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OF THE ROMANIAN ACADEMY Transdisciplinary Research



Sorin RIGA1, Dan RIGA1, Simona GEACĂR 2 and Aurel ARDELEAN3

Department of Stress Research & Prophylaxis, “Al. Obregia” Clinical Hospital of Psychiatry, Bucharest, Romania
Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest, Romania
“V. Goldis” Western University, Arad, Romania
Corresponding author: DAN RIGA, E-mail:

Accepted December 10, 2014

The concept is an universal manner of representation, and as idea it is the “witness” of reality. Treated
according to a theory of definition, concepts are formal/as ideas, objective/in the sense of objects,
hybrid/as structures and migratory/as dynamics. The concepts “substantiate” disciplinarity, and their
nature “rebuilds” ① Disciplinarity/unity into → ② MultiDisciplinarity/diversity → ③ Inter-
Disciplinarity/dynamics → until reaching ④ TransDisciplinarity/transcedence. The integrator of
“spaces” among the four levels of evolution-restructuring is information. The purpose of
transdisciplinarity is gnoseological/epistemological, heuristic and wholistic/integrative. Translational
research → medicine → science ensures the dynamics of progress and civilization (translational
continuum). The four TRANSCEND, USA programs of transdisciplinarity in medicine and
neurosciences have included as reference in their database two advanced studies of the Drs. Riga
team, published in 1994 and 2006. The human being and health/illness are “built into”
transdisciplinarity: the bio-psycho-social model/structure which works in intra-multi-inter-trans-
disciplinarity/causation. Chronologically and iatro-historically, the elaboration of the bio-psycho-
social transdisciplinary model was conducted in medicine and science by three outstanding figures:
Acad. Dr. Vladimir M. BEKHTEREV (1852–1927), Russia - precursor, Prof. Dr. Doc. Petre
BRÂNZEI (1916–1985), Romania - founder and Prof. Dr. George L. ENGEL (1913–1999), USA -
developer. The work objectively informs of the Romanian priority in the area through P. Brânzei, who
chronologically holds international priority with 7 (seven) and 3 (three) years before G. L. Engel,
USA, who only published his works beginning from 1977.

Key words: intra-multi-inter-trans-disciplinarity/causation, translational research → medicine → science,

bio-psycho-social concept - model - constructiveness - psychiatry, V. M. Bekhterev-
precursor, P. Brânzei-founder, G. L. Engel-developer.

THE DYNAMICS OF PROGRESS, being the result of the act of conception or an

SCIENCE AND CIVILIZATION objective entity referring to something else (other
than itself – as the idea)24.
Concept – general idea which justly reflects In contemporary epistemology, the matter of
reality; definition (DEX, ed. II, 1998) – is of Latin concepts is treated according to a theory of
origin – absent in Greek. Starting from Plato’s definition, and currently has a genealogy of a
Idea, the concept is systematically and functionally product of conception (design). Through semantic
“built” into Idea for Kant. The concept is an mobility, the concept opens up philosophy to
universal, mediated and inferential manner of culture, nature and technology8. There are formal
representation of the rapport with the object of concepts (on ideas side), objective concepts (in the
knowledge. Specific to knowledge (philosophical – sense of object), hybrid concepts (as structure) and
scientific), the concept is different than the idea, migratory concepts (as dynamics)7.

