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Page 1

You may republish excerpts from this report as long as they

are accompanied by an attribution link back to

Copyright © 2009 Badboy Lifestyle. Some rights reserved.

Page 2

Why This Opinion Of Seduction Is WRONG Page 4

The New (DNA) Model of Seduction Page 6

F**k Pickup Artists PART 1 Page 7

The Structure Page 10

You’re not normal Page 12

Tools and principles (example) Page 14

Tactics/logistics example Page 16

The solution Page 18

F**k Pickup Artists part 2 Page 19

What Now? Page 20

Page 3
Why this opinion of pickup and seduction is WRONG
(even if you agree with it)!

There are a lot of guys who think that pickup and seduction works best when
it is broken up into components and explained, debated and studied until we
find those magic nuggets of gold that make it all worthwhile.

But, if you look at the guys who are having great success out there, they have
one thing in common – they have it all internalized.

Here’s the big news for you, it is NOT best when broken down, it’s best when

You see, the successful guys all have an ingrained “system”, no matter what
intellectual understanding they have of pickup and seduction. And most
naturals don't’ have any “knowledge” – all they know comes from experience.

Guess who's living a happier life?!?

That's right... the guys who DO it. It isn’t a struggle (maybe once they lived on
the edge of their comfort zone) but now they’re the SUCCESSFUL ones.

(pssst...they're not the rich ones or the best looking, but you probably know
that already).


And don’t study anymore to be a Pick-up Artist.

But think, for just a moment, how YOU – just like any other seduction student
who soaks up this knowledge – can become the man with complete power
and choice around women.

More on the solution later.

Page 4
I've gotten more than a few letters that said something like...

"Badboy, your methods may work on European women but they don’t work in
the Sates.” OR “you’re methods are ONLY for naturally alpha guys” OR “it’s
too simple – where is the FTCs, the LMR tactics”

If you think it won’t work for you, that’s OK by me. But you could be passing
up a lot of opportunities that come your way.

So here's my reply to you, and anyone else who thinks that way.


If you truly want to have the choice of any woman you want

Badboy Lifestyle students have had success all over the world, some of my
biggest breakthroughs came in the US, in Dubai, in South Africa, in Sweden
(ah Sweden!).

The only difference throughout the world is logistics – some places the culture
is different and people have different social boundaries – but seduction is the
same everywhere!

Sure my methods might seem like they’re for more natural guys, but every
student I had didn’t begin as a natural – they became Natural. Direct Natural
Attraction is for everyone, I have proven that much to myself by personally
training literally thousands of guys.

There aren’t many complicated tactical manoeuvres in my method. Like I said

before, deconstructing is an academic exercise to increase understanding, but
reconstructing the patterns that work is where Direct Natural Attraction comes
from. There is always complex psychology at work, but it doesn’t show.

Page 5
The New DNA Model
We call it Direct Natural Attraction (DNA). It is the culmination of all my work
and knowledge in seduction of women.
The DNA is more than just a method – it encapsulates the mindset, logistics,
tools and techniques as well as strategies, creating a new breed of a seducer
one who is even better than the “natural one”.
It’s a whole system and works by systematically and structurally changing any
guy into a seducer, teaching him how to seduce women into bed or into a
In the system too there are tools for logistics – you see the things that come
up you want to deal with, and if you see the same things again and again you
recognize the patterns of what works logistically.
Then there is the things that you learn – the ways that you behave that fits all
the things that are attractive and underpin seduction – these are flexible and
built into the structure, but it’s not things you do it’s the way you are.
DNA is a system, built on the back of what works.
It’s reconstructed by you by DOING, and yes it’s taught by a deconstructed
explanation of why (it helps – but know this, explanation only helps you get
better, it doesn’t help you get started)!

Page 6
F**k Pickup Artists (PART 1)
Forget everything you know about pickup…
and actually start getting laid…
by the hottest chicks…

A controversial title to say the least, but what you are about to learn really is
what every man needs to know before embarking on a journey of pickup and
seduction. And you’ll realize by the end that it might just be a positive

Like all things in life they have their beginning and an end. In the beginning
we set down and worked together in a small, closely knit community of people
focused on sharing the knowledge and improving our seduction skills.

It was all about sex, getting laid and living in a world of plenty.

Then the secret was out and thousands, no tens of thousands of guys started
getting into the game, wanting the same and more, and why not? We are all
men and we should all share the same knowledge and the same success.

I know guys who are afraid to approach women because they think it is
insulting to them. What a crock of shit. It is my mission to change this and give
power to men, where it belongs.

Without a single community leader or a single school of thoughts a mishmash

of techniques were adopted and even a vocabulary was developed to
describe some of the common situations or things we do.

