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10 Water-Base Systems

Many different types of water-base drill- Contamination
ing fluid systems (muds) are used in • Solids.
drilling operations. Basic drilling fluid • Cement.
systems are usually converted to more • Salt.
complex systems as a well is deepened • Anhydrite/gyp.
and the wellbore temperature and/or • Acid gases (CO2, H2S).
It is typical pressure increases. It is typical for several Drilling data
for several types of drilling fluid systems to be used • Water depth.
in each well. Several key factors affect • Hole size.
types of the selection of drilling fluid system(s) • Hole angle.
drilling fluid for a specific well. The most cost-effective • Torque/drag.
systems to drilling fluid for a well or interval should • Drilling rate.
be based on the following criteria: • Mud weight.
be used in
Application • Maximum temperature.
each well. • Surface interval.
Water-base drilling fluids can usually
• Intermediate interval.
be placed into one of the following
• Production interval.
• Completion method.
• Unweighted clay-water systems.
• Production type.
• Deflocculated, weighted clay-water
Geology systems.
• Shale type. • Calcium-treated, weighted,
• Sand type. deflocculated clay-water systems.
• Permeability. • Saltwater systems.
• Other formation types. • Inhibitive potassium systems.
Makeup water • High-Temperature, High-Pressure
• Type of water. (HTHP) deflocculated systems.
• Chloride concentration. • HTHP polymer systems.
• Hardness concentration. • Encapsulating polymer systems.
Potential problems • Cationic polymer systems.
• Shale problems. • Extended or flocculated clay-based
• Bit/Bottom-Hole Assembly systems.
(BHA) balling. • Polyglycol enhanced systems.
• Stuck pipe. • Inhibitive silicate systems.
• Lost circulation.
• Depleted sands.
Rig/drilling equipment
• Remote location.
• Limited surface capacity.
• Mixing capabilities.
• Mud pumps.
• Solids-control equipment.

Water-Base Systems 10.1 Revision No: A-0 / Revision Date: 03·31·98


10 Water-Base Systems

Unweighted Clay-Water Systems

This basic system is essentially Typical Properties
M-I GELT (Wyoming bentonite) and Density (lb/gal) 8.5 - 10
Usually, water. Usually, this system is used to Funnel viscosity (sec/qt) 36 - 55

this system spud a well. As drilling continues, for- Plastic viscosity (cP)* 5-9
mation solids are incorporated into the Yield point (lb/100 ft2)* 12 - 25
is used to drilling fluid. Solids-removal equipment Initial gel (lb/100 ft2) 5 - 10
spud a well. is used to remove as much of the forma- 10-min gel (lb/100 ft2) 10 - 20
pH 8.5 - 10.5
tion solids (drill solids) as possible. Some
Pm (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 0.1 - 1.5
of the native formation solids may be Pf (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 0.1- 1.0
bentonitic in nature and increase the Calcium (mg/l) 40 - 240
viscosity of the drilling fluid. Therefore, Chlorides (mg/l)
this system is often referred to as a (freshwater) 0 - 5,000
“native mud.” Advantages of this sys- Fluid loss (cm3/30 min) As needed
tem are low cost and high Rate of Low-gravity solids (%) 3 - 10
Penetration (ROP). This system is MBT (lb/bbl) See Figure 1

often extremely shear-thinning. *See Figure 1.

Unweighted, clay-water systems usu-

Typical Products Primary Function
ally are converted to another system M-I GELT Viscosity and
prior to reaching any critical part of fluid-loss control
the well. Therefore, the solids content Caustic soda Increase pH and Pf
should be maintained at low values to TANNATHINT Thinner
facilitate this conversion. SAPP Thinner
Since this system is not weighted, it POLYPACT R Viscosity and
fluid-loss control
has a low buoyancy effect on cuttings. THERMPACT UL Fluid-loss control
Therefore, hole-cleaning depends on vis- MY-LO-JELE Fluid-loss control
cosity and flow rate. The plastic viscosity POLY-SALE Fluid-loss control
should be low, if the solids content of POLY-PLUST Bentonite extender
the system is low, so the carrying capac- CMC Viscosity and
ity must be achieved with higher yield fluid-loss control
points. Chemical deflocculants reduce
the yield point and viscosity dramati- Concentration
Material (lb/bbl)
cally. This can result in inadequate hole M-I GELT 20 - 35
…the use cleaning. Therefore, the use of chemical Caustic soda 0.1 - 0.5
of chemical deflocculants in this system should be FLCA As needed
strictly limited. If a low fluid loss is SAPP 0.125 - 0.5
deflocculants required, it should be controlled with
in this sys- additions of M-I GELT (prehydrated if
tem should used in seawater) and an appropriate
Fluid-Loss-Control Additive (FLCA).
be strictly The FLCA may be MY-LO-JELE, POLY-SALE,

Water-Base Systems 10.2 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


10 Water-Base Systems




PV (cP), YP (lb/100 ft2) and MBT (lb/bbl) 35





9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Mud weight (lb/gal)

Figure 1: Plastic viscosity, yield point and Methylene Blue Test (MBT) ranges for water-base muds.






30 S 3%
Solids (% vol)




S um
6% nim



9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Mud weight (lb/gal)

Figure 2: Solids range for barite water-base muds.

Water-Base Systems 10.3 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


10 Water-Base Systems






LG 3%

Solids (% vol)

30 9%

25 S
6% um
20 Mi



9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
Mud weight (lb/gal)

Figure 3: Solids range for hematite water-base muds.


The SPERSENEE The SPERSENEE deflocculated system and chemical contamination by simply
deflocculated is one of the most common drilling increasing the concentration of SPERSENEE
fluid systems used in the industry. and TANNATHINT (lignite) or XP-20KE
system is one The primary thinner in the system is (causticized chrome lignite). Lignite
of the most SPERSENEE (or SPERSENE CFT) lignosul- is an organic acid that also supplies
common fonate. Lignosulfonates are organic acids anions to the fluid, thus causing clay
that supply anions (negative ions) to the particles to repel one another. In most
drilling fluid fluid. These anions reduce the yield cases, a ratio of two SPERSENEE to one
systems point and gel strengths by neutralizing TANNATHIN,T or XP-20K,E is a very effec-
used in the the cations (positive ions) on the clay tive combination for treatments, but
particles, thus deflocculating the clay the ratio can be varied.
industry. slurry causing clay particles to repel one Materials like SPERSENEE
another. SPERSENEE is very versatile due E
XP-20K are deflocculants, but are also
to its high degree of solubility in both referred to as dispersants and thinners,
freshwater and saltwater environments. because they allow discrete clay particles
Since it is acidic, SPERSENEE requires an to disperse, and they reduce the yield
alkaline environment in which to solu- point and gel strength but increase the
bilize. Therefore, hydroxyl ions are “n” value of the drilling fluid.
added usually in the form of caustic SPERSENEE systems are usually con-
soda (sodium hydroxide) and lime (cal- verted from unweighted, clay-water
cium hydroxide) to increase the pH. suspensions or “spud muds.” A typi-
This system can be treated to have a cal treatment to convert to a lightly
high degree of tolerance for both solids treated SPERSENEE system would be

Water-Base Systems 10.4 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


10 Water-Base Systems


about 4 lb/bbl M-I GEL,T 2 lb/bbl Density (lb/gal) 10 - 18
SPERSENEE , 1 lb/bbl of either TANNATHINT Funnel viscosity (sec/qt) ± (3.5 x mud weight)

or XP-20KE and 1 lb/bbl caustic soda. Plastic viscosity (cP) See Figure 1
Yield point (lb/100 ft2) See Figure 1
Comparing the drilling fluid proper-
Initial gel (lb/100 ft2) 2-8
ties at the flow line with those in the
10-min gel (lb/100 ft2) 2 - 14
pits indicates the degree to which well- pH 9.5 - 11.5
bore contaminants are affecting the Pm (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 2.0 - 5.0
drilling fluid properties. This is also a Pf (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 0.5 - 1.5
reflection of the stability of the system. Calcium (mg/l) 40 - 240
In most cases, a significant difference in Chlorides (mg/l) 0 - 20,000
the properties between the flow line and Fluid loss (cm3/30 min) As needed
the pits indicates an unstable fluid. The Low-gravity solids (%)* 5-7
stability of a SPERSENEE system can be MBT (lb/bbl) See Figure 1
increased by increasing the concentra- *See Figures 2 and 3.


