Message: Republic of The Philippines Province of BATANGAS City of Tanauan

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Republic of the Philippines

Province of BATANGAS


The success of a program/project of a local government unit is best

measured by its impact on the lives of its constituency. Toward this end, it is but
Mayor Montilla’s Photo
proper that the needs of the people be truly appreciated and considered. This is
precisely the very beauty and importance of the tool referred to as Community
Based Monitoring System (CBMS) as it facilitates more inclusive decision-making
on issues that are important to the members of a community, including the
increasingly complex aspects of social, economic and environmental factors.

As regards to the data collected in the City of Tanauan, my warmest

congratulations to all men and women involved in putting all the collected data in
the proper perspective. I knew very well the struggles and the hardships being
encountered in the process, but rest assured that such output will be given the utmost consideration in the
implementation of the city’s plans and programs with the end in view of poverty alleviation.

To the CBMS International Network, we are truly grateful in your action by including the city’s data in your 7th
volume of “The Many Faces of Poverty”. Our sincerest thanks, for the opportunity you are extending to our beloved

Again, to everyone, congratulations!

City Mayor

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

The Many Faces of Poverty in Tanauan


City of Tanauan had a total population of 145,078 covering 33,340 households

Tanauan City is a first class city in the province of Batangas. The CBMS census conducted in 2014-2015 covered
all 48 barangays in the city with a total population of 145,078 in 33,340 households. The total number of males
is 71,273 which accounts for 49.1 percent, while the total number of females is 73,805 or 50.9 percent. Barangay
Darasa has the largest population of 13,059 or 9 percent of the total population of the city, followed by Barangay
Balele with 7,204 and Ambulong with 6,845 members during the census period.


Four in every one thousand children under five
years old died
About 0.4 percent of children under five years
old died during the reference period. This
corresponds to a total of 52 child deaths
among children under five years old. Further,
estimates of child deaths among girls and
boys were the same at 0.4 percent, which
translates to 27 b oys and 25 girls,
respectively. The highest proportion of child
deaths was reported in Poblacion Barangay
1 with 2.2 percent of the children under five years old. Barangay Gonzales and Poblacion Barangay 2 reported a
proportion of 2.1 percent of child deaths, each. This was followed closely by Santol with 2.0 percent. In terms of
magnitude, Tinurik had the highest number of child death with 6 cases and Santor came in next with 5 cases. No
cases of child deaths were reported in 24 out of 48 barangays in the city.

About 1 in every 1000 cases of maternal death was reported in the city
Results of the CBMS census revealed that 0.1 percent of pregnant women aged 15-49 in the city died due to
pregnancy-related causes during the reference period. Only three barangays recorded cases of pregnancy-related
deaths with Gonzales having the highest proportion at 2.4 percent, followed by Cale at 2 percent, and Tinurik at
1.3 percent. The three barangays have one recorded case of maternal death each.

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

About 2 in every 100 children zero to five
years old were malnourished
About 1.8 percent of children zero to five
years old in the city were classified as
moderately or severely underweight. This
represented 300 children, 144 boys and
156 girls, and translates to about 2
malnourished children for ever y 100
children five years old and below.
Malnourishment among boys (1.6%) was
slightly lower than girls (1.8%). Barangay
Malaking Pulo had the highest estimate
at 8.9 percent, which also recorded the
second highest number with 38 cases of malnourished children. Meanwhile, Balele recorded the most number of
malnourished children with 42 cases. No recorded malnutrition prevalence among children zero to five years old in
8 of the 48 barangays in the city.


Two percent of households were living in makeshift housing while 4 percent were informal settlers
The CBMS data showed that 2 in every 100 households in the city were living in makeshift housing. Barangay
Poblacion 6 had the highest proportion of households, 7.8 percent, living in makeshift housing, followed by Tinurik
with 6.6 percent. At the same time, Tinurik had the most number of households living in makeshift housing with
73 cases, and Poblacion Barangay 6 was second with 58 cases. No households were living in makeshift houses
in 6 of the 48 barangays in Tanauan City.

In terms of tenure status, 4 in every 100 households in the city were considered informal settlers. Informal settling
was most common in Poblacion Barangay 4 where about 75 in every 100 households were classified as informal
settlers. It also recorded the highest number of informal settlers with 569 households. Relatively high proportions
of informal settlers were also recorded in Poblacion Barangay 7 (28.1%) and Poblacion Barangay 1 (21.4%). Also,
4 barangays in Tanauan City recorded no cases of informal settlers.

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)


About 0.8 percent of the households did not have access to safe water supply and about 1.3 percent did not have
access sanitary toilet facilities
Based on the results of the CBMS census, about 0.8 percent or 1 in every 100 households in the city had no
access to safe water supply. In particular, 283 households reported to not having access to safe water supply in
Tanauan City. Barangay Sulpoc had the worst condition in terms of water accessibility as 12.3 percent or 51
households were reported to have no access to safe water supply during the reference period. This was followed
by Barangay Banadero with 8.6 percent. Banadero however, came in first in terms of magnitude with 75 households
with no access to safe water supply. Disaggregated data further revealed that no barangay in the city was "waterless".

“Waterless” barangays refer to villages with less than 50 percent safe water supply coverage, as de fined by the SALINTUBIG
Program of the Depar tment of Health (DOH).

