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When we say roleplay , it can mean a lot of things, the word essentialy means
playing in roles or trough roles. Now, use of roleplay is often reffered in a sexual
context, but it does not have to be sexual. It can be used as a therapy, it can be
used as a simple fun playing trough roles in whichever game you preffer using it.
Now, iv’e been doing roleplay, minly textual roleplay as a hobby for quite some
time, nearly 8 years maybe. Like everything , trough practice you become better
at it. Of course, first year or two, I was using it mainly sexual. And sexual roleplay
is a wonderfull thing, it can make your relationship better, it can spice up your
bedroom play, and most of all, it’s a great thing to keep long term relationship
alive. Now can you completely satisfy a woman using only words, trough
describing what would you do, make her go crazy only by reading your written
words, without hearing your voice or feeling your topuch. The answer is
apsolutely yes. Remember, more then 50 % significance in sex, is your verbal
relationship. So, what is the key for a good sexual roleplay. Well, there is a few
points that make it good. Once all of those are fullfiled, and practiced out, it will
make your sexual life, amazing.

1. Descriptivnes
2. Both parties doing it correctly

So, how is one descriptive ? Basicly how a human mind works while reading, is to
imagine what plays out in a book, magazine, basicly any written word. So, the
more descriptive you are, the easier you make it for another party to understand
it , feel it, and act on it, and send return information that she or he will be
motivated greatly to do. Since as I will mention later, for a good roleply you need
two people. So, how do you know when the roleplay is descriptive enough, you
don’t want to overdo it and make it borning, yet you don’t want to come of as
uneinterested or too simple. The answer is as always practice, but there is a few
points I would like to go over. The first is, don’t describe just what you would
want to see, describe how does it feel, descrive reactions, but leave some for him
or her to react to. Example: *Getnly runs his fingers over her arm from the
shoulders to the tip of her fingers, grasping it firmly and pulling her in close,
looking directly into her eyes, as he can feel her shaking in excitement, wanting
him to pull her closer even tho it is impossible* Now, see, that would be the first
line on wich the answer would maybe be. Example: * She bites her lip, with her
head leaned a bit down but looking in his eyes with a shy yet desirable look,
feeling his touch on her arm , as it shoks her body in excitement, she places her
hands on his cheek, feeling the roughnes of his beard and the surface of his gentle
lips that she is dying to kiss*
In other words, feel the moment, see it play out in your head, imagine how it
would make you feel and write it. The worst kind of roleplays, no matter of the
gender is oversimplified, short things like. Example: *turns her around and grabs
her ass* It’s almost the same as if you approached a girl in a club and said, *hey
I’m Jon, I have a huge dick.* So, don’t be simple, be slick, take a bit of time if u
need it, and do it right, speed of it comes trough time. Same goes for the men,
and women. It’s better to wait and be properly satisfied then otherwise.
Both parties doing it correctly

Now, what does this mean. It means that in a roleplay, you need to know what
kind of roleplay it is before you start it, as in, who will be leading it in wich
direction. While you roleplay with one person, the easiest way is for one person
to be in charge, and lead the whole thing in one direction, suitable to his
imagination, and the other side to be reactional. Like for example. You want to
describe undressing a woman, and putting her on the table. And your first line of
roleplay was halfway there. And then the partner goes and says, that shes moving
away from the table. And then the tought you had changes, and the plans for the
direction of your roleplay have to change as a result losing on quality. So, be sure
to have a leading partner of the roleplay, usually the Dominate of the
relationship. Now, there is roleplays where people are swtich, neither sub or
dom. So, those kinds of roleplays have 2 leaders , same as in bed, a roleplay can
be a ‘’fight’’ for who is going to end up on the top. Or to say a position of
dominance, then it’s pointless to make plans about the direction of a roleplay,
you do it and change as you go, and in that case both parties are leading and
reacting to it. In my personal opinion, one of the best and one of my favourite
ways to roleplay. Now, if you are not into roleplay, don’t waste your partners
time, don’t see him put an effort in writing a long text, only for you to answer
with *she moans* , it kills the whole purpose, and joy out of it, it’s the same as if
you are having sex with a person who just lays in the bed. I mean, I gues it could
be fun to someone, but it’s more then often not. Unless it gets you off to just
pleasure our partner with no return information. If your partner is experienced
and you are the one that is not, at least show the effort, it will make him
motivated enough to continue and make you feel amazing. So, as in any
relationship aspect, it wont last long unless you work on it, and if you don’t enjoy
it. And make sure to see and feel as much as you can, when you carefully read
those words. It won’t work if you don’t let it work.
Roleplay used as a therapy

