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February 17-18
From the Minister

For the last several weeks our Sunday morning sermon series has been breaking down
and unpacking the New Testament book of Titus. Often we turn to Paul’s instructions to
his young protégé, Titus, for words and standards for our church leaders. But recently
we have taken a closer look to find areas that ALL of us should consider as we GROW
in Christ. During this study on personal growth, I ran across this devotion by Rick War-
ren that addresses starting any season of growth…
(taken from Daily Hope Devotions by Rick Warren—”Happiness and Humility Go Together”)

Philippians 3:12-13— “12 Not that I have already obtained all this, or
have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for
which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13 Brothers and sisters, I do not
consider myself yet to have taken hold of it.”
When Paul wrote this Scripture, he was an older man in prison in Rome. He was at the
end of his life. He was an incredibly mature person. Yet he said he hadn’t arrived. If an-
ybody had the right to say, “I’ve arrived spiritually,” it would be the guy who wrote so
much of the New Testament. But Paul said, “No, I haven’t arrived. I’m still growing. I’m
still learning. I’m still becoming more like Christ.”

What’s the trap that will keep you from following Paul’s example and continuing to grow
in Christ? Pride.

Pride will keep you from growing because when you pretend you’ve got it all together,
you won’t make an effort to become more spiritually mature. No one has it all together!
Humility leads to happiness because it makes you teachable.

Happy people never stop growing. Happy people never stop discovering, never stop
stretching, never stop learning. If you’ve stopped growing, you’re miserable, because
you were made to grow.

Happiness and humility go together because humble people are teachable. They are
always asking, “How can I be a better spouse? How can I be a better friend? How can I
be a better boss? How can I be a better follower of Jesus?"

“Test yourselves to make sure you are solid in the faith. Don’t drift along taking every-
thing for granted. Give yourselves regular checkups. You need firsthand evidence, not
mere hearsay, that Jesus Christ is in you. Test it out. If you fail the test, do something
about it” (2 Corinthians 13:5 The Message).
See Ya’ Sunday,
Allen G.


Pray for our Nation and Leaders, Pray for our Church and our leaders DAILY
Come join us on Thursday morning at 10AM for a time of prayer. You are encouraged to spend time in communication with God.
Feel free to use the Prayer room (165) at any time, individually or as a group to pray about whatever is on your heart.
Men’s Ministry Mission Ministry

Johnson University Florida

Johnson University’s vision
is to bring glory to God and
hope to the world by pre-
paring promising students
for excellence in Christian
ministry through an afforda-
ble, community-oriented,
Christ-centered education.
Our monthly meeting will be at the home of Fred Vil-
Johnson endeavors to make education available to stu-
lacampa. Come for dinner and find out about our upcoming dents regardless of their financial resources. That be-
projects! ing said, one of the greatest challenges is providing a
sound financial base through the Florida Fund. The
Florida Fund consists of monies donated by supporting
churches and is used to offset the gap between what it
costs per student to operate the university and what
each student is charged for tuition fees and housing.
The gap is about $7,000 per student!
We support the vision statement of Johnson University,
and we want to be a part of preparing young people to
carry-on the work of ministry. Supporting Johnson
means preachers, missionaries, worship directors, chil-
dren’s directors as well as those looking at a profes-
sional career are being trained to spread the gospel of
Jesus Christ.
On October 19th at 9:oo a.m. the Men will be fixing a wheel
chair ramp for a lady in need. If you can help with this project At the beginning of our Faith Promise year (April-
please sign-up on the sheet in the foyer. March) the Missions Ministry made the decision to sup-
port the Panama City Churches for the next year to
help them through the devastation of Hurricane Mi-
chael. We moved some of the mission support money
to help the churches, and Johnson was one of the mis-
sion partners that we suspended for the year (with
their blessing). Johnson did ask that we give to the
November campaign if we were able. On October 6th
we will be taking up an additional offering to send to
Johnson in November. We hope that you will want to
help with this important work through your added gift.

Johnson University Florida

Always a great time of Fellowship and Prayer. Meet us at Ru- Special Gift Offering
by’s Dinner at 8AM on October 31st. October 6
Ministry EVENTS

We hope that you will join us for our October Dinner meeting
Upcoming Events: at the church. We will be serving soup & salad and will be
October 5 - Craft Day— At the church working on a project for the Annual Arts & Crafts Festival.
Subject to change or cancellation. This is the perfect opportunity to invite your friends.
October 19 - 10AM Paint Class, No ex-
perience needed! Cost $10
If you are making crafts for the Craft Fair
please contact Dona Cormier
Call the office for more details 850-877-7315

*Classes are sub-

ject to cancellation
if attendance is low
or sign-up sheet is
empty. Please see
Dona Cormier to
confirm class dates
Next Craft Day is: and times.

October 5th at 9:30AM Please keep craft-

ing on your own, as
the Craft Festival
will be here soon!!