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

Meanwhile, about 1.3 percent or 446 of the households in the city do not have access to sanitary toilet facilities.
This means that 1 in every 100 households in the city were sanitation poor. The proportion of sanitation- poor
households was highest in Barangay Maugat where 7.6 percent of the households do not have access to sanitary
toilet facilities. Gonzales came in next with 5.8 percent, followed by Poblacion 3 with 5.5 percent. Bilog-bilog came
in fourth in terms of proportion, but first in terms of magnitude where 54 households reported to have no access
to sanitary toilet facilities.

About 3 in every 100 children 6 to 15
years old were not attending school
The propor tion of out-of-school
children among 6-15 years old was
3.3 percent. This means that about
3 in every 100 children 6-15 years
old were not attending school
regardless of education level.
Further, results revealed that out-of-
school children among boys (4%)
were higher compared to girls
(2.6%). Barangay Hidalgo, with 7.1
percent, had the highest proportion
of children aged 6-15 years who
were not attending school. It was closely followed by Poblacion Barangay 4 with 7 percent. Meanwhile, Darasa
recorded the highest number of children 6-15 years old not attending school with 106 cases. Balele came in next
in terms of numbers with 59 children 6-15 years old not attending school.

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

About 26 in every 100 households were living below the poverty threshold
More than one fourth (26.3 %) of the households in the city were income poor. This translates to about 26 in every
100 households with no sufficient income to satisfy their basic food and non-food needs. Barangay Suplang
recorded the highest proportion of income poverty rate of 61.8 percent, followed by Sambat with 54 percent. It
can also be noted that only this two barangays in the city reported a income poverty rate of at least 50 percent. This
means that about half of the households in these barangays suffered deprivation in terms of income. Meanwhile,
Darasa and Balele reported the highest number of households who are in come poor with 750 and 615 cases,

About 17 in every 100 households had no sufficient income to satisfy their food needs
The CBMS data also showed that 16.7 percent of the households in the city were living below the food threshold.
This means that around 17 in every 100 households had no sufficient income to satisfy their basic food needs
during the reference period. Subsistence incidence was most prevalent in Barangay Suplang where 51.8 percent of
the households were food poor. Sambat also recorded high incidence of subsistence where 44.7 percent of the
households, were living below the food threshold. In terms of magnitude, Barangay Darasa had the most number
of food poor households with 475 recorded cases, followed by Balele with 454 cases.

Less than one percent of households experienced hunger due to food shortage
Only 0.7 percent of households suffered from hunger during the three-month period before the census. Across all
the barangays, Santol had the highest proportion of households that suffered from hunger at 6.4 percent. Hidalgo
and Banadero came next with 4.5 percent and 4.2 percent, respectively. In terms of magnitude, Bilog-bilog and
Banadero both recorded 37 households who suffered from hunger, which was the highest across all barangays in
Tanauan City. Meanwhile, 15 out of 48 barangays in the city had no recorded cases of hunger due to food shortage.

Unemployment rate in the city was recorded at 11.8 percent

Of the 55, 373 members of the labor force aged 15 and above, about 11.8 percent or 6,532 individuals reported
to be unemployed. The results of the census further showed that the unemployment rate was higher among males
at 12.8 percent than among females at 10.4 percent. Across all barangays, Montaña recorded the highest
unemployment rate at 32 percent, followed by Wawa with 26.6 percent, and Cale with 25 percent. In terms of
magnitude, Ambulong was first with 452 members who are unemployed, followed by Boot with 406 unemployed
members of the labor force.


About 0.1 percent of the population were victims of crime
A total of 126 individuals or about 0.1 percent reported to be victims of crime. Among all the barangays, Poblacion
Barangay 1 with 1.5 percent or 28 cases recorded the highest proportion and magnitude of crime victims. This was
followed by Trapiche in terms of number with 24 victims. It is also worth noting that 18 of the 48 barangays in the
city had no reported victims of crime during the reference period.

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

Households in Tanauan City suffered from about one deprivation on the average
The city recorded a CBMS composite index (CCI) of 0.7. This means that households in the city were experienced
about one deprivation, on the average. Poblacion Barangay 4, for instance, had a composite index of 1.6. This
means that around two deprivations were experienced by households in the barangay. This was followed by Suplang
with a CCI of 1.2 percent.


Of the households, 7.6 percent were poor in at least two dimensions
Based on the CBMS data, 35.2 percent or 11,741 households in Tanauan City experienced at least one deprivation.
This means that 64.8 percent of the households were non-poor. Of the households, 7.6 percent or 2,549 households
experienced multiple deprivations. In particular, 27.6 percent of households in the city were poor in one dimension
while 6.3 percent were poor in two dimensions at the same time. Further, data showed that 1.2 percent of the
households in the city suffered from deprivation in three dimensions, simultaneously.

The deprivations are based on the 13+1 indicators: (1) children 0-4 years old who died; 2) women who died due to pregnancy-
related causes; (3) malnourished children 0-5 years old; (4) households living in makeshift housing ; 5) households who are informal
settlers; (6) households without access to safe water supply; (7) households without access to sanitar y toilet facilities; (8) children
6-16 years old not in school; (9) households with income below the pover ty threshold; (10) households with income below the food
threshold; (11) households that experienced food shor tage; (12) unemployment; and (13) victims of cr ime. A higher index would
mean more deprivation and hence, worse condition for the households.
The dimensions of pover ty being considered are the following: health, nutrition, tenure, housing, water, sanitation, education,
income, job, and security.

