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Characterization of electromagnetic waves HELP

εo= 8.8542E-12 F/m Electrical permittivity in a vacuum.

Physical constants μo= 1.2566E-06 N/A^2 Magnetic permeability in a vacuum .
Co= 3.00E+08 m/s Speed of light.

propagation media: Copper Select the chosen propagation medium.

εr= 1 conductivity=58000000 Sm/m Electrical permetivity of the chosen medium.
Propagation media
μr= 1 Magnetic permeability of the medium. It is equal to1 if not indicated in the problem (non magnetic media).
Frecuency: 8.08E+02 MHz Enter the frequency of the wave. CCC MHz.

Tan(δ)= 1.2903E+09 Tangent of losses. It is an index that determines how the transmission medium behaves.
Tangent of losses
δ= 89.99999995559 ° Loss angle. It is also a measure that determines how the transmission medium behaves.

Classification of propagation media Media: Good conductors (Good conductors) According to the loss tangent and the table shown in the guide, it is determined how the medium behaves.

r= 430129.813267+430129.813267i Constant of propagation. Parameter that contains the attenuation coefficient and the phase coefficient.
a= 430129.8133 Np/m Attenuation constant. It allows to calculate how much the wave penetrates in a medium.
Propagation parameters in open media
B= 430129.8133 Rad/m wave number.
η= 0.007416+0.007416i Ohm Intrinsic impedance. It relates the magnitudes of the electric and magnetic fields of an electromagnetic radiation.

Vp= 1.1803E+04 m/s Propagation speed. Indicates the speed at which the wave propagates.
λ= 0.00001460764893 m Wavelength. Indicates the measurement between two successive points located in the same phase of the wave.
propagation characteristics of the wave
Fv= 3.9343E-05 Speed factor. It is the speed ratio between the analyzed wave and the light. Fv <= 1.
n= 2.5417E+04 Refractive index. It is the speed ratio between the light and the analyzed wave. n>= 1.

δp= 0.000002 m The penetration depth of the wave in the medium.

Eo= 120 V/m The maximum value of the wave.
Other features wave
Po= 485436.8932 W/m^2 Power transmitted by the wave in the medium.
%Losses= 100.00% Percentage of signal losses per unit length (x = 1m)

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