XP-20KE). Lightly treated SPERSENEE sys- Typical Products Primary Function
M-I BART Increase density
tems contain 2 to 6 lb/bbl SPERSENEE and
M-I GELT Viscosity and
1 to 3 lb/bbl of TANNATHINT (or XP-20KE), fluid-loss control
while a fully inhibitive SPERSENEE system Caustic soda Increase pH and Pf
may contain 8 to 12 lb/bbl SPERSENEE and Lime Increase Pm and
4 to 6 lb/bbl of TANNATHINT or (XP-20KE). treat out CO3

Maintenance of a SPERSENEE system Gyp Treat out CO3

(and other drilling fluids systems) while
TANNATHINT Fluid loss and thinner
drilling means maintaining the proper-
XP-20KE HT thinner and
ties at predetermined, near-constant fluid-loss control
values. These values are controlled by POLYPACT R API fluid-loss control
the concentration of materials in the and viscosity
RESINEXT HTHP fluid-loss control
drilling fluid. As water is added to the
DUO-VIST Increase low-shear
drilling fluid to maintain an acceptable viscosity
drilled solids concentration, products
must be added to maintain the desired Concentration
concentration of additives. Therefore, Material (lb/bbl)
the volume of dilution water should be M-I BART or FER-OXT 0 - 550
measured or estimated to use as a basis M-I GELT 5 - 30
Caustic soda 0.3 - 2
for product additions. The amount of
Lime 0-1
dilution required depends on the hole
size, rate of penetration, type of forma-
XP-20KE or TANNATHINT 1 - 12
tion, solids-control equipment and the POLYPACT R 0.50 - 2
optimum concentration of drill solids RESINEXT 2-6
in the drilling fluid. DUO-VIST 0.25 - 0.50
The temperature limitation of this
system is approximately 320°F (160°C) a temperature limitation of about
due to the increased rate of thermal 450°F (232°C).
Lignite has a degradation of lignosulfonate above NOTE: SPERSENEE and XP-20KE contain
temperature this temperature. The temperature limit chrome and may not be allowed under
limitation of this system can be increased signif- some environmental regulations. When
icantly by increasing the concentration chrome is not permitted, SPERSENE CF T and
of about of lignite and reducing the concen- TANNATHINT should be used.
450°F… tration of lignosulfonate. Lignite has
Water-Base Systems 10.5 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01

10 Water-Base Systems

Calcium-Treated Drilling Fluids

When calcium is added to a clay-water 16
slurry, a base exchange occurs as the cal-
cium (Ca2+) cation, which has higher Wyoming

Calcium adsorbed (mg/g)

12 bentonite
bonding energy, replaces the sodium
(Na+) cation on the clays, converting 10
them to calcium-base clays. Figure 4 8
shows the amount of calcium adsorbed 6
by Wyoming bentonite and native
clays. This cation exchange results in
partial dehydration of the hydrated clay 2 Native clay
particles, reducing the size of the water 0
Flocculation envelope around the clay particles (see 0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000
Filtrate calcium (mg/l)
causes an Figure 5). The reduction in the size
of the water envelope allows the clay Figure 4: Adsorption of calcium by clays.
increase in particles to come into contact with
the yield one another, resulting in flocculation.
point and gel Flocculation causes an increase in the Ca2+
yield point and gel strengths. If a defloc-
strengths. culant is not used, the size of the flocs
Na+ + Ca2+
of clay eventually will increase and may
precipitate out, resulting in a gradual Ca2+
Na+ Water of hydration
decrease in the plastic viscosity.
(envelope of water)
If a deflocculant is used, then the
clays will still have the reduced water Figure 5: Reduction in water of hydration for sodium
envelope, but the flocs of clay will clay during base exchange with calcium.
be dispersed.
This phenomenon occurs when cal-
The concen- cium contamination occurs while drill- 100
High solids
tration of ing then is subsequently treated, or 80
Viscosity (cP)

when a fluid is converted (“broken

reactive over”) to a calcium-base drilling fluid 60
solids in such as a SPERSENEE/gyp or a SPERSENEE/
the drilling lime system. Low solids
The concentration of reactive solids in 20
fluid the drilling fluid determines the viscos-
determines ity increase (viscosity hump) encoun-
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800
the viscosity tered when calcium is added to the Filtrate calcium (mg/l)

increase system (see Figure 6). Therefore, prior to

Figure 6: Effect of solids concentration
converting to a calcium-base system, or on viscosity with calcium additions.
encountered before drilling into formations that con-
when calcium tain calcium (such as anhydrite), the Soluble calcium performs several func-
is added to reactive solids content of the drilling tions. It provides wellbore inhibition
fluid should be reduced by dilution by minimizing the hydration of drill
the system. while the viscosity is maintained with solids and exposed shales through
additions of polymers. base exchange into calcium-based
Calcium systems provide soluble clays. It makes a drilling fluid compati-
and reserve calcium in a drilling fluid. ble with formations that contain high

Water-Base Systems 10.6 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


10 Water-Base Systems

(CALCIUM-TREATED DRILLING gyp, 8 lb/bbl SPERSENEE and 2 lb/bbl

FLUIDS CONTINUED) caustic soda should be added simultane-
concentrations of calcium, such as ously over one or two circulations.
anhydrite. It precipitates carbonate After the initial conversion, properties
ions (CO32–) which result from carbon such as fluid loss, pH and alkalinity
dioxide (CO2) contamination. should be refined by the additions of
Materials The solubility of calcium is inversely the proper materials. Materials that
that have a proportional to the pH of the drilling have a low hardness tolerance should
fluid. It is nearly insoluble at a pH above not be used in this system. Since solu-
low hardness 12.5, but is very soluble at a low pH. ble calcium increases the hardness
tolerance This is illustrated in Figure 7 where, on of the water phase, treatments with
should not Line A (when only lime is added), the about 2 lb/bbl SURFAK-ME are beneficial
pH does not increase above 12.5, but for reducing the surface tension of the
be used in water phase, and improving the per-
on Line B (with added caustic), the pH
this system. increases above 12.5 and the soluble formance of the chemical additives.
calcium decreases rapidly. Therefore, In addition to the maintenance
calcium as lime (Ca(OH)2) helps to procedures previously described, the
buffer the pH when acid gases such “excess gyp” test should be used to
as CO2 or hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
are encountered.
900 pH 12.4
Calcium solubility is also directly Line A
related to salinity or chloride (Cl–) con- 800
pH 12.2
centration. The soluble calcium in sea- 700
water is often around 1,200 mg/l and
Calcium (mg/l)

will increase as the salinity is increased,
as shown in Figure 8. Figure 8 shows 500
pH 12
the soluble calcium from gyp added 400
to increasing concentrations of salt. pH 12.4
The SPERSENEE/gyp (gypsum) system is pH 12.9
pH 13.2
designed to drill anhydrite (CaSO4) Line B
and/or provide inhibition while drilling 0
0 1 2 3 4 5 6
water-sensitive shales by using gypsum Caustic soda or lime concentration (lb/bbl)
(CaSO4•2H2O) as the source of calcium.
To maintain a sufficient amount of solu- Figure 7: Line A - soluble calcium vs. lime
concentration; Line B - Soluble calcium of 4 lb/bbl
ble calcium, the pH of the SPERSENEE/gyp
of lime added to caustic solutions.
system should be kept low (9 to 10.5).
The normal concentration of soluble 2.0
Soluble calcium (mg/l x 1,000)

calcium in this system is in the 600 to

1,200 mg/l range. Since the solubility
of calcium is affected by pH and salin- 1.2
ity, the actual level will depend on
these properties.
When converting an existing 0.4
untreated or lightly treated system
to a SPERSENEE/gyp system, the MBT and 0 50 100 150 200
low-gravity solids content should be Chlorides (mg/l x 1,000)
reduced to minimize the “break-over Figure 8: Solubility of calcium vs. chlorides.
viscosity hump.” Then, about 8 lb/bbl