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)
The Many Faces of Poverty
in the City of Tanauan

CBMS Core Indicators, City of Tanauan, 2014-2015

Households Population
Magnitude Proportion Magnitude Proportion

Population 33,340 145,078
Average household size 4
Children under 1 year old 2,667
Children under 5 years old 13,881
Children 0-5 years old 16,804
Children 6-11 years old 18,267
Members 12-15 years old 11,792
Members 6-15 years old 30,059
Members 10 years old and above 116,022
Members of the labor force 55,373


Children under 5 years old who died 52 0.4
Women who died due to pregnancy related-causes 3 0.1
Malnourished children 0-5 years old 300 1.8

Households living in makeshift housing 655 2.0
Households who are informal settlers 1,348 4.0


Households without access to safe water supply 283 0.8
Households without access to sanitary toilet facilities 446 1.3

Children 6-11 years old not attending elementary school 1,654 9.1
Children 12-15 years old not attending high school 3,013 25.6
Children 6-15 years old not attending school 998 3.3


Households with income below pover ty threshold 8,785 26.3
Households with income below food threshold 5,566 16.7
Households who experienced hunger due to food shor tage 229 0.7
Unemployment rate (15 years old and above) 6,532 11.8


Victims of crime 126 0.1

CBMS Composite Indicator, City of Tanauan, 2014-2015

CBMS Composite Indicator 0.7

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

Total Number of Households and Population, by Barangay, City of Tanauan, 2014-2015

Barangay Total households Total population Total male Total female

population population

Altura Bata 284 1,343 640 703

Altura Matanda 127 588 301 287
Altura-South 166 713 357 356
Ambulong 1,529 6,845 3,324 3,521
Bagbag 663 2,924 1,402 1,522
Bagumbayan 871 3,408 1,712 1,696
Balele 1,591 7,204 3,603 3,601
Banadero 877 3,949 1,906 2,043
Banjo East 725 3,100 1,502 1,598
Banjo West 616 2,401 1,231 1,170
Bilog-bilog 1,006 4,370 2,133 2,237
Boot 1,198 5,373 2,669 2,704
Cale 752 3,436 1,695 1,741
Darasa 3,190 13,059 6,245 6,814
Gonzales 396 1,790 908 882
Hidalgo 200 957 499 458
Janopol 547 2,478 1,194 1,284
Janopol Oriental 595 2,464 1,227 1,237
Laurel 315 1,331 645 686
Luyos 305 1,318 662 656
Mabini 490 2,246 1,141 1,105
Malaking Pulo 776 3,656 1,815 1,841
Maria Paz 516 2,273 1,141 1,132
Maugat 380 1,857 846 1,011
Montaña 363 1,674 799 875
Natatas 933 4,008 1,929 2,079
Pagaspas 647 2,958 1,447 1,511
Pantay Bata 691 2,593 1,331 1,262
Pantay Matanda 897 4,210 2,146 2,064
Poblacion Barangay 1 365 1,824 926 898
Poblacion Barangay 2 284 1,215 566 649
Poblacion Barangay 3 916 3,733 1,842 1,891
Poblacion Barangay 4 761 3,597 1,880 1,717
Poblacion Barangay 5 274 1,178 548 630
Poblacion Barangay 6 742 2,956 1,450 1,506
Poblacion Barangay 7 914 4,119 1,984 2,135
Sala 441 1,854 925 929
Sambat 785 3,425 1,681 1,744
San Jose 249 1,044 516 528
Santol 109 516 248 268
Santor 706 3,063 1,441 1,622
Sulpoc 414 1,749 852 897
Suplang 249 1,162 583 579
Talaga 1,068 4,580 2,253 2,327
Tinurik 1,108 4,720 2,331 2,389
Trapiche 1,362 6,208 3,020 3,188
Ulango 601 2,177 1,073 1,104
Wawa 346 1,432 704 728

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

CBMS Poverty Maps: City of Tanauan

Map 1. Proportion of Children under 5 Years Old who Died, by Barangay, 2014-2015



Bottom 10 Barangays

Barangay Magnitude Proportion

Poblacion Barangay 1 4 2.2
Gonzales 4 2.1
Poblacion Barangay 2 2 2.1
Santol 1 2.0
Santor 5 1.6
Tinurik 6 1.4
Sambat 3 1.1
Luyos 1 1.0
Mabini 2 0.8
Laurel 1 0.8

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

CBMS Poverty Maps: City of Tanauan

Map 2. Proportion of Women who Died Due to Pregnancy-Related Causes,

by Barangay, 2014-2015


Bottom 3 Barangays

Barangay Magnitude Proportion

Gonzales 1 2.4
Cale 1 2.0
Tinurik 1 1.3

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

CBMS Poverty Maps: City of Tanauan

Map 3. Proportion of Children 0-5 Years Old who are Malnourished,

by Barangay, 2014-2015


Bottom 10 Barangays

Barangay Magnitude Proportion

Malaking Pulo 38 8.9

Altura Matanda 5 7.5
Sambat 23 7.3
Hidalgo 9 6.9
Balele 42 4.9
Altura-South 3 4.9
Santol 3 4.9
Poblacion Barangay 1 10 4.7
Sulpoc 8 4.7
Mabini 11 3.9

