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1. Put the verbs into the correct tense (present simple OR present continuous):
The train always ________________(1: leave) on time.
"What's the matter? Why ________________(2: cry/you)?"
That's strange. They________________(3: not to watch) TV.
He________________(4: not to speak) very good English.
Please be quiet! I________________(5: do) my homework.
Where________________(6: live/they)?
Listen! John ________________ music! (7: play)
I never ________________(8: go) to the swimming pool.
Harold Black's a famous pianist. He________________(9: give) two or three concerts every
week. He ________________(10: travel) a lot and this week he's in New York.
He________________(11: stay) at an expensive hotel. He's at his hotel now.
He________________(12: have) his breakfast in the dining−room. He________________(13:
drink) a cup of coffee and he________________(14: read) a newspaper. Harold's always very
busy. He________________(15: play) the piano regularly. He________________(16: practise)
for four hours every day. He________________(17: go) to bed late and he always
________________(18: get up) early. But he sometimes________________(19: get) dressed too
quickly, and this morning he________________(20: wear) one blue sock and one red one!
2. Complete the sentences below using one of the verbs in the box in the correct form. You
may use each verb once only.
enjoy prefer play produce work seem know interview wait talk finish

1. I always ________ tennis on Fridays.

2. He ________ his report. He will bring it into the office when it is complete.
3. "My parents phoned me this morning. They _________ themselves in the Seychelles.
Champagne every night! In fact, they don't want to leave."
4. We ________ to entertain our guests in a local restaurant rather than the canteen. Although it
is expensive, we can talk freely there.
5. I ___________ the answer to your problem. Get a new computer.
6. "Where is John?" "In his office ____________ for an important telephone call."
7. I can't make the meeting tomorrow. I _____________ the applicants for the sales manager's
8. My brother _____________ for Shink Inc. which makes bathroom fittings.
9. Who ___________ to Bill? Is it the new secretary?
10. The new contract ________________ fine to me. However, could you just check it through
once more?
3. Put the verb in brackets in the correct form (present simple or present continuous)
Next week, my friends and I _________ (go) camping in the woods. I ____________ (organize)
the food, because I _____________ (like) cooking. Dave ________________ (have) a big car
with a trailer, so he _____________ (plan) the transportation. Sam ______________ (bring) the
tent — he ___________ (go) camping every year, so he _________ (have) a great tent and lots
of other equipment. My wife _______ (think) we're crazy. She (like) _______________ holidays
in comfortable hotels, so she ______________ (take) a trip to Paris instead.
~ multiple choice quiz ~
1 John __________ at this moment. Drive
Arrive Drives
Arrives are driving
are arriving is driving
is arriving My parents normally __________
John always __________ on time for breakfast at 7:00 a.m.
meetings. Eat
Arrive Eats
Arrives are eating
are arriving is eating
is arriving At the moment my parents are on
Barbara usually __________ dinner for 8 vacation, so they __________ breakfast
her husband after work. much later.
Cook Eat
Cooks Eats
are cooking are eating
is cooking is eating
This week Barbara is away on business My husband and his
4 9
so Tom __________ dinner for himself. colleague__________ golf right now.
Cook Play
Cooks Plays
are cooking are playing
is cooking is playing
Mr. and Mrs. Parsons __________ to My husband and his colleague
work together every day. 10 __________ golf whenever they are not
Drive too busy.
Drives Play
are driving Plays
is driving are playing
Today Mr. and Mrs. Parsons __________ is playing
6 to work separately because Mr. Parsons
has to go to a meeting at another branch.

11. I ________ you're crazy! b. ? am having

A. ? think 14. Don't give Jan any cheese. She ________
B. ? am thinking it!
12. You won't find Jerry at home right now. a. ? hates
He ________ in the library. b. ? is hating
a. ? studies 15. Once a week, I ________ to an art class
b. ? is studying at the college.
13. I ________ lunch in the cafeteria every a. ? go
day. b. ? am going
a. ? have
16. Marie-Claude isn't a Canadian. I a. I read
________ she comes from France. b. I'm reading
a. ? believe c. I reading
b. ? am believing 25) He................... an iphone, an ipad and a
17. It ________ quite hard — perhaps we computer. He's so lucky!
shouldn't go out tonight. a. is having
a. ? snows b. have
b. ? is snowing c. has
18. Salman is rich — he ________ a 26) Bill ................... really hard at the moment
Mercedes. because his company has just received a big order
a. drives from China.
b. ? is driving a. works
19. I ________ to Toronto next Thursday. Do b. is working
you want to come? c. is work
a. ? go 27) It ............. a lot in La Spezia in winter.
b. ? am going a. rains
20. Look! Junko ________ into the water. b. rain
a. ? jumps c. is raining
b. ? is jumping 28) A: Where's John? B: He's in the bathroom.
21) A: What ................ ? B: He's an engineer. He ............... a shower.
a. is your father doing a. has
b. is your father do b. is having
c. does your father do c. is making
d. does your father doing d. is doing
22) Why ................... sunglasses? It's cloudy today. 29) A: What ........................ ? B: I'm looking for my
a. do you wear glasses.
b. are you wearing a. are you doing
c. do you wearing b. do you do
d. are you wear c. you are doing
23) A: How often .................... to the cinema? B: 30) A: ..................... the party? B: Yes, very much,
About once a month. thank you.
a. do you go a. Are you enjoying
b. are you going b. Do you enjoy
c. are you go c. Are you enjoy
d. do you going d. Do you enjoying
24) ............... a really good book at the moment.

1. I am _______ a sandwich now. 4. _____ you waiting for a bus?
eats Do
eating Are
not eat Does
eat Is
2. I am busy right now. I _______ breakfast. 5. What _____________? It looks awful.
am have do you drinking
have are you drink
having are you drinking
am having does you drink
3. My daughter _________ studying English at 6. We ________ enjoying our holiday here so
Istanbul University. much.
is don't
does are
do is
not doesn't
7. What _____ John ___________ at the Float
moment? 16. Why ..... ? You should be listening to me!
does / do you talk
is / do
you are talking
are / doing
is / doing do you talk
8. I ___________ sitting down at the moment. are you talking
am not 17. What ..... next weekend, Yoshi?
are not you doing
is you do
don't do you do
9. Don't disturb him. He __________. are you doing
18. Jane: Do you play the piano?
is sleeping
Mary: No, I ..... any musical instrument!
is sleep
sleep isn`t playing
10. They are ___________ their coats.. don`t play
not doesn`t play
put on am not playing
putting on 19. Money ..... on trees!
doesn't put isn`t growing
11. You'd better go to bed early tonight. The don`t grow
plane ..... at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning so we'll
doesn`t grow
have to be up by 4.30!
didn`t grow
will leave
20. You ..... into things and breaking them. How
can anyone be so clumsy?
are always bumping
is leaving
always bumps
always bumping
always bump
12 My father ..... too much! 21. "What ..... about the plan to shorten the school
smoking holidays?"
smokes you think
smoke will you think
is smoking do you think
13 You should see the new Brad Pitt film. He plays are you thinking
the part of a cowboy who ..... up a lawless town. 22. Jane: "What ..... about?"
is cleaning Mary: "My summer holidays! I wish I was still
Cleans lying on the beach."
Cleaned you thinking
Clean does he think
14. Woo-Jin and I ..... basketball after school today. do you think
Do you want to play too? are you thinking
Played 23. My father ..... me to school this week because
Play we had an accident and our car is being
is playing repaired.
are playing isn`t driving
15. Oil ..... on water. hadn`t driven
is floating don`t drive
Floats doesn`t drive
Floating 24. Where does Helen ............ ?
live doing
lives does
is living do
25. She ....... in a bank. are doing
works 30. She ......... 15 cigarettes a day.
is working is smoking
working smoking
work smokes
26. Are you .......... for the bus? smoke
wait 31. He ........... a contract at the time.
waits sign
waiting signs
are waiting is signing
27. Helen and Peter ............ to school now. signing
go 32. How many letters do you ...... every day?
going copying
goes copy
are going copies
28. Does she ........... English? are copying
speaking 33. She ........ for another job.
speaks looks
is speaking look
speak looking
29. What do you ........... on Sundays? is looking

I. Put the verbs in parentheses into the Past Simple or the Past Continuous and translate (Scrie
verbul din paranteze la trecut simplu sau continuu şi tradu):
1. The ship (approach) _______________ Cape Town when the tornado (begin) _______________ .
2. The bomb (go) _______________ off when the president (give) _______________ a speech.
3. He (not hear) ________________ the bell because the radio (play) _______________ .
4. When I (get) ________________ home everybody (dance) _______________ .
5. The plane (catch) _______________ fire when it (take) ________________ off.
6. Tim (crash) _______________ into a street light because he (drive) _______________ too fast.
II. Turn the following into the interrogative and negative (Transformă următoarele propoziţii în
propoziţii interogative şi negative):
1. The children were laughing. 2. The man was waiting. 3. I was translating the text. 4. You were looking at the
picture. 5. The girl was coming home. 6. I was learning a poem. 7. The boys were drawing red cars. 8. Mother was
making the bed. 9. You were leaving the office. 10. We were buying fresh fruit.
III. Translate into English (Tradu în limba engleză):
1. Când am plecat de la poliţie John şi soţia lui încă mai vorbeau cu un poliţist.
2. Ce se întâmpla în casa ta când am trecut pe la tine ieri seară? Am sunat la uşă dar nu mi-a răspuns nimeni,
deşi se auzea muzică înăuntru.
3. I-am pus această întrebare de câteva ori, dar el nu m-a auzit fiindcă citea ziarul.
4. Eu încă dormeam când a venit stewardesa să ne spunem că trecem peste Himalaya.
5. Nu ne-am dus la teatru ieri deoarece nişte prieteni de-ai noştri veneau pe la ora şapte.
IV. Change the verbs in brackets into the past simple or the past continuous (Schimbă timpul
verbelor din paranteze în trecut simplu sau continuu):
0 For dinner, my sister (eat) ate pizza, but I (have) had soup.
1 My brother (drink) ________________ coffee while he (do) ________________ his homework.
2 He (walk) ________________ into the classroom, then he (sit) ________________ down.
3 While I (study) ________________ , Sue (run) ________________ into the library.
4 When the class (finish) ________________ , the teacher (drive) ________________ home.
5 Harry (sing) _______________ a song when Jane (come) _______________ in.
6 Nothing happened when I (turn on) ________________ the DVD player.
7 It (start) ________________ to rain while I (walk) ________________ to the park.
8 Yuki (listen) ________________ to the radio when the phone (ring) ________________ .
9 The children (go) ________________ the cinema last night.
10 Mr. Jones (find) ________________ some money when he (clean) ________________ the cupboards.

~ focus on simple past ~
 When I ___________ (be) in Japan I ___________ (find) everything very different.
 Two years ago my parents _________ (buy) a new car.
 Last summer Peter ________ (spend) his holidays in a summer camp with his friends. They
_________ (go) swimming, they _________ (play) football and golf, they _______ (visit) many
interesting places.
 My sister ________ (get) a good job in a bank.
 Susan and her cousins ___________ (come) to Portugal ten years ago.


 My sister and her husband _________ (come) from Greece.
 I __________ (not like) the U2 concert.
 My cousin __________ (phone) from France yesterday evening.
 On Monday Johann ___________ (go) to school on foot.
 (they / leave) ___________ the country last Saturday?
 (you / like) _____________ the film?
 They _________ (not finish) the homework yesterday.
 (she / go) _____________ to the cinema with her parents last night?
No, she didn’t. She ___________ (stay) at home. She __________ (get) a cold.
 We _________ (go) to Spain by car.
 I _____________ (have) a wonderful holiday with my family last July.
 (you / travel) _________ to Madrid by car or by plane?
 Many years ago it __________ (be) very difficult to live without electricity.
 Last year they _______ (buy) a house at the seaside.
 I __________ (meet) him the day before yesterday.
 Mrs. Harris __________ the last train.
a) Take b) took c) did take
 There ________ many people here last night.
a) Was b)were c) wasn’t
 He _________ at home with me yesterday evening.
a) Were b) was c) be
 She ___________with her family on holidays.
a) Go b) did go c) went
 He ___________ some books and CDs.
a) Brought b) bought c) did buy
 They __________ their passports at home.
a) Leave b) did leave c) left
 She ________some interesting photos.
a) Take b)taken c) took
 It __________ a good present.
a) Were b) was c) is
 ___________ (she /arrive) home at 5:30?
a) Did she arrived b) did she arrive c) arrived

~ focus on past tenses ~
A- Write “When” or “While”!
1.I was reading a book ........................................ suddenly I heard a noise.
2. ................................. Rose was cooking dinner, her husband went to work.
3. ................................ Sandra and Kathy were talking in the living-room, the doorbell rang.
4.Ben was playing in a basketball team ................................. he was a kid.
5. Sharon came home ................................... her brother was playing video games.
6. ................................... Angela got home, mom was making some coffee.
7. They were sleeping ........................................... the burglars broke in.
8. We were having a lesson ........................................ we heard a terrrible noise.
9. ...................................... I was cycling, the rain started.
10. He broke his arm ....................................... he was playing basketball.

B- Write the correct form of the verbs!

1-She met him while she ___________________(travel) on a train.
2-While the woman was getting off the bus, she_______________(fall down).
3-The thief ___________________(break) into while we were sleeping.
4-John took a photo while I ____________________(not/look).
5-While my mum was working in the garden , she _______________(hurt) her back.
6-We were living in Madrid when our old aunt________________(die).
7-When I got up this morning, it _________________(rain) heavily.
8- While my dad was brushing his teeth, my mum _______________ (fall asleep).
9- I had a nightmare while I ___________________(sleep) last night.
10- What happened in your dream while a monster ___________________(chase) you?

1. _____________ to the park on Sunday. 7. ______________ when you tried to call them?
A. I went A. Were they sleeping
B. I was going B. Did they sleep
2. ______________ when I saw Neil. I stopped and 8. _____________ learning English 2 years ago.
had a chat. A. I was starting
A. I was running B. I started
B. i ran 9. __________________ the other one, didn´t you?
3. When _____________ to the party? A. You were preferring
A. Did you go B. You preferred
B. Were you going 10. I saw you yesterday.
4. I was talking to the students while Katie A. You were talking to Ainara
_______________ the parents B. You talked to Ainara
A. Was talking to 11. He was always
B. Talked to A. Coming to work late
5. When I was 12 _________________ B. Come to work late
A. I was very shy 12. When I saw Dave, he __________.
B. I was being very shy is working
6. When I woke up this morning worked
_________________ was working
A. It rained 13. You had a good time at the party, __________
B. It was raining you?

hadn't didn't listening
didn't don't listen
weren't 23 I ___________________ TV when I
14. __________ when the telephone rang? ____________ a loud noise.
Were you sleeping was watching / was hearinh
Did you sleep watched / was hearing
Were sleeping watched / heard
15. Dave, when __________ the ESL Cafe on the was watching / heard
Web? 24 What is wrong with this sentence? "She was
were you begin cleaning the garage while she saw a spider."
began "cleaning" must be "clean"
did you begin "saw" must be "was seeing"
16. You __________ me, did you? "while" must be "when"
understood "cleaning" must be "cleaned"
weren't understanding 25 ______ they swimming when the phone rang?
didn't understand Were
17. When __________ yesterday morning? Are
you got up Do
did you get up Did
were you getting up 26 Mrs Adams was ___________ dinner at 6 o'clock
18. While I __________ to work, I saw an accident. yesterday morning.
drove hasing
was driving had
did drive have
19. __________ well on this quiz? having
Did you 27 Tom wasn't reading a book. He ______________
Were you the dog.
Did you do was feeding
20. We _______________ down when we saw the fed
woman. was fed
walked is feeding
were walkes 28 _______ Ben was doing his homework, he got a
were walking text message from his friend.
walking When
21 While I ___________________ for English test While
yesterday, my brother _____________ fun with his However
friends. If
was studying / was having 29 What _________ Add and Helen __________
studied / was having when you broke the glass?
was studied / had are / doing
was studying / was hasing was / doing
22 What did you say? I _______________ to you. were / doing
am not listening did / did
wasn't listening

30. While we _______, we ________a horrible
accident. (drive, see)

were driving – saw

was driving – saw
drove – saw
drived - were seeing

31. I ______ a terrible dream last night. (have)

was having
am having

32. He ________ to see his grandmother

yesterday. (go)

was going

33. I ______ very hard last night. (work)

was working
always work

34. I ________ when someone ________my

lunchbox yesterday. (play - steal)

am playing - was stealing

was playing – stole
played – stole
was playing - was stole

35. Susan _______ lunch when someone

_______ the doorbell. (prepare, ring)

prepared - was ringing

was prepareing – rang
was preparing – ringed
was preparing – rang

36. Last year, I _______ to do a lot of research

while I _____ on my project. (have - work)
was having – worked
had - was working
am having – worked
had - am working

37. We ______ in New York last year. (be)

would be

38. Ahmed ______ hurt while he ______

football. (get - play)

was getting – played

got – played
got - was playing
was getting - was playing

40. While Natasha _______ an apple, she _____

her finger. (cut - cut)

was cutting – cut

cutted – cutted
cut - was cutting
cut – cut

41. While she _______, she _____her wallet.

(shop - lose)

shopping – lost
was shoping – lost
shopped - was losing
was shopping – lost

42. Yesterday at 7 o'clock, Abdulla ______ a

movie. (watch)

was watching

43. Our car _______ down and we ______ to

walk home. (break - have)

break – walk
was breaking – walked
broke - were having
broke – had

44. I ______ a plate while I _______ Mum in the

kitchen. (break - help)

broke - was helping

was breaking – helped
broke – helped
breaked – helped

45. While it ________ heavily outside, I

_______ in my car. (rain - sit)

was raining – sat

rained – sat
rained - was sitting
was raining – sitted

Me & To Me

Q1 - Explain it again _____, please. Q2 - She sent a letter _____.

us them
to us to them

Q3 - He told a joke _____. Q4 - He sent ____ a letter.

them me
to them to me

Q5 - He warned ____ about it. Q6 - Post it _____ as soon as you can, please.

us me
to us to me

Q7 - Ayed recommended it ____. Q8 - He wrote _____ a very rude letter.

me me
to me to me

Q9 - She wrote a nice letter_____. Q10 - Listen ____.

me me
to me to me

Object Pronoun or Reflexive Pronoun?

Q1 - I hurt ____ playing football. Q2 - She hurt ____.

me him
myself himself

Q3 - I cut ____ shaving. Q4 - Do you mind if I take ____ home now?

me me
myself myself

Q5 - I helped ____ to some food. Q6 - I wanted to do it ____.

me me
myself myself

Q7 - He's so ill he can't dress ____. Q8 - She took it upon ____ to organize everything.

him her
himself herself

Q9 - The decision is fine by ____. Q10 - He helped ____ do it.

me me
myself myself

Possessive and Reflexive Pronouns

Q1 - It's ____ party. Q2 - He hurt ____.

my his
mine himself

Q3 - She did it ____. Q4 - He took it from ____ room.

hers my
herself myself

Either could be used here.

Q5 - I didn't believe ____ story. Q6 - I saw it with ____ own eyes.

her my
hers mine


Q7 - No one would help us, so we had to do it ____. Q8 - Someone took it while ___ were asleep.

us ourselves
ourself we

Q9 - He'll just have to do it ____. Q10 - It's not ____ problem.

him our
himself ours

Q11 - I don't think it's____. Q12 - Be careful or you'll hurt ____!

mine yourself
my yourselves
myself Either could be used here.

Q13 - It's ____ not mine. Q14 - She didn't do ____ best.

her her
hers hers
herself herself


Q1 - Give that to ____. Q2 - Did she see ___?

I us
me we

Q3 - Did you phone ____? Q4 - I took it from ____.

she they
her them


Q5 - It's not up to ____. Q6 - My sister and ____ went there.

we I
us me

Q7 - Between you and ____, I think it's a stupid idea. Q8 - ____ is the white one.

I Mine
me My

Q9 - What did ____ say about it? Q10 - They said ____ had to pay for it.

them us
they we

Q11 - I told ____ to be here at three o'clock. Q12 - What did ____ want?

he her
him she

Q13 - Tell ____ what happened. Q14 - If ____ have time, it should be OK.

I us
me we

Q15 - It's got nothing to do with ____. Q16 - I took ____ both.

you and me it
you and I they


Subject and Object Pronouns

Q1 - I saw ____. Q2 - Give it to ____.

her they
she them

Q3 - She kissed ____. Q4 - He took ____.

he it
him them

Either could be used here.

Q5 - Did anyone see ____? Q6 - _____ arrived on time.

us Them
we They
Either could be used here. Either could be used here.

Q7 - What did ____ say? Q8 - She's faster than ____ am.

her me
she I
Either could be used here

Q9 - I saw you and ____ there. Q10 - Between you and ____, I really didn't like it.

she me
her I

Q11 - My brother and ____ went there. Q12 - He gave it to me and ____.

I she
we her

They, Them, Their & Theirs

Q1 - It took ____ an hour to get to work. Q2 - You take our books and I'll take ____.

they their
them theirs

Q3 - I am angry with both of ____. Q4 - Do you know ____?

they they
their them

Q5 - Are ____ coming? Q6 - It was very kind of ____ to help.

they they
their their


Q7 - Did ____ speak to you? Q8 - Did you speak to ____?

they they
them them

Q9 - Have ____ been invited? Q10 - Ask ____.

they them
their they

Fill in the blanks with suitable pronouns.

 1. Does _____ (her, she) know that _____ (me, I) was absent?
 2. Please tell _____ ( he, him) _____ (I, me) have obtained a degree in Chemistry.
 3. I remember that _____ (they, them) bought the fruits from _____ (we, us).
 4. Please don't tell ______ (she, her) about _____ (I, me).
 5. _____ can swim because _____ has webbed feet.
 6. I met Alice yesterday. _____ invited _____ to her house.
 7. Jane has a cat; _____ likes to play with _____.
 8. When the dog chased John, _____ ran as fast as _____ could.
 9. My uncle works in a factory. _____ says _____ is a noisy place.
 10. The teacher said to the class, "When _____ finished your work, please pass _____ up to me."
Fill each blank with a suitable Reflexive Pronoun.
 1. He rewarded _____ with an ice-cream.
 2. They agreed amongst _____ that they would not tell anyone.
 3. I taught _____ to draw.
 4. You must explain _____ more clearly.
 5. He has a bad temper so he must learn to control _____.
 6. We thoroughly enjoyed _____ at the party on Sunday.
 7. That monkey is scratching _____.
 8. One must defend _____ against bullies.
 9. My brother and I bought _____ some apples.
 10. She cooks for _____ every day.
Fill in the blanks with ‘which, ‘who', ‘whom' and ‘whose'.
 1. The boy, _____ father is a doctor, is my best friend.
 2. This is not something _____ we like to do.
 3. That man, _____ left leg was amputated, suffers from diabetes.
 4. The thief, _____ they caught, was sent to the prison.
 5. Our friends, _____ we invited to the party, arrived rather early.
 6. The girl, _____ broke the mirror, was scolded by her mother.
 7. That is my uncle, _____ car was stolen.
 8. That woman, _____ you saw, was my auntie.
 9. Kangaroos, _____ use their pouch to carry their babies, are found in Australia.
 10. The policeman, ______ caught the thief, is a very brave man.

The indefinite pronoun

Complete the sentences. Choose one of the words in the box

everybody somebody anybody nobody

everything something anything nothing
everywhere somewhere anywhere nowhere

1. This bag is empty, there isn’t _______________ in it.

2. I’m lonely. I have ____________________ to talk to.
3. I lost my watch. I’ve looked for it _______________.
4. She said ______________, but I didn’t understand her.
5. Did you go _______________ interesting for your vacation?
6. I like the people here. ________________ is very friendly.
7. ’What are you doing here? ’ ’I’m waiting for _______________.’
8. It’s a secret. Don’t tell _________________.
9. We don’t go out very much, because there’s ____________________ to go.
10. ’How much does it cost to visit the museum?’ ’__________________. Why?’
11. They live __________________ in the south of France.
12. It’s a nice hotel. It’s comfortable and _________________ is clean.

Complete the sentences. Choose one of the words in the box

1. Ken never uses his car. He goes _________________ by motorcycle.

2. I’m bored. I don’t have _____________________ to do.
3. Tom lives ________________ near Toronto.
4. I’m looking for my glasses. I can’t find them _________________.
5. ’What did you have to eat?’ ’________________. I wasn’t hungry. ’
6. I don’t like this place. There’s _____________ to go.
7. Let’s have dinner. _________________ is hungry.
8. I want _______________ to read. I’m going to buy a magazine.
9. The house is empty. _________________ lives there.
10. You’re right. _______________ you say is true.
11. ’Do you know ______________ in Tokyo?’ ’Yes, I have a few friends there.’
12.______________ broke the window.

Complete the sentences. Choose one of the words in the box

1. You can have a shower. There’s ________________ in the bathroom.

2. Jack has a bad memory. He can’t remember __________________.
3. Their house is full of books. There are books __________________.
4. ’What’s in that suitcase?’ ’_______________ It’s empty. ’
5. Stay at home. Don’t go __________________.
6. Do you have ________________ you need?
7. Dan has gone ______________. He didn’t tell anyone where he was going.

8. The tank is almost empty. There’s _______________ a station near here.

9. ’What’s wrong?’ ’I have __________________ in my eye.’
10. Tim doesn’t have _________________ to help him.
11. ’Do you know Bob?’ ’Yes, __________________ knows him. ’
12.There’s ______________ at the door. Can you go and see who it is?

~ Revision 1~
SUBJECT : Pronouns
A) Fill in the blanks with MY, YOUR, HIS, HER, ITS, OUR, YOUR, THEIR:
1. This is Tim. ………………. car is very fast.
2. Jane and I are in the garden. …………… books are in the classroom.
3. Are you a driver? Where is …………… car?
4. I am a driver. This is ……………. car.
5. She is my friend. …………. name is Meltem.
6. These are Mr. and Mrs. Brown. That’s ………….. house.
7. Look at that cat. …………… eyes are green.
8. Your friend and you are sad today. What’s ……………… problem?
9. That’s Mr. Green. He is driving …………… car.
10. Ali’s and Can’s bags are heavy. …………… bags are full.
11. Gokce and Meltem are listening to pop music. …………….. mother is cooking in the
12. The dog is eating a bone. ………….. teeth are very sharp.
13. Are you and your sister ready? …………… friend is waiting for you in the car.
14. A: What’s ………….. job?
B: I’m a mechanic.
15. Madonna is a famous singer. …………… new records are great.
16. Robert has got a dog. ………………. name is Bingo.
17. We have got a new house in İzmir. ……………. new house is very large.
18. The boys are riding ……………….. bicycles in the garden.
19. Ayşegul is going to school. …………….. school is very far.
20. Sue and Mary are wearing ear-rings. ………………. ear-rings are silver.
B) Rewrite these sentences using HE, SHE, IT, THEY, WE, HIS, HER, THEIR, OUR, ITS:
1. Jane’s father is very thin.
2. Men’s trousers are very expensive.
3. Jim’s shirt is very long.
4. Is your brother a businessman?
5. My mother and I would like some tea.
6. These are Ayşe’s and my books.
7. Mrs. Brown’s daughters are in the garden.
8. Where is Gökçe’s mother?
9. My father’s car is blue.
10.That rabbit is grey. The rabbit’s ears are long.
11.The students’ books are in the classroom.
12.This is Mrs. Brown’s coat, but these are the children’s coats.
C. Rewrite the underlined words using MINE, YOURS, HIS, HERS, OURS, THEIRS:
1. This is Ayşe’s coat.
2. It is my chocolate. Don’t eat!
3. That red book is not Can’s book. His book is blue.
4. A: Look at these keys. Are they our keys?
B: No, they are not your keys. They are my mother’s keys.
5. A: Are those your glasses or my glasses on the table?
B: I think, they are your glasses. My glasses aren’t on the table. They are in my bag.
D. Fill in the blanks using MINE, YOURS, HIS, HERS, OURS, THEIRS:
1. A: Is this John’s tie?
B: Yes, it is ………….. .
2. My umbrella isn’t black. ……………. is grey.
3. There is a car near your house. Is it …………….. ?
4. That green shirt isn’t Ayşe’s. ………………. is blue.
5. Pass this ball to us. It is …………… .
6. They don’t like sandwiches. These sandwiches are not …………….. .
7. Don’t take these keys. They are not …………….. .
8. A: There is a pair of brown gloves here. Are they your gloves or my gloves?
B: I haven’t got brown gloves. They aren’t ………………. , they are ……………… .
9. A: Is their house old?
B: No, ……………… is very old.

10. Can I take your pen? …………….. is at home.
E. Fill in the blanks with ME, YOU, HIM, HER, THEM, US, IT:
1. We are playing in the garden and Jim is playing with …………….. .
2. Are the lights on? Turn ……………. off!
3. Where is my book? I’m looking for ……………… .
4. She is very tired. Help …………….. .
5. I’m very thirsty. Give ……………. a glass of water.
6. This is Ahmet’s pen. Give it to …………… .
7. Look at …………… . Are they your friends?
8. Are you John Brown? There is a letter for …………. .
F. Fill in the blanks with MY, YOUR, HIS, HER, ITS, OUR, THEIR, ME, YOU, HIM,
1. Is that Jim’s tie? Show …………… this tie.
2. There is a pen on the table. Give ………….. to me.
3. Pass these books to your friends. They are ………….. .
4. A: Is this my umbrella?
B: No, it isn’t ………….. umbrella. …………. is on the table.
5. Gokce and I are in the classroom. ……………. bags are under the desk over there. Could
you bring ………….. to ………….. ?
6. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are at the door. This is …………. key. Please give ………… to
…………. .
7. A: Have you got a green pullover?
B: No, …………….. isn’t green. It’s blue.
8. Look at that man. ………….. name is John Brown. This passport is ……………. . Give
……………. to ……………. .
G. Rewrite the underlined parts using ME, HIM, HER, THEM, US, IT:
1. There are some books on the desk. Look at these books.
2. She is turning the radio on.
3. The teacher is asking Jane a question.
4. Take your shoes off.
5. The man is looking at Ali and me.
6. Jim is giving his father some tea.
7. This is the dog’s meat. Give the meat to the dog.
8. Is Tom eating any oranges?
9. Give the milk to that cat.
10. Could you pass the salt to your mother?
H) Complete the passage. Use appropriate pronouns
my your his her its our their his

Hello. …………… name is Patrick. I’m nine. I have got a brother. His name is Andy and he’s eleven. We
are on holiday in Spain. The hotel is very good and …………. swimming-pool is large.
Andy and I have got a sister. ……….. name is Liz. She’s six years old. …………. mother and father are
in the restaurant now. Their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Bolton, are in the restaurant, too. …………. two sons
are in the pool.
Andy has got a girl-friend. …………… girl-friend’s name is Sandra. She’s in …………… class at school.
Where is your family? Is ……………. family here, too?
I) Choose the correct answers:
1. We / Us met Sally yesterday afternoon. She / Her came to the cinema with we / us.
2. I phoned Sarah last night and gave she / her the message.
3. My brother is older than I / me, but he / him isn’t as tall as I / me am.
4. “Who wants a cup of coffee?” “I / Me.”
5. A: Have you seen Simon today?”
B: Yes. I / Me saw he / him this morning. He / Him was going to the swimming pool.
6. A: What did those people want?
B: They / Them asked I / me to help they / them.
J) Choose the correct answers:
1. We know their / theirs telephone number, but they don’t know our / ours.
2. My / Mine car wasn’t as expensive as her / hers.
3. A: How are your / yours children?
B: Fine, thanks. How are your / yours?
4. Maria has got her / hers suitcase, but her / hers friends haven’t got their / theirs.
5. Our / Ours flat isn’t as big as their / theirs, but our / ours is much more comfortable.
6. Have you seen my / mine coat?
K) Complete the sentences using MYSELF, YOURSELF, HIMSELF, HERSELF, ITSELF,
1. Sue’s children are too young to look after ………………………………. .
2. An elephant hurt ……………………… when it tried to get out of the zoo yesterday.
3. I couldn’t borrow my mother’s car last night because she was using it ……………… .
4. I don’t need any help. I can take care of ………………………. .
5. Mr. Woods fell over and hurt …………………….. when he was running for a bus.
6. Would you all like to help …………………………… to sandwiches and cakes?
7. Sarah and I didn’t really enjoy ……………………………. at the disco last night.
8. I taught ……………………….. to play the guitar; I’ve never had lessons.
L) Complete each sentence using BY + A REFLEXIVE PRONOUN:
1. A: Who did you go to the cinema with?
B: Nobody, I went ………………………………………….. .
2. Since the old lady’s husband died, she’s been living …………………………………… .
3. Did someone help you move all the furniture, or did you do it all ……………………… ?
4. They need some help; they can’t manage …………………………………………… .
5. The dog opened the door ………………………………………. .

Past simple or past continuous
Simple past or past continuous
1) Last Saturday when my brother arrived, I ... TV (to watch)
2) The police arrested the murderer when he ... an old woman (to attack)
3) My uncle ... all his fortune playing in casinos (to lose)
4) Yesterday it rained all day and the river almost ... its banks (to burst)
5) Last night when I left the party two gangs of hooligans ... (to fight)
6) Last Friday my father ... to Paris to visit my brother, who works there (to go)
7) They ... the new bridge in time for the Olympic Games (to finish)
8) My girlfriend didn't come with us to the cinema because she ... (to study)
9) When the teacher entered the classroom the students ... very loudly (to speak)
10) That terrible accident ... yesterday evening (to happen)
11) Last night when the thieves ... into my house I was sleeping (to break)
12) My parents ... in the Cathedral of Seville 40 years ago (to get married)
13) The Socialist Party ... the last elections and is now in power (to win)
14) The other day when I ... tennis I hurt my leg (to play)
15) Philip ... at home in very strange circumstances (to die)
16) Susan ... Law in the university of Madrid (to study)
17) Yesterday when you came home I ... the dog (to walk)
18) The plane ... into the mountains due to the weather conditions (to crash)
19) He ... late at the station and missed his train (to arrive)
20) The mother went to calm her little baby because she ... (to cry)
21) My neighbour ... a heart attack last year and still hasn't fully recovered (to have)
22) This morning while my friends played football I ... my homework (to do)
23) Last summer we ... to the south of Spain for our holidays (to go)
24) Yesterday night it was raining when we ... the Theatre (to leave)

Choose which verb tense (simple past or past continuous) fits better.
1. I ________ - I didn't hear you come in. a) was sleeping b) slept
2. I ________ to see her twice, but she wasn't home. a) was coming b) came
3. What ________? I was watching TV. a) did you do b) were you doing
4. Robin Hood was a character who ________ from the rich and gave to the poor. a) stole b) was stealing
5. Hey, did you talk to her? Yes, I ________ to her a) was talking b) talked
6. I ________ home very late last night. a) came b) was coming

7. How long ________ the flu? a) did you have b) were you having
8. ________ a good time in Brazil? Yes, I had a blast! a) Were you having b) Did you have
9. We ________ breakfast when she walked into the room. a) had b) were having
10. Last month I decided to buy a new car, and today I finally ________ it. a) bought b) was buying
Complete the following sentences with the correct form (Past Simple or Past Continuous).
1. A: What (you, do) ___________________ when you heard that noise?
B: I (try) ___________________ to change a light bulb that had burnt out.
2. After I (find) ___________________ the wallet full of money, I (go,
immediately)___________________ to the police and (turn) ___________________ it in.
3. The doctor (say) ___________________ that Brian (be) _________________ too weak to go to work
and that he (need) ___________________ to stay at home for a couple of days.
4. My best friend (arrive) ___________________ at my house a little before 9:00 pm, but I (be, not)
___________________ there. I (study) ___________________ at the library for my final examination in
5. John is in the living room working on his computer. At this time yesterday, he (work, also)
___________________ on his computer. That's all he ever does!
6. I (call) ___________________ you last night after dinner, but you (be, not)___________________
there. Where were you? B: I (work) ___________________ out at the gym.
7. When I (walk) ___________________ into the busy office, the secretaries
(talk)___________________ on the phone with customers, a clerk (work, busily)___________________
at his desk, and two managers (discuss, quietly) ___________________ methods to improve customer
8. I (watch) ___________________ a thriller on T.V. when the electricity went out. Now I am never
going to find out how the film ends.
9. Samantha (be) ___________________ in the room when Bob (tell) ___________________ me what
happened, but she didn't hear anything because she (be, listen) ___________________ to music.
10. It's strange that you (call) ___________________ because I (think, just) ___________________
about you.
Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Continuous or the Past Simple.
1) Frank _______________ (finish) his lunch and ____________ (ring) his friend Jason.
2) Jason ____________ (watch) TV when Fran______________ (phone) him.
3) He ____________ (turn off) the TV when he ____________ (hear) the phone ringing.
4) They _________________________ (decide) what to do when Jason _____________________
(suggest) going to the club.
5) Frank _______________ Jason ____________ (pick up) and _________________ (drive) to the club.
6) Two other people _______________________(use) their tennis court when they
_________________________ (arrive).
7) They ______________________ (drink) a soda and ____________________ (eat) a sandwich while
they _____________________(wait) to play.
8) While they __________________________ (play), it ________ (start) to rain so they
______________________ (have) to stop playing.
1. I didn't buy ---- in the end. license.
A) nothing A) wants / their
B) something B) want / their
C) everybody C) wants / theirs
D) anything D) want / theirs
2. It's not good if everyone ---- to get ---- own 3. He was an only child, so he had to learn how
to amuse ----. 7. No one can find Alice and David ----.
A) himself A) everywhere
B) him B) somewhere
C) anybody C) anywhere
D) each other D) nowhere
4. They always defend ----. If you blame one, the 8. Despite her father's complaints, she decided to
other will spring to her aid. live ---- in Canada.
A) themselves A) herself
B) one another B) of her own
C) him C) by herself
D) them D) her
5. He claimed to be an expert, but he knew 9. The music in the house was so loud that
almost ---- about it. everybody had to shout to make ---- heard.
A) everything A) herself
B) nothing B) oneself
C) anything C) themselves
D) something D) them
6. If ---- had called, they would have left a 10. There was ---- to help me so I had to do all
message. the cleaning myself.
A) anybody A) anybody
B) nobody B) no one
C) everybody C) somebody
D) no one D) everyone
1. Tom had had enough of school, ---- is why he B) that
decided to join the Marines. C) whom
A) that D) whose
B) what E) who
C) whom 5. In 1851,---- an international tournament was
D) where organized by the great English player Howard
E) which Staunton, the modern competitive age of chess
2. If you are planning to drive a long distance, began in London.
you should drive during the time of the day ---- A) that
you are normally awake. B) when
A) which C) which
B) whom D) where
C) when E) whose
D) whose 6. I have always found that it's helpful to have a
E) who few wise and trusted people to ---- you can turn
3. In areas ---- many elderly live alone, the for information and advice.
police may visit their homes to make sure they A) whom
are all right. B) that
A) that C) whose
B) which D) who
C) whose E) which
D) whom 7. While starting your own business the first
E) where principle is to select people ---- you have trust
4. Canada is one of the few forested nations ---- and confidence.
forests are mostly public property. A) on which
A) which B) whose
C) in whom resourceful and less stressful manner.
D) where A) which
E) of which B) what
8. Jack London, ---- works deal romantically C) where
with the overwhelming power of nature and the D) that
struggle for survival, was a prolific American E) whose
novelist and short story writer. 10. Many foods ---- we consume today are all
A) which military creations and were first designed for
B) whose soldiers.
C) where A) that
D) what B) of which
E) who C) where
9. Parents can learn to create an environment ---- D) when
their child can grow and thrive in a more E) at which

A) Write a suitable sentence using the PRESENT PERFECT TENSE :
1. Ann’s hair was dirty. Now it’s clean. (wash) ……... Ann has washed her hair…………
2. Tom was 80 kg. Now he’s 70. (lose weight) ……………………………………………..
3. Bill played football yesterday. Now he can’t walk; his leg is in plaster. (break)
4. My sister is looking for her pen. (lose) ……………………………………………………
5. Mary is on holiday in France. (go) ………………………………………………………..
6. Mr. Hill was in Canada last week. He’s back in London now. (be) ………………………
7. Look! Mrs. Smith has got a lot of packages. (buy) ……………………………………….
8. I can’t eat anything now. (eat too much) ………………………………………………….
9. Mrs. Jenkins is very tired. (clean / house) …………………………………………………
10. Tony needs a holiday. (work / hard / this year) ……………………………………………

B) Fill in the blanks with ALREADY or YET:

1. He hasn’t called us ……………………………… .
2. They have ………………………………… sent the letter.
3. John has ……………………………… bought the tickets for the football match.
4. We have ……………………………….. been to Mexico three times.
5. You haven’t visited Tokyo ………………………………… .
6. Has John bought a new car ………………………………….. ?
7. The plane has …………………………… left.
8. Has she done it …………………………….. ? No, not …………………………. .
9. A: Haven’t they arrived ………………………………. ?
B: Oh, yes. They have ………………………………… arrived.
10. Hurry up! The class has ……………………………… started.
11. Be careful! They have ………………………………… painted the door.
12. Haven’t you read the book ………………………………. ?

C) Put the verbs in the correct tense. Use the SIMPLE PAST or the PRESENT PERFECT:
1. ……………………….. Tim ………………………. (finish) his work yet?
2. ……………………….. he ………………………… (finish) it yesterday?
3. They ……………………………………. (just / go) out.
4. They ……………………………… (go) out a minute ago.
5. …………………… Ann …………………………. (study) yesterday afternoon?
6. …………………… you …………………………. (send) the letters yet?
7. …………………… she ………………………….. (call) him a week ago?
8. They ………………………………………. (not / see) the film yet.
9. The train ……………………………………………… (just / arrive).
10. ………………………. you ……………………………. (ever / be) in a TV studio?
11. …………………… you and Tom ………………………… (enjoy) the party last night?
12. …………………… you ………………………………. (not / finish) school last year?
13. I ………………………………………. (lose) my dictionary. I can’t find it anywhere.
14. His hair looks short. He ………………………………………….. (have) a haircut.
15. When ………………………………………………. (he / give up) smoking?
16. Jane …………………………………….. (buy) her car two weeks ago.
17. My bicycle isn’t here. Somebody ……………………………………………. (take) it.
18. Why ……………………………………… (Jim / not want) to play tennis last Friday?
19. The car looks clean. ……………………….. you ……………………….. (wash) it?
20. When we were on holiday, the weather …………………………… (be) terrible.
D) Rewrite the following sentences twice, using SINCE and FOR:
Example: I haven’t seen you. (Christmas / 3 days)
a) I haven’t seen you SINCE Christmas.
b) I haven’t seen you FOR 3 days.
1. We’ve been here. (an hour / 4 o’clock)
a) …………………………………………………………………………
b) …………………………………………………………………………
2. She hasn’t spoken to me. (2 weeks / last week)
a) …………………………………………………………………………
b) …………………………………………………………………………
3. They’ve lived in this street. (1970 / a long time)
a) …………………………………………………………………………
b) …………………………………………………………………………
4. I haven’t had time to do it. (last Monday / a few days)
a) …………………………………………………………………………
b) …………………………………………………………………………
5. We haven’t bought a new one. (ages / many years)
a) …………………………………………………………………………
b) …………………………………………………………………………__


A) Use PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE to fill in the blanks:
1. I’m tired, because I …… have been working ………. (work) very hard.
2. He ………………………………………… (write) letters all morning.
3. Catherina is getting fatter because she …………………………………… (eat) too much.
4. My mother ………………………………………….. (peel) the potatoes all afternoon.
5. Cathy …………………………………………… (attend) a cookery course since March.
6. How long …………… you ………………………………………….. (learn) English?
7. Where are my eye-glasses? I …………………………………………….. (look) for them
for an hour.
8. Charles ………………………………………………. (escape) from the police for years.
9. How long …………… you ………………………………………… (use) a computer?
10. Elizabeth ………………………………………….. (live) with Mike for three years.
11. She ………………………………………………. (earn) quite a lot of money for the last
two years.
12. It …………………………………………………. (rain) for six hours.
to fill in the blanks:
1. I’ve bought / have been buying a new pair of shoes.
2. Have you finished / Have you been finishing reading that book yet?
3. They’ve eaten / have been eating fruit all afternoon, ever since they came from school.
4. I’ve been reading / have read this book now, so you can have it back.
5. I’ve been writing / have written eight pages already.
6. Your exam paper is completely blank! What have you been doing / have you done?
7. Oh, no! There’s nothing to eat. My sister has been eating / has eaten everything I left in
the kitchen.
8. Oh, no! There’s no wine to drink. They have drunk / have been drinking all the wine.
9. No wonder your eyes hurt. You’ve been playing / have played computer games ever since
you had your breakfast.
10. I haven’t seen / haven’t been seeing you for ages.
11. God! Hakan has scored / has been scoring.
12. They have danced / have been dancing for an hour.
13. I have been waiting / have waited for you for ages.
14. I’ve finished / ‘ve been finishing my work.
15. I’ve been writing / have written this letter for an hour.
16. He has visited / has been visiting ten museums this week.
17. I’m very tired. Because I have travelled / have been travelling around Istanbul all day.
18. She has found / has been finding a good job.
19. I’m hot because I have been running / have run.
20. I have written / have been writing letters for weeks.


A) Use THE SIMPLE PAST or THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE to fill in the blanks:
1. What ………………………………………… (you / learn) since you …………………….
(come) here? How many friends ………………………………………. (you / make)? I
hope you ……………………………………... (already / meet) a lot of interesting people.
2. Last night my roommate and I ……………………….. (have) some free time, so we
………………………….. (go) to a show.
3. I ………………………………….. (just / have) lunch, but I ………………………………
(not / have) lunch yesterday.
4. Who …………………………………. (write) the play “Hamlet”?
5. How many games …………………………………… (the team / win) so far this season?
6. I don’t know Carol’s husband. I ………………………………………. (never / meet) him.
7. It ………………………………… (rain) a lot last week, but it ……………………………
(not / rain) much so far this week.
8. How many letters ……………………………………….. (you / write) since the beginning
of the month?
9. When we were on vacation, the weather ……………………………… (be) terrible.
10. In her whole lifetime, Mary …………………………………………… (never / see) snow.
11. I don’t know where Ammy is. ………………………………………….(you / see) her?
12. When I ……………………………. (get) home last night, I ……………………….. (be)
very tired and I …………………………… (go) straight to bed.
13. Your car looks very clean. ……………………………………. (you / wash) it?
14. George …………………………………….. (not / be) very well last week.
15. Mr. Clark …………………………… (work) in a bank for 15 years. Then he gave it up.
to fill in the blanks:
1. I’m trying to study. I …………………………………………….. (try) to study for the last
hour, but something always seems to interrupt me. I think I’d better go to the library.
2. The children are playing basketball right now. They ………………………………………
(play) for almost two hours. They must be getting tired.
3. The telephone …………………………………………… (ring) four times in the last
hour, and each time it has been for my roommate.
4. The telephone …………………………………………… (ring) for almost a minute. Why
doesn’t someone answer it?
5. It ……………………………………………….. (rain) all day. I wonder when it will stop.
6. We ………………………………………… (have) three accidents so far this week. I
wonder how many more we will have if you keep using the tools carelessly.
7. We ……………………………………………………. (live) here since last June.
8. My little son is dirty from head to foot because he ………………………………………
(play) in the mud.
9. What’s the matter? Your eyes are red and puffy. I hope you ………………………………
(not / cry). Oh, now I understand. You …………………………………………….. (peel)
some onions.
10. Hello, Rob. I’m happy to see you again. I ………………………………………………..
(not / see) you for weeks. What ……………………. you …………………………… (do)
11. I …………………………………………………. (not / be) able to reach my boss on the
phone yet. I ………………………………………………………. (try) for the last twenty
minutes, but the line ……………………………………..(be) busy.
12. We …………………………………………. (have) three major snowstorms so far this
winter. I wonder how many more we will have.
13. I ………………………………………………… (write) them three times, but I still
haven’t received a reply.
14. A: Dr. Harrison is a good teacher. How long ……………… he ……………………. (be)
at the university?
B: He ………………………………………… (teach) here for almost 25 years.
15. A: What are you going to order for dinner?
B: Well, I ……………………………………………… (have / not) pizza. So I think, I’ll
order that.
16. My uncle …………………………………………………. (paint) the outside of his house
for three weeks and he’s still not finished.
17. The Smiths are presently in Tunisia. They ………………………………………. (travel)
throughout North Africa since the middle of May. They’ll return home in another month.
to fill in the blanks:
1. I’m tired. We ………………………………………………. (walk) for over an hour. Let’s
stop and rest for a while.
2. The zoo isn’t far from here. I ………………………………………………… (walk) there
many times.
3. I …………………………………………………. (write) my friends at least a dozen
letters since I left home and come here.
4. Sally is writing a letter to her boyfriend. She ……………………………………….
(write) it since she got home from class. It’s going to be a long letter.
5. The telephone …………………………………………….. (ring) four times in the last
hour, and each time it has been for my roommate.
6. The telephone ……………………………………………… (ring) for almost a minute.
Why doesn’t someone answer it?
7. She is 80 and she ………………………………………… (never / read) a book in her life.
8. The secretary is very tired. She ………………………………………………… (type) all
9. Tom is reading a book. He started two hours ago and he is on page 53. He
……………………………………….. (read) for two hours.
10. Hello! I …………………………………………… (clean) the windows. So far I
………………………………………… (clean) five of them and there are two more to do.
11. My grandfather ……………………… (died) 30 years ago. I ……………………………..

…………………. (never / meet) him.
12. A: Is your father at home?
B: No, I’m afraid he ……………………………………………… (go) out.
A: When exactly ………………………………………………… (he / go) out?
B: About ten minutes ago.
D) Use THE SIMPLE PAST or THE PRESENT PERFECT TENSE to fill in the blanks:
1. The young man ……………………………… (never / be) to Paris, but he ……………..
(read) a book about this city last year.
2. …………………… you …………………… (decide) where to go yet?
3. A: Have some tea, please.
B: No, thank you. I …………………………………. (just / have) two cups of tea.
4. Susan …………………………. (do) her homework before 10 o’clock but Jane ………….
……………….. (not /write) a word until now.
5. Her mother ………………………………… (buy) her a pair of new shoes yesterday.
6. The Prime Minister …………………………. (leave) for the USA an hour ago.
7. A: …………….. the plane ……………………. (land)?
B: Yes, it ………………………… (land) ten minutes ago.
8. It ………………………………. (not / rain) for a long time.
9. ……………… you ……………… (see) my dog? It ………………………… (run away)
this morning.
10. We …………………………. (meet) at a party a long time ago, but I ……………………..
(not / see) her since then.
11. I ………………………… (see) an interesting book in a bookshop yesterday, but I
…………………………… (not / buy) it.
12. My friend …………………………… (fall) from the bicycle because he ……………….…
(not / ride) one for ages.
13. His father ………………………………… (die) in 1970, but he …………………………..
(never / visit) his father’s grave since that time.
14. They …………………… (go) to America years ago, but none of them …………………...
(come) back since then.
15. A: …………….. you ……………….. (speak) to an Englishman?
B: Yes, I …………………….. (have) a short conversation with one last night.
16. A: ………………. you ever ………………….. (be) to Tatilya?
B: Yes, I ………………………. (go) there two years ago.
17. A: ………………. you ……………….. (see) Jane recently?
B: No, I ……………………………. (see) her for a long time.

