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Week 3

John slowly eats a red apple.

(n) (adv) (v) (adj) (n)

words that name people, places, things, and ideas.

Noun The word student is a noun.

Verb words that describe actions, experiences, or state of

words that describe nouns. The words big and
Adjective surprising are adjectives.
words that describe verbs and adjectives, or they can
Adverb describe an entire sentence. Adding –ly to an adjective
forms many adverbs, as in surprisingly and shyly.
Defining and Spotting Subjects
For a sentence to be complete it must contain a who or what – The

What is the subject for these sentences?

1. The big black car drives through the city.

2. I spend thirty dollars a month on coffee.
3. Cary and Liam played football until seven.

pg. 121
Defining and Spotting Subjects
The subject can be just a noun or a pronoun – Simple subject
The subject can also include adjectives – the complete subject

Three scarlet roses grew near the path.

• Scarlet – simple subject
• Three scarlet roses – complete subject

A large box was delivered this morning.

pg. 121
Spotting Singular and Plural Subjects
You also need to know whether the subject is singular or plural.

Singular – one of something

(1) The man jogged around the park.

Plural – more than one of something

(2) The man and his friend jogged around the park.
Spotting Singular and Plural Subjects
• John and Kate • A slice of pizza
• Canada • Their children
• Mice • A big dog
• Men • Buckets of paint
• People • The team

P. 124
Prepositional Phrases
• A preposition is a word like on, through, and before
• They indicate location, direction, or time
• The plane sat on the runway and flew through a thunderstorm

• A prepositional phrase contains a preposition and its object.

• at work
• behind her
• on the blue table

• The object of a preposition cannot be the subject of a sentence.

• Crossing out prepositional phrases will help you find the real subject
Prepositional Phrases
• What is the subject of these sentences?

1. In the room, John reads his book.

2. The person behind Michael spoke to the police officer.
3. Above the skies, the airplane flew towards its destination.
4. Over the past few years, income inequality has risen.

Defining and Spotting Action Verbs
• For a sentence to be complete , it must have a verb. An action verb
tells what action the subject is performing

• The pears __________ on the tree.

• Robert ___________ his friend’s hand and ___________her do dog
on the head.

* Brainstorm with a partner as many action verbs as you can

Defining and Spotting Linking Verbs
A second kind of verb simply links the subject to words that describe or
rename it. They are called linking verbs

Aunt Claudia sometimes seems a little strange.

For a sentence to be complete, it must contain a verb. A linking verb links

the subject with words that describe or rename the subject.

They are reporters for the newspaper

You look tired.
I sometimes feel tired after watching movies.
Spotting Verbs of More Than One Word
Many verbs consists of more than one word.
• He is walking. - is: helping verb – walking: main verb
• I have written to the president.

The complete verb in a sentence consists of all the helping verbs and the
main verb.

• Do you eat fish?

• I have been walking for thirty minutes.
• I will go to the library tomorrow.
“Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie
How do you define success?
“Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie
• Spokane Indian
• Reservation
• devotion
• paragraph
• Expectation
• subverted
“Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie
• What question is the 1st paragraph of the essay trying to answer?
Study the entire paragraph.

• In what ways are the ideas found in paragraphs 5 and 6 connected to

ideas found in paragraph 4? (It is possible to say that they are not

• How are paragraphs 7 and 8 connected to the title of this essay?

“Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie
• What does the word “paragraph” mean? In paragraph 4, the author
writes that he “was seeing the world in paragraphs.” Explain what the
author means by this? Read paragraph 3 again before you answer,
think about what a paragraph “usually” is, then think about how your
definition of a paragraph connects to the other things presented by
the author (e.g. his reservation, his family).
“Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie
Look at paragraphs 1-4. What are the main ideas for each paragraph?

• He was inspired by his father’s love of books.