Now, if you are not experienced in roleplay, I advise not using this one to try and
make your partner better. Words are a powerfull thing, and a mind that you can
control and a mind that trusts you is a fragile thing, you can heal it with words,
and you can badly damage it as well. So, similar to hynoses used in therapy,
roleplay can be used to. We humans, communicate easier when we feel like it
isn’t us that is doing the talking, sometimes we ourselves as too anxious, weak, to
say those things, so we identify as someone stronger, as someone who’s shoes we
go in to feel more powerfull. That is what roleplay can do, make us feel like we
are someone else. And trough sexual roleplay or not, issues in life can be
expressed, if u are angry, the roleplay is more likely to turn into a rough or intense
play. If u are happy and in comfort, it will be more about sensitive things then
other aspects. So, I am going to tell you, about the time I roleplayed with a victim
of sexual abuse. The girl I was talking to for a while, was starting to trust me, to
the point that she told me what she told to nobady, that three times in her life,
she was abused sexualy by men, and that for that exact reason, she forbids
herself to have sexual realtions with another man, since she always feels them
there, since she always feels like the touches of the others are actualy the touches
of those bad and evil people. Like she is locked inside the cage in her mind with
them. So, what I did was, said, ok , you are going to need to trust me, and follow
my lead… So, I roleplayed, as a mix of her new sexual interest, and that evil man
that she feels every time she wants to make a connection. I said to her, first, that
she needs to compare her and that evil man, how far she has gotten in life, how
much she has succeded, how pure and good she is, and then compare the two,
her and him, how great she is, and how small she is. And then I told her, that that
cage inside her mind, that she has been locked with him in for years, isn’t a cage
only for her, it’s a cage for him as well. It isn’t her that’s locked inside with him,
it’s him locked inside with her, she has been in that cage long time now, and she
survived him, why woldn’t she then, fight back, get free of him, make him tamed,
scared. SO, I roleplayed as a evil man locked inside that cage with her, in her
mind. And we got to the point when she had the courage to stand up, move those
dirty , evil touches away from her, clench her fist and kick hm repeatedly right in
the teeth, repeatedly, she imagined getting revenge for all that she felt because
of him. At first it was rage, wish for vengeance, but after a few lines it wasn’t
anymore, it turned into a sense of freedom, as she did say. I feel free of those
touches now, I don’t feel scared of being touched anymore….And I made her
promise, if ever again, any man is to touch her without her consent, and try to
abuse her. That she clenches her fist hard, kick him right in the teeth , run and ask
for help. That every of those evil man who tries to harm her, is that man locked
inside a cage with her and he can’t escape. Because she is and she feels like a
strong woman, able to defend herself and get to safety from those small
insignificant ‘’men’’ …After that I roleplayed as someone protective, as someone
who is there for her, as someone who seduces and offers compassion at the same
time, someone who’s touch she does want. Someone she trusts and is sure of
that won’t use her or harm her, but protect her, and make her feel good. She
after said that what I wrote to her that night, was like being there, making her cry
first, for being free , tears out of happieness, and then it felt like I was there
touching her, plasuring her to the fullest. She told me that it was the best
experience of her life. After that, we kept contact and done sexual roleplay for a
few months, (since we lived on the opposite sides of the world and were unable
to keep the relationship alive) until we realized that we aren’t the right people
for eachother. Both moved on to new partners, and stayed friends, to this day,
she cheks up on me, asking how am i. And often thanking me for setting her free.
Wich I don’t really think it’s thanks to me only, it was her effort and her being
ready to do it, I was only there to put her in the right mindset, and that’s what
roleplay can do for you. But as I said, be very carefull, because if you make a
wrong turn in somebodies mind, it can end badly, and the person can feel worse
then in the beginning of it. So don’t start a therapy roleplay unles you are 100 %
sure that you will lead that mind exactly where it needs to be.

Also to conclude, roleplay is a great way to improve your writing and descriptive
capabilities as it is a good way for bringing imagination into your life that fuels
sexual and everyday life. So, I recommend to everyone, try it out, you have
nothing to lose. Stay cool, stay sexy, and thanks for reading, hope I helped

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