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Dr maheeru Please
My daughter age: 7 years. External hydrocephalus is diagnosed at the age of 8 months. She can
not sit, can not stand, can not catch anything, can not hold her head. Epilepsy is seen everyday.
Different homeo treatments are taken from local homeopath from her age of 1 year. But no little
improvement is seen. Nux Vom 30 is given. After giving Nux Vom 30, epilepsy is stopped. She
slept a fresh sleep. What can I do now? Please give me advice. Can I use Nux Vom 30 and
Sulphur 30 for a long time? As she is fine with Nux Vom 30.

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jannat.lackey on 2019-07-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
By the local homeopath, epilepsy was stopped for somedays. But after some months, it is
increased. There was only one epilepsy attack seen before every month. But now it attacks
everyday and again and again. 5 years left. No improvement.
[Edited by jannat.lackey on Sat JuInvalid Date ]

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jannat.lackey 2 months ago

Yes you can use Nux vom 30 and Sulph. 30. Whether they can be used for long time or not
depends on how she is going to react to them. If she tolerates them for a long period and she
improves even a little bit on them, then yes they can be continued for that period ----IF NOT then
NO. Most of the time, when hydrocephalus reduces the urine output will increase. But it's odd
that with Apis it did not happen even a small bit.

We'll come to Apis later at some point.

Now see if she is able to tolerate Sulph. 30c. Just test a dose. Do not give it directly. Dissolve 2
pills/drops in a 250ml water bottle(clean packaged drinking water without chlorine). From this
bottle give half a teaspoon(use a disposable one but keep this one for this medicine alone till we
are finished with this medicine) as a dose. You need not shake the bottle for the first dose. For
the next dose will give instructions to shake the bottle so preserve this bottle away from sunlight
in a dark, cool place(if need be a drop or two of medicinal alcohol can be added as a
preservative). First give one dose and report your observations. It should be given early in the
morning before taking anything. Give it on an off day when somebody will be around.

Give this dose after 4 days after the last Nux 30c dose. Nux doses shall be given one hour before
going to sleep. In future if you are not doing this, keep this in mind.
[Edited by maheeru on Sun JuInvalid Date ]

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♥ maheeru 2 months ago

Thank you sir. As i have giving her Nux Vom 30 now, i'll give Sulphur 30 next. I'll inform you
when I will give Sulphur 30. And I promise thay, whatever happens, I will stay.

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jannat.lackey 2 months ago

Thank you sir. As i am giving her Nux Vom 30 now, i'll give Sulphur 30 next. I'll inform you
when I will give Sulphur 30. And I promise thay, whatever happens, I will stay.

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jannat.lackey 2 months ago

Another question sir. I gave 2 dosese of Nux Vom 30 till now. And condition is becoming fine
gradually. Nux vom 30 3drops+half cup water and applied at night. Is it risky? If it is risky,
please seggest me how should i apply this. Liquid or pill? And how much?

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jannat.lackey 2 months ago

Today at noon, she slept a fresh sleep. God bless you! Should I give 3rd dose tonight? As,
sometimes her all body jumps suddenly. But it is reducing gradually.

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jannat.lackey 2 months ago

Instead of three drops of Nux v 30 in a cup, you can give one or two drops dissolved in a half
cup of water. Pills, liquid or pills/liquids dissolved in water --you can do any one of them, no

Jumps are muscular jerks. Sometimes this is part of hydroceph or epilepsy.

No need to dose Nux 30c every day. You may give a gap of three or four days between doses.

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♥ maheeru 2 months ago
Dear sir,
I could not see your post. I gave 3rd dose tonight. She slept a very good sleep. No little problem.
Sulphur 30 is in hand.

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jannat.lackey 2 months ago

Ok when you give sulph. dose let me know how it goes.

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♥ maheeru 2 months ago

Ok sir. I am taking a rest for 5 days. Then I'll apply Sulphur 30

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jannat.lackey 2 months ago

Sir, jerking in sleep is started from today morning. At noon when she slept jerking is started
again and she woke up. Should I use Sulphur 30 next morning? 2 drops+250ml water then half
teaspoon from it? Without succession? Please advice.
[Edited by jannat.lackey on Thu AuInvalid Date ]

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jannat.lackey 2 months ago

When you start Sulph. is upto you depending on your convenience.

Since the dose in water is much diluted than the direct dose you may also try this tomorrow or
else use a dose of Nux to reduce this new jerking episode and follow it up with Sulph dose two
days later.

Yes 2 drops/pills of sulph 30 in 250 ml water and half a teaspoon from this medicinal solution is
one dose. For first dose there will be no succussions. But if we repeat the medicine, from 2nd
dose onwards we'll be doing succussions.

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♥ maheeru 2 months ago


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own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind
that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely
diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.

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