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

Table 1. Health and Nutrition Indicators, by Barangay, City of Tanauan 2014-2015

Barangay Number of Children under 5 Number of Women deaths due Number of Malnourished
children years old children to pregnancy-related children children
(under who died (under causes (0-5 years old) (0-5 years old)
5 years old) 1 year old)
Magnitude Proportion Magnitude Proportion Magnitude Proportion

Altura Bata 125 0 0 22 0 0 149 0 0

Altura Matanda 57 0 0 9 0 0 67 5 7.5
Altura-South 50 0 0 9 0 0 61 3 4.9
Ambulong 731 0 0 131 0 0 879 7 0.8
Bagbag 308 1 0.3 59 0 0 352 6 1.7
Bagumbayan 285 2 0.7 58 0 0 344 10 2.9
Balele 700 2 0.3 139 0 0 853 42 4.9
Banadero 406 3 0.7 77 0 0 483 8 1.7
Banjo East 318 1 0.3 59 0 0 386 0 0
Banjo West 225 0 0 40 0 0 282 0 0
Bilog-bilog 414 0 0 68 0 0 493 2 0.4
Boot 504 3 0.6 89 0 0 595 4 0.7
Cale 277 0 0 50 1 2.0 351 1 0.3
Darasa 1,150 0 0 230 0 0 1,459 5 0.3
Gonzales 191 4 2.1 40 1 2.4 230 8 3.5
Hidalgo 113 0 0 22 0 0 130 9 6.9
Janopol 246 0 0 46 0 0 288 2 0.7
Janopol Oriental 191 0 0 47 0 0 231 2 0.9
Laurel 118 1 0.8 29 0 0 140 1 0.7
Luyos 96 1 1.0 12 0 0 121 0 0
Mabini 234 2 0.8 42 0 0 283 11 3.9
Malaking Pulo 365 1 0.3 80 0 0 425 38 8.9
Maria Paz 185 0 0 36 0 0 243 2 0.8
Maugat 169 1 0.6 22 0 0 199 4 2.0
Montaña 157 0 0 34 0 0 191 1 0.5
Natatas 373 1 0.3 72 0 0 457 1 0.2
Pagaspas 306 1 0.3 61 0 0 376 4 1.1
Pantay Bata 213 0 0 29 0 0 267 0 0
Pantay Matanda 390 0 0 83 0 0 483 3 0.6
Poblacion Barangay 1 179 4 2.2 36 0 0 212 10 4.7
Poblacion Barangay 2 94 2 2.1 22 0 0 108 2 1.9
Poblacion Barangay 3 414 1 0.2 97 0 0 516 9 1.7
Poblacion Barangay 4 435 0 0 87 0 0 515 4 0.8
Poblacion Barangay 5 115 0 0 23 0 0 134 3 2.2
Poblacion Barangay 6 300 1 0.3 63 0 0 357 5 1.4
Poblacion Barangay 7 433 1 0.2 86 0 0 519 12 2.3
Sala 183 0 0 32 0 0 213 0 0
Sambat 274 3 1.1 42 0 0 314 23 7.3
San Jose 100 0 0 20 0 0 122 1 0.8
Santol 48 1 2 9 0 0 61 3 4.9
Santor 311 5 1.6 63 0 0 368 6 1.6
Sulpoc 140 0 0 28 0 0 172 8 4.7
Suplang 111 0 0 27 0 0 133 0 0
Talaga 455 0 0 87 0 0 534 14 2.6
Tinurik 422 6 1.4 78 1 1.3 522 8 1.5
Trapiche 667 4 0.6 118 0 0 807 6 0.7
Ulango 191 0 0 36 0 0 241 7 2.9
Wawa 112 0 0 18 0 0 138 0 0

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

CBMS Poverty Maps: City of Tanauan

Map 4. Proportion of Households Living in Makeshift Housing, by Barangay, 2014-2015




Bottom 10 Barangays

Barangay Magnitude Proportion

Poblacion Barangay 6 58 7.8

Tinurik 73 6.6
Sala 25 5.7
Poblacion Barangay 7 51 5.6
Cale 39 5.2
Poblacion Barangay 1 19 5.2
Maugat 18 4.7
Balele 56 3.5
Banadero 28 3.2
Pagaspas 19 2.9

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

CBMS Poverty Maps: City of Tanauan

Map 5. Proportion of Households who are Informal Settlers, by Barangay, 2014-2015


Bottom 10 Barangays

Barangay Magnitude Proportion

Poblacion Barangay 4 569 74.8

Poblacion Barangay 7 257 28.1
Poblacion Barangay 1 78 21.4
Poblacion Barangay 3 107 11.7
Hidalgo 19 9.5
Pagaspas 36 5.6
Banadero 40 4.6
Janopol 13 2.4
Bagbag 13 2.0
Darasa 61 1.9

