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Friends Old and New ..........

It's About Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,3
At the World's Table .......... 25

Take Carel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

...... Animals Past and Present ...... 4q

In the Old Days. . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

It's a Datel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73

Hobbies Are Funl . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

Let's Dancel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . q7

Grammar Handbook Practice . . . , oq

Writing Handbook Practice . . . . , ,a
Student's Book Support Pages . . . . ,25
,<,,¡-CK 3

,ft~Listen. Write the missing words.

blue brown
curly different Is That You?
longer shorter
straight taller
Is that you?
I think that you were in my c/ass /ast year.
You were sitting there; I was sitting here.
But you don't look the sorne.

Your hair was _ _ _ __

and it was and _ _ _ __
Now your hair is _ _ __ _
and all around!

Didn't you wear glasses?

And weren't your eyes ?
Now you' re so much _ _ _ __
I can't believe it's you.


Wow, you' re really _ _ _ __

but I'm glad to see you, Millie.
What? That's not your name?
Now I feel really silly!


Write. Use words from the box. You will use some words
more than once.

1. Sally's got hair.
' curly
2. Paul's got hair. long
3. Matt's got hair. short
4. Helen's got hair.

Complete the chart about your friends.

.··· · · ·
· ·
· ··· .
Write complete sentences.

.· · · · · · · ··· í
.. .
: Who has got :.. ... . . \~
:. green eyes? .:···· ··,.-,,..
1 . .

_..: Melissa has got

';··.r ··i green eyes.

Find someone with ... Name

green eyes MeliS"S"a J,a~ 9ot 9reen eye~.
red hair
brown eyes
curly brown hair
short, straight dark hair
curly blonde hair
blue eyes
long, straight blonde hair
Emily is older than Mark. old -+- older

Draw your family.


\..,~,. ,
Write about your f amily. Answer the questions with
complete sentences.

1• Who is older than you?

2. Who is taller than you?

3. Who is younger than you?

4. Who has shorter hair than you?

5. Who wears glasses?

\)~\t '\
When do they 1 get excited? They 1
get excited when their team win s.
1 you 1 You

Wh en does Ishe
he I get scared? 1 ~~e I gets scared when 1 :~e I watches that film.

1• When does she get upset?

2. When does he get excited?

3. When do they get sad?

Q Write questions or answers.

1. When do you get upset?

She gets impatient when her friends are late.
~s~">"fi!,~. ·~~
3. When do you get excited?
,,,.,,...,_ -:::::-
4 ··:s~

4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

They get happy when they win the roce.

5. When do you get scared?
Find and circle the words. angry excited happy impatient
sad scared upset

s e
R J o s X y s A D
L s H A e F G R y

E u p s E T z G y n r1 n fb t\

u o
y A
ri,d ~~
When I can't
When do you i.. ,._._._.., ·1 find something
get impatient? .' right away!

Complete the chart. Ask two friends.

When do you get Name Name


1. impatient Wh e n ~h e can'tfind ~om e thin9

ri9ht away!


3. excited


5. upset

6. scared

\)t'\t 1
_ Friends Forever: A Magazine for Kids - - . .
Read Friends Forever: A Magazine for Kids.

Are You a Good friend?

!Jl Complete the sentences.

1. Good friends get excited when _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. Good friends soy "I' m sorry" when _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3. Good friends listen to their friends when _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4. Good friends do not tell others _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5. Good friends do things _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Our Readers' Letters

Write a letter to Friends

Forever about a special friend
of yours.

• Use the first letter in the magazine as an example.

• Describe your friend.
• Draw or glue a picture of your friend in the box.
<-~<¡,.i'CK4 ~

• •
' Read. Listen and wr1te.

1. Brad is the boy with the blue cap.

2. Her brother is than her friend's brother.
3. Her maths book is than her little brother's book.
4. He gets when dinner isn't ready.
5. She gets when she sees a spider.

,m -<_'l--i'CK 5

A. Complete the chant. Use words from the box.

Listen to check.

ATrue Friend funny kind bad sad truer

A true friend is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
and makes you laugh.
A true friend shows you how to do maths.
A true friend remembers your birthday.
A true friend helps you in every way.
A true friend is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
and doesn't get _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
A true friend listens
when you feel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __,
What I' m saying
is really true.
And there isn't a friend
___________ than you!

B. Write new lines for the chant.

A true friend is and doesn't get _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

A true friend when you feel _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

\)~ \t 1
Descriptive Sentences
Good writing has details and descriptions. Use adjectives and comparative forms of
adjectives to make your sentences interesting.
• You can use adjectives to describe people.
Ellen is tall.
Ellen has got brown eyes.
Ellen has got long, blonde hair.
Ellen is a happy, friendly person.
• You can use comparative forms of adjectives to describe similarities and
differences between people.
Ellen is taller than I am.
I am twelve years old. Ellen is thirteen. Ellen is older than I am.

Writing Assignment
Using the following steps, write sentences describing a family member, a friend or another
person you know. Be sure to describe what the person looks like. Describe the person's
personality, too. In your description, use adjectives and comparative forms of adjectives.

Brainstorm ideas.

• Who do you want to write about?

• What is special about that person?
• Which adjectives describe that person?
• What do you have in common
with that person?
• How are you different from
that person?
Use a chart.

Think about the person you want to write about. What do you have in common? How are
you different? Use a chart to organise the details. On one side of the chart, list things that
describe you. On the other side of the chart, list things that describe the family member,
friend or other person you want to write about.

Me Amando
s-Jiort J,air lon9 J,air
bro Wn eyes- blve eyes-
s-Jiort tall
fvnny s-er,ovS"

(person's name)

To help you ...

big blande blue brown clever dark friendly
funny green happy kind long old popular
red serious short shy small straight tall

•••• Write.

Use your chart to help you write your sentences.

\)t'\\t '\

Look. Answer each question with a complete sentence.

1• Who is taller? \

2. Who has got longer hair?

3. Who has got bigger feet?

4. Who has got a smaller nose?

5. Who has got bigger ears?

excited impatient angry scared upset

Finish the letters. Use words from the box. You may use a
word more than once.

1. Dear Sally, 4. Dear Sally,

I 9et When my My little s-is-ter 9ets- _________
fríends- are late. It ís-n't fvn Whe() We mÍS"S" Whe" S"he does-" t 9et her way. She cries-
part of a 9ame. What ca" Ido? ª"d jvmpS" vp ª"d dow(). Her face 9ets-
red. What can We do?
2. Dear Sally,
5. Dear Sally,
My brot'1er 9etS" - - - - - - - -
When he ca"'tfi"d a toy. His- room is- a My frie"d Lis-a 9ets- ______ ___
mes-s-! How ca" I help hÍm? Whe() S"he s-ees- s-píders-. She rv"S" away.

3. Dear Sally,
I líke S"píders-. They make 9reat
webs-. I'm "ºt afraid of them. I 9et
My covs-i" Pavl 9etS" - - - - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Whe() I s-ee a
Whe() hÍS" team WÍM. /3vt after the 9ame, s-pider. How ca" I help Lis-a?
he ca"'t eat A"d he ca"'t s-leep that
"i9ht How ca" We help him?
Co111111unication Activity
Work with a partner: Student B uses this information
and Student A turns to page 11.

Student B

A. Answer your partner's questions about Maria.

B. Ask questions about Mark. Listen and write the answers.

When does Mark

When he sees
get scared?
a big dog.
·· ·············· ··· ······ ··· ..~:i_- ·
'-•- •f .•• •••• • •• •·•••• • • · •• ••••· •• •

Feeling Mark Maria

scared WJ,,eri /,,e ~ee~ a bi9 do9. She sees a spider.

happy She plays tennis.

excited She sees circus animals.

impatient Her brother is late for the school


upset She loses something.

shy She has to talk in front of the


silly She does the wrong homework.

sad Her sister will not play with her.


,ft~Listen. Write the missing words.

Tommy's Weelc
1. What does Tommy do on Monday?
On Monday Tommy his
2. What does Tommy do on Tuesday?
On Tuesday Tommy up,
then the plates away.
3. What does Tommy do on Wednesday?
On Wednesday Tommy his
drums from five to six.
Then he the garden path
and up all the sticks.
4. What does Tommy do on Thursday?
On Thursday he out the
rubbish and sometimes _ _ _ _ __
the floor.
5. What does Tommy do on Friday?
On Friday Tommy to the
shop for all his family's needs.

\)t'\t 1;
Every Saturday morning, Lulu goes to her piano lesson.
When she gets home, she listens to all the phone messages
from her friends. Here are the messages her friends left.

• Hi, Lulu. It's Nancy. Guess what I'm doing this afternoon?
I' m riding my bike in the park. Do you want to come?
• Hi! It's Molly. I'm going for a walk this afternoon in the park.
Do you want to come?
• Hi, Lulu. It's Sue. I' m playing in a concert this afternoon. It's in the park.
Do you want to come?
• Hi, Lulu. It's Berta. After I clean my room, I' m meeting sorne friends at
the park. Do you want to come?
• Hi, Lulu. It's Jane. I have to do the washing up. Then I' m going to a picnic
in the park. Do you want to come?
• Hi! It's Pam. After I mend my bike, I' m taking it to the park. Do you
want to come?

1. What is Nancy doing this afternoon?

2. What is Molly doing? Hi, Lulu,

ifs Jane.
1 have to
3. What is Sue doing?
up. Then
l'm going
4. What is Berta doing after she cleans her room? to a picnic
in the
park. Do
5. What is Jane doing after she does the washing up? you want
to come?

6. What is Pam doing after she mends her bike?

7. Where do you think Lulu will go this afternoon? Why?

What does he 1 do in 1 his 1 free time? 1 He 1 plays the piano.
1 she her 8 he
What do you j do in I yo~r j free time? j j paint.
1 they the1r They

\'lía.lll~ Read. Write the answers.

1. What does Ricky do in his free time?

2. What does Sheila do in her free time?

3. What do they do in their free time?

Read the chart. Answer the questions with words

from the box.

every doy once a week three times a week twice a week

s M T w T F s
Jan make bed X X X X X X X
Tom wash up X X X
Jill and Ann shop for food X X
Ed wash car X

1. How often does Jan make her bed?

2. How often does Tom do the washing up?

3. How often do Jill and Ann shop for food?

4. How often does Ed wash the car?

\)t'\t 2
Sue's Busy Days
Every doy is a busy doy for Sue. She helps out
at the school library befare her first lesson. She
has lunch at noon. Every morning, Sue gets up
and brushes her teeth. After her last lesson, she
practises tennis with her team. After lunch, Sue
goes to her last three lessons. Then she helps her
mother make dinner. Then Sue waits for the bus to
take her to school. Then she goes for a walk befo re
breakfast. Sue has dinner at 6.00. After breakfast,
she feeds her parrot. After tennis, she goes home.
After dinner, Sue does her homework.

I. Sve 9etS' vp and brvS'heS' Jier teetti.

2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

_ Ttien Sve WaitS' for ttie bvS' to take Jier to S'cliool.


5. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

6. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

7. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

S. After Jier laS"t leS'S'on, S'he practiS'eS' tenniS' witt, Jier team.

9. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

10. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I I. Sve liaS' dinner at fo.DO.

12. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Unscramble the word. Write the word.
laencs 1. On Saturdays, Lee cleanS" his room.
esahws 2. After breakfast, he up.
scoko 3. Once a week, he dinner with his mother.
rteaspics 4. He the piano for 30 minutes every doy.
skmae 5. Lee his bed every morning.
lpays 6. Lee football at weekends.
tsays 7. Lee after school twice a week Tooo
for extra help with maths.
, / ~
sego 8. Lee for a walk every doy. , / ~

, / ~

Q! write about yourself. Use each
-- · · · unscrambled word from Exercise 6
in a complete sentence.
1. I clean my room every afternoon.
2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

5. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

6. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

7. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

8. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- - - - - Kids' Corner Magazine - - - - - ~
Read Kids' Corner Magazine.

Read and circle.

Cows Have Got Good Taste

1. Daniel helps his father milk the cows every morning

2. They usually

Ask Alicia

3. The writer's brother has to feed the cat every doy / every week.
4. The writer's brother has to water the plants twice a week / twice a month.
5. He sometimes / always forgets to do his chores.

Are You Mother's Little Helper?

lW.P-Ha Enter the contest in Kids' Corner Magazine.

Write a letter to the magazine. Answer these q_uestions:

• Do you help around the house?
• What chores do you do?
• How often do you do them?
'\<¡J,CK 7

' ~ \ Listen and write.

1. Laura has a piano lesson _o_n_c_ e_a_ w_e_e_k_________________

a. twice a week b. once a week
2. She stays with her little cousin for an hour _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _________
a. on Tuesdays and Thursdays b. every morning
3. Ken takes out the rubbish
a. on Saturday b. every doy
4. He helps his dad wash the car
a. twice a month b. once a week
5. The Chess Club meets
a. twice a week b. every Friday


'~ A. Listen. Write the missing words.

