1984 National Waste Processing Conference 51

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Union Carbide Corporation
South Charleston Technical Center
South Charleston, West Virginia

ABSTRACT Part B application contains the balance of the information

necessary to fully evaluate the facility performance and
This paper discusses the practical factors that need to
reach a decision concerning issuance of a permit. Normal­
be considered when planning and conducting a RCRA
ly, a trial burn is required to collect the necessary in­
Part B hazardous waste trial burn test. Topics to be
formation for a Part B application.
watched as analytical tasks are conducted are also dis­
The general requirements for a Part B trial burn are
cussed. This paper does not cover the detailed procedures
outlined.in the January 23,1981 and June 24, 1982 regu­
which can be found in the various EPA guidance manuals.
lations (1, and 2]. Detailed guidance on how to prepare a
trial burn plan is discussed in the "Guidance Manual for
Hazardous Waste Incinerator Permits" [3]. The suggested
sampling and analytical methods to be used for a trial
The US EPA published incinerator standards for own­ burn are listed in the ·E PA Publication SW-846, "Test
ers and operators of hazardous waste incineration facilities Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste; Physical Chemical
on January 23, 1981 (1] and a technical amendment to Methods" [5] and its Appendix, "Sampling and Analysis
the incineration regulation on June 24, 1982 under Methods for Hazardous Waste Combustion" [6]. This
authority of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act paper is intended to discuss some of the practical con­
of 1976 (RCRA). Three performance standards were siderations which are not discussed (or not discussed in
specified for hazardous waste incinerators: detail) in the cited EPA documents.
(a) 99.99 percent destruction and removal efficiency
of the designated principal organic hazardous constituents
(b) The particulate emissions must not exceed 180
milligrams per dry standard. cubic meter (0.08 grains per The intent of a trial burn is to determine whether a
day standard cubic foot), corrected to 7 percent oxygen hazardous waste incinerator is capable of meeting the
in the stack gas, and three performance standards and to identify the operating
(c) A 99 percent hydrogen chloride (HCI) scrubbing conditions which ensure that the performance will be met
efficiency or the HCI emission is less than 1.8 kg/h (4 lb/ during routine operation. The allowable range of the
hr). operating parameters will be determined from the trial
A trial burn testes) is required to demonstrate that a haz­ burn data. Hence, careful and detailed planning of the
ardous waste incinerator will comply with the above per­ trial burn is crucial to the future operation of the in­
formance standards. cinerator.
The US EPA has divided the permit application into In its final form, the trial burn plan should represent
two parts. The Part A application, which is relatively the interests of both the applicant and the permit writer.
brief, contains a general description of the facility. The The data and the information generated during the trial

burn should be sufficient to allow the permit writer to ardous wastes. Such wastes carry EPA hazardous waste
establish permit conditions that provide enough latitude number DOOI for ignitable waste, D002 for corrosive
for the facility operator to accommodate some reasonable waste, D003 for reactive waste and D004 through DO17
variations in waste composition and incinerator operating for EP toxic waste. However, the ignitable wastes, cor­
conditions. There are great variations in the incinerator rosive wastes and most of the reactive wastes are cur­
design and operating practice. There are also great varia­ rently exempted from the 40 CFR Part 264, Subpart 0
tions in the waste feed properties and feed mechanisms. regulations (Section 264.340 (b)) except for the waste
Close communication and active discussion of the special analysis (Section 264.341) and closure (Section 264.3 51)
problems with the permit writers are strongly suggested requirements if the waste does not contain (or contains
during the trial burn planning. So far, it is still a learning insignificant amounts) those Appendix VIII compounds
process for the permit writer, the EPA's consultants and which would reasonably be expected to be in the waste.
the permit applicants. The application and review process The second mechanism is by listing. All waste streams
is complex, uncertain, and inherently subjective. Quite a which are listed in40 CFR Part 261, Subpart D are haz­
few people consider and interpret the Guidance Manual ardous unless the applicant· proves that they are not.
[3] as the law. However, the Federal EPA has repeatedly There are four lists; F, K, P, and U. Again, wastes which
pointed out that the Guidance Manual "is not a major are listed solely because they are ignitable, corrosive, or
regulation; it is a guidance document" [4]. Hence, ac­ reactive (in most cases), are exempted from the technical
tive participation in the RCRA Part B permitting process standards of the Subpart 0 regulations.
by the applicant is important. In addition, the trial burn After a waste is identified as a Subpart 0 hazardous
plan itself and the associated correspondence should be waste, and it is disposed of in an incinerator,the next step
well-defined and well-documented. is to prepare a trial burn plan. Communication with the
The EPA has established five basic operating require­ permit writer is suggested at this stage.
ments which will be used to ensure performance compli­
ance during routine operation:
• Carbon monoxide level in the stack exhaust gas SELECTION OF THE WASTE STREAMS FOR THE
• Waste feed rate TRIAL BURN TEST
• Combustion temperature
• Combustion gas flow rate The Guidance Manual For Hazardous Waste Incinerator

