King Midas

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Adapted version by Prof.

Romina Cheme Arriaga

This is King Midas. He is very
rich. He lives in a palace.
King Midas is rich but also One day, he goes for a walk
very generous. and meets and old man.
King Midas takes the old
man to his house.
As a thank you, the god
The old man is the father of
gives him a wish.
a god.
“I wish I can touch objects
and turn them into gold”

King Midas is very rich but

he asks the god for more
King Midas touches his …and the stick turns into gold!
stick… Incredible!
King Midas touches his huge …and the palace turns into gold!
palace… Amazing!
King Midas is very hungry, …and his dinner turns into gold,
touches his dinner… too! Oh no!
King Midas is very sad and
desperate! It is not a good

The god tells King Midas to go

to the river and wash away is
King Midas goes King Midas walks a long way
immediately to the river. to the river.
King Midas finds the river.
It is a very special river.

King Midas goes into the water

and washes away his power.
Now, he is happy again.

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