Section A

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Brandon Cestrone CA TEST

Section A
1. Please state the main mission of Slippery Rock University.

2. Please state the main mission of the Residence Life staff.

Circle true or false for the following questions

3. One goal of Residence Life is to create an experience that fosters total student
development. T F

4. Students do not need a quiet environment to study effectively. T F

5. You must show demonstrate appropriate behavior or according to the Code of Conduct.

6. You should not encourage House Council participation too all students T F

7. Intellectual, emotional, social, physical, and occupational programs are good to

use but spiritual programs should be avoided. T F

8. Student’s privacy should be kept only between you and your friends. T F

9. One goal of residence life is to train student employees who will further
embrace their mission and goals. T F

10. Providing students with opportunities for self-awareness and development is an

important part of Residence Life. T F
Section B
11. Some responsibilities of a Community Assistant include facilitation of hall
informational meetings, norm discussions and community development
activities. T F

12. What is the main purpose of a community development activity?

A. To talk to the residents about current news
B. To bring the residents together and assist them in developing shared ideas on how
they want to live together
C. To eat pizza
D. None of the above

13. An educational initiative is which of the following?

A. Bulletin Board
B. Floor Program
C. Hall Program
D. Floor or Hall Initiative
E. All of the Above

14. How many days can a bulletin board on your floor stay up before it must be
A. 30 days
B. 15 days
C. 21 days
D. 60 days

15. All individuals wishing to utilize the Residence Life Resource Center must
participate in which of the following?
A. A fifteen minute orientation session
B. You don’t have to do anything
C. A thirty question test
D. There’s a Resource Center?

16. When using the Resource Center what should you always do?
A. Leave you scraps on the ground because someone else will clean it up.
B. Put tools back in their place
C. Ignore the sign in sheet because it’s not important
D. Recycle
E. Both B and D

17. What does HOPE stand for?

A. Helping Other People Everyday
B. Having Outreach Program Events
C. Healthy Outreach though Peer Education
D. Happy Octopus Poking Everyone

Fill in the Blank

18. The Women’s Center/Division of Student Affairs is also known

19. The maximum number of students you can have travel in a Residence Life Van
is ____________
20. The operational hours of the Resource Center on Monday though Friday
21. Trips of more than 100 miles distance from Slippery Rock University or an
overnight stay requires the accompaniment of a____________
22. These trips also need approval from the___________
23. Campus movies can be shown on channel____
24. In Slippery Rock University, RNA stands for _____________


25. Think of a Community Development activity for your floor. Please

describe the steps you would take in preparing for that activity.
Section C

Short Answer

26. What is a community?

27. What is community development?

28. What is the role of the Community Assistant in developing community?

29. Give some examples of a community that is developing well.

30. Give some examples of a community that needs attention.

31. What is the purpose of the first floor meeting in your hall?

32. What is a community norm and why do we have them?

33. Explain what a resident interview is for.

34. Please write some questions you could use when doing your resident

True and False

35. If you are over 21, you can drink alcohol on campus. T F
36. Quiet hours are 11:00pm to 8:00am on the weekdays. T F
37. When you confront a student with possession of marijuana, you should
call the police, but you do not have to notify your supervisor. T F
38. Smoking is not permitted in the residence halls. T F
39. Visitation hours are from 10:00am-2:00am Sunday though Thursday. T F
40. Not all students have to leave their dorm room during fire drills. T F
41. Physical, verbal, or other forms of harassment, intolerance, or prejudice
are never acceptable behaviors. T F
42. When encountering an alcohol incident you should always notify the
police. T F

Essay Questions

43. Why are quite hours important to a healthy community?

44. Why should Community Assistants establish community norms?

45. What would you do to encourage your residents to participate in House

Section D
Put in order the sequence you should perform during a real fire. Number 1-5

46. Contact supervisor___

47. Pull Alarm____
48. Begin identifying any missing students and report them to supervisor___
49. Assist with evacuation the building___
50. Direct individuals to designated rally points____