Some of the techniques were successful and some of them not so much. A
technique that would work for one person would not work for another and it
caused endless debates as to which one to use and which one is better.

The whole “thing” started to slowly turn from a community of people trying the
stuff, to a community of people talking about the stuff. The community is rife
with guys with little or no success talking about the stuff they never tried but
think it would be cool to do… if ever they got out and did it by themselves.

The best pickup artists realized that a long time back and removed
themselves from the community as they were only asked questions and
criticized by people who never tried anything by themselves.

I even tested it a few times; we released a rather controversial opener to the

community, that worked for me and all my students without a single failure
and what was the result?

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We got criticized, argued against and plainly told that this would never work or
rationalized against. The community has turned away from the core beliefs
and the ideas against which it was started and became a place of talking
about pickup.

Some new kinds got into the game to make a “quick buck”, now competing as
to who is actually better PUA. Can you imagine that? There are even awards
being given to people for being the best PUA? I mean is that why you are in
this community? Or is it because you want to improve your game?

Game? I guess this is the core question. I bet you’ve red the book or at least
heard of it. It has become a game.

I can guarantee you that there is nothing funny in picking up women and
learning how to improve yourself. Your life and your ability to attract seduce
and fuck women you desire is not a fucking game.

But it is a game to many, they have been led to believe that if you remember
just another opener, just another “story” just another robotized tactics it will
just work and they will become super attractive to women and have a choice
of any women they desire.

You have been lied to!

You were taught that if you run routines, tactics and tools it would make you
attractive to women. Have you ever stopped and thought about the truth?

Women are not brainless animals or proverbial pigeons.

All those things like social proof, DHV, FTC, LMR and all those cool-sounding
acronyms are the vocabulary of failure.

So roll this back and try to let go of your ego, and assume for a minute that
women are intelligent.

So if it is not the opener or a clever story what is it? It is you! Yes, you!
Women fall for you, who you are and how you make them feel, and most
importantly how they feel about you. And if all they can feel about you is an
empty shell with a bag of tricks, then where does it leave you?

As you talk to a girl, she is trying hard to figure you out., and learn who you
are, behind the talk and cool bag of tricks, who you really are, and she finds it
out whether you like it or not, just like you would if the situation was reversed.

So what do you do? That was the question I busied myself with for a long
time, tried and tested every single technique and tactics available to man tried
it myself with a group of my trusted friends, even interviewed psychologists.

And what’s the result?

Page 8
Yes many of techniques are useful but they have to fit the structure, the
mental and physical side of being who you are. The answer is inside you it is
in your genes, it is who you are and all you have to do is to be direct, be
natural and be attractive. What is hidden behind the saying “just be yourself?”
it is to be just that, your undiscovered self.

This is how we came up with the DNA; Direct Natural Attraction, something
that goes far beyond the tools and tactics, something that allows you to tap
inside who you are and present it in attractive way to a woman.

What you are is a Man, a powerful, sexual, direct and attractive man and all
you have to do is present that to a woman who will instantly find herself
captivated by who you are.

Page 9
A glimpse of the Structure (of Seduction)

That is just a brief look at the components that make up the seduction

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Here’s a look at how the structure pans out

See the plan and the tools, they’re very useful, but don’t start from there.

Page 11
You’re not normal, and that’s good
It’s true. Statistically, you’re not normal.

If you’re currently sarging (community term for going out to pick up women),
you have already begun to develop some of the most important skills for your

Doing it is THE most important thing for success – but if you’re not doing as
much as you think you should don’t worry. There is a solution.

You don’t need more practice. You don’t need to open 45 sets a night, and
get X number close or Y kiss closes. Don’t practice!

There’s a huge shift going on in seduction thanks to the movement towards

natural game.

Those who can understand and express their direct natural attraction will be
at the top end of the game, annihilating any other so-called players.

I don’t say this out of bias, but because it has been proven to me time and
time again. In seduction stakes the naturals win, and the learned, intelligent
trained-naturals demolish the players who have some natural ability.

I’d even go so far as to say if you’re only just now seriously looking into direct
natural game, you’re way ahead of 98% of the population of wannabe “pickup-
artists” out there.

But those of you who have gotten started actually doing seduction are truly
not normal – because you’ve taken action. Every guy wants to have ultimate
success with women, to have the choice of women that comes form gaining
attraction from all women.

Most people never take the necessary action to make their dreams come true,
even though it’s usually just a matter of showing up and getting started.

Although it may not always seem like it, simply getting started is the main
thing that keeps people from achieving their goals. As long as you keep going
and realize that everything that doesn’t work out as planned is making you
better, smarter, and stronger, you can’t lose.

