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Advice. Ideas.


Anita’s Garden
Volume 2, Issue 11 4 October 2019

Useful Links Editorial

Welcome to the eleventh issue of my  Planting lettuce at fortnightly
Blog intervals so you have a continu-
newsletter Anita’s Garden for 2019.
ous supply in summer
Newsletter back issues
I hope you have all had a good week.
Facebook  Potting up seedlings as they
October checklist grow into larger punnets or pots
Here is a checklist of tasks for this  Spraying fruit trees (including
Twitter month: passionfruit) with liquid copper
to prevent brown rot, leaf curl
Linkedin  Sowing seeds undercover. Oc-
and other fungal diseases. Liq-
tober is the perfect month for
Pinterest uid copper is an organic spray. I
getting cucurbits started—
like alternating between liquid
zucchini, pumpkins, squash
copper and copper oxychloride
and cucumbers.
Contact me  Spraying roses with liquid cop-
 Planting potatoes. For advice
per and copper oxychloride to
on growing potatoes, see page 3
 Feedback prevent brown spot
of my newsletter last week.
 Newsletter input  Spraying garlic for rust. I’m
 Sowing parsnips. This should
(tips, recipes, gar- going to continue spraying our
have been done in September.
den photos etc) garlic right up until harvest be-
If you missed out, you can still
cause we have had very bad rust
 To be added to my sow them now but don’t leave it
these past few seasons
mailing list any longer. See my guide to
growing parsnips on page 3 of  Covering strawberries with net- Issue 9 of my newsletter. ting to keep birds out as berries
 Sowing carrots
 Watering the garden. It has
 Sowing radish
Inside this issue: been quite dry lately, so this has
 Sowing lettuce—miners lettuce, become necessary
lamb’s lettuce, cut and come
 Liquid feeding garlic and straw-
again lettuce, heading varie-
P ot te r ing aro u nd 2 berries with a water soluble
ties, mesclun and rocket
Anita’s Garden plant food
 Sowing microgreens. If you
 Giving citrus, fruit trees and
wait any longer, they will bolt
Top 5 gardening tasks 2 roses a feeding of granular food.
to seed very quickly as temper-
for the week Feed any potted fruit trees with
atures increase
a slow release fertiliser in pot-
 Sowing coriander, parsley and tles
Tips for growing beetroot 2
dill (remember to sow them
 Keeping on top of weeds
Thank you for your continued support.
 Planting celeriac. It may be
How to grow carrots 3
necessary to spray it for rust Anita Kundu
PAGE 2 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N V O LU M E 2 , I S S U E 1 1

Pottering around Anita’s Garden

Planting beetroot Planting silverbeet
I harvested more potatoes—Agria
and Summer Delight, which I I planted four punnets of beetroot I planted a few punnets of silver-
grew for the first time. seedlings. beet and spinach seedlings to re-
place the plants which bolted to
Sowing carrots seed.
I sowed four different varieties of Potting up seedlings
coloured carrots from Egmont
Seeds—Ruby, Purple, White and I potted up a variety of tomato
Yellow. seedlings that were getting quite
big into six-cell punnets.
Sowing radish
Liquid feeding
I sowed some radish seeds—
Gaudry and Ravanelli Colorati I liquid fed the garlic and straw-
from Franchi seeds, as well as berries
Amethyst from Egmont Seeds
Transplanting poppies
I sprayed the garlic, roses and
I carefully moved some self-seeded fruit trees to help prevent diseases
poppies that were growing in the
wrong place to another location.

Top 5 gardening tasks for the week

1. Sow carrots Radish can be sown in containers 5. Weeding

or directly where you want it to
Now is a good time to sow carrots grow in the ground. Don’t use It probably isn’t any gardener’s
if you want them with your Christ- compost or too much fertiliser or favourite activity, but now that
mas lunch. you’ll end up with lots of leafy we’re well into spring, it’s a good
growth and no roots! idea to keep on top of weeds. This
2. Plant beetroot task is best done by hand when
Pop in a punnet or two of beetroot. 4. Plant silverbeet and weeding around plants, in order to
Awapuni sells very large seedlings spinach avoid damaging the roots. You can
which will grow in no time at all spread mulch around new plant-
Pop in some seedlings to replace ings to help keep weeds down in
3. Sow radish plants that have bolted to seed, as future.
I have been doing,