Join us in Children’s Church for:

Children’s Ministry Upcoming Events

October 9th: We are hosting the Wednesday Night Meal
and sharing our lessons from the Fruit of the Spirit
October 20th: Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Kickoff
Sunday School 9:00-10:00 am
November 16th: We will be participating in the Annual
Break 10:00-10:30 am
(games and snacks) Arts & Crafts Festival. The proceeds from the items we
Children’s Church 10:30-11:45 am sell will go to the Panama City Churches that were hit hard
by hurricane Michael.
Every month the Children’s Ministry has a
new service project they are working on,
Thank you for your Love and Support for our ministry and for
see Becky Carter for more information
allowing me to be blessed by your children.
For more information: call 877-7315 or visit Becky Carter
O CTO B E R 2 0 19
Mon T ue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Return Service Requested
Happy Birthday: 1 2 3 4 5
14 - Fran Burns 10AM Prayer Circle
6:00PM Fellowship 10:30AM Ladies
15 - Mike Hancock Meal & Devotion 12-4 Canasta Club
Bible Study
18 - Joan Carpenter 6:30PM Ladies Bible
6:30 Board Meeting 7PM Gonzalez
23 - Janice Harrell Study Life Group

6 7 8 9 10 11 12
10AM Service at 10:30AM Ladies
6 Ladies Dinner 6:00PM Fellowship
Your Life Senior Bible Study
Meal & Devotion Hispanic Church
Meeting Living Wedding
5PM Life Groups
6:30PM Ladies Bible
6 Men’s Study 12-4 Canasta Club

13 14 15 16 17 18 19
6:00PM 10AM Prayer Circle
Fellowship Meal
10:30AM Ladies Men’s Service
5PM Life Groups 12-4 Canasta Club
Bible Study Project
& Devotion
6:30PM Ladies Bible 7PM Gonzalez 10AM Paint
7PM Railroad Club Study Life Group Class

20 21 22 23 24 25 26
6:00PM Fellowship 10:30AM Ladies
Meal & Devotion 10AM Prayer Circle Bible Study
5PM Life Groups 6:30PM Ladies Bible 12-4 Canasta Club

27 28 29 30 31
Community 8 Men’s Breakfast
Outreach 10AM Prayer Circle
Trunk or Treat
5PM Life Groups at Your Life 12-4 Canasta Club


October 1 - 6:30PM Board Meeting October 16 - 6PM Fellowship Meal & Devotion
October 2 - 6PM Fellowship Meal & Devotion 6:30PM Ladies Bible Study
6:30PM Ladies Bible Study October 17 - 10AM Prayer Circle
October 3 - 10AM Prayer Circle 12-4 Canasta Club
12-4 Canasta Club 7PM Gonzalez Life Group
7PM Gonzalez Life Group October 18 - 10AM Ladies Bible Study
October 4 - 10:30 Ladies Bible Study October 19 - Men’s Service Project
October 5 - 9:30AM Craft Class October 19 - 10AM Paint Class
October 6 - 5PM Life Groups October 20 - 5PM Life Groups
October 7 - 6PM Ladies Meeting & Men’s Steak-Out October 23 - 6PM Fellowship Meal & Devotion
October 9 - 6PM Fellowship Meal & Devotion 6:30PM Ladies Bible Study
6:30PM Ladies Bible Study October 24 - 10AM Prayer Circle
October 10 - 10AM Prayer Circle 12-4 Canasta Club
10AM Service at Your Life October 25 - 10AM Ladies Bible Study
12-4 Canasta Club October 27 - 5PM Life Groups
October 11 - 10:30AM Ladies Bible Study October 30 - 3-6PM Trunk or Treat at Your Life
October 12 - Hispanic Church Wedding October 31 - 8AM Men’s Breakfast
October 13 - 5PM Life Groups 10AM Prayer Circle
October 14 - Columbus Day 12-4 Canasta Club
October 15 - 7PM Railroad Club Meeting

Food Pantry We have made Changes to Pantry

We have closed the physical Food Pantry and will only be giving out Food gift cards to those in need. If you know someone
in need please contact the office. You can make monetary donations to the pantry by designating ‘Pantry’ on your check and
placing it in the offering.
“Our purpose is to LOVE CHRIST, LOVE OTHERS and SERVE”
Allen Gonzalez Senior Minister
Bible Study 9:00 AM ATTENDANCE Average
Mike Seay Worship Director
Coffee Break 10:00 AM AM Worship 68
Trish Rice Administrative Assistant
Worship 10:30 AM
Sunday Evening Life Groups 5:00PM ELDERS: Don Meeks
GIVING Budget Need
General Giving $12,515 $16,487
Wednesday Night Meal 6:00PM DEACONS: Dona Cormier, Clayton Wilder, Missions $ 4,474 $3,069
Wednesday Bible Discussion Groups 6:30 PM Mike Hancock, Cindy Meeks, Doreen Branam,
Trish Rice

NEWSLETTER DEADLINE ~ The Deadline for NOVEMBER 2019 Newsletter is October 27th

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