Proc. Rom. Acad., Series B, 2014, 16(3), p. 201–208

202 Riga Sorin et al.

Disciplines-disciplinarity-areas, namely the The brain, man and life are transdisciplinarity,
process of knowledge (as dynamics) and knowledge biomedicine, neurosciences, anthropology and
(as finality) are “built-grounded” on characteristics- ecology are transdisciplinarity, the general
properties, ideas-concepts, hypotheses-demonstrations, systems theory, the GAIA concept and the bio-
processes-phenomena, thought-logic, abstractization- psycho-social model are transdisciplinarity3.
generalization, rules-laws. The nature of concepts Translational research → medicine (disciplinarity)
(formal, objective, hybrid and migratory) → science ensures an accelerated and multiple
“rebuilds” disciplinarity into multi→inter→ progress in bio-medicine, neurosciences and
trans→disciplinarity. psychology (health) – psychiatry (disorder).
The evolution of the binomial structure/ Translating progress is achieved by
substance ↔ function/energy from Disciplinarity translational continuum: basic science discovery
(unity) → MultiDisciplinarity (diversity) → Inter-
→ early translation → late translation →
Disciplinarity (dynamics) → to Trans-
dissemination (American Journal of Translational
Disciplinarity (transcendence) is the dynamics of
Research, Journal of Transnational Medicine, The
progress, science and civilization. The relation
Open Translational Medicine Journal, Science
integrator of/and the “spaces” of the four evolution
Translational Medicine, Clinical and Translational
levels (of complexity) is information (Fig. 1).
The purpose of transdisciplinarity is Science, Duke Translational Medicine Institute,
gnoseological/epistemological (theory of knowledge), Society for Clinical and Translational Science).
heuristic (discovery of new knowledge) and In the current and global stages of sciences, the
holistic/integrative (the synthesis and unity of progress of knowledge enforces and is achieved
knowledge). through transdisciplinarity. New proof of this fact
Transdisciplinarity defining results from three is the TRANSCEND Research Program - Institute:
simultaneous postulates (fundamentals truths): Treatment Research And NeuroSCience Evaluation
levels of reality, the logic of the included third and of Neurodevelopmental Disorders (TRANSCEND
complexity, which also determines the transdis- is an acronym and highlights the transdisciplinary
ciplinary research6. research in neurosciences).

© S.&D. Riga, 2014


Figure 1. From hybrid dynamics of concepts to transdisciplinarity.

Transdisciplinarity in Bio-Medicine 203

The TRANSCEND scientific resources In contemporary times, on the other hand, the
(, USA) are ensured 1946 WHO definition of health (UK) / Gesundheit
by a consortium comprised of: (DE) / santé (FR) / salud (ES) / saúde (PT) / salute
• Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA; (IT) / sănătate (RO) is a state of complete physical,
• Massachusetts General Hospital; mental and social well-being, and not merely the
• Center for Morphometric Analysis;
absence of disease or infirmity. Sanogenesis
• Martions Center for Biomedical Imaging.
(cause/dynamics/process) resulting in health
TRANSCEND - a multimodal multisystem brain
(effect-consequence-finality/state) must become
research program (2009-2015) comprises:
c A Whole Body Approach to Brain Health; trivalent, in a positive direction (+): physical,
d Glial Cells - ”The Other Brain” that the somatic, biological health + mental, psychic health
Neurons can’t live without; + behavioral, social health14. In the same fashion,
e Autism Research; pathogenesis (cause/ process) → illness,
f Autism Revolution. pathology, morbidity (effect/result) is also trivalent
The four American programs of integrated but in a negative direction (–)13.
research into neurosciences and translational The transdiciplinary perspective in defining,
medicine have included as basic references in their characterizing, analysis and elaboration of
research database two advanced studies from solutions in the antagonistic health ↔ illness
Romania – the Drs. Riga team, published in 1994
binomial is the dynamic essence of scientific
in Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics10 and in
progress in bio-medicine9.
2006 in Annals of the New York Academy of
Science12. The progress made by global medicine in the
past 150 years have brought about the need to
approach health and illness in transdisciplinarity,
HEALTH AND ILLNESS IN as two antagonistic, opposed, polarized systems of
TRANSDISCIPLINARITY the human being. Bearing in mind the practical,
palpable, applicative needs, the trivalent bio-
In Antiquity, oriental (Chinese, Indian, psycho-social model has been created and
Persian) and European (Greek, Roman) medicine enforced: in diagnostic and therapy, as
were built in a binomial manner of thinking (mind- preventative4 and curative2 medicine, for public
body), which acts in society via the mind-body-
health strategies15 and programs20, 21 (Fig. 2).
society trinomial. The mind ↔ body interrelation is
revealed in a sanogenetic synergy through the The bio-psycho-social model reveals its
ancient adage: Mens sana in corpore sano, Satyrae structural (space, static) and functional (time, dy-
X (Book IV, Satyrae X, Line 356 - 10.356), namics) dimensions through intra-/ multi-/ inter-/
Decimus Iunius Iuvenalis (c60 A.D. - c135 A.D.), and trans-causality and determinism (Fig. 3).
Roman poet.