A. Choose the present perfect or past simple:
1. I _________________ (see) three police cars this morning (it’s still morning).
2. After he _________________ (arrive) home, he _________________ (unpack) and
_________________ (go) to bed early.
3. A: What’s wrong? B: I _________________ (break) a glass!
4. My grandparents only _________________ (know) each other for a few months before they
_________________ (get) married.
5. I _________________ (be) in London for three years. I love it here.
6. We _________________ (see) Julie last night.
7. He _________________ (be) a teacher before he _________________ (become) a musician.
8. When the boss _________________ (walk) into the room, we _________________ (know) someone
was going to get fired.
9. The children _________________ (break) a window in the school last week.
10. He _________________ (see) that film last year.
11. Lucy _________________ (break) her leg, so she can’t come skiing.
12. Julie _________________ (arrive)! Come and say hello!
13. They _________________ (be) cold when they _________________ (arrive) home.
14. Jack _________________ (break) his arm when he _________________ (fall) off a horse in 2005.
15. I _________________ (know) about the problem for months, but I _________________ (not / find) a
solution yet.
16. A: When _________________ (you / arrive)? B: At 10pm last night.
17. She _________________ (be) a teacher for ten years, and she still enjoys it.
18. How long _________________ (you / know) Jill? I know you see her often.
19. I _________________ (see) the sea before.
20. A: Hello B: Hi Mum, it’s me. I just wanted to say I _________________ (arrive) safely and
everything is fine.
Q1 - He ..... there when he was a child have finished
has lived finished
lived Q9 - Look- someone ....... their handbag in the
Q2 - I ........ her since last year room
haven't seen left
didn't see has left
Q3 - They ......... a few minutes ago Q10 - ............ to Rome?
left Did you ever go
have left Have you ever been
Q4 - She .......... unemployed since she left Q11 - I can't get into my house because I ........
school my keys
has not been lost
was not have lost
Q5 - They ....... the contract last week Q12 - Nobody ....... the phone when it rang
finalised answered
have finalised has answered
Q6 - The film .......... yet Q13 - I ......... up smoking last year
hasn't started gave
didn't start have given
Q7 - She ........ ill since Thursday Q14 - You can't see her because she ......... home
was has gone
has been went
Q8 - I ........ the project last night Q15 - ............... to the United States?
Did you ever go Did you go
Have you ever been Have you been
Q16 - I never ......... my grandmother as she died Q31 - This is the first time I ........ here
before I was born have been
knew was
have known Q32 - I ....... them since my schooldays
Q17 - It's the first time I ........ caviar have known
ate knew
have eaten Q33 - He ......... yet
Q18 - The first time we ......... was just the other hasn't arrived
day didn't arrive
spoke Q34 - They ........... the contract yet
have spoken didn't sign
Q19 - It stinks in here; someone ........... smoking haven't signed
was Q35 - The newspaper ......... very successful
has been lately
Q20 - He's in hospital because he ............. leg hasn't been
has broken his wasn't
broke his Q36 - He ...... during the war
Q21 - I've known her since we ......... at school died
together has died
were Q37 - I ......... breakfast before leaving home this
have been morning
Q22 - It's ages since we ........ haven't had
spoke didn't have
have spoken Q38 - I ....... a taxi so I came on the bus
Q23 - It's been ages since we ........ from Dave haven't found
have heard didn't find
heard Q39 - John's nervous because he .......... such a
Q24 - The last time I saw Fran ........ ages ago difficult test before
was has never taken
has been never took
Q25 - I ........ from her lately Q40 - My stereo ....... working last night
haven't heard stopped
didn't hear has stopped
Q26 - I just ........ the time to go to the cinema Q41 - Two people ....... at the game on Saturday
recently were arrested
didn't have have been arrested
haven't had Q42 - I .......... a holiday for ages
Q27 - I ........ just Meg and Brian at the party didn't have
have seen haven't had
saw Q43 - We ....... out on Saturday night
Q28 - I ........ busy for the past fortnight haven't gone
was didn't go
have been Q44 - I ....... it last week
Q29 - She ......... away for the last two weeks bought
has been have bought
was Q45 - She hasn't ........ here for ages
Q30 - ......... to the concert on Friday? been

Q46 - I .......... to water-ski in 1993 has managed
learnt managed
have learnt Q50 - I ...... the dog for a walk because it was
Q47 - She ....... an absolute fortune last year raining
has earned haven't taken
earned didn't take
Q48 - The weather ....... dreadful for the whole Q51 - I ........... the exam in time yesterday
two weeks we were there only just finished
was have only just finished
has been Q52 - The weather ..... dreadful at the weekend
Q49 - No one ...... to do it yet has been
B. Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Continuous
1. ___________________ (you / buy) your train ticket yet?
2. The kitchen is a complete mess! What ___________________ (the children / do)?
3. Julie ___________________ (learn) to drive for six years!
4. Amanda ___________________ (already / have) lunch, so she’ll meet us later.
5. How much coffee ___________________ (she / drink) this morning?
6. Simon ___________________ (write) three books.
7. I ___________________ (do) everything I needed to do today! Hurray!
8. It ___________________ (not / rain) all summer, so the garden is dead.
9. I ___________________ (read) your book. Here it is, thank you.
10. She ___________________ (forget) how to get to my house.
11. I ___________________ (work) in the garden all day and I need a rest.
12. She ___________________ (make) three cakes. They look delicious!
13. David feels great these days. He ___________________ (get) up early lately.
14. We ___________________ (always / hate) rush hour traffic.
15. Recently, I ___________________ (study) a lot. My exams are in a few weeks.
16. We ___________________ (write) this book for months and months.
17. I ___________________ (always / love) chocolate.
18. I ___________________ (want) to go back to university for a long time.
19. What’s that delicious smell? ___________________ (you / cook)?
20. I ___________________ (watch) seven films this week!
C. Present Simple & Present Continuous
Choose the best answer.
1. Gareth thinks / is thinking about his ex-girlfriend all the time.
2. Where do you go / are you going tomorrow?
3. Sandra is not liking / doesn't like milk in her tea.
4. My neighbour plays / is playing tennis twice a week.
5. Is your husband listening / Does your husband listen to the radio when he gets up?
6. I'm so tired I want / 'm wanting to go to bed right now.
7. What are you doing ? I 'm opening / open the windows.
8. What does she do ? She works / She's working as a nurse in a hospital in London.
9. Where is the teacher? Don't worry, he's coming / he comes .
10. I work / 'm working late most Mondays.

past perfect simple/continuous
I. Write the past participle (3rd form) of the following irregular verbs.
1. speak - 4. swim -
2. catch - 5. understand -
3. eat – 6. begin -

II. Complete the sentences in Past Perfect Simple (positive).

1. I lost the key that he (give) _____________________ to me.

2. She told me that she (see) ____________________ a ghost.

3. I went downstairs because I (hear) ___________________ a noise.

4. When they came home, Sue (cook) ___________________ dinner already.

5. We could not send you a postcard because we (forget) ___________________ our address book.
III. Complete the sentences in Past Perfect Simple (negative).

1. The waiter served something that we (not / order) _______________________.

2. He went to Alaska where he (not / be) _______________________ before.

3. She put on the red dress, which she (not / wear) ___________________ for ages.

4. He (not / play) ________________________tennis before that day.

5. His mother was angry because he (not / help) _______________________ her with the shopping.
IV. Complete the questions in Past Perfect Simple.

1. (you / finish) your homework before you went to the cinema?

2. (why / you / clean) the bathroom before you bathed the dog?

3. (you / have) breakfast before you came here?

4. (she / find) a place to stay when she went to Boston?

5. (where / she / live) before she moved to Chicago?

V. Put the verbs into the correct form (past perfect progressive).

1. We (sleep) ________________________ for 12 hours when he woke us up.

2. They (wait) ________________________ at the station for 90 minutes when the train finally arrived.

3. We (look for) _______________________ her ring for two hours and then we found it in the bathroom.

4. I (not / walk) ________________________ for a long time, when it suddenly began to rain.

5. How long (learn / she) ___________________ English before she went to London?

6. Frank Sinatra caught the flu because he (sing) ____________________ in the rain too long.

7. He (drive) ___________________________ less than an hour when he ran out of petrol.

8. They were very tired in the evening because they (help) ____________________ on the farm all day.

9. I (not / work) ______________________ all day; so I wasn't tired and went to the disco at night.
10. They (cycle) ______________________ all day so their legs were sore in the evening.

VI. Write the verbs in Past Perfect Simple.

1. The pupils talked about the film they (watch) ………………………… .

2. I was late for work because I (miss) ……………………… the bus.

3. We lived in the house that my father (build) ……………………………… .

4. We admired the picture that Lucy (paint) …………………………… .

5. They watered the trees that they (plant) ………………………………… .

6. The teacher corrected the tests that the pupils (write) ……………………………. .

7. I received a good mark in my test because I (practise) ……………………………...…..…………….. on ego4u.

8. The mail order house did not send me the shirt that I (order) ……………………………….. .

9. I had to clean the floor because my cats (knock) ………………………….……………..… over the flower pots.

10. My friend was in hospital because she (slip) ………………………………………………….. on a banana skin

Past simple vs Past Perfect
A. Put the verbs into the correct tense (Simple Past or Past Perfect).

1. Bob (wake) ... up early in the morning.

2. He (feel) ... very tired because he (sleep / not) ... very well the night before.
3. A strange noise in the garden (keep) ... him awake.
4. Now it (be) ... six o'clock and Bob (get) ... up and (go) ... to the bathroom where
he (have) ... a cold shower to wake up.
5. Then he (make) ... himself a nice cup of coffee.
6. When Bob (look) ... out of the kitchen window, he (believe / not) ... his eyes.
7. There (be) ... a bear in his garden!
8. He (search) ... Bob's garden for food last night.
9. Bob (knock) ... at the window.
10. The bear (hear) ... that and (run) .. away.
11. But what a mess the bear (make) ... in the garden!

B. Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or past perfect simple).

1. Yesterday a boy (destroy) ... the snowman that we (build) ... .

2. Jimmy (tell) ... us about the film that he (see) ... .
3. We (find) ... the mobile phone that Marwin (lose) ... .
4. He (sing) ... a song that I (hear / never) ... before.
5. Cathrine (open) ... the window that I (close / just) .... .

C. Write down the correct form (pronoun + verb).

Simple Past Past Perfect

they /
work ................................................. ....................................

I / see ................................................. ...........................................

she / .................................................
tidy ................................................. .

he / run ................................................. .

you /
buy ................................................. .................................................

D. Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or past perfect simple).

1. William (live) ... in Boston for six years before he (move) ... to New York.
2. The blue car (cross) ... the street after the lights (turn) ... red.
3. When James (try) ... to ring us, we (leave / already) ... the house.
4. After Joanna (finish) ... her presentation, we (ask) ... our questions.
5. On her first day at the driving school, we (be) ... very nervous because we (drive /
not) ... a car before.

E. Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple past or past perfect simple).

1. It (be)... a cold and rainy Sunday, so I (decide) ... to finish the essay that I (start) ...
writing a few days before.
2. I (switch) ... on the computer and (open) ... the document.
3. Then I (begin) .... looking for my notes that I (handwrite) ... on a sheet of paper.
4. But the notes (be) ... not on my desk and I (can / not) ... remember where I (put) ... them.
5. I (turn) ... the whole house upside down.
6. And where (find / I) ... my notes?
7. I (leave) ... them in the sitting room, under a huge staple of papers and magazines.
8. Now that I (find) ... my notes, I (want) ... to continue writing my essay.
9. First I (know / not) ... what to write but then I (have) ... lots of ideas.
10. I (complete / almost) ... my essay when my computer suddenly (crash) ... and I (notice) ...
that I (forget) ... to save the document.
11. After I (reboot) ... my computer, I (see) ... that at least 5 of the pages I (type) ... (be) ...
12. So I (have) ... to start all over again.

A. Fill in the correct form of the nouns:

1. When I came home from school my mother was in the garden with three _________ (woman).

2. I think my neighbors have two ___________ (child).

3. I lost two ________ (tooth) during my stay in Africa.

4. I have a big family with many ________ (member) living in the USA.

5. He has two pairs of __________ (glasses); one pair is sunglasses.

6. He caught 10 _________ (salmon) when he went to Alaska to fish.

7. Can I have three __________ (bottle) of mineral water?

8. Do you have many _________ (rule) in your classroom?

9. I went to Canada and I took more than 2400 ____________ (photo).

10. He went to the baker’s and bought four ________ (loaf) of bread.

11. Do you want some _________ (fruit)?

12. I prefer __________ (vegetable).

13. I don’t see any _________ (man) among the audience.

14. I don’t see where the ________ (bus) leave from.

15. Some of the ________ (kid) didn’t like ice cream so they had different ________ (type) of candy.

16. I prefer ________ (tomato) in my salad. What about you?

17. How many _________ (country) have you been to?

18. I have bought 20 ________ (napkin) for the party.

19. The ________ (lady) wore nice _________ (dress) for the party.

20. He gave her a bunch of ___________ (flower) on her birthday.

21. The _________ (boy) played with their new _________ (toy).

22. I have a lot of ____________ (homework) for Monday.

23. I need to lay the table. However, I can’t find the __________ (knife).

24. The farmer has 42 cows and 24 __________ (sheep).

25. It is a small town but it has no less than 5 ___________ (church).

26. I like most of the _____________ (player) on the Danish team.

27. More girls had dressed up as ___________ (witch).

Choose the right option:

1. I had two _____________ for lunch today. a) applees b) apple c) apples

2. I was scared because John brought 2 ___________ to school. a) knifes b) knive

c) knives

3. My favourite MacDo meal is a Big Mac with _________. a) fryes c) frys c)fries

4. In my family there are more _________ than females. a) mails b) males c) malls

5. New Zealand has a lot of ____________. a) ships b) sheeps c) sheep

6. There are many __________ here. a) flys b) flies c) flyes

7. We always have ____________ for dinner. a) potatoes b) potatos c) potato

8. We caught a lot of ___________ yesterday. a) fishes b) fishs c) fish

9. My mother is afraid of ____________ a) mice b) mouses c) mouths

10. It is only for __________. a) mansb) man c) men

11. In my class there are many ___________. a) children b) childs c) chills

12. Do you know where my __________ are? a) keyes b) keys c) keies

13. There were 12 ________ in the tray. a) egges b) egg c) eggs

14. I like ____________. They are so funny to watch. a) monkies b) monkeys c)


15. You have lips like ___________. a) cherryes b) cherries c) cheerys

16. It is normal to have 28 ___________. a) tooths b) teethes c) teeth

17. There are three ____________. a) dice b) die c) dices

18. How many ____________ did you take at the party? a) photoes b) photos c) photo

19. We bought three ________ for dinner. a) salmones b) salmon c) salmons

20. Do you know where the __________ were from? a) thieves b) thiefs d) thiefes

21. Both my _________ are sore. a) foots b) feet c) feeds

22. Out of seventeen students three became __________. a) cheves b) chefs c) cook

23. In my class there are 9 girls and 10 _________. a) boys b) boyes c) boies

24. I love _________. They are nice when it is hot. a) tries b)trees c)threes

25. ________ are wiser than men. a) womans b) wimen c) women

26. A lot of the kids had __________. a) lice b) lices c) lies


A. Decide whether these nouns are countable (C) or uncountable (U)

1. The children are playing in the garden.

2. I don't like milk.

3. I prefer tea.

4. Scientists say that the environment is threatened by pollution.

5. My mother uses butter to prepare cakes.

6. There are a lot of windows in our classroom.

7. We need some glue to fix this vase.

8. The waiters in this restaurant are very professional.

9. My father drinks two big glasses of water every morning.

10. The bread my mother prepares is delicious.

11. Drivers must be careful; the road is slippery.

12. Some policemen are organizing road traffic to avoid any accidents.

13. I bought three bottles of mineral water for our picnic.

14. I'd like some juice please!

15. Successful candidates will join the camp later this year.
16. A rise in oil prices is inevitable since there is more and more world demand for energy.

17. The exercises on this website are interesting.

18. Dehydrated babies must drink a lot of water.

19. Adult illiterates learn through a special government programme.

20. I met some nice people when I was walking along the beach.

B. In each sentence, choose the best phrase to complete the gap from the choices below (a, b, c, or

1. The receptionist at the front desk gave me two _______ .a) informations b) information c) pieces of
information d) lots of information

2. My cousin is very beautiful. She has green eyes and ________ .a) long hair b) long hairs c) a long hair
d) a long length of hair

3. _________ have you got in the bank? Is it enough to buy a house?

a) How many moneys b) How many money c) How much money d) How much moneys

4. On Saturday, my friend Paul went fishing and he caught ________ .a) three fish b) three fishes c) three
items of fish d) three of fish

5. Can I borrow _______ from you? I've left mine at home and I want to write some notes. a) paper b) a
paper c) a slice of paper d) a piece of paper

6. How many ________ did the teacher give us today? He always gives us a lot to do .a) homework b)
homeworks c) a lot of homework d) pieces of homework

7. Every morning before I come to school, I spend thirty minutes doing _______ .That's how I stay so
slim. a) exercise b) an exercise c) some exercises d) some pieces of exercise

8. Your sister is a great pianist. She played ________ at the party. a) a lovely music b) some lovely musics
c) lovely musics d) a lovely piece of music

C. Fill in the gaps with some, any or a/an.

1. I’m really thirsty. I need ________ water, please.

2. I went to the library, but I couldn’t find ________ books about art.

3. Can you give me _________ coffee, please?

4. She sent ________ postcards to her friends, but she didn’t make _______ phone calls when she was in

5. It’s very sunny but there is only _________ child playing in the street.

6. I bought __________ coffee, but I didn’t buy ________ tea or ________ papaya.

7. Have you got __________ chocolate biscuits? I’m sorry, there aren’t ____________ biscuits left.

8. “Mary, I’m afraid there isn’t __________ juice in the fridge but there’s __________ pineapple.

9. They ate ____________apples, ___________ mango, but they didn’t eat ___________ oranges.

10. A. “Would you like ___________ cheese? It’s delicious”.

B. “Ok, give me__________.”

11. Is there __________ oil in the kitchen? No, there isn’t __________, but there’s __________ butter

D. Complete with much, a lot of, any, some,

When we got to the beach, ___________ people were already there, and we couldn't find a place to sit
down. There weren’t ____________ empty spaces near the beach, but they were ______________ empty
spaces a long way from the sea. We walked along the beach for a while, but we didn't have
____________fun because we kept bumping into people. Finally, we decided to get back in the car and go
down the coast to the next beach. This was _____________ better; there were only ______________
families on the beach, so there was _______________ room to spread out our things. Because we had
eaten so _____________food in the car, all we wanted to do was lie down, and after ____________
minutes we were all dozing happily in the sun.

E. Complete with much or many and one of the following words:

children coffee experience fish fish furniture help housework luggage money news sugar things time
times wine women chickens balls salt

1. 'How ____________ __________ are there in the picture?' 'Two. A yellow and a green one.'

2. 'How ____________ __________ have you got on you?' 'One pound twenty.'

3. 'How ____________ __________ are there in your choir?

.'4. 'How ____________ __________ have you received from your uncle?' 'I haven't heard from him lately.

'5. 'How ____________ __________ would you like with your rice?' 'Just a little, please.'

6. 'How ____________ __________ has he got?' 'Two. A son and a daughter.'

7. I do not have to do _________ ________. I only do the washing up

8. 'How ____________ __________ do they have?' 'Six. But they don't lay eggs.'

9. How ____________ ___________ have we got to finish the project?

10. He does not eat _________ ________. He likes only tuna.

11. The bedroom does not need _________ __________.

12. They have not caught __________ _______ from the river.

13. We don't eat as _________ ________ as they do. We usually have honey instead.

14. We do not need as __________ _________ as last time. We will basically manage alone.

15. How ___________ ________ have you been to France?

16. I have got so ........................ ___________to tell you.

17. I won't take too _________ __________ with me. Only a suitcase and a handbag.

18. She does not have __________ ___________ as a nurse.

19. He had so ____________ _________that he could not sleep.

20. I don't drink much _________ ________. I prefer champagne

NOUNS – follow up

A. Use the correct form of the given nouns to complete the following sentences.

language party fun vegetable information

fruit money hair advice sleeve

1. We can buy fresh _______________ from the supermarket.

2. Mrs. Lee went to the travel agent for some _______________ about the tour to Japan.

3. I can’t wear this shirt. The _______________ are too long.

4. How many _______________ does Jenny speak?

5. Miss Nellie spends a lot of _______________ on clothes.

6. I don’t know what to do. Please give me some _______________.

7. Karen has beautiful _______________.

8. We had a lot of _______________ at the party last night.

9. Susan enjoys going to _______________.

10. Alan eats a lot of _______________.

B. Choose the correct answer.

1. She burst into _______________ (tear/ tears) when she heard the bad news.

2. Peter and Jack shake _______________ (hand/ hands) and become friends again.

3. She can’t see what is written on the blackboard without her contact _______________ (len/ lens)

4. The two sisters took _______________ (turn/ turns) at sitting up with their sick mother.

5. Quite a number of _______________ (DJ/ DJs) have extended their careers to singing.

6. If you want to get well, you should take the doctor’s _______________ (advice/ advices).

7. Mary never does her _______________ (homework/ homeworks)

8. Johnny has lost his _______________ (luggage/ luggages).

9. The factory workers stopped working and took (a rest/ rest).

10. The children sat on the _______________ (grass/ grasses).

C. Charles is making an omelet for the first time. He asks his wife Alice who is watching TV. Fill in
the gaps with some or any:

Charles: Alice! Have we got ____________ eggs?

Alice: Yes, there are ____________ in the cupboard.

Charles: Have we got ______________ cheese?

Alice: Yes, there’s ____________ in the fridge.

Charles: Can I use ___________ olive oil?

Alice: Yes, of course.

Charles: I need ____________ tomatoes.

Alice: We haven’t got _____________. Charles, would you like ___________ help?

Charles: No, thanks, I’m OK.

D. Fill in the gaps with some or any:

Tom: Let’s go for a picnic in the park.

Sarah: OK. We’ll make _________ sandwiches. What do we need?

Tom: We haven’t got ___________ bread. Can you buy ________?

Sarah: Yes, sure. What about butter?

Tom: We’ve got __________. I’ll buy _________cheese.

Sarah: OK, and is there __________ orange juice in the fridge?

Tom: No, I’ll get __________.

Sarah: Good. Do we need ___________ apples or cherries?

Tom: Just ___________ apples.

Sarah: Oh dear! I haven’t got ___________ money to buy the bread!

Tom: Don’t worry. I’ll lend you _____________.

E. Cross out a/an if it is wrong and substitute it with some. If it is correct, put a tick ˅

1. Can you give me an ____________ information, please?

2. I bought a ____________ suitcase yesterday.

3. We need a ____________money for the cinema.

4. He’s eating a ____________ bread.

5. I’d like a _____________ advice about my future.

6. We stopped at the filling station to get a ___________ petrol.

7. I really need a _____________ holiday.

8. Can you give me a ___________water, please? I’m thirsty.

9. Can you pass me a ____________ newspaper?

10. Do you want an ___________ apple?

F. Complete the sentences with

how many, how much, a lot of, enough, too many, too much, not much, not many.

1. A. _______________ sugar is there?

B. There is ____________ to make the cake, Mary.

2. I have got _____________money to buy a ticket for the concert.

3. I’ve got some rice, but _______________.

4. A. Have they got ____________ time to practice sport?

B. Yes, but ______________.

5. A. _______________ exercises do you have to do, Charles?

B. ______________, I think.

6. Don’t buy any potatoes, we’ve got ________________ potatoes left.

7. Peter has got some friends, but ________________.

8. _______________ people are there in the classroom?

9. Are there ________________ people to play a football match?

10. ________________ eggs do you need to make the omelet?

11. There were __________________people at the party, it was fantastic.

12. A. ________________ chocolate do you eat?

B. I think I eat _____________, but I’m afraid I’m a chocoholic.

13. She ate _________________ chocolates, so she’s got a stomach ache.

G Choose the right option

1. Is there __________ cheese left? A. Some

A. Any B. Slice

B. The C. Piece

C. Some 6. How __________ rice do we have left?

2. To make a pancake, you need ________ eggs A. Much

and flour
B. A
A. An
C. Do
B. Much
7. It's cold. Don't open _______ windows
C. Some
A. Some
3. How _________ cars are we taking?
B. A little
A. A lot
C. Any
B. Many
8. Please, buy me a __________ apples for the
C. A few cake

4. Excuse me. I need ________ information A. Few

about the trains to Guadalajara
B. Little
A. Any
C. Some
B. A few
9. Is there _________ time left?
C. Some
A. Many
5. For lunch, I had a salad and a ___________ of
pizza today B. Much
C. Some B. A little

10. It's too __________ for me. I can't eat it all C. a few

A. Much 13. I couldn't solve ___________ of the Maths

B. Many
A. Any
C. Some
B. Much
11. There's ___________ coffee in the pot
C. A
A. Any
14. Is there ___________ solution to this
B. Some problem?

C. A few A. Some

12. The plants need __________ more water B. A little

A. Any C. Any

Past & Present Perfect
Richard Fox (1)___________(live) in Hong Kong for around seven years and for the past two
years he (2)_________(share) a flat in Wan Chai. He originally (3)________ (come) here on
holiday but (4)_________(decide) to stay on when he heard that it was easy to find a job as a
teacher. He (5)___________(work) for three different schools over the years and
(6)____________(just/start) work for his fourth employer.

He likes Hong Kong because of its convenient location in Asia which (7)__________(allow) him
to visit a lot of countries in the region. To date he (8)___________(be) to China, Thailand,
Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam and Cambodia. He (9)____________(not/be) to Macau as he
says he’s not interested in gambling.

He likes the food in this part of the world and (10) ___________(try) a lot of dishes that he
(11)_____________(not/hear of ) before he (11)__________(come) here. While on holiday in
China a couple of years ago he even (12)___________(try) dog, which he describes as ‘quite
tasty’. He (13)___________(not/sample) monkeys’ brains yet, but says he’ll give anything a

He says that living in a city like Hong Kong is very different to the small town in England where
he (14)___________(grow up) and (15) ____________(give) him a broader outlook on life. He
(16)______________(never / have to) learn a foreign language before he
(17)_____________(come) here. Nor (18)________________(meet) many people from Asia.

He still finds communication with local people difficult at times and he (18)__________(be) lazy
about learning Chinese. However, he (19) ________________ (at last / enroll) for a course in
spoken Cantonese which (start) ___________(20) next week.
Present Tense – Simple or progressive
1. They normally _____________________ lunch at two. (have) 2. Are
_____________________ in Paris this week? (you work) 3. You _____________________ new
clothes every Saturday! (buy) 4. I played football at school but now I _____________________
swimming (prefer)
5. I _____________________ no idea what the book is about. Can you tell me what it’s about?
6. John _____________________ a difficult time at the university this year (have) 7. My father
_____________________ everything about cars, but nothing about bicycles. (know) 8. The moon
_____________________ round the earth. (go) 9. Do _____________________ those men at the
door? – They _____________________ at us very strangely (you see, look) 10. We
_____________________ that the contents of this letter should be changed.(feel) 11. They
_____________________ lunch at the moment. – You shouldn’t disturb them. (have) 12. The
watch _____________________ to my grandmother. (belong) 13. I _____________________
what you _____________________ me but I don’t agree with you (hear, tell) 14. This medicine
_____________________ a new substance (contain) 15. These days we
_____________________ tests at school. (always have) 16. Why _____________________ my
coat? – Oh, I’m sorry. It _____________________ like mine! (you wear, look) 17. This cake
_____________________ strange. What’s in it? (smell) 18. Hi Jake. – What
_____________________ at the moment? – I _____________________ the sunshine at the
beach. (you do, enjoy) 19. Where __________________________ from? (new neighbours,
come) 20. What _____________________ for a living? - He is a government official but he quit
his job a few weeks ago. – And what _____________________ now? – At the moment he
_____________________ for a new job. (your Dad do, he do, look)
Past Tense – Simple or progressive
1. It ______________________ (rain) when we __________________ (come) out of the
shopping centre. 2. It _________________(happen) very quickly. The car
______________________ (come) out of the side road and then the van
______________________ (drive) into the back of it. 3. I ______________________ (be) ill last
week. 4. He ______________________ (break)his leg when he ______________________
(ski) . 5. I ______________________ (look)out of the window and saw that people
__________________ (walk) in the park. 6. Emma ______________________ (pass) her exam a
few weeks ago. 7. When we ______________________ (see) the spaceship we
___________________(stop) the car. 8. When ______________________ (you buy) the car? – I
______________________ (buy) it a few years ago. 9. He ______________________ (sit) in the
garden when a wasp ______________________(sting) him in the nose. 10. Claire
______________________ (go) to Egypt last month. 11. She ______________________ (have)
a beautiful dream when the alarm clock ________________ (ring). 12. The car
______________________ (stop) at the lights. 13. We ______________________ (drive) home
in the middle of the night when we ______________ (see) a flashing light. 14. Soft music
______________________ (play) when I ______________________ (go) into the room. 15.
______________________ (you buy) that bag while I ______________________ (look) after the
children? 16. It ______________________ (be) peaceful and the birds
______________________ (sing). 17. Was _________________________(Jimmy, already wait)
for you when you ______________________ (get) there? 18. I ______________________ (ring)
at about 3 o’clock yesterday, but you ______________________ (not pick) up the phone. – What
______________________ (you do) ? – I ______________________ (help) Dad in the garden so
I probably ______________________ (not hear)it. 19. I ______________________ (lie) in the
bath when the phone ______________________ (ring). It ______________________ (stop) after
a few rings. 20. It ______________________ (be) cold when we ______________________
(leave) the house that day.
Fill in the correct form of the Present Perfect tense!
1. The earth __________________ here for billions of years (be). 2. We
________________________ cards for the last few hours (play). 3. We
________________________ problems with our new car recently (have) 4.
____________________________ on anything interesting lately ?(you work) 5. Cuba
________________________ a socialist country since 1959 (be) 6. I
________________________ care of my neighbour’s cats while they are away (take) 7. I
________________________ my car for three years (have). 8.
________________________________ an important fight? (the boxer , ever, win) 9. John and
Mary ________________________ with each other since the day they got married (quarrel). 10.
It ________________________ hard since last night (rain). 11. I’m tired because I
________________________ well lately. (not feel) 12. _________________________________
your problems? (your parents, always, understand) 13. The patient ________________________

penicillin for several days now (take) 14. A big earthquake ________________________ San
Francisco since 1906. (not hit) 15. They ___________________________ in San Francisco since
they arrived in the USA 20 years ago. (live) 16. He got ill five weeks ago and
________________________ yet. (not recover) 17. Everyone in the Middle East
________________________ about the situation for decades (worry). 18. We
________________________ very cold weather this year (have) 19. Where
________________________ the money? (you, hide) 20. At last ,my favourite team
________________________ against its most important rival (win) 21. I
________________________ for 6 years. (be married) 22. Dad ________________________ a
number of jobs in the last few years (have). 23. The bank is still closed. It
________________________ yet. (not open) 24. Our daughter ___________________________
lipstick since she was 16 (wear). 25. She is angry because her boyfriend
________________________ up yet and she ________________________ for half an hour. (not
show, wait). 26. I’m still waiting for an answer. They ________________________ up their
minds yet. (not make) 27. How many times ________________________ the cat today? (Kim
feed) 28. The kids ________________________ on my nerves. They
________________________ too much noise (get, make). 29. My company
________________________ a lot of money in the last few years. They
________________________ hard on an important project. (make, work). 30. They
________________________ our new refrigerator yet, but they will any day now. (not deliver)

Follow up
~ Countable and Uncountable Nouns ~
A. Use “a-an- some-a lot of- a little-a few” and complete the sentences
1- There is _________________ milk on the floor.
2- Mary has _________ money in her pocket. She can’t go to party.
3- There are __________ students in the school because today is the last day of the school.
4- There is __________ cheese and _________ orange juice in the fridge.
5- We buy ______________ sweets because our children eat all the time.
6- There are ____________ books on the table
7- There is ________ girl on the corner.
8- Joe has _________ sister and ____________ brothers
9- They eat __________cheese, ___________eggs, __________ bread and drink _________
10- I drink __________ water every day.
B. Use “any-much –many” and complete the sentences
1- Are there __________ sandwiches in the fridge?
2- Do you have _______________ brothers or sisters?
3- How _____________ money do you earn each month?
4- There aren’t ____________ tomatoes and lemons in the supermarket.
5- There isn’t __________ sugar at home. Could you please buy some sugar?
6- There isn’t ____________ fresh air. Please, open the window.
7- Is there __________ salt in the soup?
8- How _________ friends do you have in Ankara?
9- How _________ books do you use in the classroom?
10- How __________ homework do you have?
C. Use “any-much-many-a lot of-some-a few-a little-a-an” and complete the
1- There isn’t ___________ break-time between the 1st and the 2nd lesson.
2- Is there _________ umbrella here? I need to go out and the weather is rainy.
3- I can’t buy drinks and food because there are __________ students in the canteen.
4- We buy ________ cheese, ___________ bread, ________ tomatoes and potatoes,
___________ milk, __________ meat and __________ chips and______ coke from the
supermarket for the party.
5- How _____________ coins do you give to your children?
6- How _____________ homework do you have?
7- We need __________ flour, but I don’t need _______________ eggs because we have
enough eggs at home.
8- Some old people don’t have ______________ hair.
9- Today, the roads are crowded. There is _____________ traffic.
10- The teacher isn’t at school because there aren’t ____________ students in the classroom
D. Complete the sentences using one of these words:
accommodatio behaviour damage Luck permission music
Advice Bread furniture Luggage progress weather

Baggage Chaos information News Scenery meat
Fun Help jewellery Knowledge Money wood
Traffic Work sand Gold Silver
Plastic Leather linen Wool experience
1. I didn’t have much ……………………………………………… just two small bags.
2. They’ll tell you all you want to know. They’ll give you plenty of
3. We have no …………………………………..…… not even a bed or a table.
4. Carla’s English is better than it was. She’s made
5. George is unemployed. He’s looking for ………………………….……………………..
6. If you want to leave work early, you have to ask for ………………………….…………..
7. I don’t think Ann will get the job. She hasn’t got enough
8. Enjoy your holiday ! I hope the ………………………………….………….. is good.
9. The ………………...……….. is so depressing at the moment. Nothing but floods and
10. The …………………………………..……. in Scotland is lovely. Lots of green hills.
11. My father always gave me good …………………………………… when I was young.
12. Our holiday at the seaside was such ……………………………
13. In ancient Egypt women wore beautiful …………………………………….
14. People who are vegetarians don’t eat …………………………………
15. We got to the station in time because there wasn’t much …………………………………
~ Nouns ~
Choose the right option:
1. I had two _____________ for lunch today. a) applees b) apple c) apples
2. I was scared because John brought 2 ___________ to school. a) knifes b) knive c)
3. My favourite MacDo meal is a Big Mac with _________. a) fryes c) frys c)fries
4. In my family there are more _________ than females. a) mails b) males c) malls
5. New Zealand has a lot of ____________. a) ships b) sheeps c) sheep
6. There are many __________ here. a) flys b) flies c) flyes
7. We always have ____________ for dinner. a) potatoes b) potatos c) potato
8. We caught a lot of ___________ yesterday. a) fishes b) fishs c) fish
9. My mother is afraid of ____________ a) mice b) mouses c)
10. It is only for __________. a) mans b) man c) men
11. In my class there are many ___________. a) children b) childs c) chills
12. Do you know where my __________ are? a) keyes b) keys c) keies
13. There were 12 ________ in the tray. a) egges b) egg c) eggs
14. I like ____________. They are so funny to watch. a) monkies b) monkeys c) monkeyes
15. You have lips like ___________. a) cherryes b) cherries c) cheerys
16. It is normal to have 28 ___________. a) tooths b) teethes c) teeth
17. There are three ____________. a) dice b) die c) dices
18. How many ____________ did you take at the party? a) photoes b) photos c) photo

19. We bought three ________ for dinner. a) salmones b) salmon c) salmons
20. Do you know where the __________ were from? a) thieves b) thiefs d) thiefes
21. Both my _________ are sore. a) foots b) feet c) feeds
22. Out of seventeen students three became __________. a) cheves b) chefs c) cook
23. In my class there are 9 girls and 10 _________. a) boys b) boyes c)
24. I love _________. They are nice when it is hot. a) tries b)trees c)threes
25. ________ are wiser than men. a) womans b) wimen c) women
26. A lot of the kids had __________. a) lice b) lices c) lies

Find out the suitable word or words and fill in the gaps.
cooking  dust  hoover  ironing  make the bed  mop  shopping 
1. If you do the __________________, you wash the plates, cups, knives, forks, etc, which have
been used in cooking and eating a meal.
2. _______________ is the activity of preparing the food for eating, usually by gas or
3. When you ____________ something such as furniture, you remove dust from it, usually using
a cloth.
4. The purpose of _________________ is to remove the creases from clothes, sheets, towels,
5. If you ______________ a floor or other surface, you clean it by pushing a brush over it in
order to collect the dirt in one place.
6. _______________ is the activity of purchasing things we need such as food or clothes.
7. If you ______________ something, you rub it hard in order to clean it, often using a stiff
brush and water or another liquid.
8. If you __________________ a surface, you clean it using a vacuum cleaner.
9. When you ________________ a room, cupboard, etc, you make it neat by putting things in
their proper places.
10. If you _________________ you prepare it so that it is neat and tidy and ready for someone to
sleep in.

Fill in the gaps using the following words in their appropriate form:
 clean  cook  dust  iron  make  mop 
1. Once a year I thoroughly clean everything at home and this year Mrs Pringle came to give me
a hand with the _______________________.
2. I've spent all morning ___________________ the floors.
3. Boys are just as keen on _______________________ as girls are.
4. He _____________________ all the furniture and then polished it.
5. He found a broom and a dustpan and he ____________________ away the broken glass.
6. You can't tidy a room before you've ___________________ the beds!
7. My husband tries his best to wash and _________________ the clothes.
8. It won't take me more than an hour to do the __________________________.

Practice on Future Tenses
Will / Be Going To
Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses

1. A: Why are you holding a piece of paper?

B: I (write)………………………………….. a letter to my friends back home in Texas.
2. A: I'm about to fall asleep. I need to wake up!
B: I (get)………………………………………………….. you a cup of coffee. That will wake you up.
3. A: I can't hear the television!
B: I (turn)………………………………………… it up so you can hear it.
4. We are so excited about our trip next month to France. We (visit) …………………………………………………
Paris, Nice and Grenoble.
5. Sarah (come) ………………………………….. to the party. Oliver (be) ………………………………… there
as well.
6. Ted: It is so hot in here!
Sarah: I (turn) ……………………………………….. the air-conditioning on.
7. I think he (be) …………………………………………………………. the next President of the United States.
8. After I graduate, I (attend) ………………………………………………. medical school and become a doctor. I
have wanted to be a doctor all my life.
9. A: Excuse me, I need to talk to someone about our hotel room. I am afraid it is simply too small for four people.
B: That man at the service counter (help) …………………………………………… you.
10. As soon as the weather clears up, we (walk) ……………………………. down to the beach and go swimming

Simple Future / Future Continuous

Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses

Sandra: Where is Tim going to meet us?
Marcus: He (wait) ………………………………… for us when our train arrives. I am sure he (stand)
………………………………………… on the platform when we pull into the station.
Sandra: And then what?
Marcus: We (pick) ………………………………………… Michele up at work and go out to dinner.
Ted: When we get to the party, Jerry (watch) ……………………….. TV, Sam (make) …………………………..
drinks, Beth (dance) ……………………………….. by herself, and Thad (complain)
…………………………………… about his day at work.
Robin: Maybe, this time they won't be doing the same things.
Ted: I am absolutely positive they (do) ……………………….. the same things; they always do the same things.
Florence: Oh, look at that mountain of dirty dishes! Who (wash) ………………………………. all of those?
Jack: I promise I (do) …………………………………………………. them when I get home from work.
Florence: Thanks.
Jack: When you get home this evening, that mountain will be gone and nice stacks of sparkling clean dishes (sit)
…………………………………………………………… in the cabinets.
Doug: If you need to contact me next week, I (stay) …………………………………………… at the Hoffman

Nancy: I (call) ……………………………………………… you if there are any problems.
Doug: This is the first time I have ever been away from the kids.
Nancy: Don't worry, they (be) ……………………………………….. fine.
Samantha: Just think, next week at this time, I (lie) ………………………………. on a tropical beach in Maui
drinking Mai Tais and eating pineapple.
Darren: While you are luxuriating on the beach, I (stress) ……………………………………….. out over this
marketing project. How are you going to enjoy yourself knowing that I am working so hard?
Samantha: I 'll manage somehow.
Darren: You're terrible. Can't you take me with you?
Samantha: No. But I (send) …………………………………………….. you a postcard of a beautiful, white sand
Darren: Great, that (make) ……………………….. me feel much better

Simple Present / Simple Future

Present Continuous / Future Continuous
Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses.

1. Right now, I am watching TV. Tomorrow at this time, I (watch) ……………………………………………… TV as

2. Tomorrow after school, I (go) ……………………………………… to the beach.
3. I am going on a dream vacation to Tahiti. While you (do) …………………………………… paperwork and (talk)
…………………………………………. to annoying customers on the phone, I (lie)
………………………………………… on a sunny, tropical beach. Are you jealous?
4. We (hide) …………………………………………… when Tony (arrive) …………………………….. at his
surprise party. As soon as he opens the door, we (jump) …………………………. out and (scream)
…………………………… , "Surprise!"
5. We work out at the fitness center every day after work. If you (come) …………………………….. over while we
(work) ………………………………………………….. out, we will not be able to let you into the house. Just to be
safe, we (leave) …………………………………………… a key under the welcome mat so you will not have to
wait outside.
6. While you (study) ……………………… at home, Magda (be) ………………………………………….. in
7. When I (get) ……………………………….. to the party, Sally and Doug (dance)
……………………………………… , John (make) …………………………………. drinks, Sue and Frank
(discuss) ………………………………….. something controversial, and Mary (complain)
……………………………………………. about something unimportant. They are always doing the same things.
They are so predictable.
8. When you (get) …………………………… off the plane, I (wait) ………………………………………………
for you.
9. I am sick of rain and bad weather! Hopefully, when we (wake) …………………………………………. up
tomorrow morning, the sun (shine) ………………………………………….. .
10. If you (need) ……………………………………… to contact me sometime next week, I (stay)
…………………………………………………. at the Sheraton in San Francisco.
Simple Future / Future Perfect
Using the words in parentheses, complete the text below with the appropriate tenses.

Margaret: Do you think everything will be finished when I get back from the store?
Jerry: Don't worry. By the time you get back, I (pick) ………………………. up the living room and (finish)
…………………………. washing the dishes. Everything will be perfect when your parents arrive.
Margaret: I hope so. They (arrive) …………………………………….. around 6 o'clock.
Jerry: Everything (be) …………………………. spotless by the time they get here.
Nick: I just have two more courses before I graduate from university. By this time next year, I (graduate)
…………………………….. , and I will already be looking for a job.
Stacey: Does that scare you? Are you worried about the future?
Nick: Not really. I (go) ………………………………. to a career counselor and get some advice on how to find a good
Stacey: That's a good idea.
Nick: I am also going to do an internship so that when I leave school, I (complete, not only) …………………………..
over 13 business courses, but I (work, also) ……………………………. in the real world.
Stan: Did you hear that Christine (take) …………………………… a vacation in South America this winter?
Fred: I can't believe how often she goes abroad. Where exactly does she want to go?
Stan: She (visit) …………………………………. Peru, Bolivia and Ecuador.
Fred: At this rate, she (visit) ………………………… every country in the world by the time she's 50.
Judy: How long have you been in Miami?
Elaine: I have only been here for a couple of weeks.
Judy: How long do you plan on staying?
Elaine: I love Miami, so I (stay) …………………………. here for an extended period of time. When I go back home,
I (be) …………………………… here for more than three months.
Judy: Wow, that's quite a vacation! You (see, definitely) …………………… just about everything there is to see in
Miami by then.
Jane: I can't believe how late we are! By the time we get to the dinner, everyone (finish, already)
…………………………….. eating.
Jack: It's your own fault. You took way too long in the bathroom.
Jane: I couldn't get my hair to look right.
Jack: Who cares? By the time we get there, everyone (leave) …………………………… . Nobody (see, even)
…………………………………………. your hair.

Overall Future Tenses Exercise

1. The train __________ (to arrive) at 12:30.

2. We __________ (to have) dinner at a seaside restaurant on Sunday.
3. It __________(to snow) in Brighton tomorrow evening.
4. On Friday at 8 o’clock I __________ (to meet) my friend.
5. Paul __________ (to fly) to London on Monday morning.
6. Wait! I __________ (to drive) you to the station.
7. The English lesson __________ (to start) at 8:45.
8. Are you still writing your essay? If you __________ (to finish) by 4pm, we
can go for a walk.
9. I __________ (to see) my mother in April.
10. Look at the clouds – it __________ (to rain) in a few minutes.

11. When they __________ (to get) married in March, they __________ (to be)
together for six years.
12. You’re carrying too much. I __________ (to open) the door for you.
13. Do you think the teacher __________ (to mark) our homework by Monday
14. When I __________ (to see) you tomorrow, I __________ (show) you my new
15. After you __________ (to take) a nap, you __________ (to feel) a lot better
16. I’m sorry but you need to stay in the office until you __________ (to finish)
your work.
17. I __________ (to buy) the cigarettes from the corner shop when it __________
(to open).
18. I __________ (to let) you know the second the builders __________ (to finish)
19. Before we __________ (to start) our lesson, we __________ (to have) a review.
20. We __________ (to wait) in the shelter until the bus __________ (to come).
21. I’m very sorry Dr. Jones __________ (not be) back in the clinic until 2pm.
22. This summer, I __________ (to live) in Brighton for four years.
23. I don’t think you __________ (to have) any problems when you land in
24. The baby should be due soon, next week she __________ (to be) pregnant
for nine months.
25. By the time we get home, they __________ (to play) football for 30 minutes.
26. In three years I __________ (to live) in a different country.
27. When you __________ (to get) off the train, I __________ (to wait) for you by
the ticket machine.
28. __________ (to take) your children with you to France?
29. This time next week I __________ (ski) in Switzerland!
30. Now I __________ (to check) my answers.

Tag questions
A. Complete the sentences with the correct question tags.
Mr McGuinness is from Ireland, ………………………. ?
The car isn't in the garage, ……………………………?
You are John, …………………………?
She went to the library yesterday, ………………………..?
He didn't recognize me, …………………….. ?
Cars pollute the environment, …………………………….?
Mr. Pritchard has been to Scotland recently, …………………?
The trip is very expensive, ……………………….?
He won't tell her, …………………………….. ?
Hugh had a red car, ……………………………. ?
They're working on the project, ?
It wasn't my fault, ?
Bill got what he wanted, ?
It won't be hard to convince her, ?
We can't leave him alone, ?
We've done our job, ?
You should apologize for what you have done, ?
They didn't start the meeting at two o'clock, ?
They finish work at five o'clock, ?
She doesn't like him, ?
B. Add appropriate question tags to the following sentences.
1. She speaks English well, a) does she
……………………..? b) doesn’t she
a) does she c) did she
b) doesn’t she 6. You are not joining the strike,
c) is she ……………………?
2. He has left, ………………………..? a) are you
a) has he b) aren’t you
b) hasn’t he c) is you
c) did he 7. He broke the glass,
3. You will have some tea, ……………………….?
………………………? a) does he
a) will you b) did he
b) won’t you c) didn’t he
c) have you 8. He is not late, …………………….?
d) haven’t you a) is he
4. I need not stay long, b) isn’t he
……………………..? c) hasn’t he
a) need I 9. He used to play cricket when he was
b) needn’t I young, …………………….?
c) should I a) did he
5. She loves dancing, b) didn’t he
…………………………? c) used he

10. Let’s take some rest, a) shall we
……………………? b) should we
c) will we

C. Add a question-tag to these sentences:
1. He is late this morning, _______________________?
2. The hotel was quite good, ________________________?
3. She cooks well, _______________________?
4. You can’t tell the difference, _________________________?
5. They always sleep after lunch, __________________________?
6. You’re coming with us, _______________________?
7. Mary plays football, ________________________?
8. You didn’t have any lessons this morning, _______________________?
9. Ann is on holiday, ______________________?
10. The students see it everyday, ________________________?
11. Mr Priestley doesn’t know your father, ______________________?
12. There are lots of cars here, ______________________?
13. I am not disturbing you, _____________________?
14. Tom does his work very well, ________________________?
15. This isn’t very pleasant, _____________________?
16. She likes quiet places, ______________________?
17. Tom doesn’t play the piano, _______________________?
18. They didn’t hurt the child, _______________________?
19. There were two car accidents yesterday, _______________________?
20. Tourists used to come here, ________________________?
21. You haven’t got a computer, ________________________?
22. You don’t have to follow him, ________________________?
23. He has to fill a form, ________________________?
24. He didn’t have to choose one, _______________________?
25. He has your ticket, _______________________?
26. Everything is all right, _______________________?
27. He has got to leave, ______________________?
28. Smoking ruins our health, ________________________?
29. Most people cannot go to Africa, ________________________?
30. Finding a job isn’t easy, _______________________?