Water-Base Systems 10.7 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


10 Water-Base Systems


The excess gyp content can be deter-
Typical Properties
mined by measuring the “whole mud
Density (lb/gal) 10 - 18
Funnel viscosity (sec/qt) ± (3.5 x mud weight)
Versenate total hardness” (Vt) and the
Plastic viscosity (cP) See Figure 1
total hardness of the filtrate (Vf) using
Yield point (lb/100 ft2) See Figure 1 this procedure and the calculation
Initial gel (lb/100 ft2) 1-5 which follows:
10-min gel (lb/100 ft2) 1 - 10 Procedure to determine the gyp con-
pH 9.0 - 10.5 tent (see API RP13B-1, Appendix A.8):
Pm (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 0.5 - 2.5 1. Add 5 ml whole mud to 245 ml
Pf (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 0.2 - 1.6 distilled water.
Calcium (mg/l) 600 - 1,200 2. Stir for 30 min at room temperature
Chlorides (mg/l) 0 - 20,000 or 15 min at 150°F.
Fluid loss (cm3/30 min) As needed
3. Filter the solution with the API fil-
Low-gravity solids (%)* 4.5 - 7
ter press. Discard the first cloudy
MBT (lb/bbl) See Figure 1
Excess gyp (lb/bbl) 3 - 12
portion of the filtrate. Collect the
clear filtrate.
*See Figures 2 and 3.
4. Pipette 10 ml of the collected clear
Typical Products Primary Function filtrate into a titration dish and add
M-I BART Increase density 1 ml strong buffer and 4 to 6 drops
M-I GELT (prehydrated) Viscosity and Calmagite Indicator.
fluid-loss control 5. Titrate with Standard Versenate to a
Caustic soda Increase pH and Pf
blue or blue-green end point, record
Gyp Calcium source
the number of ml of Standard
TANNATHINT Fluid-loss control
Versenate as Vt.
POLYPACT R API fluid-loss control
6. To 1 ml of mud filtrate from the
RESINEXT HTHP fluid-loss control standard API filtrate test, add 1 ml
SURFAK-ME Surface-acting agent strong buffer and 4 to 6 drops
Calmagite Indicator, titrate with
Concentration Standard Versenate from wine-red
Material (lb/bbl) to blue, record the number of ml
M-I BART or FER-OXT 0 - 550 of Standard Versenate as Vf.
M-I GELT 7.5 - 25
Caustic soda 0.2 - 1.5 Total calcium sulfate (lb/bbl) =
Gyp 8 - 12 2.38 x Vt
SPERSENEE 5 - 15 Excess calcium sulfate (lb/bbl) =
2.38 x Vt - (0.48 x Vf x Fw)
RESINEXT 3-6 Where:
SURFAK-ME 0-2 Fw = Water fraction from retort
NOTE: A simplified field method
monitor the concentration of excess titrates 1 ml of whole mud in 150 to
gyp in the system. Mass-balance equa- 350 ml distilled water in a quart jar,
tions cannot accurately monitor excess using 2 to 3 ml strong buffer and 1 to
gyp, because gyp is removed from the 2 ml Calmagite Indicator. Record the ml
system on drilled solids due to base of Standard Versenate as the Vm. The
exchange. color change may be hard to see due to

Water-Base Systems 10.8 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


10 Water-Base Systems

the dark brown color of the lignosulfonate Alkalinities

and lignite. This color change may appear Low-lime Pf (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 0.5 - 1
to be from the original color of the solution Pm (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 2.4 - 4.8
with a red tint to only a slight green or blue- Excess lime (lb/bbl) 0.5 - 1
green tint. The rule-of-thumb calculation for Medium-lime Pf (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 1-4
this procedure is: Pm (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 4.8 - 19
Excess lime (lb/bbl) 1-4
Excess gyp (lb/bbl) = (Vm–Vf) ÷ 2 High-lime Pf (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 4 - 10
SPERSENEE/LIME SYSTEM Pm (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 19 - 46
Excess lime (lb/bbl) 4 - 9.4
Generally, Generally, SPERSENEE/lime systems are
SPERSENEE/lime used to reduce the effects of acid below 10 lb/gal because it is difficult to
gases such as CO2 or H2S and/or to maintain rheological properties sufficient
systems are reduce the hydration of formation to clean the wellbore. Temperatures in
used to clays. SPERSENEE/lime systems use lime excess of 300°F (149°C) may cause
reduce the (Ca(OH)2) as their source of calcium. severe gelation or cementation of
Since lime has a high pH (12.4), the medium- and high-lime drilling fluids.
effects of pH of the system will be high. The This severe gelation, or cementation,
acid gases… pH of the system depends on the con- is caused by high alkalinity, high con-
centration of lime and caustic soda centrations of reactive solids and high
(NaOH). Lime muds maintain a con- temperature which combine to form
centration of excess lime which is not alumino-silica cement.
in solution, since the solubility of When converting an existing
lime is an inverse function of pH. untreated or lightly treated system
Therefore, this excess (reserve) lime to a SPERSENEE/lime system, the MBT
goes into solution only as the pH of and low-gravity solids content should
the system is reduced by reactions be reduced to minimize the “break-over
with acidic contaminants incorpo- viscosity hump.” Then a treatment of 1
rated into the system during drilling to 10 lb/bbl lime, 2 to 12 lb/bbl SPERSENEE
operations. This results in the excess and 2 lb/bbl caustic soda should be
lime having a buffering effect on the added simultaneously during one or
pH, which provides greater stability to two circulations. After the initial conver-
the system. sion, properties such as fluid loss, pH
Lime muds are subdivided into low-, and alkalinity should be refined by the
_______________________ medium- and high-lime categories additions of the proper materials.
_______________________ according to the amount of excess In addition to the maintenance proce-
lime that they contain. This level of dures previously described, the “excess
excess lime is chosen based on the antic- lime” should be calculated as often as
_______________________ ipated severity of contamination and required to monitor the concentration
_______________________ on local practice. Typical alkalinities of excess lime in the system. Mass-
and excess lime concentrations for balance equations cannot accurately
the low-, medium- and high-lime cate- monitor excess lime, because lime is
_______________________ gories are shown below. These systems removed from the system on drilled
_______________________ are more stable if the Pf is kept roughly clays as the result of base exchange.
equal to the excess lime content The equation for calculating excess
(lb/bbl). Lime muds generally are lime is:
_______________________ not used when mud densities are
Excess lime (lb/bbl) = 0.26 (Pm - PfFw)



Water-Base Systems 10.9 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


10 Water-Base Systems

_______________________ (SPERSENEE/LIME SYSTEM CONTINUED)

Typical Properties Typical Products Primary Function
_______________________ Density (lb/gal) 10 - 16 M-I BART Increase density
_______________________ Funnel viscosity (sec/qt) ± (3.5 mud weight) M-I GELT (prehydrated) Viscosity and
Plastic viscosity (cP) See Figure 1 fluid-loss control
_______________________ Yield point (lb/100 ft2) See Figure 1 Caustic soda Increase Pf
Initial gel (lb/100 ft2) 1-5 Lime Excess lime and
increase Pm
10-min gel (lb/100 ft2) 1 - 10
_______________________ SPERSENEE Fluid loss and thinner
pH 11.5 - 13.5
TANNATHINT Fluid-loss control
_______________________ Calcium (mg/l) 40 - 200
XP-20KE HTHP thinner and
Chlorides (mg/l) fluid-loss control
(freshwater) 0 - 5,000
POLYPACT R Viscosity and
_______________________ Chlorides (mg/l) API fluid-loss control
(seawater) 20,000
_______________________ MY-LO-JELE Fluid-loss control
Low-gravity solids (%)* 4.5 - 7
POLY-SALE Fluid-loss control
_______________________ MBT (lb/bbl) See Figure 1
RESINEXT HTHP fluid-loss control
Excess lime (lb/bbl) 1 - 10
*See Figures 2 and 3.
Material (lb/bbl)
_______________________ M-I BART or FER-OXT 0 - 550
M-I GELT 15 - 30
Caustic soda 0.5 - 1.5
Lime 0.5 - 10

Water-Base Systems 10.10 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


10 Water-Base Systems

SPERSENEE/XP-20KE Seawater System

Seawater and brackish-water systems Typical Properties
are used in offshore and coastal drilling Density (lb/gal) 10 - 18
operations due to the endless supply of Funnel viscosity (sec/qt) ± (3.5 x mud weight)
that type of water at the drillsite. Other Plastic viscosity (cP) See Figure 1
benefits derived from using sea or Yield point (lb/100 ft2) See Figure 1
brackish water in drilling fluids include Initial gel (lb/100 ft2) 1-5
10-min gel (lb/100 ft2) 1 - 10
a lesser degree of hydration of drilled
pH 10.5 - 11.5
clays than when using freshwater.
Pm (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 3.0 - 6.0
An understanding of seawater drilling Pf (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 1.0 - 1.5
fluids requires an understanding of sea- Calcium (mg/l) 40 - 200
water, and how mud components react Chlorides (mg/l) 20,000
in it. The pH of seawater is buffered Fluid loss (cm3/30 min) As needed
against changes by a solubility equilib- Low-gravity solids (%)* 5-7
rium with atmospheric CO2 and sedi- MBT (lb/bbl) See Figure 1
mentary calcium carbonate. This means *See Figures 2 and 3.
that as the pH of seawater is increased
through the addition of alkaline materi- Typical Products Primary Function
als, atmospheric CO2 will be absorbed M-I BART Increase density
M-I GELT (prehydrated) Viscosity and
into the seawater in an effort to buffer fluid-loss control
the pH. Since the buildup of these car- Caustic soda pH and Pf
bonates is detrimental to drilling fluid Lime Treat out carbonates
properties, an excess concentration of SPERSENEE Thinner and
lime (which is not in solution) is main- fluid-loss control
tained in the system. The lime prevents XP-20KE HTHP thinner and
fluid-loss control
the build-up of carbonates and buffers TANNATHINT Fluid-loss control,
…a seawater the pH in the desired range. So, a seawa- thinner
ter mud should be run as a “low-lime POLYPACT R
mud should Stability,
fluid-loss control
system” (see lime muds).
be run as a The cost-effectiveness of XP-20KE
THERMPACT UL Fluid-loss control
THERMEXE HTHP fluid-loss control
“low-lime and TANNATHINT in seawater is mini- RESINEXT HTHP fluid-loss control
system”. mized due to their reduced solubility; DUO-VIST Low-shear viscosity
therefore, in environments where
chlorides exceed 15,000 mg/l, the use Concentration
of lignites should be minimized and Material (lb/bbl)
the use of SPERSENEE increased. M-I BART or FER-OXT 0 - 550
The temperature limitation of this sys- M-I GELT 10 - 30
tem is approximately 320°F (160°C). If Caustic soda 0.2 - 1.5
Lime 0.2 - 1.5
bottom-hole temperatures greater than
320°F (160°C) are anticipated, freshwater
should be added to reduce the chlorides POLYPACT R 0.5 - 2.0
to less than 15,000 mg/l so that XP-20T THERMEXE 5 - 10
will be more soluble. Or, displace with a RESINEXT 0-6
synthetic- or oil-base system.
Since this system is similar to a
SPERSENEE/low-lime system, conversion
and maintenance are the same as with
a SPERSENEE/low-lime system.