© S.&D. Riga, 2014


Figure 2. The human being and health/illness “built” into a bio-psycho-social trivalent system.
204 Riga Sorin et al.

© S.&D. Riga, 2014

Figure 3. The construction of intra-, multi-, inter- and trans-causality in transdisciplinary phenomenology (logic).

The knowledge registered by transdisci- Acad. Dr. Vladimir Mikhailovich

plinarity on a scientific, cultural and philosophical BEKHTEREV
level can be eloquently exemplified by the bio-
psycho-social transdisciplinary model: Russian scientists (2005–2007) consider that
– it offers an integrative-systemic-holistic the author/finder of the bio-psycho-social model is
investigation and description of the human their compatriot V. M. BEKHTEREV – the
being in bio-medicine, in phylogenesis- founder of the Psycho-Neurological Institute, in
ontogenesis-life cycles22; St. Petersburg, Russia, 70 years before American
– it accomplishes a structural-spatial analysis of G. L. Engel.
the functionality of man18; A scientist and visionary, an encyclopedist and
– it allows a dynamic-temporal approach of pioneer in bio-medicine, V. M. Bekhterev is
both person, as well as the medical act11; judged to be one of the founders of neuroscience:
– it pragmatically fulfills the purpose of
... was an outstanding Russian neurologist,
personalized medicine (the medicine of the
person, not of the disease)19; psychiatrist, psychologist, morphologist, physiologist,
– it reveals the transcendence in the anti- and public figure, who authored over 1000
entropic (ectropic) organization-functioning, by scientific publications and speeches. At the
modelling new properties in space and time17. beginning of the twentieth century, he created a
new multidimensional multidisciplinary scientific
branch - psychoneurology, which included the
HISTORICAL SUBSTANTIATION objective knowledge of the anatomy and
OF THE BIO-PSYCHO-SOCIAL physiology of the nervous system, psychology,
TRANSDISCIPLINARY MODEL psychiatry, neurology, philosophy, sociology,
pedagogy, and other disciplines1.
The historical truth objectively demonstrates in
With his training, way of thinking, innovation
succession the contribution of 3 (three) valuable
and multidimensional excellence in the logic of
scientists in the substantiation (19th–20th century)
of the bio-psycho-social model/concept of human hybrid concepts, through multi- and inter-
being23 (Fig. 4): disciplinarity he created in trans-disciplinarity the
• Vladimir M. BEKHTEREV (1857–1927), bio-psycho-social model: Psychoneurology in
Russia - precursor; V. M. Bekhterev’s understanding has furthered the
• Petre BRÂNZEI (1916–1985), Romania – introduction into the idea of a “biosocial” essence
founder; of man of a third - psychological - component, thus
• George L. ENGEL (1913–1999), USA – having created a “biopsychosocial” model in the
developer. interpretation of human diseases1.
Transdisciplinarity in Bio-Medicine 205

Vladimir Petre BRÂNZEI George L. ENGEL

Figure 4. Founders of the bio-psycho-social model.