Put in order the sequence you should perform during a suicide threat/attempt
Number 1-3

51. Notify you supervisor or the RLC on call immediately___

52. Provide personal support by staying with the individual until a supervisor
arrives to assist.___
53. Contact University Police___

54. Explain what you would do if you found a resident passed out in the
bathroom from alcohol. This resident is non responsive to verbal

55. Describe what a tornado watch is

56. Describe what a tornado warning is

57. When using a fire extinguisher you should aim for the________of the fire
and use a__________motion.
58. When taking shelter from a tornado, you should stay away
59. If a vandalism incident occurs you should always report it to the campus
police. T F
60. When encountering any type of threat, you should try to solve the
problem yourself. T F
61. Fire is not a real threat to any residential hall. T F

Please match the extension with the correct building

62. Harner____ A.4120

63. Kraus_____ B.2697
64. Patterson_____ C.2696
65. Rhoads_____ E.2692
66. North_____ F.4121
67. Dodds____ G.2695
68. Building A_____ H.2694
69. R.O.C.K. Apts.____ I.2691
70. Building B_____ J.4657
71. Bard Hall_____

72. An example of harassment in residence life settings may include making

rude comments about a resident’s characteristics. T F
73. Consent is the willingness to engage in a sexual activity agreed upon by
use of force. T F
74. An individual who is under the influence of alcohol can still give consent
to have sex. T F

75. What is Indecent Assault?

A. Talking about someone behind their back
B. Any touching of the intimate parts of a person without his/her consent
C. Physical assault between any number of people
D. None of the above

76. Victims of sexual assault and rape are what?

A. Women only
B. Men only
C. Men and women
D. Women age 17-25 only

77. Students of Slippery Rock University are expected to uphold what

A. Some rules but not all of them
B. A minimum of a 3.5 QPA
C. Academic Integrity
77(B) What would be an example of academic dishonesty?
A. Buying, selling, or trading papers, projects, or other assignments.
B. Using or attempting to use any unauthorized books, notes, or assistance
from any individual during a quiz or examination.
C. Plagiarizing information or citations
D. All of the above

True and False

78. Students must respect the property of others and take reasonable care when
using University or personal property. T F
79. Students do not have the right to peacefully assemble and to protest issues
of concern. T F
80. Students and student organizations do not have to leave any premise after
being ordered to do so by an authorized member of the University community or
University official. T F

Please place in order of the disciplinary action of underage possession or

consumption of alcohol.

81. Minimum of a one semester suspension from the university to a maximum

of a two-year suspension. _____

82. Indefinite Disciplinary Probation_______

83. Censure (Written Warning) and Chemical Health Program or alternate


(A) 1st offense

(B) 2nd offense

(C) 3rd offense

84. Campus fraternities and sororities are allowed to haze applicants for
membership. T F

Please give examples of when you will utilize the following offices.

85. Counseling Center

86. Bridge Project

87. Student Health Center

88. University Police

89. Office of Residence Life

90. What does “furnishing alcohol to minors” mean?

91. What does the term harassment mean?

92. What does the tem weapon mean?

93. What are some objects that residents might have that are considered

94. Please describe why respect is important in a residential community.

95. Please describe in detail everything that is listed on an incident report.

Section E
96. When you take care of a floor cleaning issue, you should record it in your
daily log. T F

97. The custodial office ext is______

98. Please list all the objects found in the body fluid clean up kit bucket.

98. Please describe the steps of cleaning up spills of vomit, urine, feces, blood,

99. To make local call you

A. Dial 3 then the area code, then the number
B. Dial 8 then the area code, then the number
C. Dial 6 then the area code, then the number
D. Dial 9 then the area code, then the number

100. When printing jobs, you are limited to how many pages of paper
per job?
A. 50
B. 20
C. 75
D. 10

101. Printing jobs should be limited to only what kind of work?

A. Academic
B. Personal Papers
C. Any

102. What is the role of the Resident Network Advisor?

A. To help fixing residents computer hardware problems
B. To clean spills throughout the dorm.
C. To restock printer paper and toner, and to assist students with in-
room IT connections.

