Biol 06:7

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Life arose from nonlife

> chemical reactions evolved to creat eorganic molecules that could
- store and transmit info and
- perform biological work
> result: molecules that had the property of acting as templates to
form similar molecules
- variants arose in instances where templates not copied

Origin of biomolecules (2 hypothesis)

> earth -abiogenesis
> extra-terrestrial - "panspermia"

* all of life uses L-stereosomes (only L form)



1. Biological molecules

2. Assembly of biopolymers

| //
H3N+ - C - C
| \\
CH3 O- amino acid?

3. Protection from environment

(evolution of hierarchical-based life)


3.8 billion years ago certain molecules becasme enclosed in

compartments, or cells
--cells capture energy and replicate themselves, two fundamental
characteristics of life.
--for 2 bilion years, all organisms were unicellular (prokaryotes),
confirmed to the oceans
for 2 bil years no evolution?

about 2.5 billion years ago some prokaryotes acquuired the ability
to photosynthesize.
--the energy of sunlight was captured, and oxygen was generated as
a waste product
--Oxygen increased in concentration in the atmosphere, making
aerobic metabolism possible.

* O3 accumulated in the upper atmosphere reducing UV-movement

onto land.

some prokaryotic cells became large enough to attach, engulf, and

digest smaller cells

about 1.5 billion years ago, some cells had surviving smaller cells
within them: these were early eukaryotic cells.


2 developmnents made the evolution of multicellular organisms

--the ability of cells to stick together after they have divided and to
act in a coordinated manner
--sexual recombination, the combimation of genes from 2 cells

once organisms became multicellular, it became possible for certain

cells to specialize
--cell fates determined by interaction btwn relative positions of cells
affecting gene expresison


sexual recombination appeared early in the evolution of life

sex increased the rate of evolution

--organisms that exchange genetiv information produce offspring


all organisms on earth today descended from an origina unicellular
organism that lived around 4 billin years ago

the terms ancestral and derived distinguish characteristics that

appeared earlier in evolution from those that appeared later

genetivally independent groups, called species, have evolved

in one domain, the eukarya evolution has generated ------

each species is identified by 2 names
--the first, the genus name, refers to a group of specied that hare a
recent common ancestor
-- the 2nd name the specie name, identifies a single species with the



biolody can be visualized as a hierarchy of units that include

molecule,s cells, tissues, organs, organisms, populations,
communities, and the biosphere



there are 5 oarts to the hypothesis-preduction (H-P) system

-making observations
-asking questoins
-forming hypoehses, or tentative answers to the Qs
-making predictions based on these hypotheses
-testing the predictions by making additional observations or
conducting experiments


CHAPTER 4 --- Cells: The Basic Units of Life

Life requires a structural compartment separate afrom the external
--enables macromolecules to perform functions

these 'living compartments' are cells


the CELL THEORY state that:

-cells are the fundamental units of life

-all organism are composed of cells.
-all cels come from preexisting cells


cell size is limited by the surface area-to-volume ratio

figure 4.3


every cell is surrounded by s Plasme Membrane, a continuous

membrane composed of a lipid bilayer with proteins floating within
it and protruding from it.

roles of the plasma membrane:

-acts as a selectively permeable barrier
-an interface for info from adjacent cells and extracellular signals
-maintenance of a relatively constant internal environment
-has molecules for binding and adhering to adjacent cells


cells show two organizational patterns:

-Prokaryotes have no nucleus or other membrane-enclosed
compartments. they lack distinct organelles
-Eukaryotes have a membrane-enclosed nucleus and other
membrane-enclosed compartments or organelles as well

features shared by all prokaryotic cells:
- all have a plasma mambrane
0all have a region called the nucleoid where the DNA is
-the Cytoplasm (the plasma-membrane encloses region consists


some bacteria, including cyanobacteria, can carry on

some bacteria have Flagella for locomotion
some bacteria have Pili, threadlike structures that help bacteria
adhere to one another during mating or to other cells for food and


eukaryotes, animals, plants, fungi, and protists, have a membrane-

enclosed nucleus in each of their cells

eukaryotic cells:
-tend to be larger than prokaryotic cells
-have membrane-enclosed compartments called Organelles serving
different functions function
----compartmentalization is the key to eukaryotic cell
----membranes regulate molecules into and out of the organelle
-have a protein scaffolding called the Cytoskeleton

plasmodesmata - only in higher plants>

chloroplasts harvest the enerfy of sunlight to produce sugar

have a cell wall outside of plasmodesmata?, supports the plant cell


the nucleus contains most of the cells' DNA

--site of DNA duplication to support cell reproduction
--a side of gentic control all prod

Mitochondria convert the potential chemical energy of fuel
molecules into a form that the cell can use (ATP)
the production of ATP is called cellular respiration
ATP is a nuclear tides?


Plastids are organelles found onlyu in plants and some protists

Chloroplasts, the sites where photosynthesis occurs, are one type
of plastid


Endosymbiosis may explain the origin of mitochondria and


according to the endosymbiosis theorym both organelles were

formerly prokaryotic organisms that somehow became incorporated
into a larger cell

today, both mitochondria and chloroplasts have DNA and ribosomes

and are self-duplicating organelles
-- in both organelles, sequences of genes are more similar to certain
species of bacteria than to any other eukaryotic genes



The cytoskeleton:
-maintains cell shape and support
-procides the mechanisms for cell movement
-acts as tracks for motor proteins that help move materials within

there are 3 major types of cytoskeletal components, microfilaments,

intermediate filaments, and microtubules


Microfilaments (made of protein actin) may exist as single filaments,

in bundles, or networks

Intermediate filaments are found only in multicellular organisms

microtubules are hollow cylinders made from Tubulin protein

-functions: tracks that motor proteins move along in the cell and
rigid intracellular skeleton


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