Tips for growing beetroot

 Beetroot can easily be grown
 Spend some time preparing about a hand span apart to give
the soil beforehand. I avoid them enough space to grow
from seeds or seedlings in
using compost and too much
spring and autumn.  Water seedlings well after
fertiliser otherwise you’ll
end up with lots of leafy planting
 To sow beetroot, you can
either raise them in punnets growth and no roots. I do
 Keep weeds down around
with a little seed raising mix like adding a bit of blood
the plants. As the plants
for transplanting later on or and bone and root booster
grow, you may want to
you can sow seeds directly (superphosphate) to the soil
spread some mulch around
where you want to grow before planting.
them to help discourage
them. weeds
 Space seeds or seedlings
V O LU M E 2 , I S S U E 1 1 A NI T A ’ S G A R D E N PAGE 3

How to grow carrots

I always make room for growing Tips for growing carrots
carrots in the garden. Some gar-
deners don’t bother growing car- 1. Water your crop regularly,
rots because they’re cheap enough especially as temperatures
to buy, but once you have a taste of increase. Carrots in con-
homegrown carrots you’ll feel dif- tainers will need watering
ferently! Carrots are a staple in more frequently than those
the kitchen. They’re extremely in the ground.
nutritious and can be used in 2. Keep on top of weeds. Al-
many dishes and salads. Kids love ways weed by hand to avoid
them, especially baby carrots. I’ve damaging any carrots. It’s a
put together a little growing guide good idea to wait awhile
to help you grow carrots this sea- before weeding to avoid acci-
son. Some coloured carrots from a pre- dentally pulling out young
vious season carrot seedlings, especially
Growing carrots
4. You can try using seed tape, if you’re new to growing car-
The best time to sow carrots is in which is biodegradable and rots and you don’t know
spring and autumn, when the breaks down in the soil after what they look like
ground is nice and moist. Carrots planting. The carrot seeds
can be grown either in the ground 3. Liquid feed plants regularly
are spaced evenly, prevent- with a water soluble plant
or in containers, provided that ing the need for thinning
they are large enough and have food or seaweed extract.
them out later (see below).
sufficient depth to accommodate Egmont Seeds has the varie- 4. So far, I haven’t encoun-
the roots as they grow downwards. ties Slenderette, All Seasons tered any diseases or prob-
and Manchester Table. lems with growing carrots
Things to bear in mind:
therefore I haven’t had to
5. As the seedlings grow, you’ll spray them.
1. Always pick a sunny site.
probably find
As a root crop, carrots need
that you need “Some gardeners don’t 5. Carrots
at least six hours of sun per
to thin them should be ready
day. bother growing carrots
out a bit as in 12-14 weeks
because they’re cheap
2. Prepare the soil well. some seeds
enough to buy, but once 6. It’s a good
Whether growing carrots in will be
spaced too you have a taste of idea to rotate the
containers or in the ground,
closely to- homegrown carrots you’ll area where you
make sure you dig down-
gether feel differently!” grow carrots to
wards deeply to ensure that
they don’t hit any lumps of avoid the build
6. Cover with a thin later of up of diseases in the soil.
soil or rocks, which will
dirt and water well.
cause them to become How to prepare carrots
forked. It isn’t a good idea Varieties
to use compost or too much Carrots can be enjoyed in many
fertilizer, otherwise you'll Carrots come in a variety of ways. We enjoy eating baby car-
end up with lots of leafy shapes, sizes and colours. rots raw with a bit of hummus.
growth at the expense of Larger carrots can be eaten roast-
nice, strong roots. Egmont Seeds offer an incredible ed along with other veggies in a
range of carrots. Orange varieties roasted vegetable salad or as ac-
3. Always sow carrot seed di- include All Seasons, Baby, Chante- companiment to a Sunday roast.
rectly where you want it to nay, Kuroda, Ladies Fingers, La- We also enjoy eating carrots raw
grow, whether growing car- guna, Manchester Table, Resistaf- in a range of salads, including cole-
rots in containers or in the ly, Romance, Senior, Top weight slaw and carrot salad. We came
ground. Avoid those pun- and Touchon. across a Martha Stewart recipe we
nets of carrots that you see really like.
at the garden centre at all Coloured varieties in the Egmont
costs! If you try and trans- Seeds range include Rainbow
plant carrots, they will end Mixed, Purple, Ruby, White and Have a great weekend
up becoming forked. Yellow.
Happy gardening!

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