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

CBMS Poverty Maps: City of Tanauan

Map 6. Proportion of Households without Access to Safe Water Supply

by Barangay, 2014-2015


Bottom 10 Barangays

Barangay Magnitude Proportion

Sulpoc 51 12.3
Banadero 75 8.6
Poblacion Barangay 3 68 7.4
Janopol 13 2.4
Ambulong 20 1.3
Tinurik 11 1.0
Balele 15 0.9
Bilog-bilog 9 0.9
Gonzales 3 0.8
Poblacion Barangay 2 0.5

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

CBMS Poverty Maps: City of Tanauan

Map 7. Proportion of Households without Access to Sanitary Toilet Facilities,

by Barangay, 2014-2015



Bottom 10 Barangays

Barangay Magnitude Proportion

Maugat 29 7.6
Gonzales 23 5.8
Poblacion Barangay 3 50 5.5
Bilog-bilog 54 5.4
Poblacion Barangay 1 18 4.9
Banadero 41 4.7
San Jose 11 4.4
Malaking Pulo 24 3.1
Janopol 17 3.1
Maria Paz 15 2.9

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

Table 2. Housing, Water and Sanitation Indicators, by Barangay, City of Tanauan, 2014-2015

Barangay Households living in Households who are Households without access to Households without access to
safe water supply sanitary toilet facilities
makeshift housing informal settlers
Magnitude Proportion Magnitude Proportion Magnitude Proportion Magnitude Proportion

Altura Bata 3 1.1 0 0 0 0 3 1.1

Altura Matanda 0 0 1 0.8 0 0 2 1.6
Altura-South 1 0.6 1 0.6 0 0 0 0
Ambulong 20 1.3 16 1.0 20 1.3 24 1.6
Bagbag 1 0.2 13 2.0 1 0.2 11 1.7
Bagumbayan 13 1.5 3 0.3 0 0 2 0.2
Balele 56 3.5 7 0.4 15 0.9 39 2.5
Banadero 28 3.2 40 4.6 75 8.6 41 4.7
Banjo East 17 2.3 1 0.1 0 0 4 0.6
Banjo West 3 0.5 6 1.0 0 0 0 0
Bilog-bilog 17 1.7 0 0 9 0.9 54 5.4
Boot 13 1.1 19 1.6 1 0.1 22 1.8
Cale 39 5.2 3 0.4 0 0 0 0
Darasa 25 0.8 61 1.9 5 0.2 2 0.1
Gonzales 0 0 1 0.3 3 0.8 23 5.8
Hidalgo 0 0 19 9.5 0 0 0 0
Janopol 12 2.2 13 2.4 13 2.4 17 3.1
Janopol Oriental 6 1.0 5 0.8 1 0.2 3 0.5
Laurel 7 2.2 1 0.3 0 0 0 0
Luyos 0 0 3 1.0 0 0 0 0
Mabini 4 0.8 1 0.2 0 0 3 0.6
Malaking Pulo 5 0.6 7 0.9 0 0 24 3.1
Maria Paz 1 0.2 4 0.8 0 0 15 2.9
Maugat 18 4.7 1 0.3 0 0 29 7.6
Montaña 3 0.8 6 1.7 1 0.3 2 0.6
Natatas 14 1.5 4 0.4 0 0 0 0
Pagaspas 19 2.9 36 5.6 0 0 4 0.6
Pantay Bata 9 1.3 4 0.6 1 0.1 0 0
Pantay Matanda 23 2.6 4 0.4 0 0 0 0
Poblacion Barangay 1 19 5.2 78 21.4 2 0.5 18 4.9
Poblacion Barangay 2 1 0.4 1 0.4 0 0 6 2.1
Poblacion Barangay 3 1 0.1 107 11.7 68 7.4 50 5.5
Poblacion Barangay 4 15 2.0 569 74.8 1 0.1 2 0.3
Poblacion Barangay 5 3 1.1 0 0 0 0 1 0.4
Poblacion Barangay 6 58 7.8 2 0.3 1 0.1 8 1.1
Poblacion Barangay 7 51 5.6 257 28.1 0 0 1 0.1
Sala 25 5.7 4 0.9 0 0 6 1.4
Sambat 1 0.1 5 0.6 2 0.3 0 0
San Jose 2 0.8 0 0 0 0 11 4.4
Santol 0 0 2 1.8 0 0 1 0.9
Santor 7 1.0 9 1.3 1 0.1 11 1.6
Sulpoc 10 2.4 1 0.2 51 12.3 1 0.2
Suplang 0 0 4 1.6 0 0 1 0.4
Talaga 10 0.9 8 0.7 0 0 0 0
Tinurik 73 6.6 10 0.9 11 1.0 3 0.3
Trapiche 9 0.7 2 0.1 1 0.1 1 0.1
Ulango 11 1.8 5 0.8 0 0 0 0
Wawa 2 0.6 4 1.2 0 0 1 0.3

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

CBMS Poverty Maps: City of Tanauan

Map 8. Proportion of Children 6-11 years old Not Attending Elementary

School, by Barangay, 2014-2015



Bottom 10 Barangays

Barangay Magnitude Proportion

Wawa 32 19.0
Janopol 59 17.9
Suplang 22 15.0
Bagbag 59 14.9
Banjo East 61 14.5
Poblacion Barangay 2 20 13.8
Poblacion Barangay 7 69 13.6
Maugat 29 13.6
Bagumbayan 55 12.9
Boot 85 12.3

