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Mrden United Church of Chit Box 218, 108 Ldn St, Maden, AS1853 {7th Sunday after Pontocost Raney Price 8 ‘Communion ‘Sten Leaders Ushers Sal Dea, Kye & SaraAmold, ee eee) s 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 See ares, | [hin ‘estate | ourane Chen Ovepoard recxee Ushers: Jeff & Sherri Guerrero 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 sient eet Kara Wedel “ogee : Se Joyce Darn Sever barter | Cesigper [isa Ke Broa] Sine | Case 27 28 20th Sunday eter Pentecost Canario Sunday, Sunday ‘School Kids sing ea. Bitz lane Grater, Sra Fox ~itersiDave & Mona Fischer) Aug. 25- 31 Sep 1- 57 ‘Sept 8-Carsens ‘Sept 15-70 Sept 2- 53, Minister's Musings It has been a couple weeks since I've returned from my 1-month sabbatical. While I didn’t travel the world or do anything extraordinary, I enjoyed my time very much. In a nutshell I found my love for being a pastor again. Let me explain. T have been doing ministry at Minden UCC for about 14 years. When I started thinking about doing a sabbatical I was getting burnt out. It’s hard to explain how ministry differs from “normal” jobs, so trust me it does. I know people have been at their jobs longer than 14 years and they don’t get any type of sabbatical. Frankly you should...we’d be a much better work force if we were allowed a bit more time to refresh and refocus, but that is another blog. Doing ministry well means your whole self is engaged. To do ministry well you need to put your heart and soul into it. Ministry, while it certainly isn’t rocket science, isn’t a job where you can simply show up, put your time, make your widgets and all will be well. Doing this work requires your whole being to be invested. Let’s just say that after 14 years parts of my whole being were beginning to check out. This sabbatical was exactly what I needed. Before we go any further let me say/type this. I absolutely love where Iam and what I’m doing in life. My sabbatical time was an opportunity to confirm Tam exactly where I need to be and reminded how much I feel called to pastoral ministry and ministry in Minden. I didn’t do anything life altering. Classes started on my journey to become a funeral director, I worked a bunch for Pauley-Jones, but my favorite thing was spending a weekend in Kansas City with each boy. That alone time first with Alex and then with Isaac was awesome. If you have kids do it...find time to be with them alone doing something they want to do. Even if you don’t have kids make sure you find time to spend with family and friends...they are your spark! Lalso spent a good deal of time talking to God and thinking about life. I was surprised at how much I missed being pastor at Minden. Surprised at how much I truly do enjoy this work. I discovered that I was letting too much of the little stuff get in the way of the big stuff. Which, I think is something that happens when you start to become burnt out. The sabbatical gave me a chance to look at my life anew and see I don't have it so bad. The time away truly renewed my sense of call and I am forever grateful for this opportunity. Maybe after year 20 I'll need another month or two sabbatical! Events in our Church Life October 2 — Group 3:16, Minden UCC, 6-7:30 October 13 — Board Meeting 11:15 October 16- Group 3:16, Neola, 6 — 7:30 October 27 — Casual/Contemporary Sunday — 10:00 November 17 — Church Dinner and Auction Opportunities for Fellowship & Worship Sunday School — 10:00 a.m. Breakfast & Fellowship — 9:00 a.m. — Everyone Invited Children’s Church — During 10:00 a.m. worship Sunday Worship — 10:00 a.m. Fellowship Hour — Following Worship October Scripture Readings i ions 3:19- sbakeouk 1:14; 2:1-4 and 6 —Lamentations 1:1-6 and Lamentations 3:19-26 or Hak anil psalm 37 1-9, 2 Timothy 1:1-14, Luke 17:5-10 October 13 — Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7 and Psalm 66:1-12 or 2 Kings 5:1-3, 7-15¢ and Psalm 111, 2 Timothy 2:8-15, Luke 17:11-19 ah 312 97 Genesis 32:22-31 and ‘tober 20 — Jeremiah 31:27-34 and Psalm 119:97-104 or mad Psalm 121, 2 Timothy 