• Acceptable variations in the waste feed composition Permits [3] provides enough general discussion of this

Other operating parameters may be used for specific cases. topic, so it will not be discussed in detail here. Some in­

The three performance standards and the above cited cinerators may burn more than one type of waste and

operating requirements form the basis for a RCRA Part B more than one waste feed stream may be selected. It is
not necessary to use the actual waste for the trial burn
trial burn. The trial burn plan should also cover test pro­
test; a synthetic waste feed is permitted. If the POHC
cedures and schedules, and sampling and analytical proto­
content in the test waste is low, it may be advantageous
cols. Some detailed discussion follows.
to add POHC compounds to increase the concentration.
Due to some unknown reason (kinetics?,chemical eqUilib­
rium?, or field contamination?), test data has indicated
WASTES WHICH ARE REG ULATED UNDER 40 CFR that there were problems achieving 99.99 percent DRE if
PART 264, SUBPART 0, HAZARDOUS WASTE the feed POHC concentration is very low [7]. Under this
INCINERATION REG ULATIONS situation, the data may not represent real incinerator per­
formance. If the hazardous constituen�s concentration in
A frequent mistake is to start with the Appendix VIII
the waste feed is low, a 99 percent or 99.9 percent DRE
compound list (40 CFR Part 261) to determine if a waste
produces a lower actual stack emission rate than an in­
falls under Subpart 0 regulations. The list of Appendix
cinerator burning high concentration waste with a demon­
VIII compounds should be used for selection of POHC's
strated 99.99 percent DRE.
(principal Organic Hazardous Constituents) which will be
used as an indicator to demonstrate DRE (Destruction
and Removal EffiCiency) of the incinerator. There are
two ways to determine if a waste is a legally hazardous
waste. The waste analysis plan should cover the sampling and
First, it can be a hazardous waste by reason of its analytical methods to be used and the related Quality
characte.ristics (40 CFR Part 261, Subpart C). Wastes Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) plan. The analysis
which fail one of the four characteristic tests are haz- plan is suggested by the applicant and evaluated by the

