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1.370 (Star)

2.080 (RCBS)

Your reloading charges may be dropped more consistently if you install a baffle in your powder hopper. The baffle
holds back the column of powder and trickles a constant volume down to the metering device.
Shown above are two patterns for baffles. One is sized for the Star reloader and the other for the RCBS powder
measure. Commercial baffles are made from thin aluminum (about 1/64” or 0.015”), but you can even use thin card-
board. Try to avoid any plastic or other material that exhibits static cling.
The dimensions shown are for the inside diameter of your powder hopper tube. Check your printout with a scale
before you do any cutting. If your hopper is another size than the ones show, use a copier that will enlarge or reduce in
order to get the size you need. There is room on this sheet for more sizes so please email me, , with
your requirements.
Use glue stick to glue the template to your material and cut out. The cut-outs that let the powder fall through can
be full notches or partial, one or both sides. If you cut small notches and try it, you can always cut them bigger. If you
make the notches too big you can mask them with tape.
Bend the piece 90º in the middle and install in your powder hopper. To remove from the hopper, you will need two
wire hooks made from coat hanger. Empty all powder from the hopper before removing the baffel. Catch the notches
with the hooks and gently pull up and out.

All technical data in this publication, especially for handloading, reflect the limited experience of individuals using specific tools, products,
equipment and components under specific conditions and circumstances not necessarily reported in the article and over which Ray-Vin.Com has
no control. The data have not otherwise been tested or verified by Ray-Vin.Com. Ray-Vin.Com, its agents, officers and employees accept no
responsibility for the results obtained by persons using such data and disclaim all liability for any consequential injuries or damages.

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