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

CBMS Poverty Maps: City of Tanauan

Map 9. Proportion of Children 12-15 years old Not Attending High School,
by Barangay, 2014-2015



Bottom 10 Barangays

Barangay Magnitude Proportion

Poblacion Barangay 6 96 41.4

Poblacion Barangay 4 129 41.1
Poblacion Barangay 3 126 39.9
Banjo East 88 38.8
Santor 81 36.3
Janopol 68 34.5
Trapiche 168 33.2
Poblacion Barangay 1 52 32.5
Poblacion Barangay 7 117 32.0
Hidalgo 31 32.0

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

CBMS Poverty Maps: City of Tanauan

Map 10. Proportion of Children 6-15 years old Not Attending School,
by Barangay, 2014-2015



Bottom 10 Barangays

Barangay Magnitude Proportion

Hidalgo 17 7.1
Poblacion Barangay 4 57 7.0
Bagumbayan 42 6.1
Bagbag 37 5.9
Poblacion Barangay 7 51 5.8
Maugat 19 5.1
Poblacion Barangay 6 28 4.9
Janopol Oriental 21 4.3
Darasa 106 3.9
Poblacion Barangay 3 31 3.9

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

Table 3. Education Indicators, by Barangay, City of Tanauan, 2014-2015

Barangay Number of Children not attending Number of Children not attending Number of Children not
children elementary school children high school children attending school
(6-11 years old) (6-11 years old) (12-15 years old) (12-15 years old) (6-15 years old) (6-15 years old)

Magnitude Proportion Magnitude Proportion Magnitude Proportion

Altura Bata 176 8 4.5 98 13 13.3 274 2 0.7

Altura Matanda 68 3 4.4 40 2 5.0 108 1 0.9
Altura-South 69 7 10.1 47 10 21.3 116 3 2.6
Ambulong 897 48 5.4 545 109 20.0 1,442 29 2.0
Bagbag 397 59 14.9 225 55 24.4 622 37 5.9
Bagumbayan 428 55 12.9 265 60 22.6 693 42 6.1
Balele 963 99 10.3 633 171 27.0 1,596 59 3.7
Banadero 501 22 4.4 310 62 20.0 811 14 1.7
Banjo East 422 61 14.5 227 88 38.8 649 14 2.2
Banjo West 283 33 11.7 191 54 28.3 474 13 2.7
Bilog-bilog 522 47 9.0 341 61 17.9 863 28 3.2
Boot 693 85 12.3 477 147 30.8 1,170 30 2.6
Cale 357 37 10.4 244 26 10.7 601 21 3.5
Darasa 1,726 154 8.9 1,003 244 24.3 2,729 106 3.9
Gonzales 215 12 5.6 145 20 13.8 360 6 1.7
Hidalgo 144 10 6.9 97 31 32.0 241 17 7.1
Janopol 330 59 17.9 197 68 34.5 527 20 3.8
Janopol Oriental 303 34 11.2 184 42 22.8 487 21 4.3
Laurel 152 12 7.9 95 24 25.3 247 7 2.8
Luyos 145 11 7.6 123 22 17.9 268 5 1.9
Mabini 306 19 6.2 206 49 23.8 512 20 3.9
Malaking Pulo 433 42 9.7 289 42 14.5 722 27 3.7
Maria Paz 329 19 5.8 233 42 18.0 562 10 1.8
Maugat 213 29 13.6 158 37 23.4 371 19 5.1
Montaña 220 5 2.3 135 29 21.5 355 1 0.3
Natatas 509 19 3.7 339 74 21.8 848 11 1.3
Pagaspas 360 15 4.2 227 46 20.3 587 13 2.2
Pantay Bata 309 27 8.7 219 56 25.6 528 14 2.7
Pantay Matanda 541 16 3.0 329 76 23.1 870 30 3.4
Poblacion Barangay 1 231 15 6.5 160 52 32.5 391 15 3.8
Poblacion Barangay 2 145 20 13.8 96 28 29.2 241 5 2.1
Poblacion Barangay 3 481 51 10.6 316 126 39.9 797 31 3.9
Poblacion Barangay 4 498 56 11.2 314 129 41.1 812 57 7.0
Poblacion Barangay 5 117 10 8.5 87 20 23.0 204 6 2.9
Poblacion Barangay 6 341 35 10.3 232 96 41.4 573 28 4.9
Poblacion Barangay 7 508 69 13.6 366 117 32.0 874 51 5.8
Sala 256 14 5.5 139 38 27.3 395 10 2.5
Sambat 395 26 6.6 265 60 22.6 660 15 2.3
San Jose 103 4 3.9 78 12 15.4 181 6 3.3
Santol 60 5 8.3 38 7 18.4 98 2 2.0
Santor 359 39 10.9 223 81 36.3 582 22 3.8
Sulpoc 203 17 8.4 141 22 15.6 344 1 0.3
Suplang 147 22 15.0 94 27 28.7 241 5 2.1
Talaga 602 44 7.3 393 92 23.4 995 33 3.3
Tinurik 585 47 8.0 413 92 22.3 998 31 3.1
Trapiche 805 72 8.9 506 168 33.2 1,311 44 3.4
Ulango 252 29 11.5 172 53 30.8 424 8 1.9
Wawa 168 32 19.0 137 33 24.1 305 8 2.6