A Kids Lile
l. We scooters or a ball.
2. We shopping at the mall.
3. We books and magazines.
4. We at computer screens.
5. We oak trees or
6. We yummy, healthy snacks.
7. We our bedrooms and
the cats.
8. We away our rounders bats.
9. We always as mother asks!

B. Write about you. What do you do in

your free time? Name two activities.

\)t'\t 2

Compound Sentences
A compound sentence is one longer sentence made up of two simple sentences.
You can use and, but or orto connect the two shorter sentences together.

• Use and to show that the connected ideas are similar.

two simple sentences

On Thursday Tommy takes out the rubbish.
On Thursday Tommy sweeps the floor.
one compound sentence
On Thursday Tommy takes out the rubbish and he sweeps the floor.

• Use butto show the connected ideas are different.

two simple sentences

Paul likes football.
Paul doesn't like playing tennis.
one compound sentence
Paul likes football, but he doesn't like playing tennis.

• Use orto show a choice between the connected ideas.

two simple sentences

Robert plays the drums after school.
Robert rides his bike after school.
one compound sentence
Robert plays the drums or he rides his bike after school.

Are these sentences simple or compound? Circle S for simple or C for compound.

My sister plays chess after school. s e

I like marbles, but I don't like chess. s e
Katia washes up at weekends. s e
Jon feeds the cat or takes out the rubbish every evening. s e
Writing Assignment
Using the following steps, write compound sentences describing sorne of your family's or
your friends' activities. In your sentences, use and, but and or.

Brainstorm ideas.

• Who do you want to write about?

• What activities do the people like doing?
• What activities don't the people like doing?
• When do the people do the activities?

Use a sentence-combining chart.

Think about the peo ple and activities you will write about. Use a sentence-combining
chart to help you form compound sentences.
Leo sings in o group. + Leo ploys in o bond. = Leo sings in o group ond he ploys in o bond .

Leo S"Í"9S" i" a 9rovp. ª"d Leo plays- i" a baf)d.


To help you ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

feed the cot go to the shop make the bed play chess
play the piano play a video game sweep the floor take out the rubbish
do homework wash the car wash up work in the garden

\~1, Write.

Use your sentence-combining chart to write your compound sentences here.

\)t\it 2
Communication Activity
Work with a partner: Student A uses this information
and Student B turns to page 24.

Student A

A. How often do you do it? Complete the chart.

B. Find a partner. Ask your partner questions. Listen and write th e answers.
C. Answer your partner's questions.

How often do you

clean your room? :. Every night.

What? You: How often? Your partner: How often?

clean room Once a Wee k. Every ni9J,t

brush teeth

go to the cinema

watch TV

play sports

make the bed

talk on the phone

go to the library

go on holiday

go shopping

\)i\\t 2
Coananunication Activity
Work with a partner: Student B uses this information
and Student A turns to page 23.

Student B

A. How often do you do it? Complete the chart.

B. Work with your partner. Answer your partner's questions.
C. Ask your partner questions. Listen and write the answers .

.. .. .... .. ... .. ... .. ~····

How often do you . .
clean your room? :_ Once a week _
························-·····<\:( ·-r
1 ·_' •• ••
.-· ···- ... ·-···· .. .

What? Vou: How often? Vour partner: How often?

clean room Every ni9J,t Once a Week.

brush teeth

go to the cinema

watch TV

play sports

make the bed

talk on the phone

go to the library

go on holiday

go shopping
,<1-J>-CK 9

{tl!Jt) .
Listen. w.rite t he m1ss1ng
. . word s.
' Match.

hot and spicy cabbage

Whats That? pasta cooked with meatballs
peppers and tomatoes
What is that on your piafe?
rice and chicken
It /ooks and smells so great!
I would like to try sorne!

Would you like to try sorne? "1EX1co

It's a Korean recipe.

It's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __

It's really good, you'II see!

And would you like to try sorne?

It's a Mexican recipe.
It's rnade with _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __

Oh try sorne now, you'II see!

Would you like to try sorne?

It's a Moroccan recipe
with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

It's really good, you'II see!

And would you like to try sorne?

It's an Italian recipe.
It's _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Oh try sorne now, you'II see!

\)t\\t 3
Read. What would they like to order?
Write. Use l'd like and some.

Can I take your .

: order? What would ~ ...... ...... ........... .... .
Soups you like? l'd like a
Chic ke fl • To mato • Ve9etabl e cheese sandwich, \
please. }
Leitvce af)d tomato ~"· /,.::-:~-..- -······················
Chee~e • Chic kefl ..::¡{
. ·.·
.. . ..... . ... . .. . .... X.• • • •
Tufla • Tvrkey
1 And to drink? !
Drinks •••• 1 1'11 have
Apple jvi ce • Oraf)9 e jvi ce sorne apple
juice, please.
Boitled water • Cola
Lemoflad e

Who? Whot he or she would Whot he or she would

like to eot ... like to drink .. .
Carmen ch eese sandwich lemonade
Jason lettuce and tomato apple juice
Jennifer tuna sandwich bottled water
tomato soup

Waiter: What would you like to order?

Carmen: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jason: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Jennifer: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

You : - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - · - -
What would you like? l'd like sorne pasta. I'd like ~ I wou ld like
he 1 llke?
. He'd 1 He'd like ~ He would like
What would She'd like sorne soup.
1 she 1 She'd like ~ She wou ld like

,..... .,,.., Complete the sentences.

1. Good rnorning . What you to order?

2. I a bowl of chicken noodle soup, please.
3. She a burger and sorne chips.
4. He sorne tuna salad.

you I I
he/she he/she he/she
Would 1 try noodles? Yes, would. No, 1 wouldn't.
you we we
they they they

Complete the sentences.

l. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ she order the soup?

Yes, she
2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ she eat noodles?
No,she - - - - - - - -, but her brother would.
3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ they drink the fruit juice?
Yes, they
4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ they eat chilli peppers?
Yes, they - - - - - - - -· They like spicy food!
5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ they try sushi?
No, they - -- - - - - -· They don't like raw fish.

\)t'\t 3
\\_c:.arJt Read the menu. Answer the questions.
Today's- /3reakfas-t Me,w
1. Is there any grapefruit juice today? Today's- Cereal
No, tJ,,ere is-n't any. Corl)flakes-

2. Is there any salad on the menu today? §!Ji

E99 s-alad
CJ,ees-e omelette
3. Is there any hot chocolate today? Bread
Ba9el witJ, cream cJ,ees-e
Toas-t witJ, s-trawberry jam
4. Are there any eggs on the menu today?
Oral)9e jvice Tea
5. Are there any rolls today? Hot cJiocolate Coffee

Look at the foods for sale and answer each question with a
complete sentence. Then write your own question and answer.

1. Is there any vegetable soup for sale today?

2. Is there any fruit?

3. Is there any cake on sale?

4. Is there any stew?

5. Is there any white rice?

6. Are there any pickles?

~ ¡

7. Is there any lemonade? Cahha9e
Chocolate cake
Lemor¡acJe table roop (
8. WJ.,ite rice

-------- ----

Unscramble and write the words on the list. Answer the
question by writing the circled letters in order.
Shopping List
1. nisoon
2. storrac
3. sneab í1
4. babgcae
5. teeltuc
6. eotpoast
What do all of the things on the list hove in common?
They'reall _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ !

Shopping List
Vegeta bles Fruit
fruit juice
Drinks Meat

B. Look back at the list in Part A. Tick the food you would
put on your shopping list. What would you like for snacks?
List the food here.


\)t'\t 3

___ Food Facts and Fun: A Magazine for Food Fans - - -
Read food Facts and Fun: A Magazine for Food Fans.

What' s a food Pyramid? Fats, Oils,

(Just a little!)
A. Tick the correct box.
1. How much fat should you eat each doy?
D justa little D 3- 5 servings
Meat, Poultry, Fish,
Eggs, Dried Beans,
Nuts (2- 3
2. How much milk, yoghurt and cheese se rvings a doy)
should you eat each doy?
D 2- 3 servings D 6- 1 1 servings
3. How much fruit should you eat each doy?
D just a little D 2- 4 servings
4. How much grain, such as bread and rice, Bread, Rice, Cereal, Pasta
(6- 11 servings a doy)
should you eat each doy?
D 2- 3 servings D 6- 1 1 servings

B. What are your favourite foods in each group?

l. Bread:
2. Vegetables:
3. Fruit:
4. Meat:
5. Milk:

• Do research about food groups and food that helps

Vour Menu
people stay healthy.
• Which of these foods do you like?
• Plan and write a menu.
• Write a dialogue about your menu. Lunch
Waiter: WJ.,at Would y_ou like?
Cus-tomer: I~ like S'ome cereal. Dinner
• Find a partner. Read your dialogue.
"~ \
'(tdl Listen. Circle T for true or F for false.

1. He's having eggs far breakfast. T F

2. She's having a sandwich and sorne olives. T F
3. He wants a burger and sorne chips. T F
4. Sorne people like eating insects. T F
5. She' d never eat raw fish. T F

"~l'CK 1 ¡

Listen and write. Use words from the box.

I Don't Want Tol toste

Now don't be silly, try it. green pea soup
Just one spoonful, toste it. fresh seafood

If you try this _ _ _ _ _ _ __ special cheese

you'II see how much you like it!

Now come on, have a toste.
There's no more time to waste.
lf you try this now,
you'II see you like the _ _ _ __
Now come on, have a bite.
Let's not take all night.
If you try this - - - - - - -,
you'II know it tostes just right!
Now don't be silly, try it.
Just one mouthful, toste it.
If you try this _ _ _ _ _ _ __

you'II see how much you like it!

\)t'\t 3
The Paragraph
A paragraph is a group of sentences about one main idea. A paragraph looks different
from a list of sentences. The first sentence is usually indented, or moved in a few
spaces. The rest of the sentences in the paragraph forma block of text.

The topic sentence gives the main idea of the paragraph . It is usually the first sentence.
The other sentences in the paragraph give more information about the main idea. They
make up the body of the paragraph.

In the paragraph below, which sentence is the topic sentence? Underline it. Which
sentences make up the body of the paragraph?

Breakfast is my favourite meal. On school days I hove a small breakfast.

I hove cereal with milk. At weekends I hove a bigger breakfast. I start with orange
juice. Then I hove eggs and toast with jam. Sometimes on special occasions, I hove
eggs, beans and tomatoes.

Writing Assignment
Using the following steps, write a paragraph about your favourite meal. Remember to
begin with a topic sentence.

Brainstorm ideas.

• What is your favourite meal?

• What foods do you eat for that meal on school days? At weekends?
On special occasions?
A word map can help you organise ideas for your paragraph. Write the name of your
topic in the centre circle. Write words that give more information about that topic in circles
around it.


milk favovrite meal:


toaS't frvit
beanS' and

Complete the word map about your topic. Add more circles if you need them.

To help you ... - - - - - - - - - - - -

Foods: soups, salads, fruits, vegetables, meats, desserts, drinks
Meals: breakfast, lunch, dinner

Use your word map to help you write your paragraph. Be sure to begin with a topic

\)t'\t 3
Look in the fridge.
Answer each question
with a complete sentence.

1. Is there any lemonade?

2. Is there any apple juice?

3. Are there any carrots?

4. Is there any lettuce?

5. Are there any oranges?

Read the menu. Answer each question with
a complete sentence. ¡~;
Sally's Café
Salads Desserts
Lettuce salad f3. 00 Patato salad f 2.50 Ice cream f l .50 Cherry pie f2. 00
Sandwiches Chocolate cake f2 .00 Rice pudding f l .50
Ch eese f2. 00 Peanut butter f 1.50 Drinks
Tomato f2.50 Burger f3 .50 Tomato juice f l.00 Cola f l.00
Tuna f 3.00 Chicken f 4.00 Orange juice f l .00 Milk f l.25

1. Which salad would you like?

2. Which sandwich would you like?

3. What would you like for dessert?

4. What would you like to drink?

Co111111unication Activity
Work with a partner: Student A uses this information
and Student B turns to page 36.

Student A

A. Would you try it? Complete th e chart.

B. Find a partner. Ask your partner questions. Listen and write th e answers.
C. Answer your partner's questions.

Would you try :

chilli peppers? t

_._.) Yes, 1 would. l like

spicy food!

Which food? You Your portner

chilli peppers NoJ I Wouldl'\Jt I dol'\Jt Yes-} I Would . I like

like s-picy food! s-picy food!
grilled fish

a Korean dish with hot

and spicy cabbage

a Moroccan dish with

peppers and tomatoes

a Mexican dish with rice

and chicken

an Italian dish with pasta

and meatballs

raw fish


\)t\\t 3
Communication Activity
Work with a partner: Student B uses this information
and Student A turns to page 35.