~ All tense review ~
1.- Lucy ………. to Australia by plane next month. a) are going b) is going) c) goes
2.- Miriam ………. Maths at university ten years ago. a) study b) studied c) is studying
3.- Williams ……… .swimming in the sea last Saturday. a)were b) was c) weren’t
4.- Hector .…… good marks at the final exams. a)get b)getting c) got
5.- …….. John …….. his grandfather last night? a)do … call b)does … c)did …call
6.- Sheila ………. the teacher some questions now. a)ask b)asked c)is asking
7.- My father is ……… than your father. a)strong b)the strongest c)stronger
8.-Elisa is as ……… as her brother. a)cleverer b)clever c)the
9.-Silver is ….….. expensive than gold. a)more b)less c)much
10.-The train is ……… than the bus. a)early b)earlier c)the earliest
11.-My team is very good. I think we …….. win the next match. a)will b)are
12.-My uncle ……on holidays tomorrow afternoon. a)are going b)is going c)aren’t going
13.-Look! There are clouds in the sky. It …….. rain soon. a)won’t b)will c)is going to
14.-How do you go to school? a)on foot b)the car c) bus
15.-How ……….is a kilogram of apples? a)many b) often c)much
16.- a)The girl’s cats are white b)The cats’ girl are white c)The girl’s cats is white
17.-There aren’t …….. cinemas here. a)much b)many c)a little
18.- There isn’t …….. sugar in my tea. a)many b)much c) a
19.-Does the boy wear …… uniform for school? a)an b)a c)some
20.-The secretary …….. all the letters yesterday. a)send b) is sending c)sent
21.-Julio ……… in this town for 20 years. a)have lived b)has live c)has lived
22.-Where ……… your sister born? a)was b)were c)are
23.-I have just …….. my homework. a) finish b)finishing c)finished
24.-My dad ……. already ……….. home. a)have ….. came b) has….. come c)has came
25.-My neighbours are ……… noisy at weekends. a)enough b)too
26.-Thomas isn’t ……. enough to reach the shelf. a) short b)tall c) strong
27.-Charles …….. up very early yesterday. a) woke b)wakes c) is waking
28.-Mrs Dorrit ……..... in my school since 1998. a) have taught b)has taught
29.-The cinema isn’t ………. the park. a) near b) far c)between
30.-Roberto is very friendly. He has …….. friends. a)much b)many c)little
31.-I’m very thirsty. a) Can I have a water? b)Can you give me something to drink?
32-At 5,30 my friend Paul ……..with his mum. a)were shopping b)wasn’t shopping
33.-Patricia ……… lost in the big city in 2011. a)get b)got c)is getting
34.-His father often ………. me a lift to work. a)gives b)giving c)give
35.- a) I have never flown by helicopter b)I have never fly by helicopter
36.-Probably ……. peace in the world soon. a )there will be b) there isn’t
37.-Frederick ……. Law at university. a) will studies b)will study c)wont’ studying
38.-If Sarah …… her leg, she won’t play tennis. a) hurt b)hurts c)hurting
39.-The student won’t pass the exam unless he ……… harder. a)study b) studying c)studies
40.-If the boy doesn’t run fast, he …….. win the race. a) won’t b)will c) don’t

1.- Josephine ………….. (eat) two bananas for lunch yesterday.
2.- My cat never ……..(sleep) in my bed.
3.- Jim is a scientist. He ………….. (study) extreme weather.
4.- Have you ever been …………. (trap) in a lift?
5.- Police …………..(look) for the missing child.
6.-Today is my mother’s birthday, so I …………. (buy) her a good present.
7.- The children ………….. (swim) in the sea when it ………….. (start) to rain.
8.- Many students ………… (wear) costumes for the festival.
9.- The tornado ……….… (hit) the little town two years ago.
10.- We …………. (go) to take paper, bottles and cans to special recycling containers.
11.-They chose a name for the dog while they………………… (walk) in the park.
12.- Patrick ………….. (learn) Spanish at school.
13.- Lorena and her father often ………. (go) to the National Museum on Saturday afternoon.
14.- Raymond ……….. just………. (come) home.
15.- My brother ……….(be) angry with me because I ……….. (forget) his birthday.
16.- The exam was difficult because I ………… (not study) the day before.
17.- I ………… (give) you a prescription for your sore throat.
18.-Thomas ….......... (find) the treasure if he asked his friends.
19.-………….. you……….. (do) the project yet?
20.-Margaret ………….. (not visit) her sister in London last month.
21.-If I were you, I ……………….(not marry) Tony. He doesn’t love you.

follow up
A. Circle the correct answer
1. If she borrows your / yours coat, then you should I able to borrow her/ hers.
2. Each pot and pan in her kitchen has it / its own place on the shelf.
3. Mary and Mike invited their / theirs parents to see their / theirs new apartment.
4. When my roommate paid her / hers half of the rent, I paid my / mine.
5. All students need to bring their / theirs own pencils and answer sheets to the exam.
6. All of her / hers secretaries are working late tonight to finish her / hers report.
7. The horse trotting around the track won it's / its race a few minutes ago.
8. Before the report is finalised, the information in their / theirs notes and our / ours must be proved.
9. She worked all day cooking food and making decorations for her / hers son's birthday party.
10. The weather in the mountains this weekend will be extremely cold, so please take your / yours heavy
B. Supply IT / THEM / ONE / SOME / ANY or NONE
1. A: Were any cars parked outside our house today?
B: Yes, _______ was parked there all morning.
2. A: Was that car parked outside our house today?
B: Yes, _______ was parked there all morning.
3. A: Did any letters come for me this morning?
B: No, _______ came for you.
4. A: Have the spare parts arrived yet?
B: Yes, _______ of them has just arrived.
5. A: Do you like this dish?
B: Yes, I like _______ very much.
6. A: Did you enjoy the strawberries?
B: Yes, I enjoyed _______ very much.
7. A: Would you like _______ strawberries?
B: No, I don't want _______.
8. A: Would you like some cherries?
B: No, I don't want _______.
9. A: Have you got a spare bulb?
B: No, I haven't got _______.
10. A: I'd like to buy some fruit.
B: Melons are in season now. That big _______ must be quite juicy.
C. Supply INDEFINITE pronouns.
1. There is nothhing in the clothes basket. It is empty.
2. I've tried phoning but every time I tried there was __________ in.
3. I have prepared __________ for dinner which you will like very much.
4. Would you like __________ to start with before the main meal?
5. He sat at the table but didn't have __________ to eat.
6. You can do __________. I don't really care.
7. I met __________ you know last night. She told me she had missed you very much.
8. That's a very easy job. __________ can do it.
9. Did you turn the oven off? I think I can smell __________ burning.
10. __________ offered help. They probably didn't have time.
11. __________ arrived in good time and the meeting started promptly at 3:30.
12. When the show finished there was complete silence. __________ clapped.
13. __________ likes being poor.
D. Supply the correct reflexive pronouns in the following.
1. This accident was my fault. I feel very disappointed with _______.
2. Be careful with that sharp knife! You are going to hurt _______ if you are not careful.
3. When I walked into the room, the only person I saw and heard was Joe. He must have been talking to
_______ when I walked in.
4. My wife and I have our own business. We don't have a boss. We work for _______.
5. No one taught Mr. and Mrs. Smith how to run a business. They taught _______ everything they needed
to know about running a small business.
6. Mr Baker has been working very hard and he is going to reward _______ by taking a vacation next
7. I climbed to the top of the diving tower and walked to the end of the diving board. I wished _______
some Iuck and dived into the pool.
8. Rebecca has the flu. She must rest at home and take care of _______.
9. When we have problems in our lives, we shouldn't get discouraged and feel sad. If we believe in
_______, we can always be happy.
10. When I got that job, everybody congratulated me, including _______.
E. Fill in the blanks with suitable personal pronouns.
1. John is my student. ———————– is 7. Children went on a picnic.
very intelligent. ———————– had a nice time.
a) He a) He
b) She b) She
c) They c) They
d) It d) It
2. Alice is my sister. —————————- 8. My parents live in a village. I visit
lives abroad. ———————- often.
a) He a) They
b) She b) Them
c) They c) We
d) It d) Us
3. John and Mary are my students. 9. His children are very hard working.
———————– are very hard working. ———————— is very proud of them.
a) They a) He
b) She b) She
c) He c) They
d) It d) We
4. My dog is smarter than ———————— 10. I have invited all of my friends and
a) Their ———————- have all agreed to come.
b) Theirs a) They
c) Your b) He
d) Her c) She
5. This is ——————— dog. d) We
a) Mine 11. The apple was overripe. We threw
b) My ———————– away.
c) Ours a) Them
d) We b) They
6. ———————— is raining. c) It
a) They d) This
b) He 12. My car is better than ———————–
c) There a) Your
d) It b) Yours

c) Our a) It
d) Her b) They
13. Her hair is black. ——————— has c) Them
turned grey. d) That
a) My 15. We bought some apples.
b) Mine ————————- were very sweet.
c) Me a) They
d) I b) We
14. I have lost my keys. Did you see c) It
———————-? d) That

F. Supply RELATIVE pronouns

1. This is the boy ..... had an accident.
2. Yesterday I saw a car ... was really old.
3. Mandy is the girl ... I met on Friday.
4. I haven't seen Frank, ... brother is five, for a long time now.
5. The robber stole the car ... the lady parked in front of the supermarket.
6. This is the man ... house is on fire.
7. Can I talk to the girl ... is sitting on the bench?
8. The book ... you gave me is great.
9. She likes hamburgers ... are hot.
10. Bill Clinton, ... was President of the USA, has only one daughter.

Present Perfect Simple / Continuous
Complete the sentences with correct form of the verbs. Use the Present Perfect Simple or Continuous. Use short
forms where possible.
1 How long _______flu? (have)

2 We _______the house all morning. (clean)

3 I _______abroad for a year, but now I'm going home. (live)

4 Ouch! I _______my finger on the oven!. (burn)

5 Alan _______French since September. (learn)

6 How long _______Jim? (you go out with)

Present Continuous / Present Perfect Continuous

Mr. Smith: So tell me a little bit about yourself, Mr. Harris. I would like to find out a little bit more about your
Mr. Harris: I (work) _____________________________ in the insurance industry for over ten years. I worked for Met
Life for six years and World Insurance for four and a half. During that time, I heard many good things about Hollings
Life Insurance and that's why I (apply) __________________________________ for the new sales position.
Mr. Smith: Tell me a little about your hobbies and interests.
Mr. Harris: In my spare time, I hike in the mountains outside of town, volunteer at the Sierra Club and play tennis. In
fact, I (compete) ________________________________________ in a tennis tournament this weekend.
Mr. Smith: Really, how long (you, play) __________________________________ tennis?
Mr. Harris: I (play) ____________________________________ since high school. I love the sport.
Mr. Smith: Great! We like dedication here at Hollings Life. You mentioned you volunteer at the Sierra Club. I (work,
currently) _____________________________________ with them on the sea turtle project. We (try)
__________________________________ to create a wildlife sanctuary near the bay.
Mr. Harris: Do you know Frank Harris? He's my brother. He (work, presently) ____________________________ on
the same project.
Mr. Smith: I know Frank quite well. Any brother of Frank's would be a welcome addition to Hollings Life. Just one
more thing, we (look) ____________________________________ for somebody who is fluent in Spanish; many of
our clients are from Mexico.
Mr. Harris: No problem. I (study) _______________________________ Spanish since elementary school.
Mr. Smith: Sounds like you are the perfect candidate.
Present Continuous / Present Perfect Continuous
1. It (rain) _________________ all week. I hope it stops by Saturday because I want to go to the beach.
2. A: Where is Gary?
B: He (study, at the library) _______for his German test on Wednesday. In fact, he (review) ____________________
for the test every day for the last week.
3. You look really great! (You, exercise) __________________________ at the fitness center?
4. Frank, where have you been? We (wait) __________________________ for you since 1 P.M..
5.A: What is that sound?

B: A car alarm (ring) ___________________ somewhere down the street. It (drive) _____________________ me
crazy - I wish it would stop! It (ring) _____________________ for more than twenty minutes.
6. Joseph's English (improve, really) ________________________ , isn't it? He (watch)
____________________________ American television programs and (study) ______________________________
his grammar every day since he first arrived in San Diego. Soon he will be totally fluent.
7. A: You look a little tired. (You, get) ___________________________ enough sleep lately?
B: Yes, I (sleep) ____________________________ relatively well. I just look tired because I (feel)
______________________ a little sick for the last week.
A: I hope you feel better soon.
B: Thanks. I (take, currently) ________________________ some medicine, so I should feel better in a couple of
Simple Past / Present Perfect
1. A: Did you like the movie "Star Wars"?
B: I don't know. I (see, never) _______that movie.
2. Sam (arrive) _______in San Diego a week ago.
3. My best friend and I (know) _______each other for over fifteen years. We still get together once a week.
4. Stinson is a fantastic writer. He (write) _______ten very creative short stories in the last year. One day, he'll be as
famous as Hemingway.
5. I (have, not) _______this much fun since I (be) _______a kid.
6. Things (change) _______a great deal at Coltech, Inc. When we first (start) _______working here three years ago,
the company (have, only) _______six employees. Since then, we (expand) _______to include more than 2000 full-
time workers.
7. I (tell) _______him to stay on the path while he was hiking, but he (wander) _______off into the forest and (be)
_______bitten by a snake.
8. Listen Donna, I don't care if you (miss) _______the bus this morning. You (be) _______late to work too many
times. You are fired!
9. Sam is from Colorado, which is hundreds of miles from the coast, so he (see, never) _______the ocean. He
should come with us to Miami.
10. How sad! George (dream) _______of going to California before he died, but he didn't make it. He (see, never)
_______the ocean.
11. In the last hundred years, traveling (become) _______much easier and very comfortable. In the 19th century, it
(take) _______two or three months to cross North America by covered wagon. The trip (be) _______very rough and
often dangerous. Things (change) _______a great deal in the last hundred and fifty years. Now you can fly from New
York to Los Angeles in a matter of hours.
12. Jonny, I can't believe how much you (change) _______since the last time I (see) _______you. You (grow)
_______at least a foot!
13. This tree (be) _______planted by the settlers who (found) _______our city over four hundred years ago.
14. This mountain (be, never) _______climbed by anyone. Several mountaineers (try) _______to reach the top, but
nobody (succeed, ever) _______. The climb is extremely difficult and many people (die) _______trying to reach the
15. I (visit, never) _______Africa, but I (travel) _______to South America several times. The last time I (go)
_______to South America, I (visit) _______Brazil and Peru. I (spend) _______two weeks in the Amazon, (hike)
_______for a week near Machu Picchu, and (fly) _______over the Nazca Lines.
Simple Past / Present Perfect
Since computers were first introduced to the public in the early 1980's, technology (change) _______a great deal.
The first computers (be) _______simple machines designed for basic tasks. They (have, not) _______much memory
and they (be, not) _______very powerful. Early computers were often quite expensive and customers often (pay)
_______thousands of dollars for machines which actually (do) _______very little. Most computers (be)
_______separate, individual machines used mostly as expensive typewriters or for playing games.
Times (change) _______. Computers (become) _______powerful machines with very practical applications.

Programmers (create) _______a large selection of useful programs which do everything from teaching foreign
languages to bookkeeping. We are still playing video games, but today's games (become) _______faster, more
exciting interactive adventures. Many computer users (get, also) _______on the Internet and (begin)
_______communicating with other computer users around the world. We (start) _______to create international
communities online. In short, the simple, individual machines of the past (evolve) _______into an international World
Wide Web of knowledge.
Present Perfect / Present Perfect Continuous
1. A: How long (be) _______in Canada?
B: I (study) _______here for more than three years.
2. I (have) _______the same car for more than ten years. I'm thinking about buying a new one.
3. I (love) _______chocolate since I was a child. You might even call me a "chocoholic".
4. Matt and Sarah (have) _______some difficulties in their relationship lately, so they (go) _______to a marriage
counselor. I hope they work everything out.
5. John (work) _______for the government since he graduated from Harvard University. Until recently, he (enjoy)
_______his work, but now he is talking about retiring.
6. Lately, I (think) _______about changing my career because I (become) _______dissatisfied with the conditions at
my company.
7. I (see) _______Judy for more than five years and during that time I (see) _______many changes in her
Simple Past / Past Perfect
I can't believe I (get)______________ that apartment. I (submit)__________________ my application last
week, but I didn't think I had a chance of actually getting it. When I (show)___________________ up to take a look
around, there were at least twenty other people who (arrive)__________________ before me. Most of them (fill,
already) _________________out their applications and were already leaving. The landlord said I could still apply, so I
I (try)____________________ to fill out the form, but I couldn't answer half of the questions. They (want)
__________________________me to include references, but I didn't want to list my previous landlord because I
(have)_______________________ some problems with him and I knew he wouldn't recommend me. I
(end)______________________________ up listing my father as a reference.
It was total luck that he (decide) _____________________ to give me the apartment. It turns out that the
landlord and my father (go) ______________________ to high school together. He decided that I could have the
apartment before he (look)___________________ at my credit report. I really lucked out!
Past Perfect / Past Perfect Continuous
I'm sorry I left without you last night, but I told you to meet me early because the show started at 8:00. I (try)
______________________ to get tickets for that play for months, and I didn't want to miss it. By the time I finally left
the coffee shop where we were supposed to meet, I (have) ______________________ five cups of coffee and I
(wait) __________________ over an hour. I had to leave because I (arrange)____________________ to meet
Kathy in front of the theater.
When I arrived at the theater, Kathy (pick, already) ___________________ up the tickets and she was waiting for us
near the entrance. She was really angry because she (wait) ______________________ for more than half an hour.
She said she (give, almost) ___________________ up and (go) ________________ into the theater without us.

Kathy told me you (be) _______________________ late several times in the past and that she would not make plans
with you again in the future. She mentioned that she (miss) ______________________ several movies because of
your late arrivals. I think you owe her an apology. And in the future, I suggest you be on time!

A. Fill in the blanks using the correct form of the verbs

1. Hardly had the minister finished his speech when gunshots ---- (storm) the stadium.
2. Everybody will be at the office at about 08:30 tomorrow as the meeting ---- (start) at nine o'clock.
3. That candidate who we had been interviewed before we ---- (speak) to all the others is still my favorite.
4. While climbing onto the mountain top, I ---- (encounter) a strange animal which I'd never seen before.
5. The chairman was sure that his plan would work out fine as no other member ---- (oppose) it up to that
6. I wasn't surprised to hear that Monica ---- (have) an accident as she is a very reckless driver.
7. Since the very first day when the Umbrella Company embarked upon such a dangerous and risky lab-
research, very strange incidents ---- (take place) within the research complex.
8. Urbanization ---- (always / be) a problem which causes several environmental challenges ever since the
rate of migration ---- (increase) after the industrial revolution.
9. When I ---- (come) home this evening, my parents had gone out for a walk.
10. By the time the troops ---- (arrive), the war will have ended.
11. By the year 2020, linguists ---- (study) the Indy-European language family for more than 200 years.
12. Gasoline ---- (become) a major problem for people for the last ten years, therefore, during this time
many people have preferred to sell their cars and buy smaller ones.
13. By the time he was 14, Wolfgang Mozart ---- (compose) an enviable number of musical pieces.
14. Nothing in my life ---- (be) so strong to stop me achieve my goals so far and i don't think anything
will be
15. Archaeologists ---- (explain) recently that an ancient underground city around Cappadocia has long
wide corridors where there are many special areas for making cheese and wine.
16. I was amazed when he accepted a drink, since I ---- (always / assume) that he was a teetotaler.
17. I ---- (play) tennis tomorrow but I won't be able to do that because I have injured my right ankle.
18. We ---- (visit) the seashore many times before but last summer we enjoyed ourselves more than ever.
19. According to a survey, thousands of vending machines ---- (have to be converted) before the new
coins have come into circulation.

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs.

1. I ---- (never come) across such a big snake in my life. What about you?
2. By Saturday next week, I ---- (work) on this painting for exactly one month.
3. My wife and I ---- (have) a few problems recently and I have to admit that our relationship ---- (get) a
bit boring since our daughter ---- (leave) for university.
4. Even though I ---- (like) singing, I can say that I ---- (have) a terrible voice.
5. By the year 2020, the population of London ---- (grow) substantially.
6. My grandparents ---- (come) to see us next weekend. They ---- (not visit) us for two years.
7. We ---- (look for) her ring for two hours when we found it in the bathroom.
8. They were very tired in the evening because they ---- (help) on the farm all day.
9. I ---- (lead) a very busy life these days. I ---- (prepare) for my final exams and at the same time I ----
(try) to move to my new apartment. You can't imagine how tired I am.
10. Do you know what time the 10:45 plane ---- (arrive) in Chicago?

C. Fill in the gaps with the right forms of the verbs in capital letters at the end of the sentences.
1. I (still not find) the bag I lost last week.
2. I (stay) in Spain till next Friday.
3. I (stay) at this hotel since April.
4. Peter is not here yet. I (think) he has missed the train.
5. I (think) about her plans and I suppose I know what she is going to do.
6. (your parents arrive) in Rome yet?
7. As it is snowing we (not go) out.
8. Do not disturb him, he (work) hard.
9. (you finish) with this tape you borrowed from me last Monday.
10. You (lie) now! I do not believe any of your words.

D. Choose the right option:

1. _________ seems enjoyable to you seems B. ? this
troublesome to me. C. ? that
A. ? Which D. ? he
B. ? What 10. Days in winter are shorter than _________
C. ? That in summer.
D. ? It A. ? these
2. There is _________ in what you say. B. ? those
A. ? anything C. ? this
B. ? something else D. ? that
C. ? anything else 11. He says __________, but does much.
D. ? something A. ? little
3. A: I think I broke my left leg. B: B. ? a little
__________. C. ? some
A. ? I hope not so. D. ? a few
B. ? I do not hope it. 12. People like different colors. __________
C. ? I hope not. like red, and __________ like green.
4. They like _________ better than mine. A. ? Some ------ the others
A. ? him and her B. ? Some ------ others
B. ? his and her C. ? one ------ the other
C. ? he and she D. ? others ------ some
D. ? his and hers 13. If you don't have any other questions, let's
5. Is there __________wrong with your feet? go on to ______
A. ? something A. ? a next
B. ? anything B. ? next
C. ? other thing C. ? the next
D. ? things D. ? other one
6. A: Shall I sit at this end of the boat, or the 14. The chicken tastes delicious. Please give me
other end? B: You can sit at _______ end . __________.
A. ? any A. ? little more
B. ? both B. ? a few more
C. ? each C. ? some more
D. ? either D. ? few more
7. A: Would you like this one or the other one? 15. He can talk ______ in English or Spanish.
B: _________ will do. A. ? neither
A. ? Both B. ? either
B. ? All C. ? both
C. ? Either D. ? also
D. ? Any 16. He couldn't see the stranger clearly until he
8. No need to be in such a hurry. There are still was only __________ yards away from her.
_______ minutes left. A. ? few
A. ? a few B. ? a few
B. ? a little C. ? few of
C. ? few D. ? the few
D. ? little 17. I spoke with them one by one, and
9. Does ______ matter if he can't finish the job __________ told me a different story.
in time? A. ? each
A. ? it B. ? every
C. ? all A. ? It
D. ? any B. ? That
18. In the future, robots will do more and more C. ? Which
work for men. __________ people will have D. ? Time
to work long hours. 20. There are trees on __________ side of the
A. ? The few street.
B. ? A few A. ? none
C. ? Few B. ? both
D. ? A few of C. ? either
19. I glanced at my watch. ______ was earlier D. ? all
than I had thought.

E. Choose the right option

1. With the address given to him, he had no D. ? has
__________ in finding his friend's new 6. Would you tell me where the __________
house. store is?
A. ? difficulties A. ? shoes
B. ? troubles B. ? shoe
C. ? difficulty C. ? shoe's
D. ? difficult D. ? shoes'
2. Nine __________ are eating grass at the foot 7. We forgot both of the __________ .
of the hill. A. ? rooms numbers
A. ? sheepes B. ? room's numbers
B. ? sheeps C. ? room number
C. ? sheep D. ? room numbers
D. ? shoop 8. There are three _________________
3. John brushes his __________ twice a day. working for the project.
A. ? teeth A. ? women scientists
B. ? tooth B. ? woman scientists
C. ? tooths C. ? women scientist
D. ? teeths D. ? woman scientist
4. The farmer has many __________ on the 9. John __________ Mike when they met at
farm. the airport.
A. ? geeses A. ? shook hand with
B. ? gooses B. ? shake hands with
C. ? goose C. ? shook hands with
D. ? geese D. ? shake a hand with
5. There __________ no water in the bottle. 10. She bought __________ eggs at the
A. ? is supermarket.
B. ? are A. ? three dozen
C. ? were B. ?
C. three dozens
F. Pronouns
Q1 - The people ....... moved in next door seem very that
friendly which
who ----
whom Q4 - I've lost the paper ...... I had written her phone
which number on
Q2 - The man ..... answered the phone was rather ----
rude whose
which that
that Q5 - The day in ...... I started work there was a
whom disaster
Q3 - Where are the people ........ ordered the taxi?

which which
that that
where whose
Q6 - The man ....... interviewed you is the boss Q18 - She failed the exam, ...... came as a great
that surprise to us all
---- ----
which which
Q7 - The man ....... house was robbed has still not that
been paid by the insurance company Q19 - The film, ...... lasted for three hours, was
which boring
that that
whose which
Q8 - He's got three dogs, all of ..... are aggressive ----
which Q20 - The flats, ....... will house over two hundred
that families, were completed last month
---- ----
Q9 - Who's moved the papers ...... I left on my desk? that
who which
whom Q21 - The boxer ...... career was ruined by health
that problems was on TV last night
Q10 - You should complain to the people ....... whose
supplied it whom
---- who
who Q22 - The day ....... we met was the happiest of my
which life
Q11 - They arrested the man ...... was over the ----
alcohol limit which
that whose
which Q23 - You'll have to speak to the person ..... is in
whom charge
Q12 - The men, ....... were in a hurry, didn't finish the ----
job properly which
that that
who Q24 - He's the guy ...... brother was sacked for
which stealing
Q13 - The pub, ........ lost its licence, has been turned who
into a shop whose
which whom
that Q25 - Is there a shop nearby ...... sells stamps?
---- ----
Q14 - Two guys, ....... car had broken down, asked whose
me for a lift which
whose Q26 - Is there a store around here ....... I can get some
whom stamps?
which ----
Q15 - I'd love to meet the idiot ...... made these rules which
that where
which Q27 - They blamed me for everything ....... went
whose wrong
Q16 - Did you get everything ....... you wanted? ----
who whose
---- that
whose Q28 - Nothing ...... she said surprised me
Q17 - The boy ....... bag was stolen is over there

---- which
that ----
what whom
Q29 - I was to blame for everything ....... went wrong Q33 - A lot of people were offended by the jokes ......
what he told
that where
---- that
Q30 - You'll have to try to get in touch with the who
person ..... is responsible for staff training Q34 - He works for a firm ...... produces software
---- that
who ----
which who
Q31 - The man ........ wanted to see you left a few Q35 - Companies ....... shareholders control them
minutes ago have little possibility of making their own decisions
---- that
who whose
which who
Q32 - There were three applicants, none of .....
seemed very competent

G. All Tenses: Fill in the correct form

1. When we reach Land’s End we ____________________ 1,500 km. (walk)
2. I just remembered that I ____________________ the rent yet. I’m surprised that the landlord
____________________ me up and reminded me. (not pay, not ring)
3. It’s a beautiful drive. I am sure you ____________________ the scenery. (enjoy)
4. The car ____________________. If you get in, Tom and I ____________________ you a push. (not
start, give)
5. I put the five-pound notes into one of the books; but the next day it ____________________ me ages
to find it because I ____________________ which book I ____________________ it in. (take, forget,
6. He ____________________ the bagpipes since six this morning. He ____________________. (play,
just stop)
7. My son ____________________ work yet. He’s still at High School. – How long
____________________ at school? - He ____________________ there for six years. Before that he
____________________ five years at primary school. (not start, he be, be, spend)
8. Mary: I wonder what he ____________________ now. Ann: Well, his girlfriend
____________________ from Japan too, so I suppose he ____________________ Japanese. (say, come,
9. When I first met him he ____________________ architecture. (study)
10. While we ____________________ someone ____________________ into the house and
___________________us this note. (fish, break, leave)
11. It won’t be easy to get out of the country .The police ____________________ all of the ports. (watch)
12. If I catch some fish, ____________________ them for me? (you cook)
13. He ____________________ to come. (not forget)
14. It ____________________ for the last two hours so the game ____________________ (rain, be
15. When I ____________________ him he ____________________ a picture of his wife. –
____________________ it? (see, paint, you like)
16. The car had nobody in it, but the engine ____________________. (run)
17. Tom can’t have the newspaper now because his aunt ____________________ it. (read)
18. This shop ____________________ for good next Monday. (close)
19. Where ____________________ tonight? – I ____________________ out with Peter. (you go, go)
20. At 3 a.m. Jane ____________________ up her husband and said that she ____________________
that someone ____________________ to get into the house. (wake, think, try)
21. When you see me next time I ____________________ my new sunglasses. (wear)
22. This bike ____________________ in our family for the last 14 years. My father
____________________ it for the first five years, then my brother ____________________ it and I
____________________ it since then. (be, use,ride,have)
23. Some time ago I ____________________ that our mayor ____________________ to go to Iceland.
What ____________________ to do there? (read, want, he want)
24. You see, Doctor, she ____________________ ill two days ago and since then she
____________________ anything. I’m sure she ____________________ several kilos. (fall, not eat, lose)
25. Most people ____________________ at work when the fire ____________________. (be, start)
26. After five years of travelling through Asia I ____________________ back to Europe next week. I
____________________ the flight (go, already book)
27. I saw him when he ____________________ the house. I ____________________ at the corner when
he ____________________ by. He ____________________ a word and I ____________________ a
word either. (leave, just stand, pass, not say , not say)

H. Complete the sentences with the verbs given

learn • am learning • hadn’t learned • send • don’t send • weren’t doing • didn’t do • haven’t done
1 We ... anything wrong in the art room, but the teacher told us to leave.
2 ... him an angry email. You’ll only regret it later.
3 I ... how to drive at the moment.
4 When I was younger, we ... much sport at my primary school.
5 Generally I ... best by doing rather than watching.
6 We ... any practice tests yet so I’m not sure what they’re like.
7 ... me a text message when you’re free.
8 The English exam was difficult because I ... enough phrasal verbs.

I. Complete the sentences with the correct present or past form of the verbs in brackets.
1 (tell) me exactly what (happen) last night!
2 Mrs Hudson is my maths teacher. She (teach) me for four years and in that time I (get) much better at
3 I (never /think) of a career in medicine before I spoke to my biology teacher but now I (seriously/
consider) it.
4 Oh no! I (forget) to bring my assignment! What am I going to do? This is the second time I (do) this!
5 I can’t remember what Mr Brown (say) yesterday about our homework. I (not listen) properly because
Charlotte (talk) to me at the same time.
6 Last year I (go) on a school trip to Scotland. We (have) a very interesting time.
7 At the moment I (think) about what subjects to take next year but I (not make) a final decision yet.
8 A few people (misbehave) in class sometimes, but generally everyone is quite well behaved.

The adjective
1. Complete the chart with the comparatives and superlatives:
Adjective Comparative Superlative
long longer than the longest
fast faster than
pretty the prettiest
beautiful more beautiful than
ugly uglier than
thin the thinnest
fashionable more fashionable than

2. Complete the sentences with a superlative:

a. This building is very old. It’s the oldest building in the town.
b. It was a very happy day. It was of my life.
c. It’s a very good film. It’s I’ve seen.
d. It was a very bad mistake. It was in my life.
e. It was a very cold day. It was of the year.
f. She’s a popular singer. She’s in the country.
g. He’s a very boring person. He’s I know.
h. This house is very big. It is I’ve lived in.
i. My cousin is very tall. He is I have.
j. Laura is a very pretty girl. She is I know.

3. Choose the correct answer:

a. Tom’s car is as big as / the biggest his friend’s.
b. Who is shorter than / the shortest person in your family?
c. Who is more independent than / the most independent person you know?
d. These sofas are more comfortable than / the most comfortable ours.
e. My brother is taller than / the tallest in the class.
f. Is Jason’s dog older than / the oldest yours?
g. Who is the best / better than singer in the world?
h. We are younger than / the youngest the rest of the class.
i. My hair is the straightest / straighter than your hair.
j. He is more popular / the most popular singer in the world.

4. Write the sentences in the correct order:

a. taller / than / Gary / Rick / is. Gary is taller than Rick.
b. trousers / John / got / has / new / light.
c. Mary / clothes / likes / bigger
d. an / expensive / Rick / wearing / coat / is
e. the / Carol / has / scarf / got / shortest
f. the / student / he / tallest / is
g. actress / Mary / the / was / popular / most
h. He / the / was / footballer / best
i. plays / than / better / you / Mary
j. father / is / your / than / stronger / mine

5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the adjective in brackets:
a. Carol is as good (good) as you at sport.
b. We like wearing the (late) fashion.
c. These trousers are ____________________ (comfortable) than those jeans.
d. She is ______________________ (happy) now than he was last year.
e. You are the ________________________ (pretty) girl in class.
f. My grandma is _______________________ (old) than my grandpa.
g. The red dress is the ______________________ (attractive) in the shop.
h. I always tell the _______________________ (fun) jokes.
i. Your hair is ____________________ (curly) than my hair.
j. My hair is ______________________ (short) than yours.

Adjective Word Order

Number Opinion Size Age Shape Color Origin Material Purpose Noun
small round German
red sleeping
generous old man
Four metal
6. Choose the right option
Q1 - I bought a pair of _____ shoes. Q8 - It's ____ village.
black leather an old lovely
leather black a lovely old
Q2 - It was a ____ car. Q9 - The ____ visitors were Japanese.
red fast two last
fast red last two
Q3 - It's a ____ building. Q10 - He's got ____ eyes.
big round blue big
round big big blue
Q4 - I bought ____ knife. Q11 - It's a ____ house.
a Swiss army nice new
an army Swiss new nice
Q5 - It's ____ film. Q12 - It's ____ airline.
a beautiful old a popular American
an old beautiful an American popular
Q6 - He's ____ man. Q13 - It's ____ company
an unfriendly rich a family old
a rich unfriendly an old family
Q7 - It's ____ phone. Q14 - It's a ____ restaurant.
a mobile expensive cheap good
an expensive mobile good cheap

7. Complete the following sentences using the appropriate form of the adjective given in the
1. He is ………………… than his neighbors. (rich)
2. The brides were much ……………… than the grooms. (young)
3. He is too ………………… to be taught. (intelligent)
4. He is ………………… than I thought him to be. (clever)
5. When the old woman became …………………, she began to move about. (strong)
6. He is much ………………… now. (good)
7. The offer was too ………………… to be true. (good)
8. He fishes with ………………… success than I do. (great)
9. Shakespeare is the ………………… playwright in English. (great)
10. The pain was ………………… than he could bear. (much)
11. The ………………… thing of all was that his son was rude to him. (bad)
12. Jane was the ………………… player of the two. (good)
8. Choose whether each sentence requires the comparative or superlative form:
1. There are 10 houses on our street. Our house is the ________ one. a) biggest b) bigger
2. My brother sings better than I do, but I play guitar ________ than he does. a) the best b) better
3. This is ________ song I have ever heard! a) the best b) better
4. Tom is ________ than I am. a) stronger b) the strongest
5. Out of all the students in our class, I am ________. a) shorter b) the shortest
6. Everyone says that my sister is ________ than I am. a) better looking b) the best looking
7. She is ________ girl in our school. a) the best looking b) better looking
8. This is boring. Let's do something ________. a) the most interesting b) more interesting
9. This isn't ________ book I have ever read. a) more interesting b) the most interesting
10. Your apartment is ________ than mine. a) cleaner b) the cleanest

'-ed' adjectives '-ing' adjectives

Adjectives that end in -ing are used to
Adjectives that end in -ed are used to
describe things and situations. Compare these
describe how people feel:
example sentences to the ones above:
'He was surprised to find that he had been
'Being upgraded to first class is surprising.'
upgraded to first class.'
The findings of this report are confusing.'
'I was confused by the findings of the report.'
'Working hard all day is tiring.'
'She felt tired after working hard all day.'
8. Choose the correct adjective:
1. My nephew was (amusing / amused) by the clown.
2. It’s so (frustrating / frustrated)! No matter how much I study I can’t seem to remember this
3. This lesson is so (boring / bored)!
4. I’m feeling (depressed / depressing), so I’m going to go home, eat some chocolate, and go to bed
early with a good book.
5. I thought her new idea was absolutely (fascinated / fascinating).
6. This maths problem is so (confusing / confused). Can you help me?
7. The teacher was really (amusing / amused) so the lesson passed quickly.
8. The journey was (exhausting / exhausted)! Twelve hours by bus.
9. The plane began to move in a rather (alarming / alarmed) way.
10. He was (frightening / frightened) when he saw the spider.
11. I was really (embarrassing / embarrassed) when I fell over in the street.
12. That film was so (depressing / depressed)! There was no happy ending for any of the characters.
13. I’m sorry, I can’t come tonight. I’m completely (exhausting / exhausted).
14. We are going in a helicopter? How (exciting / excited)!
15. Don’t show my baby photos to people, Mum! It’s so (embarrassing / embarrassed)!
16. It’s okay, it’s only me. Don’t be (alarming / alarmed).
17. My sister is so (exciting / excited) because she is going on holiday tomorrow.
18. I hate long flights, I’m always really (boring / bored).
19. She looked very (confusing / confused) when I told her we had to change the plan.
20. John was (fascinated / fascinating) by Mandarin when he first started learning languages. He
decided to study more and now he can speak it fluently.

9. Choose the right option

1. I love listening to ___ music at home. 6. I'm very ___ with my results.
relaxed disappointing
relaxing disappointed
2. I was very ___ in class yesterday. 7. I read some ___ statistics recently.
bored startling
boring startled
3. That test was very ___. 8. I saw an ___ concert recently.
challenging amazed
challenged amazing
4. Action movies are ___. 9. I'm so ___ with my stupid husband!
excited frustrated
exciting frustrating
5. My friend was ___ when she watched the 10. English is a very ___ language!
show. interesting
entertaining interested

follow up
1. Choose the right option
1. My sister is two years __________ than me.
a) young b) so young c) younger d) the youngest
2. Do you know what __________ animal in the world is?
a) slow b) slow as c) slower d) the slowest
3. I think spring is _________ season of the year.
a) beautiful b) very beautiful c) more beautiful d) the most beautiful
4. Maths is _____________ to me than biology.
a) important b) so important c) more important d) the most important
5. Helen is __________ ballet dancer in our city.
a) good b) good as c) better d) the best
6. That test was ___________ than the previous one last week.
a) difficult b) so difficult c) more difficult d) the most difficult
7. Tom has got __________ message from his parents.
a) long b) long as c) longer d) the longest
8. English is ____________ for me than Chinese.
a) easy b) very easy c) easier d) the easiest
9. My phone is ___________ than my sister’s phone.
a) expensive b) so expensive c) more expensive d) the most expensive
10. Last winter was ___________ winter in our country.
a) cold b) cold as c) colder d) the coldest
11. Pam’s mobile is ____________ than mine.
a) beautiful b) very beautiful c) more beautiful d) the most beautiful
12. This car is _____________ car produced by this company.
a) new b) so new c) newer d) the newest
13. What continent is ____________: America or Africa?
a) large b) very large c) larger d) the largest
14. Do you know who _______________ woman in the world is?
a) fast b) so fast c) faster d) the fastest
15. Mary is ____________ than Ben in my class.
a) clever b) clever as c) cleverer d) the cleverest
16. Who is _____________ runner : Tom or Sam?
a) bad b) very bad c) worse d) the worst
17. This information is ______________ for me than the previous one.
a) useful b) useful as c) more useful d) the most useful
18. When was ______________ summer in your country?
a) hot b) very hot c) hotter d) the hottest
19. Bob is _____________ than my elder brother.
a) tall b) tall as c) taller d) the tallest
20. Can you name _____________ building in the world?
a) high b) so high c) higher d) the highest
2. Choose from the list below:
petty disciplined neat absent-minded quarrelsome arrogant
optimistic selfish generous bad-tempered unhygienic courteous
stubborn articulate untrustworthy energetic humble forgiving
selfless reliable fickle open-minded humorous punctual
1. Stacy is incredibly _______________. She always arrives on time and does her job well.
2. Sandra is _______________. She loves sharing things with her friends.
3. She is _______________. I’d leave my money, car, anything, for her to look after, but then she
said she’s lost the money.
4. Why do you get angry all the time? You are so _______________.
5. He is terribly _______________. Once he has made up his mind, it is impossible to get him to
change it even if it’s obvious that he is wrong.
6. Danny is always the most _______________ worker at the restaurant. He greets all guests and
serves them very well.
7. A/an _______________ person is someone who tends to think one is better and more important
than others.
8. A/an _______________ person is someone who tends to expect good things to happen.
9. Don't you remember where you put the money and the check book? You're so
10. They both are very _______________. One word can cause a terrible quarrel between them just
like a cat and a dog.
11. Our boss was so _______________ when our company won the design competition! He greeted
all his workers personally and said that it’s pleasure working with us.
12. I know that you’re a very _______________ person. That’s why I can count on you to solve the
13. A/an _______________ person allows people to do, say, or believe what they want without
criticizing or punishing them.
14. Mike is sometimes nice, but he can be so _______________ when he’s complaining too much
about unimportant things.
15. A person that is _______________ cannot stay angry for a long time and always forgets the bad
things that have been done to him/her.
16. Someone who is _______________ is willing to give money, spend time etc, in order to help
people or give them pleasure.
17. She used to obey the rules. It makes her _______________ till now.
18. My roommate, John, is very _______________ and well-organized. He regularly tidies up our
19. Jeremy never helps others but himself. That’s why people think he’s _______________.
20. He said he’s willing to help me, but suddenly he changed his mind the next minute. He’s very
_______________ lately.
21. What a/an _______________ worker! He’s never stopped working on his project until it
22. President Barack Obama is a/an _______________ person. He’s good at making a speech and
he also speaks clearly to make his point.
23. With your greasy hair, dirty fingernails, and smelly clothes, you look very _______________.
24. Whatever he does, he makes people roar with laughter. He’s very _______________.

3. Pick the correct answer.

1. It was (too / such) a beautiful day. The sun was shining brightly.
2. Kenya is a country that isn’t (so / such) expensive to live in.
3. John is (so / too) handsome. He is the cutest boy in my class.
4. There were (so / too) many people at the party. It was extremely crowded.
5. I like ice cream (so / too) much. It is my favorite food.
6. “The Omen” and “The Shining” were (so / such) scary films.
7. The shoes were (so / too) big. They didn´t fit me.
8. There was (so / such) much rain in July! It felt like winter.
9. There was (so / too) much salt in the soup. It was horrible.
10.They were (so / such) nice people. I hope we visit them again soon.

4. Rewrite the sentences below using – so, such, too (much/many).

i.e. Adam is a very nice boy. (so) - Adam is so nice.

The soup has a lot of salt.(too) –The soup is too salty/The soup has too much salt.

1. It has been such a hot summer. (so)

2. There is a lot of sugar in my coffee. (too)

3. Elizabeth can type so fast, it´s incredible. (such)

4. My mom makes very delicious pizza. (such)

5. I am not tall enough to reach the top shelf. (too)

6. Harry has such an old motorbike. (so)

7. There are a lot of insects in the cabin. (too)

8. The trains in Spain are so slow. (such)

9. The teacher has to shout because there is so much noise. (too)

10. We have had extremely rainy days. (so)

5. Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct position.

1) a table (wooden/round/beautiful)
2) a ring (gold/unusual)
3) a pullover (woolen/pink/nice/new)
4) a house (old/ugly/Turkish)
5) gloves (black/comfortable/leather)
6) a film (interesting/American/old)
7) a face (long/thin/good-looking)
8) clouds (frightening/big/black)
9) a day (lovely/sunny/happy)
10) an avenue (long/wide/noisy)
11) a painting (French/interesting/old)
12) an umbrella (yellow/enormous/red/expensive/Japanese)
Tense follow up
Present Simple & Continuous
1. Tradu:
1. Iarna ninge.
2. Duminica el nu se scoala devreme.
3. Eu nu studiez seara.
4. Ce faci? Citesti sau privesti la televizor?
5. Secretara tocmai bate la masina un referat.
6. Ea merge la cumparaturi sâmbata.
7. Acum imi fac temele la engleza.
8. Nu-mi place cafeaua.
9. Ce carte citesti?
10. La ce ora se scoala John dimineata?
11. Ce faci tu in zilele libere?
12. Cui ii telefonezi?
13. El nu merge la scoala cu metroul, merge pe jos.
14. De ce deschizi fereastra?
15. Adesea citesc carti englezesti.
16. Ea isi face bagajul.
2. Verbul la forma correctă:
1. I __________ (read) a very interesting book now.
2. Joanne __________ (work) eight hours a day.
3. Tonight we __________ (see) a play at the theatre.
4. Who __________ you __________ (speak) to now?
5. I __________ (not know) him very well.
6. What will you do if she __________ (come) late?
7. My wife __________ (like) coffee for breakfast.
8. What __________ Tom usually __________(have) for breakfast?
9. Your train __________ (leave) at 17.25 from platform 3.
10. What __________ Mary __________ (do) ? She's a student.
11. My whole family _____________(go) to church once a week.
12. My wife and I _______________(go) to the beach in the summer.
13. Listen! The phone ______________(ring) in the other room.
14. Rain seldom ______________(fall) in the Sahara.
15. He is thirteen years old now, and his voice ___________________(change).
16. Let's change the conversation. It _______________(get) too serious.
17. Leap year ________________(come) every four years.
18. My grandfather ______________(grow) tomatoes in his garden this summer.
19. He ______________(grow) them every summer .
20. The children ____________________(leave) for school right now.
21. The children ________________(leave) at 8:30 every morning of the week.
22. Shu! The baby ____________________(take) her nap.
23. In the north the season __________________(change) four times a year .
24. Unfortunately, the patient ____________________ (die).
25. The monsoon ___________________(come) once or twice a year.
26. It's spring and the days ___________________(get) longer.
27. The weather ___________(get) very cold in Moscow in the winter.
28. It _______________(rain) hard, and I don't have an umbrella.
29. It's November and the birds _________________(fly) south.
30. Many birds of Europe ___________(fly) south to Africa every winter.
Past Simple & Continuous:
3.Verbul la forma corectă:
1. When you (come in), I (talk) on the phone.
2. When I first (meet) him, he (work) in a bank.
3. While he (learn) to drive, he (have) an accident.
4. As I (write), someone (ring up).
5. Where you (go) when I (meet) you?
6. What you (do) this time yesterday?
7. When I (enter) the classroom, the teacher (write) on the blackboard.
8. When I (arrive), she (have) dinner.
9. This time last Sunday, I (watch) a film on TV.
10. He suddenly (realize) that he (not wear) his glasses.
4. Tradu:
1. Soarele nu a apus la ora 8 aseara.
2. Ai dormit bine noaptea trecuta?
3. Ieri nu am mers la bazinul de inot.
4. M-am sculat târziu ieri dimineata.
5. Duminica trecuta prietenii mei au jucat sah.
6. Ieri pe vremea asta ploua.
7. Ce faceai martea trecuta la ora 7 dimineata?
8. Ma pregateam sa merg la facultate.
9. In timp ce imi cautam pasaportul am gasit aceasta fotografie veche.
10. Baietii jucau carti când l-au auzit pe tatal lor intrând in casa.
11. Ei au ascuns imediat cartile si si-au scos manualele de scoala.
12. Când te-ai intors de la munte?
13. Când ai cumparat acest televizor?
14. Ieri mi-am pierdut manusile.
15. Batea un vânt puternic când am iesit din casa.
16. Unde ti-ai petrecut concediul vara trecuta?
17. Ieri m-am sculat devreme, mi-am luat micul dejun si apoi am plecat la scoală.
18. Acum doua zile am cazut si mi-am rupt piciorul.
19. Saptamâna trecuta am fost bolnav si nu am mers la scoala.
20. El a dat primul examen saptamâna trecuta.
21. Cine a câstigat meciul alaltăieri?
22. In timp ce ploua, eu conduceam masina spre Sinaia.
Present Perfect Simple & Continuous:
5. Present Perfect Simple sau Continuous sau Past Tense Simple in locul infinitivelor:
1. I (lose) my pen. You (not see) it anywhere? -No, I haven’t. When you (use) it last?
2. Your ever (try) to give up smoking? -Yes, I (try) last year but I (not succeed).
3. You (see) your mother this week? -No, she (leave) for Brasov a week ago.
4. You (be) out of work long?
5. I am not out of work now. I (get) a job last month.
6. I (wear) my hair long since I (be) a little girl.
7. She (change) a lot since I (see) her last.
8. I (do) a lot of work since I (get up) in the morning.
9. The child (play) the piano since I (return) from school.
10. It (rain) since we (leave) Bucharest.
11. He (be) very ill since the holidays (begin).
6. Tradu:
1. Cine te-a invatat sa vorbesti engleza atât de bine?
2. Unde ti-ai petrecut vacanta anul acesta?
3. M-am gândit adesea sa-mi iau carnet de conducere.
4. De cât timp inveti engleza?
5. Vremea s-a incalzit in ultimul timp.
6. El este ministru de doi ani.
7. Traduc un text de doua ore si nu l-am terminat inca.
8. El a scris numai doua scrisori de când a plecat in strainatate.
9. Un copil a spart geamul. Trebuie sa-l inlocuim.
10. Ninge de doua ore.
11. Am mers pe jos 10 km pâna acum.
12. Mergem pe jos de la ora 3.
13. De când mi-am cumparat masina, am mers arareori pe jos la slujba.
14. La ce te-ai uitat?
15. A fost un accident.
16. Cu cine ai votat la ultimele alegeri?
17. Nu am mers la vot. Am stat acasa si nu am regretat nici o clipa.
18. Ai vazut ziarul de azi?
19. A plecat John?
20. Da, a plecat acum o ora.
21. Ti-ai luat deja micul dejun?
22. Da, l-am luat la ora 8.
23. Ai mai fost in acest oras?
24. Da, am petrecut o luna aici, acum doi ani.
25. Ei lucreaza la aceasta casa de un an si nu au terminat-o inca.
Past Perfect Simple & Continuous
7. Verbele la Past Perfect Simple sau Continuous sau la Past Tense Simple:
1. The professor (speak) for 10 minutes when I (enter) the hall.
2. After John (listen to) the news bulletin, he (go) downstairs to have dinner.
3. He (tell) me he (be) to the theatre the day before.
4. We (ask) him what countries he (visit).
5. He (learn) English for two years before he (go) to England for the first time.
6. She just (go) out when I (call at) her house.
7. The river became deeper after it (rain) heavily for a few hours.
8. After John (leave), she (tell) me they (be) friends for five years.
9. After we (walk) for an hour, we (realize) we (lose) our way.
10. When I (find out) he (get married), I (ring up) him and (congratulate) him.
8. Tradu folosind Past Perfect Simple sau Continuous sau Past Tense Simple:
1. Mi-a parut rau ca il jignisem.
2. El mi-a multumit pentru ceea ce facusem pentru el.
3. De indata ce a terminat de scris lucrarea, a inmânat-o profesorului.
4. El nu facuse nimic inainte de a-mi cere mie sfatul.
5. De indata ce au plecat musafirii, am mers la culcare.
6. Când am ajuns la statia de autobuz, mi-am dat seama ca imi lasasem poseta acasa.
7. Secretara mi-a spus ca directorul vorbea la telefon de o jumatate de ora.
8. Ei mi-au spus ca locuiau in Franta din 1980.
9. Nu ti-am telefonat pentru ca am crezut ca plecasesi in strainatate.
10. Ei au calatorit in multe tari dupa ce s-au casatorit.
A. CAN :
1.capacitatea subiectului ( fizica si intelectuala ):
I can swim (Pot sa inot ).
I can speak English . (Pot sa vorbesc lb. enleza).
2.posibilitatea ( 90%) ;
Accidents can happen. (Accidentele se pot produce ).
3.pentru a cere permisiunea, cerere , rugaminte politicoasa :
(Ca o alternativa a lui MAY in exprimarea familiara).
- Can I go to the city ? - Of course you can.
- Pot pleca la oras? - Desigur ( ca poti).
4.verbe de perceptie
I can see you. ( te vad).
! CAN urmat de un verb de perceptie senzoriala (ex.: see ) corespunde aspectului continuu al
verbului respectiv.
imposibilitate ( contrariul lui must );
It can’t be true.
Nu poate fi adevarat.
interdictie :
You can’t behave like that !
Nu te poti comporta astfel !
( a fi in stare de, a fi capabil sa /de ….)
(la timpul trecut – I was able to swim.
Eram in stare sa inot.
1. nuanta de indoiala (30%):
That could be true.
Asta poate fi adevarata.
2. capacitatea trecutului:
3. folosim COULD pentru o capacitate permanenta (as putea sa-l fac, ceea ce include faptul ca
actiunea nu se realizeaza fortat ) si WAS ABLE TO pentru o actiune precisa.
4.a cere un serviciu politicos :
Could you please open the window ?
Poti sa deschizi fereastra ?
1) obligatie :
You must go now.
Trebuie sa pleci acum.
You mustn’t talk to your sister like that.
Nu trebuie sa-i vorbesti surorii tale pe un asemenea ton.
2) indica o probabilitate cu caracter aproape de certitudine: “probabil”,”de buna seama”, “
trebuie”(in constructii afirmative):
She must be very clever.
Trebuie sa fie foarte inteligenta.
MUST NOT : interdictie - (MUSTN’T ) = nu trebuie ;
- Must : obligatia impusa de catre vorbitor;
- To have to : exprima obligatia impusa din exterior;
DAR Don’t have to = absenta obligatiei;
1) permisiunea( si cerere) :
You may leave (iti dau voie sa pleci ) = Poti pleca.
to be allowed to = a i se da voie, a i se permite;
2) ipoteza, posibilitatea:
She may change her mind.( Ea poate sa-si schimbe parerea).
1) probabilitate - incertitudine (20%) ;
It might rain.
S-ar putea sa ploua.
- atat verb obisnuit cat si verb modal;
- verbul modal se gaseste in principal la formele negative si interogative;
- Negativ : absenta necesitatii;
You needn’t worry.
Nu trebuie sa te ingrijorezi.
- Interogativ:sens apropiat de MUST( asteptarea unui raspuns negativ) ;
- Need I go to school ? – Yes, you must./No, you needn’t.
- Trebuie sa merg la scoala ? Da, trebuie/Nu, nu este nevoie.
1.cere un serviciu in mod politicos :
Will you help me carry my suitcase ?
Vrei sa ma ajuti sa car valiza?
2. intentie ferma :
You will do!
Vei face!
1) would folosit in mod repetat – caracteristic trecutului;
When he was four,Tom would wake up at night.
Cand avea 4 ani, Tom se trezea noaptea.
2)auxiliarul conditionalului;
If he was not that stupid, he would be such a nice guy.
Daca nu era atat de idiot, ar fi putut fi un baiat atat de dragut.
3) a cere un serviciu, in mod politicos;
Would you please open the window ?
Vrei sa deschizi fereastra?
1) constrangere, regulament:
eg.: You shall not kill.( Nu trebuia sa ucizi).
2) angajament :
eg. : We shall overcome (Vom invinge).
3) intrebare politicoasa, sugestie :
eg.: Shall we go to the cinema tonight ?
Mergem diseara la cinema?
1) infinitivul prezent : sfat
eg : You should be more careful.
Ar trebui sa fii mult mai atent .
2) infinitivul trecut : repros
You should have been more careful.
Ar fi trebuit sa fii mult mai atent.
- are o singura forma;
- este urmat intotdeauna de un infinitiv to;
- indica o obligatie, o datorie morala, de obicei sub forma de sfat dat de
catre vorbitor :
You ought to write a thank you letter.
Ar trebui sa scrii o scrisoare de multumire.

