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The Stingy Chimpanzee

(“El Chimpancé Avaro” – adaptación de Alejandra Erviti – Latinbooks International, 2009)

Adapted version in English by Romina Cheme Arriaga, 2019

In the jungle, an old chimpanzee was famous for his personality.

He was stingy and grumpy.

He lived his whole life in a circus. He worked everyday, nonstop.

He saved all his money. Now he was retired and he didn’t want to spend his

Who’s that?

Why is he so
He is the rich
monkey, from
the circus.
The chimpanzee’s clothes were old and torn. He didn’t want to spend his

He was grumpy and unfriendly. He didn’t want to make friends because he

didn’t want anybody to borrow his money.

What is
It is a rock covering a

He kept all his money inside a hole in the ground, under a rock.

Every morning when he woke up, and every evening before going to bed, he
checked his money was ok.

It was his treasure.

One morning, when all animals went to the jungle for a walk, the chimpanzee
checked his treasure, as he did every day.

But something happened… and the money had disappeared!!

What’s the

Oh no!!! Where
is my money??
Where is my

He can’t find
his money.
The chimpanzee was FURIOUS!! He shouted and stomped his feet on the

There was no money!!

He didn’t know what to do!!

Awww… poor

I want my money!!!
All the animals were worried.

The snake told the chimpanzee: “My friend, don’t be sad. If you didn’t use the
money, put the rock again on top and imagine the money is there”.

We can help you.

Keep calm. Don’t worry.

The chimpanzee was very sad. He cried the whole day.

The snake tried to calm the chimpanzee down.

It was all my money!

Stay calm. You have

many friends and they
will help you.
The chimpanzee’s money disappeared.

He is still sad for that, but he knows he has many friends that did not abandon

This was an


Save your money but don’t be stingy.

Enjoy your possessions and be generous with others and yourself.

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