Student B

A. Would you try it? Complete the chart.

B. Work with your partner. Answer your partner's questions.
C. Ask your partner questions. Listen and write the answers.

Would you try i

chilli peppers? }'--;·.

No, 1wouldn't.
1don't like spicy

Which food? Vou Vour partner

chilli peppers YeS', I Wovld. I like No, I Wovldn't I don't

S'picy food ! like S'picy food!
grilled fish

a Korean dish with hot

and spicy cabbage

a Moroccan dish with

peppers and tomatoes

a Mexican dish with rice

and chicken

an ltalian dish with pasta

and meatballs


Good Advice
1• What should you wear on a bike? Why?

2. Why shouldn't Meg stay up late?

3. What should they do to be safe in the sun? Why?

4. What shouldn't Al do on the ice and snow? Why?

/~·--··-·-·---·- ···-·-· ........ ··•·· ........ ..

1 •

You should take i.. \)t\it 4

care of yourself! ;->:·.-_.,_
\-..........~·-·~·--····-·~-·-· ._______......_,.___, _________._..... l
O· Use
Read the letters. Choose two. Answer the letters. Give advice.
should and shouldn 't.
Doctor B. Well writes for a newspaper. People write to her and ask for
advice. She tells them what they should and shouldn't do to be healthy.

D Dea,- Docto,- B. vve ..,

8 Well,
Doctor ·
, o,, ho /·,day a,,d I've
Dear Doctor 8. Well,
, ear tnom ' b J '
, e 1,vitn ª 9ot a ad co d. In-, We are 9oin9 on
1 m ª " le 9. !'m 50 9ett;,,9 a fore throat, a J.,o\iday! 1 \ike
brok~ ! eat 51,1eet5 too. My "1other took p\ayin9 out in tJ.,e
bore · Noi,, !'ve 9ot "'Y te,,,perati,re, bi,t 5un. La5t year 1 9ot
ali doy.che. I have,,'t 9ot a fever. 5unburned. 1t ruined
tootha Id 1 do? I've 9ot five holiday my J.,o\iday!
What 5hoi, j/ dayr left ' rhoi,}d WJ.,at 5J.,ou\d 1 do?
l 5
U et
1Ido to 9et bette,?

Dear ~~~~~~~-

Doctor /3. Well

Dear ~~~~~~~-

! f
i ¡.

Doctor /3. Well

I myself.
You yourself.
1 He 1 1 himself.
We hurt ourselves. hurt
1 She herself.

Complete the sentences. Find each person in the picture.

Write each person's name in a box.

1. Sara didn't wear her helmet and hurt

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ on her bike.

2. Ted cut when he fell.

3. Diane and Eva didn't protect
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in the sun.

4. Bill ate too many sweets and made

- - - - - - - - ill.
5. Polly fell and hurt _ _ _ _ _ __
on the wet and slippery pavement.

Complete the sentences. Then draw one way people can take
care of themselves. Write a title.

1. We take care of
1 (title)
We wear hats and sunglasses in the sun.

2. Do you take care of ?

Do you wear helmets on your bikes?

3. They take care of

They go to bed early and get plenty
of sleep.

4. I take care of
I exercise every doy.

\)t'\t 4
You You
He He
should wear a bike helmet. shouldn't stay up so late.
She She
We We
They They

1. Kevin and Lauren _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ eat too many sweets .
2. Polly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ go to the dentist for her toothache.
3. Sam _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wear comfortable shoes when he
goes for a walk.
/ r-l\.,l
4. Gina _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ride her bike without a helmet.
5. We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ drink at least eight glasses of water a day. /;
6. You _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wear suncream on sunny days.
7. Sara _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ exercise every day.
8. Ben _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ run fast when it's wet and slippery outside.

Write five of your own health rules. Use words from the box.
Use should or shouldn 't.

drink lots of cola drink plenty of water

eat a lot of cake and biscuits eat plenty of fruit and vegetables
get plenty of exercise ride your bike too f ast
watch too much TV wear a bike helmet

l. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

5. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~




2. 3. 4.

Choose five health problems in Exercise 7. Give

advice for each. Use words from the box for ideas.

aspirin dentist doctor lots of water

l. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

5. \\~\t 4
_ _ _ Safe and Sound: A Heatth Magazine for Kids - - -
Read Safe and Sound: A Health .,..
Magazine for Kids.

1. Stefan knew that he should / shouldn't

act fast to rescue his father and brother.
2. Stefan knew that he should / shouldn't
stay calm in an emergency.
3. You should / shouldn't keep emergency phone numbers with you.
4. A first-aid kit should / shouldn't hove a thermometer in it.

Our Readers Want to Know ...

{a Pretend that you are a writer for Safe and Sound: A

~ Health Magazine for Kids.

• Take a survey at your school. Find out the reasons children miss school.
Ask teachers, the school nurse and other students.
• Write your own answer to Frank's letter. Give advice. What can
children at your school do to improve attendance?
Reasons at my school:

My advice:
<¡.i'CK 1.3

'-~r ..~ Listen and circle the letter of the correct answer.
1• What's the matter?
a. She's got stomach ache. b. She's got toothache. c. She's got a headache.
2. What's the matter?
a. He's got a headache. b. He's got earache. c. He's got a cold and
a sore throat.
3. What's the matter?
a. She's got toothache. b. She's got earache. c. She's gota headache.
4. What's the matter?
a. He's got a sore throat. b. He's got earache. c. He's got stomach ache.

~ -
<¡.i'CK 7-1

: ,, .
. .
''"' ~ ~, Listen and wr1te. Then wr1te what each
probably said to Tommy and Cathy.

Who' s Sorry Now?

1. Why is Tommy ill in bed?
He what his mother said.
2. What did Tommy do to get ill?
He on his plate.
He at night.
He late.
3. Why is Cathy ill in bed?
She what her doctor said.
4. What's the matter with Cathy?
She's got . Her throat is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
She's got , and more.
5. How could Cathy and Tommy feel fine?
They could of themselves!
:~f;!!'! :··,,,-.,,,, , , ·, ; , ,·r,, ,, , ...,. , ,, , ,,, , ,., , j!lf / f ' f '"I l'P"'1f '' "' '' r· · r '' ' ' 1;:E~~

Tommy's Mother
~-- - --- -
1 Cathy's Doctor _
~ 1
You should _ _ _ _ __ ! j You should _ _ _ _ __
l 1

You shouldn't _ _ _ _ __ i
You shouldn't _ _ _ _ __
l !. _º _f y~ur_se~- _.
- J \)t'\t 4

.1...:...: , • ..!..J..' -J..L.•-•. . .I. ..L , .&.-'- U.. \. L'

_u _,-.!frt
Parts of a Paragraph
A paragraph is a group of sentences about one main idea. The topic sentence,
usually the first sentence in the paragraph, give the main idea. The other sentences
form the body of the paragraph. Sentences that give facts, details, reasons and examples
are called detail sentences. If you are writing just one paragraph, it can hove a final
concluding sentence that tells the main idea again in different words. Your paragraph
can hove a title as well.

title ---+ Keeping in Shape

by Rosario Marin
topic ---+ There are many simple things you can do to keep in shape.
sentence .....
One important thing is to make sure you drink a lot of water.
Doctors soy you should drink about eight glasses of water a doy.
You should also eat the right foods. Eat plenty of fresh fruit and
vegetables to get the vitamins and minerals you need. Eat a little
meat, chicken or físh every doy; or eat lentils, chickpeas or beans
for protein. It is also important to get plenty of sleep. Doctors soy > detail
you shouldn't get fewer than eight or nine hours of sleep every
night. Finally, you should stay active and get sorne exercise every
doy. Do something you enjoy to keep in shape, such as going for a
walk, riding your bike, playing football or tennis, or swimming. AII
these activities help build your muscles, and they are fun to do, 1-'
especially with your friends. Take time to do these simple things +- concluding
and you will hove fun and stay healthy, too.

The ten sentences that follow are all sentences in one paragraph about sugar. Read
them and then decide which part of the paragraph they are. eircle T for title, TS for
tapie sentence, DS for detail sentence, or es for conc/uding sentence.
1. Second, sugar can also hurt your teeth because it T TS DS es
can cause cavities and toothache.
2. Finally, too much sugar changes your energy level. T TS DS es
3. We all love the sweet toste of sugar, but eating too T TS DS es
much sugar can cause serious health problems.
4. Too much sugar changes your appetite, too. T TS DS es
5. Sugar lsn't as Sweet as We Think T TS DS es
6. First, too many sweets or desserts full of sugar can T TS DS es
cause bad stomach ache.
7. At first, the sugar you eat gives you extra energy. T TS os es
8. For example, when you eat a lot of sweets, you feel T TS os es
full and then you don't eat good, healthy food.
9. For all these reasons, we need to limit the sugar we T TS os es
eat to keep in shape.
1O. Later, your energy goes away and you feel tired. T TS os es
Writing Assignment
Using the following steps, write a paragraph that includes all the possible parts.

Brainstorm ideas.

• Pick one of these tapies ora topic of your own.

- Playing Safely Outdoors - A Good First-Aid Kit
- How to Be a Good Friend - A Healthy Oiet
• What details can you use to support your main idea?

Use a paragraph template.

A paragraph template helps you organise your topic sentence, detail sentences and
concluding sentence.

Title: - - - - - - - - - -
Topic sentence: - - - - - - - - - - -

Detail sentence: - - - - - - - - - - -
- - - - Detail sentence: ______

- - - - - - - - Detail sentence: _ __

Concluding sentence: - - - - - - - - -

Make your own template to help you organise your paragraph. Then write your paragraph
on a separate piece of paper.

To help you .. . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Editing Tip: Show your paragraph to a friend. Can he or she find your topic
sentence? Your detail sentences? Your concluding sentence? \)t'\t 4
• :1J Complete the sentences. Use herself, himself,
yourself or themselves.

1• They didn't wear equipment to protect when they played football.

So Bill hurt his leg, and Jack hurt his foot.
2. Lisa was in a hurry to make a sandwich and cut with the knife.
3. Mike forgot to wear his helmet and hurt on his bike.
4. They didn't wear hats and sunglasses and burned on a hot and
sunny doy.
5. Jennifer! Don't burn on the hot cooker.

'WIJ Read the sentences in Exercise 13. Give advice.

Use should or shouldn 't.



3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~



You should take .

'._ care of yourselves! }
... . .. . .. . . ... . ............. "'<:······

Co111111unication Activity
Work with a partner: Student A uses this information
and Student B turns to page 48.

Student A

A. How often? How much? Complete the chart.

B. Find a partner. Ask your partner questions. Listen and write the answers. Give advice.
C. Answer your partner's questions.

~, Once. a week. .!
~ ~.'
· How ofle~ d~ · ,. 1ride
•. yau exerase. my bike on Wednesday •
..-.,...·¡ afternoons.
·. .·:· ..... ... ... ....... ...... .. .... ........... ...... ..
You should ;.·.·.:-·
i. exercise more! .i

Health and Safety You: How often? / How Your partner: How
Habits much? often? / How much?

Exercise Every day. Orice a Week.

Drink water

Eat fruit and vegetables

Eat sweets


Brush teeth


Wear my seat belt in the car

Follow other safety rules

\)t'it 4
Coananunication Activity
Work with a partner: Student B uses this information
and Student A turns to page 47.

Student B

A. How often? How much? Complete the chart.

B. Work with your partner. Answer your partner's questions.
C. Ask your partner questions. Listen and write the answers. Give advice.

: How ~ d~ . . . · _-
:_ you exerase. . . A i , . . ;;
1/ . ....-. .
Every day. 1walk to
schaol every day.

Health and Safety You: How often?/ How Your partner: How
Habits much? often?/ How much?

Exercise Once a Week. Every day.

Drink water

Eat fruit and vegetables

Eat sweets


Brush teeth

Watch TV

Wear my seat belt in the car

Follow other safety rules

,._~¡,_C.K 1S

,ft\ Listen. Answer the questions.

Use words from the box.

Dinosaur Days
f ast four huge long meat millions
plants short slow smaller taller two

1• What did dinosaurs look like?

Sorne were
and sorne were
and sorne were

2. How quick were they?

Sorne were
and sorne were
3. How long ago did they live?
Many of years ago.

4. How did they get around?

Sorne walked on legs,
and sorne walked on

5. What kind of narnes did they hove?

They had narnes.

6. What did they eat?

Sorne ate
and sorne ate
\)t'\t s
01 ~ I'\)
o O" ::::r -+ (/)
::J co· CD a
ce a - 3
< a n
-< o

~ =-

. o

What I happened to the Pyrenean ibex? It died out.
When Idid dinosaurs die out? They died out about 65 rnillion years ago.
Where did the last Pyrenean ibex live? It lived in Spain.
How big were sorne dinosaurs? Sorne were bigger than an elephant.

Write questions. Use each question word once.