permit writer. Methods listec;i in EPA Publication SW-846 that 30 mg of sample will be representative of the total
[5] and its Appendix [6] should be used as much as waste.
possible. Otherwise, the applicant may be required to (g) Viscosity measurements: If viscosity at room tem­
justify and supply the QA/QC data for an alternate meth­ perature is higher than 20 centistokes, viscosity measure­
od; this can prove to be very costly. ments at two or three temperatures are suggested. The
The Guidance Manual gives a detailed list of possible measured viscosity may be incorrect if there are emulsions
analyses which should be considered. Some specific com­ or suspended particles.
ments are suggested for analytical tasks:
(a) Obtain representative sample: Chemical wastes
are typically nonhomogeneous, so extra care is needed
to obtain a representative sample. For example, placing
a drum in a drum shaker before taking a sample may be It is up to the permit writer to decide what and how
unacceptable; the different phases of the waste may many POHC's should be selected for the trial burn. How­
separate the moment the drum shaker stops. ever, the applicant should evaluate his own situation and
(b) Appendix VIII toxic compounds identification: proposePOHC's for the permit writer's consideration. The
A GC-MS analysis followed by a computerized reverse degree of' incineribUity and the concentration of each
search is suggested when looking for Appendix VIII com­ organic hazardous constituent in the waste feed should
pounds which are reasonably expected to exist. It should serve as the principal basis for selection of the POHCs.
be realized that no one GC column is good for all Ap­ However, the current understanding of the degree of in­
pendix VIII compounds. The limitations of the GC cineribility is quite limited. Although the Guidance
column used should be considered. Manual suggests the use of heating value to rank incineri­
(c) POHC concentration: Chemical wastes normally bility, laboratory tests indicate that heating values are an
contain hundreds of compounds. Interference (two or inadequate predictor [8]. In order to avoid the possibil­
more compounds which have the same retention time or ity of repeating the trial burn test at a later time (as EPA
co-elute in a GC-column) and retention time shifting accumulates data regarding incineribility), it is suggested
(retention time shifted due to the influence of other com­ that other incineribility hierarchies should also be con­
pound(s» are two potential problems. GC-MS confirma­ sidered when selecting POHCs. The two other hierarchies
tion can resolve the interference problem and pure com­ which should be evaluated are autoignition temperature
pound spiking can resolve the retention time shifting [9, 10] and T99•99 from the University of Dayton Re­
problem. search Institute's thermal oxidation study [11].
Most chemical wastes are heterogeneous. It is suggested In some cases, the use of surrogate POHCs may be ad­
that the waste sample be first dissolved in a good solvent. vantageous. In other cases, it .may be desirable to increase
E nough solvent should be used to obtain a homogeneous the concentration of the POHC compounds in the trial
sample matrix. burn waste.
(d) Ash content: During the combustion process in The following is a list of considerations which should
the ASTM 0482 analYSiS, the organically-bound inorganic be evaluated before the final selection ofPOHCs.
elements form submicron fume particles. The majority of • The compounds should be Appendix VIII com­
the fume particles may be lost in the flue gas. The ash pounds.
content measured according to ASTM 0482 may be in­ • The compounds should be chemically stable.
accurate. Some method development work is required in • The compounds should not be a potential com­
this area. bustion intermediate, or they will cause problems in
(e) Organically bound chlorine anaiysis: If a combus­ calculating DRE. Acids, aldehydes, naphthalene and
tion method is used to digest the sample, special precau­ phenol, are some known combustion intermediates.
tions should be taken to make sure that all chlorine is • The compounds should not be a potential impur­
converted to the chloride rather than chlorine gas. When ity in the working solvent (for example, methylene
the waste has a high chlorine content, a Significant portion chloride) used for sample work up if a MM-5 sampling
of the organically-bound chlorine may be converted to train is used. Toluene is such a potential impurity.
chlorine gas and lost in the air. • The compounds should not be an internal con­
(f) Thermal analyses: TGA (Thermogravimetric Anal­ taminant of the Tenax-GC if a VOST sampling train is
ysis) and DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetery) analy­ used. Tenax-GC is an aromatic based resin; benzene,
ses may be required for some wastes. Both techniques use toluene and xylene are potential impurities.
micro quantities of sample (around 30 mg). Most chemical The compounds should all have boiling points

wastes are heterogeneous in nature, so it is very unlikely either higher or lower than 100-120 C. Otherwise, two

