Career Research Project

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Name: Rida

Career Name: Social Media Manager/ Marketer

1. Education required and or recommendations: A bachelor’s degree in business, public

relation, communications, marketing or journalism.

2. Suggested Post-Secondary Institutions: SFU Beedie School of Business, BCIT

3. Cost of training in Canadian $ (full program cost for all years): $43,500 for SFU

4. Salary range: $28,578 lowest salary, $55,736 median salary, $94,751 highest salary

5. Job description: A Social Media Manager is a specialist who communicates with the
public by using online platforms to create and share online content. They are responsible
of their employer’s social media accounts to increase the reputation of their brand and
use their accounts regularly.

6. Number or people employed in this occupation (indicate whether the number refers to
BC or Canada) 11,400 employed in BC

7. Employment prospects: There is a 10% job from 2016-2026 and Instagram social media
marketing is growing.

8. Related Jobs (list at least 3):

 Digital Marketing Specialist

 Market Research Analyst

 Business Development Officers

9. Skills or characteristics required: Creative skills, strong and fast decision-making skills,
great written and online communication skills, marketing skills, skills related to
presentation, spreadsheets, email management, managerial skills and marketing skills.

10. Disadvantages of occupation: Social media needs daily monitoring, is time consuming,
risk of negative comments, and frequent interaction with audience.
11. Describe how your values, skills and interests relate to this career option: I’m interested
in business and marketing and like to learn about it. I’m the type of person who likes to
make sure my work is perfect and beneficial to an audience and I pay a lot of attention to
detail which is important in being a marketer and to sell a product. I am also creative,
good at management and have a different way of thinking.

12. What courses and grades are needed to enter this occupation? You need at least a
%70 in English 12 and must take Pre-Cal 12 with a minimum of %60.

13. Working conditions: Office environment and must attend meetings with clients.

14. Typical hours of work: 35-40 hours per week and when deadlines are near you will likely
have to work extra hours and to attend meetings.

15. Describe what has influenced your choice of this occupation: This type of occupation is
in demand and social media is a huge industry. I always have been interested in growing
a brand/ company through online platforms like Instagram, which I know very well. Also,
in business you can make money while you sleep.

16. What are the future trends of this occupation: Future trends of social media marketing
include chatbots with customers, influencer marketing, social listening, and user
generated content

17. Go to Work BC Website ( and Education Planner

( list 2 points of information you felt were important
and were not covered.

1. They must monitor analytics.

2. Often switch between different tasks throughout the day.

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
Name: Rida

Career Name: Construction Manager

18. Education required and or recommendations: At least two years of experience in

construction, 6 months experience in work experience, must obtain a Gold Seal
Certification, and a bachelor’s degree in construction management.

19. Suggested Post-Secondary Institutions: BCIT

20. Cost of training in Canadian $ (full program cost for all years): $12,221

21. Salary range: $50,000 for lowest salary, $80,000 for median salary and $144,000 for
highest salary.

22. Job description: Oversee, plan and budget building projects. They monitor finances,
manage people, and do contract administration.

23. Number or people employed in this occupation (indicate whether the number refers to
BC or Canada) 13,000 BC or Canada (circle one)

24. Employment prospects: There is a %10 job growth rate and the prospects are good.

25. Related Jobs (list at least 3):

 Home building and renovation manager.

 Architect.
 Facilities Manager .

26. Skills or characteristics required: Analytical skills, business skills, customer service
skills, leadership skills, time management skills, communication skills, technical skills
and decision-making skills.

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
27. Disadvantages of occupation: Requires a lot patience and comes with lots of stress
because it is a large leadership role. The work can be dangerous because they have to
enforce safety standards and monitor workers.

28. Describe how your values, skills and interests relate to this career option I am interested
in taking on a manager role because I have management skills, I like to take control and
to do things in an efficient and my own way, and I like to solve problems. I believe I am
good at making sure things are done properly and to the best it can be by people. I also
like budgeting and business.

29. What courses and grades are needed to enter this occupation? For BCIT you need at
least a %73 in English 12 and two years of post- secondary education is required.