Water-Base Systems 10.11 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


10 Water-Base Systems

Saturated Saltwater System

Saturated Saturated saltwater systems are designed 45

saltwater to prevent the enlargement of the well-

bore while drilling salt sections. This
systems are enlargement results from the salt in 35
Salt added to
high-solids field mud
designed to the wellbore dissolving into the “unsat-
prevent the urated salt” water phase of the drilling

Viscosity (cP)
Salt added to prehydrated
fluid. Saturation is achieved by adding 25 bentonite slurry
enlargement salt (sodium chloride) to the mud system
of the until the saturation point is reached.

wellbore Saturation is about 190,000 mg/l chlo- 15

rides, depending on temperature. See
while the Drilling Salt chapter.
drilling salt To convert an existing freshwater, 5
Dry bentonite added
to salt solution
sections. brackish water or seawater system to a
saturated saltwater system, the follow- 0 35 70 105 104
ing procedure should be followed. On Salt (lb/bbl)
the initial break-over, add as quickly
Figure 9: Effect of solids content on
as possible: 2 to 3 lb/bbl caustic soda,
viscosity with salt additions.
1 to 2 lb/bbl soda ash, 4 to 6 lb/bbl
SPERSENEE and 110 to 125 lb/bbl salt. To mix a saturated saltwater system,
The salt will flocculate the reactive 20 to 25 lb/bbl M-I GELT should be pre-
solids in the system, increasing the hydrated in freshwater and added to
viscosity. Therefore, the MBT and the saltwater. Then, other materials can
low-gravity solids content should be be added as described above. SALT GELT
reduced to minimize the viscosity can be used instead of M-I GELT if the
increase during conversion. This vis- rig mixing system develops good shear.
cosity hump is shown in Figure 9. SALT GELT requires shear to develop vis-
Pilot tests should be made prior to cosity and does not assist with fluid
conversion to determine the dilution loss or filter-cake quality.
rate and quantities of products required When saturated saltwater is added
for a trouble-free conversion. After to the drilling fluid to maintain an
all the salt has been added, 2 lb/bbl acceptable drilled solids concentra-
SURFAK-MEalso should be added. Initially, tion, products must be added to main-
the salt may cause an increase in viscos- tain the desired concentration of
ity, but this will diminish after several additives. Therefore, the volume of
Frequent circulations through the hole. This dilution water should be measured or
chloride should be followed by 0.5 to 1.0 lb/bbl estimated to use as a basis for product
checks of POLYPACT UL, which should reduce the additions. Materials must be based
viscosity to the desired range. If not, on the added saltwater. The amount
should be further dilution with saturated saltwater of dilution depends on the hole size,
made to and additions of SPERSENEE should be ROP, type of formation, solids-control
monitor made. Treatments of SPERSENEE are more equipment and the optimum concen-
effective when mixed with caustic in tration of drilled solids in the drilling
the salt drill water then added to the system. fluid. Frequent chloride checks should
content for be made to monitor the salt content
saturation. for saturation.

Water-Base Systems 10.12 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


10 Water-Base Systems


SYSTEM CONTINUED) Density (lb/gal) 10 - 16
Provisions should be made to ensure Funnel viscosity (sec/qt) ± (3.5 x mud weight)
that all dilution water is saturated prior Plastic viscosity (cP) See Figure 1
to being added to the active system. Yield point (lb/100 ft2) See Figure 1
In areas where humidity is high, salt Initial gel (lb/100 ft2) 1-5
10-min gel (lb/100 ft2) 1 - 10
absorbs water, becomes lumpy and is
pH 10.5 - 12
almost impossible to mix through mud
Pm (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 3-5
hoppers fast enough to keep the drill-
Pf (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 1-2
ing fluid saturated. If salt is mixed Calcium (mg/l) <200
directly into the mud, about half the Chlorides (mg/l) 190,000
salt may become coated by the mud Fluid loss (cm3/30 min) As needed
and settle to the bottom of the pits. It Low-gravity solids (%)* 4 - 6, adjust for salt
is far more cost-effective to mix the salt MBT (lb/bbl) See Figure 1
into the water. *See Figure 2.
When considering the use of a satu-
rated salt drilling fluid in low-density Typical Products Primary Function
environments, it is important to be M-I BART Increase density
M-I GELT (prehydrated) Viscosity and
aware that the natural weight of satu- fluid-loss control
rated sodium chloride is 10 lb/gal. The Caustic soda pH and Pf
minimum density of a saturated Salt Increase chloride
sodium chloride drilling fluid is Soda ash Control calcium
about 10.5 lb/gal. <200 mg/l
The temperature limitation of this SPERSENEE Thinner and
fluid-loss control
system is less than 300°F (149°C). If MY-LO-JELE Fluid-loss control
bottom-hole temperatures greater than POLY-SALE Fluid-loss control
300°F (149°C) are anticipated, alter- POLYPACT UL Stability and
native high-temperature water-base fluid-loss control
products must be used or the system SP-101T HTHP fluid-loss control
should be displaced with a synthetic- DUO-VIST Low-shear-rate viscosity
SURFAK-ME Surface-acting agent
or oil-base drilling fluid.
Material (lb/bbl)
M-I BART or FER-OXT 0 - 550
M-I GELT 10 - 30
Caustic soda 0.2 - 2.5
Soda ash 0.2 - 1
Salt 110 - 125
DUO-VIST 0.25 - 1

Water-Base Systems 10.13 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


10 Water-Base Systems

Inhibitive Potassium Systems

Potassium is Potassium is one of the most effective POTASSIUM CHLORIDE POLYMER SYSTEM
one of the ions available to minimize (inhibit) The potassium chloride polymer sys-
shale hydration. The inhibitive nature tem was developed to stabilize water-
most effective of potassium is achieved by the ionic sensitive shales by means of potassium
ions available base exchange of potassium for sodium ion inhibition. The inhibitive nature
to minimize and/or calcium ions between clay lay- of this system minimizes the hydra-
ers, and by fixation of the potassium tion of shales, which minimizes hole
shale ion in the crystalline lattice of swelling enlargement, bit and stabilizer balling,
hydration. clay minerals. sloughing shale, and reduction of per-
Many swelling clays are selective to meability in productive zones. The
potassium and will adsorb potassium potassium chloride system uses potas-
ions in preference to sodium ions. In sium chloride salt (KCl) as the primary
other clays, the “mass action” effect source of potassium ions for ionic inhi-
applies, which means that ion exchange bition. This system works best when
from sodium to potassium occurs most polymers are used for encapsulation.
readily when the potassium-to-sodium Either Polyanionic Cellulose (PAC)
ratio in the drilling fluid exceeds 3:1. (POLYPACT R) or Partially Hydrolized
The low hydration energy of the potas- Poly Acrylamide (PHPA) (POLY-PLUST)
sium ions contributes to the inhibition polymers can be used for encapsula-
of clay hydration in potassium-based, tion. These polymers coat cuttings and
exchanged clays. exposed shales, limiting interaction
Fixation of the potassium ions occurs with water.
in clay platelets with a higher-than- Since some shales are more water-
average negative charge. This ion fixa- sensitive than others, the concentra-
tion occurs because the 2.66 Å diameter tion of KCl required to inhibit these
of the potassium ion fits snugly into the shales varies. During drilling opera-
The 2.80 Å lattice space of the clay structure. tions, shale cuttings should be moni-
This provides an ideal condition for tored continuously for inhibition. If
potassium crystalline compaction. The low hydra- the concentration of KCl in the system
chloride tion energy of the potassium ion also is insufficient, shale cuttings will be
polymer contributes to inter-layer dehydration, soft and mushy. If the concentration
resulting in the formation of a compact, of KCl is sufficient, they will retain
system was tightly held structure. This structure their integrity. Older shales usually
developed resists hydration and cation exchange. require about 10 to 15 lb/bbl KCl (3.5
to stabilize When ion fixation occurs, the clay to 5.0%) while younger shales may
water- platelet contains less water in the inter- require 30 to 50 lb/bbl (8.5 to 15%).
layer space, and is very stable. See Clay KCl and other chemicals should be
sensitive Chemistry chapter. premixed prior to adding them to the
shales… system for optimum cost effectiveness.