! Didn't Have to / Didn't Need to - actiunea nu a fost necesara si nici nu a fost facuta

It started raining heavily so I didn’t need to water the flowers. (it wasn’t necessary, so I didn’t do that.)
It was my day off yesterday, that’s why I didn’t need to get up early.(It was not obligatory for me)

Needn't Have + Verb3 - Actiunea a fost facuta desi nu era necesar si a fost chiar o pierdere de timp

You needn’t have done the washing up as I was going to do that tomorrow.
When the party was over, I realized that you needn’t have cooked so much food as most of it was
Verbul Modal Înțelesul Exemple frazale
(ce exprimă)
can abilitatea I can solve that exercise. = Pot să rezolv exercițiul acela.
I could skate when I was little.
= Puteam/Știam să patinez când eram mica.
You can go now. = Poți să pleci acum.
She can/could win this contest. = Ar putea să câștige concursul ăsta.
permisiunea Can/Could you bring me the letters?
posibilitatea = Ai putea sa îmi aduci scrisorile (te rog)?
could rugamintea
may permisiunea You may go. = Poți/Ai voie să pleci.
might posibilitatea They may/might earn lots of money. = Ar putea câștiga mulți bani.
Must obligativitatea She must do her homework first. = Trebuie să-și facă tema înainte.
posibilitatea He must be tired after the trip. = Trebuie să fie obosit după drum.
have to obligativitatea I have to go to work now. = Trebuie să plec la serviciu acum.
ought to obligativitatea You ought to finish your project before going out.
= Trebuie să-ți termini proiectul înainte de a ieși.
need to obligativitatea You need to be there at 8. = Trebuie să fii acolo la 8.
shall obligativitatea The employee shall report any abuse at work.
(formal) = Angajatul trebuie să raporteze orice abuz la locul de muncă.
sugestia Should I bring you your tools?
(interogativ) = Îți aduc uneltele?
un sfat You should see that documetary.
= Ar trebui să urmărești documentarul acela.
She should be at school by now. = Cred că a ajuns deja la școală.
should presupunerea
will obligativitatea You will listen to me. = Va trebui să mă asculți!
rugamintea Will/would you take me there? = Mă duci acolo (te rog)?
(interogativ) Would you write her a few lines? = Îi scrii câteva rânduri (te rog)?
probabilitatea It would be his coat. = Probabil că e haina lui.
repetitivitatea (in We would spend every holiday at the seaside.
would trecut) = Ne petreceam fiecare vacanță la mare.
A. Write the correct modal verb: can/ couldn't/ have to/ might/ must/ ought to/ shouldn't/ was
1. It's very cold today. Do you think it ………………… snow later?
2. You ………………………….. leave your door unlocked when you go out.
3. They ………………………….. have filled the car with petrol before they set off.
4. My motorbike broke down in the middle of nowhere, but luckily I ………………… to fix it.

5. Mum says we …………………………… watch TV after we've finished our homework.

6. You don't ……………………….. pick me up at the station. I can get a taxi.
7. This is impossible, it ………………………….. be a mistake!
8. Jim …………………………… have seen me because he walked past without saying 'Hello'.

B. Choose the correct answer.

Q1 - They ____ be on holiday, but I'm not Q6 - You ____ smoke in the cinema.
sure. can't
might not
Q7 - From the way he speaks, he ____ be from
Q2 - You ____ be right, but I'd still like to London.
check. can
Q8 - It's impossible- they _____ have finished
Q3 - ____ you turn it down a bit please? it already!
Can can't

May mustn't

Q4 - It's OK- you ____ go when you've Q9 - The weather ____ be better tomorrow.
finished. can
Q10 - ____ you speak Japanese?
Q5 - Ask any questions now as you ____ not Can
talk during the test.

C. Choose the correct answer.
Q1 - You ____ leave if you've finished. Q6 - You ____ take a mobile phone into the
might can't
Either could be used here. may not
Either could be used here.
Q2 - ____ I come in?
Q7 - ___ you help me?
May Can
Either could be used here. Could
Either could be used here.
Q3 - We ____ not get into the concert without
tickets, so we went home. Q8 - I'm afraid you ____ not take the exam
until you pay for it.
could may
Either could be used here. might

Q4 - ____ I open the window? Q9 - You ____ smoke anywhere on the train.

Could cannot
May might not
Either could be used here.
Q10 - You ____ use my dictionary if you want.
Q5 - ____ you turn the heating up a bit,
Could Either could be used here.

D. Fill in can, have to, may, might, must, need, should or (not) allowed to.
1. He ... go skating because he broke his leg.
2. Many children in Britain ... wear school uniforms.
3. I'm not sure but Jane ... come to visit me this afternoon.
4. Didn't you see the sign? You ... drive more than 30 miles.
5. He speaks a lot of languages, but he ... speak Chinese.
6. It ... snow. It looks like it.
7. You ... drive on the right in Britain.
8. He is a good boxer. You ... be careful.
9. You ... to smoke in the office.
10. This test will be very difficult. So you ... learn a lot.
11. You ... eat more vegetables because they are healthy.
12. I don't ... the car. You can take it.
13. He does everything himself. He ... no help.
14. It's going to rain. You ... shut the window.
15. You ... start a fire in the forest.

E. Complete the sentences with the correct modal:

1. Before you step into the street, you ____ look right and left for traffic.
a. can c would
b. must d shouldn’t
2. You _____ ride your bike on the pavement.
a. can’t c. wouldn’t
b. can d. may
3. You ______ be listening to music while you’re pedalling.
a. can c. must
b. shouldn’t d. may
4. You _____ keep your ears open for cars.
a. should c. wouldn’t
b. must d. may
5.………………. you ride a bike safely? I’m not sure.
a. Can c. Must
b. Shouldn’t d. May
6.If you ride safely, I ____ let you ride your bike by yourself.
a. would c. shouldn’t
b. may d. Should
7. When you ride a bike, you ____ signal before turns and lane changes.
a.shouldn’t c. must
b. would d. mustn’t
8. You ______ forget to put on a helmet.
a. mustn’t b. should
b. wouldn’t c. can
9. ______ you use the front and rear brakes well?
a. Should c. Can
b. Must d. Would
10. ________you like to ride my bike now?
a. Can c. Should
b. Would d. May
11. If I were you, I _____ buy a new bicycle. Yours is too old!
a. would c. wouldn’t
b. should d. must
12. Carol ____ win the first prize. She’s been training a lot!
a. shouldn’t c. may
b would d. can’t

F. Fill in can, have to, may, might, must, need, should or (not) allowed to.
1. George has travelled a lot. He ... speak many languages.
2. I can hear you quite well. You ... not shout.
3. I'm not sure where I will go for my holidays, but I ... go to Italy.
4. She ... ride her bike at night without lights. It's not allowed.
5. She ... not eat so much chocolate because it's bad for her figure.
6. I ... understand him.He should speak louder.
7. It's later than I thought. I ... go now.
8. You ... be a better trainer if you want to improve yourself.
9. Talk to Ann about your problems. I'm sure she ... help you.
10. You ... not vacuum the carpets because Carol has already done it.
11. You .... be tired because you have worked very hard.
12. He ... come to my party because he is ill.
13. He ... go to the dentist when he has a toothache.
14. It's not very important. You ... not do it now. You .... do it tomorrow.

G. Complete the sentences using the words listed in the box below
can could have to must might should

1. Ted's flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours. He .......................................... be exhausted

after such a long flight. He ................................................ prefer to stay in tonight and get some rest.

2. If you want to get a better feeling for how the city is laid out,

you .................................................. walk downtown and explore the waterfront.

3. Hiking the trail to the peak ................................................... be dangerous if you are not well

prepared for dramatic weather changes. You ..................................... research the route a little more

before you attempt the ascent.

4. When you have a small child in the house, you ............................................. leave small objects

lying around. Such objects ............................................. be swallowed, causing serious injury or even


5. Dave: .................................................... you hold your breath for more than a minute?

Nathan: No, I can't.

6. Jenny's engagement ring is enormous! It ....................................... have cost a fortune.

7. Please make sure to water my plants while I am gone. If they don't get enough water,

they ................................................ die.

8. I ...................................... speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Egypt. But after

we moved back to Canada, I had very little exposure to the language and forgot almost everything I

knew as a child. Now, I ................................................ just say a few things in the language.

9. The book is optional. My professor said we ............................................ read it if we needed extra

credit. But we ................................................ read it if we don't want to.

10. Leo: Where is the spatula? It ...................................................... be in this drawer but it's not here.

Nancy: I just did a load of dishes last night and they're still in the dish washer.

It ........................................... be in there. That's the only other place it ............................................. be.

11. You ........................................... take your umbrella along with you today. The weatherman on the
news said there's a storm north of here and it .................................................. rain later on this


12. ................................................ we pull over at the next rest stop? I

really ........................................... use the bathroom and I don't know if

I .................................................. hold it until we get to Chicago.

13. Oh no! Frank's wallet is lying on the coffee table. He ......................................... have left it here

last night.

14. Ned: ...................................................... I borrow your lighter for a minute?

Stephen: Sure, no problem. Actually, you .................................. keep it if you want to. I've given up


15. I ................................... believe she said that to Megan! She ............................... insult her cooking

in front of everyone at the party last night. She ......................................... have just said she was full or

had some salad if she didn't like the meal.

16. Do you ................................................. chew with your mouth open like that? Geez, it's making me

sick watching you eat that piece of pizza.

17. Mrs. Scarlett's body was found in the lounge just moments ago, and it's still warm! Nobody has left

the mansion this evening, so the killer ..................................... be someone in this room.

It .................................................. be any one of us!!!

18. Ted: I don't know why Denise starting crying when I mentioned the wedding.

Pamela: It .............................................. have been what you said about her brother. Or, perhaps she is

just nervous. After all, the big day is tomorrow.

19. .................................................. you always say the first thing that pops into your

head? ......................................... you think once in awhile before you speak?

20. I was reading the book last night before I went to bed. I never took it out of this room.

It ............................................... be lying around here somewhere.

Where ................................................ it be?

H. Match 1 - 10 to a - j.
1. It is a very good film. _____ 4. It is the last train. _____
2. He is not sure now. _____ 5. It's Sunday today. _____
3. She is so different. _____ 6. This exhibition is not free of charge. _____
7. I'll prepare breakfast myself. _____ d We mustn't miss it.
8. The coach leaves tonight and it takes twelve e You can be her sister.
hours to get here. _____ f You can't be her sister.
9. Your address is the same. _____ g I have to buy a ticket.
10. We have plenty of time. _____ h I must buy a ticket.
a You needn't get up early. i He may come tomorrow.
b You don't have to get up early. j He must come tomorrow.
c We can't miss it.

I. Choose the correct word or phrase to fill in the blanks.

1. .................................... I have a look at those shoes in the window, please?

2. We ....................................... pay for the tickets because my dad won them.
3. You really ..................................... make such a fuss about the old clothes you are wearing !
4. You won't ......................................... to connect to the Internet if you have a broadband
because your online 24/7.
5. I hope we ............................................ find the cinema easily.
6. We couldn't find a hotel room so we ............................................. sleep in the car.
7. We'd love to .................................................... afford a trip to South America.
8. Jim can't ................................................. about the meeting. I told him this morning.
9. She could ...................................... in the garage when we arrived. That might be why she
didn't hear the bell.
10. You'll ............................................. tell the police that your house was broken into.

J. For each sentence, choose either "Needn't Have" or "Didn't Need To" to fill the spaces.
Needn't Have - You didn't know something was unnecessary but you did it.
Didn't Need To - You knew something was unnecessary and you either did it or not.
1. I ……………………………………. (go) to work today but I went as I knew they were really busy
on this new contract.
2. I ……………………………………… (take) any money to the museum - I didn't realise it was free
to enter.
3. Sheila …………………………………………….. (got) a taxi to the party. I would have given her a
lift in my car.
4. Oh Mike, you ……………………………………….. (buy) me anything for my birthday! A simple
card would have been perfectly acceptable.
5. Today was the last day of school and we …………………………………….. (attend) classes in the
6. We went for a lovely walk in the woods yesterday. We took a huge picnic with us but there was a
diner there anyway. We ………………………………………. (take) anything!
7. Our boss told us we had an extra three days to finish the project so we
……………………………………………. (work) so hard.
8. You …………………………………………… (say) anything to Carla about the broken vase. She
understood what had happened anyway.

K. Choose the correct answer.

Q1 - You _____ do it if you don't want. didn't need

do not need didn't need to
need not needn't have
Either could be used here. Q3 - I spent hours doing it and then they told
Q2 - I didn't bother to confirm it because they me I _____.
said we ______ once we'd got the tickets.
needn't have bothered needn't
didn't need to bother don't need
needed bothering Either could be used here.
Q4 - We ______ to do it. Q7 - If anything needs ____, just let me know.
don't need do
needn't to do
Either could be used here. doing
Q5 - I need ____ to the bank. Q8 - Thanks a lot- you ____ it, though.
go didn't need to do
to go needn't have done
Q6 - I ____ any more trouble.
follow up
I. Fill in the blanks with a modal verb. There is more than one answer in some sentences.
1.- ……………….. I borrow your rubber, please? Yes, of course you ……………..
2.-My friend is getting married today, she ……………. feel very nervous.
3.-Next year I think you ……………… to translate any report into your own language.
4.-Don’t touch that wire because it …………………. be dangerous.
5.-I ……………. swim quite well when I was five years old.
6.- Sonia …………………… practise so much if she wants to take part in the marathon.
7.- You ……………….. cook those vegetables because they have already cooked.
8.-The girl …………………… go to the studio for an audition.
9.- That diamond bracelet is very elegant but it …………………………….. have cost a fortune.
10.-If you are interested in human life, you …………………….. study biology.
11.-He is applying for a job at the university. He …………….. get it.
12.-That house was really important in her life so she …………………………. sell it.
13.-I’m not sure but perhaps Roberto ………………………. leave for Australia soon.
14.-You ………………………………. have shouted at Thomas yesterday. He is very sorry.
15.-Look it has stopped raining. We ……………………. go for a walk in the country.
16.-The old woman ……………….. fall on the street and break a leg. She ………… carry a stick.
17.-Sheila didn’t go to work yesterday. She ………………….. been ill in bed.
18.-Last Christmas party was fabulous, you ………………………………. have come with me.
19.- I’ve lost my keys. I ……….............. have dropped them when I went shopping.
20.-It’s prohibited to go into that building. You ……………………. go in.
21.-Patricia is driving a new car. She ……………………… have bought it.
22.-My dictionary isn’t in my schoolbag. I …………………….. have left it at home.
23.-The boy …………………….. help his parents in the farm during the summer holidays.
24.-Look ! The lights are off so the library …….………………….. be closed.

II. Rewrite the sentences using modal verbs

1.- Some people just don’t know how to sing. (be able to)
2.- There’s a chance that she’s in the airport. (could)
3.- I knew how to ride a horse when I was six. (could)
4.- John isn’t sure if he is going to go to Turkey. (might not)
5.- Do not block the emergency exit. (mustn’t)
6.- It is dangerous to use mobile phones on the plane. (mustn’t)
7.- It is necessary to fasten your seat belt for landing and taking off. (must)
8.-It’s possible that he’ll be there to meet us. (may)
III. Use can, can’t, could, or couldn’t to complete the sentences.
1. When Mary was 15, she was a fast a. can b. can’t
runner. She _______ run 200 meters c. couldn’t d. could
in 30 seconds.
a. could b. can’t 3. I am not in a hurry. I _______wait for
c. can d. couldn’t you if you need more time to study.
a. could b. can c.
2. I am sorry but I _______ come to your can’t d. couldn’t
party next Friday.
4. I was very sick yesterday. I 10. The lock was broken. I ________
____________ eat anything. open the door.
a. can b. can’t c. a. can b. can’t
could d. couldn’t c. could d. couldn’t

5. Please speak louder. I __________ 11. I like math. I ______ solve math
hear you very well. problems quickly.
a. could b. couldn’t c. can a. could b. couldn’t c. can
d. can’t d. can’t

6. I am very tired because I 12. Tom is too small to play soccer. What
__________sleep last night. ______ he do?
a. can’t b. could c. can a. can’t b. can c.
d. couldn’t could d. couldn’t

7. John was a smart child. He 13. The museum is closed. We ______ go

_________ read when he was two. today.
a. couldn’t b. can c. a. can b. could c.
could d. can’t can’t d. couldn’t

8. It is sunny outside. ______ we go 14. When ______ he walk? (Answer: At

outside and play? 12 months.)
a. Could b. Couldn’t c. Can a. couldn’t b. can c.
d. Can’t could d. can’t

9. It is cold in here. ________ you 15. I was so tired. I ________ have slept
please shut the window? the whole day.
a. Can’t b. Could c. a. can b. can’t c.
Couldn’t d. Can could d. couldn‘t

IV. Complete the sentences: can, can’t, must, mustn’t, need, needn’t, should, shouldn’t!
1. You ……………………….. finish your work, because it’s late.
2. We ……………………….. get up early, we ……………………….. be late.
3. Don’t be nervous! You ……………………….. be calm. You ………………………..
be nervous.
4. John ……………………….. translate the English text. He ………………………..
learn more.
5. People ……………………….. smoke in this building, because it’s forbidden.
6. These boys are too young, they ……………………….. go to the disco.
7. The windows aren’t dirty, you ……………………….. clean them.
8. It’s very hot in summer. We ……………………….. water the flowers twice a week.
9. The mother ……………………….. go to the bank, because she hasn’t got any money.
10. Jim and Jack have a lot of horses. They ……………………….. ride a horse.
11. I ……………………….. help you, because I don’t know the solution.
12. Before dinner people ……………………….. wash their hands.
13. We ……………………….. leave the meeting early, we ……………………….. stay
until the end.
14. This girl ……………………….. drink so much cola. It’s not healthy.
15. Susan has a lot of free time, she ……………………….. hurry.
16. It’s a fantastic movie. You ……………………….. see it.
17. You ……………………….. learn to ride a bike. It’s very useful.
18. We ……………………….. forget to visit our grandparents at the weekend.
19. Jim ……………………….. remember to feed his cat before he goes to work.
20. Children ……………………….. eat a chocolate every day.
21. This family ……………………….. buy a bigger house, because this house is too
small for them.
22. My friend ……………………….. relax more, because he is depressed.
23. Our mother is very old and ill, she ……………………….. work in the garden.
24. This flat isn’t big enough, you ……………………….. rent this.
25. These documents are very important, we ……………………….. lose them.
26. This dog isn’t hungry, you ……………………….. feed it.
27. I ……………………….. speak German fluently, because I always learn hard.
28. Tom ……………………….. forget to turn off the TV before he goes to bed.
29. Julia ……………………….. remember to turn off the lights before she goes away.
30. You ……………………….. go home. You ……………………….. stay here if you
31. I ……………………….. write an essay now. I ……………………….. do it
32. You ……………………….. be afraid of my dog, because it’s very friendly.
33. Our children ……………………….. sing well. They don’t have a good ear for music.
34. Children ……………………….. watch Tv so much. They ………………………..
learn more.
35. I ……………………….. forget to do the English homework.
36. Peter ……………………….. work hard, but he is lazy.
37. We ……………………….. eat less chocolate. We are very fat.
38. Children ……………………….. go to school every day.
39. I feel bad, I ……………………….. go to the doctor.
40. You ……………………….. be late, this meeting is very important.
41. This film is too agressive. Children ……………………….. see it.
42. It’s late, I ……………………….. go now.
43. Big cities are very dangerous. Women ……………………….. go out in dark.
44. This man is very ill, he is in hospital. He ……………………….. go home.
45. We ……………………….. work a lot because we ……………………….. money for
food and clothes.
46. Maria ……………………….. an umbrella because it’s raining.
47. Roads are slippery in winter, you ……………………….. drive carefully.
48. These parents are very poor. They ……………………….. save more money.
49. You ……………………….. worry. This illness isn’t so serious.

V. Fill in the blanks with: can, can’t, could, should, shouldn’t, must, mustn’t, may, might,
Some gaps may have more than one correct answer.
1. We _____________ hurry. We've got plenty of time.
2. Gail's flight from New York took more than 11 hours. She ______________ be exhausted and
________________ prefer to stay in tonight.
3. Going out at night in that neighborhood ___________________ be dangerous. You
_________________ avoid going there.
4. When you have a small child in the house, you _________________ be careful. For example,
you ________________leave small objects lying around. Such objects
____________________ be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death.
5. You _________________ smoke so much, it’s bad for your health.
6. Tracy’s engagement ring is enormous! It __________________ have cost a fortune!
7. Please make sure to water my plants while I am gone. If they don't get enough water, they
________________ die.
8. I ________________speak Arabic fluently when I was a child and we lived in Egypt. But after
we moved back to Canada, I had very little exposure to the language and forgot almost
everything I knew as a child. Now, I _____________ just say a few things in the language.
9. I _______________ find my watch anymore. It _______________ be in the dresser but it’s
not. I remember I put it in the first drawer, I’m sure, so it ____________ be in there. That's the
only other place it _____________ be.
10. Oh look! Jenny’s scarf is lying on the table. She __________ have left it here last night.
11. It’s going to rain, you ________________ take an umbrella.
12. The light is off in his room. Peter _______________ be sleeping now.
13. This is a very precious book. You ___________ lose it.
14. You ______________ wash those carrots. They've already been washed.
15. This is a very good book. You _____________ read it.
16. Mary gave me a letter to post. I _____________ forget to mail it.
17. She looks pretty sick. She _______________ see a doctor.
18. I _____________ believe that you failed your test!
19. You ______________ run faster if you weren’t so lazy!
20. _____________ I borrow your pen?

VI. For each sentence, choose between can't, might or must to fill each space.
1. Your mother __________ be a great cook. You are always so keen to get back home to eat!
2. I don't know why I am so tired these days. I __________ be working too hard. Or maybe I am not
sleeping too well.
3. Do you know where Carl is? He __________ be out - his car keys are on the table.
4. You seem to know everything about the theatre. You __________ go every week.
5. To give the promotion to Harold was silly. He __________ know much about this company after
only a year working here.
6. Go and look in the kitchen for your gloves. They __________ be in there.
7. Oh, the phone is ringing. Answer it. It __________ be Kate. She always rings at this time.
8. Dan has been drinking that whiskey since early this afternoon. He __________ be totally drunk by
9. That couple __________ think much of this film. They're leaving already - after only 20 minutes!
10. That's the second new car they have bought this year. They __________ be very rich!

VII. Fill in the following spaces, using can for the present, could for past and will be able for the
future. Put to where necessary before the infinitives.
1. _______________ you stand on your head?
2. When I’ve passed my driving test I __________ hire a car from our local garage.
3. At the end of the month the Post Office will send him an enormous telephone bill which he
__________ pay (negative)
4. I _________ remember the address. (negative)
5. When the fog lifts we ____________ see where we are.
6. You’ve put too much in your rucksack; you never _________ carry all that.
7. When I was a child I ________ understand adults, and now that I am an adult I ___________
understand children (negative , negative)
8. When you have taken your degree ________ you put letters after your name?
9. Don’t try to look at the pictures gallery. Otherwise when you get home you _____________
remember any of them (negative)
10. When I first went to Spain I _________ read Spanish but I __________ speak it. (2 nd verb
11. __________ you type?
12. I am locked. I _________ get out (negative)

VIII. Complete these sentences using can/can’t, could/couldn’t, be able to.

1. George has travelled a lot. He ________ speak four languages.
2. I haven’t ___________ sleep very well recently.
3. Sandra ___________ drive but she hasn’t got a car.
4. I can’t understand Ann. I’ve never ____________ understand her.
5. I used to ___________ stand on my head but I __________ do it now.
6. I ________ see you on Friday but I ___________ meet you on Saturday morning.
7. Ask Martin about your problem. He might _________ help you.
8. I ‘m afraid I ________ come to your party next week
9. When Tim was 16 he was a fast runner. He ____________ run 100 m in 11 seconds.
10. “Are you in a hurry?” “No, I have got plenty of time. I___________ wait.
11. I was feeling sick yesterday. I _____________ eat anything.
12. Can you speak up a bit? I __________ hear you very well.
13. “You look tired” “Yes I ________ sleep last night.

IX. Choose the correct option to fill in the gaps:

1. Paul……………… be at home; he always works until 9 p.m.
a) can’t b) mustn’t c) can
2. My sister …………… come back from London tonight, but I’m not sure.
a) may b) ought to c) must
3. Carl …………… speak a word of English before travelling to Britain.
a) can’t b) wasn’t able to c) wasn’t allowed to
4. Mary ………… have forgotten our appointment. Why isn’t she here?
a) can b) must c) may
5. …………… I use your phone, please?
a) Must b) Should c) May
6. You ………… have told us about Sue’s divorce. We made such insensitive comments on her
a) shouldn’t b) should c) mustn’t
7. My son has always been a clever boy; he ……… read when he was three.
a) could b) might c) may
8. I’m afraid I ……………… go out tonight, I ……… work late.
a) can’t/ can b) can’t/ have to c) can’t/ should
9. You often have headaches. I think you ………… visit a neurologist.
a) may b) can c) should
10. There are some black clouds in the sky. It …………… rain this evening.
a) must b) may c) ought to
11. The children ………… have finished their homework by the time we get home, but I’m not sure.
a) aren’t able to b) have to c) might
12. Most children ………… wear school uniforms in private schools.
a) might b) must c) can
13. Why didn’t you phone Paul? He ………… have given a lift to the airport yesterday.
a) can b) ought to c) could
14. A. “Isn’t that John over there?” B. “It ……… be John, he’s at work now.”
a) mustn’t b) can’t c) shouldn’t
15. The new student ……… be German, he doesn’t speak German fluently.
a) shouldn’t b) mustn’t c) can’t
16. Someone’s knocking at the door. It …………… be James; he said he’d come round today.
a) ought to b) must c) can’t
17. You …………… buy a dictionary; there are a lot in class.
a) may not b) mustn’t c) needn’t
18. People ………… fasten their seat belts when travelling by car.
a) must b) can c) should
19. Dad is taking a nap; you ………… make so much noise, children.
a) mustn’t b) might not c) needn’t
20. We’ve run out of coffee. We ………… get some tomorrow.
a) may b) must c) might
21. You ………… better go home now, it’s getting dark.
a) would b) should c) had
22. You ……………… have eaten the chocolate cake, children! It was for dad’s party.
a) can’t b) might not c) mustn’t
23. A. “Why is Sue late for work?” B. “Her train …………… have been delayed due to the strike”.
a) can’t b) ought to d) might
24. You …………… bring anything; we’ve bought everything for dinner.
a) have not to b) may not c) don’t need to
25. Pam …………… have set the alarm clock since she had the day off.
a) mustn’t b) can’t c) needn’t
26. Paul asked me to check the exercises. He thought I …………… have made a mistake.
a) might b) can c) should
27. Mrs Black will get angry. I …………… have written the history essay last weekend.
a) must b) should c) may
28. I ………… take a bus to school; I go there on foot every day.
a) mustn’t b) needn’t c) shouldn’t
29. A. “I like the new TV series!” B. “Are you kidding? You …………… like it; it’s the worst
programme on TV”.
a) needn’t b) mustn’t c) can’t
30. Be careful with the knife! It’s very sharp, you ………… cut your finger.
a) should b) may c) need to

X. Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb in italics:

1. You must / should / shouldn’t be 18 before you can drive in Spain.
2. You don’t have to / mustn’t / shouldn’t go to bed so late. It's not good for you.
3. You don’t have to / mustn’t / shouldn’t wear a school uniform in most Spanish state schools.
4. You must / mustn’t / needn’t come. I can do it without you.
5. You don’t have to /must / mustn’t copy during exams.
6. You don’t have to /mustn’t / shouldn’t be very tall to play football.
7. You must /mustn’t / needn’t be a good writer to win the Pulitzer Prize.

XI. Complete the sentences with the positive or negative forms of must or have to.
1. Brilliant! I ___________________ study tonight because I've finished my exams.
2. You ___________________ use a mobile phone on a plane.
3. You can go out, but you ___________________ be home by midnight.
4. Jo _______________________ go to school by bus. She lives nearby.
5. We _____________________ cook tonight. We can get a pizza.
6. She _____________________ get up early. She's on holiday.
7. You ____________________ study harder or you are going to fail.
8. You _____________________drive faster than 120 km/h on the motorway.

XII. Complete the sentences with the correct modal verb. Use must, mustn't, or don't have to.
I _________________ go to school from Monday to Friday. We ___________________wear a
uniform, so I normally wear sports clothes. We ___________________ arrive late, and
we ___________________ go to every class. In class, we __________________ shout, play or sing.
We _____________________ have lunch at school, so I sometimes go home. When school finishes,
I ___________________ look after my little sister. When my parents come home
I ______________________ stay in, so I usually go out with my friends. When I get home,
I __________________ do my homework. I ____________________ go to bed late, except on
Fridays, when I _________________ go to bed before midnight.

XIII. Choose the correct modal verb in italics:

1. I can / can’t / might go out tonight. I'm too busy.
2. I haven't studied enough. I may / may not / might pass my exams.
3. I could / couldn’t / might be here next weekend.
4. They say it can / could not / might snow tomorrow.
5. She can /might not / won’t be able to help us. She's not available.
6. Can / May / Might you come to my party?
7. We should run or we can / might / might not miss the bus.
8. I don't know, but I can / couldn’t / may be late.
Fraza condiţională de tipul 1
O frază condiţională de tipul 1 se referă la o condiţie posibilă în viitor şi la rezultatul
probabil al acesteia. Ea implică obţinerea unui anumit rezultat prin indeplinirea unei condiţii
date. Folosim timpul prezent in subordonata condiţionala(pentru exprimarea condiţiei) si
viitorul in propoziţia principală (pentru exprimarea rezultatului).
He will pass the exam if he studies.
El va lua examenul dacă va învăţa.

Fraza condiţională de tipul 2

O frază condiţională de tipul 2 se referă la o condiţie improbabilă sau ipotetică şi la
rezultatul probabil al acesteia. Folosim acest tip de condiţională pentru a exprima o situaţie
imaginară contrară realităţii prezente sau pentru a exprima o situaţie improbabilă intr-un
moment viitor. Folosim timpul trecut in condiţională şi Condiţionalul prezent in propoziţia
He would pass the exam if he studied.
El ar lua examenul dacă ar învăţa.

Fraza condiţională de tipul 3

O frază condiţională de tipul 3 se referă la o condiţie ireală trecută si exprimă o situaţie
imaginară sau contrară realităţii intr-un moment trecut. Folosim mai mult ca perfectul in
subordonată si condiţionalul perfect in regentă.
He would have passed the if he had studied.
El ar fi luat examenul dacă ar fi învăţat.
Exemplul de mai sus se referă la o situaţie contrară realităţii trecute – el nu a învăţat, deci nu
şi-a luat examenul
I. Fill in the best form of the verb/phrase to make conditionals types 0/1/2/3.
1.- I don’t think she’s worried about us. If she (be) worried, she (phone) or something.
2.- I have an appointment at 3.30 tomorrow. If I (manage) to finish before 4.30, I (do) the shopping on my way
3.- Tom missed his flight. He (get) to the airport on time if he (not oversleep).
4.- If I (have) such a large house as yours, I (invite) all my friends for the weekend.
5.- If the child (not be playing) with matches, he (not burn) himself. Now he’s in hospital.
6.- She’s so shy. If she (talk) to people, she (make) friends.
7.- So, you’re seeing Terry tonight. If he (ask) you about me, (not, tell) him I’m going out with John.
8.- If a machine (be) properly maintained, it (fail, never)
9.- We (invite) him if we (know) his address, but he never gave it to us.
10.- Unless I (have) a problem, I (bother, never) my friends.
11.- You’re very strong. If you (try) you (win) your opponent.
12.- Look what you’ve done. If you (be) careful, you (not, break) all those glasses.
13.- I was so stupid! Nothing (happened) if I (not, moved) to his flat.
14.- She’s a bit short. If she (be) taller she (can) play basket.
15.- Sorry. I (lend) you the money you need if I (have) it.
16.- The bus is full up. If there (be) an empty seat, I (sit) down.
17.- Why didn’t you go to the police station? If you (report) the theft, they (can arrest) the robbers.
18.- I (leave) him a message but he (not, be) home when I phoned.

II. Circle the right option:

1.- If we take / will take a taxi, we will arrive / arrived sooner.
2.- You wouldn’t get / didn’t get wet if you would have worn / were wearing a coat.
3.- If our team had scored / scored more goals, it had won / could have won.
4.- I had given / would have given you the news if you phoned / had phoned me yesterday.
5.- If you took / would have taken more exercise, you might feel / had felt better
6.- If Tim drove / had driven more carefully, he wouldn’t have crashed / didn’t crash.
7.- If we are/would be late for class, our teacher will be / was angry.
8.- If we lived / would live on another planet, we would see / will see the Earth in the sky.
9.- If we were / are birds, we would be able / are able to fly.
10.- If you don’t wear / wouldn’t wear your pullover, you will feel / felt cold.
11.- If I had / would have lots of money, I would give / gave some to all my friends.
12.- If I had known / would know it was your birthday, I would sen / would have sent you a card.
13.- If you had come / came to seen the film, you would have enjoyed/ had enjoyed it.

III. Complete with the correct form to form conditional sentences:

1. If Dave _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not, invite) me to his birthday party, I would feel disappointed.
2. If I hadn’t got up earlier, I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (miss) my flight to Vienna.
3. We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (stay) at home if it snows tomorrow.
4. If we _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (earn) enough money, we’ll buy a new hi-fi system.
5. What would you do if you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (get) lost in a forest at night?
6. Kevin wouldn’t have moved to Britain if he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (find) a decent job here.
7. If I knew Diana’s address, I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (send) her a valentine card.
8. What _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Jane, do) if she fails the university entrance examination?
9. If John’s parents _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (know) French, they could help him with his project.
10. If Finn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (apologize) to me, I would have forgiven him.
11. My cousin would play video games all day long if his parents _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (allow) him to.
12. If Emma _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not, feel) better tomorrow, she should see a doctor.
13. Who _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (you, choose) if you could take one friend to go to Disneyland with you?
14. Kate _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (call) you if she had known you were ill.
15. If you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (be) cold, you can put on warm socks and a bathrobe.
16. James would buy his wife a BMW if he _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (be) richer.
17. If Barbara and Paul _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (spend) more time together their marriage would have lasted longer.
18. My parents _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (buy) me a new MP3 player if I pass my final exams.
19. If my team _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (lose) the match, we will fall to the second division.
20. If the concert _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (finish) earlier, I would have taken the 10.30 bus.

IV. Fill in the gaps with the type 2 conditional sentences.

1. If my children ________ (like) raw fruit, I _________ (not / need) to boil it.
2. The road traffic _______ (flow) if there _______ (be) some policemen.
3. Communication _____ (not / be) so easy if there ____ (not / be) for the Internet.
4. If the cardigan __________ (not / be) so expensive, I _________ (buy) it.
5. If I __________ (not / have) a computer, I ___________ (borrow) one.
6. If the dress __________ (not / be) so tight, I __________ (wear) it tonight.
7. If I ________ (not / like) chocolate so much, I _________ (give) you this piece.
8. If you ______ (be) more understanding, we could have a better relationship.
9. If you __________ (turn) the TV on, we __________ (wake up) our neighbours.
10. We ________ (visit) the Eiffel Tower if we _________ (go) to Paris.
11. If I _____ (be) you, I ______ (apply) for the job.
12. If Ann _______ (apply) for the job, she ________ (get) it.

V. Fill in the gaps so as to build correct type 3 conditional sentences.

1. If you _________ (have) some protection, you _________ (damage) your eyes.
2. It ______ (be) impossible to enter the building if the porter _____ (not / be) there.
3. If the flight hadn’t been delayed, my boss __________ (arrive) on time to the meeting.
4. If the driver ________ (stop) at the red sign, I _________ (not / have) the accident.
5. I __________ (eat) the soup if it __________ (not / be) so salty.
6. If the thieves __ (rob) the whole jewellery store, the owners would have been ruined.
7. If you ________ (take) your umbrella, you ________ (not / catch) a cold.
8. I __________ (manage) to escape the storm if I __________ (be) more cautious.
9. The burglars ______ (escape) to a foreign country if the police ____ (not / catch) them.
10. If you _______ (learn) to play the piano, you could have participated in the contest.
11. If you ______ (study) more, you ______ (get) a better mark.
12. There _____ (be) a fight if the police ________ (not / arrive) in time.

VI. Fill in the blanks with either second or third conditional.

1. You ____________ (notice) my new haircut if you had been more attentive.
2. If you _____________ (enjoy) modern art, we could visit the new exhibition.
3. If you had eaten at lunch, you ______________ (not / be) so hungry now.
4. If there were an ashtray in the house, we _____________ (not / need) to go to the balcony to smoke a
5. I would apply for the job if I ____________ (know) how to write an application letter.
6. If I _____________ (go) to the job interview, I might have got the job.
7. You would need to find another job if you _____________ (move) to a new town.
8. I would exercise twice a day if I _____________ (have) more time.
9. If the T-shirt _____________ (not / be) so loose, I would wear it.
10. If the factory ______________ (not / close), many workers wouldn’t be unemployed.
11. If there hadn’t been for the snow, most European airports ___ (not / close) during Christmas time.
12. If there weren’t for the fire, we _______________ (freeze) to death.
13. I would eat your adorable meatloaf if I _____________ (not / be) a vegetarian.
14. If you _______________ (teach) me how to dance, I would learn it fast.
Follow up
A. Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type I ) by putting the verbs into the correct form.
1. If you (send) …………………….this letter now, she (receive)………………………………… . it
tomorrow .
2. If I (do)……………………… this test, I (improve ) ………………………………. my English.
3. Peggy (go ) …………………………… shopping if she (have) …………………………. time in the
4. Simon (go) ……………………………. to London next week if he (get ) ……………………… a
cheap flight.
5. If they (study / not ) ………………………..harder, they (pass / not ) …………………………... the
6. If it (rain ) ……………………. tomorrow, I (have to / not ) ………………………………water the
B. Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type II ) by putting the verbs into the correct form.
1.If I ( be ) ……………………… rich, my life ( change ) ……………………… completely.
2.I ( invite ) …………………………..all my friends if ( have ) ……………………….. a house by the
3.If we (have) …………………… a yacht, we (sail) ………………………… the seven seas.
4.If they (tell) ………………………… their father, he (be) ………………………very angry.
5.We (help ) ………………………… you if we (know ) …………………………
6.My brother (buy ) ………………………….a sports car if he (have ) ……………………the money.
C. Complete the Conditional Sentences (Type III ) by putting the verbs into the correct form.
1. If you (study ) ………………………… for the test, you (pass ) ……………………………it.
2. If you (ask ) …………………………me, I (help ) ……………………………………you.
3. If you (speak ) …………………………… English, she (understand) ………………………
………………… .
4. I (write ) ………………………………………… a postcard if I (have )
…………………………….. your address.
5. If it (not/ start ) …………………………… to rain, we (walk ) ……………………………… the
6. If she (take ) …………………………. the bus, she (not / arrive ) ………………………………
……………… on time.
D. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets.
1. It's too bad Helen isn't here. If she (be) ___________ here, she (know) ___________ what to do.
2. Barnie failed the test because he didn't study. However, if (study) ___________ for the test, he
(pass) ___________ it.
3. An aerosol spray can explode if you (throw) ___________ it into fire.
4. If I (have) ___________ my camera with me yesterday, I (take) ___________ a picture of Alex.
5. I'm almost ready to plant my garden. I have lots of seeds. Maybe I will have more than I need. If I
(have) ___________ more seeds than I need. I (give) ___________ some to Nellie.
6. I (change) ___________ the present economic policy if I (be) ___________ the president of the
United States.
7. If the teacher (be) ___________ absent tomorrow, the class will be cancelled.
8. That sounds like a good job offer. If I (be) ___________ you, I (accept) ___________ it.
9. I got wet because I didn't get my umbrella. However, I (get,not) ___________ wet if I (remember)
___________ to take my umbrella with me yesterday.
10. The cowboy pulled his gun to shoot at the rattle snake, but he was too late. If he (be) ___________
quicker to pull the trigger, the snake (bite,not) ___________ him on the ankle.
E. Complete the sentences using the suitable form of the verbs given in brackets.
1. If I (have) ___________ wings, I (have to, not) ___________ take an airplane to fly home.
2. This letter has got to be in Chicago in two days. I'm sure if I (send) ___________ it today, it will
arrive in time.
3. Hundreds of people became ill from eating contaminated meat during the last two weeks. If the
government had responded more quickly to the crisis, fewer people (suffer) ___________ from food
4. (People, be) ___________ able to fly if they (have) ___________ feathers instead of hair?
5. What (we, use) ___________ to look at ourselves when we comb our hair in the morning if we
(have, not) ___________ mirrors?
6. A: I don't understand anything in this class. It's boring. And I'm getting a failing grade.
B: If I (feel) ___________ the way you do about it, I (drop) ___________ the class as soon as
7. It's been a long drought. It hasn't rained for over a month. If it (rain, not) ___________ soon, a lot of
crops (die) ___________ . If the crops (die) ___________, many people (starve) ___________ this
coming winter.
8. I didn't know the Newtons were going to bring two other people to dinner last night. If anyone else
(bring) ___________ extra guests, we (have, not) ___________ enough seats at the table.
9. If television (invent) ___________ in the eighteenth century, George Washington (interview)
___________ regularly on the evening news.
10. A: I'm exhausted, and we're no closer to a solution to this problem after nine hours of work. B: Go
home and get some sleep, and I'll keep working. If I (discover) ___________ a solution before
morning, I (call) ___________ you immediately.
11. A: I can't believe that you haven't finished that report. What will I use in the committee meeting at
noon today? B: I'm really sorry. If I ( know) ___________ you would need it today, I (stay up)
___________ all night last night and (finish) ___________ it.
12. According to one scientific theory, an asteroid collided with the earth millions of years ago,
causing great changes in the earth's climate. Some scientists believe that if this asteroid (collide, not)
___________ with the earth, the dinosaurs (become, not) ___________ extinct. Can you imagine what
the world (be) ___________ like today if dinosaurs (exist, still) ___________ ? Do you think it (be)
___________ possible for dinosaurs and human beings to co-exist on the same planet?

F. Choose the correct answer.

Q1 - If I were you, I ____ her straightaway. will
will tell would
shall tell Q8 - If you liked it, _____ you buy it?
would tell will
Q2 - If I were you, I ______ that. would
wouldn't do Q9 - If it took all day, ___ you want to do it?
wouldn't have done will
Either could be used here. would
Q3 - If I'd been there, things _____ different Either could be used here.
now. Q10 - Were you to fail, what ____?
would be will you do
would have been would you do
Either could be used here. would you have done
Q4 - If I'd known, I ____. Q11 - If I'd known, I would ____ there.
will help go
would help have gone
would have helped Q12 - If you are there, _____ you do me a
Q5 - Should you see her, _____ her to call me? favour?
will you tell will
would you have told would
Q6 - If you did that, it ______ cause trouble. Either could be used here.
would probably Q13 - If you'd been, there _____ you have
might probably helped?
Q7 - If he's there, there ____ be trouble.
could get
would to get
Either could be used here. getting
Q14 - Were you _____ the job, how would you

G. Each question describes a situation. Based on the situation, decide which conditional sentence
is the most appropriate; you can choose from the zero, first, second or third conditional forms.

1. I want to buy a Porsche, but I don't have enough money.

A. ? If I had had enough money, I would have bought a Porsche.

B. ? If I have enough money, I buy a Porsche.

C. ? If I had enough money, I would buy a Porsche.

D. ? If I have enough money, I will buy a Porsche.

2. It may rain this afternoon. I hope it doesn't because I don't want the match to be cancelled.

A. ? If it had rained, the match would have been cancelled.

B. ? If it rains, the match is cancelled.

C. ? If it rained, the match would be cancelled.

D. ? If it rains, the match will be cancelled.

3. In my experiments, the liquid is cooled to 32 degrees. It always freezes.

A. ? If you cool the liquid to 32 degrees, it will freeze.

B. ? If you cool the liquid to 32 degrees, it freezes.

C. ? If you had cooled the liquid to 32 degrees, it would have frozen.

D. ? If you cooled the liquid to 32 degrees, it would freeze.

4. He stepped on the mine, and it exploded.

A. ? If he didn't step on the mine, it wouldn't explode.

B. ? If he doesn't step on the mine, it won't explode.

C. ? If he hadn't stepped on the mine, it wouldn't have exploded.

D. ? If he doesn't step on the mine, it doesn't explode.

5. You ignored my advice, so you got into trouble!

A. ? If you hadn't ignored my advice, you wouldn't have got into trouble.
B. ? If you don't ignore my advice, you won't get into trouble.

C. ? If you didn't ignore my advice, you wouldn't get into trouble.

D. ? If you don't ignore my advice, you don't get into trouble.

6. Unfortunately, I don't know Philosophy, so I can't answer your question.

A. ? If I know Philosophy, I will be able to answer your question.

B. ? If I know Philosophy, I can answer your question.

C. ? If I had known Philosophy, I would have been able to answer your question.

D. ? If I knew Philosophy, I would be able to answer your question.

H. Please choose the correct, most natural-sounding response to complete each of the
following sentences:

________ Orlando Bloom. (to meet)

1. If I ________ you, I would apologize to would not meet
her right away. (to be) did not meet
was would not have met
were 7. If it doesn't start snowing, we ________
have been this evening. (to go skiing)
2. If I run into her, I ________ her that won't go skiing
you're looking for her. (to tell) wouldn't go skiing
would tell don't go skiing
tell 8. If you had saved some money earlier,
will tell you ________ broke right now. (to be)
3. If you ________ that again, I will call would not have been
the police. (to do) will not be
to do are not
do 9. If I ________ at the airport so late, I
will do would not have missed my flight. (to
4. He would never have asked her out on a arrive)
date if she ________ him first. (to kiss) didn't arrive
hadn't kissed hadn't arrived
didn't kiss would not arrive
will not kiss 10. If you buy one t-shirt, you ________
5. If you were her, what ________? (to do) the second one free.
would you do will have gotten
did you do would get
do you do get
6. If she hadn't gone to England, she
 Expression of time & place
Direct Reported
Today that day
Yesterday the day before
The day before yesterday two days before
Tomorrow the next/following day
The day after tomorrow in two days time
Next week/day/year... the following week/year…
Last week/year… the previous week/year…
A week/year ago a year before/the previous year.
Now then /that time
 Modals:
Can could
May might
Must had to
Shall should
Will would
 Demonstratives:
This that
These those
Here there


PRESENT “I work hard.” PAST SIMPLE He said that he worked hard.
PRESENT “I am working hard.” PAST He said that he was working hard.
PAST SIMPLE “I worked hard PAST PERFECT He said that he had worked hard
yesterday.” the previous day / the day
PAST “I was working hard at PAST PERFECT He said that he had been working
CONTINUOUS six this morning.” CONTINUOUS hard at six that morning.
PRESENT “I have worked hard.” PAST PERFECT He said that he had worked hard.
PRESENT “I have been working PAST PERFECT He said that he had been working
PAST “I had worked hard.” PAST PERFECT He said that he had worked hard.
FUTURE “I will work hard.” CONDITIONAL He said that he would work hard.
A. Put the following into indirect speech using the given reporting verbs.
“We don’t like his attitude” (say)
“I’m not competent to give advice on this subject” (claim)
“Please tell us the latest news that you have heard” (request)
“Will you have supper with us after the performance tonight?” (wonder)
B. Put these statements using introductory verbs in the past.
“I have no reason not to believe you”
“I’ll pay a hundred and fifty”
“She’s been crying till she’s half blind” her mother reports
“Don’t go too deep into the water” she told her children
“They lie and steal and have to be watched all the time” she noted
“I’m looking for sunny side cottage. I don’t suppose you’ve heard of it”
“Don’t leave me here alone!”
“I shall never claim of any trouble to you”
“Mrs. Joe has been out a dozen times, looking for you, Pip”. “And she is out now.”
C. Rewrite in Reported Speech
1. ‘I watch a film on Saturdays.’ Caroline said
2. ‘He’s my best friend.’ Fred told me
3. ‘The scarf is in my bag.’ Janice said
4. ‘This film wasn’t very interesting.’ Tom told me
5. ‘This isn’t my school.’ Jerry said
6. ‘We’ll walk for half an hour’ Yesterday Jennifer told me
7. ‘These T-shirts don’t fit me.’ Mike said
8. ‘We’re parking our car here.’ They said
9. ‘It’s my boyfriend’s birthday party tomorrow.’ Helen told me
10. ‘I think there will be a students’ meeting very soon.’ He said
11. ‘It’s difficult to finish this project this week.’ The students said
12. ‘I’m not busy now.’ Alicia told me
13. ‘I don’t want these CDs anymore.’ My brother said
14. ‘We feel fine now.’ The girls said
15. ‘We’re going to the shopping today.’ My parents told me
16. ‘She had finished her homework when I arrived.’ Mary said
17. ‘I often think about my future.’ Marik said
18. ‘I go the doctor tomorrow. I am not feeling well’ Helen said
D. Make indirect sentences in the past.
1) 'When did you buy this television set?' Frank to Jenny
2) 'Why will you plant trees in the garden?' Mr Ford to Lola
3) 'Let's play basketball.' I to Ben
4) 'I met your mother yesterday.' Mrs Gibson to Dave
5) 'What is the capital of India?' Sally to Rob
6) 'Tidy your room, children.' Mother
7) 'You are standing on my foot now.' Sally to Rob
8) 'Will you help me with my homework?' Sally to Rob
9) 'Meet me in front of the cinema.' Frank to Jenny
10) 'Were you looking after your little sister yesterday, Julie? Frank
1. “I spent a lot last Friday”, she said
2. “I worked hard last week”, he said
3. “You have extra lessons this week”, they told us
4. “I’ve won a fortune on the football pools”, my uncle said
5. “Mrs Johnson isn’t at work today because she is ill”, the secretary said
6. “I’m going to buy a car tomorrow”, he told me
7. “I don’t have much money”, Tony told me
8. “It may rain at the weekend”, he said
1. “Who’s that girl?” , I asked
2. “What’s your name?”, the boy asked me
3. “Do you have any brothers or sisters?”, I asked her
4. “Did you hear that explosion?”, they asked us
5. “Have you spent all your money?”, his mother asked
6. “ When did Peter get up?”, I asked them
7. “Where have they gone?”, she asked me
8. “Do you think it will rain tomorrow?” I asked him
1. “Don’t touch that”, my mum said (tell)
2. “Have a rest!” She said (tell)
3. “Please, don’t drive so fast” his wife said (ask)
4. “ Don’t tell anybody” I said (warn)
5. “Give this to your brother”, my father said (tell)
6. “Would you like to go on holiday with us?” they said (invite)
7. “Don’t forget to post the letter” she said (remind)
8. “If I were you, I wouldn’t take the job” she told him (advise)
9. “Let’s walk instead of waiting for the bus”, Philip said
I. Complete the sentences in reported speech.
1. He said, "I like this song."
→ He said ……………………………………………………………………………...............
2. "Where is your sister?" she asked me.
→ She asked me ……………………………………………………………………………..…
3. "I don't speak Italian," she said.
→ She said ……………………………………………………………………………………..
4. "Say hello to Jim," they said.
→ They asked me ……………………………………………………………………………...
5. "The film began at seven o'clock," he said.
→ He said ……………………………………………………………………………………...
6. "Peter, do you prefer tea or coffee?" she says.
→ She asks Peter……………………………………………………………………………….
7. "Where have you spent your money?" she asked him.
→ She asked him ………………………………………………………………………………
8. "I never make mistakes," he said.
→ He said ……………………………………………………………………………………...
9. "Does she know Robert?" he wanted to know.
→ He wanted to know …………………………………………………………………………
10. "Don't try this at home," the stuntman told the audience.
→ The stuntman advised the audience ………………………………………………………...

II. Turn the following sentences into reported speech

1 Robin said, “These biscuits taste delicious.”

2 “I can’t see you this afternoon because I’ve got a lot to do,” Ann told me.