30. Working conditions: Work takes place in an office environment or a field office on
construction site and must wear safety equipment.

31. Typical hours of work: You have to work more than 40 hours a week and are on call
24/7 in case of emergencies and to deal with problems

32. Describe what has influenced your choice of this occupation: This career is similar to an
architect which is a career that I also like. I like looking at the design of houses and
seeing which ones are more efficient and better than others.

33. What are the future trends of this occupation: Future trends are more use of drone and
AI, greater efficiency, and innovative construction methods.

34. Go to Work BC Website ( or Education Planner

( and list 2 points of information you felt were
important and were not covered.

1. Construction managers use a cost- estimating and planning software to determine

costs and the materials needed.

2. Look over construction designs/ blueprints

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
Name: Rida

Career Name: Counsellor Psychologist

35. Education required and or recommendations: A bachelor’s degree is psychology and

then a two-year master’s degree is required for most jobs.

36. Suggested Post-Secondary Institutions: UVIC, SFU, UNBC, UFV and UBC.

37. Cost of training in Canadian $ (full program cost for all years): For the bachelor’s degree
at SFU the total cost is $23,732.

38. Salary range: The lowest salary is 51,000, the median salary is $57,000, and the
highest salary is $98,000.

39. Job description: Counsellor Psychologists help patients understand problems and
issues at home, workplace, community and workplace. They counsel patients to identify
their strengths or help find resources to manage their problems.

40. Number or people employed in this occupation (indicate whether the number refers to
BC or Canada) 2,500 in BC

41. Employment prospects: The job growth rate is 12% in the next 10 years and this job is a
good field to get into.

42. Related Jobs (list at least 3):

 Criminologist
 Behavior Scientist
 Sociologist

43. Skills or characteristics required: Analytical skills, observational skills, people skills,
solving-problem skills, communication skills, patience and trustworthiness.

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
44. Disadvantages of occupation: Have to deal with people with mental health issues and
may experience stress and can be draining. There is pressure to do research and meet
publication deadlines. Are on call and might have to meet clients suddenly when a crisis
or issue with patient arises. Billing issues also arise.

45. Describe how your values, skills and interests relate to this career option: I have great
observational and problem-solving skills, and I am a really patient and trustworthy
person. I am really good at understanding people who have different perspectives when
others can’t, and I have a lot of empathy.

46. What courses and grades are needed to enter this occupation? You need a %70 in
English 12 and a %60 in Pre-Cal or Foundations of Math 12. You must have 5 approved
grade 12 courses.

47. Working conditions: Can work part of a healthcare team or collaborate with physicians
and social workers. Most work alone in an office environment and most likely meet with
clients at their homes.

48. Typical hours of work: Overtime hours may be required.

49. Describe what has influenced your choice of this occupation: I am able to help my family
members when they get into fights because I am able to understand both sides and
solve misunderstandings and issues that arise. I also like to help people with personal
issues and mentally, and I like to empower people and with self-growth.

50. What are the future trends of this occupation: There will be more job opportunities for
those with doctoral degrees in a specialty like health psychology or counselling.

51. Go to ITA or the Discover Skills BC Website and list 2 points of information you felt were important and
were not covered.

1. Use the latest research to inform practice.

2. Must keep a detailed account of patient’s mental health.

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project
Thank you for taking the Career Compass Quiz. Your results are listed below.
Work Preference Quiz Careers matching your results: Post-secondary teaching
and research assistants (NOC 4012) Collectors (NOC 1435) Archivists (NOC
5113) Security guards and related security service occupations (NOC 6541)
Payroll administrators (NOC 1432) Audiologists and speech-language
pathologists (NOC 3141) Translators, terminologists and interpreters (NOC 5125)
Post-secondary teaching and research assistants (NOC 4012) Physiotherapists
(NOC 3142) Banking, insurance and other financial clerks (NOC 1434) Find
additional resources on exploring careers, funding and education, and finding
jobs at WorkBC's My Blueprint Builder. Career

Career Life Connections - Career Research Project

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