Water-Base Systems 10.14 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


10 Water-Base Systems

(POTASSIUMCHLORIDE POLYMER Rheological properties and filtration

SYSTEM CONTINUED) rates in this system are controlled by
When using hard makeup water, polymeric materials, which are not
the hardness should be treated to less temperature-stable above 300°F. The
than 300 mg/l with soda ash prior to temperature limitation of the system is
This system adding polymers that are hardness- about 300°F. This system is very sensi-
is very sensitive. Since potassium chloride tive to solids and calcium contamina-
systems are very solids-sensitive, it is tion and generally is more expensive
sensitive to best to mix the system from scratch than other water-base systems.
solids and instead of converting an existing drill- In addition to potassium chloride, a
calcium ing fluid (containing drill solids) to a variety of other non-chloride potassium
potassium chloride system. The first sources are available. These include
contamination step in mixing a potassium chloride potassium carbonate, potassium sulfate,
and generally system is to treat the hardness with K-52E (potassium acetate), caustic potash
is more soda ash, then prehydrate the M-I GELT (KOH) and more. All of these non-
in freshwater. Then, add the KCl, chloride potassium chemicals have
expensive KOH, POLY-PLUS,T POLYPACT R, DUO-VIST been used to formulate inhibitive
than other and M-I BAR.T potassium mud systems.
Typical Properties Old Formations Young Formations
systems. Density (lb/gal) 10 - 16 10 - 16
Plastic viscosity (cP) See Figure 1 See Figure 1
Yield point (lb/100 ft2) 20 - 30 20 - 30
Initial gel (lb/100 ft2) 5 -10 10 - 15
10-min gel (lb/100 ft2) 15 - 20 15 - 20
Fluid loss (cm3/30 min) 10 -15 5 - 10
Potassium (mg/l) 15,000 - 25,000 55,000 - 100,000
Calcium (mg/l) <200 <200
pH 9.5 - 10 10 - 11
Low-gravity solids (%)* 2-4 3-5
MBT (lb/bbl) <25 <20
*See Figure 2.

Typical Products
(lb/bbl) Old Formations Young Formations Primary Function
Potassium chloride 10 - 15 35 - 70 Potassium source
POLY-PLUST 0.5 - 1 0.5 - 2 Encapsulation
M-I GELT 8 - 10 (prehydrated) 2-5 Viscosity and filter cake
DUO-VIST 0.5 - 1 0.5 - 1.5 Low-shear viscosity
POLYPACT R 0.5 - 2 0.5 - 3 Fluid-loss control
and encapsulation
Caustic potash (KOH) 0.5 - 1 0.75 - 1.5 pH and potassium
Soda ash 0.5 0.5 Control calcium
M-I BART As required As required Density

Water-Base Systems 10.15 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


10 Water-Base Systems

K-MAGE SYSTEM because the potassium reacts with, and

The K-MAGE The K-MAGE system is designed to pro- is depleted by, drill solids. The potas-
vide inhibition, wellbore stability and sium ion concentration usually is con-
system is trolled between 1,000 to 10,000 mg/l.
improved production by means of
designed potassium inhibition in areas where
Typical Properties
to provide potassium chloride systems are not envi-
Density (lb/gal) 10.0
inhibition, ronmentally acceptable. The sources of Funnel viscosity (sec/qt) ± (3.5 x mud weight)
potassium are K-17T (potassium lignite),
wellbore XP-20KE (KOH chrome lignite), K-52E
Plastic viscosity (cP) See Figure 1
Yield point (lb/100 ft2) See Figure 1
stability and (potassium acetate) and caustic potash Initial gel (lb/100 ft2) 1-5
improved (KOH). The system limits the amount of 10-min gel (lb/100 ft2) 1 - 10
added sodium. The system is designed pH 9.5 - 10.5
production… to perform in a freshwater or seawater Pm (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 0.5 - 1
alkaline environment. Since the primary Pf (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 1.0 - 1.8
deflocculant in this system is lignite, Calcium (mg/l) 0 - 300
Potassium (mg/l) 1,000 - 10,000
the system is not as cost-effective in
Chlorides (mg/l) 0 - 20,000
environments where the chlorides are
Fluid loss (cm3/30 min) As needed
above 15,000 mg/l since the solubility
Low-gravity solids (%)* 4-5
of lignite decreases as the chlorides MBT (lb/bbl) <25
increase. Benefits of the system are
*See Figures 2 and 3.
non-dispersed cuttings, improved
solids removal and better wellbore sta- Typical Products Primary Function
bility. A reduction in sloughing shale, M-I BART or FER-OXT Increase density
bridges and fill on trips, and expensive M-I GELT (prehydrated) Viscosity and
fluid-loss control
cement jobs due to hole enlargement
K-17T or XP-20KE Thinner and
are added benefits. potassium source
The K-MAGE system can be mixed KOH pH, Pf and
from scratch or converted from an potassium source
existing system. To convert an existing K-52E Potassium source
system to a K-MAGE system, add POLYPACT R Fluid-loss
and encapsulation
approximately 3 to 5 lb/bbl prehy- RESINEXT HTHP fluid-loss control
drated M-I GELT, 4 lb/bbl of either K-17T DUO-VIST Low-shear-rate viscosity
or XP-20K,E and 1 to 2 lb/bbl caustic SHALE CHEKE Shale stabilization
potash in one circulation. Adjust the
potassium ion concentration with Concentration
additions of K-52E or additional K-17.T Material (lb/bbl)
Add 4 to 6 lb/bbl SHALE CHEKE on a M-I BART or FER-OXT 0 - 550
M-I GELT 5 - 15
later circulation for additional shale
KOH 0.5 - 2.0
stabilization and to minimize bit and
K-17T or XP-20KE 8 - 10
stabilizer balling.
Low-gravity solids should be main- K-52E 0-3
tained at less than 5% and the MBT POLYPACT R 0.5 - 1.5
at less than 25 lb/bbl. Dilution rates DUO-VIST 0.5 - 1.5
should be monitored to assure that RESINEXT 0-6
proper material concentrations are
maintained. The potassium ion concen-
tration should be monitored separately

Water-Base Systems 10.16 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


10 Water-Base Systems


The The DURATHERME system is a water-base be monitored closely and controlled

DURATHERME system designed for drilling in HTHP within the proper range. Monitor dilu-
environments. The system is stable in tion rates to assure that proper chemi-
system is a the presence of contamination from cal concentrations are maintained (see
water-base soluble calcium, salts and acid gases, HTHP chapter).
system and can be used at temperatures in
excess of 500°F (260°C). The stability of Typical Properties
designed the system is due to its low colloidal- Density (lb/gal) 10 - 18
for drilling solids content and chemicals that are
Funnel viscosity (sec/qt) ± (3 x mud weight)
Plastic viscosity (cP) ;Barite/water line
in HTHP stable at high temperatures. This sys- (see Figure 1)
tem also is used as a high-temperature Yield point (lb/100 ft2) 6 - 10
environments. packer fluid. Initial gel (lb/100 ft2) 1-5
The low reactive-solids content of 10-min gel (lb/100 ft2) 2 - 10
the DURATHERME system is achieved by pH 10.5 - 11.5
reducing bentonite and the drill-solids Pm (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 2.0 - 5.0
content as fluid density and wellbore Pf (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 0.5 - 1.5
Chlorides (mg/l) 0 - 10,000
temperatures increase. Polymeric
Calcium (mg/l) 0 - 200
materials are used in place of bentonite
Fluid loss (cm3/30 min) As needed
to provide viscosity and gel strengths. Low-gravity solids (%)* 0.5 - 2.5
This minimizes problems caused by floc- MBT (lb/bbl) 2.5 - 12.5
culation of reactive clay solids at high *See Figures 2 and 3.
temperatures and viscosity increases
resulting from chemical contamination. Typical Products Primary Function
Most deflocculated water-base M-I BART Increase density
systems can be converted to the M-I GELT Filter cake and
DURATHERME system by substituting fluid-loss control
Caustic soda Increase pH and Pf
XP-20KE for SPERSENEE; reducing the
XP-20KE Thinner and
reactive-solids content and using fluid-loss control
POLYPACT R or DUO-VIST for viscosity Lime Treat out CO3 and pH
and solids suspension; and using Gyp Treat out CO3
Proper solids THERMEXE or RESINEXT for HTHP filtra- POLYPACT R Viscosity/gel strengths
tion control. Proper solids control is THERMEXE HT fluid loss
control is and stabilizer
an absolute necessity for this system.
an absolute This drilling fluid should be moni-
RESINEXT HT fluid-loss control

