by
Pierre Alex Jeanty

HER Vol. 2
Unspoken Feelings of a Gentleman
To the Women I Once Loved

Other Books
Unspoken Feelings of a Gentleman II
In Love with You
Apologies That Never Came (May/2019)

All books by Pierre can be purchased on Amazon, at Barnes

& Noble stores, Target stores and other booksellers

Watering Your Soil

Copyright © 2018 by Pierre Alex Jeanty

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may

be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or
transmitted in any form or by any means –
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or
otherwise – without the written permission of the

Cover Design: TreManda Pewett

Editor: Carla DuPont
Illustration: TreManda Pewett



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