3 Fiona said, “That picture was painted by my great grandmother.”
4 “The sun goes around the Earth!” Copernicus said.
5 “I received a parcel this morning, but I haven’t opened it yet,” Tom said.
6 “Can you speak English?”, she asked

7 “Is your hotel near here?” , he asked.
8 “Have you visited Buckingham Palace?”, he asked.
9 “Close the door.”
He told
10 “Don’t do that again!”
He told me
11 “I borrowed you favourite jumper,” David said. ADMITTED
12 “I didn’t leave the garden gate open,” she said. DENIED
13 "Don't fly kites near electric overhead cables," said my father. WARNED
14 “ I won’t do that” , he said. REFUSED
15 “Let’s go for a walk,” he said. SUGGESTED

III. Rewrite the sentences into reported speech. Use the verbs in brackets.
1. “Why don’t we go to Brazil on holiday next summer?! (suggest)
2. “I’m not wearing this dress for the party, definitely!” (refuse)
3. “The new teacher will start teaching next week.” (announce)
The headmaster ………………………………………………………………………………………….
4. “Where are you going so fast, Sally?” (want to know)
Dave ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. “Don’t make so much noise, children or the neighbours will phone the police now.” (tell)
Dad …………………………………………………………………………………………………….
6. “Can you make me some coffee please, I’m exhausted.” (ask).
7. “The Smiths have bought a new car this morning.” (say)
8. “I wouldn’t miss my lessons if I were you, Tom.” (advise)
9. “We’re so sorry for being late, but we couldn’t park the car as soon as we
expected.” (apologize)
10. “My sister studies at London University this year.” (comment)
11. Where did you put your iPod, Sue?” (be interested in knowing)
Lewis ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..
12. “OK, Tony, I’ll give you a lift to the airport.” (agree)
13. “You can’t enter the library if you haven’t got your card.” (prohibit)
The librarian
14. “Are you ready to leave now, Andy?” (ask)
15. “I’m going to buy a present for my mum this evening.” (say)
Alice ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

IV. Rewrite these sentences into reported speech.

1. “Is Tony talking to your brother, Susan?”
Paul asked
2. “My parents went to Italy last summer.”
Sue commented
3. “Will you post the letter for me, Pam?”
I asked
4. “Sam hasn’t come back from England yet.”
Adam said
5. “You should check your blood pressure, Mr Black is too high.”
Dr Newman advised
6. “Were you at Patrick’s last Saturday, Tim?”
Donald wanted to know
7. “Let’s have a party to celebrate Halloween with our friends.”
Becky suggested
8. “I won’t forget to buy the food you want for tonight’s dinner, Mike.”
Helen promised
9. “We must do our homework every day or our teachers get angry.”
Dave said
10. “Do you want something to eat, Jim?”
Carols asked
11. “I’m sorry, I can’t pay for your meal, Sarah, I’m broke.”
Terry apologised
12. “What’s the weather like in Paris now?
The holidaymakers wanted to know
13. “You can’t use the lift, Dick, you aren’t old enough.”
The porter ordered
14. “How did you find out about my affair, Carrie?
Carrie’s husband was interested in knowing
15. “It’s going to rain tomorrow.”
The weatherman announced
16. “Can you make coffee for me, Susan?”
Tom asked

V. Rewrite the sentences into direct speech:

1. My friend advised me not to drink alcohol that night since I had to drive back home.
2. The teacher remarked that our exams were really well.
3. Tony asked me when we would meet for dinner.
4. Sally commented that she had travelled to Rome twice the previous year.
5. Dan’s sister refused to do the washing up for him.
6. The passenger wanted to know when the plane would land.
7. Adam suggested wearing smart clothes to Tom’s party the next Friday.
8. Mandy said she had forgotten to lock the garage when she had left that morning.
9. The children asked the teacher if they had to bring the dictionary the following day.
10. My father remarked that the new laptop didn’t work very well.
11. Peter wanted to know what time the new TV show began.
12. Molly offered to do the shopping for me.
13. Pam’s mother told her to tidy her room then
14. Dave invited Sue to have dinner that night.
15. Ted apologized for not having prepared dinner yet.
Reported Speech
A. Choose the right option
1. Mary "I love chocolate." a. doesn't
Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ chocolate." b. don't
a. loved c. didn't
b. loves 8. Mary: "I have never been to London."
c. loving Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ never been
2. Mary: "I went skiing." to London."
Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ skiing." a. had
a. went b. has
b. had gone c. have
c. have gone 9. Mary: "I was swimming."
3. Mary: "I will eat steak for dinner." Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ swimming.
Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ eat steak for a. has been
dinner." b. had been
a. willing c. have been
b. will 10. Mary: "I had a cat."
c. would Jill: Mary said (that) she had ___ a cat."
4. Mary: "I have been to Sydney." a. have
Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ to Sydney." b. has
a. had been c. had
b. has been 11. Mary: "I can't swim."
c. was being Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ swim."
5. Mary: "I have had three cars." a. can't
Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ three cars. b. couldn't
a. has c. can not
b. has had 12. Mary: "I won't buy a new car."
c. had had Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ by a new
6. Mary: "I'm going to go to Long car."
Beach." a. won't
Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ going to go b. will
to Long Beach." c. wouldn't
a. is 13. Mary: "I have to do my laundry."
b. was Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ to do her
c. went laundry."
7. Mary: "I don't like spinach." a. had
Jill: "Mary said (that) she ___ like b. has
spinach." c. have

B. Interview with a Marathon Runner

REPORTER: Congratulations on winning the marathon. How long have you been preparing for this
RUNNER: Thank you. About five years, running twelve miles, three times a week.
REPORTER: Why do you like to run?
RUNNER: I haven't always been a runner. I started running when my doctor told me I was over-
weight and needed to improve my over-all health. At first, it was hard to go a few miles, but now, I'm
in better shape and I love it. I can't wait to get out in the morning and run.
REPORTER: What is your favorite part of a marathon?
RUNNER: You might expect me to answer "crossing the finish line", but actually it's when I get to
the 20-mile point of the race. I think I can't go on, and then I do! That's my most challenging
moment. It's "mind over matter"
REPORTER: Are you planning to run more marathons in the near future?
RUNNER: Yes, I am looking forward to running one in Seattle next month.
REPORTER: Can you give me some advice about getting in shape?
RUNNER: Well, I guess I would tell you to keep moving. Eat healthful food and keep moving.
REPORTER: Wonderful! Thank you for talking to us today and please thank your coach as well.
Get some rest!
RUNNER: Thank you. I'm honored to be here on your show.

Change the interview above to reported speech. Pay attention to tense, pronoun, and adverb
1. The reporter asked ________. d. is it his most challenging moment.
a. how long is it he prepare for race 9. The reporter inquired
b. he prepare how long for the race _____________more marathons in the near
c. how long did he prepare for the race future.
d. how long he had been preparing for the race a. whether he was going to run
2. The runner replied that b. that are you going to run
_______________. c. whether are you going to run
a. I have been running for about five years d. you going to run
b. I was running for about five years 10. The athlete answered
c. he had been running for about five years ___________________.
d. he is running for about five years a. that he was looking forward to running one
3. Next, the reporter asked him in Seattle in the coming month.
____________. b. that he is looking forward to running one in
a. why he likes to run Seattle next month.
b. why does he like to run c. that he looks forward to running one in
c. why do you like to run Seattle next month.
d. why he liked to run d. if he was looking forward to running one in
4. The runner said ____________. Seattle next month.
a. that he is needing to improve his overall 11. The reporter asked ________________
health. about getting back in shape.
b. he needed to improve his overall health a. could he give him some advice
c. that I have needed to improve my overall b. whether you could give me some advice
health c. that he could give him some advice
d. I needed to improve my overall health. d. whether he could give him some advice
5. He added that __________ to get out in 12. The athlete advised
the morning and run. ___________________.
a. I can't wait a. that he eat healthful food and keep moving.
b. I couldn't wait b. that he eats healthful food and keeps
c. he can't wait moving.
d. he couldn't wait c. that he is eating healthful food and keeping
6. Next, the reporter asked him ___________ moving.
a. what is your favorite part of a marathon d. that healthful food he should eat and moving
b. what his favorite part of a marathon is he should keep.
c. what his favorite part of a marathon was 13. The reporter thanked him and
d. what is it his favorite part of a marathon _________ his coach as well.
7. The marathoner replied a. told him thank
______________to the 20-mile mark in the b. told him that he thank
marathon race. c. told to him to thank
a. that it is when he gets d. told him to thank
b. that it is when I get 14. The reporter suggested that
c. that it is when he got _______________ some rest.
d. when he gets a. he gets
8. He added ___________________. b. he got
a. what is his most challenging moment. c. he will get
b. that it was his most challenging moment. d. he get
c. that it is his most challenging moment.
15. The athlete responded b. that he is honored to be here on your show.
___________________. c. that he was honored to be here on his show.
a. that I am honored to be here on your show. d. that he was honored to be there on his show.

C. Choose the right option

1. Cameron: “I have missed the bus, D. ? that she go each day to
but I’ll catch the next one.” school
Cameron said 6. Cathy: “I have a cat.”
A. ? he had missed the bus, Greg: Cathy just said
but would catch the next A. ? that she had a cat
one B. ? that she have a cat
B. ? he has missed the bus C. ? that she been having a
but can caught the next one cat
C. ? he has missed the bus D. ? that she had before a
but was catching the next cat
time 7. Greg: “I know what the assignment
D. ? he has missed the bus is.”
but he catches the next one Greg said
2. Byron: “I don’t know what Dan A. ? that he knew what the
said.” assignment was
Byron stated B. ? that he knows what
A. ? that he didn't know was the assignment
what he did say C. ? that he knows what is
B. ? that he didn't know the assignment
what he say D. ? that he knew what was
C. ? that he didn't know to be the assignment
what he did said 8. Peter: "The weather is warmer than
D. ? that he didn't know usual."
what he said Byron: Peter said
3. Byron: “I can’t swim.” A. ? that the weather
Byron said warmer than usual
A. ? he can not swim B. ? the weather it is
B. ? he couldn't swim warmer than usual
C. ? he can't to swim C. ? the weather was
D. ? he had not swim warmer than usual
4. Sherri and Dan: “We enjoyed the D. ? the weather be warmer
concert.” than usual
Sherri and Dan told us 9. Travel agent: “I think the train will
A. ? they enjoyed the be on time.”
concert The travel agent said
B. ? they can be enjoy the A. ? that she thinks the train
concert would going to be on time
C. ? that they enjoying the B. ? that she thought the
concert train would be on time
D. ? that enjoyed the C. ? that she thinks will be
concert the train on time
5. Ruby: “I go to school every day.” D. ? that she thinks the train
Ruby said to be on time
A. ? that she went to school 10. Chris: “Robin will be arriving on
every day Saturday.”
B. ? that she could go Chris said
school every day A. ? Robin arrive on
C. ? that she goes to school Saturday
every day
B. ? Robin would be D. ? Robin had arrive on
arriving on Saturday Saturday
C. ? Robin arriving on

D. Report
1. He wants to know ... / "When does the swimming pool open?"
2. The doctor told me that ... / "You eat too much sugar."
3. He asked me ... / "Have you lived here long?"
4. My friend asked me ... / "Will you do me a favor?"
5. Father told the kids ... "Don't make so much noise."
6. He asked ... / "Where is the restaurant?"
7. Mike said that ... / "I'm quite sure it's broken."
8. He said ... / "I've never seen her before."
9. Mother asked Bob ... / "Have you done your homework yet?"
10. He said ... / People exchange gifts at Christmas.
Focus on conditionals
A. What is the correct answer?

1. If I had had enough money, I … that radio.

a. bought b. would buy c. would have bought d. had bought
2. If it rains, you … wet.
a. will get b. would get c. get d. had got
3. She would go to the Job Centre if she … a job.
a. had wanted b. will want c. wanted d. wants
4. The dog … you if it hadn´t been tied up.
a. would bite b. will bite c. would have bitten d. bites
5. It … easy to paint pictures if you knew how to.
a. would be b. had been c. would have been d. be
6. If I come, I … you.
a. saw b. would see c. will see d. sees
7. She … pleased if you came.
a. would be b. would have been c. would has been d. was
8. If it … I would stay at home.
a. rains b. rained c. has rained d.had rained
9. You will catch the train if you … earlier
a. left b. leaves c. leave d. would leave
10. If he … thirsty, he would have drunk some water.
a. was b. had been c. is d. would drink

B. Complete the mixed conditionals with the verbs in brackets.

1 I didn't invite them for dinner. But I .............................................................. if I were a good
cook. (not hesitate)
2 If we had bought a good map, we .................................. in the middle of nowhere now. (not
3 If I weren’t afraid of flying, I ........................................................... you in California a long
time ago. (visit)
4 I'd have my driving licence if I ............................................ at the traffic lights. (stop)
5 If you had sold your business, you ...................................... life now. (can enjoy)
6 If I were you, I ................................................. the job after the pay drop. (quit)
7 I'd be a happy man if I ........................................ Marion when we were young. (marry)
8 If we didn't trust them, we ............................................................... them to stay with us last
summer. (not ask)
9 He'd study at university if he ...................................... the entrance exam. But he didn't.
10 Tina's French is quite weak. She would have helped you in Paris if her
French ...................... better. (be)
C. Write the correct forms.
a. I don't have any breakfast if I ............................... to school.
□ go □ will go
b. Say hello to Lilly if you ................................. her.
□ see □ will see
c. We would have returned in time on condition that the sea ............................. so stormy.
□ wasn't □ hadn't been
d. Unless you ..................................... enough, you won't win the race.
□ practise □ don't practise
e. If he orders coffee in a restaurant, he ....................................... cappuccino.
□ would have □ usually has
f. If we needed your help, we ........................... you know.
□ would let □ let
g. Where will we stay if the hotel .......................................... full?
□ will be □ is
h. Suppose you ....................................... in summer, would you apply for a job?
□ will graduate □ graduated
i. If the flight had been cancelled, how ...................................................... to Cairo?
□ had we got □ would we have got
j. I'd take a box of matches in case we ............................. to make fire.
□ wanted □ would want

D. Fill in
1) If we (go) __________ now, we (be) __________ back for dinner in time.
2) What (you do) ______________ in my position?
3) If I (be) __________ you, I (send) _____________ the letter as soon as possible.
4) She was really lucky! She (die) ____________________ if they (not see)
____________________ her.
5) I (not need) _______________ to study so hard if I (speak) __________ perfect English.
6) You (get) __________ a cold if you (not close) ______________ the window.
7) If she (not phone) ______________ her father soon, he (be) __________ worried.
8) (You let him in) ________________________ if he (come) ______________ to the party
9) If she (be) __________ taller, she (be able) ______________ to join the basketball team.
10) You (be) __________ rich if you (win) __________ the lottery. But this is unlikely.
11) You (not be able) ____________________ to go to New York unless you (get)
__________ a visa.
12) He (take) ______________ away your mobile phone if you (not stop) __________
__________ writing text messages.
13) We (be) ____________________ very happy if you (tell) ______________ us about it
sooner. But now, it’s too late.
14) If you (give) __________ me half of your pocket money, I (do) __________ your
15) If the weather (be) __________ nice next weekend, we (go) __________ to the beach

E. Put the verbs in brackets into their correct forms !

1. The burglars ________________________ (not do) so much damage if you hadn´t locked
all the drawers.
2. If he had slipped he ________________________ (fall) 500 metres.
3. They would have forced their way into the house if I ___________________________ (not
call) for help.
4. You ________________________ (not be) of any use to me unless you learn to type.
5. I ____________________________ (bring) you some beer if I had known that you were
6. You´ll get a cold if you ________________________ (not change) your wet clothes.
7. I´ll probably get lost unless he ________________________ (come) with me.
8. I could repair the roof myself if I ________________________ (have) a ladder.
9. If a train entered this tunnel, it ___________________________ (not come) out again.
10. If you had told me earlier, I ________________________ (be able) to help you.
11. If you ___________________________ (can/come)with us, we would have been pleased.
12. You ___________________________ (not make) such a mistake if you had been more
13. If father ________________________ (be) alive he would be horrified.
14. If it ________________________ (be ) fine tomorrow we shall go for a swim.
15. If he is out, I ________________________ (call) tomorrow.
16. You`ll miss the train if you ________________________ (not hurry).
17. If you had gone to the exhibition you ________________________ (enjoy) it.
18. If I ________________________ (be) in your position I would act differently.
19. If he had had 50 euros, he ________________________ (go) to the stadium.
20. If that ship ________________________ (sink) there will not be enough life boats on
21. If he ________________________ (be) able to win that match he would have made it to
the finals. 22. If it ________________________ (clear) up we could still have a game of
23. If he sends the letter off today Joan ________________________ (have) it by Monday.
24. If I ________________________ (not smoke) like a chimney the curtains would not get
so yellow. 25. If my wife ________________________ (have) a dishwasher I would not have
to dry up daily.
26. If you are good I ________________________ (buy) you a box of chocolates.
27. If John ________________________ (eat) those mushrooms he would not have survived.
28. If the weather lasts for one more week the farmers ________________________ (be) able
to bring in the harvest.
29. He might have been happier at school if he ________________________ (be) good at
sport .
30. If his French lessons at school ________________________ (be) more interesting, he
wouldn´t have studied German.
31. If he hadn´t specialized in languages, he ___________________________ (might do)
32. When he was 24, he was seriously ill. If he hadn´t been sent to a very good hospital, he
________________________ (could die).
33. He wouldn´t have become a teacher if he ________________________ (not meet) a
certain man.
34. If he hadn´t met a certain woman, he ____________________________ (might not go) to
live abroad.
35. If he ________________________ (work) less hard, he might enjoy himself more.
36. He would not have been so happy if he ________________________ ( not have) a very
good life.
37. If I ________________________ (be) you I would go home immediately.
38. If you had married Peter you ________________________ (have) a very unhappy life.
39. I would tell you the answer if I ________________________ (know) it.
40. If John ________________________ (smile) sometimes, he would be more attractive.
41. I _____________________________ (learn) German if I had had more time.
42. What will you do if I ________________________ (go) away ?
43. If you went away I ________________________ (invite) all my friends and have a party.
44. I ________________________ (send) Jane a postcard if I had known her address.
45. Would you still love me if I ________________________ (grow) a beard ?
46. If I have enough money I ________________________ (travel) round the world.
Reported Speech
Practice 2
A. Say or Tell? Choose the correct one and mind the tenses used
1. Julie ____ that she would join us after work.
2. She ____ me that she was going running this evening.
3. John ____ us that he couldn’t come.
4. I ____ that I hated mushrooms.
5. Jack ______ my brother he would arrive in Spain next week.
6. They ____ they were meeting Luke today.
7. He _____ he wouldn’t start without us.
8. I ____ them I’d bring pudding.
9. He ______ me to shut up and play.
10. My brother ____ them he was good at playing chess.
11. She _____ that it was a great idea.
12. He _____ that it had snowed the previous week.

B. Rewrite the sentences using reported speech.

1. John: “Mandy is at home”.
John said that ...................................
2. Max: “Frank often reads a book”.
Max told me that ...............................
3. Simon: “David was ill”.
Simon said that .................................
4. Jean: “My mother will be 50”.
Jean said that ....................................
5. Peggy: “I am watching a film”.
Peggy said that ..................................
6. Charles: “ I didn’t have time to do my homework”. Charles said that ..............
7. Sarah: “I have cleaned my bedroom”
Sarah told me that .............................
8. Paul and Mark: “We went out last night”. They said that..........................
9. Philip: “ I didn’t say that”.
Philip told his father that .....................

C. Finish the sentences using reported speech.

1. “He works in a bank”.
She said.....................................................
2. “I went out last night”.
She told me................................................
3. “I can help you tomorrow”.
He said .....................................................
4. “He hasn’t eaten breakfast”.
He said .....................................................
5. “I visited my parents at the weekend”.
He told me .................................................
6. “I won’t see you tomorrow”.
She said.....................................................
7. “Lucy will come later”.
Tom said ....................................................
8. “I will have finished this paper by tomorrow”
He said.......................................................
9. “It is very quiet here”.
She said ....................................................
10. “We were in London last week”.
He said.......................................................
11. “She has been living here since 2006”.
She said.....................................................

D. Write these questions in Reported Speech.

1. “What’s the time?” he asked.
He asked me...............................................
2. “When will we meet again?” she asked me.
She asked me..............................................
3. “Are you crazy?” she asked him.
She asked him.............................................
4. “Did you see that car?” mother asked me.
Mother asked me.........................................
5. “What are you doing?” Paul asked her.
Paul asked her ............................................
6. “How do you know that?” she asked me.
She asked me.............................................
7. “Where were my glasses?” father asked me.
Father asked me .........................................
8. “Will it rain tomorrow?” Dan asked me.
Dan asked me.............................................
9. “Can you give me an example?” the teacher asked me.
The teacher asked me..................................

E. Pay attention to questions in the reported speech

Simple Present
1. Do you like vegetables? – She asked me.
2. What’s your address? – asked the policeman the witness.
3. Where do you live? – asked the policeman again.
4. Have you got all your luggage? – asked the man at the airport.
5. Do you know the way to the station? – asked Peter’s neighbor.
6. Do I have to give it back? – The young boy asked his mother.
7. Do you prefer tea or coffee? - asked the waitress.
8. Do you want some lemon juice? – She asked again.
Simple Past
1. Why did you go so early? – asked my mother.
2. Did you see the Maths teacher this morning? – asked the student.
3. Did you buy anything for me? – asked her.
4. Why didn’t he succeed? – The reporter asked the actor.
5. What did john tell you to do? – Rita asked me.
6. Where did he find the box? – His father questioned me.
7. Did you kill the poor animal? – The member of Greenpeace asked me.
8. Did you enjoy your holidays? – my parents asked us.
Simple Future
1. Will you go to London? – enquired the boy.
2. Will you please tell him? – begged me.
3. Will he have to stay longer? – The girl asked me .
4. What time will it start? – asked the students.
5. Will this be all right? – she asked me.
6. What will happen to her if she disappears? –asked the witness.
7. Won’t you be late? – she asked me with a strange look.
8. Which one will you buy? – the father enquired
Present Perfect
1. Have you ever enroll in a language course before? - She asked me.
2. What have you done? – the parents asked her completely furious.
3. Has anyone seen Angela? – asked the teacher.
4. Where have you been lately? – her boyfriend asked her.
5. Have they any idea the trouble they’re facing? – she wondered.
6. When have you told her the real truth? – Peter asked him.
7. Have you been to South Africa? – The British asked her.
1 Choose the correct words.
I went / goed shopping yesterday.
1 Are you watching / Do you watch TV at the moment?
2 They not saw / didn’t see the match.
3 We sleeped / slept really badly.
4 Do you want to / Want you to go to the cinema?
5 What was / were they talking about?
6 You hardly ever phone / phone hardly ever me.
7 Was he watching / Did he watching a comedy?
8 How often are you speaking / do you speak to him?
9 Do you must / Do you have to drive on the right in your country?
10 You must / should take an umbrella – it’s going to rain.

2 Look at the online catalogue for sports equipment. Then circle the correct answers.
Ball (small) €20 ****
Ball (big) €30 ****
Water bottle (small) €8 *****
Water bottle (big) €10 *****
Table tennis table €200 *****
Tennis racket €35 *****

1. The small water bottle is cheaper than / more expensive than / the most
expensive the big water bottle.
2. The big ball is not as expensive as / not as cheap as / as expensive as the tennis
3. The table tennis table is cheaper than / more expensive than / the most
expensive item in the catalogue.
4. The cheap ball is bigger than / smaller than / as big as the other ball.
5. The balls are as good as / better than / not as good as the table tennis tables.
6. The small water bottle is cheaper than / as cheap as / the cheapest item in the

3 Write sentences from the prompts using the present simple, present continuous,
past simple or past continuous tense.
1 you / watch TV / at the moment / ?
2 They / not see / the match / yesterday
3 We / sleep / badly / last night
4 What / they / talk about / when I called / ?
5 How often / you / see / your grandparents / ?

4 Complete the sentences with the words below. Use too … or (not) … enough.
busy • big • old • far • loud • warm
too loud
1. I can’t hear you. The radio is ………………………
2. You can’t put all your clothes in that bag. It’s ................................................
3. I can’t come to your house today. I’m ............................................
4. We can’t go swimming today. It’s ……………………………… .
5. Bill is eighteen. He is ……………………………… to drive a car.

5 Circle the correct answers.

Eleven-year-old Keith is one of the 1 better / best / good enough young surfers in Britain.
Keith lives in Scotland. The Scottish sea is 2 coldest / cold enough / colder than the sea in
the rest of Britain. But it isn’t 3 too cold / colder / coldest for Keith. He loves the sea and
he thinks surfing is 4 more exciting than / the most exciting / too exciting sport in the
world. Now, Keith is 5 old enough / as old as / older to enter competitions. He wants to be
a champion.

6 Complete the conditional sentences using the verb in brackets.

If it rains tomorrow, we’ll stay (stay) at home.
1 If I pass the exam, I ____________ (have) a party.
2 If they were hungry, they _____________________ (eat) the food.
3 They wouldn’t call me if there ____________________ (not be) a problem.
4 What would you do if time _____________ (stop)?
5 If we had seen your brother, we __________
(give) him the money.
6 You won’t be able to sleep if you _________
(go) to bed very early.
7 If we sell the car, you __________________ (have) to walk to school.
8 If I had known your email, I __________________ (contact) you.

7 Rewrite the sentences using the going to or will form of the verb in brackets.
1 I ____________________ (go) shopping tomorrow, so I _____________ (be) poorer
when I get home.
2 I ____________________________ (attend) the
school meeting tonight, so I __________________ (know) all the school’s plans.
3 They ___________________ (build) on the park, so we ________________ (lose) our
green space.
4 We _____________ (not see) you tonight because we ____________________ (get)
home late.

8 Complete the conditional sentences using the verbs in brackets.

If it rains (rain) tomorrow, we’ll stay (stay) at home.
1 If I _______________ (get) a good mark tomorrow,
I _____________________ (invite) you to dinner.
2 If I _______________ (see) him later, I __________
__________ (give) him the book.
3 They __________________ (not tease) me if I __________________ (not be) so shy.
4 What ______________ you ______________ (do) if you ______________ (win) the
5 If we ______________ (find) your umbrella,
we ____________________ (call) you.
6 You _______________ (not be) able to work if you ______________ (listen) to music at
the same time.
7 If we ______________ (sell) the car, you ________
____________ (have) to walk to school.
8 If I ______________ (know) your sister, I ________
____________ (meet) her at the station.

9 Complete the dialogue with a suitable word or the correct form of the verb in

Roy (1) ______________ you ______________ (come) to the school concert tonight?
Julia I don’t know yet. I (2) ___________________ come. But I (3) ______________
definitely ______________ (miss) the first half because Mum’s friend Mary, (4)
went to university with her, is coming for dinner tonight.
Roy You can bring your mum and Mary. The school hasn’t sold (5) _______________
tickets, so they’ll be pleased to have more people.
Julia I think Mum and Mary will have
(6) ______________ many things to talk
about. They haven’t seen each other
(7) ______________ twenty years. I
(8) ______________ like to come – I don’t want to spend the evening listening to
their university memories!

10 Choose the correct words.

I went / goed shopping yesterday.
1 You must / should wear a coat – it’s cold.
2 We not write / didn’t write the essay.
3 He occasionally sends / sends occasionally me an email.
4 Do you like / Like you watching TV?
5 Where was / were they going?
6 Are they having / Do they have dinner at the moment?
7 Was he making / Did he making a sculpture?
8 I feeled / felt a bit stupid.
9 Do you must / Do you have to take an exam to go to university?
10 How often are you visiting / do you visit your cousins?

11 Complete the conditional sentences with the pairs of verbs.

not be / listen do / win find / call 

get / invite know / meet not tease / not be
1 see / give sellyou
What ______________ / have
if you ______________ the lottery?
2 They ____________________ me if I ____________________ so shy.
3 If I ______________ a good mark tomorrow,
I ____________________ you to dinner.
4 If I _______________ him later, I _______________ him the book.
5 If I ______________ your sister, I ______________ her at the station.
6 You ____________________ able to work if you ______________ to music at the same
7 If we ______________ the car, you ______________ to walk to school.
8 If we ______________ your umbrella,
we ____________________ you.
12 Write present perfect sentences from the prompts. Include the word in brackets.
1 He / tell me (already)
2 I / not see / my cousin / three years (for)
3 They / hear / the news (just)
4 She / work / for that company / 1999 (since)
5 We / not do / the shopping (still)
6 you / send the email / ? (yet)
7 They / know / my parents / a long time (for)
8 I / not take / the dog for a walk (still)

13 Complete the sentences with should (n’t), must (n’t) or (don’t) have to.
1 You ___________________ talk to her – she’ll understand.
2 You ___________________ pay to get in – it’s free until 10 p.m.
3 You ___________________ leave without saying goodbye – I’ll never forgive you!
4 They ___________________ go to bed so late – they’re always tired.
5 You ___________________ ring this number – it’s the only way to contact them.

14 Rewrite the sentences using the going to or will form of the verb in brackets.
1 I ____________________________ (appear) on TV, so I ___________________ (be)
2 My brother _____________________________ (attend) a single-sex school, so he
____________________ (not know) any girls.
3 They ____________________ (go) on holiday to Greece, so they _______________
(get) brown.

15 Complete the questions and answers.

1 What _______________________________?
I went shopping yesterday.
2 Where ______________________________?
They were going to the supermarket when you saw them.
3 How _______________________________?
He emails me twice a day!
4 Are you having dinner at the moment?
Yes, ________________________________.
5 Did he take the bus to school yesterday?
Yes, ________________________________.
6 What _______________________________?
He was painting a landscape when the boy arrived.

16 Rewrite these sentences using the reported speech.

1 ‘I live with my parents,’ Liam said.
2 ‘Will you marry me?’ Tim asked Samantha.
3 ‘Why were you crying?’ my mum asked me.
4 ‘Leave me alone!’ Alan told me.
5 ‘Let’s go to the gym,’ Leila suggested.

17 Join the two sentences using relatives.

1 I met an old man. He was an astronaut.
2 March was the month. I met Jane then.
3 That’s the shop. I bought these shoes there.
4 This is the boy. His mother is an architect
5 I bought a house. It’s far from the city.
6 Felipe VI is very intelligent. He is the king of Spain.

18 Write these sentences into reported speech.

1 ‘I am going to visit my family next summer,’ Ian said.
2 ‘We have studied a lot,’ they said.
3 ‘She goes to school every day,’ Ed said.
4 ‘He wanted a new car,’ Louis told.
5 ‘Monique will come soon,’ he said.
6 ‘Do you work in this factory?’ she asked.
7 ‘When did Sam learn French last year?’ he asked.
8 ‘Stop that noise now!’ the teacher ordered.
9 ‘We can get up at 8’ he told Sarah.
10 ‘Don’t shout at me!’ Alan said.

19. Rephrase
1. “Don’t forget to sign this application form” advised the secretary.
The secretary advised …
2. He seldom goes to church. (often)

3. We went to that restaurant. We didn’t know it was so expensive.

If …
4. The dentist had removed my tooth before I knew.
I had …
5. They didn’t go to the cinema. They went for a walk.
Instead of …
6. They shouldn’t have given the reporter that information.
That information …
7. He didn’t look at his watch any more.
He stopped …
8. I can’t play professional basketball. I’m not tall enough.
I could …
9. She started working there in 2010. (been)

10. Sarah doesn’t learn to use the new computer. She doesn’t practice enough.
Unless …
11. “Have you taken my toothbrush?, she asked her husband.
She asked …
12. I hate getting up early.
I can’t …
13. When will the delivery van bring us the food?
When will we …
14. They finished the job at 12.00.
By 12.10 …
15. First he turned on his computer, and then he went onto Facebook.
After …
16. She last saw her brother on Wednesday.
She hasn’t …
17. Melbourne is a beautiful Australian city. It has some environmental problems. (which)

18. Next week I’m going to read three books.

By the end of …
19. This is an odd incident. We need to clear it up.
This is …
20. People are buying thousands of gadgets on Black Friday all around the world.
Thousands …
Folosim diateza pasivă atunci când:
(A) Autorul este necunoscut:
(i) My mobile has been stolen. (= Someone has stolen my mobile)
(ii) The first tools were made in Africa two million years ago. (= People made
the first tools in Africa two million years ago.)
(B) Acţiunea sau cel care suportă acţiunea sunt mai importante decât autorul:
(i) Income tax was introduced in England in 1798.
(ii) The Prime Minister was given a warm welcome.
(C) Este evident cine sau ce a făcut acţiunea:
(i) The thief has been arrested. (By the police)
(ii) The meeting is called off. (By the management)
(iii) The new law of income tax is introduced. (By the government)


(A) Doar verbele tranzitive (cele care primesc un complement pentru a le întregi sensul) pot fi
puse la diateză pasivă. Ex.
(i) She ate an apple. (=vb. tranzitiv) An apple was eaten by her.
(ii) The tree grows. (=vb. intranzitiv) Can’t be changed into passive.

(B) Se schimbă locul subiectului şi al complementului.

Exemple: Active Sentence: Greg painted the gate just now.

Subject: The person who Active Object: The thing that

did the action. Verb received the action

Passive Sentence: The gate was painted by Greg just now.

Subject: The thing that Passive Object: The person who

received the action Verb did the action.

(C) Când se tranformă propoziţia din activ în pasiv se modifică şi structura predicatului:
1 Simple Present Tense Write/s Is/am/are + written
2 Simple Past Tense wrote Was/were + written
3 Simple Future Tense Will write Will + be + written
4 Present Continuous Tense Is/am/are writing Is/am/are + being + written
5 Past Continuous Tense Was/were writing Was/were + being + written
6 Future Continuous Tense Will be writing Will be writing (No Changes)
7 Present Perfect Tense Has/have written Has/have + been + written
8 Past Perfect Tense Had written Had + been + written
9 Future Perfect Tense Will have written Will + have + been + written
10 Infinitive Form To write To + be + written
11 Modal Auxiliary May/might/shall/should … May/might/shall/should … + be
+ write + written
12 Imperative Sentences Write that letter Let + that letter + be + written
13 Sentences with ‘LET’ Let her write a letter Let + that letter + be + written
14 Miscellaneous It is said … He is said to …
15 Miscellaneous Everyone predicts that... It is predicted that …

(D) Conjuncţii ca ‘by’, ‘with’, ‘to’, ‘in’ etc. apar în faţa complementelor (de agent) în diateza
pasivă. Exemple:
(i) A saw cut the tree. (Active)
The tree was cut with a saw. [cram, crowd, decorate, fill, flood throng]
(ii) I know him. (Active)
He is known to me. (Passive)
(iii) This rack contains 200 books. (Active)
200 books are contained in this rack. (Passive)
(iv) Nila wrote a nice letter. (Active)
A nice letter was written by Nila. (Passive)

(E) Uneori propoziţia la diateză pasivă nu precizezază cine face acţiunea (subiectul). Prin
urmare, atunci când tranformăm în activ aproximăm cine ar putea fi autorul acţiunii.
(i) Our house was broken into last night. (Passive)
Some burglars broke into our house last night. (Active)

(F) Verbe cu două complemente:

Uneori câte un verb la diateză activă (ex. give) primeşte două complemente:
A witness gave the police some information. (Active)
1 2

Oricare complement poate îndeplini rolul de subiect al propoziţiei la diateză pasivă:

The police were given some information by a witness. (Passive) –-- (A)

Some information was given to the police by a witness. (Passive) --- (B)

Notă: De obicei se proferă varianta în care subiectul este o persoană şi nu un lucru, prin
urmare varianta A este preferată în cazul exemplului de mai sus.

(G) Atunci când folosim adverbe de timp, mod sau frecvenţă de obicei acestea apar după
primul auxiliar al predicatului, de ex.
1. We are always taught to be kind and honest.
2. Shyam and Raju have seldom been seen at the gym.
3. The carpets are often put out to air in the sun.

(H) Când se transformă o locuţiune verbală (verb + preposition OR verb + adverb) din activ
în pasiv este important să nu omitem adverbul sau prepoziţia care intră în structura
acestuia, de ex:
A. Coca Cola took over the brand Thumbs up in the last decade of 20th century.
P. The brand Thumbs up was taken over by Coca Cola in the last decade of 20th cen.

(A) (Simple Present) Turtles _________ (find) in all the warm oceans of the world. Turtle’s
nests _________ (make) at night on sandy beaches. About one hundred eggs _________ (lay) in each
nest. However, nesting turtles _________ (often disturb) by noise and light of the discos. When the
babies leave the nest for the sea, they follow the light of the moon. But if they _________ (distract) by
hotel lights, they move in the wrong direction. Babies who lose their way on the beach _________
(often kill) by birds. If they reach the sea, they _________ (sometimes injure) or even killed by
(B) (A/P) People all over the world _________ (drink) tea. It _________ (suppose) to be a very
refreshing drink. It _________ (also offer) to the guests as a mark of courtesy. To make tea _________
(be) quite easy. Tea leaves _________ (take) in a teapot and boiling water _________ (pour) over
them. The teapot _________ (keep) aside for a couple of minutes. Meanwhile milk _________ (boil)
in another pot. Now tea water _________ (pour) into a cup. Milk and sugar _________ (add) to it
according to one’s taste. And a refreshing cup of tea _________ (be) ready.

1. Gerry has fed the cat this morning.
The cat
2. They always announce the result of the exam in June.
The result…
3. Students don't speak English in class.
4. My wallet was taken by a thief.
A thief…
5. Thomas Edison didn’t invent the light bulb in 1867.
The light bulb…
6. The bedrooms have been cleaned by the maid.
The maid…
7. The boys offered the girls some help.
* The girl…
* Some…
8. Helen is not making us dinner tonight.
* Dinner…
* We…
9. A hail storm destroyed many homes last week.
Many homes…
10. Notebooks are going to be bought for the school.
11. Farmers had often used pesticides when planting corn.
12. Cricket is not played in America.
13. Sherry can listen to music in every room of her home.
14. Leonardo da Vinci painted the Mona Lisa in Venice.
The Mona Lisa…
15. My students have given me a cherry tree for my garden.
* A cherry tree …
(D) (Simple Past) Last summer Tom went camping with Boy Scouts. First, the ground
_________ (clear) of stones and plants. The tents _________ (put up) in a circle. A special shelf
_________ (make) in each tent 4 inches off the ground. The suitcases and sleeping bags _________
(put) on this shelf. Wood _________ (collect) and _________ (place) in the centre of the circle for
fire. The kitchen tent _________ (put up) near the sleeping tents. All the food _________ (put) inside
this tent to keep it safe. The boys stayed in this camp for eight days.

(E) (A/P) Let me tell you of a country where planting trees _________ (be) an essential part of
life. This country is Israel. In Israel, in the days gone by, fathers _________ (plant) trees when their
children _________ (bear). A cedar tree _________ (plant) if the child ________ (be) a boy, for cedars
are usually tall and strong. But if the child _________ (be) a girl, the father _________ (plant) a
cypress tree, for cypress suggests softness and sweetness. The children _________ (look) after these
trees until they _________ (get) married. At the marriage ceremony, branches from these trees
_________ (cut) to hold up the wedding tent.

(F) Put the verb into the correct form, present simple or past simple, active or passive.
(1) It is a big factory. Five hundred people _________ (employ) there.
(2) _________ (somebody/clean) this room yesterday?
(3) Water _________ (cover) most of the earth’s surface.
(4) How much of the earth’s surface _________ (cover) by water?
(5) The park gates _________ (lock) at 6.30 p.m. every evening.
(6) The letter _________ (post) a week ago and it _________ (arrive) yesterday.
(7) The boat hit a rock and _________ (sink) quickly. Fortunately everybody _________
(8) Richard’s parents _________ (die) when he was very young. He and his sister _________
(bring up) by their grand parents.
(9) I was born in London, but I _________ (grow up) in Canada.
(10) While I was on holiday, my camera _________ (steal) from my hotel room.
(11) While I was on holiday, my camera _________ (disappear) from my hotel room.
(12) Why _________ (Sue/resign) from her job? Didn’t she enjoy it?
(13) Why _________ (Bill/sack) from his job? What did he do wrong?
(14) The company is not independent. It ________ (own) by a much larger company.
(15) I saw an accident last night. Somebody _________ (call) an ambulance but nobody
_________ (injure), so the ambulance_________ (not/need).
(16) Where _________ (these photographs/take)? In London? _________ (you/take) them, or
somebody else?
(17) Sometimes it is quite noisy living here, but it is not problem for me – I _________
(not/bother) by it.

(G) (Simple Future) Mrs. Lal is the headmistress of a big school. The students of her school are
going to stage a play Mrs. Lal is talking to the director.
Mrs. Lal: Have the boy’s costumes been made?
Director: They _________ (make) by the end of this week.
Mrs. Lal: What about the girl’s dress?
Director: They _________ (finish) tomorrow.
Mrs. Lal: Have the curtains been mended?
Director: I don’t think they _________ (mend) until Thursday.
Mrs. Lal: What about the chairs?
Director: I think they _________ (sell) in a couple of days.

(H) Rewrite the sentences into the passive voice:

1. Pam has given Terry a new iPad.
Terry ______________________________________
2. The plumber repaired our heating yesterday.
We had ____________________________________
3. The children are going to draw some animals.
Some animals _______________________________
4. People believed that the Prime Minister lied about the crisis.
It __________________________________________
5. Paul rejected Mandy’s wedding invitation.
Mandy’s _____________________________________
6. The optician will test my grandfather’s eyes next month.
My grandfather _____________________________
7. Does the museum open on Sunday afternoon?
Is ___________________________________________
8. Every candidate has to attend an interview.
An interview ________________________________
9. Consumers say that the cost of living has shot up lately.
The cost of living _____________________________
10. How much does your family spend on Christmas presents?
How much __________________________________
11. Some students haven’t handed in the history essays yet.
The history essays ___________________________
12. This restaurant serves a cheap menu on weekdays.
A cheap menu _______________________________
13. The teacher didn’t allow us to leave before 2:30 p.m.
We __________________________________________
14. The farmer is milking the cow.
The cow _____________________________________
15. Dad made Sue clear the table.
Sue _________________________________________
16. S & S sells nice shoes at reasonable prices.
Nice shoes ___________________________________

(I) (Mixed) Last summer, I took an airplane flight from London to New York. I _________
(board) the plane at Croydon Airfield and, from that moment on, my life _________ (arrange) for me
by the flight attendants on the trip. First, I _________ (direct) to my seat by the flight attendants.
Then, when the plane _________ (be) ready to take off, the other passengers and I _________ (tell) to
fasten our seat belts. Next, we _________ (advise) where the emergency exits were. I _________
(make) sure that I _________ (give) a seat next to an exit.
A few minutes after take off, magazines and newspapers _________ (distribute). Because my ears
hurt, I _________ (take) out some gum to chew. Next, we _________ (give) instructions on what to do
in case of an emergency. I _________ (pay) two dollars for some earphones, which I _________ (use)
later to watch the movie.
Before dinner, we _________ (ask) if we _________ (want) a cocktail. Dinner _________ (serve) on a
tray, and it _________ (be + not) too bad; it was chicken. We _________ (permit) to have a refill on
any beverage.
After dinner, we _________ (show) a funny movie. When I _________ (feel) cold, I _________ (give)
a blanket, and when I felt airsick, I _________ (give) a paper bag. Everything _________ (do) for the
comfort of the passengers. When the plane _________ (land), I _________ (be) sorry to have to leave
and start doing things for myself again.

(J) (Mixed) Four burglars have escaped from custody only hours after _________ (sentence) to
ten years in prison. They _________ (transfer) from the law courts in Manchester to Strangeways
Prison. They _________ (find) guilty of stealing electrical goods and money from shops in the
Manchester area. It _________ (think) that they were all members of the same gang. They escaped
from the van in which they _________ (transport), when the driver _________ (force) to stop because
of a tree across the road. It _________ (believe) that the tree _________ (place) by other members of
the gang, who _________ (inform) of the route _________ (take) by the van. A full investigation of
the events leading to escape _________ (order) and anyone with information _________ (ask) to
contact the police to help with their enquiries.

(K) Twenty five years ago, my father ______ (join) a well known law firm as a junior lawyer.
Dad ______ (dedicate) and smart and he ______ (rise) quickly in the firm. Soon after, the firm ______
(employ) Mum as the personal assistant to the manager. Dad and Mum ______ (fall) in love and
______ (get) married six months later.
Today, Dad ______ (hold) the position of a senior partner in the firm. My parents ______ (raise) three
children. They ______ (give) us plenty of love, encouragement and sound advice when we were
young. We ______ always ______ (be) grateful to them.
Next Friday, my parents ______ (celebrate) their silver wedding anniversary. My brothers and I
______ (buy) an evening of entertainment. We ______ (present) them with gifts to cherish as
(L) Fill in the blanks with the correct passive form of the verb in brackets.
(1) A government minister _________ (find) guilty of fraud yesterday.
(2) It was a lovely surprise to find all the washing-up _________ (do) while I was asleep.
(3) These souvenirs _________ (make) by children from the local school.
(4) I didn’t come here in order _________ (make) a fool of!
(5) The votes _________ (count) right now and we should know the result before midnight.
(6) This parcel appears _________ (open) before it _________ (deliver).
(7) As he _________ (sack) from his previous job, he found it hard to get another.
(8) The judges still have to decide which design _________ (award) the top prize.
(9) Many accidents _________ (cause) by dangerous driving.
(10) Cheese _________ (make) from milk.
(11) The roof of the building _________ (damage) in a storm a few days ago.
(12) You _________ (invite) to the wedding. Why didn’t you go?
(13) A cinema is a place where films _________ (show).
(14) In the US, elections for president _________ (hold) every four years.
(15) Originally the book _________ (write) in Spanish, and a few years ago it _________
(translate) into English.
(16) Although we were driving quite fast, we _________ (overtake) by a lot of other cars.
(17) You can’t see the house from the road. It _________ (surround) by trees.
(18) The situation is serious, something must _________ (do) before it’s too late.
(19) I haven’t received that letter. That might _________ (send) to the wrong address.
(20) A decision will not _________ (make) until the next meeting.
(21) Do you think that more money should _________ (spend) on education?
(22) This road is in very bad condition. It should _________ (repair) a long time ago.
(23) The injured man couldn’t walk and had to _________ (carry).
(24) It is not certain how the fire started. But it might _________ (cause) by an electrical fault.
(25) I told the hotel receptionist I wanted to _________ (wake) at 6.30 the next morning.
(26) If you hadn’t pushed the policeman you wouldn’t _________ (arrest).

(M) Rewrite these sentences in Active Voice. Supply the subject yourself wherever needed:
1. Her sweet will never be heard again in this hall.
2. Superstitions are still believed in.
3. These instructions can be easily understood.
4. The account had already been checked by me.
5. Living conditions are being gradually improved.
6. It is often said that honesty pays in the long run.
7. The late comers shouldn’t be permitted into the examination hall.
8. Was the patient requested to wait?
9. What are you being disturbed by?
10. How many candidates were called for interview?
11. Rotten eggs and tomatoes were thrown at the speaker.

(N) Rewrite these sentences in Passive Voice. Remove subjects if needed:

1. Somebody cleans the room everyday.
2. They cancelled all flights because of fog.
3. People don’t use this road much.
4. Somebody accused me of stealing money.
5. How do people learn languages?
6. Somebody warned us not to go out alone.
7. Somebody has cleaned the room.
8. They have postponed the meeting.
9. Somebody is using the computers at the moment.
10. I didn’t realise that somebody was recording our conversation.
11. When we got to the stadium, we found that they had cancelled the game.
12. They are building a new ring-road round the city.
13. They have built a new hospital near the airport.

(O) Put the following sentences into the PASSIVE VOICE:

1. Someone has already paid the electrician for his work.
2. They taught him French and gave him a dictionary.
3. When we first met, they had already offered me a job at the bank.
4. A man requested the stranger to leave the meeting.
5. A young woman asked the rest of us to be there at eight o’clock.
6. They had eaten all the dinner before they finished the conversation.
7. Who wrote it?
8. The author has written a special edition for children.
9. Did the idea interest you?
10. Why didn’t they mend the roof before it fell in?
11. The burglars had cut a huge hole in the steel door.
12. The organizers will exhibit the paintings till the end of the month.
13. When did they ring the church bells?
14. Does listening to music disturb you?
15. The principal has announced a revised programme of terminal tests.
16. They will build a flyover at this site.
17. People often say that it pays to be honest.
18. You can avoid many serious accidents with a little care.
19. Don’t offer eatables to the animals.
20. This magazine contains much useful information.
21. Why were they paying us so little?
22. By 5 p.m., the guide had shown us all the places of historical interest.
23. Do you deal in sports goods also?
24. A senior student of her school gives her judo lessons.
25. We expect our students to behave properly.
26. Who has packed my luggage?