necessity for tored carefully for temperature stability. Concentration

this system. One good way to accomplish this is to Material (lb/bbl)
heat-age the fluid frequently at 25°F M-I BART or FER-OXT 0 - 600
(15°C) above the estimated bottom- M-I GELT 1 - 10
hole temperature. The reactive-solids Caustic soda 0.5 - 1.5
content of the fluid should be moni- Lime or gyp 0-2
tored closely and controlled within rec- XP-20KE 15 - 20
POLYPACT R 0.5 - 1.5
ommended ranges. If a closed-loop,
solids-control unit is used, the solids
particle size and plastic viscosity should

Water-Base Systems 10.17 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


10 Water-Base Systems


The The ENVIROTHERME system is a chrome- by preventing high-temperature gela-

ENVIROTHERME free, environmentally acceptable water- tion and flocculation while providing
base system designed to drill in HTHP supplemental API and HTHP fluid-loss
system is a environments, making it similar to the control. TANNATHINT (lignite) is the pri-
chrome-free… DURATHERME system. The system is stable mary fluid-loss-control additive and
system in the presence of contamination from serves as a secondary deflocculant
soluble calcium, salts and acid gases, in this system. Thermal stability is
designed and can be used at temperatures in achieved through the addition of
to drill in excess of 400°F (204°C). The stability THERMEXE (a polymeric resin). The resin
HTHP envi- of the system is due to its low reactive- appears to function synergistically with
solids content and temperature-stable, SPERSENE CF T to provide stable viscosity
ronments… chrome-free materials. The low reactive- and fluid-loss control.
solids content is achieved by reducing Most chrome-free, water-base systems
bentonite and drill solids as fluid den- can be converted to the ENVIROTHERME
sity and wellbore temperatures increase. system by reducing the reactive-solids
Polymeric materials like POLYPACT R and content to an MBT <10 lb/bbl and
CMC are used to replace the bentonite then adding 4 to 12 lb/bbl SPERSENE CF,T
to provide viscosity and gel strengths. 4 to 6 lb/bbl TANNATHIN,T 4 to 12 lb/bbl
Proper solids This minimizes problems caused by floc- THERMEXE , 0.5 to 2 lb/bbl POLYPACT R and
control is culation of reactive clay solids at high about 2 lb/bbl caustic soda. THERMEXE
a necessity temperatures and viscosity increases and SPERSENE CF T work synergistically
resulting from chemical contamination. to provide stable properties. Proper
for this SPERSENE CF T (chrome-free lignosul- solids control is a necessity for this sys-
system. fonate) promotes overall fluid stability tem.

Water-Base Systems 10.18 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


10 Water-Base Systems

(ENVIROTHERME SYSTEM CONTINUED) recommended ranges. If a closed-loop,

This drilling fluid should be moni- solids-control unit is used, the solids
tored carefully for temperature stability. particle size and plastic viscosity should
One good way to accomplish this is to be monitored and maintained within
heat-age the fluid at 25°F (15°C) above the proper range. Monitor dilution
estimated bottom-hole temperature. The rates to ensure that proper chemical
drill-solids content of the fluid should concentrations are maintained (see
be monitored and maintained within the HTHP chapter).

Typical Properties Typical Products Primary Function

Density (lb/gal) 10 - 18 M-I BART Increase density
Funnel viscosity (sec/qt) ± (3 x mud weight) Caustic soda Increase pH and Pf
Plastic viscosity (cP) ; Barite/water line Lime Treat out CO3 and pH
(see Figure 1) SPERSENE CFT Thinner and
Yield point (lb/100 ft2) 6 - 10 fluid-loss control
Initial gel (lb/100 ft2) 1-5 TANNATHINT Fluid-loss control
10-min gel (lb/100 ft2) 2 - 10 THERMEXE HT stabilizer and
pH 9.0 - 11.0 fluid-loss control
Pm (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 2.0 - 5.0 POLYPACT R Viscosity/gel strengths
Pf (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 0.5 - 1.5 M-I GELT Filter cake and
fluid-loss control
Chlorides (mg/l) 200 - 20,000
Calcium (mg/l) 40 - 600
Fluid loss (cm3/30 min) As needed Material (lb/bbl)
Low-gravity solids (%)* 0.5 - 2.5 M-I BART or FER-OXT 0 - 600
MBT (lb/bbl) 2.5 - 12.5 M-I GELT 1 - 10
*See Figures 2 and 3. Caustic soda 0.5 - 1.5
Lime or gyp 0-2
POLYPACT R 0.5 - 2.0

Water-Base Systems 10.19 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


10 Water-Base Systems


POLY-PLUST POLY-PLUST systems are designed to pro- of the fluid into the interlayer struc-
systems are vide shale stabilization (inhibition) and ture of the clays. POLY-PLUST also
viscosity control in water-base muds. adsorbs water from the liquid phase,
designed to These systems use POLY-PLUST (a high- reducing the amount of water avail-
provide shale molecular-weight PHPA polymer), able to enter the structure of the
stabilization which has multiple applications and clays. In this system, the concentra-
benefits. POLY-PLUST is used in a variety tion of active polymer (POLY-PLUST) is
and viscosity of systems and special applications for maintained at 1 to 2 lb/bbl. At this
control in encapsulation. concentration, the anionic sites on
water-base POLY-PLUST is used in the following the polymers exceed the available
applications: cationic sites on the bentonite and
muds. 1. In clear-water drilling, POLY-PLUST drilled clays, resulting in the encap-
acts as a total flocculant in ben- sulation of reactive clays in the mud
tonite-free systems by removing the and on the wall of the wellbore. This
drill solids at the surface. Benefits condition is often referred to as
from this application include “controlling the viscosity over the
improved ROP, improved efficiency hump.” The stability of this system
of solids-control equipment and depends on keeping the polymer
improved wellbore stability. concentration within the proper
2. In low-solids, non-dispersed systems range and controlling the clay-solids
where POLY-PLUST is used primarily content of the system at less than
to extend M-I GELT. Benefits of this 6%. If the polymer concentration
application are lower solids content, gets too low or the solids concentra-
increased ROP, improved efficiency tion gets too high, anionic defloccu-
of solids-removal equipment and lants (thinners) will be required to
minimized hole enlargement. stabilize flow properties. If defloccu-
Concentrations of 0.1 to 0.5 lb/bbl lants are used, shale stabilization
POLY-PLUST are added to these sys- and encapsulation are both reduced
tems, which contain 8 to 12 lb/bbl as the strong anionic sites of the
bentonite, to increase the yield deflocculants compete with those of
point and minimize the plastic vis- the POLY-PLUST for the cationic sites
cosity. Conventional systems that on the clays. Therefore, if defloccu-
do not contain POLY-PLUST usually lants are required, TACKLET should be
contain 25 to 35 lb/bbl bentonite. used, since it does not reduce the
3. The true low-solids POLY-PLUST sys- yield point as much as lignosul-
tems are used primarily for shale fonate or lignite. The maximum
stabilization. This is achieved by density of a true POLY-PLUST system is
encapsulation, through viscosifying 12 to 13 lb/gal due to solids intoler-
the water phase, and by the free ance, unless deflocculants are used
water being absorbed by the poly- to stabilize the flow properties.
mer. Encapsulation is the process 4. For shale stabilization. POLY-PLUST
by which POLY-PLUST wraps around may be added to any low-pH,
the clay platelets, preventing water freshwater or KCl-treated system
from entering the interlayer struc- to reduce sloughing and heaving
ture of the clays. POLY-PLUST also shale. POLY-PLUST also will reduce
increases the viscosity of the liquid torque and drag, and prevent
phase, which slows the movement bit- and BHA-balling.

