Character Building (Tolerance and Appreciate Achievements) : Annisa Arum Lestari

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(Tolerance and Appreciate achievements)

Annisa Arum Lestari

Education is a system that must be implemented in an integrated manner with

other systems in order to achieve the stated goals. Education takes place continuously
along with the dynamics of changing socio-cultural societies from time to time.
Education is a consciously planned effort to create a learning atmosphere and
learning process so that students actively develop their potential to have the spiritual
power of religion, self-control, personality, intelligence, noble character, and skills
needed by themselves, society, nation and state (UU No. 20 of 2003). The
development and change of society will continue to follow the changing times.
Indonesia is in a fairly critical life order in various fields, one of which is education.
The global life that forces Indonesia to compete in various advances in the field of
science and technology, this is where education has an important role in people's lives
to ensure the development and survival of the nation. Education not only shapes
intelligent Indonesians but also has a personality or character so that later generations
will emerge that will develop with characters that breathe the noble values of the
nation and religion.

Declining values of the nation's personality in various fields in society, an

education that must instill the values of the nation's personality towards the younger
generation must be needed. Character education is a new breakthrough to improve
morale or character to the younger generation who will later continue the nation's
struggle. Character education is something that cannot be separated from life, so care
is needed by various parties, both government, society, families and educational
institutions. Character education in educational institutions is ideal, especially in
school life. Schools are seen as a strategic place to shape the character of educators,
students and all components of the school. According to Megawangi as quoted by
Kesuma (2013: 5), as below: Character education is an attempt to educate children to
be able to make wise decisions and practice them in daily life, so that they can make a
positive contribution to their environment.

On this occasion the author wants to discuss 2 national characters, namely,:

1. Tolerance

Tolerance is an attitude and action that respects different religious, ethnic, ethnic,
opinion, attitude, and actions different from him (Hasan, 2010: 9). In society
based on pancasila especially first, devote themselves to god according to their
religion and beliefs -masing is absolute. All religions value humanity, therefore
all religions must also respect each other. Thus, among different faiths will be
created harmony.
In the life history of Muslims, tolerance has been placed since the earliest times of
the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. building the state of Medina. Shortly after Prophet
Muhammad s.a.w. moved to the city of Medina, the Prophet immediately saw the
reality of the existence of plurality in the city of Medina. Plurality faced by
Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. among other things not only due to ethnic differences,
but also religious differences. Medina is not homogeneous with religion, as well
as people who are Muslims, there are also Jewish and Christian residents and
even Musyrikin. Seeing this religious plurality of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. have
the initiative to build togetherness with different religions. The initiative then
gave birth to what is known as the Charter of Medina. In the view of Nurcholish
Majid (1992: 195) the Charter of Medina is the first official political document
that laid the principle of religious freedom. In fact, the Prophet also makes a
covenant that guarantees the freedom and security of the Jews and Christians
everywhere, all the time.
Although Islam has had the concept of pluralism and religious similarity, it does not
mean that the muballighs or clergy and others stop to defer their own religion. The
differences of humanity, both from the side of the tribe, the color of skin, the
language, the customs, the culture, the language and the religion and so forth, are the
nature and the sunnatullah which has become the decree of Allah. The basis of this
thought is the word of Allah s.w.t., "O mankind, surely We created you from a man
and a woman and made you nations and tribes that you may know one another.
Surely the noblest of you in the sight of Allah is the most devout among you. Verily,
Allah is All-Knowing, All-Knowing "(QS Al-Hujurat 13). All human beings can not
resist this sunnatullah. Thus, for man, it is proper to follow God's guidance. in the
face of these differences.
Tolerance must be distinguished from compromism, accepting what others say
originally can create peace and harmony, or mutual affiliation and accept in order to
achieve togetherness. Compromise can not be applied in religious life. Compromise
in religion creates a syncretic religious pattern. No matter how good Islamic teachings
are about how Muslims should behave towards other religions, but in terms of the
implementation of worship can not compromise on it. As in surah Al Kafiruun,
affirmation that religious compromise is unlikely to be done by Muslims. Let in the
case of worship each implement according to his beliefs.
Al Kafiruun verse 6: for you your religion, and for you, my religion. (Q. Al -
Kafiruun: 6) And in QS. Yunus: 40-41 "And of them are some who believe in him,
and of them there are those who do not believe in him. But your Lord knows best
about those who do wrong. And if they deny thee (Muhammad), say: My work and
thy work. You are not responsible for what I do and I am not responsible for what
you are doing. "(Q.S. Yūnus / 10: 40-41).
1. Appreciate achievements
Attitudes and actions that encourage themselves to produce something useful for the
community and recognize, and respect the success of others.
The development of the nation's Culture and Character Education through Integration
of Subjects, Personal Development and School Culture by carrying out the
educational process by students in an active and enjoyable manner.
Through the learning process of each subject or activity that leads to the spirit of
student achievement, each learning activity develops cognitive, affective
psychomotor and spirituality.

Leadership, exemplary, friendliness, hard work, nationalism and the spirit of

achievement must be a school culture, especially the teacher who is rightly imitated
and imitated. reflected in teacher behavior and learning indicators in the class that
create learning to motivate outstanding students.

Values value prestige are very important for future generations to have. When this
value has been ingrained in students, the drive to be the best will come easily. The
drive to be the best, raises awareness in students to try to reach their desires
Respect for what others have done is also very important. A person who wants to
succeed must be able to recognize and appreciate the success of others. He can
motivate himself to be able to follow in the footsteps of other people who have done
useful things. Values value achievement, can also prevent someone from feeling
arrogant and individualistic. This is very important because people live in society, so
they must be able to acknowledge the existence of others. One of them is to respect
the work of others. This is one of the values that can create peace in society.
Exemplary is the behavior and attitudes of principals, teachers, education staff, and
students in providing good examples, through actions so that they can be role models
for other students (Curriculum Center, 2011: 8).
Planting character values is most appropriate given the example exemplified by the
teacher (Subagyo, 2014). Exemplary related to value planting respects achievement,
can be in the form of giving praise to students and not denouncing student work
results. Planting values of respect for students can be done by the teacher by giving
praise to students. This is because the teacher is a role model for students. Teachers
who want their students to be good, must set a good example in everyday life (Syaiful
Bahri Djamarah, 2005: 187). Praise is a positive form of reinforcement and good
motivation (Sardiman A.M., 2007: 94). Giving praise can create a pleasant
atmosphere and enhance learning passion. S. Nasution (Sardiman A.M., 2007: 79)
says, praise is an aspect that encourages a person to work and study harder.
In the process of planting character values in schools, there is one party that has a
very important role, namely the teacher. The role of the teacher as an educator,
emphasizes that the teacher is a model for forming student characters. Attendance,
attitudes, thoughts, values, concerns, commitments, and visions that the teacher has
are important dimensions that teach value for the formation of indirect student
character (Masnur Muslich, 2011: 144). Sri Narwanti (2011: 74) explains that in the
higher domains, students will identify themselves with the teacher, internalize the
teacher's system of values, behavior and habits.
Value planting respects achievement through learning, routine, spontaneous, and
exemplary activities that should be carried out simultaneously and compactly by
teachers so that the process can run consistently and continuously. In addition, these
activities should be developed by adding activities that can motivate students.

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