sampling trains, MM-S and VOST, will have to be used GC, cannot handle an irregular baseline. The computer
simultaneously. may print a peak area which is totally erroneous. It is nec­
• The compounds should be commercially available in essary to carefully evaluate how the computer draws the
large quantities and at a reasonable cost. baseline for each peak of interest.
• The compounds should be compatible with each An ECD detector is normally specified for analysis of
other and with the waste with which they are going to be chlorinated Appendix VIII compounds [5, 6]. Also,
mixed. methylene chloride is normally specified as a working sol­
• The compounds cannot already exist in the scrub­ vent for the MM-S sample work-up [6, 1 3, 1 4, and 1 5].If
bing water, since they will be stripped out of the scrub­ an ECD detector is going to be used for the GC analysis,
bing water. the working solvent cannot be a chlorinated compound
such as methylene chloride. Some type of nonchlorinated
solvent, such as a mixture of hexane and acetone, may be
POHC SAMPLING METHOD SELECTION used. However, the current analytical guidance manuals
contain no procedures on how to conduct the sample
There are basically two sampling trains which can be
work-up tasks with such a nonchlorinated solvent. In
used to sample flue gas during a trial burn. The Modified
many cases, a FID detector may have to be used until the
Method 5 (MM-S) sampling train should be used if the
EPA provides better guidance on how to conduct the
POHCs selected have a boiling point higher than 1 00-
sample work-up procedures with nonchlorinated solvents
1 20°C but less than about 300°C. A sketch of a MM-S
or a solvent mixture.
train is shown in Fig. 1 .
If the POHCs selected have a boiling point less than
1 00-1 20°C, the Volatile Organic Sampling Train (VOST)
will be required. The VOST train is a newly developed
sampling technique with limited field experience. Many The sampling methods for HCl and particulate have
problems have been reported by those who have evalu­ been used in the field for many years. Experienced per­
ated the system. A sketch of one of the VOST designs sonnel should be able to handle the tasks with no prob­
is shown in Fig. 2 [12]. lems. Although a MM-S train is supposed to be designed
to handle HCl, particulate and organics simultaneously
[6], it is suggested that two separate trains should be used
in the field. A separate standard EPA Method 5 train
should be used for HCl and particulate �ampling; the cur­
As discussed previously under waste analyses, the of­ rent EPA guidance manual (SW-846 and its Appendix)
ficial EPA methods listed in EPA Publication SW-846 [5] gives no instructions on how to separate the three cate­
and its Appendix [6] should be used as much as possible gories of samples if only a MM-S sampling train is used.
to avoid any potential verification problems. It should be noticed that a scrubber without a mist
As discussed under the Waste Analyses Plan, inter­ eliminator may bias the HCl data [7]. The sampling train
ference and retention time shifting are potential problems. will catch the scrubbing water droplets carry-over.
Spiking and GC-MS confirmation are suggested.
Combustion is a complicated process. Cracking, oxida­
tion, and polymerization occur simultaneously in the SCRUBBER SOLUTION, ASH AND OTHER RESIDUES
combustion zone. Hundreds of trace organics with a wide (FROM AIR POLLUTION CONTROL DEVICES)
molecular weight range can be found in the flue gas. The
POHC compounds normally are a very small portion of These streams should be sampled to study the fate of
the organics found in the flue gas sample. The current the selected PORCs. A composite sample should be ob­
MM-S sample preparation method requires the concentra­ tained. The influent scrubbing solution should be sam­
tion of the organic sample (originally in about 1 20-1 SO ft3 pled as well to check the background PORC levels and
flue gas) to 1-1 0 cc of the working solvent (methylene contaminants. .
chloride if a FID detector is used). Even after the con­
centration process, the concentrations of the POHCs are
still very low in most cases. High GC attenuation is nor­
mally required to obtain a good GC peak. Due to the The Guidance Manual provides a detailed discussion
combined effect of complex sample matrix and high GC of factors which should be considered in selecting the
attenuation, the GC baseline is typically not straight. Most operating conditions for the trial burn. Since the fmal
of the time, the microprocessor in even state-of-the-art permitted operating conditions are specified based on the

Healed Area
F iller Holder

Temperalura Sensor Slack Wall Sorbsnl Trap Thermomelar

Probe_ Check Valve

Aeversa·Typ. Pitot Tub.

Silica Gel
Pitot Manome.. r
Vacuum Una
Reclrculallon Pump I
Implngera Ic. Beth
By·P.ss V.lv.

Main Valv.

Drv Gas Meier Alr·Tight Pump


trial burn test results, it is crucial to select operating con­ quench of the FID detector Signal by moisture in the
ditions that cover the potential future operation range. A flue gas.
pre-trial burn test using both CO and THe continuous
monitoring instruments is suggested; the flue gas CO and
THe levels should be monitored as the incinerator oper­
ating conditions are varied. Those operating conditions The stack CO level is a very sensitive indicator of
which result in elevated CO and THe levels should be ex­ change in the combustion process. A slight adjustment
cluded from the trial burn test plan. made to the operating variables (in order to make the sys­
It is strongly suggested that as many operating condi­ tem perform better) may produce a momentary CO spike.
tions as possible be selected in one trial burn rather than The duration of the CO spike shown on the recorder has
conducting two separate trial burns. To run two tests in normally been increased due to the long sampling line and
one trial burn may increase the trial burn cost by only the large sample tube in an IR type CO analyzer. The ac­
10 percent. To run two separate trial burn tests will tual CO spike duration in the incinerator lasts (normally)
double the cost. This will be discussed in more detail for only a few seconds while the recorder may show an
under the TRIAL BURN COST section. one-minute spike. In negotiating the use of stack CO
In the use of any instruments, protection against Hel level to actuate the emergency shut down device, it is
corrosion should be considered. Two potential problems important to differentiate between the momentary CO
in using a THe analyzer are sampling line loss and the spike caused by the necessary operating parameter