Water-Base Systems 10.20 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


10 Water-Base Systems


_______________________ Typical Properties Typical Products Primary Function

Density (lb/gal) 9 - 13 M-I BART Increase density
Funnel viscosity (sec/qt) 32 - 45 M-I GELT Viscosity and
_______________________ Plastic viscosity (cP) 6 - 10 fluid-loss control
Yield point (lb/100 ft2) 10 - 20 POLY-PLUST Inhibition and
_______________________ gel extender
Initial gel (lb/100 ft2) 3-6
Caustic soda and KOH pH and Pf
_______________________ 10-min gel (lb/100 ft2) 5 - 10
POLYPACT R Fluid-loss control
_______________________ pH 8.5 - 10
SP-101T Fluid-loss control
Pm (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 0.2 - 1
_______________________ POLY-SALE Fluid-loss control
Pf (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 0.1 - 0.5
Soda ash Control hardness
_______________________ Calcium (mg/l) <300
DUO-VIST Control low-shear-rate
Chlorides (mg/l) 0 - 190,000 viscosities
Fluid loss (cm3/30 min) As needed TACKLET Reduce gel strengths
_______________________ Low-gravity solids (%)* 3 - 10 KCl and NaCl Ionic inhibition
MBT (lb/bbl) 7.5 - 17.5
*See Figures 2 and 3. Concentration
_______________________ Material (lb/bbl)
5. POLY-PLUST sometimes is added to a M-I BART 300
part of the active system to increase M-I GELT 2.5 - 10
the viscosity and then sweep the Caustic soda 0.5 - 1
hole. This procedure is used in areas POLY-PLUST 0.5 - 1.5
of fast ROP, such as when drilling POLYPACT R 0.5 - 2
gumbo and soft shale, and in the SP-101T 0.5 - 2.5
riser assembly on offshore floaters. TACKLET 0.1 - 1
POLY-PLUST may be added in concen- 0.5 - 1

trated amounts directly to the suc-

To mix a weighted POLY-PLUST system,
tion pit or can be added to the drill
the following formulation can be used
pipe on connections.
as a guide:
Most existing drilling fluid systems
can be converted to POLY-PLUST systems, Chemical
but it is far more desirable to mix a Prehydrated M-I GELT 1-5
clean POLY-PLUST system from scratch. Caustic soda or KOH 0.25
To mix an unweighted POLY-PLUST sys- POLY-PLUST 1 - 2.5
tem, the following formulation can DUO-VIST 0.2 - 1
be used as a guide: POLYPACT R 0.5 - 2
Chemical (lb/bbl)
Prehydrated M-I GELT 2.5 - 5
Caustic soda or KOH 0.25
POLY-PLUST 1 - 2.5
POLYPACT R 0.5 - 2

Water-Base Systems 10.21 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


10 Water-Base Systems

(POLY-PLUST SYSTEM CONTINUED) displacing with the POLY-PLUST system.

When displacing an existing system Cement and high pH are very detri-
with a POLY-PLUST system, the shaker mental to the polymer. If cement
screen size should be increased to pre- must be drilled with the POLY-PLUST
vent loss of mud. The mud will be floc- system, pretreatment and disposal
culated and the polymer unsheared for of contaminated mud must be done
the first circulation or two after dis- to prevent depleting the polymer
placement. Fine shaker screens should content.
be replaced as soon as possible. A thick, The primary concerns of maintaining
M-I GELT/POLY-PLUST spacer should be a POLY-PLUST system are to monitor and
pumped ahead of the POLY-PLUST sys- maintain the proper polymer concentra-
tem to achieve a clean displacement. tion and control the solids to within the
Pumping at a high rate (in turbulent proper ranges. The POLY-PLUST concentra-
flow) will also help remove old wall tion should be monitored through the
cake and aid in a clean displacement. use of the Ammonia Extraction Test
If a POLY-PLUST system is used to dis- (the procedure for this test is in the
place a current system at a casing Testing chapter of this manual). The
point, drill the cement and get a posi- MBT value should be limited to
tive shoe test on the formation before 17.5 lb/bbl.

Water-Base Systems 10.22 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


10 Water-Base Systems


The DRILPLEXE The DRILPLEXE mixed metal hydroxide This system is very solids-sensitive,
system… system is a low-solids, flocculated, so low-gravity solids must be con-
cationic drilling fluid system which trolled at 5% or less by mechanical
provides provides excellent hole-cleaning and removal and/or dilution. The maxi-
excellent solids-suspension characteristics. The mum mud weight for this system is
hole-cleaning key product in this system is the about 13 lb/gal.
cationic DRILPLEXE (inorganic polymag-
and solids- nesium aluminum hydroxyl), the vis- Typical Properties
suspension cosifier that provides the system’s
Density (lb/gal) 8.8 - 13
Funnel viscosity (sec/qt) 36 - 55
characteristics. unique rheology. DRILPLEXE HT and Plastic viscosity (cP) Minimum value Figure 1
DRILPLEXE LT viscosifiers are used in Yield point (lb/100 ft2) 15 - 60
high- and low-temperature applica- Initial gel (lb/100 ft2) 10 - 60
tions, respectively. The viscosity and 10-min gel (lb/100 ft2) 10 - 60
suspending capability of the untreated pH 10.5 - 11.5
gel slurry is increased significantly by Pm (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 0.7 - 1.8
using DRILPLEXE . The basic DRILPLEXE/gel Pf (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 0.6 - 1.5
slurry has a low plastic viscosity, a high Calcium (mg/l) <80
yield point, high fragile gel strengths Chlorides,
freshwater (mg/l) 100 - 15,000
and a high fluid loss. Fluid loss (cm3/30 min) As needed
Viscosity and gel strengths in this Low-gravity solids (%)* <5
system are achieved by flocculating MBT (lb/bbl) 10 - 20
fully hydrated bentonite with DRILPLEXE . *See Figure 2.
This mechanism relies on the cationic
charges of DRILPLEXE to react with the Typical Products Primary Function
anionic charges on the bentonite to M-I BART Increase density
form a flocculated slurry. For this rea- M-I GEL SUPREMEE Viscosity
son, anionic materials cannot be used Caustic soda Increase pH and Pf
in this system without sacrificing its DRILPLEXE Viscosity
Starch (non-ionic) Fluid-loss control
unique rheological characteristics. Only
after pilot-testing should any materials
be used, including all starch additives. Material (lb/bbl)
Even small amounts of an anionic mate- M-I BART 0 - 350
rial will drastically reduce the yield M-I GEL SUPREMEE 8 - 12
point, low-shear-rate viscosity and gel DRILPLEXE 0.8 - 1.2
strengths. This leaves specialized starches Starch (non-ionic) 3-8
as the only filtration-control materials
that are compatible with the system.
Starch is subject to fermentation; there-
fore, a pH of 11.0 to 11.5 and treat-
ments with a non-ionic biocide are
recommended to prevent fermentation.
The pH of DRILPLEXE systems should be
maintained at 10.5 to 11.5. Rheology is
reduced at pH levels <10.

Water-Base Systems 10.23 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


10 Water-Base Systems


The GLYDRILT The GLYDRILT system is an enhanced- as POLYPACT R or POLY-PLUS.T So, it is rec-
system…uses polymer, water-base system that uses ommended to maintain sodium chlo-
polyglycol technology to provide a high ride or potassium chloride salt in the
polyglycol degree of shale inhibition, wellbore sta- system. Maximum benefits are obtained
technology bility, HTHP fluid-loss control and by matching the cloud point of the
to provide a lubricity. This system also is ideal for polyglycols with the bottom-hole tem-
drilling depleted sands where differen- perature or the temperature of the for-
high degree tial pressure-sticking is a major concern, mation being drilled. This results in the
of shale in deepwater operations, and drilling adsorption of insoluble polyglycols onto
inhibition, high-angle wells in reactive formations the wellbore and into the filter/wall
where wellbore stability and torque and cake. This adsorption of insoluble polyg-
wellbore drag are major concerns. Other benefits lycols onto the clay/shale formation
stability, include enhanced cuttings integrity, forms a protective barrier against water
HTHP fluid- improved filter-cake quality, lower dilu- and its damaging effects. Adsorption of
loss control tion rates, less hole enlargement, greater insoluble polyglycols into the filter/wall
solids tolerance, better performance cake on permeable formations reduces
and lubricity. of PDC bits, reduced bit-balling and the thickness of the filter/wall cake and
increased ROP. The GLYDRILT system also the filtration loss rates. Since the insolu-
is environmentally acceptable due to its ble polyglycol has an affinity to surfaces,
low toxicity and reduced disposal rates. it can coat solids and exposed surfaces,
Although the GLYDRILT enhanced it provides lubrication and reduces
polymer system achieves some inhibi- balling. Most polyglycol polymer sys-
tion by chemical adsorption, the cloud- tems are designed for the polyglycol to
point phenomenon is the primary become totally soluble as it cools while
mechanism for inhibition and stabi- being pumped up the annulus to the
lization. The cloud-point is the tem- surface. However, some polyglycol poly-
perature at which polyglycol changes mer systems are designed to keep the
from being totally soluble to insoluble. polyglycol insoluble at all times. Several
At temperatures above the cloud point, glycols are available with a wide range
polyglycols form colloidal droplets, of cloud points to achieve the one
or micelles, which results in a micro- desired. However, polyglycol polymer
emulsion. This phenomenon is often systems usually are designed prior to
referred to as a “Thermally Activated drilling the well, so only the proper
Mud Emulsion” (TAME). This TAME glycol is sent to the wellsite. These
effect provides wellbore stability in polyglycols are listed below.
three distinct ways:
• Through chemical adsorption. GLYDRILT GP Broad-range-clouding
PAG blend, low salinity
• Through microemulsion and GLYDRILT LC Low-salinity-clouding
precipitate pore-plugging. PAG, <30,000 mg/l Cl–
• By providing a thinner, less-porous GLYDRILT MC Moderate-salinity-clouding
PAG, 30,000 to
filter/wall cake. 90,000 mg/l Cl–
These polyglycol polymer systems are GLYDRILT HC High-salinity-to
saturated-clouding PAG,
more effective when used with an inhib- >90,000 mg/l Cl–
itive salt, such as KCl, for ionic inhibi-
tion and an encapsulating polymer such