Dodo bird Passenger pigeon Steller's sea cow Moa

People ate the Dodo birds' rneat, and rats ate their eggs. They died out.
The last Passenger pigeon died in I q 14.
The last sea cow was killed on Bering Island in the North Pacific Ocean.
Sorne Moas were nearly 4 rnetres tall!

Why did Steller's sea cows die out? They died out because people hunted thern too rnuch.
Why are Komodo dragons endangered? They are endangered because people are hunting
thern and they are losing their habitat.

Write answers.
1• Why did the Pyrenean ibex die out?

2. Why are sorne anirnals endangered?

\)t\\t s
\'C.IIIJ Read the article about dinosaurs. Answer the questions.

'i:f~~~·~. ~~

'. .
/1 ~/

What Happened to the Dinosaurs?

Dinosaurs lived for more than 160 million years! So
why did they all die out? Sorne people think an asteroid
hit the Earth and made it too cold for the dinosaurs to
live. Others think there were two huge explosions from
volcanoes. Each explosion spread ash ali over the Earth.
The ash stayed in the air for many, many years! The
explosions changed the climate and made it impossible
for the dinosaurs to survive.

1• The article gives two ideas about why the dinosaurs died out. What are they?

2. What do you think? Why did the dinosaurs die out?

Do the puzzle. Use the simple past.
1. Sorne dinosaurs (are) srnaller than a hen.
2. Dinosaurs (live) for 160 rnillion years!
3. The habitat of the Pyrenean ibex (disappear).
4. Sorne anirnals are extinct because people (hunt) thern too rnuch.
5. Maybe an asteroid hit the Earth and (rnake) it too cold for the dinosaurs to live.

6. Sorne dinosaurs (walk) on two legs.
7. Dinosaurs (hove) long narnes.
8. The biggest dinosaurs (eat) plants.
9. Dinosaurs (die) out 65 rnillion years ago.
1O. Sorne dinosaurs (grow) to be 40 rnetres long!


7. 9.~


Choose tour words from the puzzle. Write a sentence using

each word.
\)~\t s
- - - - - - - Animal Tracks Magazine - - - - - - -
Read Animal Tracks Magazine: for kids
who are wild about animals.

You're Our Star, Erical

Write answers to the questions.

1. What did Erica Summers do? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __

2. How old was she? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ __
3. Why does Erica sell the toys? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4. What is Erica's company called? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
S. Who has bought Erica's toy animals? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6. Where does money from the sale of the animals go? _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __

fascinating Animal facts: Questions from Our Readers

Tick True or False.
True False
1. There are 1000 kinds of animals. D D
2. Sorne animals move from place to place to find food. D D
3. Green turtles use the colour of the water to guide them. D D
4. Sorne animals use stars to guide them. D D
@ Write a letter with some questions to Erica Summers.
• What do you want to find out more about? Erica? Her company? The stars?
The toy animals?
Question: _ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ Question: ___________
,__<1-¡,.CK 15

' " , -.....4. Listen. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

1• Where did rnany of the really big dinosaurs live?

a. Argentina b. The United States

2. Which dinosaur was longer, Argentinosaurus huincu/ensis or Diplodocus?

a. Argentinosaurus huinculensis b. Diplodocus
3. Which rneat-eating dinosaur was heavier?
a. Tyrannosaurus rex b. Giganotosaurus carolinii
4. Where did rnany of the really srnall dinosaurs live?
a. China b. Gerrnany

5. Which dinosaur was srnaller and shorter, Wannanosaurus or Compsognathus?

a. Wannanosaurus b. Compsognathus

<¡,.¡,.CK 1?
" <~'-
,. -~, A. Listen
. to t h e c h ant. Answer eac h quest1on
. . ha
' complete sentence.

Animals Ali Around

1. How are sorne anirnals today like the ancient dinosaurs?

2. What do anirnals need to survive?

3. Why do anirnals need their habitats?

4. What danger is there for sorne anirnals?

B. What can peo ple do to help? Write.

\)(\\t. s
Explanatory Paragraph
In an explanatory paragraph, you can talk about cause and effect or result. When
you talk about a cause, you soy why something happens or happened. When you talk
about an effect or result, you explain what makes or made something happen. You can
use words such as so and because.

• Use so to connect two sentences to show an effect or result. The first sentence
shows the cause for something and the second sentence shows the effect or result.
Use a comma befare so.
People are cutting down bamboo forests. + The giant panda is in trouble. =
People are cutting down bamboo forests, so the giant panda is in trouble.
• Use because to connect two sentences to show why. The first sentence shows
the effect or resu/t and the second sentence shows the cause.
The giant panda is in trouble. + People are cutting down bamboo forests. =
The giant panda is in trouble because people are cutting down bamboo forests.

The Giant Panda Is in Danger

by Carol Barysh
The giant panda, the world's favourite block and white bear with the friendly
face, is endangered for several reasons. One important reason is the panda's
diet. About 99% of the panda's diet is bamboo. This key food is disappearing
because people are cutting down the bamboo forests. A second reason has to
do with its habitat. The wild giant panda lives only in parts of China, so there
isn't enough space for a large panda population. In addition, the panda doesn't
like being around people and their activities. The panda's habitat is getting
smaller because people are moving into the panda's space. Another reason is
the short breeding season. Mole and female pandas mate only from March to
May, so not many baby pandas are born. And even when a mother panda has
two new babies, she usually takes care of only one. For all these reasons, the
giant panda is in danger.

Writing Assignment
Using the following steps, write a paragraph about an extinct or endangered animal.
Be sure to explain why the animal died out or why it is endangered. Remember to use
so and because when you talk about cause and effect.
Brainstorm ideas.

• Think of an extinct animal. Why did it die out?

• Think of an endangered animal. Why is it in trouble?

Use a cause & effect chart.

A cause & effect chart can help you organise your ideas.

TJ,e Giant Panda Is- in Dan9er

Cause Effect or Result
People are cvtting down bamboo foreS"tS'.
' TJ.,e panda doeS'n't J.,ave enovgJ., food.
TJ.,e panda liveS' only in partS" of CJ.,ina.
' TJ.,ere ÍS'n't enovgJ., S'pace for many pandaS".
People are moving into tJ.,e panda'S' J.,abitat
' TJ.,e panda'S' J.,abitat iS' gettíng S'maller.
TJ.,e panda'S' breeding S"eaS"on
ÍS' only3 montJ.,S'.
' Not many baby pandaS" are born.
MotJ.,er pandaS" take care of jvrr one baby.
' 5ome baby pandaS" don't S"vrvive.
Practise organising ideas for your own explanatory paragraph.

Cause Effect or Result

To help you ... - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Writing Tip: In your sentences, use so when the cause comes first.
Use because when the effect or result comes first.

\~,. Write.

Use your cause & effect chart to organise your explanatory paragraph. Write your
paragraph on a separate piece of paper.
\)~\t s
~ Write questions or answers.
1. What happened to the dinosaurs?

2. How long did the dinosaurs live?

Th e Pyrenean ibex died out.
4. Why did the Pyrenean ibex die out?

The last ibex died in January 2000 .

O Complete the note cards about the two endangered animals.

Endangered animal : Tt, e Giaot Panda

What is ha1212ening to th e giant_Qandac..c.?_ _ _ __

Why_ is this ha1212e-'-'n"""in=g'-'-?- - - - - - - - - - - - - 1

Whaj_gQr]_QeOQle do to hJtlP.? 1

Endangered animal: Tt,e l<.omodo DragQD.

What is ham2ening to th e Komodo dragon? -i

Why is thi s haQQening? 1

What can P.eQ¡;¡le do to_hel¡;¡-'-

? _ __
Communication Activity
Work with a partner: Student A uses this information
and Student B turns to page 60.

Student A

A. Choose an extinct and an endangered animal. You can choose animals from
the unit or other ones you like. Complete the chart.
B. Find a partner. Ask your partner questions. Listen and write the answers.
C. Answer your partner's questions.

What extinct animal ·: { 1chose the

did you choose? Dodo bird.
.......... ...... ..... -· .....,.. ~-· ·. • -y · ·- · · · · · · · · · · ·

·. 1,·
What happened :.·_:: · '··-:t....i People killed it
to it? : \ for its meat.

Question You Your partner:

What extinct animal? 5teller's- s-ea coW Dodo bird

What happened to it?

When did it die out?

Where did it die out?

What endangered animal?

What is happening to it?

Where does it live?

What can people do to help?

\)t'\t s
Communication Activity
Work with a partner: Student B uses this information
and Student A turns to page 59.

Student B

A. Choose an extinct and an endangered animal. You can choose animals from
the unit or other ones you like. Complete the chart.
B. Work with your partner. Answer your partner's questions.
C. Ask your partner questions. Listen and write the answers .

.- 1chose
=" What extind animal ·: ; Steller's sea
· did you choose? ) ~ :_ cow.
·.. ..... ... ................. .. ..... -:::· ·¡·
· · . :-•• /¡

..... .... ..... ~--..... ... ... ... ..

What happened ·i._-.:: .·· · ... i People hunted

to i1? .:' ittoo much.

Question You Your partner:

What extinct animal? Dodo bird Steller's- s-ea coW

What happened to it?

When did it die out?

Where did it die out?

What endangered animal?

What is happening to it?

Where does it live?

What can people do to help?

Way Back Then
1. Wos life foster or slower in the post?

2. When people wonted to tolk, whot did they do?

3. Did people hove telephones in the post?

4. When people went somewhere far, how did they travel?

5. When people reod ot night, whot did they do?

How did people

live in the past?

\)(\\t 6

1. People baths in wooden tubs
because they didn't hove running water.
2. Long ago, people candles
because they didn't hove electric lights.
3. When people didn't hove cars, they
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ horses.

4. People their food over fires

because th ey didn't hove cookers.
5. When people didn't hove phones, they
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to talk in person.

B. What are five things people didn't have

in the past?

In the post, people didn't hove , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

- - - - - - - - -- -- -, or _____________

C. What do you think? Was life better in the past?

Is it better now? Write why.

Did people travel by car in the post? No, they didn't.
They didn't hove cars then.
Did they travel by horse and carriage? Yes, they did.
They had carriages then.

Write Yes, they did or No, they didn 't.

1. Oíd people travel by plane in the past?

2. Did people wash clothes by hand in the past?

3. Oíd they have CD players in the past?

4. Did people use computers in the past?

5. Oíd they burn candles in the past?

What was school like in the past? Write complete sentences.

Use the simple past.

1. StvdentS' didn't J,,ave notebooks-. TJ,,ey J,,ad s-lates- to Write on.

have notebooks / have slates
ride on buses / walk
sit at desks / sit on benches
4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
use backpacks / use belts
5. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
have electric lights / burn candles

6. \)t\\\ 6
write with pens / write with chalk

Habit in the Post: used to + verb

How did people use to travel?

They used to travel by horse and carriage. Now they hove cars.
Where did you use to live?
I used to live on Green Street. Now I live on Palm Avenue.
What musical instrument do you play?
I used to play the piano. Now I play the guitar.

Complete the sentences. Write use to or used to.

1• What did people do befare running water?

They wash in a wooden tub.
2. What did people do befare cookers?
They cook in an iron pot over a fire.
3. What did people do befare electric sewing machines?
They sew with a needle and thread.
4. What did people do befare they had money?
They use shells and beads instead of money.

How is Ken's life different from before?

Use the cues to write sentences.

1. !<en vs-ed to play tl-,e flvte. Now 1-,e plays- tJ-,e drvms-.
then: flute / now: drums
2. Ken
then: one brother / now: new baby sister
then: favourite subject maths / now: favourite subject English
then: pet goldfish / now: pet parrot
then: football / now: basketball
Answer the riddles. Write letters on the lines.

1. Before me, people used to trade for things
they needed. What am I? __ O __
2. People used to pick me from palm trees to make
umbrellas. What am I? ___ O __
3. People used to trade me for things they
needed. What am I? __ O __ _
4. Students used to write on me before they
had notebooks. What am I? ___ O_
5. People used to play me on an old gramophone.
What am I? ___ O __
6. In the post, people used to burn me for light.
What am I? __ O __ _
: What's the mystery word?:
\l;¿j~/ How is your lite different from when you were younger?
Write sentences.

1used to sleep with the

light on. Now I sleep
with the light off.

l. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

5. \)t\\t 6

_ _ _ lnventive Ideas: The lmagination Magazine _ __
Read lnventive Ideas: The lmagination Magazine.

Read. Tick T for True and F for False.

Do You Speak Doggish?

1• A German company invented a machine
that translates the barks of a dog. D D
2. This machine includes a microphone that
goes on the dog's collar. D D
Our Readers Write To Us
3. Egyptian doctors used to make toothpaste
from powdered stone and vinegar. D D
4. Joseph Merlin first invented ice skates and
then roller skates. D D
5. Yo-yos used to be made from ivory
and silk cord. D D
6. The yo-yo is a Philippine invention. D D
This Month's Contest Winner
O· · >'
The magazine is having a new contest. Draw an
invention and write about it.