3:14-4:5, Luke 18:1-8 i 212 jah 14:7-10, 19-22 27 — Joel 2:23-32 and Psalm 65 or Sirach 35:12-17 or Jeremi October “tnd Psalm 84:1-7, 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 16-18, Luke 18:9-14 Welcome Back Christian Kids Just a short note about what's coming up for Sunday School and in the church. Sunday School does start at 9:00 am and end at 9:50. We will be starting correct candle lighting instruction this year at the beginning of class on September 29, October 27", and November 3°. it will also teach kids the meaning of the lighting of the candles and what the lighting and un-lighting represents. This is for grade 3" and up. Group 3:16 is for youth ages 6%" —8" grade. They will begin on this Wednesday, September 18* at 6pm at the Phoenix Theatre in Neola. The kids will be singing on the 4" Sunday of every month unless otherwise changed due to church sale or Christmas program, October Usher List November Usher List November 3, 2019 October 6, 2019 Vivian Dau, Jerry & Amanda Murley, Sally Dea, Kyle & Sara Amold, Kaylee Schneckloth Tracey Roane - November 10. 2019 October 13, 2019 Tom & Michelle Nelson Jeffrey & Sherri Guerrero October 20, 2019 November 17,2019 Jeremy & Cassie VanArsdol Art & Kris Brockhoff ‘November 24, 2019 October 27,2019 Tim & Doreen Koch Dave & Mona Fischer WHEL A ALT THE UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST SAYS ThankYou! Te the membasof ‘Minden, The Minden United Church of Christ For your 2058. consibuton of $4,140.00 _ For Base Support of | Our Church's Wider Mission changing Lives Qin REA. @uesy Space Subscribers can download these children's activities from our Web site: N@isletterce Prone fateh ‘There are many ways you can giver others. ‘Allyou haeto do slendshand! ‘What you need: * Colored paper * Scissors + Markers or crayons + Yar or heavy string + Clothespins or paper clips ‘What you do: 1. With your parents’help, think of seen (or more) things that yous do for sen or mor) people. For example, ou cou clean out closets and donate the items to charity, help a neighbor bring inher trash, and so on. 2, Trace your hand on the paper seven times. Cut out hand. 3. Onone side of each hand, write a person's name. On the other side, write how you will help him or hes. 4, Cutalong piece of yarn (or heavy string) and hang itin your room —like a clothesline S. Use the clothespins ot paper clips to bang each hang on the “clothesline.” 6. When you've completed. cach actof service, take the hand off but keep ie to use another ime Do this activity over and cover again by “giving a hand” to someone. (1001007) LQ THE POWER TO GiVE In the New Testament, Jesus emphasizes the importance of giving and doing for others. In the Old Testament, Proverbs 3:27 (NIV) tells us whatnot to do. Cross out ALL of the following letters to reveal Proverbs 3:27, BIKQXZ )reeeteeee Write the remaining letters (in order) on the spaces below. BWJITJHQHOBLZDGBOOK DKFQROMTBHJOBSQEWHO XBDBEKQSEZXRZVJEZXIB TWKHQENIKQTIZSIZNBY JXJOZUXRPQOKWJJEBBRT OAQCZT "DO NOP oe es ee PROVERBS 3:27, NIV 8 01 raMod mnok sur star way 1 ans2sap oym asaup wory poo PlownpEN you OC, FaMSUY (K6010078) ‘Cop Gama by Carmien Rosacea, Al fis essed The Nowater Newlotr )SGN 00656965) & pled many by Conmanision axouoes he '50'Bat 98080 Cron CH S472 Phare 1 600 S214, Ema seveeONestNawsits-con, it se: warNewiwaiste cory Ser str: abn Bums Sow sterpeon $985, th CO compere 6280 Maris ray be epee ony state’ own pat pblstions Ne pao ay be resoavad mary fm ‘ee or esr, All Church Survey Results dn a nutshell) As you know we did an all church survey over the summer using We had 42 total responses and some wonderful ideas. Here's a quick recap of what the responses were. If you'd like to see a full breakdown of, responses, all of which are anonymous, please contact the church or pick up a copy in the back of the sanctuary. * About 62% of the respondents attended church 2 to 4 times a month. ‘+ Reasons respondents couldn’t attend church more: * 45% kid’s activities * 42% social activities + What does our church do well? 80% youth programming 85% Sunday worship 