But, another way is to learn from guys who have trodden that path.

On the other hand, another way in which you’re not normal may be holding
you Back!

You are likely way above average when it comes to knowledge and
intelligence. You likely understand it better, understand how to use it, and are
generally good at finding what you need. A lot of guys become seduction
academics, and yet don’t get laid!!

Page 12
But what you have is still an advantage. Most people are not like you at all. In
fact, the average guy is far less sophisticated when it comes to navigating the
seduction world than you might imagine and simply doesn’t know how to do

You need to take ACTION.

Page 13
Don’t Rely on Routines… but there are tools and
An example (tests!)

We might want to fuck every hot girl that moves, whereas women are
designed to far more carefully choose their partners. Unconsciously she will
screen/test every man for his potential as a partner.

Tests can come in lots of different forms. Unconsciously she’s looking for
particular things (the characteristics that are part of your DNA and all our
direct natural attraction).

On other side there is her logic, her conscious and what she temporarily think
she wants bases on society she lives, books she read, influence of her
girlfriends, ex boyfriend experiences.

So, while seducing a woman, you have to always have to see through those 2
different layers of the her.

Basically their entire game comes down to filtering out/screening guys. They
look nice, smell nice, dress sexy, and expose themselves to the “Market”.
Then their job is to be patient and to wait for the guys to approach, and screen
them, based on her unconscious (and often consciously adopted) criteria.

Once you approach her, she has to run you through serious of tests to see
are you the one she is searching for. That’s all the weapons she has in this

As we discussed before most of the girls are searching for the same thing, so
their tests will be the exactly same. This is why we have tools, but don’t need
to rely on routines, because so much of seduction is the same – attraction and
tests etc.

Behind every question she will ask you, there is a purpose why she is asking
you, you have to be realize what she is asking with a question, what she
wants to hear, and answer it in a way that will satisfy her.

There are some standard questions that every girl will try to answers once she
starts seeing you as a her potential boyfriend/lover. Are you available/ do you
have someone, are you more for long term relationship or you search for sex
only, do you have friends, are you psycho?

Q: Do you have a girlfriend/ where is your girlfriend?

A: It’s obvious what they want to find out here, this question will come in many
forms and shapes, but they are always asking the very same thing. Are you
Neither saying you are free or saying you have a girlfriend is not good, Best
way is to answer the question without answering it. If you answer that you

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don’t have a girlfriend, it’s a sign on low value “ no one wants him, why should
Good answer: “ I am still searching for my soul mate”

Q: Who are you here with?

A: Here they are curious whether you are the kind of a guy that goes out
alone to pick up girls, or whether you came here with friends? It’s obvious
what you have to answer.
Good answer: “ I am here with a friend of mine, but we bumped into his ex
girlfriend, and they started to talk, I didn’t wanted to bother, you know how it

Q: Are you a player?

A: Almost every girl had a experience, that she had sex with a guy hoping
she will enter relationship with him, and then the next day he left, and never
called her again. So its obvious what they are asking here here, what they are
really asking is: if we have sex, will you stay with me day after, or will you
dump me next day?
Good answer: “I am just searching for my soul mate”

Q: Where are you from?

A: In the moment, they seriously start thinking about you as their boyfriend;
they will start asking details like this. The best is to avoid direct answer
Good answer: “My mother says I am from Heaven”

Q: I am thirsty, buy me a drink.

A: This is really tricky one. In a theory you shouldn’t buy anything before you
kiss her. This may be a test to see how much she has you under control. In
this situation you will have to calibrate from girl to girl. You will have to decide
is it a test, does she only want a free drink, or you may actually use it to
create a deeper rapport with her.
Good answer: “I will buy the first round, if you buy the next one.”

Q: You know we aren't having sex right?

A: By saying this, she is revealing that she is thinking about it, and it’s a sign
you are on your way to get her. She wants you to take over responsibility for
her having sex with you, and to avoid her feeling sluttish.
Good answer: “Absolutely,.. and anyway I prefer cuddling.”

Page 15
Tactics and logistics
An example (mixed groups – guy and girls)

Most guys will be scared of approaching mixed groups, while in reality mixed
groups are very simple to operate because a guy will never reject you. And in
most mixed groups, you start from the guy.

70% of mixed groups will be boyfriend + girlfriend and her best friend. So
before you approach, take a good look and determine if that is the case with
your group, searching for any clues that may tell you who is boyfriend and

You’ll notice that the boyfriend and girlfriend will be standing closer to each
other, and there will be some sexual tension/energy between them. It’s a
typical situation where a couple takes out the girl’s best friend, because she is

Observe and search for the clues. While walking towards them, decide how
you are going to play.