(P) Change these sentences into PASSIVE FORM:

1. People believe that the strike will end soon.
2. People believe that the thieves got through the kitchen window.
3. People say that the company is loosing a lot of money.
4. When is he going to pay the taxes?
5. Who has designed these buildings?
6. How much do they spend on these activities?
7. They broke a lot of plates while they were dancing.
8. Who invented the electric bulb?
9. People believe that they are secret agents.
10. People think that he takes harmful drugs.
11. Did they give you a great reception?
12. Nobody sends her a card at Christmas.
13. Did anyone call an ambulance after the accident?
14. Will you pay the fine?
(Q) Turn into the PASSIVE:
a. Students should study environment problems at school.
Environment problems _____________________________
b. Teachers could include this topic in their classes.
This topic ________________________________________
c. Some people buy returnable bottles and use recycle paper.
Returnable bottles _____________________________________
d. Governments have constantly ignored important issues on economic reasons.
Important _________________________________________________
e. At school teachers advise students about pollution and its prevention.
Students __________________________________________________
f. In developped countries authorities will lead everybody to cooperate.
Everybody _______________________________________________
g. Everybody should throw their bottles into recycling bottle banks.
Their bottles ______________________________________________
h. Parents must teach their children what to do about rubbish.
Children _________________________________________________
i. Last year several nations held a meeting to discuss environmental problems.
A meeting ________________________________________________
j. Organizations like Greenpeace are giving people leaflets about what to do.
People ___________________________________________________
k. Mothers should teach children not to throw litter in the streets.
Children _________________________________________________
l. Consumers could buy returnable recipients instead of throw away ones.
Returnable _______________________________________________
m. In developped countries people are recycling glass, paper, metal and even plastic.
Glass, paper ______________________________________________
n. In underdeveloped countries everyone wastes and throws away useful objects.
Useful objects _____________________________________________
o. Everybody should pass their bottles on to others when they no longer use them.
Bottles ___________________________________________________

(R) Turn into the PASSIVE again

1. We should clean these windows before tomorrow.
2. The workers gave the boss some flowers.
3. The police followed the thieves into a building.
4. The mechanic can’t fix my car.
5. The neighbour has told us the news.
6. The students painted the walls last year.
7. The old woman feeds the pigeons every day.
8. They will pick up John at this office.
9. She showed the visitors the new house.
10. You shouldn’t throw litter on the ground.
11. The teacher asked the students a very difficult question at the oral exam.
12. First, we have to read the text and then, we have to do the exercises.
13. His parents promised Tom a hundred Euros if he passed the test.
14. Did they repair all the windows?
15. The news surprised us all.
16. Is the teacher correcting the exams right now?
17. Someone has sent John a mysterious letter.
18. Where did they find the book?
19. The taxi driver drove us to the airport.
20. Many people have seen a UFO in this area.
21. Have they watered the plants?
22. Someone stole my purse while I was doing the shopping.
23. The secretary has already sent all the documents to Mr. Smith.
24. They have offered Michael an excellent job in a British company.
25. The police could arrest the bank robbers when they were crossing the border.
26. Someone has used the computer without permission.
27. My grandmother is baking a delicious cake.
28. The maid was cleaning my hotel room when I came in.
1. How long___________ your car? b. attending, generally, twenties,
a. are you having older
b. have you had c. attending, generally, twenties,
c. you are having olders
2. After___________ some time with my 13. Ideally, they_____have
family, I traveled to London completed_______ one year_______university.
a. spending a. should, at last, in
b. have spent b. must, as least, at
c. have spending c. should, at least, in
3. Would you mind___________ the book I 14. Although I made_________ impression
gave you? during my job interview, I don’t think I’m going to
a. to return be hired
b. returning a. a successful
c. to returning b. an important
4. I don’t feel__________ to the cinema. c. a favorable
a. to going 15. I’d like you to_____ some recent
b. like going photos__________ you write to me.
c. to go a. enclose, next time
5. I______ him for years. b. enter, next time
a. have known c. enclose, , the next time
b. know 16. In his speech, the president ______ the
c. have been knowing importance_________our productivity
6. _________ it went dark, I began to feel a. pointed, of increasing
afraid. b. stressed, of to increase
a. While c. stressed, of increasing
b. As soon as 17. “Why aren’t you working?”
c. Until “Because I don’t know
7. Don’t work so hard. You _______very what________”
tired. a. do I do
a. look as if b. am I doing
b. looking as if c. to do
c. look 18. If you follow the____________you’ll
8. The people_____________ house we’re learn how to operate this stereo system.
staying in live in England. a. writings
a. whitch b. descriptions
b. whose c. instructions
c. where 19. “I work as a journalist for a national
9. I haven’t finished my newspaper”.
homework________. “That___________a really interesting job”.
a. already a. must be
b. still b. would have been
c. yet c. will be
10. I____________ in California when I met 20. “You probably get a really great salary”.
my friend Joe. “I’m not really as__________as you think Iam”
a. worker a. paid well
b. was working b. well paid
c. working c. well paying
11. Can you ______________the keys when 21. “ What sort of job are you looking for?”
you get home? “I’d like to have a job_________use
a. give to her the foreign languages I know”
b. give her a. that can
c. to give her b. where to
12. Although students ____ Everton are ____ c. where I can
in their early __, we are accepting more and more 22. “How good are you at keeping deadlines?”
___ applicants. “I always finish my work when I_________.”
a. attend, generally, twenty, older a. am supposing
b. am supposed to
c. have suppose a. sharing
23. I bought a b. to share
_______,_______,_________sweater. c. to stay
a. red, new, woolen 35. Can you really_________to
b. woolen, new, red buy that CD__________now?
c. new, red, wollen a. affrord, recorder
24. I’d like to ask you some questions about b. afford, players
your_________background. c. afford, player
a. education 36. ______ you ring me to let
b. educational me_________you_______safely?
c. educated a. should, know, ‘re
25. “You’re late” b can, know, are
“I_________ here faster because there c. can, know, would be
was such a heavy traffic”. 37. Why____Andrew_______mistakes all the
a. can’t get time?
b. wasn’t getting a. does, make
c. couldn’t get b. is, making
26. I wonder__________you’d mind lending c. -, makes
me your calculator 38. How do you get_____ _____ your
a. how parents?
b. whether a. -, with
c. when b. well, with
27. “Anne’s not here now, but I can take a c. on, with
message for her.” 39. What sort of_________car has
. “O.K. Please___________her to call Christine__________this time?
Joe at eight o’clock” a. -, buy
a. to tell b. a, buy
b. could you c. -, bought
tell 40. My sister had always______self-
c. tell conscious about_______nose so she decided to go
28. I work_______ small ________company. to________clinic _________an
a. for, publishing operation__________will straighten it.
b. in a, publishing a. been, her, a, for, which
c. for a, publishing b. be, his, a, for, who
29. The company has_________an office in c. been, her, the, for, who
Paris. 41. You________be very proud of your
a. opened son________so many prizes.
b. oppened a. will, to win
c. open b. will, wining
30. I have been_________to run a new office c. must, winning
_________Paris. 42. We thought our cousins_______ us
a. chose, in the when they were in town last week, but they didn’t
b. chosen, in even phone. I suppose they________too busy.
c. choosen, at a. would pay a visit, are all
31.Alexandra said she__________their the time
marketing manager. b. would visit, must have
a. was been
b. were c. will visit, are
c. is 43. I have just_______the garage to check
32. You ____obviously ______ill for several days. whether they’ve__________my car, but
a. have, been I_________get an answer.
b. had, be a. rung, fixed, can’t
c. has, been b. ring, fixed, cannot
33. What did she say? She said she __to talk to c. rung, fix, cannot
you. 44. Why did you walk all the way from the
a. doesn’t have station? You_________for a lift.
b. aren’t about a. had to phoned
c. didn’t want b. could have phoned
34. It is dreadful having ______a c. should to ring me up
room with her. She is so untidy!
45. The expenses will a. spent, -
be_________by__________taxpayer. b. spend, -
a. supported, the c. spent, the
b. borne, the 57. She _________ alone for ten years,
c. borne, those since her parents’death.
46. It is one of___________cities in a. has been living
England. b. has been leaving
a. most polluted c. had been leaving
b. the most polluted 58. Whatever arguments the Union leader
c. polluted used in_________speech, he_________failed to
47. The___________of the negotiations is convince ________ nation.
uncertain yet. a. his, has, the
a. results b. his, has, a
b. rules c. her, her, the
c. outcome 59. Are you
48. He finally __________to get in touch with interested__________photography?
him. a. for
a. succeede b. in
b managed c. at
c. succeeded 60. I prefer travelling by
49. There__________great_________betwe airplane_________ it’s usually faster and
en the two countries. Close relations more__________than other means of
__________between them. transportation.
a. are, differences, exist a. although, comfortable
b. are, difference, exists b. since, comfortable
c. is a, difference, are c. furthermore, suitable
50. She is _________ French and American. 61. It was your birthday yesterday,
a. both _________?
b. also a. wasn’t it
c. too b. didn’t
51. He should________ the waiter a bigger c. or it wasn’t
tip. 62. “ Where will we be able to have lunch?”
a. given “ Don’t worry . There are a lot of nice
b. have given places________ downtown.”
c. gave a. for us eating
52. He__________in politics since the last b. for eat at
________. c. for eating
a. was interested, elections 63. “What would you do if you lost your
b. has been interested, job?”
elections “I guess _________another one.”
c. have been interested, a. I would have looked for
voting b. I would look for
53. They are ___________ good friends, c. To look for
I_________ I had a car to see them more often. 64. “ Why have you decided not to buy the
a. such, wish car?”
b. my, want “Because I ____________.”
c. -, wanted a. don’t afford it
54. I___________ never manage to b. can’t afford it
remember how________that door. c. can’t afford
a. can, to open 65. If you __________an effort, you will
b. will, oppening finish your work by two o’clock.
c. cannot, to open a. try
55. In the USA, young__________ are b. make
lucky to__________to drive at sixteen in some c. do
states. 66. John is a very _____friend of mine and
a. peoples, can we’ve known each other for years.
b. people, be allowed a. near
c. people, allow b. firm
56. I________ two years in c. close
__________United States several years ago.
67. I’ve been asked to be the_________ of a. the highest
ceremonies at our school’s graduation dinner. b. higher
a. leader c. the higher
b. speaker 77. The Oxford University
c. master was__________in the thirteenth century.
68. Your money will be______ if you are a. founded
not satisfied with our service. b. found
a. rejoined c. renovated
b. refunded 78. We__________ swim near windsurfers.
c. restored a. wouldn’t
69. It is healthier to eat apples without b. oughtn’t
____________ them. c. shouldn’t
a. cleaning 79. We never stop____________a language.
b. undoing a. learning
c. peeling b. learn
70. Most of the tenants who_________in c. to learn
our apartament building are students. 80. If I _____________you, I’d write that
a. rent letter straight away.
b. reside a. have been
c. set b. had been
71. My teacher always _________me on the c. were
back whenever I do good work. 81. I don’t want to cook. Let’s buy
a. hits some__________food
b. pats a. take home
c. hands b. take away
72. He couldn’t listen to his walkman c. take off
because his mother had_________the batteries. 82. They have some very
a. tied lovely___________in their garden.
b. removed a. booths
c. changed b. bushes
73. I can’t do this puzzle. I ____________! c. wigs
a. give out
b. give up 83. His uncle’s son is his ___________.
c. give off a. brother-in –law
74. _____________ of them could win the b. nephew
quiz. It was very difficult. c. cousin
a. either 84. He contributed a great deal to the
b. neither development of our culture_________-.
c. both a. writing, as a teacher and
75. Flight nineteen from Paris is now lecturer
arriving at ___________. b. writing, teaching and
a. gate two lecturing
b. the gate two c. writing, teaching and as
c. the second gate a lecturer
76. The greater the demand,
____________the price.
85. “ According to a recent report, the number of automobile accidents has actually gone down. The
reason for this decrease can be attributed to better driver education.”
Based an the above astatements, there are fewer car accidents, because:
a. there are better cars on the road
b. drivers are better trained
c. drivers are very educated
86. “ Ticket prices: $30.000One Way- All Destinations, out of which:
- 50%discount for night-time trips;
- Passengers who are 18 years of age and younger pay 90%of the fare;
- Passengers who are 5 years the age and younger travel free-of-charge.
How much would you pay if you were sixteen years old?
a. more than $20.000
b. less than $15.000
c. 10% off the regular fare
87. “ I’m fictional character in a play by Shakespeare. I live in Verona.
My family are the swor enemies of the Montagues, but unfortunately I am madly in love with
one of them. In our story, we get married secretly, but then things start to go drastically wrong. The end of our
love story takes place in my family’s vault where my lover poisons himself and I end up stabbing myself with a
dagger. Sad, isn’t it? My name is……..”.
a. Robert Kennedy
b. The Duke of Windsor
c. Juliet Capulet
88. “ The ability to deal with people is as purchasable a commodity as sugar or coffee. And I will pay
more for that ability than for any other the sun.” Who might these words belong to?
a. John D. Rockefeller
b. Benjamin Franklin
c. Albert Einstein
89. Find the correct interpretation: He gave an accurate description of the man.
a. He handled them a report about the man
b. He described the man accusingly
c. He gave a correct and exact description of the man.
90. Find the correct interpretation: Every writer is a student of human nature.
a. Writers always want to become students again.
b. Writers always learn about the human nature
c. Writers’ human nature is similar to students’ one
91. Find the correct interpretation: Before they moved in, they cleaned the house thoroughly.
a. They cleaned the house from top to bottom and then they moved in
b. They went through the house to make sure it was clean before moving in
c. They decided to clean the house they had moved in
92. Find the correct interpretation: They only knew basic language.
a. They had a very small vocabulary
b. They were very coarse
c. They used a simple computing language
93. Find the correct interpretation: The USA is almost as large as Europe.
a. Europe is slightly bigger than the USA
b. Europe is as big as the USA
c. The USA is much bigger than Europe
94. Find the correct interpretation: There were fifteen people besides me applying for the job
a. Fifteen people were standing next to me in the queue for the job
b. There were fifteen of us who wanted the job
c. I was not applying for the job
95. Find the correct interpretation: As he walked through the door, she walked out.
a. He walked in and at the same time she walked out
b. Before he walked in, she walked out
c. He walked in and then she walked out
96. Find the correct interpretation: Plase, take a seat!
a. Pick one up and take it away
b. I don’t want all my seats any more
c. Sit down
97. Find the correct interpretation: How on earth did you find me?
a. You’ll never find out where I am
b. It is quite difficult to get hold of me, but you did
c. What do you think of me?
98. Find the correct interpretation: I am not actually on the list of candidates
a. My name is not on the list of candidates
b. My name is not on the list, but it will be soon
c. I withdrew my mane from the list of candidates
99. Find the correct interpretation: He could have studied English last year.
a. He has studies English, but he doesn’t any more
b. He was able to study English last year.
c. He had the opportunity to study English but didn’t take it
100. Choose the best synonym for the words a. trustful
written in capital letters: He was CONFIDENT in b. certain
his approaches c. tolerant
101. Choose the best synonym for the words a. impressed
written in capital letters: Helen was definitely a b. shocked
SHREWD woman c. stunted
a. stupid 107. Choose the best synonym for the words
b. clever written in capital letters: As he seemed to be a
c. direct coward, everybody TAUNTED him.
102. Choose the best synonym for the words a. accused
written in capital letters: His DESULTORY b. ridiculed
remaks made the vistors feel confused c. pointed at
a. good 108. Choose the best synonym for the words
b. initial written in capital letters: She cast a FURTIVE
c. untidy glance at her partner
103. Choose the best synonym for the words a. brief
written in capital letters: Her CONSPICUOUS b. sly
achievements are her best recommendation c. casual
a. well-known 109. Choose the best synonym for the words
b. remarkable written in capital letters: Their sudden outburst
c. social was obiously genuine, it couldn’t have been
104. Choose the best synonym for the words CONTRIVED.
written in capital letters: The report was a. False
SCATHING about the lack of safety. b. planned
a. scornful c. dissolute
b. very critical 110. Choose the best synonym for the words
c. clear written in capital letters:
105. Choose the best synonym for the words She was a THRIFTY housekeeper, an important
written in capital letters: His RUGGED manners matter to one of his small means and never wasted
betrayed his low origins. a penny.
a. awful a. kind
b. indecent b. poor
c. coarse c. sparing
106. Choose the best synonym for the words
written in capital letters: I was STUNNED by the
news of her death.
Fill in the correct form of the verb – All tenses
1. My family ___________________ (buy) some land in southern France recently. They
___________________ (build) a summer house there at the moment. 2. Andy and Mary
___________________ (go) to a concert tomorrow night. They
____________________________ (look forward to) it the whole week. 3. Jonathon
___________________ (watch) the news on TV every day and it ___________________
(help) him with his English. 4. My car ___________________ (break) down when I
___________________ (drive) home from work. I ________________________ (fix) it if I
___________________ (know) what was wrong. But I didn’t so ___________________
(have) to take it to the garage. 5. When he ___________________ (found) Microsoft, Bill
Gates was only 20 years old. He ___________________________ (already write) his first
computer programme six years earlier. 6. An accident ___________________ (happen) near
my house last night. A car _______________ (hit) a young man. He ___________________
(ride) his bike when someone in front of him suddenly ___________________ (open) a car
door. Many people ___________________ (see) the accident. The police
___________________ (interrogate) them last night. 7. Mrs Smith said that one day she
________________________ (retire) from teaching. She said that she ___________________
(spend) her new free time learning about computers. 8. I ______________________ (not
sleep) at all last night. Someone ___________________ (listen) to music all night. 9. I
___________________ (see) a film a week ago, but I _______________________ (not
enjoy) it very much because I _______________________ (already read) the book. If I
___________________ (not read) the book I ____________________________ (probably
enjoy) the film more. 10. The judge sentenced the man to eight years in prison because he
___________________ (rob) a bank. 11. They ________________________ (stand) in the
queue for over an hour when the manager ___________________ (tell) them that there were
no more tickets. 12. Alan ___________________ (be) in the car accident yesterday. The other
driver ___________________ (lose) control of his car because he ___________________
(fall) asleep. 13. She ___________________ (not see) her father since he
___________________ (start) to work in Marseille two years ago. 14. I
___________________ (sleep) when the fire broke out. 15. Linda phoned and explained that
she _________________________ (not can) to come to the party the next day because she
___________________ (be) still sick. 16. I ________________________ (just see) the film
“The Da Vinci Code”. – ___________________ (you see) it too? – No, I
___________________ (not have) but I ___________________ (read) the book. 17. My
sister ___________________ (fly) home from London today. Her flight
___________________ (arrive) in an hour so I ___________________ (leave) for the airport
right now to get there in time. 18. Unless he ___________________ (sell) more he won’t get
much money. 19. While he ___________________ (wait) for the bus there
___________________ (be) a robbery at the bank. After the robbers ___________________
(go) away the police ___________________ (come) but they ___________________ (not
can) to catch them. 20. I ___________________ (use) to ski when I was at the university but I
___________________ (break) a leg five years ago and since then I ___________________
(not ski) any more.
Fill in the correct form verb – All Tenses 1.
I _______________ a great film yesterday. (see) 2. _____________________ a new car? (you
ever buy) 3. I _______________ him last Monday. (meet) 4. The band _______________
while I _______________ . (play, write) 5. She _______________ the new car in 2005. (buy)
6. Her mother _____________________ in Victoria for the past five years. (live) 7. They
____________________________ in Germany when we arrived a few days ago. (already be)
8. _______________________ to get married? (you plan) 9. I _____________________ so
much fun since I was a kid. (have) 10. When I got up I _____________________ out of the
window and _____________________ that it _____________________ . (look, see, rain) 11.
Janet _____________________ for Smith and Brothers before she came to work for us.
(work) 12. I _____________________ three movies so far this week. (see) 13. How long
_____________________ for me? (you wait) 14. I _____________________ over Loch Ness
last week. - _____________________ the Loch Ness monster? (fly, you see) 15. I’m afraid
I’m not hungry. I _____________________ . (already eat) 16. Peter
_____________________ football in the afternoon when he got the call. (play) 17. “What
_____________________ between 9 and 12 yesterday morning”, the detective said. (you do)
18. He kept looking at her, wondering where he _____________________ her before. (see)
19. The doctor’s waiting room was full of people. Some _____________________ a
magazine, a woman _____________________ and a child _____________________ with a
doll. Suddenly the door _____________________ and a nurse _____________________ out.
(read, knit, play, open, come) 20. Travelling _____________________ much easier and more
comfortable in the past hundred years. (become) 21. I _____________________ cake. That’s
why my hands are full of flour. (bake) 22. When I first came to this house it
_____________________ quite a noisy area. (be) 23. He twisted his ankle while he
_____________________ . (ski) 24. _____________________ the doors before you leave the
house? (you ever lock) 25. My best friend and I _____________________ each other for 15
years. (know) 26. Jack usually _____________________ but he _____________________
when his father comes. (smoke, not smoke) 27. _____________________ breakfast yet? –
Yes I had it together with Sue at 7. (you have) 28. I _____________________ this kind of
work when I was a small boy. (do) 29. He _____________________ the paper when his wife
came home. (read) 30. He _____________________ for an hour now. I’ll be finished soon.
(speak) 31. How long _____________________ John and Maria?- We met the couple over
thirteen years ago. (you know) 32. He _____________________ in Oxford for two years and
when his mother died he moved to London. (live) 33. After Harry _____________________
his work he _____________________ Jude from the office. (finish, call) 34. You
_____________________ your homework for two hours. Haven’t you finished yet? (do) 35.
He always _____________________ to the supermarket alone, but today he
_____________________ his son with him. (go, take) 36. He never
_____________________ in the evening, only on Sundays. (work) 37. I
_____________________ to South America but I have been to New York several times.
(never, be) 38. _____________________ Jean? – No, she probably went to her friend’s place.
(anyone, see) 39. I _____________________ to the bank yesterday but when I got there it
was closed. (go) 40. She _____________________ in school all day. (be) 41. Lee
_____________________ late every day since Tuesday. (be) 42. Herbert’s father
_____________________ his son’s birthday (never forget) 43. I _____________________
my report because I had a problem with my computer. (not finish)
Clause of purpose: we use:
to + infinitive: She went to the baker’s to buy bread.
in order to: Sally is saving money in order to buy a new car.
so that +subject + will/can: He is working hard so that he can save to buy a house.
in case + present/past: I’ll make a cake in case they come
in order not /so as not +to infinitive: (are used in negative sentences)

Clause of result:we use:

so + clause (so, therefore) They were thirsty so they drank all the coke.
so +adjective/adverb + that: The coffee was so hot that we couldn’t drink it.
such +a/an +adjective + singular noun + that: It was such a lovely day that we had lunch in
the garden.
such +adjective +plural noun/uncountable noun +that: She bought such delicious sweets that I
couldn’t stop eating.

Clause of reason:we use

because +clause: They were wet because it was raining.
because of + noun: They couldn’t play tennis because of the bad weather.
as/since: (are normally used at the begginig of the sentence). As it is your birthday, I will
make you a cake.

A. Join the sentences with the linking words in brackets. Make the necessary changes.
1. The fans were really disappointed. The actor didn’t sign any autographs (since).
2. The harvest couldn’t start. It rained heavily the previous day (due to).
3. She hasn’t had much time after school. Our teacher hasn’t marked the exams yet (because).
4. It didn’t suit Mary. She didn’t buy the dress (since).
5. Our neighbours were having a party last night. We couldn’t sleep well (owing to).
6. They had to put some warm clothes on. The weather got terribly cold at night (because of).
7. Tom didn’t know Mary was coming to London. She didn’t phone Tom (since).
8. The play was boring and difficult to understand. The audience didn’t like it (because).
9. Some strikers complained. The police acted violently (due to).
10. The tour guide has changed today’s schedule without prior warning. Most travellers are angry
11. Nobody could solve it. It was such a difficult maths problem! (owing to).
12. The teacher wasn’t watching them. Most students cheated in the exam (as).
13. The number of robberies has increased dramatically. A new law has been implemented (due to).
14. People don’t spend so much money nowadays. Toy shops haven’t sold as many toys as they
expected (because).
15. The rate of unemployment will rise. Lots of factories are closing down (since).
16. The government has passed too strict anti-crisis laws. The popularity of the government has fallen
down (due to).
17. Mother won’t forgive him. Peter lied about his school marks (because).
18. There’s an underground strike today. We’re walking to work (owing to).
19. He swallowed a fish bone. Granddad had to go to hospital (since).
20. Prices are higher and higher. It’s hard for people to save money (because).
22. Our flight was cancelled. We missed Thanksgiving dinner (because of).
23. Most of the shopping Mary had done was useless to make the dish I wanted. We had to phone for a
pizza (as).
24. The passengers had to leave the airport terminal. There was a bomb threat (due to).
25. Anti-smoking laws don’t allow people to smoke in pubs. Bartenders say they have fewer customers
26. Most seaside resorts in Spain are spoilt. There’s been a lack of urban planning in these areas
(owing to)
27. The Managing Director was dismissed. The company made a great loss (since).

B. Choose the item that fits best.

1. I’m sure he won’t come, ………………… he is still angry.
a) for b) on the grounds that c) because
2. Just………………… I say nothing you mustn’t suppose I am happy.
a) since b) as c) because
3. ……………. it was getting dark, we decided to return home.
a) Because b) As c) Now that
4. ………………… he knows the truth, what’s he going to do about it?
a) On the grounds that b) As c) Now that
5. ……………….. he is over eighty, he can’t stand for President again.
a) Since b) Now that c) Because
6. I’ll be at home this afternoon……………….. I am feeling unwell.
a) as b) for c) because
7. …………… you no longer love me we might as well part.
a) Since b) Because c) On the grounds that.
8. He resigned …………………… he had been failing in health for the last six months.
a) since b) because c) on the grounds that
9. They hate him ……………… he is so much better than them.
a) as b) seeing that c) because
10. …………… it was late, we went to bed.
a) Seeing that b) Because c) As

C. Reason or result?
1. The pop group cancelled their concert ……………………………………. the heavy rain.
2. The snails came out ……………………………. it had rained the previous night.
3. I had fallen asleep and …………………………………… I didn’t hear the phone ring.
4. I had guitar lessons last year…………………………….. now I know how to play.
5. Sea turtles are in danger of extinction ……………………………… tourism.
6. Helen didn’t come to the party …………………….. she had to care for her little brother.
7. The hotel rooms were awful………………………………..we had to leave.
8. We went to the disco…………………………… we wanted to dance.
9. Sylvia is not ready yet,………………………………. she will meet us later.
10. People cause fires. …………………………….. forests are becoming extinct.
11. I went out in the rain without an umbrella, …………………..I got sick.
12. I didn’t go with them last night……………………… I didn’t want to see Mike.

D. Rephrase
1. Some experts think the world is growing warmer, but others disagree.
2. I don't enjoy rock music, but I went to the concert anyway.
3. Whereas prices rose last year, this year they have gone down.
Prices rose last year
4. Jim had a headache, but he still read until late.
In spite of his
5. Even though they were losing at half-time, City won in the end.
6. He wants to work as a disc jockey, whether his parents like the idea or not.
He wants to work as a disc jockey, even
7. Sam lost his job because he was lazy.
Sam was
8. I couldn't buy the house because it was expensive.
The house was
9. The book was so interesting that I couldn't put it down.
It was
10. There was too much noise, so we couldn't hear the speech.
There was so
11. The house was too much small to live in comfortably.
The house wasn't
12. The class was cancelled because there weren't enough students.
There were so
13. The mouse ran into its hole to avoid being trapped by the cat.
The mouse ran into its hole so as
14. She set the timer to avoid overcooking the beans.
She set the timer in
15. They used chemicals in order to kill the insects in the trees.
They used chemicals so
16. They made several complaints to the manager to prevent the same thing from happening
They made several complaints to the manager so
1. _____ your homework?
A. Have you done B. Has you done C. Did you do D. Have you do E. Has you done
2. Which books .......................................... to school yesterday?
A. took you B. take you C. have you taken D. do you take E. did you take
3. When _____?
A. do you arrived B. did you arrived C. has you arrived D. have you arrived E. did you arrive
4. We _____ my aunt next week on Friday. It will be her birthday.
A. will visit B. visited C. is visiting D. have visited E. are visiting
5. We ............................... that film.
A. will already seen B. have already seen C. has already seen D. already saw E. already did see
6. The weather forecast says the sun _____ tomorrow.
A. is going to shine B. is shining C. may shine D. shines E. will shine
7. She _____ in this house for years.
A. has been living B. has lived C. have lived D. lived E. lives
8. Many things _____ this month.
A. changed B. didn't changed C. has changed D. have changed E. would change
9. Look! She ……………………………………….. from a large whisky-bottle.
A. are drinking B. drink C. drinks D. is drinking E. will drink
10. Leif Ericson..................Vinland while he …………………………towards the west.
A. was discovering ... sailed B. has discovered ... were sailing C. has discovered ... was sailing D.
discovered ... was sailing E. discovered ... sailed
11. If I ....................... the Superman, I ........................
A.was/ fly B. were/ will fly C. were/ would fly D. would be/ flew E. would be/ would fly
12. I ….……… (finish) doing this exercise.
A. am finishing B. has just finished C. have just finished D. just finished E. just have finished
13. I ........................................... positive reviews about that film in the papers so I am going to see it.
A. has read B. have read C. read D. readed E. will read
14. Hi Jane, you _____ sad! What's up?
A. are looking B. is looking C. look D. looks E. will look
15. He …………………………… mineral water every day.
A. are drinking. B. drink C. drinks D. is drinking E. will drink
16. He was late. When he ......................... at the airport, the plane ...................
A. left ... had arrived B. has arrived ... left C. had arrived ... left D. had arrived ... had left E. arrived ...
had already left
17. He ......................................... about everything!
A. always complain B. always complains C. is always complaining D. is complaining E. will always
18. Harry ............... and we ............................ him the news.
A. had woken up/told B. wakes up /told C. was waking up/ told D. woke up told E. woke up were
19. After he .............................painting, he ..........................a shower.
A. finish / have B. has/ finished had C. had finished/ had D. had finished/ had had E. finished/ had
20. ........................................... rugby?
A. Did you ever played B. Do you ever played C. Has you ever played D. Have you ever play E. Have
you ever played
1. Hardly had the minister finished his speech when gunshots ---- (storm) the stadium.
2. Everybody will be at the office at about 08:30 tomorrow as the meeting ---- (start) at nine o'clock.
3. That candidate who we had interviewed before we ---- (speak) to all the others is still my favorite.
4. While climbing onto the mountain top, I ---- (encounter) a strange animal which I'd never seen
5. The chairman was sure that his plan would work out fine as no other member ---- (oppose) it up to
that time.
6. I wasn't surprised to hear that Monica ---- (have) an accident as she is a very reckless driver.
7. Since the very first day when the Umbrella Company embarked upon such a dangerous and risky
lab-research, very strange incidents ---- (take place) within the research complex.
8. Urbanization ---- (always / be) a problem which causes several environmental challenges ever since
the rate of migration ---- (increase) after the industrial revolution.
9. When I ---- (come) home this evening, my parents had gone out for a walk.
10. By the time the troops ---- (arrive), the war will have ended.
11. By the year 2020, linguists ---- (study) the Indy-European language family for more than 200
12. Gasoline ---- (become) a major problem for people for the last ten years, therefore, during this time
many people have preferred to sell their cars and buy smaller ones.
13. By the time he was 14, Wolfgang Mozart ---- (compose) an enviable number of musical pieces.
14. Nothing in my life ---- (be) so strong to stop me achieve my goals so far and I don't think anything
will be.
15. Archaeologists ----- (explain) recently that an ancient underground city around Cappadocia has
long wide corridors where there are many special areas for making cheese and wine.
16. I was amazed when he accepted a drink, since I ---- (always / assume) that he was a teetotaler.
17. I ---- (play) tennis tomorrow but I won't be able to do that because I have injured my right ankle.
18. We ---- (visit) the seashore many times before but last summer we enjoyed ourselves more than
19. According to a survey, thousands of vending machines ---- (have to be converted) before the new
coins have come into circulation.

1. This time tomorrow some of the people in this room __________________ to their home
A will travel B will travelling C will be travelling D will have travelling
2. Augusto couldn't open the classroom door because one of the other students __________ it
5. the inside.
A locked B was locking C has locked D had locked
6. Every day, even when it's raining heavily, Henry ____ for an early morning run before eating
A going B is going C goes D is gone
7. At the moment, _________ an exercise in order to review the English verb tenses that I have
A I do B I doing C I'm doing D I've done
8. Before people landed on the Moon in 1969, some people ________ that the moon was made
of cheese.
A believed B were believing C have believed D had been believing
9. By Christmas, all of the students in our class __________________ to their countries.
A will return B will have returned C will be returning D will have returning
10. This is Javi's last week at the school so ________________ Goodbye to all his new friends for
the last three days.
A he says B he said C he's said D he's been saying
11. I'm sorry I can't come to your party tomorrow night. __________ dinner with Cristina and
Samara. Maybe I can come along afterwards.
A I will have B I'm having C I have D I will have had
12. So far, during her time at International House Bristol, Tchior ________ to six pancake parties
and fifteen barbecues.
A came B comes C has come D has been coming
13. At six o'clock this morning most of us were asleep in bed. But Atheer ____________ for
today's grammar.
A studied B studies C was studying D has studied
14. This is the second to last question in this set of questions. In two minutes' time
you __________________ and then you will find out your score.
A will finish B will have finished C will be finishing D will have been finishing
15. When Elisabetta _______ for her morning lesson, the teacher was collecting the homework
from the other students.
A arrived B was arriving C had arrived D had been arriving

1. As the sun _____, I decided to go out. A. ? going to see
A. ? shines B. ? have seen
B. ? shine C. ? shall have sheen
C. ? has shone D. ? am seeing
D. ? was shining 7. She walked _____ the road without
2. It's a long journey by train; it's much looking.
_____ by road. A. ? by
A. ? more quickly B. ? across
B. ? quickly C. ? through
C. ? quicker D. ? long
D. ? more quick 8. Has _____?
3. My house is opposite _____ the park. A. ? the post yet come
A. ? of B. ? the post come yet
B. ? from C. ? come the post yet
C. ? to D. ? yet the post came
D. ? --- 9. I don't speak Japanese, but Jenny
4. They _____ married in church last _____.
year. A. ? do
A. ? are B. ? does
B. ? have C. ? speaks
C. ? made D. ? is speaking it
D. ? got 10. "_____ yet?" " Nearly."
5. She loves _____ Hungarian music. A. ? Do you finish
A. ? --- B. ? Did you finish
B. ? a C. ? Have you finished
C. ? the D. ? Are you finishing
D. ? some of 11. We spent _____ day sunbathing.
6. I _____ your uncle tomorrow, so I'll A. ? whole of the
give him your note. B. ? whole
C. ? all the 22. My brother's son is my _____.
D. ? the whole A. ? cousin
12. She said she _____ for five hours. B. ? uncle
A. ? has worked C. ? son-in-law
B. ? worked D. ? nephew
C. ? had been working 23. My uncle arrived while I _____ dinner.
D. ? has been working A. ? cook
13. By the time the police arrived, the B. ? was cooking
thieves _____ the stolen money. C. ? had cooked
A. ? are hiding D. ? would cook
B. ? hide 24. Don't be late _____ your music lesson.
C. ? had hidden A. ? at
D. ? will have hidden B. ? for
14. They never do _____ homework. C. ? on
A. ? they D. ? to
B. ? their 25. How long does it _____ to get to
C. ? they're London?
D. ? there A. ? need
15. It's not raining _____. B. ? take
A. ? more C. ? want
B. ? any more D. ? make
C. ? no more 26. He doesn't like company. He always
D. ? some more works _____.
16. _____ cows are animals. A. ? alone
A. ? The B. ? solo
B. ? Some C. ? only
C. ? A D. ? lonely
D. ? --- 27. "It's a pity you haven't seen that play."
17. Janet is _____. "But I have, I _____ it last week."
A. ? an old my friend A. ? have seen
B. ? an old friend of me B. ? saw
C. ? a my old friend C. ? was seen
D. ? an old friend of mine D. ? had seen
18. _____ books on this shelf were written 28. If you _____ to town tomorrow, will
by Dickens. you do some shopping for me?
A. ? All the A. ? go
B. ? Every B. ? will go
C. ? The all C. ? went
D. ? All D. ? will be going
19. He's _____ intelligent than his sister. 29. I've got a very good _____ with the
A. ? much less BBC.
B. ? not so A. ? profession
C. ? much fewer B. ? job
D. ? lesser C. ? work
20. Can you play _____ piano? D. ? occupation
A. ? on the 30. Yesterday I _____ my son's trousers.
B. ? --- A. ? sew
C. ? a B. ? sawed
D. ? the C. ? sow
21. The whole thing is much simpler D. ? sewed
_____ you think. 31. He won't be late, _____ he?
A. ? than A. ? won't
B. ? as what B. ? will
C. ? --- C. ? isn't
D. ? then D. ? don't
32. I feel _____ after all this typing. 42. He was fined by the police for driving
A. ? terribly bad too _____.
B. ? terribly tired A. ? fastly
C. ? myself terribly tired B. ? speedy
D. ? myself terribly bad C. ? fast
33. When _____ Mr. Jones? D. ? hard
A. ? you did meet 43. The family lost their money on
B. ? did you meet roulette so they're unable to buy
C. ? have you met _____.
D. ? you met A. ? anything
34. Smoking is a bad _____ of yours. B. ? something
A. ? custom C. ? everything
B. ? usage D. ? nothing
C. ? practice 44. We _____ be millionaires one day.
D. ? habit A. ? will has to
35. We have been waiting for you _____. B. ? can be able to
A. ? an hour C. ? could
B. ? since an hour D. ? have had to
C. ? for an hour 45. "Can you lend me a pound?" "_____"
D. ? an hour ago A. ? No, sadly.
36. How long does the train _____ from B. ? Not, sorry.
London to Edinburgh take? C. ? I'm afraid not.
A. ? travel D. ? I afraid no.
B. ? tour 46. The hijackers were arrested and didn't
C. ? voyage know where _____.
D. ? journey A. ? they would take
37. They _____ to the theatre twice so far B. ? will be taken
this month. C. ? they're taken
A. ? were D. ? they were being taken
B. ? have been 47. The policeman warned the
C. ? are going photographer _____ too near.
D. ? are A. ? shouldn't come
38. I can't wait. I'm _____ a hurry. B. ? not to come
A. ? in C. ? don't come
B. ? on D. ? doesn't come
C. ? with 48. A horrible morning was followed by a
D. ? for torrent of rain _____ afternoon.
39. Do you know _____ I met last A. ? on late
Saturday? B. ? in late
A. ? with whom C. ? late in
B. ? that whom D. ? late in the
C. ? --- 49. "What are you doing?" "I _____ to
D. ?S who find my watch."
40. He would be very happy if you _____ A. ? tried
what he asked. B. ? try
A. ? will do C. ? 'm trying
B. ? do D. ? 've tried
C. ? did 50. "How many eggs have we got?"
D. ? have done "_____"
41. Will you do me a favour if _____ you? A. ? Not too many.
A. ? somebody wants it B. ? There aren't some.
B. ? I want C. ? Not too much.
C. ? I ask D. ? They're no in the fridge.
D. ? we all would like 51. "Some sugar?" "_____"
A. ? Yes, please.
B. ? No, I don't. A. ? hurry
C. ? Thanks, I'd like. B. ? go
D. ? No, no me! C. ? come
52. In his spare time he works _____ a D. ? walk
salesman for an insurance company. 57. "How old is she now?" "She _____ in
A. ? as 1905."
B. ? like A. ? born
C. ? at B. ? was born
D. ? out C. ? was burn
53. No matter _____, you must keep D. ? was borne
trying. 58. If you'd written earlier, I'd have known
A. ? how difficult it seems when you _____ to go on holiday.
B. ? however seems it difficult A. ? wanted
C. ? however it seems difficult B. ? will want
D. ? how difficult does it seem C. ? would intend
54. My train arrived at 10:15, which D. ? would want
means: _____. 59. The tourists were looking forward
A. ? fifteen past ten _____ the Tate Gallery.
B. ? fifteen ten A. ? a visit to
C. ? ten fifteen B. ? to visit
D. ? ten past fifteen C. ? to visiting
55. The old general told us stories of how D. ? visiting
he _____. 60. How much longer _____ this
A. ? defeat the enemy dictionary?
B. ? was fighting in the battles of A. ? you need
1944 B. ? will you need
C. ? has fought the Germans C. ? need you
D. ? had won the war alone D. ? have you needed
56. My son is only one and a half years
old but he can already _____.
Convert the phrases below into reported speech.

"It's raining," she said.

He said to her, "I love you."
"I saw María in the supermarket yesterday," said Carlos.
"We've lived here for three years," he said.
"I'll bring a pasta salad," said Francesca.
"Mark's going to install solar panels," said Miranda.
"They found gold here," said the geology teacher.
"Jenny can't speak French," said Pierre.
"I first met my wife in Seville," he told us.
"I want your homework handed in by tomorrow," he said.
"My mother made these cakes," said Juan.
"I'm feeling tired now," said David.

Circle the correct answer.

1 I ______________ remember his name. You'll be able to solve this, ______________?

A am not able to 6

B can't
A can you
C red herring
B won't you
C will you
2 Diana ______________ the piano. Sorry, Teacher. I ______________do it yet.
A can play 7

B can to play
A wasn't able to
C eats
B couldn't
C haven't been able to
3 She ______________ come on holiday next month if her8 He ______________ pass the exam if he studied harder.
parents give her permission.
A will be able to
A can't
B Can
B could
C would be able to
C will be able to
4 They ______________ go. The weather was too bad. 9 The fishing boat sank, but luckily all the crew
______________ save themselves.
A couldn't
A were able to
B can't
B could
C wasn't able to
C wasn't able to
5 A: Can you lend me some money? 10 We ______________ go to the party. We're going to a
B: Sorry. I ______________. I haven't got any either. wedding.
A can't A couldn't
B am not able to B won't be able to
C couldn't C will can't

Use one of the modal verbs in brackets to fill the gaps.

1 You (may/could)________________ leave now if you wish.

2 (Could/May)________________ you open the window a bit, please?
3 (May/Can)________________ you play the piano?
4 Listen, please. You (may not/could not)________________ speak during this exam.
5 You (can't/might not)________________ smoke on the bus.
6 (Can't/May)________________ I make a call on your mobile?
7 Do you know if Mark (can/may)________________ sing?
8 (Can't/May)________________ I sit here, please?
9 Caroline, your friends (can/could)________________ stay the night if they want to. They're
perfectly welcome.
10 I'm sorry but you (can't/may)________________ use the computer until after I've finished.
11 (May/Could)________________ you lend me 40 Euros til Monday?
12 Listen, please. Students (may/could)________________ study in the library from five to nine
in the evening.

Would/should or ought to/might + have + past participle - Use the verb in brackets to fill the gaps.

1 If I had gone to the sales, I'm sure I ___________________ something. (to buy)
2 Clare was very upset you didn't go to her birthday party. You ___________________ . (to go)
3 No one's answering the phone.They ___________________ out. (to go)
4 The lights are out. They ___________________ to sleep. (to go)
5 We ___________________ Dave to the party if we had known he was in town. (to invite)
6 You ___________________ at Samantha. She'll never forgive you. (to shout-NEGATIVE)
7 I ___________________ to have done some acting when I was younger. (to love)
8 You ___________________ to the pub on Saturday. We had a great time. (to come)
9 She ___________________ her mind. I'm not sure. (to change)
10 You ___________________ so much money on CDs. You'll have problems getting to the end of the month
now. (to spend-NEGATIVE)

Decide which type of modal goes with each sentence and then fill the gaps with have to, must, should or
ought to. When you see NEGATIVE, the modal verb must be in a negative form.

1 If you want to lose weight, you _____________ eat pasta, potatoes, white bread or white rice.
2 It's alright. You _____________ come to Muriel's wedding if you don't want to. NEGATIVE

3 Stupid boy! You _____________ play with matches! NEGATIVE

4 I haven't heard from Eleonora for ages. Maybe I _____________ give her a ring.

5 You _____________ remember your passport. Otherwise they won't let you on the plane.

6 The weather forecast says this weekend will be fine. We _____________ go on a picnic.

7 You _____________ go there on your own. It's extremely dangerous. NEGATIVE

8 You _____________ come if you don't feel like it. NEGATIVE

9 You _____________ take life so seriously. Relax a bit. NEGATIVE

10 Orange juice in cartons has no goodness in it at all. You _____________ make it yourself.

11 You _____________ drink and drive. NEGATIVE

12 These instructions are difficult to follow. They _____________ explain things better.

Circle the correct answer.

1 Jim doesn't have a girlfriend now but he If you go to live in the United Kingdom,
_________________. 6 you_________________ on the left.

A didn't use to
B used to A 'll have to get used to drive

C was using to B 'll have to get used to driving

C 'd have had to get used to

2 People _________________ the Internet yet but in a At first it was difficult for her to speak in French all the
few years time everybody will be surfing around like7 time but she _________________ to it now.

A aren't used to using

A is used
B don't use
B uses
C isn't used to using
C gets used

3 I _________________ to play football when I was8 After the holidays it takes me a week
young. I'm too old and fat to play now. _________________ up early again.

A use A to get used to getting

B got used to B to be used to getting
C used C to get used to get

4 Pepe Juan was in London for a year. He liked England9 The queue in the baker's _________________ to be so
but he _________________ the insipid food and the bad but now it's terrible. It must be that new chapata
miserable weather. bread they bake. It's delicious.

A could ever get used to A didn't use

B could never get used to B didn't used
C can ever get used to C was used

5 I've been getting up early every day for years but I10 Do you mind if I _________________ your phone?
_________________ to it.
A used
A used
B am using
B am still not used
C use
C am already used

Change the sentences from the active to the passive.

1 Did they catch the thief?

2 Will The King inaugurate the new bridge?
3 Do they make cars in Korea?
4 Do the hounds kill the fox?
5 Did the bull kill the matador?
6 Have the police found the body?
7 Why has the government banned the film?
8 When did they hijack the plane?
9 How did your host family treat you?
10 What caused the accident?

11 Has anyone cleaned the oven yet?

12 Is a doctor going to examine you?

Circle the correct answer.

1 ___________'s the post office? ___________ is your favourite football player?

A How much 6

B Who
A When
C Where
B What
C Who
2 ___________'s the president of France? ___________ is The Atlantic Ocean?
A Who 7

B Which
A How deep
C Whose
B How much
C How
3 ___________ is your boyfriend? He looks about thirty. 8 Jimmy, you've grown so much. ___________ are you
A How much
A How long
B How old B How much
C How long C How tall
4 Billy: ___________ are you angry with me? I haven't9 Sally: ___________ do you take the dog for a walk?
done anything. Jilly: Oh. Twice a day.
Sally: Exactly.
A With what frequency
A How
B How often
B What
C When
C Why
5 Billy: ___________ is Paris like? 10 ___________ does it take to get from Valencia to
Marie: It's beautiful. Madrid by car?
A How A How many times

B What B How long

C Who C How far

Fill the gap using the verb in brackets. Think very carefully about the meaning of the phrase before
deciding whether to use a negative or positive verb form. Use type III – conditional phrase

I wouldn't be angry if you _____________________ my chocolate mousse. (to eat)

2 If he had known you were in hospital, he _____________________ you. (to visit)

3 We wouldn't have come by taxi if we _____________________ the right bus. (to find)
4 We would have visited the Prado gallery if we _____________________ time. (to have)
5 If you hadn't been asking me questions all the time, I _____________________ the film.(to enjoy)
6 If I _____________________ your number, I would have phoned.(to know)
7 If just one person had remembered my birthday, I _____________________ sad. (to be)
8 I would have understood the film if it _____________________ in German. (to be*)
9 They _____________________ to see you if they hadn't been away. (to come)
10 If she _____________________ on a double yellow line, she wouldn't have got a fine. (to park)
11 If I'd known you were coming, I _____________________ a cake. (to bake)
12 If she _____________________ the shed unlocked, they wouldn't have stolen her bike. (to leave)
13 If you had told me about the concert, I _____________________. (to go)
14 The storm _____________________ a lot of damage if it had come this way. (to do)
15 The holidays would have been great if the weather _____________________ better. (to be)

There are three distinct types of I wish / if only sentences:-

1 - REGRETS with the PAST PERFECT (the third conditional) e.g. I wish I hadn't got so angry.

had enough money to go to Mozambique this summer.

3 - COMPLAINTS with WOULD + INFINITIVE e.g. I wish you wouldn't arrive so late all the time.


1 I wish I ___________________ drunk and kissed Samantha. (get NEGATIVE)

2 I wish it ___________________ so much. The garden's turned to mud. (rain NEGATIVE)
3 If only I ___________________ there, I wouldn't have got a fine. (park NEGATIVE)

Wanting change

4 If only I ___________________ more time for my hobbies. (have)

5 I wish it ___________________ more often in Valencia. (rain)
6 I wish I ___________________ to go to your nephew's wedding. (have NEGATIVE)


7 I wish you ___________________ so much. You're a complete idiot when you're drunk. (drink
8 If only it ___________________ . The garden's as dry as a bone. (rain)
9 I wish Samantha ___________________ her hair more often. It looks so greasy all the time. (wash)


10 I wish you ___________________ so horrible to your brother. He's a really nice bloke. (be NEGATIVE)
11 I wish the council ___________________ that beautiful old house. It was part of the town's heritage.
(demolish NEGATIVE)
12 If only I ___________________ the money to go to Jon's wedding in The States. (have)
13 I wish I ___________________ her she'd put on weight. She hates me now. (tell NEGATIVE)
14 I wish you ___________________ to your mother like that. (speak NEGATIVE)
15 If only we ___________________ a Hewlett Packard printer. The cartridges are so expensive. (buy
16 I wish Jorge ___________________ so fast. It's only a matter of time before he kills someone. (drive

Circle the correct answer.

1 Dad, Ana _________ an ice cream. 6 Next week we _________ snorkeling.

A Wants A 're going
B Want B went
C Went C will go
2 I _________ Luis for a long time now. 7 __________ the movie?
A didn't see A Do you like
B don't see B Like you
C haven't seen C Do you
3 In the summer, we __________ and go swimming 8 I was listening to music when somebody __________ at the
everyday. door.
A sunbathed A is knocking
B are sunbathing B knocked
C sunbathe C was knocking

4 Two people are sitting outside in the garden."We hope you 9 The house is in a terrible mess. We've got workmen in . The
__________ this marvellous weather as much as we are." plumber __________ a new bath and shower.
A enjoy A puts
B enjoyed B put
C are enjoying C is putting in
5 I __________ dinner when suddenly I heard a strange10 I __________ here now for over thirty-five years.
noise. A am living
A was cooking B have been living
B cook C Live
C cooked

Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets using either the past perfect or the past simple tenses.

1 By the time we got to the cinema the film ______________ (to start), so we missed the first five minutes.

2 When I rang the bell there was no answer. The neighbour told me that they ______________ (to go out) about
half an hour ago.

3 I saw Casablanca for the first time last night. I ______________ (to see NEGATIVE) it before.

4 I feel fat. I ______________ (to have) a huge lunch.

5 I spent a week in Miami recently. I ______________ (to be) there before.

6 There was so much to see in Toledo. I wanted to see everything but I ______________ (to have NEGATIVE)
enough time.

7 If I ______________ (to know) about the concert, I would have gone.

8 If you ______________ (to take) my advice, it wouldn't have happened.

9 We would have had an argument, if she ______________ (to mention) politics.

10 If you ______________ (to not park) there, you wouldn't have got a parking fine.

11 They found the body on a building site. It ______________ (to mutilate "in the passive!").

12 She told me she ______________ (to buy) a new car.

13 When he arrived, Eve wasn't there. She ______________ (to leave) about five minutes before.
14 When we arrived back in Spain, they ______________ (to lose) our luggage. We only had to wait two days to
get it back though, and they delivered it to the house.

15 When I ______________ (to get back), nobody had done the washing up. I was furious.

Fill the gaps with the verb in brackets using either the present perfect or the past simple tenses.

1 A: I ________________ (to see, negative) Anna for a long time.

2 B: Really? I ________________ her yesterday. (to see)
3 They ________________ (to go) to Venice three years ago.
4 David lost his wallet yesterday but he ________________ (to find) it this morning in his jacket pocket.
5 ________________ (to be with you) to Paris?
6 We ________________ (to live) in this house for five years and we're very happy here.
7 I know Manchester quite well. I ________________ (to live) there for three years when I was a student
8 He ________________ (to meet) Sally in the supermarket last week.
9 She feels great. She ________________ (to lose) three kilos since Christmas.
10 It's cold in here because someone ________________ (to open) the window.
11 Before they bought the car, they ________________ (to think) about it very carefully.
12 ________________ (to feed with you) the cat yet?
13 The last time I ________________ (to play) tennis was four years ago.

A The difference between remember and remind is complicated.

Teresa reminds me of Scarlett Johansson./ She reminded me to buy milk

She remembered to tell me to buy milk./ I remember when you had long hair

B Fill the gaps with remember and remind in the correct form, using the model sentences to help

1 I can't _____________ anything about the accident at all.

2 Have you _____________ Jack to bring his credit card?
3 I must _____________ myself to take my pills after lunch.
4 I must _____________ to take my pills after lunch.
5 _____________ me to take my umbrella, please.
6 She forgot to _____________ him about the plumber coming.
7 You _____________ me of my cousin Zöe.
8 Do you _____________ the time we went to Songkhla and had that fantastic crab curry?
9 Sometimes Valencia _____________ me of Sydney.
10 Come on. Try to _____________ what he was wearing.
11 Those funny trousers you're wearing _____________ me of Tintin.
12 The last thing he _____________ was ordering another drink.

Fill the gaps with beat, earn and win in the correct form.

1 It's none of your business how much I ______________.

2 Samantha's just bought a red convertible. She must have ______________ the lottery.
3 When I ______________ Jonathan at table tennis, he got very angry.
4 No one I know has ever ______________ her at pool. She's a great player.
5 A: Who ______________ ? Valencia or Real Madrid?
B: Valencia, of course.
6 Zaragossa ______________ Arsenal every time they meet.
7 Jim was ______________ big money before he went off to teach in Thailand.
8 I love my job but I need to ______________ more money.
9 England won The World Cup in 1966. They ______________ Germany.
10 Spain ______________ Australia in The Davis Cup.
11 He ______________ me in the first round but I won in the end.
12 I dare you to ______________ me at tiddlywinks.
13 You deserve a holiday. You've really ______________ it.
14 Teachers in London don't ______________ enough money to buy a house

Choose the right answer

How ________ money have you got in your purse? theirs

much they're
many their
cost I think English is ________ than maths.
How ________ eggs do we need? easier
many more easy
cost easy
much I'm on holiday at the moment but I ________ in an hotel.
How ________ eggs do we need? 'm working
many working
cost work
much ________ he ever been to France?
A What is he ________? B He's buying some things for Have
lunch. Has
do Did
to do Where ________ the drinks?
doing did you got
This book is for ________. you get
hers did you get
her How ________ bread do you eat?
she much
When ________ you have dinner? any
do many
are Those ________ my pens. They're yours.
does aren't
Where did you ________ to school? isn't
went don't
go What are ________?
It's not ours, it's ________.
Choose the right answer

1. Did our teacher provide __________ for us? 6. The weather today is even _______ than
much handout
many handout bad
many handouts badder
2. The school's problems _____ various.
7. I haven't been to London _______ three years.
were for
is since
3. All my friends live _____ North Lincoln Street.
8. If you need the car in the afternoon, I ______
shopping in the morning.
on go
at would go
will go
4. I'm new to this job. What exactly ________ do?
9. Before I (go) _____ to London, I (not / enjoy)
________ learning English.
I have to
do I have to go - have not enjoyed
I had to went - have not enjoyed
went - had not enjoyed
5. If she _______ about his financial situation, she
would have helped him out. 10. On the Roman Emperor visit, the Roman
soldiers (tell) ______ him that Pictish tribes from
had known Britain's north (attack) _______ them.
have known told - had attacked
tell - had attacked
told - have attaked


Part I: English Grammar - Select the best answer.