• He used reading as a way to relate to his world and community.
• The author lived in a native Indian reserve with his family.
• He found Superman as an inspiration to find a way out of his current life.
Speaking/Listening Assignment – Due Oct. 3
• Step 1- Consult with your professor about the possible choices you have for the listening section of this
assignment. You will be using the following website for this listening section:

• Step 2 – Record a message (MP3 or MP4 files are best) in your own words (3-8 minutes long) in which you
complete the following:
* Explain the main point (idea) of the video.
* Identify three specific details and/or examples in the video that support the main idea.
* Discuss two new things you learned from this video that may change your thinking and/or behavior.
* Introduce two interesting words or phrases from the video. Explain their meaning and the context in
which the speaker used them.
* Conclude with your own personal thought about the video. One option for this part is to comment on
video’s usefulness and degree of difficulty.
• Step 3- Upload your MP3 or MP4 file to the Assignment Folder which you will find under Assessments in the
eCentennial course shell.

Note: You will get a maximum of 8/20 if you leave a message less than 3 minutes long
Speaking/Listening Assignment
You can begin your message like this:

Hello ________, this is __________. My student number is______________.

As you requested, I watched the video called on _________________on

First, I will explain the main point of this video. _________________________

*Remember to use your own words! Not using your own words will result in a significant loss of marks.
You might fail the assignment if you do not use your own words.

*This assignment places a strong emphasis on the fluency and naturalness of your spoken language, so in order
to achieve a high score in fluency (see the rubric), speak conversakonally and avoid just reading from your
COMM 141 Listening and Speaking Assignment Rubric

Full Name:_________________________ Mark:_____

5 - Outstanding 4 - Excellent 3 - Average 2 - Developing 1 - Emerging 0 - Unsuccessful

Content of Complete with Complete & relevant but Complete with some Incomplete Mostly irrelevant or Completely off-topic
Response relevant details brief, a bit more detail irrelevant details, some answer with some incorrect information content
required errors in word choice irrelevant or provided OR
Paraphrasing is incomprehensible Very significant
very effectively Paraphrasing is not always Paraphrasing is content Although paraphrasing portions of the
used throughout appropriate, but does not attempted, but not has been attempted, presentation copies
this presentation cause significant distraction always appropriately. Inaccurately or problems related to language from the
or confusion. inappropriately accuracy of language video.
paraphrased ideas used and with the (A mark in this box
and language create accuracy of ideas indicates that the
confusion for the presented are assignment is
listener. significant. receiving a zero.)
Pronunciation Accurate & clear Mostly accurate; Errors in Frequent errors in Frequent errors in Unintelligible
Occasional errors do not pronunciation pronunciation pronunciation throughout key areas
impede meaning may impede meaning impede meaning seriously impede of the assignment
Grammar Minimal grammar Some grammar errors but Grammar errors may Grammar errors Grammar errors Grammar errors create
Control errors, appropriate errors do not impede impede frequently impede almost always impede a complete lack of
word order, good communication communication communication communication clarity
sentence variety
Fluency Fluent with good Fluent with some control of Somewhat fluent with Much of the spoken Erratic pace & Fluency-related
control of appropriate pace, sentence some text produced is disconnected speech language features
appropriate pace, stress & rhythm, & control of appropriate unnatural and poorly patterns result in a cause severe
presented with little
sentence stress & intonation; somewhat able pace, sentence stress & message that is difficulties for the
control of appropriate
rhythm, & to demonstrate a dialogue rhythm, & intonation; entirely unnatural and listener.
pace, sentence stress &
intonation; able to quality has a monologue rhythm, and intonation. is quite difficult to
demonstrate a quality that detracts follow.
dialogue quality from the overall There is little emphasis
quality of the message placed on
being provided. communicating to the
audience of this

Spoken language has a

monologue quality.
Assignment responses that are completely off-topic will receive a final mark of 0/20 (i.e. 0%). Assignments that copy language originally presented in the
online video and use it for significant portions of the content being presented will receive a final mark of 0/20 (i.e. 0%).

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