The paternity of the bio-psycho-social model is • 1974 – Brânzei, P., Quelques considérations
attributed to the Russian scientist by another study, sur la signification d'un concept tridimen-
published two years before, in 2005: However, by sionnel dans le développment de la
the beginning of the twentieth century V. M. psychiatrie contemporaine, Annales Médico-
Bekhterev (1857–1927) had already created a Psychologiques (Paris), vol. 1(3) din 1974,
concept of the study of an ill person and a well pp. 341–355, 1974;
person, which Bekhterev called the “study of • 1981 – Brânzei, P., Natansohn, I., Le
human nature”. The objective psychology and, constructivisme tridimensionnel bio-
subsequently, reflexology developed by Bekhterev psycho-sociale de l'école de Socola dans la
provided the basis of the concept - and promoted perspective de la psychiatrie contemporaine,
the forming – of a biopsychosocial model of Acta Psychiatrica Belgica, vol. 81, pp. 425–
understanding of humans5. 436, 1981; and
• 1985 – Brânzei, P., Chiriţă, V., Boişteanu, P.,
Le constructivisme tridimensionnel bio-
Prof. Dr. Doc. Petre BRÂNZEI psycho-sociale dans l'abord des conduites
aberrantes, Archives de l'Union Médicale
An eminent scientist and man of culture, Balkanique, vol. 23, pp. 88–89, 1985.
teacher, doctor and public health organizer, a Also, the concept is defined in Romanian
prominent figure in bio-medicine, a WHO/OMS monographs and journals:
expert on mental health, Petre BRÂNZEI • 1975 – Brânzei, P., Itinerar psihiatric
established the Modern School of Psychiatry in [Psychiatric Itinerary], 372 pp., Ed.
Socola - Iaşi, thus attaining a broad European Junimea, Iaşi, RO, 1975, published in
openness. He registered Romanian scientific firsts
Romanian, but with an ample abstract in 6
in world psychiatry: the bio-psycho-social model
(six) languages: Romanian, French, English,
and the ASFA neurometabolic nootrope23.
German, Russian, Italian, three of these
A paver of ways in neuroscience, he elaborates
languages being international ones.
as of 1968 an original, integrative-dynamic
The book Itinerar psihiatric defines and
concept of human personality and ethiopathogeny
for psychic disorders, of the biological interference develops the concept in the third part: Relaţia bio-
with the psychological and social, in a triple psiho-socială în terapia psihiatrică [The bio-
determinism – the bio-psycho-social concept16. psycho-social relation in psychiatric therapy]
He is the first to publish the concept in (pp. 277–354) and in the sub-chapter: Semnificaţia
European international journals written in French: unui concept tridimensional în terapeutica
• 1970 – Brânzei, P., L'actualité nosologique psihiatrică [The meaning of a tridimensional
dans la psychiatrie contemporaine. Critères concept in psychiatric therapeutics] (pp. 346–354):
pour une classification dynamique bio- – Through the tridimensional concept we can
psycho-sociale en psychiatrie, Annales thus deduce in a vectorial manner the perspectives
Médico-Psychologiques (Paris), vol. 1(4) din of an ecological-epidemiological psychiatric
1970, pp. 504–520, 1970; outlook structured on criteria which are nosologic,
206 Riga Sorin et al.