1. Juan___________ in the library this morning. 4. Eli's hobbies include jogging, swimming, and
A. is study __________.
B. studying A. to climb mountains
C. is studying B. climb mountains
D. are studying C. to climb
D. climbing mountains
2. Alicia, __________ the windows please. It's too hot in
here. 5. Mr. Hawkins requests that someone _________ the
A. opens data by fax immediately.
B. open A. sent
C. opened B. sends
D. will opened C. send
D. to send
3. The movie was __________ the book. 6. Who is ____________ , Marina or Sachiko?
A. as A. tallest
B. as good B. tall
C. good as C. taller
D. as good as D. the tallest
7. The concert will begin ________ fifteen minutes.
A. in
B. on 12. Cheryl likes apples, _________ she does not like
C. with oranges.
D. about A. so
8. I have only a ________ Christmas cards left to write. B. for
A. few C. but
B. fewer D. or
C. less 13. You were ____________ the New York office before
D. little 2 p.m.
9. Each of the Olympic athletes ____________ for A. suppose call
months, even years. B. supposed to call
A. have been training C. supposed calling
B. were training D. supposed call
C. has been training
D. been training 14. When I graduate from college next June, I
10. Maria __________ never late for work. _____________ a student here for five years.
A. am A. will have been
B. are B. have been
C. were C. has been
D. is D. will have
11. The company will upgrade _________ computer
information systems next month. 15. Ms. Guth _________ rather not invest that money in
A. there the stock market.
B. their A. has to
C. it's B. could
D. its C. would
D. must

Part II: English Grammar - Select the one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect.

1. The majority to the news is about violence or scandal.

2. Takeshi swimmed one hundred laps in the pool yesterday.
3. When our vacation, we plan to spend three days scuba diving.
4. Mr. Feinauer does not take critical of his work very well.
5. Yvette and Rinaldo send e-mail messages to other often.
6. Mr. Olsen is telephoning a American Red Cross for help.
7. I had a enjoyable time at the party last night.
8. The doctor him visited the patient's parents.
9. Petra intends to starting her own software business in a few years.
10. Each day after school, Jerome run five miles.
11. He goes never to the company softball games.
12. Do you know the student who books were stolen?
13. Jean-Pierre will spend his vacation either in Singapore nor the Bahamas.
14. I told the salesman that I was not interesting in buying the latest model.
15. Frederick used work for a multinational corporation when he lived in Malaysia.
Part III. English Vocabulary - Select the best answer.

1. The rate of ___________ has been fluctuating wildly C. now

this week. D. not
A. money
B. bills 4. Jerry Seinfeld, the popular American comedian, has
C. coins his audiences ___________.
D. exchange A. putting too many irons in the fire
B. keeping their noses out of someone's business
2. The bus ___________ arrives late during bad weather. C. rolling in the aisles
D. going to bat for someone
A. every week
B. later 5. The chairperson will ____________ members to the
C. yesterday subcommittee.
D. always A. appoint
B. disappoint
3. Do you ____________ where the nearest grocery C. appointment
store is? D. disappointed
A. know 6. The critics had to admit that the ballet
B. no ______________ was superb.
A. procrastinate
B. performance C. toward
C. pathology D. in addition to
D. psychosomatic
7. Peter says he can't ___________ our invitation to 9. The hurricane caused ____________ damage to the
dinner tonight. city.
A. angel A. extend
B. across B. extended
C. accept C. extensive
D. almost D. extension
10. Many cultures have special ceremonies to celebrate a
8. We were __________ friends in that strange but person's _________ of passage into adulthood.
magical country. A. right
A. upon B. rite
B. among C. writ
D. write
A. b) before
1. My brother' s habits really ..... me! c) after
a) angry 15. Don' t swim here. The sea is ......
b) annoy a) unhealthy
c) hurt b) polluted
2. Please turn the music ..... ; it' s too loud. c) dirty
a) down 16. Children can be ..... if they are unhappy.
b) out a) privileged
c) off b) lively
3. She likes watching TV, ..... cartoons. c) aggresive
a) continually 17. In the past black people were ..... against white
b) particularly people.
c) always a) discriminated
4. Jenny is always ..... her nails. b) different
a) chewing c) superior
b) eating 18. Who is the ..... runner in your school?
c) biting a) faster
5. John ...... to get up early to do his homework. b) more fast
a) prefers c) fastest
b) enjoys 19. Dress ..... when exercising.
c) chooses a) regularly
6. I ..... a photograph with my letter. b) comfortably
a) put c) confidently
b) included 20. We know he can jump ..... than that.
c) enclosed a) high
7. George is a ..... of ANA club. b) higher
a) person c) highest
b) member B.
c) character 1. I' m worried because my friend smokes......
8. Britain' s Scouts did not ..... girls. a) strongly
a) remember b) heavily
b) follow c) hardly
c) accept 2. If I were a car, I ..... be a HONDA.
9. Mary doesn' t read everything in a newspaper; a) ought to
she only reads the ...... b) should
a) titles c) would
b) headings 3. We ought to ..... the football match because it' s
c) headlines raining very hard.
10. The fire last summer ..... 30,000 trees. a) cancel
a) destroyed b) call
b) attacked c) clear
c) put away 4. My sister becomes ..... when people ask her to do
11. Oh! The food has gone bad. We ought to buy a things she does not like.
new...... a) satisfied
a) stereo b) stubborn
b) fridge c) surprised
c) barbecue 5. We ..... swim near windsurfers.
12. The Oxford University was ..... in the thirteenth a) wouldn' t
century. b) oughtn' t
a) founded c) shouldn' t
b) found 6. We never stop ..... a language.
c) renovated a) learning
13. My car has broken down. Can you ..... it? b) learn
a) renovate c) to learn
b) clean 7. If I ..... you, I' d write that letter straight away.
c) repair a) were
14. I never eat anything ..... I swim. b) have been
a) since c) had been
8. How do you ..... when friends make suggestions? c) cousin
a) respond 15. People are generally ..... of snakes.
b) answer a) afraid
c) feel b) ashamed
9. I don' t want to cook. Let' s buy some ..... food. c) hidden
a) takehome 16. He couldn' t listen to his walkman because his
b) takeaway mother had ..... the batteries.
c) takeoff a) tied
10. They often go to the ..... pub for a drink. b) removed
a) near c) changed
b) social 17. Romeo ..... in love with Juliet.
c) local a) died
11. Betty had lost a lot of weight and I didn' t ..... b) hated
her at first. c) fell
a) see 18. I can' t do this puzzle. I.....!
b) recognize a) give up
c) understand b) give out
12. He' s very happy because he ..... his exam. c) give off
a) passed 19. She has two sons ..... are taller than she is.
b) did a) either
c) won b) neither
13. They have some very lovely ..... in their garden. c) both
a) booths 20. ...... of them could win the quiz. It was very
b) bushes difficult.
c) wigs a) either
14. Her uncle' s son is her...... b) neither
a) brother c) both
b) nephew
1. When we get ready for dinner, I have to take my
books__________ the table.
2. Every weekend, we put the trash can
________________ for garbage collection.
3. You have to leave your shoes ______________the
door when you enter the house.
4. It was a long walk, so he began moving slowly
________________ the town.
5. David cleaned his room by stuffing everything
_________________his bed.
6. We often go fishing __________________ the
river bank.
7. The lecture will be held right ______________ the
8. He was caught by the teacher for cheating
________________the exam.
9. John needs to submit the report _________ his
boss before 5 pm.
10. James’ wife accused him _____________
11. Kathleen apologized ________________ her
brother’s poor behaviour.
12. There is no doubt that Adam is very good
___________ telling jokes.
13. These dresses were ____________ sale last
D. Up
There is a bridge _____________ the
15. Amanda hasn’t seen her older sister
_______________ last April.
16. Their relationship was ______________ because
of jealousy.
B In
17. Julia came all the way _______________ Russia
to see her boyfriend.
18. The detective chased the killer ______________
the streets.
19. Ai Ling is worried ________the test because she
thinks that she will fail the test.
20. Jeanne was texting her boyfriend
___________the teacher was teaching.
Prepositions of time
1. World War I and World War II were _____ 10. I woke up _____ midnight exactly.
the 20th century. at for in
at for in into on on since
2. What did you do _____ the weekend? 11. I went swimming _____ the evenings.
at in of on to at in into
3. We sent a lot of postcards _____ Easter. on since
at in into on since 12. I slept a lot _____ Saturdays.
4. We always visited our parents _____ for in of
Christmas. on to
at beyond in on to 13. I saw you _____ Thursday.
5. They broadcast _____ Monday evenings. over on into
for in into of on in at
6. They both were born _____ 9th May. 14. I sang and danced _____ my birthday.
onto on into in at to on into
7. She was born _____ 1968. in at
at for in 15. I got up _____ six o'clock.
on since at during in
8. It rained a lot _____ the spring. on through
to through at 16. I felt very tired _____ Christmas day.
in on on into in
9. I woke up _____ the middle of the night. for at
in of on 17. I drove a car _____ the morning.
since to up on inside
in at 1980s.
18. I broke my leg _____ December. at for in on to
since on into 20. He came _____ quarter to twelve.
in for during for in at on
19. He was a very popular singer _____ the
1. --- Is there any subway like this in your B. ? have been left
city? C. ? was left
--- Yes, but it ___________ at the moment. D. ? am left
is still been built 2. The football team __________ eleven
is still being builded members.
is still being built A. ? is made up
is built B. ? makes up of
2. --- Did you enjoy last night's concert? C. ? consists of
--- Yes, although Beethoven's Fifth Symphony D. ? is consisted of
__________rather poorly. 3. The British __________ not to be very
has been played good at cooking.
was playing A. ? says
had played B. ? say
was played C. ? is said
3. In some parts of the world, tea D. ? are said
__________ with milk and sugar. 4. Vehicles __________ through that area
is serving on Saturday night.
serves A. ? don't let pass
served B. ? are not let to pass
is served C. ? are not letted to pass
4. I need one more stamp before my D. ? are not let pass
collection __________. 5. The grandmother __________ that her
has completed grandson _________ in the school.
completed A. ? told ------ was taken good
is completed care of
will complete B. ? was told ------ had taken
5. Several people __________ in yesterday's good care of
car crash. C. ? has told ------ taken good
were badly hurt care of
were badly hurted D. ? was told ------ had been
was badly hurt taken good care of
hurted badly 6. This dictionary __________ to you; yours
6. Paper __________ by the Chinese long __________ by someone else.
before its use __________ in Europe. A. ? is not belonged ----------
invented ------ known has been taken
was invented --------- were known B. ? doesn't belong ---------- has
invented ------ was known taken
was invented ------ was known C. ? doesn't belong ---------- has
7. As soon as everyone __________ the been taken
examination __________, the test papers were D. ? doesn't belong ---------- will
given out. have been taken
taking ------ was seated 7. The money the lady spent on clothes last
took ------ seated year __________ more than $10,000.
taking ------ seated A. ? was added to
taken ------ was seated B. ? added up to
8. Higher education __________ available to C. ? added to
all high school graduates in this country. D. ? was added up to
have been made 8. Although Mr. Smith is __________ a
has been made famous writer, he talks very little about
has made it himself.
have made it A. ? known about
9. Many machines __________ by B. ? known for
electricity. C. ? knowing as
are made run D. ? known as
are made to run 9. Once the plan __________ , a student
make to run may get as much as $1,000 as travel
are made running expenses.
10. Worries __________ all kinds of illness, A. ? gets approved
from high blood pressure to stomachache. B. ? approved
believe to have caused C. ? was approved
are believed to be caused D. ? gets approving
are believed to cause 10. The lights in the kitchen __________ all
believed to be caused night.
B A. ? has left on
1. I __________ my watch at home, so I B. ? have left on
don't know what time it is. C. ? have been left on
A. ? have left D. ? has been left on
1. __________ father is an engineer. 2. Nine __________ are eating grass at the
A. ? William and Michaels' foot of the hill.
B. ? Williams' and Michaels' A. ? sheepes
C. ? William's and Michael's B. ? sheeps
D. ? William and Michael's C. ? sheep
2. My trousers are old. I have to buy D. ? shoop
__________. 3. John brushes his __________ twice a day.
A. ? a new pair A. ? teeth
B. ? a pair of B. ? tooth
C. ? a new one C. ? tooths
D. ? a new ones D. ? teeths
3. Most of the wood here __________ to 4. The farmer has many __________ on the
make furniture. farm.
A. ? is used A. ? geeses
B. ? are used B. ? gooses
C. ? uses C. ? goose
D. ? are using D. ? geese
4. All that can be done __________. 5. There __________ no water in the bottle.
A. ? has been done A. ? is
B. ? have done B. ? are
C. ? have been done C. ? were
D. ? has done D. ? has
5. All of them __________ interested in 6. Would you tell me where the __________
photography. store is?
A. ? is A. ? shoes
B. ? are B. ? shoe
C. ? show C. ? shoe's
D. ? shows D. ? shoes'
6. __________ have you read today? 7. We forgot both of the __________ .
A. ? How many news A. ? rooms numbers
B. ? How many pieces of news B. ? room's numbers
C. ? How much piece of news C. ? room number
D. ? How much pieces of news D. ? room numbers
7. All the __________ given by Mr. Smith 8. There are three _________________
__________ quite helpful to us all. working for the project.
A. ? advices --- are A. ? women scientists
B. ? advice --- are B. ? woman scientists
C. ? advice --- is C. ? women scientist
D. ? advices --- is D. ? woman scientist
8. Jane is a close friend of __________. 9. John __________ Mike when they met at
A. ? Mary's mother the airport.
B. ? Mary's mother's A. ? shook hand with
C. ? Marys' mother B. ? shake hands with
D. ? Mary mothers' C. ? shook hands with
9. My younger sister wears modern D. ? shake a hand with
__________. 10. She bought __________ eggs at the
A. ? clothings supermarket.
B. ? clothes A. ? three dozen
C. ? dressing B. ? three dozens
D. ? cloth C
10. A: Where is your father? B: At 1. I need to buy two ______ of color
__________. ______.
A. ? Mr. Green A. ? boxs --- chalks
B. ? the Mr. Greens B. ? boxes --- chalks
C. ? Mr. Green's C. ? boxes --- chalk
D. ? Mr. Greens' D. ? boxs --- chalk
B 2. He is only thirty, but has got __________.
1. With the address given to him, he had no A. ? a few gray hairs
__________ in finding his friend's new B. ? a few gray hair
house. C. ? a little gray hair
A. ? difficulties D. ? a little gray hairs
B. ? troubles 3. We should make a careful study of the old
C. ? difficulty teacher's __________.
D. ? difficult A. ? teaching experience
B. ? teaching experiences
4. __________ to play with the kids! C. ? same age
A. ? What a fun it is D. ? of the same age
B. ? What a fun is it 8. The umbrella was really _______in my
C. ? What fun it is trip.
D. ? How fun it is A. ? of much use
5. ___________weather we have today! B. ? much
A. ? What a nice 9. ______ will conquer nature.
B. ? What nice A. ? Man
6. The rainbow is one of the most beautiful B. ? Men
__________ of the nature. C. ? The man
A. ? phenomenon D. ? The men
B. ? phenomena 10. The little boy is smart. He has
C. ? phenomenons __________.
D. ? phenomenas A. ? brain
7. The two men are __________. B. ? a brain
A. ? of the same ages C. ? brains
B. ? of same age D. ? the brain

Gap fill-in
Speaking already
Q1 Can you hear what he is .......? (a) saying (b) speaking (c) telling (d) talking
Q2 She hasn't come home ........ (a) still (b) already (c) yet (d) till
Q3 I ....... TV yesterday evening. (a) saw (b) looked (c) viewed (d) watched
Q4 We live ....... the city centre. (a) near (b) next (c) by (d) nearby
Q5 She looks ....... a famous film star. (a) as (b) like (c) similar (d) same
Q6 This television gives you the ....... news. (a) last (b) latest (c) least (d) later
Q7 I only ....... one mistake in last night's test. (a) made (b) done (c) did (d) make
Q8 I want you to tell me the ....... truth. (a) all (b) exact (c) real (d) whole
Q9 He is looking ....... a present to buy his girlfriend. (a) for (b) at (c) in (d) on
Q10 That's what I would like ....... Christmas. (a) for (b) at (c) in (d) on

Like a red rag

Q1 Don't talk to him about politics because it's like a ....... rag to a bull. (a) blue (b) white (c) red (d)
Q2 He takes the optimistic view and talks about a ....... skies scenario. (a) red (b) blue (c) white (d)
Q3 She hasn't worked here very long and is therefore a little ....... on matters of procedure. (a) red (b)
blue (c) white (d) green
Q4 Now that they have read it in ......., they believe me. (a) red and blue (b) blue and red (c) white and
black (d) black and white
Q5 The reason why I feel so ....... today is because it's my birthday and no-one has sent me any cards.
(a) red (b) blue (c) white (d) black
Q6 She lost the company a lot of money last week and as a result has got a ....... mark against her
name. (a) red (b) blue (c) white (d) black

Q7 In this business you cannot afford to make any mistake and must be seen to be lily ........ (a) red (b)
blue (c) white (d) green
Q8 As they turned round and ran away, people thought they were ........ (a) red (b) blue (c) white (d)
Q9 Ask her to help you with your calculations because she's ....... hot at mathematics. (a) red (b) blue
(c) white (d) black
Q10 I know he doesn't like you because the moment you came in the room I saw him give you a .......
look. (a) red (b) blue (c) white (d) black

Newspaper Headlines
Q1 Some people only read the ....... lines in a newspaper. (a) top (b) big (c) main (d) head
Q2 You should always check the sell ....... date of things you buy in the supermarket. (a) in (b) through
(c) by (d) off
Q3 When the building was completed, all the workers were paid ........ (a) off (b) through (c) out (d)
Q4 The boss was good enough to ....... my mistake. (a) oversee (b) overtake (c) overdo (d) overlook
Q5 It is always ....... when you misunderstand the customs of other countries. (a) embarrassing (b)
peculiar (c) singular (d) attitude
Q6 Newspapers are ....... to people's doors every day. (a) taken (b) distributed (c) delivered (d) handed
Q7 In her speech she expressed her ....... for all the help she had been given. (a) thankfulness (b)
gratitude (c) gratefulness (d) thanking
Q8 In ....... nothing much happened at the meeting. (a) quick (b) briefly (c) short (d) shortly
Q9 At the end of the speech the whole assembly gave the speakers a standing ........ (a) ovation (b)
applause (c) cheering (d) support
Q10 Politicians pretend to ignore opinion ........ (a) votes (b) figures (c) numbers (d) polls
'Key' Word Transformation
1) Comparative/Superlative Structures like so/such .., er/as ... as or too/enough often appear in
this exercise.

For Questions 1-8, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and
five words.

1. The food was so good we had to leave a tip.

It ........................................... we had to leave a tip.
2. The computer was too expensive for me to buy.
I ........................................... money to buy the computer.
3. It's the most beautiful painting I've ever seen.
I ............................................ beautiful painting.
4. This summer has been much cooler than last year.
Last summer .................................. this year.
5. I'm not as good at maths as you.
You ......................................... me.
6. The course wasn't as easy as I'd expected.
The course ........................................ I'd expected.
7. This car isn't safe enough to drive.
This car ........................................ drive.
8. This exercise is easier than the last one.
This exercise ....................................... the last one.

2) Passive/Active
1. The examiner tells candidates the regulations at the beginning of the exam.
At the beginning of the exam candidates .................................... the regulations.
2. Did we send that letter to Mr Thomas?
Do you know if ........................................ to Mr Thomas?
3. We haven't arranged a date for the wedding yet.
A date for the wedding .............................................. yet.
4. They will have given him the news by now.
He .............................................. the news by now.
5. Experts estimate that most people now have access to the Internet.
.................................................. most people now have access to the Internet.
6. The garage on the corner usually repairs my car.
I ................................................... by the garage on the corner.
7. Steve definitely didn't write that essay.
That essay ..................................................... by Steve.
8. The police have cancelled the demonstration.
The demonstration ....................................................... by the police.

3) Direct and Indirect Speech

1. 'What do you think of the college?'
She ......................................... of the college.
2. 'I'll call you later tonight,' Keith promised.
Keith promised that ................................................ night.
3. 'I didn't break the window,' said the boy.
The boy ..................................................... the window
4. 'Why don't you come this evening?'
She ........................................................ that evening.
5. 'You look really tired,' he told her.
He ....................................................... really tired.
6. 'You must do your homework tonight.' the teacher said.
The teacher ...................................................... my homework.
7. 'What's your name?' he asked.
He ........................................................ what my name was.
8. 'I might be late for.' he told me.
He ........................................................ might be late.

4) Auxiliary Verbs
1. I went to the office then remembered it was my day off.
I ............................................... to the office as it was my day off.
2. Perhaps we missed the correct turning.
We ............................................... the correct turning.
3. I'm afraid you can't smoke in here.
You ............................................... in here.
4. They will expect you to wear a suit for the interview.
You ................................................ a suit for the interview.
5. I'd see a doctor if I were you.
You .................................................. a doctor.
6. He couldn't swim until he was in his twenties.
He ................................................. until he was in his twenties.
7. We got a table at the restaurant without a reservation.
We ................................................ book a table at the restaurant.
8. You were expected to answer all the questions on the exam paper.
You ............................................... all the questions on the examination paper.

5) Conditionals
1. I only told you because I thought you would be interested.
I ................................................. you if I thought you weren't interested.
2. I won't organise the party unless you arrange the food.
I'll organise the party ....................................................... arrange the food.
3. I think it would be a good idea to speak to the manager first.
If ......................................................... speak to the manager first.
4. If you do the washing up I'll make the coffee.
I'll make the coffee .......................................................... the washing up.
5. You’re tired because you keep staying up late.
If ............................................................. to bed earlier, you wouldn't be so tired.
6. You never enter competitions so you'll never win anything.
If you entered competions ...................................................... something.
7. The reason I haven't got much money is because they didn't give me promotion.
If they had given me promotion I ............................................................... now.

8. I've been so happy since I met you.

I ................................................................ so happy if I hadn't met you.

6) 'Unreal' Pasts
1. I'd love to know how John is getting on.
I ................................................. how John was getting on.
2. You should take an umbrella with you.
You ................................................ an umbrella with you.
3. I think taxes should be increased.
It .................................................. increased
4. He behaves like the President of the company.
He acts ....................................................... the President of the company.
5. I regret not inviting Cathy to the party.
If ................................................... Cathy
6. I'd prefer you to get home early tonight.
I .................................................... home early tonight.
7. It's a pity the car is so expensive.
I .................................................... so expensive.
8. It will be better for you to come alone.
I would ...................................................... on your own.

7) Verb Patterns
1. It's really important that you pay the bill today.
You must ................................................ the bill today.
2. I think it would be a good idea if you joined the beginner's class.
I .................................................... the beginners class.
3. Meeting John in town was really surprising.
I ..................................................... John in town.
4. In the future she became a successful business woman.
She ................................................... a successful business woman.
5. I'll help you with your homework.
I ...................................................... you with your homework.
6. I hated driving on the left at first but now it's OK.
I ....................................................... on the left now.
7. Don't bother to apply for the job.
There ......................................................... for the job.
8. Were you successful in passing the exam?
Did ............................................................ the exam?

8 Phrasal Verbs

1. I'm really excited about the holiday.

I ............................................ the holiday.
2. The bomb exploded early this morning
The bomb ............................................ early this morning.
3. Why don't you start doing a sport?
Have you thought about ..................................................... a sport?
4. His parents raised him very strictly.
His parents ................................................... very strictly.
5. They've cancelled the wedding.
They have ....................................................... the wedding.
6. I don't think they should abolish military service.
They shouldn't ....................................................... military service.
7. I've got to reduce the amount of sweets I eat.
I must ............................................................. the number of sweets I eat.
8. My host family will let you stay with us.
My host family will .......................................................... .

9) Practice
1. (Passive + phrasal verb)
Thieves have burgled our house.
Our house .................................................
2. (Passive + change from adjective to noun)
Businesses are said to be worried about interest rates.
There ................................................ amongst businesses about interest rates.
3. (Reported speech + verb change)
'I don't share your views on capital punishment' he said.
He told me ................................................ my views on capital punishment.
4. (Passive to active + phrasal verb)
Loans must be repayed in full.
You ......................................................... all the money.
5. (Preposition x 2)
There have been more redundancies this year than before.
There has been a rise ........................................................... redundancies this year.
6. (Noun to verb + verb change)
I'm sorry but you must not smoke here.
I'm afraid ..... here.
7. (Verb change + verb form)
I don't think it's a good idea to get married too early.
I don't ............................................... too early.
8. (Verb change + verb form)
Did you manage to convince him?
Did you .................................................... him?
For the questions given, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first
sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five
words, including the word given. There is an example at the beginning (0).
0 They published this book in England.
This book …..came from…. England.
1.- Can you understand what this paper means?
Can you …………………………… this paper?
2.- It wasn’t necessary to meet me at the airport yesterday.
You ……………………… me at the airport yesterday.
3.-It was unkind of you to talk to her like that.
You ……………………………… to her like that.
4.-I saw the film although I strongly dislike thrillers.
I saw the film in …………………… of thrillers.
5.-It’s not possible to play tennis because of the rain.
The rain ………………………………. to play tennis.
6.-I’ve never tasted such good food before.
It is the ………………….. tasted.
7.-Do your parents allow you to watch TV late at night?
Do your parents ……………………. TV late at night?
8.-“Did you write a note for Anna?” I asked my mother.
I asked my mother ………………………. a note for Anna.
9.-He gave me the money first, and then he left.
He left …………………………………….. the money.
10.-I don’t find it difficult to get up early any more.
I ………………………………………. up early.
11 He really likes correcting her English.
He ……………………….. correcting her English.
12 It’s not necessary to take a lot of luggage when going on holiday.
You ……………………… luggage when going on holiday.
13 Perhaps he hasn’t received the doctor’s results yet.
He …………………….. the doctor’s results yet.
14 All I want you to do is to look after my dog.
All I want you to do is to ………………….. my dog.
15 She was not certain about the trip.
She …………………………….. about the trip.
16 He locked the gate so that the dog wouldn’t escape.
He locked the gate …………………….. escaping.
17 They did not like to pay extra taxes.
They ……………………………………………. extra taxes.
18 The day was so nice that we went on a picnic.
It was ………………………. that we went on a picnic.
19 The only person I didn’t see was Jane.
I …………………………………………….. Jane.
20 She decided to visit her friend and tell her the news.
She decided to ………………… her friend and tell her the news.
21 We have to reduce our expenses.
We have to ………………………………………….. our expenses.
22 “Can you please explain this to me?” she asked the teacher.
She asked the teacher …………………………………… to her.
23 Perhaps he’s working late.
He ………………………………………. late.
24 Nobody ever told me about it.
I ………………………………………………. about it.
25 “I’ll pick him up from the airport,” she said.
She …………………….. from the airport.
26 I was so shocked that I couldn’t react.
I …………………………………………………………………… react.
27 People say Greek is a difficult language to learn.
Greek …………………………. difficult language to learn.
28 The police have investigated the crime.
The crime ………………………………………………………… the police.
29 Without your help, I would never have managed.
If ………………………………………. , I would never have managed.
30 The manager made the employees stay late.
The employees …………………………… by the manager.
31 He knows everything about flowers.
He ……………………………… flowers.
32 If you are not old enough you cannot watch certain films.
If you ……………………………….. you cannot watch certain films.
33 I regret that I gave him the money.
If only …………………………………………. him the money.
34 It was such a boring movie that we left.
The movie ………………………………………….. that we left.
35 People say that the pyramids are worth visiting.
The pyramids ………………………………………. worth visiting.
36 John cannot possibly borrow the car tonight.
It’s …………………………… for John to borrow the car tonight.
37 Could I continue what I was doing?
Could I …………………………… what I was doing?
38 Mary is slower at doing things than Jill.
Mary is …………………………….. Jill at doing things.
39 I can’t make up my mind about the colour.
I …………………………………….. the colour.
40 There are times when you have to do things by yourself.
There are times when you have to do things ……………….
41 You were late, so you missed the match.
If you hadn’t ……………………………………….. missed the match.
42 I am sorry I forgot your birthday.
I ………………………………………………. your birthday.
43 The burglar managed to escape without punishment.
The burglar managed to ……………. punishment.
44 He failed the test because he did not study enough.
His failure in the test ………………….. not studying enough.
45 I wonder if you can lend me something to wear tonight.
Would ………………….. something to wear tonight?
46 We can’t decide where to go on holidays.
We can’t ……………………. where to go on holidays.
47 Can you take me to the station by car?
Can you …………………………………. to the station?
48 You will miss the bus if you don’t hurry up.
You will miss the bus ……………………………………………………….
49 It is likely that they have already left.
They …………………….. left.
50 How much is the bus fare from London to Cambridge?
How much ………………. from London to Cambridge by bus?
51 Sally has not come to school because she has been sick.
Sally …………………………. school because she has been sick.
52 It is often difficult to find an answer to a problem.
Finding ……………………………… a problem is often difficult.
53 I was lucky you let me stay with you for the night.
I was lucky you …………………………………. for the night.
54 I advised him to stop smoking.
I …………………………….. stop smoking.
55 They are going to do up my room.
I’m going ……………………………. decorated.
56 Jane doesn’t often see Mike.
Jane ……………………………. Mike.
57 I can understand this quite well
It’s ……………………………………….. understand this.
58 My mother doesn’t like us to stay out late.
My mother doesn’t ……………………………… out late.
59 Mary is employed by IBM, isn’t she?
Mary ……………………………………… she?
60 They could not understand what she said.
They ……………………………………. what she said.

Beijing is China's centre for politics, education, culture and trade. It's situated ______ northern China,
close to the port city of Tianjin. It has ______ancient past, but also boasts a wealth of modern
developments, and is ______ of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. About 145 million
tourists visit Beijing ______ year. Beijing has ______ the capital of China ______ over 850 years,
but ______ history dates back more than 3000 years. Beijing is also known ______ "Peking".
Beijing's ______ famous attraction is the Great Wall. As the saying ______ , one who fails to reach the
Great Wall is not a true hero. The Great Wall of China is a series ______ stone and earthen
fortifications ______ was built and rebuilt between the 5th-16th centuries BC. It ______ constructed
to protect the northern borders from attacks by the Xiongnu, ______ various successive dynasties.
______ the centre of Beijing you will find the Forbidden City. Home to the emperors of the Ming and
Qing dynasties, the Forbidden City houses the largest palace complex in the world. It also contains the
Palace Museum with imperial collections of Chinese art.
The city has hosted many internationally acclaimed sporting events. In 2008, the summer Olympics
and Paralympics ______ held in Beijing. Other competitions include figure skating, badminton,
snooker and marathons.
In the early 21st century, Beijing ______ witnessed enormous growth, ______ the construction of new
buildings showcasing various contemporary styles from international designers. A mixture of both
traditional and modern styles of architecture can ______ seen at the 798 Art Zone.
Education in England

In England, the education system is separated ________ four different types. "Early years" education
is for children aged 3-4. From 4-11 years, children________ in "primary" education and from 11-18
they are in "secondary education". "Tertiary" education is ________ anyone over the age of eighteen.
This is also sometimes called "higher" education. Full time education is compulsory ________ the
ages of 5-17, and the school leaving age________ increased to 18 years in the year 2015.
The state pays for children's education during the compulsory period, but fees need to be ________ for
early years schooling and higher education. The education system is organised by the Department for
Education. In each city or town, local education authorities (LEAs) are
responsible ________ implementing the government's policy ________ education, curriculum and
education spending.
In England, most undergraduate degree courses ________ for three years, (although when the subject
is a language, the course often includes ________ extra year spent abroad). Tuition fees for English
universities are around £9000 ________ academic year for students from the EU. Non-EU students
can expect to pay considerably more.
There ________ a lot of debate and criticism in the UK at the moment regarding the education system.
Many people think that education standards ________ fallen for many years, and that the government
makes ________ many changes to the system. Schools are required to show that their students' results
improve every year, ________ is unrealistic. ________ order to achieve this, exams have become
easier each year, so that the results appear to have improved where actually they have not. In a recent
survey, it________ found that around 50% of universities ________ not believe that the A grades that
are now awarded ________ secondary schools prove that the students are of a high ________ standard
to begin a degree course. Several universities now ask applicants to________ an entrance exam in
addition to their school exams.
Glass Blowing

The art _____ blowing glass goes back many thousands of years. The earliest evidence we have
dates _____ to the 1st century BC, _____ several broken fragments of glass were found in a pile of
trash outside a glass shop in the Old City of Jerusalem._____ most glass is now produced in factories,
glass-blowers can still be found across the globe, still using the traditional techniques that they have
used for centuries.
The glass-blower works _____ a bench, where he sits to work and keeps his tools within _____ reach.
Glass-blowers use a furnace which has three chambers _____ are different temperatures. The first
(hottest) chamber is used to create the glass, and its temperature is around 1,320°C. The second
chamber is sometimes called "the glory hole", and this reduces the glass to _____ cooler temperature
so that the glass-blower can work it into the shapes he wants. The final chamber is _____ coldest one,
and is used to slowly cool the glass down, sometimes for several days. Cooling the glass slowly
prevents it _____ cracking.
The artisan uses a blowpipe, which is first pre-heated, _____ dipped into molten glass. The glass on
the blowpipe is then rolled over a flat slab, made of marble or steel. Then air is blown _____ the glass,
making a bubble. The glass-blower can then shape the bubble, add more glass onto it, and apply
patterns and colours. An example of an advanced glass-blowing technique is the "reticello", in which
the glass-blower uses two glass bubbles which are twisted in different directions, and then
joined _____.
The Great Fire of London

On the night of Sunday September 2nd 1666 a terrible fire started _______ the most ancient part of
England's capital, London. At _______ bakery of Thomas Farriner on Pudding Lane, the fire
broke _______ in the middle of the night, and was fanned_______ winds on to nearby buildings, most
of _______ were wooden structures. Houses in the area were built very close together, making it
easy _______ the flames to leap across into neighbouring buildings. By the following morning the fire
had spread northwards at a terrifying speed and _______ destroyed much of the medieval part of the
city. The mayor, Sir Thomas Bloodworth, acted slowly. Unsure_______ the best action to take, he took
none, and the fire swept across the city destroying everything in _______ path. Londoners panicked,
and there was much violence and rioting in the streets, _______ the locals suspected that foreigners
may _______ started the fire deliberately. The fire burned across the city _______ three days. On the
5th September, the winds died _______ and it became easier to tackle the fire.
It _______ thought that more _______ 13 thousand houses were burnt down, as well _______ 87
churches. Saint Paul's Cathedral was devastated. At the time, surprisingly, only six
people _______ confirmed dead. Modern historians think that several hundreds more might have died
however, but detailed census records were not kept for poor people _______ in the 17th century.
After such enormous destruction in the economic and social capital of the country, it
is _______ surprising that it took a long time for London to recover from the Great Fire. A large part
of the town had to _______ rebuilt of course, and several radical proposals were put _______. In the
end though, the city was rebuilt on more or _______ the same street plan that had been used before the
Great Fire.

Use of English Mulitple Choice - Snow White

Read through the whole text first to get an idea of what this multiple choice cloze exercise is about
Choose the best word (a, b, c or d) to complete each gap.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Snow White _________ in children's fairy tales across
acts appears shows reads
the whole of Europe.
The most famous version of the Snow White tale is that
written by the Brothers Grimm, a pair of German
academics who published books on folklore in the early into onto to on
19th century, and which was made _________ an
animated movie by Disney in 1937.
Snow White's appearance is very distinctive - she has jet wearing getting have on dressed
black hair, full ruby-red lips and skin as white as snow. dressed
She is always _________ in blue, with a long yellow
skirt with red and blue striped sleeves, and a white
collar. She wears a red bow in her hair.
She is a sweet and innocent young girl, but is also a
motherly mother motherish mothersome
kind, _________ character.
Disney's Snow White was drawn by Hamilton Luske,
intended able wanted interested
and was _________ to be as life-like as possible.
A pioneering film technique of the time was the use of
live-action footage as a reference point for the
animators. Marjorie Celeste Belcher, a young dancer, according related copied based
provided the motions as a live-action model, then the
animation was drawn_________ on her moves.
The end result was a very _________ animation. perfect amazing convincing spectacular
The girl who provided Snow White's voice in the 1937
production was hired almost by _________, as she was
overheard singing during an assistant's telephone call. purpose accident luck fate
Adriana Cazelotti received only $970 for providing the
silky voice of Snow White.
Disney earned $8 million from the
original _________ of Snow White and the Seven releasing released releasement release
It has remained popular over the decades, and has been
seeing regarding watching viewing
digitally remastered for home _________ on DVD.
Spin-offs include a Snow White Theme Park, a video
game and a Broadway musical, as well numerous numberous numerical numbering
as _________ toys, games and other branded products.

Word Formation Exercise - The Panama Canal

In this exercise, one word has been removed from each line of the text. The root of the word is given in
capital letters at the end of each line. Change the root word into the correct form to complete each
line. Read the whole text first so that you know what it's about.
In the Central American country of Panama there is a canal which connects the Atlantic
and Pacific Oceans - the Panama Canal.________
a canal to link these two bodies of water was first attempted in the late 19th century by
French engineers. They did not ________
because they ________ how difficult the project would be to complete. The conditions
were terrible - for example, the mountains in
the area were very ________. When the construction workers tried to cut into the
mountainside, they caused fatal landslides. Also, the land was
frequently soaked with ________ tropical rains, and malaria from the huge number of
mosquitoes in the countryside was a constant threat. It
is ________ that around 22,000 people, mostly men, lost their lives during the French
attempt to build the canal, and eventually after about
eight years of struggle, the ________ company went bankrupt. In the early 20th
century, America bought the contract to continue
the ________ of the canal, and it was finally finished in 1914. The total cost to America
was around $375,000,000 (which is about
$8,600,000,000 today). The canal is extremely busy all year round. Nearly a million
ships navigate through the canal ________. Using
the canal cuts ________ 15,000 km off a journey, compared with going the long way
round, (around South America).

Word Formation Exercise - The Vero Centre

One of the most famous skyscrapers in New Zealand is The Vero Centre, situated in
Auckland and constructed in
the year 2000. Inside the building you can find a health club and gym, shops and other
retail outlets, ________
32 stories of offices. The Vero Centre is not only one of New
Zealand’s ________ structures, but also one of its most
technologically and ecologically advanced. It is located in Auckland's
most ________ legal and financial street but
is also only a short distance away from the heart of the city centre. Despite its
immense ________, the tower is
regarded as having had a positive effect on the ________ of eastern Auckland. Before
the tower's construction,
the area had mostly consisted of low quality or aesthetically________ buildings, such
as low-grade student housing,
________ warehouses and run-down shops. The local government offered the designers
incentives to build the tower.
In exchange for ________ to exhibit local art-work in the public lobby, for example, the
developers were granted
permission to build on a ________ area than would normally have been allowed. Not
everybody agreed with this strategy,
however. The building has received ________ awards for energy efficiency, design and
construction. Experts claim
that it uses ________ 10% less energy than the average council building in New


1 Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.

0 My alarm clock didn’t go off and so I overslept this morning. OVERSLEEP

1 I had been in the country for a year, but I still felt like a ________________ . FOREIGN
2 I have never felt such great ________________ since the day I got married. HAPPY
3 He’s only been in the job for one week so he’s a bit ________________ . EXPERIENCE
4 I’ve known him since school days. Our ________________ is very strong. FRIEND
5 It makes me feel bad to see so many________________ people sleeping in the street. HOME
6 It hasn’t rained for months and there’s a great water ________________ . SHORT
7 I don’t like this job. I’m ________________ and overworked. PAY
8 Smoking can be very ________________ to your health. DANGER
9 We’ve got all the modern ________________ in our factory. MACHINE
10 I’m really sorry, I think there has been a ________________ . UNDERSTAND

2 Complete each compound word with a word from the box.

about ache coat doors ground makers path table washer

0 Make sure you walk on the footpath , because the road is dangerous.
1 Turn left at the next round________________.
2 My time________________ this year is quite good – I’ve got nothing on Friday afternoon.
3 I’d prefer to stay in a hotel with holiday________________ , rather than business people.
4 Has anyone got an aspirin? I’ve got a terrible head________________ .
5 It’s cold outside, I think you’ll need an over________________ .
6 To get into London from Heathrow airport just take the Under_____________ .
7 You don’t need to clean the plates yourself, we have a dish________________ .
8 It’s a lovely day. Let’s eat our lunch out________________ in the park.

3 Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

0 By 11.00 I felt so tired/tiring that I went to bed.

1 How many photos did you make/take on holiday?
2 I read a really interested/interesting article in the newspaper today.
3 That meal we had yesterday was horrible. I particularly/properly disliked the fish.
4 Have you got any more clothes to put in the dishwasher/washing machine?
5 I’ve told you now/time and again to do your homework!
6 John hates waiting more than ten minutes for a bus. He gets very impatient/unpatient.
7 Sharon was early for her appointment so she read a magazine to lose/pass the time.
8 Shall I turn the central conditioning/heating off. It’s very hot in here.
9 Marcus always said/told the truth. It was impossible for him to lie.
10 It was awful/awfully difficult to read the sign as it was so dark.

4 Choose the word on the right that best matches the descriptions.

0 in the kitchen – you find plates and cups in it d a) bin

1 in the wall, where you get power for electrical equipment ___ b) carpet
2 in the kitchen – turn it to get water ___ c) ceiling
3 in the corner of the room, full of paper ___ d) cupboard
4 the top part of the house – where the chimney is ___ e) cushion
5 the top part of the room – where the lamp hangs down ___ f) fence
6 around the garden ___ g) gate
7 between the front door and the garden, to help you get down ___ h) pillow
8 at the end of the garden path, just before the street ___ i) roof
9 covering the floor, from one wall to the other ___ j) rug
10 covering a small area of the floor, in the middle of the room ___ k) socket
11 on a bed, to make your head comfortable ___ l) step
12 on a sofa, to make your back comfortable ___ m) tap

5 Underline the correct word in each sentence.

0 When her bicycle was stolen, Jill became extremely angry/nervous.

1 Do you like/fancy going out for a pizza this evening?
2 A lot of my relatives/parents live in America.
3 Those grapes look delicious. I’ll have a large packet/bunch, please.
4 She always shows good judgment. She’s very sensible/sensitive.
5 My brother would really look good in that shirt/blouse.
6 Can you borrow/lend me some money until tomorrow?
7 I was absolutely fascinated/fascinating by his story about Africa.
8 Happy anniversary/birthday, Oliver! Six years old today. Are you having fun?
9 You’ll find better prices/values in the shops if you wait until the sales.
10 My car has broken down. Could you give me a hand/help?
11 Waiter, here is my credit card. Can I have a receipt/bill please?
12 This pullover is much too big for me. It feels really lose/loose.

6 Complete each sentence with a word from the box. One of the words is used twice.

after away back down for in on out up with

0 I’m longing for a few weeks holiday.

1 Excuse me, I’d like to try ________________ this jacket. Where are the changing rooms?
2 I’ll lend you the money but you must pay me ________________ by Friday.
3 Christine said she’d drop ________________ to see her aunt on the way home from Scotland.
4 Do you think my new shirt will go ________________ these trousers?
5 Paul promised to help me with the decorating today but he’s gone to a football match instead. He’s really
let me ________________ .
6 Joanna put ________________ a thick pair of boots as it was snowing outside.
7 Let’s go ________________ to Paris for the weekend. I’ve never been there.
8 Did you know that Louise is going ________________ with my ex-boyfriend?
9 Robbie wanted to dress ________________ as Batman for the party.
10 Jack takes ________________ his father. They’ve even got the same ears!

7a Match the words in the box with the definitions.

cruise journey tour travel trip voyage

0 the general activity of moving from place to place (uncountable noun) travel
1 going from one place to another, usually over a long distance or long time ________________
2 going to a place, staying there, and coming back again ________________
3 a circular journey during which you visit several places ________________
4 a holiday on a large ship ________________
5 a long journey by sea or in space ________________

b Now complete each sentence with a word from the same box.

0 Foreign travel is very popular these days.

1 The sightseeing ________________ costs €15. You see Big Ben, the Tower of London and St Paul’s.
2 We drove from Germany all the way down to Italy. It was a two-day ________________ .
3 The ________________ from England to America across the Atlantic took several weeks.
4 My parents are going on a ________________ around the Caribbean Islands.
5 They’ve just come back from a ________________ to Ireland. They had a wonderful time.

8 The words in italics are in the wrong sentences. Find the best word for each sentence.

0 We weren’t sure what to order for lunch, so we asked for the whistle. menu
1 There are no cars in the city centre – it’s a traffic-free menu. ________________
2 If you can’t afford a hotel, why not stay in a youth crossing? ________________
3 The morning rush tyre lasts from seven until half past nine. ________________
4 We can’t drive to Italy in one day. We’ll need to make an overnight hour. ________________
5 Sorry I’m late. I was stuck in a traffic zone. ________________
6 It’s safer to walk along the road a bit and use the pedestrian hostel. ________________
7 I had to push my bike all the way up the hill. I got a flat stop. ________________
8 The players must stop when they hear the referee’s jam. ________________

9 Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each space.

Hi James

We’re on holiday at the moment and we’ve brought our (0) B with us. It’s small but quite comfortable. We’re
(1) ______ in France for two weeks, right in the middle of the French (2) ______ . There’s some wonderful (3)
______ around here. There’s even a small (4) ______ where I can (5) ______ fishing. The place has certainly
(6) ______ up to our expectations.

Actually, we’re lucky to be here as a car (7) ______ into a lorry in front of us on the motorway in England and
we nearly (8) ______ the boat. Sarah was ill for a short while and I had to go to the (9) ______ in the nearest
village to get her some aspirin. She seems to have got (10) ______ her illness now, but I had to make all the
(11) ______ for a couple of days. As you know, I’m not the best (12) ______ in the world and while I was (13)
______ some bacon the pan was set (14) ______ fire. Luckily, we had a fire (15) ______ with us and it soon
brought the fire under control.

We’re off to the beach now. Hope you’re keeping well.

All the best


0 A bungalow B caravan C castle D cottage

1 A passing B remaining C spending D staying

2 A country B countryside C land D ground

3 A look B scenery C sight D view

4 A canal B river C sea D stream

5 A do B go C make D take

6 A kept B lived C seemed D was

7 A collapsed B crashed C hit D struck

8 A arrived B caught C lost D missed

9 A chemist’s B physician C surgeon D hospital

10 A from B off C on D over

11 A courses B food C meals D plates

12 A chef B chief C cook D cooker

13 A baking B boiling C grating D frying

14 A in B from C on D over

15 A brigade B engine C extinguisher D fighter

10 Complete each sentence with a word formed from the word in capitals.

0 Nowadays it’s very important to get a good education . EDUCATE

1 I don’t have much ________________ of European history. KNOW
2 My pencil has broken! Have you got a ________________ ? SHARP
3 Tomorrow I’m going to send off my ________________ form for the job. APPLY
4 Her brother works in the factory as an ________________ . ENGINE
5 The ________________ in this city has got worse. I find it difficult to breathe. POLLUTE
6 Tony Blair is one of Britain’s most famous ________________ . POLITICS
7 I’ve been out of work for ages. It’s not much fun being ________________ . EMPLOY
8 If you go to court you will need a good ________________ . LAW
9 Our team is very ________________ . We’ve won three international competition this year. SUCCEED
10 It’s very difficult to live in London on a low ________________ . COME

11 Choose the word on the right to complete each sentence.

0 Look! It’s not working because the plug isn’t in the j . a) battery
1 My shirt got very creased in the suitcase. I need an ___ . b) bulb
2 If the shelf is coming off the wall, try to tighten the ___ . c) glue
3 Hang your coat over there on that ___ . d) hook
4 When a lamp suddenly goes out, we need to change the ___ . e) iron
5 If you need to climb onto the roof, use a ___ . f) ladder
6 If you get lost in the forest, use your ___ . g) lock
7 This key doesn’t work. They must have changed the ___ . h) razor
8 To stop the alarm working, the burglars cut the ___ . i) screw
9 In case of punctures, cars always carry a spare ___ . j) socket
10 I need to have a shave, but I haven’t got a ___ . l) compass
11 My mobile phone isn’t working. I need to recharge the ___ . l) tyre
12 The envelope won’t stick down properly. I need some ___ . m) wire

12 Underline the correct word in each sentence.

0 Before we set off, we listened to the climate/weather forecast.

1 My favourite/preferred time of year is Spring.
2 Our main bureau/office is in Swindon.
3 Can I just write that date down in my agenda/diary?
4 Your hair is too long. Give me those cutters/scissors and I’ll cut it.
5 I’m always pulling up crops/weeds in the garden. They get everywhere.
6 At present people resign/retire at 65. In the future it may be different.
7 The car has got a small engine/machine and is very economical to use.
8 Lots of chemicals farmers use harm/spoil the environment.
9 Julie’s studying to become a primary school professor/teacher.
10 Bill thanked the guest/host for the party and went home.
I. Supply the correct mood of the verbs in brackets:
1. We (to be) ………………disappointed if there is no snow for winter holidays. 2. If I (to
know) ……………….his language, I would speak to him. 3. It (to rain) ……………………….. if
there had been a high wind. 4. If you ( not to learn) …………………… it so well, you would not have
had a good mark. 5. If it rains this afternoon, I (to take) …………………. my coat. 6. I (to return)
……………………… if you want me to. 7. Your flowers would grow better if you (to water)
………………… them more frequently. 8. Would you mind if I (to come) …………………….. a
little later? 9. If he (not to break) …………………… his leg, he would have been able to take part in
competition. 10. If you (to make) …………………… a mistake, the teacher would correct it.
II. Supply the correct mood of the verbs in brackets:
1. I (to touch) ……………………… if I (to be) ………………….you. 2. We (to have) ….
………… dinner at home if we (not to miss) ……………………. the bus. 3. If he (to be able)
………………………… to swim, he (to drown) ……………….………… 4. If she (to answer)
……………………….. the telephone, she (to hear) ………..…………….. the good news. 5. You (to
find) ……………………… the book if you (to open) ……………………….. the bag. 6. We (not to
know) ………………………. anything about their plans for the summer holidays if Mario (not to
send ) ……………………….us a letter. 7. If he (to be) ……………………in town yesterday he (to
call) ……………………... on us. 8. If I (to know) …………………… of your arrival I (to meet)
………………………… you. 9. If you (to know) ……………………….. what it is all about, you (not
to keep on ) …………………..……… smiling. 10. If you (to leave) ………………………. earlier
you (to catch) ……………………… the tram.

III. Paraphrase the following into complex sentences with subordinate clauses of condition.
1. Come and stay with us for a week or there about. We should be only too glad!
2. I recognised you at once, for your brother described you to me.

3. I forgot to wind up my watch. It has stopped.

4. I will not invite them so they will not come.

5. The garden doesn’t look beautiful because the trees are bare.

6. The river was not frozen. We could not go skating.

7. They had planned to visit us, but Mary fell ill

8. Open the door or I won’t be able to come in.

9. Mr. Smith modernised his factory years ago, and now he is rich.

10. He doesn’t know her address or he will write to her, I’m sure.

IV. Supply the correct mood of the verbs in brackets:

1. Dora wished she (to get) …………………………her book out of the suitcase before the
train started. 2. I wish I (can)…………………. play tennis as well as you do. 3. He wished he (to
stay) ……..….…………… in bed the whole morning. 4. I wish I (to know) ………………… he was
your friend. 5. You are looking wonderful, I wish I (to have) ………………….. your health and
vitality. 6. She wishes we (can) ………………….understand her. 7. She wished they (not to notice)
……………………. her embarrassment. 8. I wish I (to buy ) ……………. the car when it was
cheaper. 9. I wish I (not to lie) ……………………. to Mary. She is so upset now. 10. My father
wished he (to see) …………….…… the football match but he didn’t have time.

V. Choose the correct conditional form to complete the sentences below. Once you have decided
on your answer, click on the arrow to check your answer.
1. If I … (stay) in Barlinek, I would have found a new girlfriend.