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

CBMS Poverty Maps: City of Tanauan

Map 11. Proportion of Households with Income Below the Poverty Threshold,
by Barangay, 2014-2015



Bottom 10 Barangays

Barangay Magnitude Proportion

Suplang 154 61.8

Sambat 424 54.0
Maria Paz 241 46.7
Wawa 159 46.0
Santol 45 41.3
Mabini 197 40.2
Balele 615 38.7
Cale 280 37.2
Altura Matanda 44 34.6
Boot 412 34.4

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

CBMS Poverty Maps: City of Tanauan

Map 12. Proportion of Households with Income Below the Food Threshold,
by Barangay, 2014-2015



Bottom 10 Barangays

Barangay Magnitude Proportion

Suplang 129 51.8

Sambat 351 44.7
Santol 35 32.1
Wawa 101 29.2
Maria Paz 148 28.7
Balele 454 28.5
Cale 200 26.6
Pantay Matanda 236 26.3
Mabini 129 26.3
Altura Matanda 33 26.0

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

CBMS Poverty Maps: City of Tanauan

Map 13. Proportion of Households who Experienced Hunger due to Food

Shortage, by Barangay, 2014-2015


Bottom 10 Barangays
Barangay Magnitude Proportion

Santol 7 6.4
Hidalgo 9 4.5
Banadero 37 4.2
Janopol Oriental 23 3.9
Bilog-bilog 37 3.7
Montaña 7 1.9
Sala 7 1.6
Tinurik 17 1.5
Boot 17 1.4
Bagumbayan 11 1.3

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

Table 4. Income Poverty and Hunger Indicators, by Barangay, City of Tanauan, 2014-2015

Barangay Households with income below the Households with income below Households who experienced
poverty threshold the food threshold hunger due to food shortage
Magnitude Proportion Magnitude Proportion Magnitude Proportion

Altura Bata 60 21.1 31 10.9 1 0.4

Altura Matanda 44 34.6 33 26.0 1 0.8
Altura-South 19 11.4 9 5.4 0 0
Ambulong 473 30.9 265 17.3 2 0.1
Bagbag 214 32.3 145 21.9 2 0.3
Bagumbayan 175 20.1 89 10.2 11 1.3
Balele 615 38.7 454 28.5 10 0.6
Banadero 200 22.8 134 15.3 37 4.2
Banjo East 91 12.6 40 5.5 7 1.0
Banjo West 57 9.3 17 2.8 0 0
Bilog-bilog 183 18.2 118 11.7 37 3.7
Boot 412 34.4 249 20.8 17 1.4
Cale 280 37.2 200 26.6 1 0.1
Darasa 750 23.5 475 14.9 3 0.1
Gonzales 96 24.2 52 13.1 0 0
Hidalgo 7 3.5 2 1.0 9 4.5
Janopol 143 26.1 84 15.4 0 0
Janopol Oriental 122 20.5 83 13.9 23 3.9
Laurel 94 29.8 57 18.1 0 0
Luyos 51 16.7 36 11.8 2 0.7
Mabini 197 40.2 129 26.3 1 0.2
Malaking Pulo 210 27.1 115 14.8 0 0
Maria Paz 241 46.7 148 28.7 1 0.2
Maugat 95 25.0 63 16.6 0 0
Montaña 63 17.4 29 8.0 7 1.9
Natatas 190 20.4 105 11.3 0 0
Pagaspas 159 24.6 89 13.8 0 0
Pantay Bata 55 8.0 20 2.9 0 0
Pantay Matanda 302 33.7 236 26.3 4 0.4
Poblacion Barangay 1 54 14.8 29 7.9 2 0.5
Poblacion Barangay 2 16 5.6 7 2.5 1 0.4
Poblacion Barangay 3 177 19.3 80 8.7 2 0.2
Poblacion Barangay 4 234 30.7 163 21.4 4 0.5
Poblacion Barangay 5 42 15.3 23 8.4 0 0
Poblacion Barangay 6 125 16.8 73 9.8 5 0.7
Poblacion Barangay 7 246 26.9 159 17.4 0 0
Sala 150 34.0 108 24.5 7 1.6
Sambat 424 54.0 351 44.7 0 0
San Jose 81 32.5 41 16.5 2 0.8
Santol 45 41.3 35 32.1 7 6.4
Santor 206 29.2 138 19.5 1 0.1
Sulpoc 88 21.3 56 13.5 0 0
Suplang 154 61.8 129 51.8 1 0.4
Talaga 233 21.8 146 13.7 1 0.1
Tinurik 320 28.9 197 17.8 17 1.5
Trapiche 262 19.2 133 9.8 1 0.1
Ulango 171 28.5 90 15.0 0 0
Wawa 159 46.0 101 29.2 2 0.6

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

CBMS Poverty Maps: City of Tanauan

Map 14. Unemployment Rate (15 years old and above), by Barangay, 2014-2015




Bottom 10 Barangays

Barangay Magnitude Proportion

Montaña 198 32.0

Wawa 114 26.6
Cale 302 25.0
Maria Paz 150 19.4
Boot 406 19.2
Ulango 162 18.9
Luyos 105 18.5
Altura-South 58 18.1
Sala 135 17.9
Gonzales 131 17.6