102. What copy of the RCR do the students get when they return the
RCR to the welcome desk after signing in and checking their
A. Pink copy
B. Yellow copy
C. Gold copy
D. White copy
E. They do not receive it yet

103. Explain why room condition reports are important.

104. If there is a situation where extra cleaning is warranted and your

coordinator is unavailable, who should you contact?
A. Angela Todaro
B. A fellow CA
C. Kevin Currie
D. Maintenance

104. Which if the following sceneries would result in billing to the

responsible party?
A. Someone spills pop on the carpet
B. A sick resident pukes over several areas in the hall
C. A resident intentionally squirted toothpaste in the stairwell.
D. All of the above

105. All decorations, such as garland, artificial trees, wreaths, tinsel,

and streamers must be labeled as “fire-proof”, “fire resistant”, or
“flame-proof.” T F
106. Natural trees, wreaths, and greens are allowed in the residential
buildings. T F
107. Candles are allowed in residential buildings. T F
108. Holiday lights should not be left on unattended. T F
109. Holiday lights do not have to have a seal of approval. T F
110. Decorations must not obstruct exits, emergency lights, or exit
signs. T F
111. Residents can use holiday lights on metal trees. T F
112. In order in rent a van for a trip you must place a request how
many days in advance?
A. 5 days
B. 7 days
C. 14 days
D. 2 days
113. When using a van for a trip you must complete all of the
following except
A. Complete roster of all passengers and hand in to campus police
B. Record start miles in the mileage log prior to trip
C. Sign release form along with every passenger
D. Call residence life while on the trip every hour
Section F
114. Which of the following are true about bulletin boards?
A. They need to be changed every 21 days.
B. Outdated postings need to be removed
C. Backing paper needs to be changed at least twice a year.
D. All of the above

115. How many times should you check your email?

A. Once every week
B. Once a month
C. Once a day
D. Once every three days

116. What should posting be posted on?

A. Only the cork bulletin boards
B. The walls
C. The hall door
D. Anywhere

117. During events such as Saturday showcase, What are Community

Assistants expected to wear?
A. Staff shirts, kaki’s and a name tag
B. Jeans and a t-shirt
C. Shorts and a t-shirt
D. Professional dress

118. All staff members are expected to wear their green name tag or
picture ID tag during working hours. T F
119. Weekly supervisor meetings are mandatory for all Community
Assistants. T F
120. When doing rounds, much attention should be given to what
areas of the building?

121. (A) What should Residential computer labs be used for?

A. Shopping
B. Printing personal items
C. Music
D. Videos
E. Academic work
F. Both B and E

121. (B) When receiving voice mails from other staff personnel, at
what time span should you make an effort to respond?_______
122. How many House Council Meetings should you attend per
month? ________
123. How many ARHS Meetings should you attend during the
academic year?________
124. How many fire and tornado drills should you attend during the
academic year? ________
Fill in the blank. Word bank below

125. Attend all________you plan in fulfillment of your expectations.

126. Be________ of the________ needs and interest of your floor
127. Address areas of interest within your floor.
section/building/_______ though________methods of
128. Make________contributions when working on a program as a
129. Advertise all programs though at least________different
mediums.(email, word of mouth, flyers, door tags, white boors,
mailboxes, bulletin boards, etc).
130. Make reasonable efforts to include________events in completion
of your program requirements.
131. Be_________in the building during your entire duty shift. This
includes assuring that you are able to provide a _______response
to a building emergency or student need.
132. Arrive for your desk shift and/or rounds at the________time.
133. When staffing the desk, follow____________procedures as
134. In the event that the hall phone line is transferred to you, answer
the phone____time.
135. Check all____, windows,_____,common areas,__________,
laundry rooms, and entire____________ during each set of
136. Contact a ___________ in the event of a building or student
emergency immediately.
Word Bank
Floor sections
Computer Labs
Desk Attendant

137. Explain why attending Training credits are important to a

developing Community Assistant.