1 :
. .
Listen and c1rcle.

1. From ancient Sumerian tablets, we know that people used to mix together
ash and fat. / water and salt.
2. We are sure / aren't sure if Sumerians used to clean their clothes and bodies with
these mixtures.
3. In ancient Greece and Rome, people used to wash clothes with different combinations
of plants, clay and potash. / olive oil and vinegar.
4. Ancient Romans used to oil their bodies and then clean off the dirty oil with
sheets of papyrus. / a special instrument.
5. Soap was a common product in the sixteenth century. / eighteenth century.


,(( i A. Listen. Write numbers to show the order of events.

Tell Us, Grandpa

B. Imagine you are a grandparent. Write what you used to do.

When I was your age, I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

\)(\\t 6

Descriptive Paragraph
In a descriptive paragraph, you try to create a clear picture of a person, place, thing
or activity. Details help your reader to "see" or imagine what the person, place, thing or
activity is like. A good description makes the reader feel as if he or she is actually there.

Befare Fire
by Marina Lipska
Before human beings learned to control fire thousands of years ago, life
for a human family was very hard. Usually, a group of people lived together
in a cave. Their basic activities depended on daytime and night-time. During
the doy, they would look for food. Sorne of the women and children looked for
berries and plants to eat. Sorne of the men hunted animals for meat. Before
fire, cave people used to eat their meat raw and bloody, without cooking it.
They had to eat everything quickly, before the meat started to smell. In the
light of doy, sorne of the people made clothes for themselves and for others
from plant material and animal skins. Sorne used stones to make simple
weapons. But at night, without fire, things were different. The people had to
stay in their dark cave to protect themselves from animal attacks and from cold
weather. In the dark, they couldn't make clothes or weapons. They couldn't
hunt. They tried to sleep through the cold, and hoped the sun would rise to
help them to get warm the next doy. Before fire, their lives were very hard.

Writing Assignment
Using the following steps, write a descriptive paragraph about a time in the post.

Brainstorm ideas.

• Think of different times in history. Which time do you want to write about?
• What was life like back then? Think of details.

(D} Use an idea map.

An idea map can help you to organise details. Write the main idea of your paragraph
in the centre. Write details in the boxes around the centre. Use a different box for each
detail you add.
people loo k ed for food dvril'l9 ttte day
berrieS"1 plal'ltS"

- - - - - - - - - - ---<1 people lived Íl'l dark cav es- m eat from al')Ímals-
people tri ed to s-tay warm
atl')i9M people ate m eat raw al')d
bloody - l'l D fire for coo kil'l9
people ttad to s-tay il'l cav e
for protectiol'l at l'li9M
befo re fire 1 life Wa S" very ttard
people ttad to eat
co ld w eattt e r
ttte meat ri9M away1
people mad e clotttes- before bad S"mell
al')Ímal attacks-
dvril'l9 ttte day

people mad e Weapo l'lS" from plal'ltS°

dvril'l9 ttte day
from al')Ímal s-kil'lS"
wittt s-tol'leS"

Now complete the idea map about your topic. Add a square for each detail.


To help you ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

writing Tip: Choose detail s that will help your read er to see a picture in his or her mind.

\~ ·Write .

Use your idea map to help you to organise the details you listed for your descriptive
\)t'\t 6
paragraph. Write your paragraph on a separate piece of paper.
• :11 A. Complete the sentences.

1. In the post, people had baths in wooden tubs because they didn't hove

2. To read, they used light from a b

beca use they didn't hove electric lights. "" ~"
3. People used to listen to singers and musicians in person because •

they didn't have r, ~

B. Complete the sentences. Use used to. - ~
1. Befare cookers, people _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. Befare CDs, people _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3. Befare notebooks, students _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

4. Befare cars, people _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Complete the questions and then write answers.

Use did/use to or used to.

l. In the post, people hove

plasters? No, they didn't. They use sawdust or spider webs.
2. A long time ago, people hove phones?
No, they didn't. They talk in person.
3. When you were a baby, you cry?
Co111111unication Activity
A. Cut out the cards.
B. Find a partner. Mix your cards together and put them face down.
C. Before you take a card, soy In the pastor Now. Then pick a card. Make
two complete sentences with In the pastor Nowand the word(s) on the card.
D. Give yourself one point for each correct sentence you make. Take turns.
E. The person with the most points is the winner.

In the past, people didn't

have phones. They had Good job! You used
to speak to each other two corred sentences.
tace to tace. You get two points.
.............. ...... ..................···-."::il ~~ .. --·-··· ··· ... ............. ··· ··-· ·· · ..


phones carriages candles


cookers horses records


plasters slates buses toothpaste

---------------L--------------- ---------------~---------------~\)t'\t 6
., ;
1 ,

~ \
,{l,.JI) A. Listen. Tick T for true and F for false.

Special Days
1. In France, New Year's Day is on the first of January. D D
2. In Iran, New Year's Day is on the first of March. D D
3. In India, Mother's Day is in November. D D
4. In Denmark, Mother's Day is in May. D D
5. Sorne countries celebra te Independence Day. D D
6. There is a birthday party with presents today. D D
B. Answer the questions.

1. In your country, when do you celebrate the New Year?

2. When do you celebrate Mother's Day?

3. Do you celebrate a special day in your country? If so, when?

4. When do you celebrate your birthday?

Whars your
1 special doy? )
..: _,.,,.--·--···-- ..•.
Look at Betsy's diary for last week. Then complete the
· 7 October
Dad's- birttiday
matJ,s- tes-t
8 October
piano leHon
9 October
10 October
tenniS' practice
cinema witJ, Karen and Jill
11 October
s-Jioppin9 witJ, Avnt Lavra
' 12 October
clean my room
13 October

Last week, Betsy was a busy girl. On Monday, tJ,e s-eventJ, of October ,
she and her mother had a birthday party for her dad. She helped her mother make
the cake and wrap the presents. On _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __

Betsy had a big maths test. She studied hard and did well in the test. On
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, she had her weekly piano lesson
after school. On , Betsy went to tennis
practice. This is her second year in the tennis team. She really enjoys tennis. On
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -, Betsy went to the cinema with her
friends. They had a good time. On , she
went shopping with Aunt Laura. Betsy's aunt bought her sorne school clothes. On
- - - - - - - - -- - - - -, Betsy got up late. Then, after breakfast,
she cleaned her room. She made her bed, dusted and swept the floor.
Future plans: be + going to + verb

When are you going to visit your grandmother?

I'm going to visit her next week.
When is he going to see the fireworks?
He's going to see the fireworks at 9.30 p.m.
Mr Martin, when are we going to have our maths test?
You're going to have it on Thursday.

Complete the sentences. Use going to and the verb.

1. When Gina (get)

her new bike?
2. We (play) basketball this afternoon
at 4.00.
3. I (write) my cousin a letter tonight.
4. Why you (throw)
that notebook away?
5. Lucy and Bill (see) their friends

Look at the pictu res. Write sentences with going to.

Angela Tom and Bob Grace and you Don

\)t\it ' ·
Look at the calendar. Answer each question with
a complete sentence.

May 1 2 3 lf

Ann'S' mvS'ÍC Dan'S' dentiS't Nancy'S' claH Gre9'S' birtJiday

concert appointment trip to tJ,e zoo party

1. What are Ann's parents going to do on the first?

2. Who is Dan going to see on the second?

3. Where is Nancy's class going to go on the third?

4. When is Greg going to hove a birthday party?

A. Write the dates for Saturday and Sunday. Then write your
plans for the weekend.
Doy Activities
c'1eH clvb lf.00
friday, tJ,e firS't
dinner at Avnt Sally'S' JiovS'e 8.00



B. Work with a partner. Ask about his or her plans. Write

complete sentences.

1. On Saturday, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

2. On Sunday, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
A. Read the clues. Write the letters of each word in the

1. In Thailand, people celebrate

this festival of light.
2. In India, people celebrate this doy in
the Hindu month of Kartika.
3. In Finland, people celebrate the longest
doy in this weekend in June.
4. In China, people celebrate a festival
with this.
5. In Denmark, people honour their
mothers in this month.

B. Use the letters in the blue squares above to make

a word that completes the question below.

What is your favourite _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ?

C. Now answer the question and give your reasons why.

Myfavourite _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Jack has a big problem. What do

you think he is going to do?
Day by Day: The Magazine that Celebrates Every Day
Read Day by Day: The Magazine
that Celebrates Every Day.

Birthday Traditions Around the World

1. In India, children give out chocolates at school. D D
2. In Russia, people eat birthday cake. D D
3. In Ganada, people put ice cream on children's noses. D D
4. In Argentina, children break open piñatas. D D
5. In China, people wish you a long life. D D
6. In Germany, children blow out candles at sunrise. D D
7. In Brazil, people pull on children's earlobes. D D
8. In the UK, friends sing "Happy Birthday". D D
Our Readers Respond

~ Next month Day by Day: The Magazine that Celebrates Every

~ Day is going to ask readers to describe how they celebrate
Mother's Day. Write what you do on Mother's Day.

MotJ,,er'~ Day

'(ti' Listen. What is going to happen? Write sentences with

going to.

1. She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2. He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~
3. She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
4. She _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

5. Mark - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -.

Earth Day beach

Next week Earth Doy is corning. smart speech
What are you going to ? store too

We' re going to plant sorne flowers.

You could help us, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

We' re going to clean the playground

and tidy up the _ _ _ _ _ _ __
We' re listing things to recycle,
and then we'II give a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

We' re decorating shopping bags

and taking thern to a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
They'II give the bags to custorners,
who'II use the bags sorne _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

We' re having a fair on Earth Doy,

so everyone can take - - - - - - - - -·
We' re going to help our planet.
Don't you think that's ?

Paragraph Unity
The topic sentence gives the main idea of your paragraph. Your detail sentences give
facts and examples about the main idea. Your paragraph has unity when al/ of the detail
sentences relate to the main idea. After you write a paragraph, look for sentences that
don't fit with the main idea and take them out.

Sham el Nessim
By Sherif Mustafa
My favourite holiday is called Sharn el Nessirn. The narne rneans "the srnell
of spring" and on this doy Egyptians celebrate the first doy of spring. Spring is
my favourite season . The holiday happens every year on the first Monday after
Easter. On this doy rnany Egyptian farnilies go to parks, zoos or other green,
outdoor spaces to hove picnics and enjoy the fresh air. Fresh air is good far
yet:t. Sorne people take a boat on the River Nile, and enjoy their picnics there.
The traditional foods are Fasiyakh (dried fish), Midamis (beans), green onions,
lettuce and boiled coloured eggs. Not everyone likes these foods. Farnilies
get up early to prepare the food and colour the eggs. They use water colours
and then put the eggs in the sun to dry. In sorne cities there are also dancing
shows and rnusic parades. Mv brother was in a oarade last 'oVeek.

Look at the sentences below. The first sentence is the tapie sentence of a paragraph.
The sentences with numbers are detail sentences. Circle the number of each detail
sentence that does not belong in the paragraph.

To welcome the New Year, Chinese families follow certain traditions.

1. Each family cleans its house from top to bottom.

2. Family members decorate their doors and windows with bright colours and symbols
of long life, wealth and happiness.
3. Many Chinese houses are in the pagoda style.

4. The night befare the New Year begins, families eat a delicious meal of seafood,
dumplings and other foods that symbolise success and prosperity.

5. I don't like seafood, but I like dumplings a lot.

6. The celebration continues with singing and dancing, anda colourful parade with
a big dragan that dances and weaves through the streets.
Writing Assignment
Using the following steps, write a paragraph about a holiday, special day or event that
you enjoy or celebrate.

Brainstorm ideas.
• Choose a holiday, special day or event.
• When is it celebrated?
• How long does the holiday or event last?
• How is it celebrated? What do people do?

Use a list.
After you decide on a topic sentence, make a list of details you could include in your
paragraph. Then go back and look at each detail carefully. If a detail doesn't relate
directly to the topic sentence, cross it off your list.

(topic sentence)

2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

5. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

6. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


~'tJ Write.
Use your list of details to help you organise your detail sentences. Then write your
paragraph on a separate piece of paper.

To help you .. . - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Editing Tip: Show your paragraph to a friend. Can he or she find any
sentences that don't belong? Make changes if necessary.
\)t\\t 1.


June June June June June June

1 2 3 4 16 20

1. In France, what are they going to do on the first of January?

2. In India, what are they going to do for Diwali?

3. In China, what are they going to do on the fifteenth doy of the New Year?

4. In Finland, what are they going to do on Midsummer's Doy?

5. In Thailand, what are they going to do for Loi Krathong?

Use the cues to write questions. Use going to.

l. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Joe / hove / birthday party / 24 May
2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
William and Sally / see / their friends
3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
you / play/ tennis / 4.00 p.m.
4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
school / start again / 7 January

What are you going to do on your next birthday? Write.