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

CBMS Poverty Maps: City of Tanauan

Map 15. Proportion of Persons who are Victims of Crime, by Barangay, 2011-2012


Bottom 8 Barangays

Barangay Magnitude Proportion

Poblacion Barangay 1 28 1.5

Trapiche 24 0.4
Poblacion Barangay 6 12 0.4
Santol 2 0.4
Sala 5 0.3
Poblacion Barangay 7 8 0.2
Sulpoc 3 0.2
Poblacion Barangay 2 2 0.2

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

Table 5. Unemployment and Victims of Crime Indicators, by Barangay, City of Tanauan,
Barangay Number of persons Unemployment rate Persons who are victims of crimes
in the labor force (15 years old and above)
(15 years old and above)
Magnitude Proportion Magnitude Proportion

Altura Bata 532 73 13.7 0 0

Altura Matanda 264 44 16.7 0 0
Altura-South 321 58 18.1 1 0.1
Ambulong 2,630 452 17.2 1 0.0
Bagbag 939 143 15.2 0 0
Bagumbayan 1,218 68 5.6 3 0.1
Balele 2,499 342 13.7 2 0
Banadero 1,504 87 5.8 2 0.1
Banjo East 1,312 108 8.2 2 0.1
Banjo West 1,024 81 7.9 1 0.0
Bilog-bilog 1,561 164 10.5 2 0.0
Boot 2,120 406 19.2 3 0.1
Cale 1,207 302 25.0 1 0.0
Darasa 4,822 371 7.7 3 0.0
Gonzales 745 131 17.6 0 0
Hidalgo 394 48 12.2 0 0
Janopol 977 43 4.4 0 0
Janopol Oriental 1,028 176 17.1 1 0.0
Laurel 498 83 16.7 0 0
Luyos 567 105 18.5 0 0
Mabini 824 44 5.3 0 0
Malaking Pulo 1,220 62 5.1 0 0
Maria Paz 774 150 19.4 0 0
Maugat 795 86 10.8 0 0
Montaña 618 198 32.0 0 0
Natatas 1,678 188 11.2 2 0.0
Pagaspas 1,222 144 11.8 1 0.0
Pantay Bata 1,229 195 15.9 1 0.0
Pantay Matanda 1,515 240 15.8 0 0
Poblacion Barangay 1 862 39 4.5 28 1.5
Poblacion Barangay 2 506 40 7.9 2 0.2
Poblacion Barangay 3 1,574 255 16.2 5 0.1
Poblacion Barangay 4 1,250 194 15.5 1 0.0
Poblacion Barangay 5 473 18 3.8 1 0.1
Poblacion Barangay 6 1,327 90 6.8 12 0.4
Poblacion Barangay 7 1,613 167 10.4 8 0.2
Sala 753 135 17.9 5 0.3
Sambat 1,191 81 6.8 3 0.1
San Jose 465 38 8.2 0 0
Santol 218 13 6.0 2 0.4
Santor 1,104 73 6.6 0 0
Sulpoc 588 50 8.5 3 0.2
Suplang 321 10 3.1 0 0
Talaga 1,827 187 10.2 3 0.1
Tinurik 1,647 116 7.0 0 0
Trapiche 2,330 158 6.8 24 0.4
Ulango 859 162 18.9 2 0.1
Wawa 428 114 26.6 1 0.1

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

CBMS Poverty Maps: City of Tanauan

Map 16. CBMS Composite Indicator, by Barangay, 2014-2015




Bottom 10 Barangays

Barangay Average
Poblacion Barangay 4 1.6
Suplang 1.2
Sambat 1.1
Wawa 1.1
Maria Paz 1.0
Cale 1.0
Santol 1.0
Poblacion Barangay 7 1.0
Balele 1.0
Altura Matanda 1.0

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)

Table 6. CBMS Composite Indicator, by Barangay, City of Tanauan, 2014-2015

Barangay CBMS Composite Indicator

Altura Bata 0.6

Altura Matanda 1.0
Altura-South 0.5
Ambulong 0.8
Bagbag 0.8
Bagumbayan 0.5
Balele 1.0
Banadero 0.7
Banjo East 0.4
Banjo West 0.3
Bilog-bilog 0.6
Boot 0.9
Cale 1.0
Darasa 0.5
Gonzales 0.7
Hidalgo 0.5
Janopol 0.6
Janopol Oriental 0.7
Laurel 0.8
Luyos 0.6
Mabini 0.8
Malaking Pulo 0.6
Maria Paz 1.0
Maugat 0.8
Montaña 0.7
Natatas 0.5
Pagaspas 0.7
Pantay Bata 0.4
Pantay Matanda 0.9
Poblacion Barangay 1 0.8
Poblacion Barangay 2 0.3
Poblacion Barangay 3 0.8
Poblacion Barangay 4 1.6
Poblacion Barangay 5 0.3
Poblacion Barangay 6 0.5
Poblacion Barangay 7 1.0
Sala 0.9
Sambat 1.1
San Jose 0.7
Santol 1.0
Santor 0.7
Sulpoc 0.6
Suplang 1.2
Talaga 0.6
Tinurik 0.7
Trapiche 0.4
Ulango 0.7
Wawa 1.1

The Many Faces of Poverty (Volume 7)


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