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Paradigm shit that happened in the context of India

Revolution in agricultural technology is not something that is new, rather it is something

which started long back in 10,000 BC. It was the time when mankind shifted from hunting
and gathering to stationary farming. With the introduction of every Industrial revolution
there is a huge impact on agricultural techniques and technologies.
1st Industrial Revolution:
The first industrial revolution is symbolised by the invent of the steam engine. The
revolution was not just about the invent steam engines but was also of the idea that steam
can potential be used as source of energy to increase the agricultural productivity. Reapers
and threshers were some of the technologies of the first industrial revolution used to
increase agricultural efficiency.
2nd Industrial Revolution:
The second industrial revolution which started around 1870s witnessed the expansion of
electricity, petroleum and steel. During this periods some of the much-needed technologies
for agriculture came into existence. The invent of fertilizers was very much needed to satisfy
the demand of the growing population under unforeseen climatic conditions. Also, with the
advent of electricity irrigation became a much effortless and smooth job fetching greater
crop productivity. Such technology pushed agriculture into an economic edge and helped in
low-priced production of food.
3rd Industrial Revolution:
The third industrial revolution also called the digital revolution which saw machines
advancing from analog to digital. Digitalization helped farmers record, analyse and forecast
data in a much better in order to practice precision farming. Farmers also took advantage of
satellite technology to transform farming practices. The agricultural technology observed
plethora of advancements during this period. Crops become insect and weed resistant,
much advanced insecticides and pesticides came into existence, generic engineered crops
also came into existence.
4th Industrial Revolution:
The Industry 4.0 introduced machine learning, artificial intelligence and big data to the
world. These technologies have the potential to totally reform how farming is done in the
present day and the reformation has already started. Farmers are monitoring the crop
growing conditions using bots, drones, and ground-based wireless sensors. They could
further invest in data analytics to process the data points to formulate few important
decisions. In addition to that, farmers could use artificial Intelligence to predict the right
time to sow seeds, identify crop diseases at the right time and destroy weeds, and ensure
accurate resource allocation in order to maximise productivity and profits. With machine
learning long term weather, price, soil moisture and other predictions can be performed
more accurately using historic data.

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