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Unit 1: WWI

Letter from home

Create a letter of someone left back in Canada during WWI. Your choices could be:

- A mother with a child at war

- A child of a soldier (does not necessarily have to be a child -- someone who was not old
enough to enlist.)
- The widow of a soldier

Your diary should accurately explain what a woman or child in Canada would have experienced
during WWI. Be specific and explain your experiences in detail. Some examples of what to
include would be rationing food, saving bonds/stamps, victory garden, fundraising.

Rubric/Checklist for Letter:


Facts are clear, concise and accurate

❏ Have I included enough facts and examples?


Depth of insight, clarity of logic (order of events)

❏ Have I included insightful and creative information about what it was like for women or
children in Canada during WWI?
❏ Did I mention something that is not obvious but important and valid to try and go above
and beyond?
❏ Did I make connections between events/facts with outcomes?
❏ Did I provide examples?


Organization of thoughts and facts is effective AND little to no grammar/spelling errors

❏ Is my writing easy to follow and organized?
❏ Have I read over my work to check for spelling and grammar?
❏ Have I had a friend read over my work?


Making connections between facts/events and the life of a soldier

❏ Have I shown that I can “get into the shoes” of a woman or child during the war?

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