psychological and sociological at the same time, in view of protecting and promoting the mental
necessarily attuned to the programmatic politics of health of the population through its own
WHO regarding the safeguard of physical, mental educational elevation regarding the medicine of
and social health (p. 351); the healthy man, a theory which from our
– In conclusion, although mental health is not constructivist perspective is not identical to the
only a psychiatric reflection, it nonetheless lagging option on preventative medicine of the bio-
primarily refers to the tendencies and the actions medical system (p. 141);
characteristic of the social side of a clinical – With this interdisciplinary aim in mind,
tridimensional psychiatry, the contents of which between 1968 and 1970, a special space which was
constitute the key stone of the public health policy, named as such “The bio-psycho-social complex”
psychic disorders expressing the focused was built within the “Socola” Hospital, a space
concentration on the morbidity factors in general which – in fact – conferred new dimensions to the
(p. 354); complex activity of the “Socola” School. Also,
– The psychiatric itinerary holds as a managing under the aegis of the “Socola” school, the
plan an original bio-psycho-social concept, “Psycho-Social Service” was established in 1969,
dynamic and unitary at the same time, on psychic a psychiatric extra-hospital institution hiring
processes in normal and pathological conditions specialists from various scientific areas and which
(p. 355). elaborated, as a team, ample studies among the
• 1982 – Brânzei, P., Natansohn, I. N., Construc- adult and young populations, activities recognized
tivismul tridimensional bio-psiho-social al by specialists and scientific bodies in Europe and
şcolii de la „Socola” în perspectiva psihiatriei America (pp. 141–142).
contemporane [Tridimensional bio-psycho- The bio-psycho-social psychiatry – created,
social constructiveness of “Socola” school in developed and applied by the “Socola” School of
the perspective of contemporary psychiatry], Psychiatry – Iaşi, including as a pilot EURO-
Neurologia, Psihiatria, Neuro-chirurgia, vol. WHO-Romania Base – was appreciated over time
27, nr. 2, pp. 137–144, 1982 – with an by reputed European specialists (from the UK,
abstract in 4 (four) languages: English, Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy,
French, German, Russian. Norway, the Netherlands) and by Americans (from
The work chronologically and gnoseologically the US).
show the theoretic and practical priority of the bio-
psycho-social concept-model-constructivism-
psychiatry achieved by Petre BRÂNZEI (1968– Prof. Dr. George Libman ENGEL
– Many times, constructivism is associated with For the first time, American psychiatrist
structuralism, bearing in mind that structuralism is G. L. ENGEL published his bio-psycho-social
also familiar with various orientations and trends. model in journals such as Science, 1977 and
In reality, this belief is false, owing to the fact that General Hospital Psychiatry, 1979, (23):
both constructivism and structuralism have grown • 1977 – Engel, G. L., The need for a new
as a result of the triumph of the systemic approach medical model: a challenge for biomedicine,
in the development of science. In this respect, Science, vol. 196, no. 4286, pp. 129–136,
George L. Engel is right when claiming that the 1977;
enforcement of the bio-psycho-social model • 1979 – Engel, G. L., The biopsychosocial
instead of the bio-medical one is based on the model and the education of health
systemic approach, its origins appearing in the professionals, General Hospital Psychiatry,
works of Paul Weis and Ludwig von Bertalanffy, vol. 1, pp. 156–165, 1979;
without however achieving identity with our • 1980 – Engel, G. L., The clinical application
simultaneously tridimensional, dynamic, of the biopsychosocial model, American
constructivist and in the same time unitary concept Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 137, no. 5,
(p. 140); pp. 535–544, 1980;
– As of this new qualitative moment in the • 1981 – Engel, G. L., The clinical application
interpretation of psychiatry, we moreover estimate of the biopsychosocial model, Journal
on a sociological level “the double concomitant of Medicine and Philosophy, vol. 6, no. 2,
opening” between psychiatric services and society, pp. 101–123, 1981;
Transdisciplinarity in Bio-Medicine 207

