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Implementing Advances in Pediatric for

Better Child Health

Pre-KONIKA : 6 - 7 Agustus 2017 :: KONIKA : 8 - 11 Agustus 2017

UKK: Imaging
Category: Oral Presentation
Code: O - IMG - 003

Bowel wall thickness of mucositis patients receiving

chemotherapy with ultrasonography
Desy Nurrosalia(1) , Andi Cahyadi(1) , Maria Christina Shanty Larasati(1) , Andy Darma(1) , Alpha Fardah
Athiyyah(1) , Mia Ratwita Andarsini(1) , Reza Ranuh(1) , I Dewa Gede Ugrasena(1) , Subijanto Marto
Sudarmo(1) , Bambang Permono(1) , Sugeng Supriyono(2)

Department of Child Health,(1)

and Department of Radiology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga/Dr.Soetomo General Hospital,
Surabaya, Indonesia(2)

Background: Mucositis is a complex inflammatory reaction mucous membranes of the digestive tract.
Mucositis as a result of cancer treatment is common (chemotherapy and radiotherapy). Not many detailed
examination in children with mucositis, for example by ultrasound screening of gastrointestinal tract.

Objective: To compare bowel wall thickness using ultrasound in mucositis patients receiving
chemotherapy and healthy children.
Method: This cross sectional study was conducted between February until March 2017 including total
mucositis patient receiving chemotherapy in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital and compare healthy children
with same sex and age. Ultrasound of the intestine by a Radiologist consultant, using SonoScape S8
Portable Ultrasound, with frequency 5 MHz linear transducer. The following regions were assessed and
bowel wall thickness measured: ileum, jejunum, ascending and descending colon. The involved region was
additionally assessed regarding lenght of involved segment. Data analysis were performing using Mann-

Result: From total 12 mucositis patients, mean of age was 8 year, 7/12 patient with Acute Lymphoblastic
Leukemia, 2/12 with Acute Myeloblastic Leukemia and the rest was solid tumour, 7/12 patient receiving
Methotrexat. In mucositis patients mean ileum wall thickness was 1.4 mm (SD 0.50) ; jejunum 1.5 mm (SD
0.59) ; ascending colon 1.6 mm (SD 0.83), descending colon 1.5 mm (SD 0.68) respectively. In healthy
children mean ileum wall thickness was 1.2 mm (SD 0.36) ; jejunum 1.2 mm (SD 0.35) ; ascending colon 1.1
mm (SD 0.47), descending colon 1.2 mm (SD 0.29)respectively. One patient with Osteosarcoma has colon
wall thickness over 3 mm. There was no statistically significant comparison of ileum (P=0.337),
jejunum(P=0.128), ascending colon (P=0.06), descending colon (P=0.319) between mucositis patient and
healthy children.
Conclusion: There was no differences of wall thickness between mucositis patient and healthy children.

Keyword : mucositis, chemotherapy, bowel wall thickness, abdominal ultrasound, healthy children

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