50% community involvement 50% pastoral care 50% model Christ's love © What do you wish church did better? + 47% reaching out to unchurched = 50% written responses (see text below) The church leadership has looked at the suggestions and we've decided to implement some of them. Here is a list of the items we will be implementing. In order to make these changes we need people to help support them. Please prayerfully consider helping out our church family in some way! + The children’s church room will be staffed from the beginning of worship to the end of worship to allow children to be dropped off before church or children can go to the room after the children’s sermon ‘+ The Mission Fund committee will be reaching out to college students with a little card/care package. If you would like to have your college student included in this please send an email ( to the church with their address. + We will have a basket in the back of the sanctuary where people can drop off cards for folks in nursing homes or who are shut ins. * Abreakfast fellowship has also been started for anyone who would like to “hang out” before worship. + We are also going to try a contemporary/casual Sunday the last Sunday of each month Will be looking to get more lay person involvement in church services. If you would like to volunteer to help please email the church. Otherwise, you may be getting a call to help in some way! Other suggestions were great too. Some of the other suggestions received were: + Getting more people involved «Reaching out to those on the membership list who don’t attend worship «Calling people to help instead of only email and passing around a clipboard We appreciate these ideas and want to do them all but how can we do them all? We need your help! Who would like to head up a couple of these ministries? Someone want to Jead an events committee that plans the 3 meals we doa year? Anyone want to head up an evangelism committee that reaches out to folks who don’t attend or are new to the area? ‘There is no better way to grow a church family than to have the family members themselves reaching out to the community. A mentor of Pastor Brian once said, “It's the church members’ job to get them in the door and it's my job to get them to come back.” Itis one thing to suggest new ideas...that's the easy part. The tough part is answering God’s call and helping to start and grow these great ideas. Who is willing to listen to God’s call and help? Nothing changes without your time and willingness to help. Ifyou are interested in getting involved reach out to Pastor Brian or someone on the Church Church board members: Gretchen Cunningham Pam Danker Bonnie Dollen Charlie Leaders Dana Martens Jerry & Amanda Murley Carroll Olsen Christina Richard Tracey Roane Phylisha Wolfe Church Board Meeting September 15", 2019 ‘Those present were: Charlie, Bonnie, Amanda, Gretchen, Jerry, Chi Pastor Brian ina, Dana, Carroll, Pam and Clerk's report was in the Cornerstone last month. Pam approved and Charlie 2" the minutes with no additions or corrections. Pastor’s report * Sunday School started this week * Confirmation Sunday was today, Ethan, Cameron, and Morgan were bei confirmed, but Morgan was ill this morning. «Next year’s confirmation class will have 7-8 kids * Meet with the new confirmation kids/parents « 5%-7% grade Sara & Kyle Arnold will teach, the confirmation kids will go to Brian for Sunday School * Maureen will take a year off teaching Sunday School-help out as needed * Lead Castens Farm worship Labor Day weekend-everything went well * Grow TC-a group that puts together welcome packets for new families in the area Our church contribution is a chip clip with our name on it/plus an information postcard Sabbatical was good, fun and needed * Worked with the funeral home, took each of the boys to KC by themselves, reflected the time | have worked here and missed the church while being gone * Classes for the funeral director started at the end of August Treasurer's report-with the change from Farmer’s/Merchants to Mid States-there was not a report currently. We have