Water-Base Systems 10.24 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


10 Water-Base Systems

_______________________ (GLYDRILT SYSTEM CONTINUED) and type of polyglycol in the system to

_______________________ Polyglycol polymer systems, like other obtain the TAME effect. The POLY-PLUST
polymer systems, should be mixed from concentration should be monitored
scratch. If a polyglycol polymer system through the use of the Ammonia
_______________________ follows another mud system in a well, Extraction Test (the procedure for this
_______________________ the previous system should be displaced test is contained in the Testing chapter
by a pre-mixed polyglycol polymer sys- of this manual). The polyglycol concen-
tem rather than being converted from tration can be monitored by a two-stage
_______________________ the previous system. retort or by using a hand refractometer.
_______________________ The primary concerns involved in After distilling the water off at 300°F
maintaining a polyglycol polymer sys- (149°C), the sample is distilled at 950°F
tem are to monitor and maintain the (510°C) to distill and measure the gly-
_______________________ col. The MBT value of the mud should
proper polymer concentration; to con-
_______________________ trol the solids in the proper ranges; and be limited to 20 lb/bbl.
_______________________ to maintain the proper concentration
_______________________ Typical Properties Typical Products Primary Function
_______________________ Density (lb/gal) 9 - 15 M-I BART Increase density
Funnel viscosity (sec/qt) 36 - 55 M-I GELT Viscosity and
_______________________ Plastic viscosity (cP) See Figure 1 fluid-loss control
Yield point (lb/100 ft2) See Figure 1 Caustic soda or KOH Increase pH, Pf
Initial gel (lb/100 ft2) 2 - 25 POLY-PLUST Encapsulation
and inhibition
10-min gel (lb/100 ft2) 5 - 50
DUO-VIST Viscosity and suspension
pH 8 - 10
POLYPACT R Fluid-loss control
Pm (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 0.2 - 2 and encapsulation
Pf (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 0.1 - 1 GLYDRILT GP, LC, Inhibition
Calcium (mg/l) 100 MC or HC and lubricity
Chlorides (mg/l) 0 - 190,000 NaCl or KCl brine Ionic inhibition
Fluid loss (cm3/30 min) As needed
Low-gravity solids (%)* <5 Concentration
MBT (lb/bbl) <20 Material (lb/bbl)
M-I BART 0 - 350
*See Figure 2.
M-I GELT 2.5 - 12.5
KOH or soda ash 0.25 - 1.5
DUO-VIST 0.25 - 1.5
NaCl or KCl brine 0 - 20%

Water-Base Systems 10.25 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


10 Water-Base Systems


The SILDRILE The SILDRILE system is a salt/polymer The silica-to-sodium ratio also is
system…was system utilizing sodium silicate for very important. It describes the ratio
improved inhibition. The system was of SiO2 to Na2O for a particular sili-
developed to developed to provide shale inhibition cate. Research has shown that the best
provide shale and wellbore stability in problem areas ratio between silica and sodium for
inhibition where oil- or synthetic-base fluids nor- shale inhibition ranges from 2.0:1 to
mally would be used. Formations such 2.65:1. Higher SiO2 to Na2O ratios do
and wellbore as microfractured shale, chalk or for- not improve inhibition and can result
stability in mations with interbedded dispersive in unstable flow properties.
problem clays are the applications where a Dispersion tests show that the inhibi-
SILDRILE system should be considered. tion of the SILDRILE system is comparable
areas… Inhibition and wellbore stability are to that of oil- or synthetic-base sys-
achieved as the soluble silicates precipi- tems. Shale inhibition can be further
tate to form an insoluble silicate film enhanced by additions of GLYDRILT and
which prevents water contact with the potassium or sodium salts. GLYDRILT is
wellbore shale (clay) or invasion into glycol with a low-cloud-point temper-
permeable formations. As the soluble sil- ature that reduces the coefficient of
icates come in contact with the surface friction of the fluid and extends the
of the low-pH shales (clays), a reduction thermal stability of the system to 250°F.
in the pH and a reaction with the diva- Therefore, glycol should be added to
lent cations (Ca2+, Mg2+) on/in the shale the system once the bottom-hole tem-
occur to form a calcium and/or magne- perature exceeds 190°F, or as required
sium silicate coating. Soluble silicates to reduce excessive torque and drag.
are stable only at pH values above 10.4 Caution should be used when drilling
and in the absence of divalent cations. reservoirs where the formation water
Silicates precipitate when pH values are contains high concentrations of Ca2+ or
less than 10.4 or in the presence of Mg2+. If the formation water is high in
divalent cations. Therefore, the pH Mg2+ or Ca2+, or the pH of the invaded
should be controlled at 11.0 or greater filtrate is reduced over time, damage
and multivalent cations should be pre- could occur due to precipitation of cal-
cipitated with soda ash. The optimum cium silicate (cement) or solidification
It is very concentration of 50% active silicate is of sodium silicate within the pore throat
important about 30 lb/bbl. It is very important to of the rock matrix. However, if the
monitor the silicate concentration in completion will include cemented cas-
to monitor the system because the depletion rates ing and perforations, this should not
the silicate of silicate can be high when drilling present a problem.
concentration reactive shales. For the SILDRILE system When mixing a SILDRILE system, fresh-
to provide good inhibition, the silicate water — or water that has been treated
in the concentration must be monitored and with soda ash to remove any divalent
system… maintained within the proper range. ions (Ca2+ and Mg2+) — should be used.

Water-Base Systems 10.26 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01


10 Water-Base Systems

_______________________ (SILDRILE SYSTEM CONTINUED) high dilution rates would be required

_______________________ If not, these ions will precipitate the to provide stable flow properties in
silicate out of solution as it is added high-density SILDRILE applications.
to the makeup water. Since SILDRILE is an expensive, high-
_______________________ The SILDRILE system is not as solids- performance system, it is recom-
_______________________ tolerant as most other inhibitive mud mended only for difficult wells that
systems and is not recommended for contain water-sensitive shales. The
applications where densities of more temperature stability of the SILDRILE
_______________________ than 13.5 lb/gal are required. Since system is about 250°F (121°C).
_______________________ the SILDRILE system is solids-sensitive,
Typical Properties Typical Products Primary Function
_______________________ Density (lb/gal) 8.8 - 13.5 M-I BART Increase density
_______________________ Funnel viscosity (sec/qt) 36 - 55 SILDRILE Inhibition
Plastic viscosity (cP) See Figure 1 Soda ash Precipitate hardness
_______________________ Yield point (lb/100 ft2) See Figure 1 DUO-VIST Viscosity and suspension
_______________________ Initial gel (lb/100 ft2) 2 - 25 POLYPACT UL Fluid-loss control
10-min gel (lb/100 ft2) 5 - 50 GLYDRILT Inhibition and lubricity
pH > 11.0 NaCl or KCl brine Base fluid and activity
_______________________ Pm (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 15.0 - 30.0
Pf (cm3 0.02N H2SO4) 12.0 - 25.0 Concentration
Calcium (mg/l) <100 Material (lb/bbl)
Chlorides (mg/l) 60 - 120,000 M-I BART 0 - 300
Fluid loss (cm3/30 min) As needed SILDRILE (active) 3 - 4%
Low-gravity solids (%)* <5 Soda ash 0.5 - 1.5
MBT (lb/bbl) <15 DUO-VIST 0.5 - 1.5
POLYPACT UL 1.0 - 3.0
*See Figure 2.
NaCl or KCl brine 25 - 40

Water-Base Systems 10.27 Revision No: A-1 / Revision Date: 02·28·01

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