Approach the group and position yourself between the boyfriend and
girlfriend. Open a conversation with them. Talk with a whole group. Make sure
the couple likes you, especially his girlfriend as later she’ll be making a
decision whether you are good enough for her girlfriend.

Start shifting your conversation and attention more towards your target. You
can do that by asking her a question, and start talking with only, ignoring the

If you notice the girls are very good friends, it may be smart to ask the
girlfriend for permission to talk with her friend. Just whisper to her (so the rest
of group cannot hear it), “You know I really like your friend, do I have your
permission to talk with her and get to know her?” Remember, she is the one
that holds the key to your success with your target.

Asking for permission is a not necessarily step you have to do. You can do it
with it or without it.

Position yourself next to your target, so you are semi-isolating her away from
the group. The couple will start talking so it gives you an easy time to have a
private conversation with your target.

Get her comfortable with you, spending several minutes talking, and then
proceed to full isolation. Before you isolate fully its very smart to announce to

Page 16
the couple what you are doing, and where you’re going, so they don’t
worry/cockblock you later on.

Just say: “Guys, we would like to get a drink on the other side of the club”, (or
use any other excuse that may be useful in that situation).

Mental note: The couple - just like any other couple - want to be alone, and if
they like you, they will be more than happy to hand you that girl, so they can
enjoy their intimacy. Your target is a 3rd wheel in their group, so if you do
everything step by step as explained here, and you don’t make any mistakes,
success is guaranteed.

To increase your success to the maximum level, spend more time in step two,
and put extra effort into making the couple love you - as you may realize by
now, they are the key element for your success in this situation.

Page 17
The Solution
Coming of age

Most “primitive” societies in the world e.g. Masai warriors, have the “coming
of age” ceremony where a boy would be taken away and taught how to be a

In today’s society we are not primitive, we don’t believe in nature, spirituality,

acupuncture, herbal remedies, bioenergy and stuff like that... and we NEVER
teach men how to be MEN, we tell them how to be women.

What we need is what we’ve lost! A way to learn about our nature and the
nature of SEX!

The Extreme

People say Badboy Lifestyle is “extreme”. We say, judge yourself by your own
set of rules, not the rules of others. You have your own values, be your own
man and experience your own life. Don’t live in the past, or a future, live now,
live in the moment.

We teach men how to be MEN, how to discover themselves and enjoy their
life. Sex, love, connection are all natural parts of that experience and you
deserve to live the life abundant in all those things.

Coming of age (today)

If our modern world still did the “coming of age ceremony” how would it look
today? Perhaps the people that “know” would take their students and teach
them everything they should know about the nature and life. They would tell
them about women and teach them how to arouse them, stimulate them,
conquer them, love them and keep them.

All those things you already know! They are a part of your DNA! All you need
is to AWAKEN and someone who will guide you in this process!

The Now

Learning how to seduce women is a fantastic, empowering journey, learning

the RIGHT way makes it amazing. This is why you are here, right now! For
something that will awaken your DNA, your masculine self, teach you how to
seduce women, physically, mentally and sexually. A self-empowering journey
that will SHOW you your own sexual power and change your world.

Page 18
Fuck Pick-up Artists Part 2
How defining yourself as a pickup artist can reduce your success.

Too many mantras of seduction say “enter her world and then she’ll like you”
when what they really should be saying is…

“Define your own world and she’ll want you”

I’ll say it again – DON’T aim to be a pickup artist… but, there’s never been a
better time in history to learn and develop your direct natural attraction.

Let other guys, for convenience, refer to you as a Pickup Artist but never do it

Finally though if you must go with using PUA as a defining identity – try this
one on – this is what’s really meant by F**K Pickup Artists – define yourself as
a Fuck PUA.

What’s a Fuck PUA? Simply a PUA who isn’t afraid of being a man, of being
sexual and dominant.

This alone will bring you more success than if you go with the community
main term of PUA, a lot of that sneaky shit will destroy your masculinity.

Page 19
What Now?

First of all, let me assure you that you won’t be spammed with a bunch of
promotional hype related to the launch of the Techniques Homes Study
training program.

The course launches on Saturday the 30th of May, and any videos and articles
we release will contain useful information and strategies you can use whether
you’re a student or not.

Now you have the perfect foundation to build your success upon, whatever
method you follow. We hope you come with us to discover more of the power
of Direct Natural Attraction, as this builds upon what we’ve shared here.

But, at the very least, we hope to have given you the basis that all seduction
success is built upon. Many seduction coaches make it difficult to see this first
step, and focus on techniques and superficial identity that (without the
foundation) are counter-productive to getting what you want.

Thanks for reading.

Live in the moment,


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