filter Teflon probe


w.. <\-i-t- Ice water
.......,. 1--'1- -,-- Ice wa ter Vacuum

f'" ...., Tenax � Tenax

);=:::(-;::=4:X(���� ..
. Exhaust

adsorbent 1 L per minute

Stack IA adsorbent
resin trap resin trap
/�----- Dry gas
.... ,; backup meter

\c Rotometer

. ..
tra p Imp Inger Empty �_.....
L- __ ---J


changes and the long term higher CO level due to system • Traditionally, the Standard EPA Method-S train is
malfunctions. Otherwise, frequent, unnecessary and dan­ hung on a monorail at the stack for ease of conducting a
gerous emergency shutdowns may result. traverse. For Modified Method·S (MM·S) sampling, it is
suggested that a wooden bench of appropriate height be
provided so that the MM-S sampler -can slide on it during
the traverse.
No two incineration systems are the same and no two •Both MM·5 and VaST trains are used for trace or­
trial burns are the same. Each trial burn has to be planned ganics sampling. Minor field contamination can be a very
differently and each field test will have unique problems. serious and Significant problem. A clean sample recovery
The following are some suggestions which should be con­ area which is close to the incinerator is required.
sidered in conducting a field test. • Always carry "enough" spare glassware and equip­
• Make a visit to the unit several weeks before the test ment. Each piece of glassware in the MM-5 and VaST
and make sure that the sampling points are accessible and trains should have at least one spare.
usable. Sometimes, a sampling point on the process flow • Make a dry run before conducting the actual test so
diagram is no more than a plug; the installation of tubing that you will not have unexpected problems during the
and a shut-off valve will be needed. In some cases, the sys­ first day of the test.
tem may have been modified and there is simply no place • Prepare a responsibility chart on a block diagram of
to sample. Some shop order work may be required. the unit to show each person's responsibility. Also prepare
• Give detailed written instructions to the unit people a sampling schedule for each person.
on electrical supplies, flue gas sampling ports and sampling • Prepare detailed instruction sheets for each person
platform requirements. Make sure that there are enough who is participating in the sampling job. The instructions
circuits to supply the electrical power which is needed for can never be too detailed. Oral instructions should be
the sampling job. Unfortunately, since trial burn tests are avoided as much as possible.
temporary efforts, one long extension line with many • You can never make a perfect plah. At the end of
outlets is often used. Even if the circuit breaker does not each day, ,a brief meeting should be held with the people
trip, the line voltage drop may be so large that both the who participated in the sampling tasks to identify prob­
instruments and the sampling pumps malfunction. lems and to suggest improvements.

QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL are also costly. All of those costs are basically laboratory
related costs rather than field costs.
At 99.99 percent destruction efficiency, there are
Most of the costs related to laboratory efforts are fixed
really only traces of the POHCs left in the stack flue gas.
costs which are more-or-Iess independent on the number
Hence, the RCRA trial burn test is an effort to sample and
of runs conducted in the field. For example, it takes
to analyze traces of organics (POHCs). Significant effort
about one week elapsed time to prepare and clean the
is involved in the pre-test preparation in order to have a XAD-2 resin for the field test and it takes about another
clean, contaminant-free sampling system. For example,
week to do a QA/QC check onthe quality of the cleaned
the XAD-2 resin to be used in the MM-5 train is extracted
XAD-2 resin. Approximately the same amount of time
with water for 8 hr, then extracted with methyl alcohol
will be required to prepare enough XAD-2 resin for just
for 22 hr and then extracted twice with methylene chlo­
one run as that required for three or four runs, and not
ride for 22 hr each. The cleaned XAD-2 resin needs to be
much more adiitional time would be required to prepare
purged with pure, clean nitrogen for 24 to 48 hr to re­
enough XAD resin for nine runs.
move all the methylene chloride. Even more complex
A similar situation exists for the post-test sample prep­
tasks are required in the post-test sample recovery and
aration tasks. Several extraction and concentration de­
preparation. One can never over-emphasize the impor­
vices can be set-up simultaneously so that preparation
tance of the QA/QC efforts in the RCRA trial burn test.
efforts for multiple samples will not be too much more
The QA/QC requirements include record keeping (every­
expensive than that for a single sample. The cost for
thing should be documented, dated and signed), chain of
setting-up the analytical instruments and the associated
custody records, maintenance and instrument verification,
QA/QC efforts is also insensitive to the number of samples.
method verification, calibration schedule, data confrrma­
If planned carefully, several sets of samples may share
tion procedure, quality control samples, field blanks,
the same field and method blanks. This will also reduce
method blanks, spiked samples, replicated analyses, repli­
the cost for multiple tests.
cated sampling, etc.
However, if a trial burn is repeated at a later time, the
For the MM-5 train, a discussion of the pre-test prepa­
cost will double. It is strongly suggested that all the neces­
ration task(s) requirements and the post-test sample re­
sary tests be conducted as part of a single trial burn.
covery, preparation and recovery tasks with the associated
QA/QC requirements can be found in Ref. [5]. A more
detailed discussion of those tasks can be found in Refs.
[13-15]. Since the VOST train is relatively new, there REFERENCES
are no detailed procedures published yet at this writing. [1) US EPA, "Incinerator Standards for Owners and Opera­
In working up the MM-5 samples, the use of glass dis­ tors of Hazardous Waste Management Facilities j Interim Final
tilled grade methylene chloride is required. However, Rule and Proposed Rule," Federal Register, Friday, January 23,
after concentrating 500·1000 ml glass distilled methylene 1981, pp. 7666-7690.
[2) US EPA, "Standards Applicable to Owners and Opera­
chloride to 1·10 ml for analysis, the impurities in the
tors of Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facili­
solvent can be a serious problem. Based on our experi­ tiesj Consolidated Permit Regulationsj and the Hazardous Waste
ence, we have not seen two bottles of glass distilled Management Sy stem " Federal R egiste r, Thursday, June 24, 1982,