• 1983 – Engel, G. L., The biopsychosocial – during his lifetime (1977–1999) –

model and family medicine, Journal of • individual (G. L. Engel), as well as
Family Practice, vol. 16, no. 2, pp. 409, collective (students, collaborators,
412–413, 1983; disciples and foreign authors) promotion
• 1992 – Engel, G. L., Anniversaries – the of his biopsychosocial model through new
biopsychosocial complementarity of keeping scientific works, through associations,
count and not keeping count, Psychosomatic developments, reports on new
Medicine, vol. 54, pp. 543–545, 1992; perspectives of this model, published in
– Engel, G. L., How much longer must English in a multitude of
medicine’s science be bound by a American/international medical journals;
seventeenth century world view?, – after his death (1999 – continuously, including
Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, vol. at this time) – the promotion of his figure and
57, nos. 1–2, pp. 3–16, 1992; works is achieved through various ways:
• 1997 – Engel, G. L., From biomedical to • his descendants (the son – dr. Peter A.
biopsychosocial. 1. Being scientific in the Engel, together with his wife dr. Anna G.
human domain, Psychotherapy and Engel) in works published in international
Psychosomatics, vol. 66, no. 2, pp. 57–62, journals;
1997; • colleagues, collaborators, students and
• 1997 – Engel, G. L., From biomedical to other researchers and doctors: for
biopsychosocial. Being scientific in the example T. N. Wise – 2001, A. S.
human domain, Psychosomatics, vol. 38, no. Dowling – 2005, G. A. Fava – 2008 etc.;
6, pp. 521–528, 1997.
• the institution where he conducted his
The chronological iatro-historical evidence
scientific activity – University of
unequivocally demonstrates the paternity of
Rochester Medical Center, Rochester,
P. Brânzei as founder of the bio-psycho-social
model (and psychiatry-medicine): he published in NY, USA;
1970 (which is 7 years before) and in 1974 (which • annual conferences/lectures under the
is 3 years before) the 2 (two) works on the bio- eponym of “George L. Engel”, of the
psycho-social concept-constructivism-psychiatry in same university, for instance Cohen, J.,
Annales Médico-Psychologiques (Paris)16. John Romano and George Engel: two
However, NationMaster - Encyclopedia (Online lives, one vision for medical education,
Encyclopedia) presents the biopsycho-social model 7th Annual George L. Engel Memorial
in the section of the term Biopsychosocial: Lecture, Alumni Weekend 2008,
– with the following note – The model was University of Rochester, School of
proposed by psychiatrist George Engel in a 1977 Medicine and Dentistry, Rochester, NY,
article in Science, Sept. 25–27, 2008.
– and at References it writes – Engel, George • Dowling, A. S., Images in psychiatry:
L., The need for a new medical model, Science, George Engel, M. D. (1913–1999),
196: 129–136, 1977. PMID 847460. American Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 162,
The international promotion16 of the Engel no. 11, p. 2039, 2005.
model and the establishment of American priority • Engel, P. A., George L. Engel, M. D.,
in the specialty literature was conducted through a 1913–1999: remembering his life and
massive citation of the Engel – biopsychosocial work; rediscovering his soul,
model binomial: Psychosomatics, vol. 42, no. 2, pp. 94–99,
– the work published in Science, 196(4286): 2001.
129–136, 1977, cited almost 1900 times over the • Engel, P. A., Engel, A.G., George L.
years; and
Engel 1913–1999: remembering his life
– the article published in American Journal of
and work; strengthening a father-son bond
Psychiatry, 137: 535–544, 1980 was cited dozens
in a new time of grief, Australian and
of times in international journals.
The American system-procedure of multiple New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, vol.
promotion of the work of Prof. Dr. George L. 36, no. 4, pp. 443–448, 2002.
Engel is impressive: • University of Rochester Medical Center,
Papers of George Libman Engel,
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mechanisms in brain protection, aging deceleration and
/historical_services/archives/Faculty/Pape neuro-psycho-longevity, pp. 223-236. In R. Klatz, R.
rsofGeorgeLibmanEngel.cfm. Retrieved Goldman (Eds.), Anti-Aging Therapeutics, Vol. 8,
on 03.07.2008. American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, Chicago, IL.
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12. Riga S., Riga D., Schneider F., Hălălău F., Processing,
Romania of the paternity of his work was favored lysis and elimination of brain lipopigments in rejuvenation
by the advantages of G. L. Engel, USA: therapies, pp. 383-387. In: S. Rattan, P. Kristensen, B. F.
– he published in American English written C. Clark (Eds.), Understanding and Modulating Aging,
journals (a different impact); (Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, Vol.
1067), New York Academy of Sciences, New York, NY,
– Engel lived for 86 years/as opposed to the 69 2006.
years of Brânzei, and died 14 years later/compared 13. Riga D., Riga S., Anti-Aging Medicine and Longevity
to Brânzei; Sciences (Romanian lang.), Cartea Universitara Publ.,
– Engel benefited and is still benefiting from a Bucharest, RO., 2007.
14. Riga S., Riga D., Stressology, Adaptology and Mental
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own country. longevity life styles. Importance of physical activity and
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