borrowed $5,000 so far this year. This is better than last year at this time, but funds are getting low again for 3° quarter bills so may need to borrow another $5000 until the church sale. We will talk to Mid States before the end of the year to see about borrowing practices with the new bank. Ice Cream Social made over $1,000. Might look at something different with the ice cream social, maybe a fall event with a meal but a more social gathering involving families. Mission fund-no change. Tri Center School, several years ago, asked the churches to help with the backpack program but the Heartland food bank is now taking this over. The nurse at TC suggested winter clothes, underwear, and socks for the churches to help with. She will let us know what area we can help in. We can also help by paying off some milk accounts/lunch accounts with the Mission fund. Also, can help with breakfast program for kids that need breakfast but may not get it at home or at school. Graham crackers, juice, and fruit. More to talk about with the Mission Fund committee. Memorial Fund-with Michelle's memorial fund, Carroll and Karen Olsen will use that for a Love Your Neighbor sign in front of the church. Youth group report-3:16 starts this Wednesday at the Phoenix with a Christian movie. Pastor Martha from the Presbyterian church will help and was ordained today in Neola. Unfinished business- © Bought @ new computer calendar program for Debbie for the Cornerstone-the other one was very old, and she was having trouble with it loading-cost was $30 «Food pantry may need to have locks on the doors according to the inspectors. We will let the Food Pantry take care of that with Brian knowing where the keys will be. ‘© Steps in front of the church are being discussed with also a suggestion of an awning for rain that is getting into the foyer. This will be a big project and will get all the bids and have things in line for next Spring. © Board members also getting bids for the sidewalk that runs north and south in front of the church. There are some bad areas and it might just be worth replacing the whole sidewalk. This money has been allocated by the congregation from the food pantry “rent” to go to fixing/replacing the sidewalk. New Business- While on Sabbatical thinking about some fun things for the church * Pot luck every 5" Sunday © Breakfast before Sunday School starts—great start of this-this morning * Contemporary Sundays with new hymns: © Sending college kids, shut ins, active duty military a note letting them know that the church family is thinking of them. © Lawn between the church and parsonage is weedy and Pam, when it gets cooler, will take care of this. © Sunday, November 17, is the church sale. Pam will make hot roast beef sandwiches/sides/desserts with the help of some church members cooking potatoes. We will ask for donations of white bread, Yukon gold potatoes and desserts. Pastor Brian will have a sign-up sheet in the back of the church. Auction 12:31 30 ; November 17, 2019 Minden United Church of Christ at the Minden Community Hall Contemporary/Casual Sundays When: the 4th Sunday of each month. We hope to see you there. j CHRISTIAN SYMBOL [| . {ape oe | | Seer. 7 itence ce allel Enaretiae 15 Our God," The tower of fortzess may Each year, the Israelites had three harvests. ecreerekoaet at an say Find and circle these foods that the people gathered, ‘her tower be buit with three windows Archer scr ooo "bu he oxo almonds gourds. nuts | as bec my frres, nd God ES FTC apples grapes olives (94:22, NN). barley herbs ‘onions | ’ beans leeks pomegranates | cucumbers lentils rye | figs melons wheat I Special dates ; | + World Communion Sunday, Octaber 6 2019 | 2 Reformation Sunday, Ocober 27,2019 + Reformation Day, Ocber 31,2019 Q=x >> urwz or w rFmawmamMmga—mMH®D [Name the fist thre kings of lel | inthe order of cheisreigas. | A.Smu, Devid, Solomon B Samuel, David, Saal | Cb es eco D. Solomon, Jese, David OnNAROnDZE—-2a< Srozmranom =-c-r2zmorow mAwovrtamy P2Z0zrHSErzac AMnANn>MZ2z4HmM Ir-mmMAxnHACeS aaA

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