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Environmental Management

IA1 – 2Q – 1st PARCIAL

Student: ____________________________________________________________
Date: ______________ Class: 1st Bach Section: ______ Teacher: Mrs. Delgado

Ecosystem structure and processes

1 An ecosystem consists of all the living (biotic) and non-living (abiotic) components in an area an
their interactions.
Arrange the following ecosystem components and interactions under the headings in the table.

2 The picture below shows part of an Ecosystem.

(a) (i) Using the picture, and your own knowledge, explain the following terms:
niche, habitat, energy flow.
......................................................................................................................................................... [4]
(ii) Look at the different shaded areas on the diagram, a key is given below

Say which letter represents:

Producers, ……………………………
Consumers, ……………………………
Solar energy. ……………………………
3 (a) Look at the diagram below which shows a food chain in the sea.

(i) Draw arrows in the three small boxes in the diagram above to show the direction of energy flow. [1]
(ii) In the large circle on the right of the diagram draw or name an organism that could be the next link
in this chain. [1]
(iii) For this chain name:
1. the producer …………………………..
2. a consumer …………………………..
3. the source of all the energy ………………………….. [3]
3 Look at the diagram of a plant.

(a) (i) Label on the diagram at X the source of energy and, at Y and Z, the two substances that
combine in photosynthesis. [3]
(ii) In order to grow properly, the plant needs a further group of substances from the soil. Name this
group of substances.
......................................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii) Other than lack of these substances, in what other ways may soils be poor for plant growth?
......................................................................................................................................................... [2]
(b) (i) This plant is part of a food chain, such as:

In this chain there are producers and consumers. Complete the table below stating whether each part
of the food chain is a producer or a consumer.

(ii) What is the relationship between birds and caterpillars called?

......................................................................................................................................................... [1]
(iii)What is the relationship between bees and flowers called?
......................................................................................................................................................... [1]
4 (a) State the meaning of the term biodiversity.
......................................................................................................................................................... [2]
(b) The introduction of species from other parts of the world (alien species) into Europe is a problem.
Look at the graph below, which shows the number of alien species found in Europe.

(i) How many species in total have been introduced into Europe between 1910 and 2010?

...............................................species [1]

(ii) Compare the trends shown by alien producers and alien consumers.
......................................................................................................................................................... [2]
(iii) Suggest the effect that introducing alien producers might have on food webs in an ecosystem.

......................................................................................................................................................... [3]
(iv) Suggest how the introduction of alien species could be reduced.
......................................................................................................................................................... [2]

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