138. Why do you think Residence Life requires Community Assistant

performance evaluations twice a year?

139. Why does Residence Life require weekly reports?

Section G


Place the Residential Interest Floor with the residence hall it is located in(Subject to

140. Harner Hall floor_________

141. Harner Hall 3rd floor_________
142. Kraus Hall________
143. Harner Hall floor______
(A) The Outdoor Adventures Floor
(B) The ROTC Floor
(C) The Long Distance Floor
(D) The Graduate and Non-Traditional Residential Interest Floor

Place the Special Interest Floor with the residence hall it is located in (Subject to change).

144. Building C_____

145. Building A_____
146. Patterson Hall____
147. Building C______
148. Building B______
(A)The Frederick Douglass Leadership Residential Common
(B)The Honors Residential Common
(C)The Math & Science Residential Common
(D)The Education Residential Common
(E)The Fine Arts & Humanities Residential Common

149. Why does Slippery Rock University have special interest floors?

Please give short descriptions of each interest floor.

150. The Outdoor Adventures/ROTC floor
151. The Long Distance Floor

152. The Graduate and Non-Traditional Residential Interest Floor

153. The Frederick Douglass Leadership Residential Common

154. The Honors Residential Common

155. The Math & Science Residential Common

156. The Education Residential Common

157. The Fine Arts & Humanities Residential Common

Section H/I
158. Please describe why Desk Attendants are important to any residential hall.

Some Desk attendants primary responsibilities include:

159. Registering
residence hall________
160. Checking residents________
161. Answering the hall_______
162. Helping any resident or guest with their________
163. Checking out hall________
164. Completing_________
165. Distributing_________packages
166. Facilitating________requests
167. Assisting students with________requests

Word Bank
Lock out
Duty Log

168. Daily mail distributing is between the hours of

A. 2-5pm
B. 3-7pm
C. 5-7pm
D. 7-9pm

169. Desk attendants are not expected to

A. Arrive five minutes early for their shift
B. Wear appropriate clothing such as wrinkle free pants
C. Wear a student ID
D. Listen to music though headphones
E. All are expected behaviors
170. A 2nd violation of work for a Desk Attendant results in what?
A. Termination
B. A written warning
C. Nothing
D. Suspension from job

171. Overnight guests should have what requirement?

A. Must be over 18 years of age
B. Same gender as resident who he or she is residing with.
C. Must have Photo ID
D. All of the Above

172. Please describe the steps taken when completing a student lock out request.

173. What response is to be used when answering the residence hall staff line?

True or False

174. Shift changes for Community Assistants can be done

between the two CA’s who are changing shifts. T F
175. Desk Attendants over 21 are allowed to arrive at work
under the influence of alcohol. T F
176. When requesting a room key, they must show their ID or
three different types of identification. T F
177. When lending a spare room key, the student has five days
to return the key or they will be billed. T F
Section J
178. When residents are signing out equipment, they must
show their_______ and________ the equipment.

179. When residents enter the building they must show their
colored________or swipe their ID.

180. Why must each residential hall have strict quest

registration policies for residence hall students?

181. Who is a residence hall guest?

182. When are quests registered?

183. Who are the exceptions to registration requirements?

184. What are residence hall tags?

185. What if the residence hall tag is lost, stolen, or broken?

186. Do roommates have the right to refuse a guest in the

room? Explain.

187. Community Assistants should complete the staff duty

change within how many business days before their
A. 7
B. 3
C. 2
D. 5

188. When should Desk Attendants enter their work hours

into E-Time?
A. Within a week of their shift
B. Within one day
C. At the end of their shift
D. At the beginning of their shift

189. Where is the payroll office located?

A. Field house
B. Residence Life Office
C. The Union
D. Old Main

190. Why are Community Assistants necessary?


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