C:ommunication Activity
Work with a partner: Student A uses this information
and Student B turns to page 84.

A. Look at Sam's calendar. What is Sam going to

Ask what Sam is going to do on do on the second?
the dates with a question mark (?). . ........... .... ........, ·- .. ... ........ .

Write the answers.

B. Then answer your partner's

He's going to
go shopping . :
Sam's July Diary .. ..

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 ? 3 4 ? 5 6 7

football s-J..,oppi1"19 plant trees dentist

8 ? 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 ? 17 18 19 20 21
birthday full
party moon

22 23 24 25 ? 26 27 28

29 30 31

\)t'\t 7

Communication Activity
Work with a partner: Student B uses this information
and Student A turns to page 83.

A. Look at Sam's calendar. What is 5am going to :

Answer your partner's questions. do on the first?
· ··· · · · · ··· · · ··· · · · ·-.- . ...... . ........ . .
B. Then ask what Sam is going to do on
th e dates with a question mark (?).
Write th e answers.

··;..:· ..... .

He's going to
plav football . :
Sam's July Diary ... ..

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 ? 2 3 ? 4 5 ? 6 7

shopping fireworks

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

lunch with

15 ? 16 17 18 19 20 ? 21

go to the

22 23 24 25 26 27 28


29 30 31
Hobbies better
It's exciting to have a hobby. fun kite
Hobbies are lots of _ _ _ __ letter night
You can take photos or build rnodel planes.
There are hobbies for _ _ _ __

Sorne people draw or paint.

Others watch stars at _ _ _ __
You can rnake jewellery or sew your clothes,
or even rnake your own _ _ _ __

It's fun to look for and swap

cards or shells or _ _ _ _ _ .

You never know what you will find.

Sorne people fix old _ _ _ _ _ ,

Collections of rnarbles are good,

but cornic books are _ _ _ __

Collecting starnps is always the best

if you need to post a _ _ _ __

It's such fun to have a hobby. ~

There's a perfect one for _ _ _ _ _ ,

Try sorne interesting new ones,

and you'II love your hobby, _ _ __

Read. Then answer the questions.

Alan: Look! The Arts & Crafts Shop is having a sale. Let's go in.
Erica: OK. I used to hove a hobby. Maybe it's time to find a new one.
Mary: It's fun trying out new hobbies. Look, all the things you
need to make jewellery are 50% off!
Erica: The price is cheap, but I think making jewellery
is boring.
Alan: Well, how about coin collecting? It's fun learning where
coins carne from and how old they are.
Erica: My brother collects coins. I want to try something different.
Mary: I like drawing and painting. And watercolour paints are
on sale!
Erica: I can't draw well. What else is here?
Alan: Look over here. There are model kits of all kinds.
I think building models is great.
Erica: I don't want to build little cars, trains or planes!
Mary: Well, let's go.
Erica: Wait! Look! I see balls of wool over there and knitting needles.
I think it's cool making your own scarves and jumpers.
Alan: You do? Then knitting can be your hobby!

1. What does Mary think about new hobbies?

2. Why doesn't Erica want to make jewellery?

3. Why does Alan like coin collecting?

4. What does Mary think about painting?

5. Who likes building models?

6. What hobby does Erica decide to try? Why?

Ella's model building is tall.
Sandy's model building is taller than Ella's model.
Chris's model building is the tallest of ali.
comparing two things: taller than
comparing three or more things: the tallest of ali

comparative: -er /-r superlative: -est / -st

l. small
2. hard
3. big
4. pretty
5. nice
6. cheap

1• My sports card collection is (small) Eddie's collection.

2. Bill thinks building models is (great) hobby of ali.
3. Erica thinks knitting is (cool) hobby there is.
4. Kevin has got (big) comic book collection in our school.
5. Janet's bead necklace is (short) Pam's necklace.


2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Moira 1 1 Kim 1 1 Jane

3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \)t\\t s
My comic book collection is good.
My friend's comic book collection is better than my collection.
My cousin's comic book collection is the best of all.
Luke's poems are bad.
Betty's poems are worse than Luke's poems.
Vickie's poems are the worst of all.

Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences. Use forms of

good in 1. and bad in 2.

1. Amy's biscuits are . Jeff's chicken and

vegetables are the biscuits. Peggy's soup
is of all.

2. Roger's singing is . Amanda's singing is

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Roger's singing. Phil's singing is
_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of the three!
3. How is your singing? _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
A. Make lists. Write three examples for each category.

Singers Sports Stars Actors

• • •
• • •
• • •

B. Who is the best? Who is the worst? Write sentences for each

Singers: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Sports Stars: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Actors: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Find and circle eight words related to hobbies.

C B M A R B L E s o cards chess
coins knitting
o e H E E B A H F F marbles rocks
I D o J A e A R D s shells stamps

N E B e p H R o L T
s F A V A E D e w A

R G G I G s X K K M
S H E L L s M s s p
H I L M E R N o e s

V J w o N K A V A T

\)t\it s

_ _ _ Hobby Hour: The Magazine for Hours of Fun _ __
Read Hobby Hour: The Magazine for Hours of Fun.

Read. Tick T for True and F for False.

Domino Topples
1• You can do domino topples alone or with friends. D D
2. In domino topples, you see who can build the D D
tallest tower of dominoes.
3. Domino topples are popular all over the world. D D
4. Scott Suko teaches children how to set up D D
the longest and hardest domino designs.

World's Craziest Collections

5. Louise Greenfarb has got the largest fridge magnet D D

6. Jean Franc;ois Vernetti of Switzerland has "Do Not Disturb" D D
signs from 2q 15 countries.
7. The world's longest chewing gum-wrapper cha in is
very heavy. D D
(E) What do you think? Choose something
~ you think would be fun to collect and
explain why.
bottle tops stamps coi ns
old records Olympic badges postcards
rubber bands sports cards model cars
-~c~ 2s~1
(ll..l} Listen. Complete the chart.
Hobby Opinion
Anito makin9 clotJies- for doJls- It 1s- J,arder, becavs-e tJ,e
clotJ,es- are s-maller.




My Collections T F
1• This collector keeps sorne things in boxes. D D
2. When he needs more spoce, he puts things D D
under the bed.
3. His boxes ore very full, so he con't find things. D D
4. He hosn't got enough comic books in his collection. D D
5. He collects o lot of morbles. D D
B. What should this person do? Give some advice.

\)t\\t s

Descriptive Paragraph: Object
When you describe an object, you use words that help your reader "see" what you are
describing. You can use words that relate to the five senses - sight, sound, toste, smell
and touch. Using these words in your detail sentences builds a picture.

Look at the kinds of words this writer uses. She uses words that refer to four of the five
senses. Which sense is not referred to in her paragraph?

My Favourite Music Box

by Mary Chen
I like each of the twenty music boxes in my collection, but my new favourite
is a hand-carved wooden music box my father gave me. He bought it on a
trip he took to Austria last month. On top of the round base is a tiny, perfect
model of an old-fashioned wooden house. Around the house, there are four
dark green trees with snow on their branches. The house itself has gota tall,
triangle-shaped roof. There is a bumpy chimney made of stone on the roof.
It looks so real you can almost smell the smoke! The front door of the house
has got an arch at the top and is painted red. The four windows hove also got
arches. There are small red-and-green checked curtains at the windows. By the
front door, there is a boy. He is playing with his dog, who is jumping up to catch
a stick. I love winding the box up. Then the scene spins around and the colours
blend together. As the box slows down, you can see all the details. And you can
hear the tune "My Favourite Things" the whole time. This music box is one of
my very favourite things! I really love my music box souvenir from Austria.

Write the words in the correct column . Sorne words cango in more than one column.

bumpy delicious fresh happy hard heavy loud metal

purple rough round salty smooth soft sweet tiny

sight sound toste smell touch

Writing Assignment
Using the following steps, write a descriptive paragraph about an object.
Be sure to use words that help the reader form a picture of the object you describe.

Brainstorm ideas.

• Choose an object from your classroom or from your home.

• What details can you describe?
• What words that relate to the senses can you use?

Use a 5-senses chart.

Think of descriptive words you can use to write about your object. Which of the
five senses do they refer to? Write your descriptive words in the correct column
of the chart.

sight sound taste smell touch

To help you ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Writing Tip: You can describe your object's shape, size, cost,
colour, origin, materials, texture, weight, height, beauty and purpose.


Use your 5-senses chart to help you to organise your ideas. Write your descriptive
paragraph on a separate piece of paper.
\)t'it s

Look at the pictures. Name each hobby and write what you
think of it. Use words from the box.

boring cool exciting hard interesting silly

l. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Read. Write a complete sentence to answer each question.

1. Ray has gota larger coin collection than Dan. Sue's coin collection is larger than
Ray's. Who has got the largest coin collection of all?

2. Liz has got a better stamp collection than Ralph. Hector's stamp collection is worse
than Ralph's. Who has got the best stamp collection?

Who has got the worst stamp collection?

3. What's your hobby? Why do you like it?

Co111111unication Activity
A. Cut out the cards.
B. Find a partner. Mix your cards together and put them face down.
C. Pick a card. Follow the instruction on the card. Use a complete sentence.
D. Get one point for each correct sentence you make. Take turns.
E. The person with the most points is the winner.

1think chess is : Well done! Your

very hard. : sentence is corred.
·················....·--···-,..:··{· ......-........ You get one point.
? .....- .. . ·- ..

1 1 1
chess building
1 1 1
model cars
1 .
1 1 making jewellery 1
1 1 domino topples
Compare this
1 1 1
What do you think 1
Compare this hobby 1
hobby with two 1
What do you think
1 1 1
of this hobby? 1 with another hobby. 1 other hobbies. 1 of this hobby?
1 1 1
1 1 1
collecting rocks 1 1 1 playing the 1 1 taking photos 1 collecting
1 1
guitar 1 1 1 1 comic books


Compare this
What do you think 1 Compare this hobby 1 hobby with two 1 What do you think
1 1 1
of this hobby? 1 with another hobby. 1 other hobbies. 1 of this hobby?
sweet-wrapper watching stars painting writing stories
chains at night or poems

Compare this
What do you think Compare this hobby hobby with two What do you think
of this hobby? with another hobby. other hobbies. 1
of this hobby?
---------------L--------------- ---------------~---------------

in"'c-l- } Listen. Write the missing words.

Then listen to check your answers.

Dance Lessons ballet

I polka jitterbug
Welcome to our dance school.
salsa samba
What would you like to learn?
twist tango
You could learn _ _ _ __ top waltz

and stamp and clap and turn.

You could learn the _ _ _ __

and maybe do the _ _ _ __
Would you like to ?

You can. It's on our list!

Come and take a chance!

We're going to teach you how to dance.
Footwork, arms and stance!
We're going to teach you how to dance.

We have lessons.
You can and swing.
_ _ _ _ _ is very popular,
and is quite the thing.

Many people learn to _ _ _ __

others learn to _ _ _ __
But perhaps you would prefer
to learn or _ _ _ __

Do you lºk d . ?
I e ancmg.
., .
:··-- ->,.

l. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Thanks. I' d love to dance!

2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I'd like to learn how to dance.

3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Yes, I' d like to learn how to do those steps.

4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

No, thanks. I can't dance fast.

5. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

OK. But I' d need to have a partner.

How about you? Write your own answers.

1. What dance would you like to learn?

2. Why would you like to learn that dance?

3. Would you like to do a fast dance?

4. Would you like to do a slow dance?

She thinks the polka is lively.
I think it's too hard.

1. Eric: ? (the tango)

Wanda: (old-fashioned)
2. Scott ? (the waltz)
Sally: (beautiful)
3. Maria: ? (tap dance)
Tim: (too fast)

Answer each question with a complete sentence.

jazz dancing swing dancing folk dancing tap dancing

Kim and Pat cool old-fashioned fun exciting
Martha too hard easy noisy lively
Steve too fast graceful great energetic

1. What does Steve think of jazz dancing?

2. What do Kim and Pat think of folk dancing?

3. What does Martha think of swing dancing?

4. What does Steve think of tap dancing?

5. What do Kim and Pat think of jazz dancing?

6. What does Martha think of folk dancing?

\)t\\t 9

Yes, 1 I would.
Would I rho:y l like to learn how to flamenco dance? I

No, they wouldn't.

Yes, 1 he I would .
Would 1 :~e l like to learn how to flam enco dance?
No, she wouldn't.

Complete the chart. Write sentences to answer

the questions.

Dance School Classes

Name tap dance salsa dance ballet dance folk dance
Jim yes yes no yes
Jane and Jill yes yes yes no
Susan no yes yes yes

1. Would Jim like to learn how to ballet dance?

2. Would Jane and Jill like to learn how to salsa dance?

3. Would Susan like to learn how to top dance?

4. Would you like to learn how to folk dance?

5. Would Jim like to learn how to salsa dance?

6. Would Jane and Jill like to learn how to folk dance?

7. Would you like to learn how to top dance?

Unscramble the dance steps and moves.
Write the words.