2. He would do more to help the poor if he … (be) the Pope.

3. If he goes to London on a business trip, he often …. (visit) Soho.

4. We won't go to the film unless they … (arrive) in the next 5 minutes.

5. She … (buy) a new car if she had had the money.

6. If Yoko were me, she … (go) to Manchester immediately.

7. They will talk to Jacek if he … (come).

8. Bożena comes to work 30 minutes late if her child … (miss) the bus to school.

9. If Peter … (think) twice, he wouldn't have made such a stupid mistake.

10. Kasia … (become) a university lecturer if she studies hard.

11. If they … (know) all the facts, they would have found the defendant guilty.

12. Unless you … (hurry up), we will never arrive on time.

13. If I were in charge, I … (change) the standard business routines.

14. He takes his daughter out to dinner, if she … (come) to town.

15. If I hadn't known better, I … (trust) him.

Q1 - If I ...... you, I would tell him straightaway had been
were were
Q7 - Provided you ........ there half an hour before it
Q2 - If you ...... yellow and blue, you get green starts, you'll get straight in
will mix will get
mix get

Q3 - If I .........., I would never have done it Q8 - Unless you ....... drinking, you'll have serious
knew health problems
had known will stop
Q4 - Unless you ...... things easy, you'll get ill
take Q9 - If you see him, ......... him to call me?
don't take will you ask
would you have asked
Q5 - ........, I'd have come immediately
Were I to know Q10 - ........ her help, I'd have been in real trouble
Had I known But for
If only
Q6 - If I ...... you, I would never have done that
Q11 - ........, what would you ask her? would
Had you seen her will
Were you to see her
Q25 - What would you do if the police ......... you?
Q12 - If I ........., I'd have done it myself arrested
were there arrest
had been there
Q26 - Provided you ......... the application forms,
Q13 - ........., you'll miss your flight you should get the loan straightaway
If you hurry will complete
Unless you hurry complete

Q14 - ....... there, will you ask him to call me? Q27 - I ......... there if I'd known about it
If he will be would never have gone
Should he be would never go

Q15 - Suppose there ......... a problem, what would Q28 - She ............. so worried about the operation
you have been able to do? if the doctor had explained things better
had been wouldn't have been
was wouldn't be

Q16 - If the weather holds, I ........ play golf this Q29 - ......... there, you could have helped me
afternoon Unless you had been
will Had you been
Q30 - If I ...... in your shoes, I'd be very worried
Q17 - If I ........, I'll do it this evening indeed
could would be
can were

Q18 - Come on Friday if you ....... Q31 - If he ........ earlier, many lives wouldn't have
will be able to been ruined
can had been caught
was caught
Q19 - ........ you retire if you won the lottery?
Would Q32 - What ........... if you had seen an accident on
Will your way here?
would you have done
Q20 - If she ..... there, will you give her a message would you do
for me?
is Q33 - If the ambulance had arrived sooner,
will be they ......... her life
had saved
Q21 - What ........ do if you were in my position? might have saved
will you
would you Q34 - How ...... you cope if you lost your job?
Q22 - You'll be very ill ....... smoking would
if you stop
unless you stop Q35 - If he tries, he ........ do well
Q23 - He ....... be able to see you if you get there would
before nine o'clock
would Q36 - If you'd told me earlier, I ....... to help you the
might other day
might be able
Q24 - Provided you work hard, you ....... pass the might have been able
exam without any difficulty
Q37 - If I had my life over again, I ...... to ought
university to study history should
would have gone
would go Q39 - I ......... better than to have trusted them
should have known
Q38 - If he's there, you ...... to tell him what should know


would have done
Q1 - I told him ____ do it. Q11 - He told me he ___ be here by three o'clock at
to not the latest and it's half past already.
to don't will
not to would
don't Either could be used here.

Q2 - He asked us ____ show our passports. Q12 - She promised she _____ do it by the end of
if the week and then let me down.
to will
for would
Either could be used here.
Q3 - She asked us if we ____ finished the work on
Monday. Q13 - She said it _____ raining when she got here.
have already started
had had already started
Either could be used here. Either could be used here.

Q4 - She asked us ____ on time. Q14 - She explained how ______ do it.
to be to
for being I should
Either could be used here.
Q5 - She asked if she ____ leave early.
can Q15 - He said he _____ her before.
could didn't meet
hadn't met
Q6 - They asked me _____ going to the party.
Either could be used here.
that I was
if I was

Q7 - He told me ____ my father.
to phone
Q1 - I ...... to him for the past month
Q8 - She said that no one _____ to the meeting last didn't speak
week. haven't spoken
has come
had come Q2 - Professionals ....... as doctors and lawyers
Q9 - She told me ____ she wasn't going to come. Such
--- Q3 - The dog's ..... the field
Either could be used here. in
Q10 - He asked me what I _____ if I failed to get
the job. Q4 - Professionals ....... doctors and lawyers
Like where
Such which

Q5 - The doctor, ..... saw me in the afternoon Q19 - The house in ..... I was born
who where
that which

Q6 - The nurse ..... saw me in the afternoon Q20 - ..... least

who at
which in

Q7 - Something ...... to be done about it Q21 - It didn't bother me ..... the least
ought at
should in

Q8 - I didn't see ..... Q22 - According .... the media

anyone to
no-one with

Q9 - She didn't ..... finish it Q23 - In accordance ..... the regulations

quite with
quiet to

Q10 - The ..... film I've ever seen Q24 - She took it ...... her bag
worse from
worst out

Q11 - The worst play I've ..... seen Q25 - She took it ...... of her bag
ever from
never out

Q12 - I saw ..... Q26 - It was ...... hot to drink

anybody too
nobody such

Q13 - Something ...... be done about it Q27 - It was ...... hot that I couldn't drink it
ought so
should too

Q14 - We ..... better be off now Q28 - It was ...... hot to touch
had too
would so

Q15 - It's about a journey up ..... Q29 - It was ..... a nice day
the Amazon so
Amazon such

Q16 - We stayed at ....... Hotel Q30 - The weather was ..... nice
Grand so
The Grand such

Q17 - The house ..... I was born Q31 - It all happened ..... quickly
where so
which such

Q18 - The house ..... I was born in Q32 - ..... people

Many Q33 - ..... the people
Many of Many
Many of

 Complete these sentences with if, unless, when, as soon as or until.
1. We’ll never get there on time __________ Sedef gets ready quickly.
2. I’m so excited. I’m going to get my skis on _________ we get there!
3. I’d take that job _________ the salary was better.
4. I’ll take driving lessons ________ I’ve finished school. I’m not in a hurry.
5. I can’t go to the office ________ I’ve found my car keys!
6. Alex won’t get a birthday present from me __________ I go shopping today. His birthday is
7. We won’t be able to buy a new car _________ we’ve saved enough money.
8. I have to take the pasta out of the water __________ it’s cooked, or it gets too soft and sticky.
9. We’d go and visit them more often _________ getting there was cheaper.
10. I’d buy myself an up-to-date iPhone __________ I had a really good job.

 Complete the sentences with the verb either in future or present tense, using contractions
when possible.

1. He will wash up before he (to go) to bed.

2. When it (to get) cold I 'll light the fire.
3. When the Queen (to arrive) the audience will stand up.
4. She (to give) the children their dinner before he comes home.
5. I will pay you when I (to get) my cheque.
6. She (to stay) in bed till the clock strikes seven.
7. He'll have to behave better when he (to go) to school.
8. She will go on until he (to tell) her to stop.
9. The lift (not start) until you press that button.
10. When he (to return) I'll give him the key.
I. Fill in the sentences with the correct form of the passive:

1 Please wait in the lounge while your room ________(clean).

2 From next week, you ________ (expect) to arrive at work on time.
3 Too much money ________ (spend) last year on personal expenses.
4 Most of the pollution in city centers ________ (cause) by traffic jams.
5 Around £500,000 ________ (steal) from a bank in London this afternoon.
6 Next year over 2,000,000 mobile phones ________ (make) in China.
7 Kill Bill ________ (direct) by Quentin Tarantino.

II. Complete the jokes by putting the verbs in brackets in the correct passive:

1. A teacher asked her class to write an essay about a football match. A minute later all the students
were writing except one boy. The teacher looked at his paper. It said, “The game
………………….. (stop) in the first minute by rain.”
2. “Why …………..the tennis player ………….(give) a cigarette lighter at the end of the
“I don’t know”
“Because he had lost all his matches”
3. “Mum, do all fairy tales begin with <Once upon a time>?”
“No, darling. Some start with : < Sorry I’m so late, darling, I ……………… (detain) at the

III. Complete these jokes by putting the verbs given in the correct perfect passive form:

1. “Why are you putting a bandage over your pay cheque?”

“Because my salary ………just…………. (cut)”
2. A man went to a hospital for a new brain. He was given a choice between two brains – an
engineer’s for 30,000 $ or a politician’s for 600,000 $.
“Does that mean the politician’s brain is much better?”
“ Not exactly, said the doctor. The politician’s brain ……never ……..(use).
3. “I …………………..(ask) to get married hundreds of times.”
“ Oh! Who by?”
“My parents”
4. A man was visiting his friend in hospital.
“ You ………………..(miss) by everybody at the factory.”
“ That’s nice”
“Yes. Yesterday the boss came to me and said:<What’s happened to what’s-his-name?>”

IV. Ask questions about the underlined part of the sentences:

1. The car belongs to my uncle.

2. The orchestra is playing dance music.
3. The post arrives twice a week.
4. Sir John is kissing a young girl.
5. I usually take two aspirins when I have a headache.
6. She reads love stories mostly.
7. She is wearing a red dress.
8. At Halloween American kids dress up as ghosts.
9. Your father smokes at least 10 cigarettes a day.
10. Miss Smith is talking to her dog in Japanese.

V. Complete with the right form of the verb indicated:

1. We (live) _________in this small house for the time being.
2. Our house (face)_________west.
3. That woman (wear)_____________my hat!
4. This soup (taste)___________awful.
5. I assure you that the man who (stand)__________over there(not spy)__________on us.
You (imagine)______________things!

VI. Circle the correct form:

1. I must admit that we have serious problems but now we work/are working hard to solve them.
2. Millions of commuters rely/are relying on the railways to get to work in the morning.
3. To be honest, the service is so bad that, until it improves, I drive/am driving to work.
4. Ladies and gentlemen, the train approaches/is approaching King's Cross station, where this service
terminates/is terminating.
5. Do you often go/are going to work by bike?

VII. Complete the jokes by using the right form of the suitable verb from the following: chew,
drown, look, tell, eat

1.”The police ……………for a man with one eye called Bone.”

“What’s his other eye called ?”
2. “Is that your nose or you just ………………..a banana?”
3. It’s Andrew’s first day at a new school.” Excuse me, young man ,but ,…………… gum?” “No,
sir, I’m Andrew Sale.”
4.”Come out of the water ! You are not allowed to swim here!”
“But, I’m not swimming officer, I…………………!!”
5. Two little sisters are in bed together.
“Are you asleep?”
“I (not)………………….you!”

VIII. Complete these sentences with used to or use to and the correct form of the verb in

1. At first I found it difficult to wake up so early, but now I…………………………(get up) at 5.30
every day.
2. When we were young, my sister and I …………….….(fight) like cat and dog.
3. My last English teacher made us work really hard; he …………………………………(never give)
us any free time.
4. I……………….. (not like) seafood, but now I’m mad about it!
5. I……………………………………..(not) this horrible weather. I prefer sunshine and warmth.

IX. Correct the mistake in each sentence:

1. Although she doesn’t look it, my sister is much more young than me.
2. Mark is the younger person in the class.
3. Do you think that Yvette is the prettiest girl in our class.
4. The month I spent in Australia was the more exciting month of my life!
5. My brother is slight shorter than me.

X. Choose the best alternative to complete these sentences:

1. He seems a bit rude when you first meet him, 3. ………………… holidays , I like to take
but when you……………. to know him better, things easy and relax.
he’s really very friendly. A While B. at C. with D. during
A. do B. go C. get D. make 4. We had……………………. a great time we
2. I don’t think I……………. to go out tonight. didn’t want to come home.
A. Should B. ought C. must D. shouldn’t A. So B. very C. really D. such
5. They ……………………….us not to walk on 8. He is afraid to……………………………..his
the ice in case it broke. mind; sometimes he can be a bit insensitive.
A. Said B. suggest C. warned D. A. talk B. well C. discuss D.
explained speak
6. He was nervous because 9. I love that story you wrote; it
he………………..been on an aeroplane before. was………………….. excellent.
A. wasn’t B. hadn’t C. Isn’t D. A. very B. extremely C. such D.
didn’t absolutely
7. We spent a ……………………………… 10. This computer costs L850. It’s only
more money than we had intended. a…………cheaper than the one you brought last
A. lot B. much C. far D week.
great A. little B.less C. much D. slightly

XI. Translate the following sentences:

1. El locuieste in acest oras din 1989.
2. Doar ce am terminat de luat cina.
3. Avionul va decola la 8 p.m.
4. El vorbeste fluent doua limbi.
5. O sa varuiesc camera fiicei mele la primavara.
6. Este primul lucru pe care mi l-ai spus toata ziua.

XII. Turn the sentences into indirect speech:

1. Open the window!
2. Why did you change your job?
3. Why didn’t you go to Mary’s party yesterday?
4. Where will you go tomorrow after the classes?
5. Are you going to her office?
6. Do you like living in the country?

XIII. Turn the sentences into the passive voice:

1. They are building the bridge now.
2. He gave his mother a flower.
3. She brought the news to her friends.
4. They didn’t inform us.
5. She looks after the children very well.

XIV. Choose the suitable word in brackets:

1. (pleasant, pleasantly) We had a …… time in Mamaia.
2. (clearly, clear) Jim spoke very …… when he told us about that.
3. (hard, hardly) He works …… for his children.
4. (slow, slowly) We drove ……along the narrow road.
5. (sad, sadly) His …… eyes cleared when he heard the news.
1. The young woman with the broken leg leaned … the ambulance assistant.
2. Mothers tell their children not to stare … people.
3. The teacher was very happy because all the students laughed … her jokes.
4. Please protect me … the bad people!
5. During the holidays I always think … you.
6. My mother likes it when I write her e-mail messages; she loves to hear … me.
7. The politician asked me to vote … him.
8. What does this dish consist … ? Just rice and beans.
9. Please include me … your plans; I would very much like to go to the cinema with you.
10. I recently received a cheque … my uncle.
11. Don't thank me … preparing this exercise; it was a real pleasure for me.
12. Oh, go away! Disappear … my sight!
13. My teachers are always trying to prevent me … doing something stupid.
14. I approve … the president's foreign policy.
15. She was very amused … what they did.
16. His parents told him he would never be great; they thought he would never amount … anything.
17. I cannot cope … small children; they make me very tired.
18. She was always very pleased … her students.
19. I always say "Hope … the best, but prepare … the worst."
20. If you know what's good for you you won't interfere … me or my plans!
21. The thief confessed … the robbery.
22. You should always reply … my e-mail messages.
23. It is always wise to protect oneself … bad people and situations.
24. She always confused Spanish … Portuguese.
25. Don't forget to pay … your shopping before you leave the store.


1. She is so irritating; she always thinks she is right … everything.
2. I am keen … paragliding - I go every Sunday, rain or shine.
3. She goes weak … the knees every time her boyfriend comes into the room.
4. I am safe … danger in my house - I hope.
5. She is very quick … Maths.
6. It is never a good idea to be rude … other people.
7. She is jealous … her little sister.
8. My teacher is always patient … me.
9. Is there sufficient cake … everyone?
10. He is right … thinking that the earth is round.
11. I am enthusiastic … cinema, and anything to do with film-making.
12. She is too dependent … others; she should try to be more independent.
13. I am fortunate … my choice of friends - they are all great.
14. Don't sit so far … me! Come a little closer.
15. I think he is very good … his German lessons.
16. It is a good idea to be polite … everyone.
17. I am very fond … my aunt - she is a wonderful woman.
18. I am content … what I have.
19. I am ready … the next semester.
20. She was very curious … his private life!

Four words or phrases, labelled 1, 2, 3, and 4, are given below the conversation. Choose the word or phrase
that will correctly complete the conversation.
1. I am slow to _____.
express my opinion
express my viewing
make my views
make my opinion
2. I have to have this report finished _____.
by Friday
until Friday
Friday before
Friday beginning
3. We were fortunate enough to visit the Grand
Canyon. It has _____.
beautiful scenery that is much
many beautiful landscapes
many beautiful sceneries
much beautiful scenery
4. The car was parked directly _____ the diner.
ahead of
in front of
5. The ski resorts are usually crowded. There are
many people _____ skiing.
that enjoying
who enjoy
who enjoying
6. It is already 3 o'clock. Can you _____ time to catch
the bus?
have enough
have it in
make in
make it in
7. I went to have my glasses _____.
fit on
fitted on
8. Mary's house is _____ the hair salon. Do you think
you can find it?
near to
next to
9. The burning stick was very hot. He let _____ just in
alone it
go alone it
go it
go of it
10. Do we have _____ money to last us the week?
a lot of
plenty of
11. John decided _____ golf on weekends.
to begin
to commence
to take up
to start up
12. It _____ to me whether we meet them or not.
makes no difference
makes not a difference
is indifferent
is not a difference
13. We were _____ after all the hard work.
wear out
weary out
worn out
14. We saw _____ wild animals while on vacation.
quite a few
quite much
quite many
quite some
15. They are late as usual. I don't think we should
_____ them.
await for
wait for
await on
wait on
16. Are you _____ the competition?
going entering
go to enter
going to enter
17. You had better _____ the tourist information
inquire at
inquiring at
inquire to
inquiring at
18. Ireland was part of the UK, _____?
didn't it
wasn't it
hasn't it
weren't it
19. They will be _____ at the party.
at present
20. Will they go _____ this summer?
to swim
to swimming
21. The New York police were very anxious _____
about the crime.
more learn
learn more
to more learn
to learn more
22. Many excited women could _____ at the
department store sale.
be seen
be seeing
be see
23. The sink in the locker room tends to _____ .
flow over
over flowing
24. How long did the baseball game _____?
25. We must _____ the annual board meeting
attend to
attend in
Four words or phrases, labelled 1, 2, 3, and 4, are
given below the conversation. Choose the word or
phrase that will correctly complete the
1. The subway station is _____ here.
near to
near from
2. When we woke up, everywhere was _____ snow.
covered by
covered with
3. Do earthquakes _____ often in North America?
break out
happen to
4. We had better _____ before it begins to rain.
to leave
to leaving
5. A large crowd _____ in front of the train station.
to gather
had gathered
had gathering
6. In winter, driving accidents occur quite _____ on
the highways.
a few
7. Would you like to _____ to the United States?
8. Most people at some stage have a feeling _____.
of responsibility
to be responsible
9. This stadium can hold _____.
much audience
a large audience
much audiences
many audiences
10. When the mountain forests _____, there can be
large forest fires.
become dry
becoming dry
become drying
11. "What kind of work are you doing for that
"I'm _____ as an administrator."
12. "I don't want to buy anything, do you?"
"Yes, I'd like to buy _____"
much pencils
any pencils
some pencils
13. We can _____ sports on Saturday if you'd like.
14. _____ the hotel rooms are reserved throughout
peak season.
Almost of
Almost all of
Most of all
15. "Where did you work before?"
"I worked only minutes _____ railroad track."
from the
16. "I don't think it will rain at all today, do you?"
"No, I _____ so."
think not
not think
don't think
do think not
17. We have only another five minutes. I think we
be hurry
to hurry
should hurry
18. Many fans showed up at the stadium. They were
_____ the big game.
anxious seeing
anxious to see
to anxiously see
to see anxiously
19. "Who did you meet at the community dinner
"I met many _____ people."
20. "John isn't sure that the meeting will be held
"But I _____."
am certain
am certainly
21. My brother loves to watch baseball; I _____
prefer to watch
to prefer watching
watch preferring
preferring to watch
22. Many people are waiting for the news bulletin. It
will _____ soon.
be circulate
circulate around
come near
come around
23. I think our guests will _____.
be here shortly
shortly be here
here be shortly
here shortly be
24. Who _____ when John is likely to turn up.
do know
is knowing
25. The managers are _____ a new work schedule
arranging up
be arrange
to arranging

Four words or phrases, labelled 1, 2, 3, and 4, are given below the conversation. Choose the word or phrase
that will correctly complete the conversation.
1. His family keep asking him _____ smoking.
give up
giving up
to give up
to giving up
2. I plan _____ swimming twice a week from now on.
on do
to go
3. We have an exam next week. It is very necessary _____.
study hard
to study hard
hard study
to hard study
4. They opened the door at noon. Some people were already _____.
in line to wait
in line waiting
line in waiting
waiting in line
5. The theater performance _____.
was success
was a success
6. I had _____ finding my way around New York when I first arrived.
quite time
a quite time
a time quite
quite a time
7. Guess who I _____ yesterday. I saw my old landlord at the bank.
into run
into ran
ran into
run into
8. The next bus will arrive _____.
three o'clock
at three o'clock
on three o'clock
in three o'clock
9. He was _____ have a doctor's appointment today.
supposed to
supposing to
10. "Why are you rushing?"
"I have _____ with my doctor."
an appointment
a pledge
a promise
a contract
11. "Let's _____ a new movie tomorrow."
"Yes, let's."
take in
take into
take to
12. I will stay in the Golden Hotel in New York.
Why don't you guys _____?
visit in
drop in
call in
13. We will serve our guests soon. We had better ____ now.
have table set
set table
setting table
set the table
14. He hurt his leg _____ in order to miss the exam."
at purpose
for purpose
in purpose
on purpose
15. How is he _____ these days? I hope he is doing well.
get along
get to along
getting along
to getting along
16. Are you going to _____ with your cousin while in town?
get in touch
getting in touch
to getting in touch
have touch
17. We are going to _____ the Town Games for fun.
part take in
take part in
take part with
taking in part
18. Since the rainstorm came _____, it did a lot of damage in the area.
in hurry
19. I'll be home late. Please don't _____ me.
wait up on
wait up for
waiting up for
be wait up for
20. Who will _____ your dog while you are away"
look after
be look after
to look after
for looking after
21. The new teacher loves poems and makes us _____.
learn them heartily
heartily learn them
learn them by heart
learning by heart them
22. _____ I like to do something completely spontaneous.
every so often
every often so
very so often
very often so
23. Please _____ soon.
your mind make up
up and make your mind
make up your mind
make upon your mind
24. Taking photos here is _____.
out of question
out of the question
out for the question
25. My assistant John will be _____ in my absence.
on charge
in charge
for charge
1. "Have you had enough to eat?"
"I'd like _____, please."
one more
some more
any more
2. The woman was _____ someone might recognize
afraid of
afraid about
afraid for
afraid that
3. The organisation _____ 25 years ago.
was found
was founded
4. I wish I _____ with Ann.
would be
5. Please turn off all the lights when _____.
you leave
you will leave
you will leave left
you had left
6. Until last year, she was the largest ship that _____.
was ever built
has ever built
has ever been built
had ever been built
7. We lived there _____ ten years.
8. My grandfather _____ of heart failure in his sixties.
was died
was dead
9. They are rich enough to own _____.
not a helicopter only, but a yacht as well
not only a helicopter, but a yacht as well
only a helicopter, but a yacht as well
as well as a helicopter, not only a yacht
10. She _____ the letter on the office desk.
11. There wasn't a single person _____ at the beach.
in sight
on sight
to see
12. This sauce doesn't taste _____ it should.
where as
13. John was neither willing to go _____.
nor able go
nor was able
nor he was able
nor able to go
14. If one is to learn a language well, _____.
it must be spoken regularly
one must be spoken regularly
it must speak regularly
one must speak it regularly
15. I don't especially care _____ those types of
16. _____ me for a few minutes?
Would you to help
Would you helping
Would you mind to help
Would you mind helping
17. _____ to the beach on the weekend.
Let's go
Let's going
Let's went
Let's to go
18. "Did you give John his share of the money?"
"No, I _____ it to him, but I didn't have enough time."
was to have gave
was to have given
was to had given
was to had gave
19. Your taste in movies is very different _____ mine.
20. "You _____ think they'd be here by now."
21. I don't know _____ the rope, but hopefully it will
do the job.
how long
how long is
the length of
the long of
22. "Excuse me. Where is the post office?"
"It is _____ of the large blue hotel."
in the front
on the front
in front
on front
23. She's finally decided that _____ she's going to
study much harder.
after now
from this
now from
from now on
24. My brother _____ the university last year.
graduated from
was graduated
graduated of
25. We won't be able to go to the club _____ our
parents give us permission.

1. Why don't you try to come home _____ 9 o'clock?
up to
2. My father _____ to the Golf Club for the past 25 years.
was belonging
has belonged
has been belonged
has belonging
3. Portuguese is quite _____ Spanish.
similar from
similar to
similar with
4. My youngest sister _____ last summer.
got married
got marriaged
was married to
5. Paper is _____ wood.
made by
made of
made from
made with
6. He _____ take off his shoes before he entered the room.
has to
have to
had to
7. You'd better go now, _____ you'll miss the next train.
if else
or else
or not
8. He moved the TV antenna _____ he could get a clearer picture.
because of
in which
so which
so that
9. How do you say "that's mine" _____ Spanish?
10. Our mother _____ scrub the kitchen walls and floor.
had us
had us to
us had
us to
11. "Could you do me a small favor?"
"I'm sorry. I really _____."
am hurry
am in a hurry
have a hurry
am hurried
12. Would you care for _____ cup of tea?
one other
some more
13. I'm right this time, _____?
agree with
agree to
agree about
14. _____ who looks for trouble usually finds it.
15. We have much to _____ today, so please concentrate.
discuss about
discuss over
discuss with
16. The sun _____ at 7 o'clock yesterday evening.
has set
had setted
17. I _____ finish my work before lunch yesterday, so I went shopping.
able to
was able to
could have
18. _____ would you most like to have?
These of which
What of these
Any of these
Which of these
19. I'll finish my work by four o'clock and _____ home.
go to
go back
come to
come back to
20. My younger brother plays _____.
the piano very well
very good the piano
the piano very good
very well the piano
21. Lauren _____ in Singapore.
grew up
grown up
was grown up
22. What _____?
means this word
does this word meaning
is this word meaning
does this word mean
23. "Which horse came in first?"
"That tall black one _____."
24. I couldn't find _____ your last question.
an answer to
an answer
to answer
25. The electric light was invented in _____.
the nineteenth century
nineteen centuries
nineteen century
century the nineteenth
1. _____ Easter, kids receive lots of chocolate Easter
eggs in USA.
2. I wish you _____ me how to make such a sauce
last time.
have taught
had taught
3. How much money did he borrow _____ the bank?
4. "How much sugar is left?" "_____."
Not some
Not one
5. _____ ended after 4 years in 1918.
World War First
World War I
First World War
World War the First
6. My brother loves music very much and has _____
of tapes.
a large collection
large collection
much collections
many collection
7. We couldn't enter the court. The police _____ let
us in.
shall not
8. "Have you ever played tennis?"
"Yes, I _____ played it."
have ever
have been
had been
9. Jane didn't go _____ this morning. She was at
no where
10. If I _____ you, I wouldn't do that.
had been
11. We don't travel to any country _____ crime rate is
known to be very high.
that which
12. By my 50th birthday, I _____ in my current
profession for over 20 years.
will be
will have been
would be
would have been
13. Finally John bought a _____ sedan.
green new 1988 four-door
1988 green new four-door
new green 1988 four-door
new four-door green 1988
14. My father taught me basic accounting and _____.
to type
how to type
how to typing
15. _____ my childhood, I studied in Paris.
16. Jane's hair is brown, and her eyes _____.
are green
was green
has been green
17. The children _____ do their homework while
watching TV yesterday.
was able to
were able to
could have
18. The English students _____ by that eccentric
teacher at that time.
were learning
were being taught
were being teaching
were being learned
19. "Hello! _____ John Smith speaking."
This is
There is
Here is
20. It is sometimes very difficult _____ in a second
to make oneself understood
for oneself to be understanding
understanding oneself
to understand oneself
21. The hero rode through the village _____ of a large
white horse.
over the back
in the back
on the back
22. This is the _____ curry sauce I've ever tasted.
more good
most good
most best
23. If Jane asks her mother, she _____ permission.
may have gotten
might have gotten
might get
maybe get
24. He fell from the top of the metal staircase, _____
breaking his leg.
25. My sister lived in France for two years and my
niece _____ there.
was borned
was born

1. It is very rude to point _____ someone in many
2. Was my child polite _____ you?
3. If our plans are carried _____ now, we will solve
that issue.
4. The neighbours didn't go on vacation, _____?
didn't they
did it
did they
didn't it
5. It _____ the day before yesterday.
was snow
has snowed
was snowed
6. Have you ever _____ on a horse? It is a wonderful
to ride
7. He is learning Chinese _____ Mr. Chan.
8. Students are supposed to sit attentively _____
their desks.
9. "Where is the library?"
"It's _____ your right."
10. Tom is very temperamental, and he _____.
always gets angry
gets always angry
always angry gets
angry always gets
11. "How many products did you sell?"
"_____ than we had expected."
12. It's not an easy task. However, please have him
_____ it.
to do
have to do
13. I would like to apply _____ the position of sales
clerk that you advertised in the Sunday newspaper.
14. It's often difficult for a young child _____ clothes.
to wear
putting on
to put on
15. This knife is quite sharp. We use it _____.
for to cut the bread
to cut with the bread
cutting with the bread
to cut the bread
16. I could have done it for you if you _____.
ask to me to
asked me to
had asked me
had asked me to
17. Joe _____.
likes football best
likes best football
best likes football
likes play football best
18. My sister went _____ yesterday.
to shopping
to shop
19. John is _____ soccer magazines.
interested in
interest in
20. I liked the job better than Bob _____.
has done
21. _____ my CDs are indie rock.
Almost all
Most of all
22. _____ are you speaking? I didn't catch the name.
Of who
Of whom
23. _____ will be invited to join us for lunch on
Whoever will come
Whoever come
Whoever comes
Whoever would come
24. _____ I hate getting up at six, I have to.
Much as
As much
So much as
So much
25. I'll give you another hour _____.
making your mind up
making up your mind
make up your mind
to make up your mind

1. _____ the floor manager, we don't need to work
this Friday afternoon.
According of
According from
According to
2. You _____ see the doctor if that back ache
better have
have better
had better
3. How long does it take _____ the nearest train
get to
to get
to get to
getting to
4. He likes his new job very much and _____.
works hardly
hard works
hardly work
works hard
5. Please fill _____ this online application form.
6. "I've never seen that movie."
"_____ have I."
7. "Haven't you been to New York?"
"_____ been there."
Yes, I haven't
Yes, I wasn't
No, I haven't
No, I have
8. "Where does Helen live?" "She lives _____."
in the Moore Street
on Moore Street
at Moore Street
on the Moore Street
9. Is your TV _____?
as large as mine
so large as me
as large as me
so large as mine
10. I've never seen _____.
such a tall man
so tall man
such tall man
as tall man
11. Please carry this box _____ the next room.
12. My mother didn't buy _____ food at that store.
13. "How often do you play tennis?"
"I play _____."
two times in a month
two times a month
two months a time
two times of a month
14. John started his current job _____ October 10.
15. Would you go with us if you _____ the money?
will have
would have
16. There hasn't _____.
been a concert like this before
been a concert like before this
a concert been like this before
before a concert been like this
17. You had better stay _____ home and get rid of
your cold.
18. "Whose cell phone is this?"
"It's _____"
the cell phone of my friend
my friend's
belong a friend of mine
one of my friends
19. "How do I use this tool?" "Hold it _____."
on your right firmly hand
in your firmly right hand
firmly in your right hand
firmly on your right hand
20. It's really hard to believe _____.
he would say such a terrible thing
such a terrible thing he would say
to say he would such a terrible thing
would he say such a terrible thing
21. "Did you fully understand what I meant?"
I think so
So I think
I so think
So think I
22. Jane is the woman who is standing _____ my
to the front of
in front of
front of
23. _____ the audience safely left the theater through
the fire exits.
Every one
Every member
Every member of
Every all of
24. He _____ he was going to visit his sister in Ohio.
spoke that
talked that
said that
told that
25. We _____ our favorite team's performance.
were disappointed by
were disappointed of
were disappointing
were disappointing in

I. Five sentences have been removed from the following passage. Choose from the sentences (A-
F) the one which fits each gap (1-5). There is one extra sentence which do not need to use.

Gwen Crowley likes to borrow clothes from other people. She also buys clothes from
celebrities such as Cher in order to sell them in her second- hand clothes shop, Star Wares , in Los

Cher tends to get rid of a lot of her things each year and we just go over with a truck and pick
them up. I’ve met her a few times , although I’ve never been wearing any of her clothes at the time. (1)
…I love Cher’s style. I have her shoes, her jewellery, and even some of her furniture. Many of my
customers don’t wear the clothes they buy and just keep them as souvenirs. (2)…

I also had a denim shirt which I bought from Mel Gibson. I wore it all the time , even when I
was decorating the house. (3)…I really liked that shirt and it was great fun telling people which
famous person owned it before.

Although my husband doesn’t share my passion , he was delighted when I bought him Cary
Grant’s silver cigarette case for his 40th birthday. (4)….It’s wonderful to have a part of someone that
you admire, that you can actually hold, look at and wear. At the moment I’ve got my eye on a very
special costume from my favourite TV programme. (5)… It’s not the sort of thing you can wear to the
shops, but it would certainly attract attention at a fancy dress party!
A. If it was something I really liked, though, I would buy it, no matter how much it cost.
B. I got paint on it and all sorts of other stains , but it broke my heart when I finally had to throw
it away.
C. It’s in a cloth bag and has the actor’s name inscribed on the front.
D. However, I like to enjoy my clothes and I alwayd wear Cher’s things until they’re worn out.
E. It’s Dr McCoy’s original tunic from the Star Trek series.
F. I’m not sure how she’d react if she saw me in one of her old sweaters or skirts.

II. Use the word given to complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the
first sentence. Do not change the word given .

1. Unless she starts doing some work, she’s going to fail the exam.( if) / She’s going to fail the
exam………doing some work.

2. They have built a science lab for our school. (been)/ A science lab……….for our school.

3. „Don’t try to call me up!” Paul said to me. (told)/ Paul……….call him up.
4. I made a mistake by not reporting the incident to the police. (have)/ I………the incident to the

5. Can’t you do any better than that? (best)/ Is that…… can do?

6. Most students usually wake up early before an exam. ( used)/ Most students are…..before an exam.

7. „Well done!” You raised the most money”, said Angela to us. (congratulated)/ Angela…………the
most money.

8. You will never forget that you saw this play tonight. ( remember)/ You…..this play tonight.

9. Anna got married six months ago. ( since)/ It’s ………Anna got married.

10. „Why haven’t you told us the truth?” his parents asked. (know)/ His parents wanted to…..the truth.

III. Fill in ONE suitable word in each blank. There is one example (0).

It’s a fact that 0- nowadays many young people become involved (1)……crime. (2)…work
alone and others are members of gangs. The (3)…for this are unclear. Some (4)……society is to
blame, others believe that the change in family life is at fault.

One boy who (5)…broken into numerous houses and robbed the owners of (6)….possessions
was arrested recently for his crimes and held at the police station. He (7)….appear in court shortly and,
if he is found guilty, he will be sentenced to time in jail. His parents are worried about the effect jail
will have on him. Perhaps they should have been (8)….interested while he was growing (9)…. And
then, he might (10)….be in this situation now.

IV. For questions 1- 15, read the text below and decide which word A,B,C or D best fits each
space. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Every year, the village of Pettineo (0) A….its unique arts festival. For a few days each
summer, artists from all over Europe (1)….at this village near the north coast of Sicily to (2)…the
creative atmosphere. (3)…their stay, the artists get together with the local people to paint a one-
kilometre long picture that runs the (4)…of the high street. (5)…the painting is done, each visiting
artist joins a local family for a big lunch and, (6)…the meal, the family receives the (7)…of the
painting that the artist has painted. As a result, (8)…few villagers are rich, almost every home has at
(9)... one painting by a well- known European artist. Visitors to the village are eagerly (10)…into
homes to see these paintings.

The festival was the idea of Antonio Presti, a local businessman who (11)…it up several years
ago. Since then , Pettineo has (12)…a sort of domestic art museum in (13)…any visitor can ring a
doorbell, go into a house and (14)…a painting. In addition to this exhibition (15)…paintings in
people’s homes, for those who have time to spare, there is an opportunity to wander through the
display of huge sculptures in the village square.

0 A celebrates B shows C honours D demonstrates

1 A group B crowd C gather D combine

2 A amuse B enjoy C entertain D delight

3 A During B In C While D At

4 A size B measure C length D area

5 A Just B Once C Soon D Only

6 A in addition to B in place of C in common with D in exchange for

7 A partition B section C division D region

8 A though B despite C since D even

9 A less B last C least D most

10 A persuaded B invited C requested D attracted

11 A set B put C got D had

12 A become B advanced C grown D increased

13 A what B where C whom D which

14 A wonder B stare C admire D respect

15 A at B on C of D in

V. Read the text below and look carefully at each line. If the line is corect, put a tick ( ). If it has
a word that should not be there, write this word on the line, as in the examples.

Are you one of those who jump at any occasion to visit the shops? 0 

Are you an unredeemed bargain hunter who ever walks through the 00 ever

markets armed out with your trusty credit card? Shopping can be 1

the best way to begin or end a difficult day. And by this we don’t mean 2

just hitting against the stores, emptying your wallet. We also mean 3

to browsing through a good bookshop for something that will take you 4

to destinations , buying a gadget spotted in a window that is just 5

the own thing to brighten up your desk, choosing a small treat for yourself 6

or a gift for a friend , deciding on to something from Gucci or Armani. 7

Shopping can be lots of things, a combination of those moments 8

after that give you a lift : visiting the shops, having coffee with a friend, 9

opening the bag at home, experiencing the pleasure of that special purchase. 10

VI. Read the text and use the words given in capitals to form words that fit in the numbered
gaps. The words are given in the order in which you need to use them. There is an example at the

Modern art has become rather (0) the North- East of England, and large
metallic (1)….are now fairly commonplace in the region. The (2)…known of these is the 200-ton steel
figure, Angel of the North, erected in Gateshead at the (3)….cost of 800,000 pounds. Many local
people were horrified at the (4)…to spend such a large sum on a 65- foot metal structure.
Nevertheless, the Angel is (5)…one of the most frequently viewd artworks in the world, seen (6)….by
almost 100,000 passing motorists. A number of (7)….in Hartlepool were similarly upset when they
were greeted one day by the (8)…of 15 giant, metal balls on a traffic roudabout in the town centre.
They described the payment of 70,000 pounds for the spheres as (9)…and felt the money could have
been spent on something more directly (10)….to the local population.
Who, Whom, Whose - Gap-fill Exercise clean up their rooms. I couldn't ........................
Choose the correct answer for each gap below. my children to clean up their rooms if my life
depended on it.
1. ...................... wrote this book? 4. Professor Yu ....................... each of her
2. ...................... are you going to recommend? students write an essay describing their future goals
3. .......................... dictionary is on the table? in life.
4. It doesn't look like this is the right 5. Professor Yu .................................. her
address. ...................... did you ask for students use a dictionary while they were taking the
directions? test.
5. We have two extra tickets for the 6. Debbie's husband hates the opera. But after days
concert. ......................... wants to go with us? of nagging, she finally ..................... him to go
6. It wasn't me! I have no idea ........................ see the new production of La Boheme.
left the oven on. 7. Sally ................... me take off my shoes
7. ......................... car is parked in the before I went into her house. She said she wanted
handicapped parking space? If someone doesn't to keep the carpet clean.
move it, it's going to be towed. 8. Rebecca Smith requested a copy of that expense
8. The police have called in an expert to report, so I ............... the courier take one over to
identify .................... handwriting is actually on her last week.
the ransom letter. 9. Diane thinks television is a waste of time, so she
9. Do you remember ................... received the won't ...................... her children watch TV.
Academy Award for best actress that year? Was it 10. Mr. Levine .................... his secretary call
Nicole Kidman? Ms. Jackson and reconfirm their meeting on
10. Melanie couldn't remember the name of the Thursday.
student ......................... science project 11. Marcus ........................ me drive his new
received the $100,000 prize. BMW. I couldn't believe how quickly it picked up
11. I know exactly .......................... I'm going to speed.
support in the upcoming election. 12. How did you ...................... the doctor to
12. That's the professor ........................... make a house call? I haven't heard of a doctor
spent 10 years living with the Pygmies in Central actually going to a patient's house in years.
Africa. 13. My boss .................... me get him coffee,
13. She's the actress ......................... he so pick up his dry cleaning and buy presents for his
vividly describes in his scandalous new book. wife. He can't do anything by himself!
14. Can you please tell me the names of the people 14. Tommy didn't want to go to his cousin's birthday
...................... helped organize the AIDS charity party, but his mom ............................ him go.
event? 15. I can't believe the zoo keeper ...................
15. The national park is being renamed in honor of you feed the snake. That was so cool!
Dian Fossey, ................... scientific research 16. The contract was very detailed, and it was
and environmental efforts helped save the last essential that the wording be absolutely correct.
remaining mountain gorillas. Therefore, I ........................ the translator
recheck his work several times to make sure there
Let / Make / Have / Get - Gap-fill Exercise would be no misunderstandings.
Complete the sentences below using the correct 17. Cheryl didn't want to wash her car, so with a
form of the verbs "let," "make," "have," and "get," . little smooth talk she ................... her boyfriend
1. Sam really wanted a dog, but his parents to wash it for her.
wouldn't ...................... him have a pet. 18. If you ask me nicely, I'll ....................... you
lick the bowl after I make the cookies.
2. I can't believe she ..................... you look at
her vacation pictures again last night. We have to 19. Dr. Jackson ........................ the nurse
look at those stupid pictures every time we go to her monitor the patient's condition overnight.
house. 20. The news coverage of the recent tornado was
3. I don't know how you convince your children to incredibly moving. The interview with the little boy
who lost his family in the tragedy .....................
everyone cry.
Verbs and Prepositions - Gap-fill exercise
1. She accused me ................. telling lies.
2. You can always borrow a dictionary ...................... the library.
3. Do you believe .................... ghosts?
4. The history teacher asked us to comment ..................... the events taking place in Afghanistan.
5. I am accustomed .................. having a lot of money.
6. When the guests arrived .................... my house they gave me a bottle of wine.
7. Some people stupidly believe that we are in school to prepare ....................... our future jobs.
8. The old woman suffered .................... lumbago.
9. Oh, you are so right! I agree ......................... you completely!
10. She is very dependable. I always know I can count .......................... her absolutely.
11. I want to congratulate you ...................... your success.
12. You won't always be able to rely ......................... your parents.
13. When you are a mountain guide, you sometimes have to wait a long time ..................... the
14. My banker told me not to draw all the money ........................... of my bank account.
15. I must insist ......................... your learning these verbs!
16. Are you accusing me ......................... being too strict?
17. How does the man account .................. having all that money in his pocket?
18. The workmen would like to speak ........................ the manager.
19. The visitors objected ....................... the horrible rooms.
20. I always try to agree .............. my twin sister, because it makes her angry if I don't.
21. I just couldn't agree .................... his plan, it was much too dangerous!
22. Young people today can communicate ............... each other using a lot of different machines.
23. It was your fault! Don't try to blame me ............................ the accident!!
24. The head teacher threatened me ................. expulsion if I didn't behave better.
25. Don't forget to thank your parents ................... putting up with you all these years!

In the following sentences, fill in the gaps with one of the following quantifiers: much, many, lots of, a lot of, little,
most, a little, little, a few, few:

1. It seems to me that we've had ................... assignments in English this term.

2. How ........................... material can we be expected to read in one week?
3. ........................... books are not in the library.
4. I've had ...................... headaches already because of stress.
5. ....................... depression can be attributed to being overworked.
6. Our yard looks awful this summer. There are too ........................... weeds.
7. I didn't use ............................... fertilizer last spring, and that has made a difference.
8. Also, I've paid .................................. attention to how ............................ rain we've had.
9. I'm afraid it's rained .......................... times this summer, and the grass is turning brown and dying.
10. ................................ experts say you should fertilize your lawn in the fall.
11. It didn't seem to do my lawn ................. good.
12. ........................ advice you get from experts doesn't seem to help.
13. ................................ of my neighbors ignore their grass, and they have better lawns this year.
14. They say .......................... knowledge is a bad thing.
15. I know ........................... instances where that proves true.
16. ............................ people know as much about computers as Tomas does.
17. But it does him ........................... good when the whole system goes down

Exercise 1 - Fill the gaps using the words in the box.
has · before · than · audience · then · was
started · will · can · did · so many · had

1. Hardly ever … an athlete won so many medals in such a short time.

2. Little … we realise what a social faux-pas we had committed.
3. Scarcely … the match started when the trouble began.
4. Only by standing on tip-toe … I able to see anything at all.
5. Seldom can an … have heard a better interpretation of this symphony.
6. Hardly had the controversial opera … when people began to walk out.
7. Only if we leave now … we be in time to catch the train.
8. Never have I seen … people turn out for this event.
9. Rarely … a remark have been more ill-judged.
10. Only … did it become clear what the extent of the damage was.
11. Barely had we had time to pack up the picnic things … the heavens
12. No sooner had we asked for a quieter room, … we were given one.

Exercise 2 - Fill the gaps using the words in the box. ?

else · way · did · circumstances · nothing · such
nor · until · would · account · only · even

1. At no time … he seem to realise what an idiot he was making of himself.

2. At no time before have I heard … arrant nonsense.
3. Nowhere … do they charge you so much for water
4. On no … should you miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.
5. Under no … must this door be left unlocked.
6. Not … she apologises for what she said will I speak to her again.
7. Not … if they halved the price would I buy such a heap of old rubbish.
8. Not for all the money in the world … I do what you're suggesting.
9. Not … do I know you're wrong, but I can also prove you're wrong.
10. Neither was the food up to standard … was the service particularly good.
11. Everyone except me got soaked. Not for … do I always carry an
12. No … am I going to jump into that icy cold water!
Exercise 3 - Make inverted sentences from the sentences given, using the words in brackets ().

1. You shouldn't tell him about my trip to China. (On no ...)

2. You are not going to get me to eat that! (No way ... !)
3. I have seldom seen such a brilliant goal. (Seldom ...)
4. Such a hurricane has rarely happened in Hereford. (Hardly ever ...)
5. I wouldn't want to hurt your feelings for all the world. (Not ...)
6. They were never aware of the danger that threatened them. (At no time ...)
7. This must not leak out to the press. (Under ...)
8. He wasn't rich and he wasn't handsome. (Neither ...)
9. We haven't often witnessed such artistry. (Rarely ...)
10 The bridge collapsed as soon as we managed to get across. (No sooner ...)
11. We were only able to cross the border by offering him a bribe. (Only ...)
12 Immediately he opened his mouth he started complaining about everything. (Barely ...
. before ...)

Exercise 4 - Complete the sentences below with the words in brackets in the correct tense and the
right order.
1. Not until June 15 (we/can/accept)… applications for next year.
2. Never before that day (she/have/witnessed) … such violence.
3. Hardly (the match/have/start) … when the game was interrupted.
4. Not only (the girl/be/hungry) …, she was also very tired.
5. Little (I/do/imagine) … that it was the last time I would see him.
6. Only later ((he/do/understand) … why his wife was so upset.
7. (He/have/know) … it would take so long he would not have started.
8. No sooner (her name/be/announce) … than the crowd started to cheer.
9. At no time (the salesman/do/say) … that the price would increase.
10. In no way (he/can/be/hold) … responsible for the damage.

Exercise 5 - Make a new sentence beginning with the word(s) in brackets

1. I had hardly begun to apologize when the door closed. (Hardly ...)

2. I have seldom heard such a talented singer. (Seldom ...)

3. If John had known that she liked curry, he would have brought her to an Indian restaurant.
(Had ...)

4. The artist rarely paid attention to his agent's advice. (Rarely ...)

5. He had never felt so depressed. (Never ...)

6. The shop can in no way be held responsible for customers' lost property. (In no way ...)

7. The couple had no sooner arrived than the priest started the ceremony. (No sooner ...)

8. Tom only realized the meaning of the comment when he saw his wife's face. (Only ...)

9. She never at any time said that she was allergic to cats. (Never ...)

10. The restaurant cannot accept animals under any circumstances. (Under ...)
~ follow up ~
1. Rephrase
1. I have never before been asked to accept a bribe.
Never before
2. He had hardly left the house when the storm broke.
3. As soon as he had left the house the storm broke.
No sooner
4. This switch must not be touched on any account.
On no account
5. She rarely has any money to spare.
6. He hardly speaks to anyone.
7. The nation has seldom been faced with such difficulties.
8. They had hardly started playing tennis when it began to rain.
9. A father has seldom sacrificed so much for his child.
10. You may not return after midnight on any account.
On no account
11. He would not give up writing his satires under any circumstances.
Under no circumstances
12. He realized the danger he had been in only after he had read the newspaper the following morning.
Only after
13. They were not able to assess the damage until the floods had subsided.
Not until
14. He only stays in bed if he is seriously ill.
Only if
15. We only then realized how much he had suffered.
Only then
16. He was only able to do the exercise with a great deal of effort.
17. He didn’t manage to get permission until she had calmed down.
Not until
18. No director has made such an intellectually challenging sci-fi movie since Kubrick’s2001.
Not since
19. He became so suspicious that he didn’t even trust his family.
So suspicious
20. He was so anxious to start a new life that he actually changed his name.
So anxious
21. He could only make himself heard by shouting at the top of his voice.
Only by
22. He laughed so much that tears rolled down his cheeks.
So much
23. Her business was so successful that Marie was able to retire at the age of 50.
So successful
24. If you were less than delighted with our product, we will refund your money immediately.
25. If you were to accept our offer, we could avoid the costs of a court case.
26. If the builders were to finish their work to schedule, they would receive a bonus.
27. If the tickets should fail to arrive before the departure date, we would arrange to have duplicates
waiting at the airport.
28. If the film had been released in the summer, it would not have been so successful.
29. He had no money and his sister didn’t have any either.
He had no money, neither / nor
30. They have no intention of paying and we don’t either.
They have no intention of paying and nor / neither
31. I couldn’t face my father and Jane couldn’t either.
I couldn’t face my father and neither / nor
32. Tom came in.
33. Two large dogs jumped up.
34. Half a dozen apples fell down.
35. The body of our late lamented sovereign lies here.
36. As soon as Springsteen had gone on stage, it started to rain.
No sooner
37. We only very rarely go to the cinema these days.
Only very rarely
38. I have never seen such a terrible performance of Hamlet before.
Never before
39. Bags must not be left unattended at any time.
At no time
40. The identity of the murderer is not revealed until the very last page.
Not until
41. They only realized the painting had been hung upside down when someone complained at reception.
Only when
42. He would never play in front of a live audience again
Never again
43. She had hardly sat down to watch her favourite programme when the phone rang.
44. You will not be allowed to enter the auditorium under any circumstances once the play has started.
45. We not only went to the National Gallery, but we also saw a West End musical.
46. John had not enjoyed himself so much since he went to the theme park as a child.

2. Choose the most appropriate answer with inverted word order.

1. There that he will agree to your plan.
A hope is little B is hope little C is little hope D little hope is

2. The view of the canyon was breathtaking. Never before such beauty.
A had seen we B had we seen C we had seen D we hadn't seen

3. . See you tomorrow!

A Comes here my bus B Here comes my bus D Here my bus comes E My bus comes here

4. We will probably go shopping in the afternoon. – . Why don't we go shopping together?

A I will so B So I will C So will I D Will so I

5. the truth, he wouldn't have invited them.

A Had known he B Had he known C He had known D Known he had

6. She should have helped them. She wasn't busy at that time. – . Why didn't you help them?
A Neither were you B Neither you were C Were you neither D You were neither

7. No sooner the receiver than the telephone began to ring again.

A down had I put B down had put I C had I put down D I had put down

8. Can you give me a pen, please? – Sure. .

A Here is it B Here it is C Is it here D It is here

9. so busy, we would go there with you.

A Were we not B Weren't we C We were not D We weren't

10. Not only my car poorly, but they also overcharged me.
A did they repair B repair they did C they did repair D they didn't repair

3. Arrange the following words. Mind the inversion rule!

1. the they a when begun scored had game Hardly goal.
2. have disappointing such a ending. read Never I
3. had than cry. started she to film sooner began No the
4. the change. left he atmosphere until Not did
5. he understand parents. up did grew Only when he his
6. Rarely such food. I tasted delicious have
7. than to sooner had left began we it No rain.
8. police her. he calling Only contacted stop did when she the

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