methylene chloride which contain the same type or the pp 27516 27535

same amount of impurities. It is important that the field (3) US EPA and Mitre Corp., "Guidance Manual for Haz­
ardous Waste Incinerator Permits," March,1983.
blank and method blanks for each of the field samples be
(4) US EPA, "Hazardous Waste Incinerators, Evaluating
obtained from the same bottle of solvent. Permit Applicationsj Availability of Manual," Federal Register,
Friday, August 12, 1983, p. 36582.
(5) US EPA, "Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste;
TRIAL BURN C OST Physical/Chemical Methods," Publication SW-846, 2nd Edition,
In the traditional stack sampling job, field sampling (6) Harris, J. D., et aI., "Sampling and Analysis Methods for
Hazardous Waste Combustion," A. D. Little,Inc.,To be published
cost is a major item. On the contrary, in a RCRA trial
by EPA as Appendix of EPA Publication SW-846.
burn test, field sampling cost is just a minor item. Many
(7) Trenholm, A., et aI., "Emission Test Results for a Haz­
people do not and cannot understand why a RCRA com­ ardous Waste Incineration RIA," Midwest Research Institute and
pliance test costs between $1 00,000 and $1 50,000. A US EPA, paper presented at the Ninth Annual Research Symposi­
large portion of the cost is spent in the pre-test prepara­ um, Land Disposal, Incineration and Treatment of Hazardous
tion and the majority of the cost is spent in the post-test Waste, Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky, May 24, 1983.
(8) Seeker, W. R., et al., "Laboratory-Scale Flame Mode
sample recovery, preparation and analyses. The associated
Study of Hazardous Waste Incineration," Energy and Environ­
QA/QC efforts in either the pre-test or the post-test tasks mental Research Corporation and US EPA, paper presented at

the Ninth Annual Research Symposium, Ft. Mitchell, Kentucky, Kentucky,May 2-4,1983.
May 2-4,1983. (12] "System Removes Volatile Organics from Stack Gas,"
[9] Lee, K. C., et al., "Revised Model for the Prediction of p. 41,Chemical and Engineering News, February 28,1983.
the Time-Temperature Requirements for Thermal Destruction of [13] Lentgen, D. E., et aI.,"EPA-IERL-RTP Procedures Man­
Dilute Organic Vapors and its Usage for Predicting Compound De­ ual: Level 1 Environmental Assessment," Second Edition, Re­
structibility," paper presented at the 7 5th Annual Meeting of the search Triangle Institute,NTIS PB-293795,October,1978.
Air Pollution Control Association,New Orleans,June,1982. [14] Harris, J. C., et al., "EPA-IERL-RTP Procedures for
[10] Cudahy, 1. J., Stroka, L., and Troxler,W.,"Incineration Level 2 Sampling and Analysis of Organic Materials," Arthur D.
Characteristics of RCRA Listed Hazardous Wastes," I. T. Environ­ Little,Inc.,NTIS PB-293800,February,1979.
science,Inc.,EPA Contract No. 658-03-2568, July,1981. [IS]' Hamersma, J. W., et al., "Emission Assessment of Con­
[11] Dellinger, B., et al., "Factors Affecting the Gas-Phase ventional Stationary Combustion Systems: Methods and Proce­
Thermal Decomposition of Chlorinated Aromatic Hydrocarbons," dures Manual for Sampling and Analysis," TRW Systems Group,
University of Dayton Research Institute and US EPA, paper pre­ NTIS PB-294675,January 1979.
sented at the Ninth AMual Research Symposium, Ft. Mitchell,

Kay Word.: Hazardous • Incineration • Performance •

Regulations. Sampling Methods. Testing


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