1. pastm
2. pans greinfs
3. peal
__ Q _ ------º

4. ikck _ Q __
5. untr ___ Q
6. veaw ___
7. noij shdan _L _ _ _ @ ____
Write the circled letters below. Unscramble th em to an swer th e question .

iH~~~i·l¡d-~i;g·~~y·d~-~~~-h~·1p·y;·~?i -+ Itwill keepyou DD DDDDD

. .
What do you think \. 1think ifs fun! .i
of line dancing? 1·· ··· ·· ··· · ···· ··· ··

Name line dancing flamenco ballet salsa

Jeremy fvn lively 9racefvl excitin9

\)t'\t 9
- - - - - - - - Let's Dance Magazine - - - - - - - -
Read Let ~ Dance Magazine.

Rising Star
1• What does Oiga Spidla think of dancing?

2. How does dancing make her feel?

Dances Around the World

3. Would you like to watch a Morris dance? Why?

Ballroom Dancing Is Popular Again

4. What do you think of polka dancing?

5. Would you like to learn the polka? Why?

!JJWrite to Let~ Dance Magazine. Choose a dance for Dances

Around the World. Describe it. Draw or glue a picture.

Dance: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _
Country: _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Steps: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Music: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
What people think of it: _ _ _ _ __ __ _ __

Why it should be in Let's Dance Magazine: _ _ __

yes no
1. They' re going to hove dance lessons. D D
2. He thinks hip-hop looks a little dangerous. D D
3. Carlos really knows how to dance salsa. D D
4. He thinks line dancing looks easy. D D
5. He doesn't know how to dance. D D

Shake a Lec¡
1. Get up. 5. Paint the whole town red.
2. Get up out of that sofa. 6. Dance till the sun goes down.
3. Shake a hand. 7. Shake a leg.
4. Top your feet. 8. Jump up in the air.

B. Make up your own dance. Write what the

dancers should do.

Example: Get down! Clap your Jiands-f

l. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

2. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

4. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

C. Work with a partner. Describe your dances. Do you

like your dance or your partner's dance better?
Why or why not?
Opinion Paragraph
In an opinion paragraph, you describe how you think or feel about something. Then you
give good rea so ns to show why you think that way. You can use expressions such as in
my opinion and / think to introduce your opinion.

Dancing Is for Everyone

by Jack Williams
In my opinion, people make a big mistake when they say they don't
want to learn to dance. There are several reasons everyone should learn to
appreciate dance. First, there is sorne form of dancing in every culture. Each
country has its traditional dances and its popular dances. People in a culture
should know as much about that culture's dance as they would about its art or
music. Second, dancing is a form of exercise. It develops muscles and raises
the heartbeat, just as playing a sport does. Good dancing requires control,
balance, strength and grace. These are all good qualities to hove. Third, I
think learning to dance builds confidence, and makes social events, such as
porties, much more comfortable. A good dancer is always welcome at porties
and is enjoyable to watch. And last but not least, dancing is a lot of fun. For
these reasons, I think dancing is for everyone.

Read the paragraph again. Then list on the chart the four main reasons that support the
writer's opinion.

There are several reasons everyone should learn to appreciate dance.




Writing Assignment
Using the following steps, write an opinion paragraph about a topic of your choice . Be
sure to include at least three good reasons to support your opinion.

Brainstorm ideas.

• Pick one of these topics or a topic of your own.

- Everyone should play a musical instrument.
- Everyone should do a sport.
- Everyone needs a hobby.
- Video games are for teenagers, not children.
- Reading comic books is a waste of time.
• What reasons can you think of to support your opinion?

\......,., Use a chart.

Use a chart to list the reasons you hove far your opinion. Write your topic sentence
at the top and the reasons that support your opinion by the numbers.





To help you ... - - - - - - - - -

for these reasons in my opinion I think

,-.-1 Write.

Use your chart to help you to organise your detail sentences. Then write your opinion
paragraph on a separate piece of paper. \)t'\t 9
~Ji Complete the sentences.

1. Ellen: you to dance?

Ed: No, thanks. to take a break. Let's just watch!
2. Karen: you to do this line dance?
Keith: Yes, . Let's get started!

1. Would you like to learn the samba?

Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. Would Paul like to waltz?

No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3. Would they like to line dance?

Yes, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

4. Would they like to do the polka?

No, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,

1• What do you think of line dancing?

Leslie thinks Morris dancing is noisy.
3. What do you think of Greek dancing?

4. - - -- - -- -- - - - - -- -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - ~
Sam thinks folk dancing is fun.
Communication Activity
Work with a partner: Student A uses this information
and Student B turns to page 108.

Student A Whatdo you ' .

think of Morris ------'. 1think ifs fun. :
A. Complete the chart. dancing?
B. Find a partner. Ask your partner ·· ·· ··· -·· ·· ······· ········-····... 1··
· .,
questions. Listen and write the
C. Answer your partner's questions.

What You Your partner

Morris dancing It's- excitil)9. It's- ful).

Scottish dancing

line dancing

folk dancing

flamenca dancing

salsa dancing

Greek dancing

polka dancing

top dancing

ballet dancing

jazz dancing

disco dancing

\)t'it 9
Communication Activity
Work with a partner: Student B uses this information
and Student A turns to page 107.

Student B Whatdo you

think of Morris '._ 1think ifs exciting. _;
A. Complete the chart. dancing?
B. Find a partner. Answer your ············· ·· ········· ···... ,r·
partner's questions.
C. Ask your partner questions. Listen and
write the answers.

What You Your partner

Morris dancing It}s- fun. ItJs- excitin9.

Scottish dancing

line dancing

folk dancing

flamenco dancing

salsa dancing

Greek dancing

polka dancing

tap dancing

ballet dancing

jazz dancing

disco dancing
Grammar Handbook Practice

~ Be: Write the present and past forms of be.

Present of be Post of be
¡ _ _ _ _ __ We ¡ _ _ _ _ __ We
You _ _ _ _ __ You _ _ You _ _ _ _ __ You
He/she/it _ _ __ They He/she/it _ __ They

@,,9 Be: Write the present and past forms of be.

1. Where you yesterday? I didn't see you at school.
2. Alicia at the dentist today.

({Ji Adjectives: Write the comparative forms.

l. big 5. pretty
2. curly 6. sad
3. friendly 7. short
4. long 8. tall

Adjectives: Complete the sentences.

1. (old) Lydia is than Darlene.

2. (straight) Anna's hair is than Sally's hair.
3. (strong) Luis is than Billy.
4. (slow) A turtle is than a rabbit.

Get: Complete the sentences with get and an adjective.

1. (impatient) I when the school bus is late.

2. (upset) Sonia when she gets a bad mark.
3. (excited) They when our team wins the game.
4. (scared) My little sister when she sees a spider.

Lesson 1 Grammar Handbook Practice

Present Continuous: Tick now or later for the meaning.

now later
1• Chris can't come to the phone. He's having a shower. D D
2. I can't come. I'm going to the shop with my mum at 5.00. D D
Present Continuous referring to the Future: Complete the sentences.

1. (do) What you this weekend?

2. (visit) I my grandmother.
3. (help) Sara her mum clean the house.
4. (play) Sam and Mark football at 3.30.
5. (shop) Lucy for a birthday present.

Habit in the Present: Complete the sentences.

1. (play) Sue chess in her free time.

2. (sing) Leo and his friends in The Tones.
3. (work) I in our garden in my free time.
4. (practise) We the piano every doy.

\..._.,. Habit in the Present: Unscramble the sentences.

1. twice/Linda/a/swimming/week/goes

2. Robert / school / usually / drums/ plays/ the/ after

3. cleans/Sonia/her /always/weekends/room/at

4. grandparents/year /three/my /visit/times/me/a

5. Sundays/ hove/ we/ on/ park/ a/ the/ picnic/ in

Lesson 2 Grammar Handbook Practice

Grammar Handhook Practice

Like: Is the meaning the same or different? Circle.

1. 1 like chicken. 1 want sorne chicken now. sorne / different

2. 1'11 have a bowl of soup. l'd like a bowl of soup. sorne / different
3. I' d like sorne ice crearn. 1 like ice crearn. sorne / different

Like: Complete the conversation. Use hove, like and want.

Waiter: What would you like?

Gloria: l'd a cheese sandwich anda cola.
Frank: And I a burger and chips.
Waiter: Do you want sornething to drink?
Frank: 1'11 a glass of water.

1. 1 want pizza. lf. There's book on the table.

2. I' d like apple. 5. There isn't paper.
3. Sue wants sandwich. 6. There are pens in the desk.

1. (you/eat/noodles/?) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2. (1/try /bean/paste) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3. (Carrnen/eat/sushi) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Would + Verb: Write sentences about you with wou/d or wouldn 't.

1• Would you eat colcannon frorn lreland?

2. Would you jurnp off a bridge?

Lesson 3 Grammar Handbook Practice

Reflexive Pronouns: Write the correct pronoun.

1. I wear suncream. I take care of _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. Cathy doesn't wear her bike helmet. She could hurt - - - - - - - - - -·

3. They ate too many sweets. They didn't control - - - - - - - - - -·
4. Be careful! You could fall and hurt _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
5. We love swimming in the lake. We really enjoy _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
6. Wear your football equipment, boys. Don't forget to protect _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,

Q11 Should + Verb: Write should or shouldn 't.


1. I've got earache. What Ido?

2. I can't find my homework. What I tell the teacher?
3. You swim alone. It's dangerous.
4. When you are exercising, you hove a bottle of water with you.
5. You stay up late. You need to get enough sleep.
6. Rick study more. His marks aren't very good.

Should + Verb: Write complete sentences.


1• Your friend Pat doesn't understand the maths homework. What should you do?

2. Your favourite film is on TV late at night. What should you do?

Drink: Complete the conversation. Write drink or drank .

.. ~'

Bill: I one or two glasses of water a day.

Bob: You should more water. It's good for you.
Bill: How much water did you yesterday?
Bob: Me? I six glasses of water. Big ones!

Lesson 4 Gramma r Handbook Practice

Grammar Handbook Practice

Regular and Irregular Verbs in the Past: Tick the boxes.

regular irregular regular irregular

1. talk D D 5. hunt D D
2. go D D 6. disappear D D
3. study D D 7. do D D
4. have D D 8. drink D D
( Regular and Irregular Verbs in the Past: Complete the sentences.

1• (live) The dinosaurs for more than 160 million years.

2. (eat) Sorne really big dinosaurs only plants.
3. (die out) The dinosaurs about 65 million years ago.
4. (get) Sorne people think the weather too cold.

Question Formation: Write a question with is, a question with was

anda question with were. Use at least one question word.

The Verb Be
question word form of be subject rest of sentence
Are pandas- in dan9er?

tí"~ Question formation: Write a question with do, a question with does
anda question with did. Use at least one question word.

Other Verbs
question word auxiliary verb subject verb rest of sentence
WJ,,y did ibexeS' die out in t/,,e year zooo?

Lesson S Grammar Handbook Practice

~ Simple Past: Complete the past forms.

Regular: live Irregular: eat

I _ _ _ _ _ __ We _ _ __ I _ _ _ _ _ __ We
You _ __ _ __ You _ _ __ You _ _ _ _ __ You _ _ __

He/she/it _ _ __ They _ __ He/she/it _ _ __ They _ __

1. In the post, people had running water.

2. People used phones to communicate.
3. Peo ple listened to CDs.
4. People rode buses to school and work.

Simple Past and Used to + Verb: Underline the meaning.

1. We went to the football match. one single finished action habit in the post, not now
2. Laura used to live in Ganada. one single finished action habit in the post, not now
3. Pat used to walk to school. one single finished action habit in the post, not now
4. I climbed a tree in the park. one single finished action habit in the post, not now

Used to + Verb: Write used to or use to + verb.

1. (cook) Before cookers, what did people on?
2. (hove) Lily two rabbits. Now she has seven!
3. (travel) People didn't in cars. Now they do.
4. (write) Students didn't in notebooks. They had slates.
5. (sleep) I in my sister's bedroom. Now I've gota bedroom.
6. (like) George folk music. Now he likes hip-hop.
7. (read) Befo re electricity, how did peo ple ?
8. (make) People toothpaste with stone and vinegar.

Lesson 6 Grammar Handbook Practice

Grammar Handbook Practice

Future Plans and lntentions: Which sentence talks about the

future? Tick.

i. D Where's Lisa? She's cleaning her room.

2. D Karen is going to hove a party.
3. D This afternoon, I'm helping Mum make dinner.
4. D I'm going to the beach now.

Be + going to + Verb: Complete the sentences.

1. (do) What Jenny on Saturday?

(play tennis) Jenny _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. (buy) What Jim and Judy at the shops?

(buy) They new jackets.
3. (go) Where you for your holiday?
(visit) I my family in England.
4. (plant) you a tree on Earth Doy?
(clean up) No, I the park that doy.

Ordinal Numbers: Write the ordinal numbers.

1. 3rd 4. 16th
2. 1st 5. 22nd

3. 47th - - - - - - - - - - 6. 50th

Dates and Plans: What is the date of your birthday? What are you
going to do?

Lesson 7 Grammar Handbook Practice

Q lt's + Adjective + Gerund: Write sentences.
1. (exciting/play chess) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
2. (fun/build model cars) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3. (boring/make clothes) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Lf. (silly/collect rubber bands) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Comparisons with Adjectives: Write the comparative and

superlative forms.
1. tall
2. big
' '
3. easy
', '
Lf. large ,
' ) Comparisons with Adjectives: Write complete sentences.
1. Sandra is ten. Mark is eleven.
(young) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. Sandra is ten. Mark is eleven. Tina is twelve.

(old) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Good and bad: Write the comparative and superlative forms.

l. good, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ' --------------
2. bad , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ' -------------

Comparisons with good and bad: Write complete sentences about

the boys' grades.
1. Johnny got qQ% in his test. Greg got 60% in his test.
(good) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. Johnny got qo% in his test. Greg got 60% in his test. Sam got 45% in his test.
(bad) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Lesson 8 Grammar Handbook Practice

Grammar Handbook Practice

Expressing Opinions: Complete the sentences with your opinion.

exciting beautiful boring fun hard silly

1• It singing at porties.
2. I ballet _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

3. It collecting string.
4. I hip-hop _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Expressing Opinions: Complete the question and write your opinion.


1• (polka dancing)
What you of ?
2. I think _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Nouns as Adjectives: Write noun + noun combinations.

diet line fruit pencil piano video

l. game 4. case
2. dance 5. salad
3. lesson 6. cola

Wou/d like: Complete the questions and then write answers.

1• you to dance?

2. Kate to learn how to swim?

3. you a chilli pepper?

4. Where Kim to go one doy?

Lesson 9 Grammar Handbook Practice

{t Praetise ehoosing tapies to write about. Complete the sentenees.

1. One important thing in my life is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

2. One of my favourite is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
3. When I look at the world, I think about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Let's say you decide to write about food. Food is just too big to write
about. You eould never write everything there is to say about food! So
now you have to foeus your tapie and think of different, smaller ideas
about food you eould write about.

food -+ Mexican food -+ my favourite Mexican dish

Make these big tapies smaller so that they are the right size to write about.
Now try another way to get ideas about your tapie. Choose music or
games ora tapie of your own and answer the questions.

Your tapie is the sea. Fill in the word map with different ideas.

e Writing Handbook Practice )

Writing Handbook Practice

WritinS the Pirst Dralt

Look at the list of topics. Choose three.

books chores computers deserts friends holidays

hurricanes libraries money moving stars transport

Focus each of your three tapies and make ita manageable size to write about. Write your
three focused tapies on the lines.

Write a different beginning for each focused topic.

Interesting fact

Plan the middle part of your writing for each of the three topics. Circle
a word and then complete your idea. Look at the example.

Sample Tapie: I want to ~ explain convince compare

my favovrite toy wJien I was: s:ix years: old,
Tapie 1: I want to describe explain convince compare

Tapie 2: I want to describe explain convince compare

Tapie 3: I want to describe explain convince compare

Plan and write a different ending for each of your three topics.

e Writing Handbook Practice ) •

G Read the first draft about sloppy Uncle David carefully. Decide how
you want to change it. Ask yourself questions to help you decide.
1• Do I want to add more ideas or details?
2. Do I want to take out any sentences?
3. Is there a clear beginning, middle and end?
4. Do I need to change the order of sorne sentences?
5. Do I need to change sorne words or sentences?

I hate to soy it, but my mum is right. It's important to be tidy and clean up
after yourself. How do I know? I'm going to tell you about my uncle. I went to
stay with my Uncle David in his small house for a week. I love my uncle, but he's
really sloppy. When I entered, there was sorne sort of old or sour smell I couldn't
identify. I worked it out when I saw all the dirty clothes on his chairs, bed and
floor. And not just his clothes. I saw old pizza delivery boxes and cereal boxes
and sweet wrappers and half-empty cola cans everywhere. I saw dirty plates
piled in the sink. His dishes weren't the only pile. I saw his sports equipment was
all thrown into a big pile in one comer. I saw his newspapers and magazines
were all in a pile in another comer. How can he find anything? And I saw his desk
had piles of papers and bills on it. How can he live like that? I know now that I
definitely don't want to!

Make changes. Write any sentences or sentences you change on the

lines below. Cross out any words or sentences you want to take out in
the draft above. lf you change the order of a sentence, underline it and
draw an arrow to show where you want to move it.

Write a good title for the revised paragraph.

e Writing Handbook Practice

- ---
Writing Handbool< Practice

EditinS and ProolreadinS

Read the first draft below. Decide if you need to change
any sentences for style, grammar, punctuation, spelling
or capitalisation.

Everyone loves pandas. They are in danger of disapearing from the planet.
The most big threat to pandas is humans. Sorne people cut down the bamboo
forests. pandas use them for food. They need to eat enormus amounts of
bamboo every doy. It isn't very nutritious. Sorne people hunt them for food. Sorne
kill them for their fur. Leopards sometimes kill pandas to. Others build towns
where pandas like to live, and so they hove to leave. They're favourite habitat are
cool, wet, mountain forest land. Another reason pandas are in danger is that they
like to live alone most of the time They don't hove very many babys. If a mother
has two cubs, usually only one lives. The bears we love because they are so
cute will one doy live only in a few zoos around the world.

Underline the parts you think you want to change. Then write a
second draft of the paragraph with your changes.

e Writing Handbook Practice )

,---------,.. ., - - - - --+-
,_. ---·--·-·-·-·--·---·-·--·-·-·----~J __________·-:;- j--
! Where does the ·¡ ,..,-·-·-- ---~·-···-·-- -·--·-·-- --·--· --·---,
Enrichment Unit 5 Acti,rit· J Leatherback Sea l { lt lives in the sea. ·
l. Turtle live? J- ,

(Teachers: See page T55 in the Teacher's

Edition for instructions.)

~ Work with a partner.

Student A uses this page.
Student B turns to page 127.
Find out the information.

Endangered Animals
Animal Habitat Food How heavy How long

Leatherback shrimps
l 1 Sea Turtle
tJ-,e rea


1 Giant forest in
1 1 30 kilos 1 1.5 metres
Armadillo South Africa

lndian grasslands
250 kilos

1 1
Lion 1 in India

1 Komodo birds
1 1 3 metres
Dragan deer

,• .
Unit 5 Enrichment Activity
.... ....... ....... ....... 1... ... . ......... .... .......... .1. .. .. .
- -- -- - --- : He's going to ·-.= - --
When is he going
to celebrate the : celebrate it on 1
Festival of Light? '. the fifteenth. }- -

(Teachers: See page T82 in the Teacher's

Edition for instructions.)

Work with a partner.

Student A uses this information.
Student B turns to page 128.

Find out when Sam is going to do these things:

• take a trip to the zoo
• watch a parade
• go to the dentist
• play in a football match
• start school
• go to the beach

2 13 14 15 16 17


q 11 o 111 112 113match 11 ~

01•"1s birthday
party 1
16 17 18 1q 20 121

Festival of I swimming
Light lessons 1 1 park

( unit 7 Enrichment Activity )

- - - -- - - - - · ···--·-·-·~·-·-·--·-·····-·············-·-·.J.-....... .
What does the
Enrichment Unit 5 Acti"1'it· Leatherback Sea
lt eats shrimp
and jellyfish.
Turtle ea1?

(Teachers: See page T55 in the Teacher's

Edition for instructions.)

Work with a partner.

Student B uses this page.
Student A turns to page 125.
Find out the information.

Endangered Animals
Animal Habitat Food How heavy How long

Leatherback s-J.,rimpS'
the sea 365 kilos 1.5 metres
Sea Turtle je llyfi S' J.,

Giant insects
Armadillo snakes

lndian zebras
2.q metres
Lion antelope

Komodo grasslands
136 kilos
Dragon in Indonesia

Unit 5 Enrichment Activity

. -·-·-·-···-·-·-···- ···-·--·----·-···-.J _______. .·-·-···--·--·-·- ·--· .....- 1..... .
--------~ He's going to -: - -
When is he going
to celebrate the celebrate it on (
Festival of Light? the fifteenth. .:'-· -

(Teachers: See page T82 in the Teacher's

Edition for instructions.)

Work with a partner.

Student B uses this information.
Student A turns to page 126.

Find out when Sam is going to do these things:

• go to a tennis match
• start swimming lessons
• visit his grandparents
• go to an amusement park
• go to a party
• clean up the park

2 3 4 5 6 7

parade school dentist beach

q 10 11 12 13 14


16 17 18 1q 20 21

Fes-tival football
of Li9J.,t match

Unit 7 Enrichment Activity

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a 8
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How often/ride/bike

:: How orten/take out/rubbish
--------------------------r1; How often/ctean/room
_______,_______ - - ----,

How often/do/homework How often/read/comics

~ --- - --- - - - - --- - -- -- --- - - - - - - '"--"---"-----+------------------------------------------------------------.

f, How often/ptay/video games

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Collecting comics
Unit 8 Activity is better than taking pictures
because comics are
Hobby Cards fun to read, too!
(Teachers: See page T9 I in the Teacher's Edition for instructions.)

Cut out the cards. Put them in a bag or cup.

Choose two cards. Say which one you like
better and why.

~- ----- ------ --- ----- ~~- -- +---------------------------- +------------------------ ----~

Workbook 1:1: Class Audio CD
Track Number Track Number
Audio Pro_gram Introduction Unit 5 Animals Post and Present
Backpack Theme Song 2 Page 4q, Exercise I Song: Dinosaur Days 15
Pa_ge 55, Exercise 1 1 16
Unit I Friends Old and New Pa_ge 55, Exercise 12A Chant: Animals Ali Around 17
Page 1, Exercise I Song : Is That You? 3
Pa_ge 7, Exercise 12 4 Unit 6 In the Old Days
Page 7, Exercise 13A Chant: A True Friend 5 Page 61, Exercise I Song : Way Back Then 18
Page 67 , Exercise 1 1 1q
Unit 2 lt's About Time Page 67, Exercise 12A Chant: Tell Us, Grandpa 20
Page 13, Exercise I Song: Tommy's Week 6
Pa_gel q, Exercise I O 7 Unit 7 lt's a Date!
Pa_ge I q, Exercise 1 1A Chant: A Kid's Life 8 Page 73, Exercise I A Song: Special Days 21
Pa_ge 7q, Exercise 1 1 22
Unit 3 At The World's Table Page 7q, Exercise 12 Chant: Earth Day 23
Page 25, Exercise I Song: What's That? q
Page 31 , Exercise 1 1 10 Unit 8 Hobbies Are Fun!
Pa_ge 31, Exercise 12 Chant: I Don't Want To! 11 Page 85, Exercise I Song: Hobbies 24
Pa_ge q 1, Exerci§_El_l_l 25
Unit 4 Take Care! Page q 1, Exercise 12A Chant: My Col/ections 26
Page 37, Exercise I Song : Good Advice 12
Page 43, Exercise 1 1 13 Unit q Let's Dance
Page 43, Exercise 12 Chant: Who's Sorry Now? 14 Page q7, Exercise I Song: Dance Lessons 27
Pa_ge 103, Exercise 1 1 28
Page 103, Exercise 12A Chant: Shake a Leg 2q
Reach into Backpack Golcl far a richly illustrated, seven-level communicative-course
that motivates primary learners and supports teachers. Backpack·i¿ packed with
child-friendly tapies, catchy songs and chants, stickers, games, stories, hands-on projects,
extensive reading and writing materials and TPR activities.
Young learners will succeed with Backpack Gold!
New teatures
• All NEW music helps students engage with songs
• NEW values curriculum teaches citizenship and strengthens the
home-school connection
• NEW Picture Dictionary (Starter), Sound and Spelling Handbooks
(levels 1-3) and Grammar and Writing Handbooks (Levels 4-6)
in the Students Books and Workbooks provide support and practice
• NEW Assessment Package offers teachers' tips, techniques, tests
and a test generator
• Updáted Interactive Whiteboard Software engages students and helps
sustain motivation
• Student Book with Sound • Class Audio CD
and Spelling Handbook • Assessment Package

.. and CD-Rom
Workbook with new Workbook

Large-format Flashcards
Large-format Posters
Audio CD
• Teacher's Resource Book
• Active Teach Interactive • DVD with guide
Whiteboard Software including
Student's Book, Class Audio,
• Content Readers with
Teacher's Manuals (Level 1-6)
DVD and Interactive Activities provide reading practice
• Interleaved Teacher's Book and content connections

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